VioletNicknameSpeechHouse_MapScriptHeader: .MapTriggers: db 0 .MapCallbacks: db 0 TeacherScript_0x693e9: jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x693fa LassScript_0x693ec: jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x6945e BirdScript_0x693ef: faceplayer loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x6947c cry PIDGEY closetext loadmovesprites end UnknownText_0x693fa: text "She uses the names" line "of her favorite" cont "things to eat." para "For the nicknames" line "she gives to her" cont "#MON, I mean." done UnknownText_0x6945e: text "I call my PIDGEY" line "STRAWBERRY!" done UnknownText_0x6947c: text "STRAWBERRY: Pijji!" done VioletNicknameSpeechHouse_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 2 warp_def $7, $3, 4, GROUP_VIOLET_CITY, MAP_VIOLET_CITY warp_def $7, $4, 4, GROUP_VIOLET_CITY, MAP_VIOLET_CITY .XYTriggers: db 0 .Signposts: db 0 .PersonEvents: db 3 person_event SPRITE_TEACHER, 7, 6, OW_LEFT | $1, $0, -1, -1, $0, 0, TeacherScript_0x693e9, -1 person_event SPRITE_LASS, 8, 10, OW_UP | $3, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_GREEN << 4) | $80, 0, LassScript_0x693ec, -1 person_event SPRITE_BIRD, 6, 9, OW_UP | $1, $1, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_BROWN << 4) | $80, 0, BirdScript_0x693ef, -1