mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 09:16:20 -08:00
this fixes a lot of previous hacks first off, rgbds requires that labels from includes be marked as globals. instead, 3626ddeb stuffed includes into the parent file in the preprocessor. this meant one huge file got preprocessed every time, adding an additional ten seconds to compile time. running the preprocessor once for each file would create too much overhead, so a list is fed into prequeue.py, which then makes calls to preprocessor.py. this paves the way for compiling source files separately some day. next, compiling previously required `make clean` to be executed first. f3340de6 touched main.asm to force a fresh compile instead. this behavior has been reverted. now, `make all` will only attempt to recompile if a source file has changed. preprocessor.py has some marginal changes. prequeue.py is created to keep the original functionality of preprocessor.py intact. so many files are preprocessed on first compile (1951 as of this commit) that the prequeue call has been hidden. compile time is reduced to 15-30 seconds on first compile, and 5-10 seconds subsequently. the majority of this time is spent in rgbasm.
623 lines
14 KiB
623 lines
14 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from extras.crystal import (
even_more_macros = [
macros = command_classes
macros += even_more_macros
macros += [each[1] for each in text_command_classes]
macros += movement_command_classes
macros += music_classes
macros += effect_classes
# show lines before preprocessing in stdout
show_original_lines = False
# helpful for debugging macros
do_macro_sanity_check = False
chars = {
"ガ": 0x05,
"ギ": 0x06,
"グ": 0x07,
"ゲ": 0x08,
"ゴ": 0x09,
"ザ": 0x0A,
"ジ": 0x0B,
"ズ": 0x0C,
"ゼ": 0x0D,
"ゾ": 0x0E,
"ダ": 0x0F,
"ヂ": 0x10,
"ヅ": 0x11,
"デ": 0x12,
"ド": 0x13,
"バ": 0x19,
"ビ": 0x1A,
"ブ": 0x1B,
"ボ": 0x1C,
"が": 0x26,
"ぎ": 0x27,
"ぐ": 0x28,
"げ": 0x29,
"ご": 0x2A,
"ざ": 0x2B,
"じ": 0x2C,
"ず": 0x2D,
"ぜ": 0x2E,
"ぞ": 0x2F,
"だ": 0x30,
"ぢ": 0x31,
"づ": 0x32,
"で": 0x33,
"ど": 0x34,
"ば": 0x3A,
"び": 0x3B,
"ぶ": 0x3C,
"べ": 0x3D,
"ぼ": 0x3E,
"パ": 0x40,
"ピ": 0x41,
"プ": 0x42,
"ポ": 0x43,
"ぱ": 0x44,
"ぴ": 0x45,
"ぷ": 0x46,
"ぺ": 0x47,
"ぽ": 0x48,
"ア": 0x80,
"イ": 0x81,
"ウ": 0x82,
"エ": 0x83,
"ォ": 0x84,
"カ": 0x85,
"キ": 0x86,
"ク": 0x87,
"ケ": 0x88,
"コ": 0x89,
"サ": 0x8A,
"シ": 0x8B,
"ス": 0x8C,
"セ": 0x8D,
"ソ": 0x8E,
"タ": 0x8F,
"チ": 0x90,
