Rangi eb1e3636bb Use labels instead of constants for HRAM
Use explicit ldh instruction to access HRAM locations, don't rely on optimizing ld
2018-08-25 14:28:22 -04:00

89 lines
1.4 KiB

; present
ld a, [wLinkMode]
jr z, .colosseum_skippush
push bc
push de
call BattleCommand_Stab
ld a, [wLinkMode]
jr z, .colosseum_skippop
pop de
pop bc
ld a, [wTypeMatchup]
and a
jp z, AnimateFailedMove
ld a, [wAttackMissed]
and a
jp nz, AnimateFailedMove
push bc
call BattleRandom
ld b, a
ld hl, PresentPower
ld c, 0
ld a, [hli]
cp -1
jr z, .heal_effect
cp b
jr nc, .got_power
inc c
inc hl
jr .next
ld a, c
ld [wPresentPower], a
call AnimateCurrentMoveEitherSide
ld d, [hl]
pop bc
pop bc
ld a, 3
ld [wPresentPower], a
call AnimateCurrentMove
call BattleCommand_SwitchTurn
ld hl, AICheckPlayerMaxHP
ldh a, [hBattleTurn]
and a
jr z, .got_hp_fn_pointer
ld hl, AICheckEnemyMaxHP
ld a, BANK(AICheckPlayerMaxHP)
rst FarCall
jr c, .already_fully_healed
ld hl, GetQuarterMaxHP
call CallBattleCore
call BattleCommand_SwitchTurn
ld hl, RestoreHP
call CallBattleCore
call BattleCommand_SwitchTurn
ld hl, RegainedHealthText
call StdBattleTextBox
call BattleCommand_SwitchTurn
call UpdateOpponentInParty
jr .do_animation
call BattleCommand_SwitchTurn
call _CheckBattleScene
jr nc, .do_animation
call AnimateFailedMove
ld hl, RefusedGiftText
call StdBattleTextBox
jp EndMoveEffect
INCLUDE "data/moves/present_power.asm"