mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 09:16:20 -08:00
698 lines
33 KiB
698 lines
33 KiB
;Format Sample
;[xxxx] ;User-defined Name (Max:31 chars)
;Mode = 1 ;1:Fixcode; 2:Fixvalue; 3:Mask; 4:Palette; 5:Double Frame Buffer
;Type = 0 ;0:Begin 1:End
;Index = 0 ;Index
;Address = x1F8000 ;ROM Address
;MemAddress = x2000 ;RAM Address
;Fixcode = 0 ;Mode1: Fixed Rom Code; Mode2: Fixed Value
;DelayFrame = 0 ;Delay Frame
;FadeFrame = 0 ;Fade Frame 0:Off
;DarkEnable0 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:On (for Normal Mode)
;ReduceEnable0 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:On (for Normal Mode)
;MotionBEnable0 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:Black Fade, 2:, 3:Frame Blend (for Normal Mode)
;Dark0 = 10 ;0~10 (for Normal Mode)
;ReduceColorR0 = 0 ;0~31 (for Normal Mode)
;ReduceColorG0 = 0 ;0~31 (for Normal Mode)
;ReduceColorB0 = 0 ;0~31 (for Normal Mode)
;MotionBlur0 = 31 ;0~31 (for Normal Mode)
;DarkEnable1 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:On (for Green Mode)
;ReduceEnable1 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:On (for Green Mode)
;MotionBEnable1 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:Black Fade, 2:, 3:Frame Blend (for Green Mode)
;Dark1 = 10 ;0~10 (for Green Mode)
;ReduceColorR1 = 0 ;0~31 (for Green Mode)
;ReduceColorG1 = 0 ;0~31 (for Green Mode)
;ReduceColorB1 = 0 ;0~31 (for Green Mode)
;MotionBlur1 = 31 ;0~31 (for Green Mode)
;PaletteX = c31,31,31 ;X:0~15, cR,G,B (0~31)
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1 4}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1 4}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @ 4}
Type = 29
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @ 4}
Type = 30
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 4
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 4
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
;fix pokemon ?? in name
Type = 26
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 4
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 4
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 4
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 4
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 7
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @+5}
Type = 31
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 32
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 33
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 34
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
;no use[Network_STOP]
;Mode = 2
;Address = 0xF4D34
;Type = 8
;no use[Network_END]
;Mode = 2
;Address = 0xF4D3C
;Type = 9
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @ 5}
Type = 10
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 15
[linkCable fake begin@Link_fake_connection_status]
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 16
[linkCable fake end@Wireless_prompt]
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 17
[linkCable block input@Wireless_TryQuickSave_block_input_1]
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 18
[linkCable block input2@Wireless_TryQuickSave_block_input_2]
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 24
[save game end@Trade_save_game_end]
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 20
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 25
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 27
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 11
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 12
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 13
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 14
;ROM:3FBCD ld b, $3E ; '>'
;ROM:3FBCF inc de
;ROM:3FBD0 call unk_2D55
;ROM:3FBD3 xor a
;ROM:3FBD4 ld [byte_FFD2], a
;ROM:3FBD6 ld [byte_FF4A], a
;ROM:3FBD8 call unk_31C2
;ROM:3FBDB call unk_2FE2
;ROM:3FBCD: 06 3E 13 CD
;0003fbb5h: 06 3E 13 CD ; .>.?