"ツ": 0x91,
"テ": 0x92,
"ト": 0x93,
"ナ": 0x94,
"ニ": 0x95,
"ヌ": 0x96,
"ネ": 0x97,
"ノ": 0x98,
"ハ": 0x99,
"ヒ": 0x9A,
"フ": 0x9B,
"ホ": 0x9C,
"マ": 0x9D,
"ミ": 0x9E,
"ム": 0x9F,
"メ": 0xA0,
"モ": 0xA1,
"ヤ": 0xA2,
"ユ": 0xA3,
"ヨ": 0xA4,
"ラ": 0xA5,
"ル": 0xA6,
"レ": 0xA7,
"ロ": 0xA8,
"ワ": 0xA9,
"ヲ": 0xAA,
"ン": 0xAB,
"ッ": 0xAC,
"ャ": 0xAD,
"ュ": 0xAE,
"ョ": 0xAF,
"ィ": 0xB0,
"あ": 0xB1,
"い": 0xB2,
"う": 0xB3,
"え": 0xB4,
"お": 0xB5,
"か": 0xB6,
"き": 0xB7,
"く": 0xB8,
"け": 0xB9,
"こ": 0xBA,
"さ": 0xBB,
"し": 0xBC,
"す": 0xBD,
"せ": 0xBE,
"そ": 0xBF,
"た": 0xC0,
"ち": 0xC1,
"つ": 0xC2,
"て": 0xC3,
"と": 0xC4,
"な": 0xC5,
"に": 0xC6,
"ぬ": 0xC7,
"ね": 0xC8,
"の": 0xC9,
"は": 0xCA,
"ひ": 0xCB,
"ふ": 0xCC,
"へ": 0xCD,
"ほ": 0xCE,
"ま": 0xCF,
"み": 0xD0,
"む": 0xD1,
"め": 0xD2,
"も": 0xD3,
"や": 0xD4,
"ゆ": 0xD5,
"よ": 0xD6,
"ら": 0xD7,
"り": 0xD8,
"る": 0xD9,
"れ": 0xDA,
"ろ": 0xDB,
"わ": 0xDC,
"を": 0xDD,
"ん": 0xDE,
"っ": 0xDF,
"ゃ": 0xE0,
"ゅ": 0xE1,
"ょ": 0xE2,
"ー": 0xE3,
"@": 0x50,
"#": 0x54,
"…": 0x75,
"┌": 0x79,
"─": 0x7A,
"┐": 0x7B,
"│": 0x7C,
"└": 0x7D,
"┘": 0x7E,
"№": 0x74,
" ": 0x7F,
"A": 0x80,
"B": 0x81,
"C": 0x82,
"D": 0x83,
"E": 0x84,
"F": 0x85,
"G": 0x86,
"H": 0x87,
"I": 0x88,
"J": 0x89,
"K": 0x8A,
"L": 0x8B,
"M": 0x8C,
"N": 0x8D,
"O": 0x8E,
"P": 0x8F,
"Q": 0x90,
"R": 0x91,
"S": 0x92,
"T": 0x93,
"U": 0x94,
"V": 0x95,
"W": 0x96,
"X": 0x97,
"Y": 0x98,
"Z": 0x99,
"(": 0x9A,
")": 0x9B,
":": 0x9C,
";": 0x9D,
"[": 0x9E,
"]": 0x9F,
"a": 0xA0,
"b": 0xA1,
"c": 0xA2,
"d": 0xA3,
"e": 0xA4,
"f": 0xA5,
"g": 0xA6,
"h": 0xA7,
"i": 0xA8,
"j": 0xA9,
"k": 0xAA,
"l": 0xAB,
"m": 0xAC,
"n": 0xAD,
"o": 0xAE,
"p": 0xAF,
"q": 0xB0,
"r": 0xB1,
"s": 0xB2,
"t": 0xB3,
"u": 0xB4,
"v": 0xB5,
"w": 0xB6,
"x": 0xB7,
"y": 0xB8,
"z": 0xB9,
"Ä": 0xC0,
"Ö": 0xC1,
"Ü": 0xC2,
"ä": 0xC3,
"ö": 0xC4,
"ü": 0xC5,
"'d": 0xD0,
"'l": 0xD1,
"'m": 0xD2,
"'r": 0xD3,
"'s": 0xD4,
"'t": 0xD5,
"'v": 0xD6,
"'": 0xE0,
"-": 0xE3,
"?": 0xE6,
"!": 0xE7,
".": 0xE8,
"&": 0xE9,
"é": 0xEA,
"→": 0xEB,
"▶": 0xED,
"▼": 0xEE,
"♂": 0xEF,
"¥": 0xF0,
"×": 0xF1,
"/": 0xF3,
",": 0xF4,
"♀": 0xF5,
"0": 0xF6,
"1": 0xF7,
"2": 0xF8,
"3": 0xF9,
"4": 0xFA,
"5": 0xFB,
"6": 0xFC,
"7": 0xFD,
"8": 0xFE,
"9": 0xFF
def separate_comment(l):
Separates asm and comments on a single line.
in_quotes = False
for i in xrange(len(l)):
if not in_quotes:
if l[i] == ";":
if l[i] == "\"":
in_quotes = not in_quotes
return i
def quote_translator(asm):
Writes asm with quoted text translated into bytes.
