2015-12-21 14:10:16 -05:00

615 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File

GetMysteryGift_MobileAdapterLayout: ; 4930f (mobile)
ld a, b
jr nz, .not_ram
ld a, [SGBPredef]
push af
callba Function9673
pop af
ld l, a
ld h, 0
add hl, hl
ld de, .jumptable
add hl, de
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
ld de, .done
push de
jp [hl]
; 49330 (12:5330)
.jumptable: ; 49330
jumptable MG_Mobile_Layout00
jumptable MG_Mobile_Layout01
jumptable MG_Mobile_Layout02
; 49336
MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox: ; 49336
push bc
push hl
ld [hli], a
dec c
jr nz, .col
pop hl
add hl, bc
pop bc
dec b
jr nz, .row
; 49346
MG_Mobile_Layout_WipeAttrMap: ; 49346 (12:5346)
hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap
xor a
call ByteFill
MG_Mobile_Layout_LoadPals: ; 49351 (12:5351)
ld de, UnknBGPals
ld hl, Palette_493e1
ld bc, 5 palettes
ld a, $5 ; BANK(UnknBGPals)
call FarCopyWRAM
ld de, UnknBGPals + 7 palettes
ld hl, Palette_TextBG7
ld bc, 1 palettes
ld a, $5 ; BANK(UnknBGPals)
call FarCopyWRAM
MG_Mobile_Layout00: ; 4936e (12:536e)
call MG_Mobile_Layout_LoadPals
call MG_Mobile_Layout_WipeAttrMap
call MG_Mobile_Layout_CreatePalBoxes
callba ApplyAttrMap
callba ApplyPals
MG_Mobile_Layout_CreatePalBoxes: ; 49384 (12:5384)
hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap
lb bc, 4, 1
ld a, $1
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
lb bc, 2, 1
ld a, $2
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
lb bc, 6, 1
ld a, $3
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
hlcoord 1, 0, AttrMap
ld a, $1
lb bc, 3, 18
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
lb bc, 2, 18
ld a, $2
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
lb bc, 12, 18
ld a, $3
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
hlcoord 19, 0, AttrMap
lb bc, 4, 1
ld a, $1
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
lb bc, 2, 1
ld a, $2
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
lb bc, 6, 1
ld a, $3
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
hlcoord 0, 12, AttrMap
ld bc, 6 * SCREEN_WIDTH
ld a, $7
call ByteFill
; 493e1 (12:53e1)
Palette_493e1: ; 493e1
RGB 03, 07, 09
RGB 26, 31, 00
RGB 20, 16, 03
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 13, 24, 29
RGB 11, 16, 30
RGB 07, 11, 22
RGB 05, 06, 18
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 20, 26, 31
RGB 13, 24, 29
RGB 11, 16, 30
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 20, 26, 31
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 20, 16, 08
RGB 31, 00, 00
RGB 00, 00, 00
; 49409
LoadOW_BGPal7:: ; 49409
ld hl, Palette_TextBG7
ld de, UnknBGPals + 8 * 7
ld bc, 8
ld a, $5
call FarCopyWRAM
; 49418
Palette_TextBG7: ; 49418
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 08, 19, 28
RGB 05, 05, 16
RGB 00, 00, 00
; 49420
Function49420:: ; 49420 (12:5420)
ld hl, MansionPalette4
ld de, UnknBGPals + $30
ld bc, $8
ld a, $5 ; BANK(UnknBGPals)
call FarCopyWRAM
; 4942f (12:542f)
MG_Mobile_Layout01: ; 4942f
call MG_Mobile_Layout_LoadPals
ld de, UnknBGPals + $38
ld hl, Palette_49478
ld bc, $8
ld a, $5 ; BANK(UnknBGPals)
call FarCopyWRAM
call MG_Mobile_Layout_WipeAttrMap
hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap
xor a
call ByteFill
hlcoord 0, 14, AttrMap