[fight begin@Unknown_InitBattleDisplay]
Mode = 11
Type = 0
Index = 1
Address = {HEx @}
;12 1b 0b 79 b0 find next C9
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 60
; print forbid 1
;ROM:1758D ld a, [byte_FFA9]
;ROM:1758F and 2
;ROM:17591 jr nz, unk_75B4
;ROM:17593 ld a, [byte_FFA9]
;ROM:17595 and 1 ;e6 01
;ROM:17597 jr nz, unk_75A1
; change "and 1" to "and 0"
;00017595h: E6 01 20 08 CD BF 75 CD 2E 03 18 E9 FA 57 CE F5 ; ? .涂u?..辁W熙
;00016c76h: E6 01 20 08 CD A0 6C CD 5A 04 18 E9 FA 63 CF F5 ; ? .蜖l蚙..辁c硝
[print forbid 1@Forbid_printing_Unown]
Mode = 1
Address = {hex @}
[print forbid 2@Forbid_printing_PC_Box]
Mode = 6
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
MemAddress={hex~ hJoyPressed}
Fixcode={db NO_INPUT}
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wWindowStackPointer wWindowStackPointer+1 wMenuJoypad wMenuSelection wMenuSelection wMenuCursorY hJoyPressed hJoyPressed hJoyPressed hJoyPressed}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == >= <= == != != != != }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ 0xdd 0xd3 A_BUTTON 0x00 0x0f 0x03 D_DOWN D_UP B_BUTTON NO_INPUT }
; -----ddddfffffff99999ccccc77777----0xd9c7 no ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x230b addr = 0xd9c7 value = 0x8
; 0xd9c7 is the room number.
[print forbid 3@Forbid_printing_photo_studio]
Mode = 6
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
MemAddress={hex~ hJoyPressed}
Fixcode={db NO_INPUT}
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wWindowStackPointer wWindowStackPointer+1 wMenuJoypad wMenuSelection wMenuCursorY wMapGroup wMapNumber wYCoord wXCoord hJoyPressed hJoyPressed hJoyPressed hJoyPressed}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == == == == == != != != != }
;ROM:BB29C call unk_934
;ROM:BB29F ld a, [byte_FFA9]
;ROM:BB2A1 and $B
;ROM:BB2A3 jr z, unk_B29C
;ROM:BB2A5 and 8
;ROM:BB2A7 jr nz, unk_B2AA
;ROM:BB2A9 ret
; 000bb2a5h: E6 08 20 01
; 000b92a3h: E6 08 20 01 ; ? .
; change "and 8" to "and 0"
[print forbid 4@Forbid_printing_mail]
Mode = 1
Address = {hex @}
;ROM:401D6 call unk_50A5
;ROM:401D9 ld hl, $FFA9
;ROM:401DC ld a, [hl]
;ROM:401DD and 2
;ROM:401DF jr nz, unk_1F8
;ROM:401E1 ld a, [hl]
;ROM:401E2 and 1
;ROM:401E4 jr nz, unk_1EE
;ROM:401E6 call unk_4562
;ROM:401E9 ret nc
;ROM:401EA call unk_4114
;ROM:401ED ret
; -----6666666666ddddddddd88888----0xc6d8 no ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x4109b addr = 0xc6d8 value = 0x0
;00040266h: 7E E6 01 20 08 ; ~? .
[print forbid 5@Forbid_printing_Pokedex]
Mode = 6
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
MemAddress={hex~ hJoyPressed}
Fixcode={db NO_INPUT}
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wWindowStackPointer wWindowStackPointer+1 wMenuJoypad wMenuSelection wDexArrowCursorPosIndex hJoyPressed hJoyPressed hJoyPressed hJoyPressed}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == != != != != }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ 0xa1 0xdb A_BUTTON 0x00 0x03 D_DOWN D_UP B_BUTTON NO_INPUT }
; call ir_main
; ld d,a ; IR_STAT
; xor a
; _IRcomm_end 0x2a1b9
; ld hl,ir_read_buf | 21 50 c7
; ld de,ir_read_buf_stk | 11 00 c8
; ld bc,15 |
; call block_move |
; |
;00104bf8h: FE 03 30 24
;00104bf0h: FE 03 30 24 3E 41 21 0B 51 CF CD FB 50 ; ?0$>A!.Q贤鸓
;00104bf0h: FE 03 30 24 3E 41 21 0B 51 CF CD FB 50 ; ?0$>A!.Q贤鸓
;the code below is Set_send_data2
; 3E 41 21 0A 51 CF CD FA 50
; 3E 41 21 0B 51 CF CD FB 50
; ------->
; BCALL G_BANK0b,set_send_data2
; call read_buf_clr
;001048dbh: 3E 02 EA 01 CA 3E 14 EA 02 CA F0 FF F5 CD 94 4A
;001048dbh: 3E 02 EA 01 CA 3E 14 EA 02 CA F0 FF F5 CD 9D 4A
[infrared fake 0@Infrared_stage_party_data]
Mode = 1
Address = {hex @}
;00104c3ch: CD 66 4D CD 9E 4D CD E5 4D F0 BC FE 10 CA 24 4D
;00104a95h: F3 3E 3A 21 E9 4F CF CD 5E 4D CD 96 4D CD DD 4D ; ?:!镺贤^M蜄M洼M
;00104a9ch: CD 5E 4D CD 96 4D CD DD 4D F0 BC FE 10 ; 蚟M蜄M洼M鸺?
