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synced 2025-01-23 09:16:20 -08:00
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414 lines
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Serial:: ; 6ef
; The serial interrupt.
push af
push bc
push de
push hl
ld a, [hMobileReceive]
and a
jr nz, .mobile
ld a, [wPrinterConnectionOpen]
bit 0, a
jr nz, .printer
ld a, [hLinkPlayerNumber]
inc a ; is it equal to -1?
jr z, .init_player_number
ld a, [rSB]
ld [hSerialReceive], a
ld a, [hSerialSend]
ld [rSB], a
ld a, [hLinkPlayerNumber]
cp $2
jr z, .player2
ld a, 0 << rSC_ON
ld [rSC], a
ld a, 1 << rSC_ON
ld [rSC], a
jr .player2
call MobileReceive
jr .end
call PrinterReceive
jr .end
ld a, [rSB]
cp $1
jr z, .player1
cp $2
jr nz, .player2
ld [hSerialReceive], a
ld [hLinkPlayerNumber], a
cp $2
jr z, ._player2
xor a
ld [rSB], a
ld a, $3
ld [rDIV], a
ld a, [rDIV]
bit 7, a
jr nz, .wait_bit_7
ld a, 0 << rSC_ON
ld [rSC], a
ld a, 1 << rSC_ON
ld [rSC], a
jr .player2
xor a
ld [rSB], a
ld a, $1
ld [hFFCA], a
ld a, $fe
ld [hSerialSend], a
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
pop af
; 75f
Function75f:: ; 75f
ld a, $1
ld [hFFCC], a
ld a, [hl]
ld [hSerialSend], a
call Function78a
push bc
ld b, a
inc hl
ld a, $30
dec a
jr nz, .wait
ld a, [hFFCC]
and a
ld a, b
pop bc
jr z, .load
dec hl
cp $fd
jr nz, .loop
xor a
ld [hFFCC], a
jr .loop
ld [de], a
inc de
dec bc
ld a, b
or c
jr nz, .loop
; 78a
Function78a:: ; 78a
xor a
ld [hFFCA], a
ld a, [hLinkPlayerNumber]
cp $2
jr nz, .not_player_2
ld a, $1
ld [rSC], a
ld a, $81
ld [rSC], a
ld a, [hFFCA]
and a
jr nz, .reset_ffca
ld a, [hLinkPlayerNumber]
cp $1
jr nz, .not_player_1_or_wcf5b_zero
call Checkwcf5bNonzero
jr z, .not_player_1_or_wcf5b_zero
call .delay_15_cycles
push hl
ld hl, wcf5b + 1
inc [hl]
jr nz, .no_rollover_up
dec hl
inc [hl]
pop hl
call Checkwcf5bNonzero
jr nz, .loop2
jp SerialDisconnected
ld a, [rIE]
and $f
cp $8
jr nz, .loop2
ld a, [wcf5d]
dec a
ld [wcf5d], a
jr nz, .loop2
ld a, [wcf5d + 1]
dec a
ld [wcf5d + 1], a
jr nz, .loop2
ld a, [hLinkPlayerNumber]
cp $1
jr z, .reset_ffca
ld a, 255
dec a
jr nz, .delay_255_cycles
xor a
ld [hFFCA], a
ld a, [rIE]
and $f
sub $8
jr nz, .rIE_not_equal_8
ld [wcf5d], a
ld a, $50
ld [wcf5d + 1], a
ld a, [hSerialReceive]
cp $fe
ret nz
call Checkwcf5bNonzero
jr z, .wcf5b_zero
push hl
ld hl, wcf5b + 1
ld a, [hl]
dec a
ld [hld], a
inc a
jr nz, .no_rollover
dec [hl]
pop hl
call Checkwcf5bNonzero
jr z, SerialDisconnected
ld a, [rIE]
and $f
cp $8
ld a, $fe
ret z
ld a, [hl]
ld [hSerialSend], a
call DelayFrame
jp .loop
ld a, 15
dec a
jr nz, .delay_cycles
; 82b
Checkwcf5bNonzero:: ; 82b
push hl
ld hl, wcf5b
ld a, [hli]
or [hl]
pop hl
; 833
SerialDisconnected:: ; 833
dec a
ld [wcf5b], a
ld [wcf5b + 1], a
; 83b
Function83b:: ; 83b
ld hl, wPlayerLinkAction
ld de, wOtherPlayerLinkMode
ld c, $2
ld a, $1
ld [hFFCC], a
call DelayFrame
ld a, [hl]
ld [hSerialSend], a
call Function78a
ld b, a
inc hl
ld a, [hFFCC]
and a
ld a, $0
ld [hFFCC], a
jr nz, .asm_847
ld a, b
ld [de], a
inc de
dec c
jr nz, .asm_847
; 862
Function862:: ; 862
call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap
callab PlaceWaitingText
call Function87d
jp Call_LoadTempTileMapToTileMap
; 871
Function871:: ; 871
call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap
callab PlaceWaitingText
jp Function87d
; 87d
; One "giant" leap for machinekind
Function87d:: ; 87d
ld a, $ff
ld [wOtherPlayerLinkAction], a
call LinkTransfer
call DelayFrame
call Checkwcf5bNonzero
jr z, .check
push hl
ld hl, wcf5b + 1
dec [hl]
jr nz, .skip
dec hl
dec [hl]
jr nz, .skip
; We might be disconnected
pop hl
xor a
jp SerialDisconnected
pop hl
ld a, [wOtherPlayerLinkAction]
inc a
jr z, .loop
ld b, 10
call DelayFrame
call LinkTransfer
dec b
jr nz, .receive
ld b, 10
call DelayFrame
call LinkDataReceived
dec b
jr nz, .acknowledge
ld a, [wOtherPlayerLinkAction]
ld [wOtherPlayerLinkMode], a
; 8c1
LinkTransfer:: ; 8c1
push bc
ld a, [wLinkMode]
jr z, .got_high_nybble
jr c, .got_high_nybble
jr z, .got_high_nybble
call .Receive
ld a, [wPlayerLinkAction]
add b
ld [hSerialSend], a
ld a, [hLinkPlayerNumber]
cp $2
jr nz, .player_1
ld a, $1
ld [rSC], a
ld a, $81
ld [rSC], a
call .Receive
pop bc
; 8f3
.Receive: ; 8f3
ld a, [hSerialReceive]
ld [wOtherPlayerLinkMode], a
and $f0
cp b
ret nz
xor a
ld [hSerialReceive], a
ld a, [wOtherPlayerLinkMode]
and $f
ld [wOtherPlayerLinkAction], a
; 908
LinkDataReceived:: ; 908
; Let the other system know that the data has been received.
xor a
ld [hSerialSend], a
ld a, [hLinkPlayerNumber]
cp $2
ret nz
ld a, $1
ld [rSC], a
ld a, $81
ld [rSC], a
; 919
Function919:: ; 919
ld a, [wLinkMode]
and a
ret nz
ld a, $2
ld [rSB], a
xor a
ld [hSerialReceive], a
ld a, $0
ld [rSC], a
ld a, $80
ld [rSC], a
; 92e