Rangi eb1e3636bb Use labels instead of constants for HRAM
Use explicit ldh instruction to access HRAM locations, don't rely on optimizing ld
2018-08-25 14:28:22 -04:00

43 lines
549 B

homecall _PrinterReceive
; send out a handshake while serial int is off
ld a, [wPrinterConnectionOpen]
bit 0, a
ret z
; if we're still interpreting data, don't try to receive
ld a, [wPrinterOpcode]
and a
ret nz
; once every 6 frames
ld hl, wHandshakeFrameDelay
inc [hl]
ld a, [hl]
cp 6
ret c
xor a
ld [hl], a
ld a, 12
ld [wPrinterOpcode], a
; handshake
ld a, $88
ldh [rSB], a
; switch to internal clock
ld a, %00000001
ldh [rSC], a
; start transfer
ld a, %10000001
ldh [rSC], a