2013-09-24 03:48:58 -04:00

274 lines
6.4 KiB

OaksLab_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x19b3c5
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; 0x19b3c7
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; 0x19b3c8
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; 0x19b3ea
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; 0x19b401
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; 0x19b412
ScientistScript_0x19b412: ; 0x19b412
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ScientistScript_0x19b415: ; 0x19b415
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; 0x19b418
MapOaksLabSignpost11Script: ; 0x19b418
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; 0x19b41b
MapOaksLabSignpost12Script: ; 0x19b41b
jumptext UnknownText_0x19b8ea
; 0x19b41e
MapOaksLabSignpost13Script: ; 0x19b41e
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; 0x19b421
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; 0x19b424
MapOaksLabSignpost15Script: ; 0x19b424
jumptext UnknownText_0x19b95e
; 0x19b427
UnknownText_0x19b427: ; 0x19b427
db $0, "OAK: Ah, ", $14, "!", $4f
db "It's good of you", $51
db "to come all this", $4f
db "way to KANTO.", $51
db "What do you think", $4f
db "of the trainers", $51
db "out here?", $4f
db "Pretty tough, huh?", $57
; 0x19b4a2
UnknownText_0x19b4a2: ; 0x19b4a2
db $0, "How is your #-", $4f
db "DEX coming?", $51
db "Let's see…", $57
; 0x19b4c8
UnknownText_0x19b4c8: ; 0x19b4c8
db $0, "If you're in the", $4f
db "area, I hope you", $55
db "come visit again.", $57
; 0x19b4fc
UnknownText_0x19b4fc: ; 0x19b4fc
db $0, "OAK: Wow! That's", $4f
db "excellent!", $51
db "You collected the", $4f
db "BADGES of GYMS in", $55
db "KANTO. Well done!", $51
db "I was right in my", $4f
db "assessment of you.", $51
db "Tell you what,", $4f
db $14, ". I'll make", $51
db "arrangements so", $4f
db "that you can go to", $55
db "MT.SILVER.", $51
db "MT.SILVER is a big", $4f
db "mountain that is", $51
db "home to many wild", $4f
db "#MON.", $51
db "It's too dangerous", $4f
db "for your average", $51
db "trainer, so it's", $4f
db "off limits. But", $51
db "we can make an", $4f
db "exception in your", $55
db "case, ", $14, ".", $51
db "Go up to INDIGO", $4f
db "PLATEAU. You can", $51
db "reach MT.SILVER", $4f
db "from there.", $57
; 0x19b6a2
UnknownText_0x19b6a2: ; 0x19b6a2
db $0, "OAK: Hmm? You're", $4f
db "not collecting", $55
db "The GYM LEADERS in", $4f
db "KANTO are as tough", $51
db "as any you battled", $4f
db "in JOHTO.", $51
db "I recommend that", $4f
db "you challenge", $55
db "them.", $57
; 0x19b73c
UnknownText_0x19b73c: ; 0x19b73c
db $0, "OAK: Ah, you're", $4f
db "collecting KANTO", $55
db "GYM BADGES.", $51
db "I imagine that", $4f
db "it's hard, but the", $51
db "experience is sure", $4f
db "to help you.", $51
db "Come see me when", $4f
db "you get them all.", $51
db "I'll have a gift", $4f
db "for you.", $51
db "Keep trying hard,", $4f
db $14, "!", $57
; 0x19b7fb
UnknownText_0x19b7fb: ; 0x19b7fb
db $0, "The PROF's #MON", $4f
db "TALK radio program", $51
db "isn't aired here", $4f
db "in KANTO.", $51
db "It's a shame--I'd", $4f
db "like to hear it.", $57
; 0x19b859
UnknownText_0x19b859: ; 0x19b859
db $0, "Thanks to your", $4f
db "work on the #-", $55
db "DEX, the PROF's", $51
db "research is coming", $4f
db "along great.", $57
; 0x19b8a7
UnknownText_0x19b8a7: ; 0x19b8a7
db $0, "Don't tell anyone,", $4f
db "but PROF.OAK'S", $51
db "#MON TALK isn't", $4f
db "a live broadcast.", $57
; 0x19b8ea
UnknownText_0x19b8ea: ; 0x19b8ea
db $0, "Press START to", $4f
db "open the MENU.", $57
; 0x19b909
UnknownText_0x19b909: ; 0x19b909
db $0, "The SAVE option is", $4f
db "on the MENU.", $51
db "Use it in a timely", $4f
db "manner.", $57
; 0x19b945
UnknownText_0x19b945: ; 0x19b945
db $0, "There's nothing in", $4f
db "here…", $57
; 0x19b95e
UnknownText_0x19b95e: ; 0x19b95e
db $0, "There's an e-mail", $4f
db "message on the PC.", $51
db "…", $51
db "PROF.OAK, how is", $4f
db "your research", $55
db "coming along?", $51
db "I'm still plugging", $4f
db "away.", $51
db "I heard rumors", $4f
db "that ", $14, " is", $51
db "getting quite a", $4f
db "reputation.", $51
db "I'm delighted to", $4f
db "hear that.", $51
db "ELM in NEW BARK", $4f
db "TOWN 8-)", $57
; 0x19ba33
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signpost 7, 3, $0, MapOaksLabSignpost11Script
signpost 7, 6, $0, MapOaksLabSignpost11Script
signpost 7, 7, $0, MapOaksLabSignpost11Script
signpost 7, 8, $0, MapOaksLabSignpost11Script
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person_event SPRITE_SCIENTIST, 13, 12, $4, $10, 255, 255, $90, 0, ScientistScript_0x19b412, $ffff
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; 0x19bac7