mid-kid baa0dc5a96 Organize the engine/ directory
This is an informed attempt at reorganizing the engine/ directory by
creating categorized subdirectories, in order to make it easier to
navigate and find things.

The directories created are as follows:
* engine/game: Contains all "minigames", things like the unown puzzle
and slot machine.
* engine/gfx: Contains all handling of graphics. From loading palettes
to playing animations.
* engine/link: Contains all multiplayer functionality.
* engine/menu: Contains all generic/misc. menus and menu code.
Other, more specialized menus are in their own subdirectories (pokedex,
pokegear, party menu, etc).
* engine/overworld: Contains all handling of the overworld. From loading
and connecting maps to wild encounters and the scripting engine.
* engine/pokegear: In the same vein as engine/pokedex, except it could
use some more splitting up.
* engine/pokemon: Contains everything related to manipulating pokemon
data. From the pokemon storage system to evolution and mail.
* engine/printer: Contains everything related to printing things as well
as the printer communication.
* engine/title: Contains intro sequences, title screens and credits.
2018-03-13 13:21:40 +01:00

257 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable File

LearnMove: ; 6508
call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap
ld a, [wCurPartyMon]
ld hl, wPartyMonNicknames
call GetNick
ld hl, wStringBuffer1
ld de, wMonOrItemNameBuffer
call CopyBytes
ld hl, wPartyMon1Moves
ld a, [wCurPartyMon]
call AddNTimes
ld d, h
ld e, l
; Get the first empty move slot. This routine also serves to
; determine whether the Pokemon learning the moves already has
; all four slots occupied, in which case one would need to be
; deleted.
ld a, [hl]
and a
jr z, .learn
inc hl
dec b
jr nz, .next
; If we're here, we enter the routine for forgetting a move
; to make room for the new move we're trying to learn.
push de
call ForgetMove
pop de
jp c, .cancel
push hl
push de
ld [wd265], a
ld b, a
ld a, [wBattleMode]
and a
jr z, .not_disabled
ld a, [wDisabledMove]
cp b
jr nz, .not_disabled
xor a
ld [wDisabledMove], a
ld [wPlayerDisableCount], a
call GetMoveName
ld hl, Text_1_2_and_Poof ; 1, 2 and…
call PrintText
pop de
pop hl
ld a, [wPutativeTMHMMove]
ld [hl], a
add hl, bc
push hl
push de
dec a
ld hl, Moves + MOVE_PP
call AddNTimes
ld a, BANK(Moves)
call GetFarByte
pop de
pop hl
ld [hl], a
ld a, [wBattleMode]
and a
jp z, .learned
ld a, [wCurPartyMon]
ld b, a
ld a, [wCurBattleMon]
cp b
jp nz, .learned
ld a, [wPlayerSubStatus5]
jp nz, .learned
ld h, d
ld l, e
ld de, wBattleMonMoves
ld bc, NUM_MOVES
call CopyBytes
ld bc, wPartyMon1PP - (wPartyMon1Moves + NUM_MOVES)
add hl, bc
ld de, wBattleMonPP
ld bc, NUM_MOVES
call CopyBytes
jp .learned
ld hl, Text_StopLearning ; Stop learning <MOVE>?
call PrintText
call YesNoBox
jp c, .loop
ld hl, Text_DidNotLearn ; <MON> did not learn <MOVE>.
call PrintText
ld b, 0
ld hl, Text_LearnedMove ; <MON> learned <MOVE>!
call PrintText
ld b, 1
; 65d3
ForgetMove: ; 65d3
push hl
ld hl, Text_TryingToLearn
call PrintText
call YesNoBox
pop hl
ret c
ld bc, -NUM_MOVES
add hl, bc
push hl
ld de, wListMoves_MoveIndicesBuffer
ld bc, NUM_MOVES
call CopyBytes
pop hl
push hl
ld hl, Text_ForgetWhich
call PrintText
hlcoord 5, 2
ld b, NUM_MOVES * 2
call TextBox
hlcoord 5 + 2, 2 + 2
ld a, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2
ld [wBuffer1], a
predef ListMoves
; w2DMenuData
ld a, $4
ld [w2DMenuCursorInitY], a
ld a, $6
ld [w2DMenuCursorInitX], a
ld a, [wNumMoves]
inc a
ld [w2DMenuNumRows], a
ld a, $1
ld [w2DMenuNumCols], a
ld [wMenuCursorY], a
ld [wMenuCursorX], a
ld a, $3
ld [wMenuJoypadFilter], a
ld a, $20
ld [w2DMenuFlags1], a
xor a
ld [w2DMenuFlags2], a
ld a, $20
ld [w2DMenuCursorOffsets], a
call StaticMenuJoypad
push af
call Call_LoadTempTileMapToTileMap
pop af
pop hl
bit 1, a
jr nz, .cancel
push hl
ld a, [wMenuCursorY]
dec a
ld c, a
ld b, 0
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
push af
push bc
call IsHMMove
pop bc
pop de
ld a, d
jr c, .hmmove
pop hl
add hl, bc
and a
ld hl, Text_CantForgetHM
call PrintText
pop hl
jr .loop
; 666b
Text_LearnedMove: ; 666b
; <MON> learned <MOVE>!
text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5660
db "@"
; 6670
Text_ForgetWhich: ; 6670
; Which move should be forgotten?
text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5678
db "@"
; 6675
Text_StopLearning: ; 6675
; Stop learning <MOVE>?
text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5699
db "@"
; 667a
Text_DidNotLearn: ; 667a
; <MON> did not learn <MOVE>.
text_jump UnknownText_0x1c56af
db "@"
; 667f
Text_TryingToLearn: ; 667f
; <MON> is trying to learn <MOVE>. But <MON> can't learn more than
; four moves. Delete an older move to make room for <MOVE>?
text_jump UnknownText_0x1c56c9
db "@"
; 6684
Text_1_2_and_Poof: ; 6684
text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5740 ; 1, 2 and…
push de
call PlaySFX
pop de
ld hl, .PoofForgot
; Poof! <MON> forgot <MOVE>. And…
text_jump UnknownText_0x1c574e
db "@"
; 669a
Text_CantForgetHM: ; 669a
; HM moves can't be forgotten now.
text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5772
db "@"
; 669f