[infrared fake 1@Infrared_ExchangeMysteryGiftData_function]
Mode = 1
Address = {hex @}
[infrared fake 2@Infrared_ExchangeMysteryGiftData_start]
Mode = 2
Address = {hex @}
Type = 101
[infrared fake 3@Infrared_ExchangeMysteryGiftData_loop_done]
Mode = 2
Address = {hex @}
Type = 102
[infrared fake 4@Infrared_ExchangeMysteryGiftData_end]
Mode = 2
Address = {hex @}
Type = 103
;/////////rangel zhang ///////////
;PC:51-4118=20 000CC118 LY:012 AF:00A0 BC:E400 DE:E4E4 HL:FFA0 SP:DFC1
;PC:51-411A=FA 000CC11A LY:012 AF:00A0 BC:E400 DE:E4E4 HL:FFA0 SP:DFC1
;PC:51-411D=CB 000CC11D LY:012 AF:61A0 BC:E400 DE:E4E4 HL:FFA0 SP:DFC1
;PC:51-411F=20 000CC11F LY:012 AF:61A0 BC:E400 DE:E4E4 HL:FFA0 SP:DFC1
;PC:51-4121=CD 000CC121 LY:012 AF:61A0 BC:E400 DE:E4E4 HL:FFA0 SP:DFC1
;PC:51-417A=CD 000CC17A LY:012 AF:61A0 BC:E400 DE:E4E4 HL:FFA0 SP:DFBF
;PC:51-41CA=3E 000CC1CA LY:012 AF:61A0 BC:E400 DE:E4E4 HL:FFA0 SP:DFBD
;PC:51-41CC=EA 000CC1CC LY:012 AF:01A0 BC:E400 DE:E4E4 HL:FFA0 SP:DFBD
;ROM:CC118 jr nz, unk_C14D
;ROM:CC11A ld a, [byte_D1AB]
;ROM:CC11D bit 7, a
;ROM:CC11F jr nz, unk_C138
;ROM:CC121 call unk_417A
;ROM:CC124 call unk_415A
;ROM:CC127 call unk_47F7
;000cc13eh: 6F 26 00 11 ; o&..
;000cc156h: 6F 26 00 11 ; o&..
;000cc137h: 38 17 CD 92 41 CD 72 41 CD 95 48 CD D3 41 AF E0 ; 8.蛼A蛂A蜁H陀A
;000cc128h: 38 17 CD A1 41 CD 63 41 CD A4 48 CD E2 41 AF E0 ; 8.汀A蚦A亭H外A
;the 7th bit of the [byte_D1AB],decide whether the animation should be played.
;if it's zero , the game code will play fighting animation . otherwise, game code
; will jump to unk_C138 and avoiding playing animation.
; so we can begin out FPA patch right at address 0xcc121 .