ld bc, 4 * SCREEN_WIDTH
ld a, $7
call ByteFill
ld a, [wd002]
bit 6, a
jr z, .asm_49464
call Function49480
jr .asm_49467
call Function49496
callba ApplyAttrMap
callba ApplyPals
ld a, $1
ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a
; 49478
Palette_49478: ; 49478
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 26, 31, 00
RGB 20, 16, 03
RGB 00, 00, 00
; 49480
Function49480: ; 49480
hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap
lb bc, 4, SCREEN_WIDTH
ld a, $7
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
hlcoord 0, 2, AttrMap
ld a, $4
ld [hl], a
hlcoord 19, 2, AttrMap
ld [hl], a
; 49496
Function49496: ; 49496
hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap
lb bc, 2, SCREEN_WIDTH
ld a, $7
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
hlcoord 0, 1, AttrMap
ld a, $4
ld [hl], a
hlcoord 19, 1, AttrMap
ld [hl], a
; 494ac
LoadSpecialMapPalette: ; 494ac
ld a, [wTileset]
jr z, .pokecom_2f
jr z, .battle_tower
jr z, .ice_path
jr z, .house
jr z, .radio_tower
jr z, .mansion_mobile
jr .do_nothing
call LoadPokeComPalette
call LoadBattleTowerPalette
ld a, [wPermission] ; permission
and 7
cp 3 ; Hall of Fame
jr z, .do_nothing
call LoadIcePathPalette
call LoadHousePalette
call LoadRadioTowerPalette
call LoadMansionPalette
and a
; 494f2
LoadPokeComPalette: ; 494f2
ld a, $5
ld de, UnknBGPals
ld hl, PokeComPalette
ld bc, 8 palettes
call FarCopyWRAM
; 49501
PokeComPalette: ; 49501
INCLUDE "tilesets/pokecom.pal"
; 49541
LoadBattleTowerPalette: ; 49541
ld a, $5
ld de, UnknBGPals
ld hl, BattleTowerPalette
ld bc, 8 palettes
call FarCopyWRAM
; 49550
BattleTowerPalette: ; 49550
INCLUDE "tilesets/battle_tower.pal"
; 49590
LoadIcePathPalette: ; 49590
ld a, $5
ld de, UnknBGPals
ld hl, IcePathPalette
ld bc, 8 palettes
call FarCopyWRAM
; 4959f
IcePathPalette: ; 4959f
INCLUDE "tilesets/ice_path.pal"
; 495df
LoadHousePalette: ; 495df
ld a, $5
ld de, UnknBGPals
ld hl, HousePalette
ld bc, 8 palettes
call FarCopyWRAM
; 495ee
HousePalette: ; 495ee
INCLUDE "tilesets/house.pal"
; 4962e
LoadRadioTowerPalette: ; 4962e
ld a, $5
ld de, UnknBGPals
ld hl, RadioTowerPalette
ld bc, 8 palettes
call FarCopyWRAM
; 4963d
RadioTowerPalette: ; 4963d
INCLUDE "tilesets/radio_tower.pal"
; 4967d
MansionPalette1: ; 4967d
RGB 30, 28, 26
RGB 19, 19, 19
RGB 13, 13, 13
RGB 07, 07, 07
RGB 30, 28, 26
RGB 31, 19, 24
RGB 30, 10, 06
RGB 07, 07, 07
RGB 18, 24, 09
RGB 15, 20, 01
RGB 09, 13, 00
RGB 07, 07, 07
RGB 30, 28, 26
RGB 15, 16, 31
RGB 09, 09, 31
RGB 07, 07, 07
RGB 30, 28, 26
RGB 31, 31, 07
RGB 31, 16, 01
RGB 07, 07, 07
RGB 26, 24, 17
RGB 21, 17, 07
RGB 16, 13, 03
RGB 07, 07, 07
MansionPalette3: ; 496ad
RGB 30, 28, 26
RGB 17, 19, 31
RGB 14, 16, 31
RGB 07, 07, 07
RGB 31, 31, 16
RGB 31, 31, 16
RGB 14, 09, 00
RGB 00, 00, 00
; 496bd
MansionPalette4: ; 496bd
RGB 05, 05, 16
RGB 08, 19, 28
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 31, 31, 31
; 496c5
LoadMansionPalette: ; 496c5
ld a, $5
ld de, UnknBGPals
ld hl, MansionPalette1
ld bc, 8 palettes
call FarCopyWRAM
ld a, $5
ld de, UnknBGPals + 4 palettes
ld hl, MansionPalette2
ld bc, 1 palettes
call FarCopyWRAM
ld a, $5
ld de, UnknBGPals + 3 palettes
ld hl, MansionPalette3
ld bc, 1 palettes
call FarCopyWRAM
ld a, $5
ld de, UnknBGPals + 6 palettes
ld hl, MansionPalette4
ld bc, 1 palettes
call FarCopyWRAM
