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synced 2025-01-23 09:16:20 -08:00
178 lines
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178 lines
5.1 KiB
"""Supplementary scripts for graphics conversion."""
import os
import argparse
from extras.pokemontools import gfx, lz
# Graphics with inverted tilemaps that aren't covered by filepath_rules.
pics = [
def recursive_read(filename):
def recurse(filename_):
lines = []
for line in open(filename_):
if 'include "' in line.lower():
lines += recurse(line.split('"')[1])
lines += [line]
return lines
lines = recurse(filename)
return ''.join(lines)
base_stats = None
def get_base_stats():
global base_stats
if not base_stats:
base_stats = recursive_read('data/base_stats.asm')
return base_stats
def get_pokemon_dimensions(name):
if name == 'egg':
return 5, 5
if name == 'questionmark':
return 7, 7
if name.startswith('unown_'):
name = 'unown'
base_stats = get_base_stats()
start = base_stats.find('\tdb ' + name.upper())
start = base_stats.find('\tdn ', start)
end = base_stats.find('\n', start)
line = base_stats[start:end].replace(',', ' ')
w, h = map(int, line.split()[1:3])
return w, h
return 7, 7
def filepath_rules(filepath):
"""Infer attributes of certain graphics by their location in the filesystem."""
args = {}
filedir, filename = os.path.split(filepath)
if filedir.startswith('./'):
filedir = filedir[2:]
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if ext == '.lz':
name, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
pokemon_name = ''
if 'gfx/pics/' in filedir:
pokemon_name = filedir.split('/')[-1]
if pokemon_name.startswith('unown_'):
index = filedir.find(pokemon_name)
if index != -1:
filedir = filedir[:index + len('unown')] + filedir[index + len('unown_a'):]
if name == 'front':
args['pal_file'] = os.path.join(filedir, 'normal.pal')
args['pic'] = True
args['animate'] = True
elif name == 'back':
args['pal_file'] = os.path.join(filedir, 'shiny.pal')
args['pic'] = True
elif 'gfx/trainers' in filedir:
args['pic'] = True
elif os.path.join(filedir, name) in pics:
args['pic'] = True
elif filedir == 'gfx/tilesets':
args['tileset'] = True
if args.get('pal_file'):
if os.path.exists(args['pal_file']):
args['palout'] = args['pal_file']
del args['pal_file']
if args.get('pic'):
if ext == '.png':
w, h = gfx.png.Reader(filepath).asRGBA8()[:2]
w = min(w/8, h/8)
args['pic_dimensions'] = w, w
elif ext == '.2bpp':
if pokemon_name and name == 'front':
w, h = get_pokemon_dimensions(pokemon_name)
args['pic_dimensions'] = w, w
elif pokemon_name and name == 'back':
args['pic_dimensions'] = 6, 6
args['pic_dimensions'] = 7, 7
if args.get('tileset'):
args['width'] = 128
return args
def to_1bpp(filename, **kwargs):
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if ext == '.1bpp': pass
elif ext == '.2bpp': gfx.export_2bpp_to_1bpp(filename, **kwargs)
elif ext == '.png': gfx.export_png_to_1bpp(filename, **kwargs)
elif ext == '.lz':
decompress(filename, **kwargs)
to_1bpp(name, **kwargs)
def to_2bpp(filename, **kwargs):
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if ext == '.1bpp': gfx.export_1bpp_to_2bpp(filename, **kwargs)
elif ext == '.2bpp': pass
elif ext == '.png': gfx.export_png_to_2bpp(filename, **kwargs)
elif ext == '.lz':
decompress(filename, **kwargs)
to_2bpp(name, **kwargs)
def to_png(filename, **kwargs):
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if ext == '.1bpp': gfx.export_1bpp_to_png(filename, **kwargs)
elif ext == '.2bpp': gfx.export_2bpp_to_png(filename, **kwargs)
elif ext == '.png': pass
elif ext == '.lz':
decompress(filename, **kwargs)
to_png(name, **kwargs)
def compress(filename, **kwargs):
data = open(filename, 'rb').read()
lz_data = lz.Compressed(data).output
open(filename + '.lz', 'wb').write(bytearray(lz_data))
def decompress(filename, **kwargs):
lz_data = open(filename, 'rb').read()
data = lz.Decompressed(lz_data).output
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
open(name, 'wb').write(bytearray(data))
methods = {
'2bpp': to_2bpp,
'1bpp': to_1bpp,
'png': to_png,
'lz': compress,
'unlz': decompress,
def main(method_name, filenames=None):
if filenames is None: filenames = []
for filename in filenames:
args = filepath_rules(filename)
method = methods.get(method_name)
if method:
method(filename, **args)
def get_args():
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument('filenames', nargs='*')
args = ap.parse_args()
return args
if __name__ == '__main__':