ClearedLevelScreen: xor a ldh [hMapAnims], a ldh [hLCDStatIntRequired], a ldh [hSCY], a ld a, -$4 ldh [hSCX], a call DisableLCD call ClearTilemap call ClearBGMap0or2 call LoadFrame call LoadStandardFont call ClearMenuAndWindowData ld b, CGB_DIPLOMA call GetCGBLayout call SetDefaultBGPAndOBP call EnableLCD ld hl, .LevelCleared1Text bccoord 3, 1 call PrintTextboxTextAt ld hl, .LevelCleared2Text bccoord 3, 3 call PrintTextboxTextAt .loop call DelayFrame call GetJoypad ldh a, [hJoyPressed] bit A_BUTTON_F, a jr nz, .exit bit B_BUTTON_F, a jr z, .loop .exit call AddLevelCoinsToBalance call ClearLevel jp UnlockLevels .LevelCleared1Text: text " L E V E L" done .LevelCleared2Text: text "C L E A R E D" done AddLevelCoinsToBalance: ; givecoins YOUR_COINS, COINS_FROM_RAM | wCurLevelCoins ld de, wCoins ; YOUR_COINS ld hl, wCurLevelCoins ld bc, hCoinsTemp push bc ld a, [hli] ld [bc], a inc bc ld a, [hli] ld [bc], a inc bc ld a, [hl] ld [bc], a pop bc farcall GiveCoins ret ClearLevel: ld a, [wCurSpaceEffect] ; End Space effect byte contains STAGE_*_F call GetClearedLevelsStageAddress ld b, SET_FLAG ld d, 0 ld a, [wCurLevel] ld e, a call FlagAction ret UnlockLevels: call ComputeLevelsToUnlock jp SaveUnlockedLevels ComputeLevelsToUnlock: ld hl, LevelUnlockRequirements ld de, wUnlockedLevels - 1 ld b, 0 .next_byte ld c, 8 inc de ld a, [de] .next_bit srl a push af call nc, .CheckUnlockLevel ; skip if level is already unlocked inc b ld a, b cp NUM_LEVELS jr z, .done ; done if went through all existing levels ld a, [wLastUnlockedLevelsCount] cp MAX_UNLOCK_LEVELS_AT_ONCE jr nc, .done ; done if reached the capacity of wLastUnlockedLevels ; advance hl to next level in LevelUnlockRequirements .loop ld a, [hli] inc a ; cp $ff jr nz, .loop pop af dec c jr z, .next_byte jr .next_bit .done pop af ret ; check if the LevelUnlockRequirements[b] at hl for unlocking level b are met. ; return hl pointing to up to the $ff byte of this LevelUnlockRequirements entry. .CheckUnlockLevel: push de push bc ld a, [hl] cp $ff jr z, .reqs_met ; jump if no specific reqs to unlock this level inc hl cp UNLOCK_WHEN_LEVELS_CLEARED jr z, .check_levels_cleared_loop cp UNLOCK_WHEN_NUMBER_OF_LEVELS_CLEARED jr z, .check_number_of_levels_cleared cp UNLOCK_WHEN_TECHNIQUES_CLEARED jr .check_techniques_cleared .check_levels_cleared_loop ld a, [hli] ; which level ld e, a inc a ; cp $ff jr z, .reqs_met ; jump when no more required levels and all passed so far ld a, [hli] ; which stage push hl call GetClearedLevelsStageAddress ld b, CHECK_FLAG ld d, 0 call FlagAction pop hl jr z, .reqs_not_met ; if this level is not cleared, requirements aren't met jr .check_levels_cleared_loop ; otherwise check next level in list .check_number_of_levels_cleared push hl ld hl, wClearedLevelsStage1 ld b, ((NUM_LEVELS + 7) / 8) * 4 call CountSetBits pop hl ld a, [hli] cp c jr c, .reqs_met jr z, .reqs_met jr .reqs_not_met .check_techniques_cleared ld bc, 0 .check_techniques_cleared_loop ld a, [hli] ld e, a push hl ld hl, wUnlockedTechniques add hl, bc and [hl] cp e pop hl jr nz, .reqs_not_met inc c ld a, c cp (NUM_TECHNIQUES + 7) / 8 jr nc, .reqs_met jr .check_techniques_cleared_loop .reqs_met ; add level to wLastUnlockedLevels pop bc ; b = which level push hl ld a, [wLastUnlockedLevelsCount] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, wLastUnlockedLevels add hl, de ld [hl], b inc hl ld [hl], $ff inc a ld [wLastUnlockedLevelsCount], a pop hl pop de ret .reqs_not_met pop bc pop de ret SaveUnlockedLevels: ld hl, wLastUnlockedLevels .loop ld a, [hli] ld e, a inc a ; cp $ff ret z push hl ld b, SET_FLAG call UnlockedLevelsFlagAction pop hl jr .loop INCLUDE "data/levels/levels.asm"