Remy Oukaour 31cce83e9b Move lots of data tables into individual data/ files
(This is not expected to be their final location, but it makes them easier to relocate when necessary, and easier for users to edit until the whole project's file structure is finalized.)
2017-12-11 14:23:18 -05:00

97 lines
2.0 KiB

GiveOddEgg: ; 1fb4b6
; Figure out which egg to give.
; Compare a random word to
; probabilities out of 0xffff.
call Random
ld hl, OddEggProbabilities
ld c, 0
ld b, c
ld a, [hli]
ld e, a
ld a, [hli]
ld d, a
; Break on $ffff.
ld a, d
cp $ffff / $100
jr nz, .not_done
ld a, e
cp $ffff % $100
jr z, .done
; Break when [hRandom] <= de.
ld a, [hRandom + 1]
cp d
jr c, .done
jr z, .ok
jr .next
ld a, [hRandom + 0]
cp e
jr c, .done
jr z, .done
inc bc
jr .loop
ld hl, OddEggs
ld a, OddEgg2 - OddEgg1
call AddNTimes
ld de, OddEggSpecies
call CopyBytes
ld [CurItem], a
ld a, 1
ld [wItemQuantityChangeBuffer], a
ld a, -1
ld [CurItemQuantity], a
ld hl, NumItems
call TossItem
; load species in wcd2a
ld a, EGG
ld [wMobileMonSpeciesBuffer], a
; load pointer to (wMobileMonSpeciesBuffer - 1) in wMobileMonSpeciesPointerBuffer
ld a, (wMobileMonSpeciesBuffer - 1) % $100
ld [wMobileMonSpeciesPointerBuffer], a
ld a, (wMobileMonSpeciesBuffer - 1) / $100
ld [wMobileMonSpeciesPointerBuffer + 1], a
; load pointer to OddEggSpecies in wMobileMonStructurePointerBuffer
ld a, OddEggSpecies % $100
ld [wMobileMonStructurePointerBuffer], a
ld a, OddEggSpecies / $100
ld [wMobileMonStructurePointerBuffer + 1], a
; load Odd Egg Name in wTempOddEggNickname
ld hl, .Odd
ld de, wTempOddEggNickname
call CopyBytes
; load pointer to wTempOddEggNickname in wMobileMonOTNamePointerBuffer
ld a, wTempOddEggNickname % $100
ld [wMobileMonOTNamePointerBuffer], a
ld a, wTempOddEggNickname / $100
ld [wMobileMonOTNamePointerBuffer + 1], a
; load pointer to wOddEggName in wMobileMonNicknamePointerBuffer
ld a, wOddEggName % $100
ld [wMobileMonNicknamePointerBuffer], a
ld a, wOddEggName / $100
ld [wMobileMonNicknamePointerBuffer + 1], a
callba AddMobileMonToParty
; 1fb546
db "ODD@@@@@@@@@"
INCLUDE "data/odd_eggs.asm"