PrintMonTypes: ; 5090d
; Print one or both types of [CurSpecies]
; on the stats screen at hl.

	push hl
	call GetBaseData
	pop hl

	push hl
	ld a, [BaseType1]
	call .Print

	; Single-typed monsters really
	; have two of the same type.
	ld a, [BaseType1]
	ld b, a
	ld a, [BaseType2]
	cp b
	pop hl
	jr z, .hide_type_2

	add hl, bc

	ld b, a
	jr PrintType

	; Erase any type name that was here before.
	; Seems to be pointless in localized versions.
	ld a, " "
	ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH - 3
	add hl, bc
	ld [hl], a
	inc bc
	add hl, bc
	ld bc, 5
	jp ByteFill
; 5093a

PrintMoveType: ; 5093a
; Print the type of move b at hl.

	push hl
	ld a, b
	dec a
	ld hl, Moves
	call AddNTimes
	ld de, StringBuffer1
	ld a, BANK(Moves)
	call FarCopyBytes
	ld a, [StringBuffer1 + MOVE_TYPE]
	pop hl

	ld b, a

PrintType: ; 50953
; Print type b at hl.

	ld a, b

	push hl
	add a
	ld hl, TypeNames
	ld e, a
	ld d, 0
	add hl, de
	ld a, [hli]
	ld e, a
	ld d, [hl]
	pop hl

	jp PlaceString
; 50964

GetTypeName: ; 50964
; Copy the name of type [wd265] to StringBuffer1.

	ld a, [wd265]
	ld hl, TypeNames
	ld e, a
	ld d, 0
	add hl, de
	add hl, de
	ld a, [hli]
	ld h, [hl]
	ld l, a
	ld de, StringBuffer1
	ld bc, 13
	jp CopyBytes
; 5097b

TypeNames: ; 5097b
	dw Normal
	dw Fighting
	dw Flying
	dw Poison
	dw Ground
	dw Rock
	dw Bird
	dw Bug
	dw Ghost
	dw Steel
	dw Normal
	dw Normal
	dw Normal
	dw Normal
	dw Normal
	dw Normal
	dw Normal
	dw Normal
	dw Normal
	dw CurseType
	dw Fire
	dw Water
	dw Grass
	dw Electric
	dw Psychic
	dw Ice
	dw Dragon
	dw Dark

Normal:    db "NORMAL@"
Fighting:  db "FIGHTING@"
Flying:    db "FLYING@"
Poison:    db "POISON@"
CurseType: db "???@"
Fire:      db "FIRE@"
Water:     db "WATER@"
Grass:     db "GRASS@"
Electric:  db "ELECTRIC@"
Psychic:   db "PSYCHIC@"
Ice:       db "ICE@"
Ground:    db "GROUND@"
Rock:      db "ROCK@"
Bird:      db "BIRD@"
Bug:       db "BUG@"
Ghost:     db "GHOST@"
Steel:     db "STEEL@"
Dragon:    db "DRAGON@"
Dark:      db "DARK@"

; 50a28