const_value set 2 const CELADONGAMECORNERPRIZEROOM_GENTLEMAN const CELADONGAMECORNERPRIZEROOM_PHARMACIST CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoom_MapScriptHeader: .MapTriggers: db 0 .MapCallbacks: db 0 CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomGentlemanScript: jumptextfaceplayer CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomGentlemanText CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomPharmacistScript: jumptextfaceplayer CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomPharmacistText GoldenrodGameCornerTMVendor: faceplayer opentext writetext CeladonPrizeRoom_PrizeVendorIntroText waitbutton checkitem COIN_CASE iffalse CeladonPrizeRoom_NoCoinCase writetext CeladonPrizeRoom_AskWhichPrizeText CeladonPrizeRoom_tmcounterloop: special Special_DisplayCoinCaseBalance loadmenudata CeladonPrizeRoom_TMMenuDataHeader verticalmenu closewindow if_equal $1, .doubleteam if_equal $2, .psychic if_equal $3, .hyperbeam jump CeladonPrizeRoom_cancel .doubleteam: checkcoins 1500 if_equal $2, CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughcoins itemtotext TM_DOUBLE_TEAM, $0 scall CeladonPrizeRoom_askbuy iffalse CeladonPrizeRoom_cancel giveitem TM_DOUBLE_TEAM iffalse CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughroom takecoins 1500 jump CeladonPrizeRoom_purchased .psychic: checkcoins 3500 if_equal $2, CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughcoins itemtotext TM_PSYCHIC, $0 scall CeladonPrizeRoom_askbuy iffalse CeladonPrizeRoom_cancel giveitem TM_PSYCHIC iffalse CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughroom takecoins 3500 jump CeladonPrizeRoom_purchased .hyperbeam: checkcoins 7500 if_equal $2, CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughcoins itemtotext TM_HYPER_BEAM, $0 scall CeladonPrizeRoom_askbuy iffalse CeladonPrizeRoom_cancel giveitem TM_HYPER_BEAM iffalse CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughroom takecoins 7500 jump CeladonPrizeRoom_purchased CeladonPrizeRoom_askbuy: writetext CeladonPrizeRoom_ConfirmPurchaseText yesorno end CeladonPrizeRoom_purchased: waitsfx playsound SFX_TRANSACTION writetext CeladonPrizeRoom_HereYouGoText waitbutton jump CeladonPrizeRoom_tmcounterloop CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughcoins: writetext CeladonPrizeRoom_NotEnoughCoinsText waitbutton closetext end CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughroom: writetext CeladonPrizeRoom_NotEnoughRoomText waitbutton closetext end CeladonPrizeRoom_cancel: writetext CeladonPrizeRoom_ComeAgainText waitbutton closetext end CeladonPrizeRoom_NoCoinCase: writetext CeladonPrizeRoom_NoCoinCaseText waitbutton closetext end CeladonPrizeRoom_TMMenuDataHeader: db $40 ; flags db 02, 00 ; start coords db 11, 15 ; end coords dw .MenuData2 db 1 ; default option .MenuData2: db $80 ; flags db 4 ; items db "TM32 1500@" db "TM29 3500@" db "TM15 7500@" db "CANCEL@" GoldenrodGameCornerPokemonVendor: faceplayer opentext writetext CeladonPrizeRoom_PrizeVendorIntroText waitbutton checkitem COIN_CASE iffalse CeladonPrizeRoom_NoCoinCase .loop: writetext CeladonPrizeRoom_AskWhichPrizeText special Special_DisplayCoinCaseBalance loadmenudata .MenuDataHeader verticalmenu closewindow if_equal $1, .pikachu if_equal $2, .porygon if_equal $3, .larvitar jump CeladonPrizeRoom_cancel .pikachu: checkcoins 2222 if_equal $2, CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughcoins checkcode VAR_PARTYCOUNT if_equal $6, CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughroom pokenamemem PIKACHU, $0 scall CeladonPrizeRoom_askbuy iffalse CeladonPrizeRoom_cancel waitsfx playsound SFX_TRANSACTION writetext CeladonPrizeRoom_HereYouGoText waitbutton writebyte PIKACHU special Special_GameCornerPrizeMonCheckDex givepoke PIKACHU, 25 takecoins 2222 jump .loop .porygon: checkcoins 5555 if_equal $2, CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughcoins checkcode VAR_PARTYCOUNT if_equal $6, CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughroom pokenamemem PORYGON, $0 scall CeladonPrizeRoom_askbuy iffalse CeladonPrizeRoom_cancel waitsfx playsound SFX_TRANSACTION writetext CeladonPrizeRoom_HereYouGoText waitbutton writebyte PORYGON special Special_GameCornerPrizeMonCheckDex givepoke PORYGON, 15 takecoins 5555 jump .loop .larvitar: checkcoins 8888 if_equal $2, CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughcoins checkcode VAR_PARTYCOUNT if_equal $6, CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughroom pokenamemem LARVITAR, $0 scall CeladonPrizeRoom_askbuy iffalse CeladonPrizeRoom_cancel waitsfx playsound SFX_TRANSACTION writetext CeladonPrizeRoom_HereYouGoText waitbutton writebyte LARVITAR special Special_GameCornerPrizeMonCheckDex givepoke LARVITAR, 40 takecoins 8888 jump .loop .MenuDataHeader: db $40 ; flags db 02, 00 ; start coords db 11, 17 ; end coords dw .MenuData2 db 1 ; default option .MenuData2: db $80 ; flags db 4 ; items db "PIKACHU 2222@" db "PORYGON 5555@" db "LARVITAR 8888@" db "CANCEL@" CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomGentlemanText: text "I wanted PORYGON," line "but I was short by" cont "100 coins…" done CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomPharmacistText: text "Whew…" para "I've got to stay" line "calm and cool…" para "I can't lose my" line "cool, or I'll lose" cont "all my money…" done CeladonPrizeRoom_PrizeVendorIntroText: text "Welcome!" para "We exchange your" line "coins for fabulous" cont "prizes!" done CeladonPrizeRoom_AskWhichPrizeText: text "Which prize would" line "you like?" done CeladonPrizeRoom_ConfirmPurchaseText: text "OK, so you wanted" line "a @" text_from_ram StringBuffer3 text "?" done CeladonPrizeRoom_HereYouGoText: text "Here you go!" done CeladonPrizeRoom_NotEnoughCoinsText: text "You don't have" line "enough coins." done CeladonPrizeRoom_NotEnoughRoomText: text "You have no room" line "for it." done CeladonPrizeRoom_ComeAgainText: text "Oh. Please come" line "back with coins!" done CeladonPrizeRoom_NoCoinCaseText: text "Oh? You don't have" line "a COIN CASE." done CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoom_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 2 warp_def $5, $2, 7, CELADON_CITY warp_def $5, $3, 7, CELADON_CITY .XYTriggers: db 0 .Signposts: db 2 signpost 1, 2, SIGNPOST_READ, GoldenrodGameCornerTMVendor signpost 1, 4, SIGNPOST_READ, GoldenrodGameCornerPokemonVendor .PersonEvents: db 2 person_event SPRITE_GENTLEMAN, 2, 0, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, (1 << 3) | PAL_OW_RED, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomGentlemanScript, -1 person_event SPRITE_PHARMACIST, 4, 4, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WALK_UP_DOWN, 1, 0, -1, -1, (1 << 3) | PAL_OW_GREEN, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomPharmacistScript, -1