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synced 2025-01-23 09:16:20 -08:00
there are too many .tx files for the commands to be meaningful better to just look at the makefile to see what's going on
51 lines
1.9 KiB
51 lines
1.9 KiB
PYTHON := python
.SUFFIXES: .asm .tx .o .gbc .png .2bpp .lz
TEXTFILES := $(shell find ./ -type f -name '*.asm' | grep -v pokecrystal.asm | grep -v constants.asm | grep -v gbhw.asm | grep -v hram.asm | grep -v constants | grep -v wram.asm)
PNG_GFX := $(shell find gfx/ -type f -name '*.png')
LZ_GFX := $(shell find gfx/ -type f -name '*.lz')
TWOBPP_GFX := $(shell find gfx/ -type f -name '*.2bpp')
all: baserom.gbc pokecrystal.gbc
cmp baserom.gbc pokecrystal.gbc
rm -f pokecrystal.o pokecrystal.gbc
@echo 'Removing preprocessed .tx files...'
@rm -f $(TEXTFILES:.asm=.tx)
pokecrystal.o: $(TEXTFILES:.asm=.tx) wram.asm constants.asm $(shell find constants/ -type f -name '*.asm') hram.asm gbhw.asm $(LZ_GFX) $(TWOBPP_GFX)
@echo "Preprocessing .asm to .tx..."
@$(PYTHON) prequeue.py $(TEXTQUEUE)
rgbasm -o pokecrystal.o pokecrystal.asm
$(eval TEXTQUEUE := $(TEXTQUEUE) $<)
@rm -f $@
$(PYTHON) -c "import os; assert 'baserom.gbc' in os.listdir('.'), 'Wait! Need baserom.gbc first. Check README and INSTALL for details.';"
pokecrystal.gbc: pokecrystal.o
rgblink -n pokecrystal.sym -m pokecrystal.map -o $@ $<
rgbfix -Cjv -i BYTE -k 01 -l 0x33 -m 0x10 -p 0 -r 3 -t PM_CRYSTAL $@
$(PYTHON) extras/pokemontools/gfx.py mass-decompress
$(PYTHON) extras/pokemontools/gfx.py dump-pngs
lzs: $(LZ_GFX) $(TWOBPP_GFX)
gfx/pics/%/front.lz: gfx/pics/%/tiles.2bpp gfx/pics/%/front.png
$(PYTHON) extras/pokemontools/gfx.py png-to-lz --front $^
gfx/pics/%/tiles.2bpp: gfx/pics/%/tiles.png
$(PYTHON) extras/pokemontools/gfx.py png-to-2bpp $<
gfx/pics/%/back.lz: gfx/pics/%/back.png
$(PYTHON) extras/pokemontools/gfx.py png-to-lz --vert $<
gfx/trainers/%.lz: gfx/trainers/%.png
$(PYTHON) extras/pokemontools/gfx.py png-to-lz --vert $<
$(PYTHON) extras/pokemontools/gfx.py png-to-lz $<
$(PYTHON) extras/pokemontools/gfx.py png-to-lz $<