# split by quotes
asms = asm.split('"')
# skip asm that actually does use ASCII in quotes
if "SECTION" in asms[0]\
or "INCBIN" in asms[0]\
or "INCLUDE" in asms[0]:
return asm
print_macro = False
if asms[0].strip() == 'print':
asms[0] = asms[0].replace('print','db 0,')
print_macro = True
output = ''
even = False
for token in asms:
if even:
characters = []
# token is a string to convert to byte values
while len(token):
# read a single UTF-8 codepoint
char = token[0]
if ord(char) < 0xc0:
token = token[1:]
# certain apostrophe-letter pairs are considered a single character
if char == "'" and token:
if token[0] in 'dlmrstv':
char += token[0]
token = token[1:]
elif ord(char) < 0xe0:
char = char + token[1:2]
token = token[2:]
elif ord(char) < 0xf0:
char = char + token[1:3]
token = token[3:]
elif ord(char) < 0xf8:
char = char + token[1:4]
token = token[4:]
elif ord(char) < 0xfc:
char = char + token[1:5]
token = token[5:]
char = char + token[1:6]
token = token[6:]
characters += [char]
if print_macro:
line = 0
while len(characters):
last_char = 1
if len(characters) > 18 and characters[-1] != '@':
for i, char in enumerate(characters):
last_char = i + 1
if ' ' not in characters[i+1:18]: break
output += ", ".join("${0:02X}".format(chars[char]) for char in characters[:last_char-1])
if characters[last_char-1] != " ":
output += ", ${0:02X}".format(characters[last_char-1])
if not line & 1:
line_ending = 0x4f
line_ending = 0x51
output += ", ${0:02X}".format(line_ending)
line += 1
output += ", ".join(["${0:02X}".format(chars[char]) for char in characters[:last_char]])
characters = characters[last_char:]
if len(characters): output += ", "
# end text
line_ending = 0x57
output += ", ${0:02X}".format(line_ending)
output += ", ".join(["${0:02X}".format(chars[char]) for char in characters])
output += token
even = not even
return output
def extract_token(asm):
return asm.split(" ")[0].strip()
def make_macro_table():
return dict(((macro.macro_name, macro) for macro in macros))
macro_table = make_macro_table()
def macro_test(asm):
Returns a matching macro, or None/False.
# macros are determined by the first symbol on the line
token = extract_token(asm)
# check against all names
if token in macro_table:
return (macro_table[token], token)
return (None, None)
def macro_translator(macro, token, line):
Converts a line with a macro into a rgbasm-compatible line.
assert macro.macro_name == token, "macro/token mismatch"
original_line = line
# remove trailing newline
if line[-1] == "\n":
line = line[:-1]
original_line += "\n"
# remove first tab
has_tab = False
if line[0] == "\t":
has_tab = True
line = line[1:]
# remove duplicate whitespace (also trailing)
line = " ".join(line.split())
params = []
# check if the line has params
if " " in line:
# split the line into separate parameters
params = line.replace(token, "").split(",")
# check if there are no params (redundant)
if len(params) == 1 and params[0] == "":
raise Exception, "macro has no params?"
