Rangi eb1e3636bb Use labels instead of constants for HRAM
Use explicit ldh instruction to access HRAM locations, don't rely on optimizing ld
2018-08-25 14:28:22 -04:00

63 lines
806 B

; Returns whether a Poke Ball will wobble in the catch animation.
; Whether a Pokemon is caught is determined beforehand.
push de
ldh a, [rSVBK]
ld d, a
push de
ld a, BANK(wBuffer2)
ldh [rSVBK], a
ld a, [wBuffer2]
inc a
ld [wBuffer2], a
; Wobble up to 3 times.
cp 3 + 1
jr z, .finished
ld a, [wWildMon]
and a
ld c, 0 ; next
jr nz, .done
ld hl, WobbleProbabilities
ld a, [wBuffer1]
ld b, a
ld a, [hli]
cp b
jr nc, .checkwobble
inc hl
jr .loop
ld b, [hl]
call Random
cp b
ld c, 0 ; next
jr c, .done
ld c, 2 ; escaped
jr .done
ld a, [wWildMon]
and a
ld c, 1 ; caught
jr nz, .done
ld c, 2 ; escaped
pop de
ld e, a
ld a, d
ldh [rSVBK], a
ld a, e
pop de
INCLUDE "data/battle/wobble_probabilities.asm"