PikalaxALT 185b0a1c86 Wild Pokemon functions and data
Replaced encounter rates with percent values
Added new constants denoting the number of wild Pokemon in the grass and water wild constructs
Annotated and relabeled the encounter generating functions
Renamed a WRAM address associaed with the temporary storage of the wild Pokemon's species
Moved spawn constants to constants/map_constants.asm for use anywhere in the disassembly
2015-07-23 03:51:15 -04:00

495 lines
8.4 KiB

FishAction: ; 92402
; Using a fishing rod.
; Fish for monsters with rod e in encounter group d.
; Return monster e at level d.
push af
push bc
push hl
; Get the fishing group for this map.
ld b, e
call GetFishGroupHeader
ld hl, FishGroupHeaders
rept 7
add hl, de
call Fish
pop hl
pop bc
pop af
; 9241a
Fish: ; 9241a
; Grandfathered from Red.
; Fish for monsters with rod b from encounter data in FishGroup at hl.
; Return monster e at level d.
call Random
; Got a bite?
cp [hl]
jr nc, .NoBite
; Get encounter data by rod:
; 0: Old
; 1: Good
; 2: Super
inc hl
ld e, b
ld d, 0
rept 2
add hl, de
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
; Encounter chance for this monster:
call Random
cp [hl]
jr z, .ReadMon
jr c, .ReadMon
; Next monster...
rept 3
inc hl
jr .CheckEncounter
; We're done with the encounter chance
inc hl
; Species 0 triggers a read from a time-based encounter table.
ld a, [hli]
ld d, a
and a
call z, .TimeEncounter
; Level
ld e, [hl]
ld de, 0
; The level byte is repurposed as the index for the new table.
ld e, [hl]
ld d, 0
ld hl, TimeFishGroups
rept 4
add hl, de
; One nightmon, then one daymon
ld a, [TimeOfDay]
and 3
jr c, .TimeSpecies
rept 2
inc hl
ld d, [hl]
inc hl
; 9245b
GetFishGroupHeader: ; 9245b
; Return fishing encounter group header d in de.
push hl
ld hl, DailyFlags
bit 2, [hl]
pop hl
jr z, .end
; Groups 11 and 12 have special attributes.
ld a, d
cp 11
jr z, .group11
cp 12
jr z, .group12
dec d
ld e, d
ld d, 0
ld a, [wdfce]
cp 1
jr nz, .end
ld d, 6
jr .end
ld a, [wdfce]
cp 2
jr nz, .end
ld d, 7
jr .end
; 92488
FishGroup1Header: ; 92488
db $80 ; 50%
dw FishGroup1_Old
dw FishGroup1_Good
dw FishGroup1_Super
FishGroup2Header: ; 9248f
db $80 ; 50%
dw FishGroup2_Old
dw FishGroup2_Good
dw FishGroup2_Super
FishGroup3Header: ; 92496
db $80 ; 50%
dw FishGroup3_Old
dw FishGroup3_Good
dw FishGroup3_Super
FishGroup4Header: ; 9249d
db $80 ; 50%
dw FishGroup4_Old
dw FishGroup4_Good
dw FishGroup4_Super
FishGroup5Header: ; 924a4
db $80 ; 50%
dw FishGroup5_Old
dw FishGroup5_Good
dw FishGroup5_Super
FishGroup6Header: ; 924ab
db $80 ; 50%
dw FishGroup6_Old
dw FishGroup6_Good
dw FishGroup6_Super