; 496fe
MansionPalette2: ; 496fe
RGB 25, 24, 23
RGB 20, 19, 19
RGB 14, 16, 31
RGB 07, 07, 07
; 49706
MG_Mobile_Layout02: ; 49706
ld hl, Palette_49732
ld de, UnknBGPals
ld bc, 1 palettes
ld a, $5
call FarCopyWRAM
callba ApplyPals
call MG_Mobile_Layout_WipeAttrMap
callba ApplyAttrMap
ld hl, Palette_4973a
ld de, UnknOBPals
ld bc, 1 palettes
ld a, $5
call FarCopyWRAM
; 49732
Palette_49732: ; 49732
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 23, 16, 07
RGB 23, 07, 07
RGB 03, 07, 20
; 4973a
Palette_4973a: ; 4973a
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 07, 05, 31
RGB 14, 18, 31
RGB 31, 31, 31
; 49742
Function49742: ; 49742
ld hl, Palette_49757
ld de, UnknBGPals
ld bc, $40
ld a, $5
call FarCopyWRAM
callba ApplyPals
; 49757
Palette_49757: ; 49757
RGB 31, 31, 63
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 31, 31, 63
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 04, 02, 15
RGB 21, 00, 21
RGB 31, 00, 00
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 04, 02, 15
RGB 21, 00, 21
RGB 30, 16, 26
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 04, 02, 15
RGB 21, 00, 21
RGB 16, 16, 16
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 04, 02, 15
RGB 21, 00, 21
RGB 31, 12, 12
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 04, 02, 15
RGB 21, 00, 21
RGB 07, 08, 31
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 04, 02, 15
RGB 21, 00, 21
RGB 29, 28, 09
RGB 31, 31, 31
; 49797
_InitMG_Mobile_LinkTradePalMap: ; 49797
hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap
lb bc, 16, 2
ld a, $4
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
ld a, $3
ldcoord_a 0, 1, AttrMap
ldcoord_a 0, 14, AttrMap
hlcoord 2, 0, AttrMap
lb bc, 8, 18
ld a, $5
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
hlcoord 2, 8, AttrMap
lb bc, 8, 18
ld a, $6
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
hlcoord 0, 16, AttrMap
lb bc, 2, SCREEN_WIDTH
ld a, $4
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
ld a, $3
lb bc, 6, 1
hlcoord 6, 1, AttrMap
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
ld a, $3
lb bc, 6, 1
hlcoord 17, 1, AttrMap
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
ld a, $3
lb bc, 6, 1
hlcoord 6, 9, AttrMap
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
ld a, $3
lb bc, 6, 1
hlcoord 17, 9, AttrMap
call MG_Mobile_Layout_FillBox
ld a, $2
hlcoord 2, 16, AttrMap
ld [hli], a
ld a, $7
rept 3
ld [hli], a
ld a, $2
ld [hl], a
hlcoord 2, 17, AttrMap
ld a, $3
ld bc, 6
call ByteFill
; 49811
Function49811: ; 49811
ld hl, Palette_49826
ld de, UnknBGPals + $10
ld bc, $30
ld a, $5
call FarCopyWRAM
callba ApplyPals
; 49826
Palette_49826: ; 49826
RGB 04, 02, 15
RGB 07, 09, 31
RGB 31, 00, 00
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 04, 02, 15
RGB 07, 09, 31
RGB 15, 23, 30
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 04, 02, 15
RGB 07, 09, 31
RGB 16, 16, 16
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 04, 02, 15
RGB 07, 09, 31
RGB 25, 07, 04
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 04, 02, 15
RGB 07, 09, 31
RGB 03, 22, 08
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 04, 02, 15
RGB 07, 09, 31
RGB 29, 28, 09
RGB 31, 31, 31
; 49856
InitMG_Mobile_LinkTradePalMap: ; 49856
call _InitMG_Mobile_LinkTradePalMap
; 4985a