aaaaaa123456789 2b7237e299
Match LZ compressed files (#724)
Replace lzcomp with new version and match all LZ compressed files
2020-05-23 13:30:04 -04:00

59 lines
2.1 KiB

#include "proto.h"
void optimize (struct command * commands, unsigned short count) {
while (count && (commands -> command == 7)) commands ++, count --;
if (count < 2) return;
struct command * end = commands + count;
struct command * next;
for (next = commands + 1; next < end; next ++) {
if (next -> command == 7) continue;
if (
!(commands -> command) &&
(command_size(*next) == next -> count) &&
((commands -> count + next -> count) <= MAX_COMMAND_COUNT) &&
((commands -> count > SHORT_COMMAND_COUNT) || ((commands -> count + next -> count) <= SHORT_COMMAND_COUNT))
) {
commands -> count += next -> count;
next -> command = 7;
if (next -> command == commands -> command) {
switch (commands -> command) {
case 0:
if ((commands -> value + commands -> count) != next -> value) break;
commands -> count += next -> count;
next -> command = 7;
if (commands -> count <= MAX_COMMAND_COUNT) continue;
next -> command = 0;
next -> value = commands -> value + MAX_COMMAND_COUNT;
next -> count = commands -> count - MAX_COMMAND_COUNT;
commands -> count = MAX_COMMAND_COUNT;
case 1:
if (commands -> value != next -> value) break;
// fallthrough
case 3:
if ((commands -> count + next -> count) <= MAX_COMMAND_COUNT) {
commands -> count += next -> count;
next -> command = 7;
next -> count = (commands -> count + next -> count) - MAX_COMMAND_COUNT;
commands -> count = MAX_COMMAND_COUNT;
commands = next;
void repack (struct command ** commands, unsigned short * length) {
struct command * new_commands = malloc(sizeof(struct command) * *length);
struct command * current = new_commands;
unsigned short p;
for (p = 0; p < *length; p ++) if (p[*commands].command != 7) *(current ++) = p[*commands];
*commands = new_commands;
*length = current - new_commands;