# write out a comment showing the original line
if show_original_lines:
sys.stdout.write("; original_line: " + original_line)
# "db" is a macro because of TextEndingCommand
# rgbasm can handle "db" so no preprocessing is required
# (don't check its param count)
if macro.macro_name == "db" and macro in [TextEndingCommand, ItemFragment]:
# certain macros don't need an initial byte written
# do: all scripting macros
# don't: signpost, warp_def, person_event, xy_trigger
if not macro.override_byte_check:
sys.stdout.write("db ${0:02X}\n".format(macro.id))
# --- long-winded sanity check goes here ---
if do_macro_sanity_check:
# sanity check... this won't work because PointerLabelBeforeBank shows
# up as two params, so these two lengths will always be different.
#assert len(params) == len(macro.param_types), \
# "mismatched number of parameters on this line: " + \
# original_line
# v2 sanity check :) although it sorta sucks that this loop happens twice?
allowed_length = 0
for (index, param_type) in macro.param_types.items():
param_klass = param_type["class"]
if param_klass.byte_type == "db":
allowed_length += 1 # just one value
elif param_klass.byte_type == "dw":
if param_klass.size == 2:
allowed_length += 1 # just label
elif param_klass == MoneyByteParam:
allowed_length += 1
elif param_klass.size == 3:
allowed_length += 2 # bank and label
raise Exception, "dunno what to do with a macro param with a size > 3"
raise Exception, "dunno what to do with this non db/dw macro param: " + \
str(param_klass) + " in line: " + original_line
# sometimes the allowed length can vary
if hasattr(macro, "allowed_lengths"):
allowed_lengths = macro.allowed_lengths + [allowed_length]
allowed_lengths = [allowed_length]
assert len(params) in allowed_lengths, \
"mismatched number of parameters on this line: " + \
# --- end of ridiculously long sanity check ---
# used for storetext
correction = 0
output = ""
index = 0
while index < len(params):
param_type = macro.param_types[index - correction]
description = param_type["name"]
param_klass = param_type["class"]
byte_type = param_klass.byte_type # db or dw
size = param_klass.size
param = params[index].strip()
# param_klass.to_asm() won't work here because it doesn't
# include db/dw.
# some parameters are really multiple types of bytes
if (byte_type == "dw" and size != 2) or \
(byte_type == "db" and size != 1):
output += ("; " + description + "\n")
if size == 3 and issubclass(param_klass, PointerLabelBeforeBank):
# write the bank first
output += ("db " + param + "\n")
# write the pointer second
output += ("dw " + params[index+1].strip() + "\n")
index += 2
correction += 1
elif size == 3 and issubclass(param_klass, PointerLabelAfterBank):
# write the pointer first
output += ("dw " + param + "\n")
# write the bank second
output += ("db " + params[index+1].strip() + "\n")
index += 2
correction += 1
elif size == 3 and issubclass(param_klass, MoneyByteParam):
output += ("db " + MoneyByteParam.from_asm(param) + "\n")
index += 1
raise Exception, "dunno what to do with this macro " + \
"param (" + str(param_klass) + ") " + "on this line: " + \
# or just print out the byte
output += (byte_type + " " + param + " ; " + description + "\n")
index += 1
def read_line(l):
"""Preprocesses a given line of asm."""
# strip comments
asm, comment = l[:separate_comment(l)], l[separate_comment(l):]
# export all labels
if ':' in asm[:asm.find('"')]:
sys.stdout.write('GLOBAL ' + asm.split(':')[0] + '\n')
# expect preprocessed .asm files
if "INCLUDE" in asm:
asm = asm.replace('.asm','.tx')
# ascii string macro preserves the bytes as ascii (skip the translator)
elif len(asm) > 6 and "ascii " == asm[:6] or "\tascii " == asm[:7]:
asm = asm.replace("ascii", "db", 1)
# convert text to bytes when a quote appears (not in a comment)
elif "\"" in asm:
# check against other preprocessor features
macro, token = macro_test(asm)
if macro:
macro_translator(macro, token, asm)
def preprocess(lines=None):
"""Main entry point for the preprocessor."""
if not lines:
# read each line from stdin
lines = (sys.stdin.readlines())
elif not isinstance(lines, list):
# split up the input into individual lines
lines = lines.split("\n")
for l in lines:
# only run against stdin when not included as a module
if __name__ == "__main__":