;DarkEnable0 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:On (for Normal Mode)
;ReduceEnable0 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:On (for Normal Mode)
;MotionBEnable0 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:Black Fade, 2:, 3:Frame Blend (for Normal Mode)
;Dark0 = 10 ;0~10 (for Normal Mode)
[FPA 001 Begin@Reduce_move_anim_flashing]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
DarkEnable0 = 1
Dark0 = 4
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 11
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wFXAnimID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ FISSURE }
;ROM:35D09 ld [byte_CFB6], a
;ROM:35D0C ld a, d
;ROM:35D0D ld [byte_CFB7], a
;ROM:35D10 ld c, 3
;ROM:35D12 call unk_468
;ROM:35D15 ld hl, $40E5
;ROM:35D18 ld a, $33 ; '3'
;ROM:35D1A rst 8
;ROM:35D1B ret
; EA B6 CF 7A EA B7 CF 0E 03 CD 68 04 21 E5 40 3E
;00035d09h: EA C2 CF 7A EA C3 CF 0E 03 CD 68 04 21 D6 40 3E
;00035d09h: EA C2 CF 7A EA C3 CF 0E 03 CD 68 04 21 D8 40 3E
;******dc7d--------------- Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30a7 addr = 0xd066 value = 0x2c
;******dc7d--------------- Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30a7 addr = 0xd067 value = 0x3a
;******dc7d--------------- Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30a7 addr = 0xd068 value = 0xb8
;******dc7d--------------- Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30a7 addr = 0xd069 value = 0x50
; ------------ Mem Write: pc32 = 0x35d09 addr = 0xcfb6 value = 0x78
;s e l d e s c
[FPA 002 Begin@Reduce_move_anim_flashing]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
DarkEnable0 = 1
Dark0 = 4
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 11
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wFXAnimID }
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ SELFDESTRUCT}
; lightening
; -------------- Mem Write: pc32 = 0x35d09 addr = 0xcfb6 value = 0x57
[FPA 003 Begin@Reduce_move_anim_flashing]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
DarkEnable0 = 1
Dark0 = 4
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 15
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wFXAnimID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ THUNDER }
;ji wa lei 011800
[FPA 004 Begin@Reduce_move_anim_flashing]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
DarkEnable0 = 1
Dark0 = 4
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 15
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wFXAnimID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ FLASH }
;skill name 1 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf87 value = 0x2c
;skill name 2 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf88 value = 0x3a
;skill name 3 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf89 value = 0xb8
;skill name 4 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf8a value = 0x50
;skill name 5 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf8b value = 0x8f
;skill name 6 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf8c value = 0x9d
; include 2 pieces of animationl.
;ji ba lu 011607
[FPA 005 Begin@Reduce_move_anim_flashing]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
DarkEnable0 = 1
Dark0 = 4
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 15
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wFXAnimID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ EXPLOSION}
;skill name 1 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf87 value = 0x30
;skill name 2 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf88 value = 0xb2
;skill name 3 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf89 value = 0x3a
;skill name 4 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf8a value = 0xb8
;skill name 5 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf8b value = 0xca
;skill name 6 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf8c value = 0xc2
; da yi ba ha ku ci 011441
[FPA 006 Begin@Reduce_move_anim_flashing]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
DarkEnable0 = 1
Dark0 = 4
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 11
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wFXAnimID }
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ HORN_DRILL}
;skill name 1 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf87 value = 0x9b
;skill name 2 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf88 value = 0xa5
;skill name 3 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf89 value = 0xac
;skill name 4 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf8a value = 0x8b
;skill name 5 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf8b value = 0xae
;skill name 6 : ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0x30db addr = 0xcf8c value = 0x50
; 011251
[FPA 007 Begin@Reduce_move_anim_flashing]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
DarkEnable0 = 1
Dark0 = 5
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 7
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wFXAnimID }
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ HYPER_BEAM}
;-----111111111111111144444444444444----0xc902 no ..............Mem Write: pc32 = 0xcc46a addr = 0xc902 value = 0xd
;000cc473h: FE 4F D0 cd ; 﨩?
;000cc495h: FE 4F D0 CD ; 﨩型
;000cc497h: FE 4F D0 CD ; 﨩型
; -------------0xd4170xd4170xd4170xd417--------------- Mem Write: pc32 = 0x3a89 addr = 0xd417 value = 0xd1
;000cc486h: FE 4F D0 CD 7D 3A 22 FA 19 D4 22 C5 E5 6F 26 00 ; 﨩型}:"??佩o&.