FishGroup7Header: ; 924b2
db $80 ; 50%
dw FishGroup7_Old
dw FishGroup7_Good
dw FishGroup7_Super
FishGroup8Header: ; 924b9
db $80 ; 50%
dw FishGroup8_Old
dw FishGroup8_Good
dw FishGroup8_Super
FishGroup9Header: ; 924c0
db $80 ; 50%
dw FishGroup9_Old
dw FishGroup9_Good
dw FishGroup9_Super
FishGroup10Header: ; 924c7
db $80 ; 50%
dw FishGroup10_Old
dw FishGroup10_Good
dw FishGroup10_Super
FishGroup11Header: ; 924ce
db $80 ; 50%
dw FishGroup11_Old
dw FishGroup11_Good
dw FishGroup11_Super
FishGroup12Header: ; 924d5
db $80 ; 50%
dw FishGroup12_Old
dw FishGroup12_Good
dw FishGroup12_Super
FishGroup13Header: ; 924dc
db $80 ; 50%
dw FishGroup11_Old
dw FishGroup11_Good
dw FishGroup11_Super
FishGroup1_Old: ; 924e3
db $b3, MAGIKARP, 10
db $d9, MAGIKARP, 10
db -1, KRABBY, 10
FishGroup1_Good: ; 924ec
db $59, MAGIKARP, 20
db $b2, KRABBY, 20
db $e6, KRABBY, 20
db -1, $0, 0
FishGroup1_Super: ; 924f8
db $66, KRABBY, 40
db $b2, $0, 1
db $e6, KRABBY, 40
db -1, KINGLER, 40
FishGroup2_Old: ; 92504
db $b3, MAGIKARP, 10
db $d9, MAGIKARP, 10
db -1, TENTACOOL, 10
FishGroup2_Good: ; 9250d
db $59, MAGIKARP, 20
db $b2, TENTACOOL, 20
db $e6, CHINCHOU, 20
db -1, $0, 2
FishGroup2_Super: ; 92519
db $66, CHINCHOU, 40
db $b2, $0, 3
db $e6, TENTACRUEL, 40
db -1, LANTURN, 40
FishGroup3_Old: ; 92525
db $b3, MAGIKARP, 10
db $d9, MAGIKARP, 10
db -1, GOLDEEN, 10
FishGroup3_Good: ; 9252e
db $59, MAGIKARP, 20
db $b2, GOLDEEN, 20
db $e6, GOLDEEN, 20
db -1, $0, 4
FishGroup3_Super: ; 9253a
db $66, GOLDEEN, 40
db $b2, $0, 5
db $e6, MAGIKARP, 40
db -1, SEAKING, 40
FishGroup4_Old: ; 92546
db $b3, MAGIKARP, 10
db $d9, MAGIKARP, 10
db -1, POLIWAG, 10
FishGroup4_Good: ; 9254f
db $59, MAGIKARP, 20
db $b2, POLIWAG, 20
db $e6, POLIWAG, 20
db -1, $0, 6
FishGroup4_Super: ; 9255b
db $66, POLIWAG, 40
db $b2, $0, 7
db $e6, MAGIKARP, 40
db -1, POLIWAG, 40
FishGroup5_Old: ; 92567
db $b3, MAGIKARP, 10
db $d9, MAGIKARP, 10
db -1, MAGIKARP, 10
FishGroup5_Good: ; 92570
db $59, MAGIKARP, 20
db $b2, MAGIKARP, 20
db $e6, MAGIKARP, 20
db -1, $0, 8
FishGroup5_Super: ; 9257c
db $66, MAGIKARP, 40
db $b2, $0, 9
db $e6, MAGIKARP, 40
db -1, DRAGONAIR, 40
FishGroup6_Old: ; 92588
db $b3, MAGIKARP, 5
db $d9, MAGIKARP, 5
db -1, QWILFISH, 5
FishGroup6_Good: ; 92591
db $59, MAGIKARP, 20
db $b2, QWILFISH, 20
db $e6, QWILFISH, 20
db -1, $0, 10
FishGroup6_Super: ; 9259d
db $66, QWILFISH, 40
db $b2, $0, 11
db $e6, QWILFISH, 40
db -1, QWILFISH, 40
FishGroup7_Old: ; 925a9
db $b3, MAGIKARP, 10
db $d9, MAGIKARP, 10
db -1, REMORAID, 10
FishGroup7_Good: ; 925b2
db $59, MAGIKARP, 20
db $b2, REMORAID, 20
db $e6, REMORAID, 20
db -1, $0, 12
FishGroup7_Super: ; 925be
db $66, REMORAID, 40
