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synced 2025-01-23 09:16:20 -08:00
124 lines
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124 lines
3.2 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
Convert an rgbds .map file into a sorted .sym file
with bank and section data in comments.
import sys
import re
def total_bank_size(type):
# used to output the size of EMPTY banks
sizes = {
'ROM0': 0x4000, # 0000-3FFF
'ROMX': 0x4000, # 4000-7FFF
'VRAM': 0x2000, # 8000-9FFF
'SRAM': 0x2000, # A000-BFFF
'WRAM0': 0x1000, # C000-CFFF
'WRAMX': 0x1000, # D000-DFFF
# E000-FDFF: echo RAM
'OAM': 0xA0, # FE00-FE9F
# FEA0-FEFF: unusable
# FF00-FF7F: hardware I/O registers
'HRAM': 0x80, # FF80-FFFF
return sizes[type]
def sorted_mapfile(input):
# ex: OAM:
unused_rx = re.compile(r'^([A-Z]+):$')
# ex: ROM Bank #1:
bank_rx = re.compile(r'^([A-Z]+) Bank #([0-9]+)')
# ex: SECTION: $4000-$747A ($347B bytes) ["bank1"]
section_rx = re.compile(r' +SECTION: \$([0-9A-F]+)(?:-\$([0-9A-F]+))? \(\$([0-9A-F]+) bytes\) \["(.+)"\]')
# ex: $4025 = PlaceWaitingText.Waiting
label_rx = re.compile(r' +\$([0-9A-F]+) = (.+)')
# ex: SLACK: $0B85 bytes
slack_rx = re.compile(r' +SLACK: \$([0-9A-F]+) bytes')
bank_type = None
bank_number = None
bank_size = 0
bank_queue = []
section_queue = []
for line in input:
if line.startswith(' EMPTY'):
# empty banks have their entire capacity as slack
line = ' SLACK: $%04X bytes\n' % total_bank_size(bank_type)
x = re.match(unused_rx, line)
if x:
# start an unused bank
bank_type = x.group(1)
bank_number = '00'
bank_size = 0
del bank_queue[:]
del section_queue[:]
x = re.match(bank_rx, line)
if x:
# start a new bank
bank_type = x.group(1)
bank_number = '%02X' % int(x.group(2))
if bank_type == 'ROM':
bank_type = 'ROM0' if bank_number == '00' else 'ROMX'
if bank_type == 'WRAM':
bank_type = 'WRAM0' if bank_number == '00' else 'WRAMX'
bank_size = 0
del bank_queue[:]
del section_queue[:]
x = re.match(section_rx, line)
if x:
# finish current section
# start a new section
start = x.group(1)
end = x.group(2) or start
size = x.group(3).zfill(4)
name = x.group(4)
bank_size += int(size, 16)
bank_queue.append('; %s:%s-%s ($%s) %s\n' % (bank_number, start, end, size, name))
del section_queue[:]
x = re.match(label_rx, line)
if x:
# add label to section
address = x.group(1)
label = x.group(2)
section_queue.append('%s:%s %s\n' % (bank_number, address, label))
x = re.match(slack_rx, line)
if x:
# finish current section
# finish current bank
slack = int(x.group(1), 16)
yield '; %s $%s ($%04X) ($%04X free)\n' % (bank_type, bank_number, bank_size, slack)
for line in bank_queue:
yield line
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
sys.stderr.write('Usage: %s pokecrystal.map sorted.sym\n' % sys.argv[0])
input_filename = sys.argv[1]
output_filename = sys.argv[2]
with open(input_filename, 'r') as infile:
input = infile.readlines()
output = sorted_mapfile(input)
with open(output_filename, 'w') as outfile:
for line in output:
if __name__ == '__main__':