[FPA 042801 Begin@Reduce_move_anim_flashing_PRESENT]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
DarkEnable0 = 1
Dark0 = 5
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 11
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wFXAnimID wBattleAnimByte }
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ PRESENT anim_1gfx_command}
;ROM:CC139 call unk_4192
;ROM:CC13C call unk_4172
;ROM:CC13F call unk_4895
;ROM:CC142 call unk_41D3
;ROM:CC145 xor a
;ROM:CC154 jr z, unk_C16E
;ROM:CC156 ld l, a
;ROM:CC157 ld h, 0
;ROM:CC159 ld de, $10E
;ROM:CC15C add hl, de
;ROM:CC15D ld a, l
; CC156 6F 26 00 11 0E 01
; 000cc147h: 6F 26 00 11 0E 01 ; o&....
;exit point
[FPA 001 End@Stop_reducing_move_anim_flashing]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {hex @}
;-----ddddff0xff690xff69fffff----0xffa0 no ....-------------..........Mem Write: pc32 = 0x8c352 addr = 0xffa0 value = 0x1
;-----ddddff0xff690xff69fffff----0xce57 no ....----5555555577777---------..........Mem Write: pc32 = 0x8c483 addr = 0xce57 value = 0x1a
;0008c352h: 36 01 FA 57 CE CB 7F 20 08 ; 6.鶺嗡 .
;0008c229h: 36 01 FA 57 CF CB 7F 20 08 CD 14 43 CD 5A 04 18 ; 6.鶺纤 .?C蚙..
[FPA link fight begin@Reduce_battle_transition_flashing]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
DarkEnable0 = 1
Dark0 = 5
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 11
;-----ddddff0xff690xff69fffff----0xffa0 no ....-------------..........Mem Write: pc32 = 0x8c382 addr = 0xffa0 value = 0x0
;0008c382h: E0 A0 CD 2E 03 C9 ; 酄?.?
;******ccccccccccceeeeeeeeeee55555555577777777--------------- Mem Write: pc32 = 0x8c483 addr = 0xce57 value = 0x15
;******ccccccccccceeeeeeeeeee55555555577777777--------------- Mem Write: pc32 = 0x8c483 addr = 0xce57 value = 0x16
;******ccccccccccceeeeeeeeeee55555555577777777--------------- Mem Write: pc32 = 0x8c483 addr = 0xce57 value = 0x17
;40 90 e4 01 3E at 3E
;0008c3e4h: 40 90 E4 01 3E at 3E ; @愪.>
[FPA link fight End0@Stop_reducing_battle_transition_flashing_WavyOutro]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEx @}
;3D 20 EF C9 3E 01 at 3E
; 0008c439h: 3D 20 EF C9 3E at 3e ; = 锷>
[FPA link fight End1@Stop_reducing_battle_transition_flashing_SpinOutro]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEx @}
;01 FF 3E 01 at 3E
;0008c576h: 01 FF 3E 01 ; .>.
[FPA link fight End2@Stop_reducing_battle_transition_flashing_ScatterOutro]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEx @}
;32 00 19 00 3e 01 at 3e
;0008c764h: 32 00 19 00 3E 01 ; 2...>.
[FPA link fight End3@Stop_reducing_battle_transition_flashing_ZoomToBlack]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEx @}
;ROM:8C25A ld [byte_FFC6], a
;ROM:8C25C ld [byte_FFC7], a
;ROM:8C25E ld [byte_FFC8], a
;ROM:8C260 ld [byte_FFD0], a
;ROM:8C262 ld a, 1
;ROM:8C264 ld [byte_FF70], a
;ROM:8C266 pop af
;ROM:8C267 ld [byte_FF9E], a --------------------at here .
;ROM:8C269 call unk_45A
;ROM:8C26C ret
;ROM:8C298 xor a searching code : AF 22 22 77 CD
;ROM:8C299 ldi [hl], a
;ROM:8C29A ldi [hl], a
;ROM:8C29B ld [hl], a
;ROM:8C29C call unk_46D8
;ROM:8C29F ret
;0008c298h: AF 22 22 77 CD ; ?"w?
[FPA link fight End4@Stop_reducing_battle_transition_flashing]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {hex @} |