db $b2, $0, 13
db $e6, REMORAID, 40
db -1, REMORAID, 40
FishGroup8_Old: ; 925ca
db $b3, MAGIKARP, 10
db $d9, MAGIKARP, 10
db -1, MAGIKARP, 10
FishGroup8_Good: ; 925d3
db $59, MAGIKARP, 20
db $b2, MAGIKARP, 20
db $e6, MAGIKARP, 20
db -1, $0, 14
FishGroup8_Super: ; 925df
db $66, MAGIKARP, 40
db $b2, $0, 15
db $e6, MAGIKARP, 40
db -1, MAGIKARP, 40
FishGroup9_Old: ; 925eb
db $b3, MAGIKARP, 10
db $d9, MAGIKARP, 10
db -1, MAGIKARP, 10
FishGroup9_Good: ; 925f4
db $59, MAGIKARP, 10
db $b2, MAGIKARP, 10
db $e6, MAGIKARP, 10
db -1, $0, 16
FishGroup9_Super: ; 92600
db $66, MAGIKARP, 10
db $b2, $0, 17
db $e6, MAGIKARP, 10
db -1, DRAGONAIR, 10
FishGroup10_Old: ; 9260c
db $b3, MAGIKARP, 10
db $d9, MAGIKARP, 10
db -1, KRABBY, 10
FishGroup10_Good: ; 92615
db $59, MAGIKARP, 20
db $b2, KRABBY, 20
db $e6, KRABBY, 20
db -1, $0, 18
FishGroup10_Super: ; 92621
db $66, KRABBY, 40
db $b2, $0, 19
db $e6, KINGLER, 40
db -1, SEADRA, 40
FishGroup11_Old: ; 9262d
db $b3, MAGIKARP, 10
db $d9, MAGIKARP, 10
db -1, TENTACOOL, 10
FishGroup11_Good: ; 92636
db $59, MAGIKARP, 20
db $b2, TENTACOOL, 20
db $e6, TENTACOOL, 20
db -1, $0, 20
FishGroup11_Super: ; 92642
db $66, TENTACOOL, 40
db $b2, $0, 21
db $e6, MAGIKARP, 40
db -1, QWILFISH, 40
FishGroup12_Old: ; 9264e
db $b3, MAGIKARP, 10
db $d9, MAGIKARP, 10
db -1, POLIWAG, 10
FishGroup12_Good: ; 92657
db $59, MAGIKARP, 20
db $b2, POLIWAG, 20
db $e6, POLIWAG, 20
db -1, $0, 6
FishGroup12_Super: ; 92663
db $66, POLIWAG, 40
db $b2, $0, 7
db $e6, MAGIKARP, 40
db -1, REMORAID, 40
; 9266f
TimeFishGroups: ; 9266f
; 0
db CORSOLA, 20 ; nite
db STARYU, 20 ; day
; 1
db CORSOLA, 40 ; nite
db STARYU, 40 ; day
; 2
db SHELLDER, 20 ; nite
db SHELLDER, 20 ; day
; 3
db SHELLDER, 40 ; nite
db SHELLDER, 40 ; day
; 4
db GOLDEEN, 20 ; nite
db GOLDEEN, 20 ; day
; 5
db GOLDEEN, 40 ; nite
db GOLDEEN, 40 ; day
; 6
db POLIWAG, 20 ; nite
db POLIWAG, 20 ; day
; 7
db POLIWAG, 40 ; nite
db POLIWAG, 40 ; day
; 8
db DRATINI, 20 ; nite
db DRATINI, 20 ; day
; 9
db DRATINI, 40 ; nite
db DRATINI, 40 ; day
; 10
db QWILFISH, 20 ; nite
db QWILFISH, 20 ; day
; 11
db QWILFISH, 40 ; nite
db QWILFISH, 40 ; day
; 12
db REMORAID, 20 ; nite
db REMORAID, 20 ; day
; 13
db REMORAID, 40 ; nite
db REMORAID, 40 ; day
; 14
db GYARADOS, 20 ; nite
db GYARADOS, 20 ; day
; 15
db GYARADOS, 40 ; nite
db GYARADOS, 40 ; day
; 16
db DRATINI, 10 ; nite
db DRATINI, 10 ; day
; 17
db DRATINI, 10 ; nite
db DRATINI, 10 ; day
; 18
db HORSEA, 20 ; nite
db HORSEA, 20 ; day
; 19
db HORSEA, 40 ; nite
db HORSEA, 40 ; day
; 20
db TENTACOOL, 20 ; nite
db TENTACOOL, 20 ; day
; 21
db TENTACOOL, 40 ; nite
db TENTACOOL, 40 ; day
; 926c7