mid-kid 5efce10789 Remove even more address comments
That should be all of them this time
2018-06-25 02:10:37 +02:00

80 lines
2.1 KiB

; function to print a BCD (Binary-coded decimal) number
; de = address of BCD number
; hl = destination address
; c = flags and length
; bit 7: if set, do not print leading zeroes
; if unset, print leading zeroes
; bit 6: if set, left-align the string (do not pad empty digits with spaces)
; if unset, right-align the string
; bit 5: if set, print currency symbol at the beginning of the string
; if unset, do not print the currency symbol
; bits 0-4: length of BCD number in bytes
; Note that bits 5 and 7 are modified during execution. The above reflects
; their meaning at the beginning of the functions's execution.
ld b, c ; save flags in b
res 7, c
res 6, c
res 5, c ; c now holds the length
bit 5, b
jr z, .loop
bit 7, b
jr nz, .loop ; skip currency symbol
ld [hl], "¥"
inc hl
ld a, [de]
swap a
call PrintBCDDigit ; print upper digit
ld a, [de]
call PrintBCDDigit ; print lower digit
inc de
dec c
jr nz, .loop
bit 7, b ; were any non-zero digits printed?
jr z, .done ; if so, we are done
.numberEqualsZero ; if every digit of the BCD number is zero
bit 6, b ; left or right alignment?
jr nz, .skipRightAlignmentAdjustment
dec hl ; if the string is right-aligned, it needs to be moved back one space
bit 5, b
jr z, .skipCurrencySymbol
ld [hl], "¥" ; currency symbol
inc hl
ld [hl], "0"
call PrintLetterDelay
inc hl
and %00001111
and a
jr z, .zeroDigit
bit 7, b ; have any non-space characters been printed?
jr z, .outputDigit
; if bit 7 is set, then no numbers have been printed yet
bit 5, b ; print the currency symbol?
jr z, .skipCurrencySymbol
ld [hl], "¥"
inc hl
res 5, b
res 7, b ; unset 7 to indicate that a nonzero digit has been reached
add "0"
ld [hli], a
jp PrintLetterDelay
bit 7, b ; either printing leading zeroes or already reached a nonzero digit?
jr z, .outputDigit ; if so, print a zero digit
bit 6, b ; left or right alignment?
ret nz
ld a, " "
ld [hli], a ; if right-aligned, "print" a space by advancing the pointer