SECTION "bank0",HOME SECTION "rst0",HOME[$0] di jp Start SECTION "rst8",HOME[$8] ; FarCall jp FarJpHl SECTION "rst10",HOME[$10] ; Bankswitch ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a ret SECTION "rst18",HOME[$18] ; Unused rst $38 SECTION "rst20",HOME[$20] ; Unused rst $38 SECTION "rst28",HOME[$28] ; JumpTable push de ld e, a ld d, 00 add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a pop de jp [hl] ; (actually jp hl) ; rst30 is midst rst28 SECTION "rst38",HOME[$38] ; Unused rst $38 SECTION "vblank",HOME[$40] ; vblank interrupt jp VBlank SECTION "lcd",HOME[$48] ; lcd interrupt jp $0552 SECTION "timer",HOME[$50] ; timer interrupt jp $3e93 SECTION "serial",HOME[$58] ; serial interrupt jp $06ef SECTION "joypad",HOME[$60] ; joypad interrupt jp JoypadInt SECTION "romheader",HOME[$100] Start: nop jp $016e SECTION "start",HOME[$150] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $150, $283 - $150 VBlank: ; 283 INCLUDE "vblank.asm" DelayFrame: ; 45a ; Wait for one frame ld a, 1 ld [VBlankOccurred], a ; Wait for the next VBlank, halting to conserve battery .halt halt ; rgbasm adds a nop after this instruction by default ld a, [VBlankOccurred] and a jr nz, .halt ret ; 468 DelayFrames: ; 468 ; Wait c frames call DelayFrame dec c jr nz, DelayFrames ret ; 46f RTC: ; 46f ; update time and time-sensitive palettes ; rtc enabled? ld a, [$c2ce] cp 0 ret z call UpdateTime ; obj update on? ld a, [VramState] bit 0, a ; obj update ret z ; update palettes callab TimeOfDayPals ret ; 485 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $485, $52f - $485 IncGradGBPalTable_01: ; 52f db %11111111 ; bgp db %11111111 ; obp1 db %11111111 ; obp2 ; and so on... db %11111110 db %11111110 db %11111000 db %11111001 db %11100100 db %11100100 db %11100100 db %11010000 db %11100000 db %11100100 db %11010000 db %11100000 db %10010000 db %10000000 db %10010000 db %01000000 db %01000000 db %01000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 ; 547 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $547, $568 - $547 DisableLCD: ; 568 ; Turn the LCD off ; Most of this is just going through the motions ; don't need to do anything if lcd is already off ld a, [rLCDC] bit 7, a ; lcd enable ret z ; reset ints xor a ld [rIF], a ; save enabled ints ld a, [rIE] ld b, a ; disable vblank res 0, a ; vblank ld [rIE], a .wait ; wait until vblank ld a, [rLY] cp 145 ; >144 (ensure beginning of vblank) jr nz, .wait ; turn lcd off ld a, [rLCDC] and %01111111 ; lcd enable off ld [rLCDC], a ; reset ints xor a ld [rIF], a ; restore enabled ints ld a, b ld [rIE], a ret ; 58a EnableLCD: ; 58a ld a, [rLCDC] set 7, a ; lcd enable ld [rLCDC], a ret ; 591 AskTimer: ; 591 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $591, $59c - $591 ; 59c LatchClock: ; 59c ; latch clock counter data ld a, 0 ld [MBC3LatchClock], a ld a, 1 ld [MBC3LatchClock], a ret ; 5a7 UpdateTime: ; 5a7 ; get rtc data call GetClock ; condense days to one byte, update rtc w/ new day count call FixDays ; add game time to rtc time call FixTime ; update time of day (0 = morn, 1 = day, 2 = nite) callba GetTimeOfDay ret ; 5b7 GetClock: ; 5b7 ; store clock data in hRTCDayHi-hRTCSeconds ; enable clock r/w ld a, SRAM_ENABLE ld [MBC3SRamEnable], a ; get clock data ; stored 'backwards' in hram call LatchClock ld hl, MBC3SRamBank ld de, MBC3RTC ; seconds ld [hl], RTC_S ld a, [de] and $3f ld [hRTCSeconds], a ; minutes ld [hl], RTC_M ld a, [de] and $3f ld [hRTCMinutes], a ; hours ld [hl], RTC_H ld a, [de] and $1f ld [hRTCHours], a ; day lo ld [hl], RTC_DL ld a, [de] ld [hRTCDayLo], a ; day hi ld [hl], RTC_DH ld a, [de] ld [hRTCDayHi], a ; cleanup call CloseSRAM ; unlatch clock, disable clock r/w ret ; 5e8 FixDays: ; 5e8 ; fix day count ; mod by 140 ; check if day count > 255 (bit 8 set) ld a, [hRTCDayHi] ; DH bit 0, a jr z, .daylo ; reset dh (bit 8) res 0, a ld [hRTCDayHi], a ; DH ; mod 140 ; mod twice since bit 8 (DH) was set ld a, [hRTCDayLo] ; DL .modh sub 140 jr nc, .modh .modl sub 140 jr nc, .modl add 140 ; update dl ld [hRTCDayLo], a ; DL ; unknown output ld a, $40 ; %1000000 jr .set .daylo ; quit if fewer than 140 days have passed ld a, [hRTCDayLo] ; DL cp 140 jr c, .quit ; mod 140 .mod sub 140 jr nc, .mod add 140 ; update dl ld [hRTCDayLo], a ; DL ; unknown output ld a, $20 ; %100000 .set ; update clock with modded day value push af call SetClock pop af scf ret .quit xor a ret ; 61d FixTime: ; 61d ; add ingame time (set at newgame) to current time ; day hr min sec ; store time in CurDay, hHours, hMinutes, hSeconds ; second ld a, [hRTCSeconds] ; S ld c, a ld a, [StartSecond] add c sub 60 jr nc, .updatesec add 60 .updatesec ld [hSeconds], a ; minute ccf ; carry is set, so turn it off ld a, [hRTCMinutes] ; M ld c, a ld a, [StartMinute] adc c sub 60 jr nc, .updatemin add 60 .updatemin ld [hMinutes], a ; hour ccf ; carry is set, so turn it off ld a, [hRTCHours] ; H ld c, a ld a, [StartHour] adc c sub 24 jr nc, .updatehr add 24 .updatehr ld [hHours], a ; day ccf ; carry is set, so turn it off ld a, [hRTCDayLo] ; DL ld c, a ld a, [StartDay] adc c ld [CurDay], a ret ; 658 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $658, $691 - $658 SetClock: ; 691 ; set clock data from hram ; enable clock r/w ld a, SRAM_ENABLE ld [MBC3SRamEnable], a ; set clock data ; stored 'backwards' in hram call LatchClock ld hl, MBC3SRamBank ld de, MBC3RTC ; seems to be a halt check that got partially commented out ; this block is totally pointless ld [hl], RTC_DH ld a, [de] bit 6, a ; halt ld [de], a ; seconds ld [hl], RTC_S ld a, [hRTCSeconds] ld [de], a ; minutes ld [hl], RTC_M ld a, [hRTCMinutes] ld [de], a ; hours ld [hl], RTC_H ld a, [hRTCHours] ld [de], a ; day lo ld [hl], RTC_DL ld a, [hRTCDayLo] ld [de], a ; day hi ld [hl], RTC_DH ld a, [hRTCDayHi] res 6, a ; make sure timer is active ld [de], a ; cleanup call CloseSRAM ; unlatch clock, disable clock r/w ret ; 6c4 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $6c4, $92e - $6c4 INCLUDE "joypad.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $a1b, $b40 - $a1b FarDecompress: ; b40 ; Decompress graphics data at a:hl to de ; put a away for a sec ld [$c2c4], a ; save bank ld a, [hROMBank] push af ; bankswitch ld a, [$c2c4] rst Bankswitch ; what we came here for call Decompress ; restore bank pop af rst Bankswitch ret ; b50 Decompress: ; b50 ; Pokemon Crystal uses an lz variant for compression. ; This is mainly used for graphics, but the intro's ; tilemaps also use this compression. ; This function decompresses lz-compressed data at hl to de. ; Basic rundown: ; A typical control command consists of: ; -the command (bits 5-7) ; -the count (bits 0-4) ; -and any additional params ; $ff is used as a terminator. ; Commands: ; 0: literal ; literal data for some number of bytes ; 1: iterate ; one byte repeated for some number of bytes ; 2: alternate ; two bytes alternated for some number of bytes ; 3: zero (whitespace) ; 0x00 repeated for some number of bytes ; Repeater control commands have a signed parameter used to determine the start point. ; Wraparound is simulated: ; Positive values are added to the start address of the decompressed data ; and negative values are subtracted from the current position. ; 4: repeat ; repeat some number of bytes from decompressed data ; 5: flipped ; repeat some number of flipped bytes from decompressed data ; ex: $ad = %10101101 -> %10110101 = $b5 ; 6: reverse ; repeat some number of bytes in reverse from decompressed data ; If the value in the count needs to be larger than 5 bits, ; control code 7 can be used to expand the count to 10 bits. ; A new control command is read in bits 2-4. ; The new 10-bit count is split: ; bits 0-1 contain the top 2 bits ; another byte is added containing the latter 8 ; So, the structure of the control command becomes: ; 111xxxyy yyyyyyyy ; | | | | ; | | our new count ; | the control command for this count ; 7 (this command) ; For more information, refer to the code below and in extras/ . ; save starting output address ld a, e ld [$c2c2], a ld a, d ld [$c2c3], a .loop ; get next byte ld a, [hl] ; done? cp $ff ; end ret z ; get control code and %11100000 ; 10-bit param? cp $e0 ; LZ_HI jr nz, .normal ; 10-bit param: ; get next 3 bits (%00011100) ld a, [hl] add a add a ; << 3 add a ; this is our new control code and %11100000 push af ; get param hi ld a, [hli] and %00000011 ld b, a ; get param lo ld a, [hli] ld c, a ; read at least 1 byte inc bc jr .readers .normal ; push control code push af ; get param ld a, [hli] and %00011111 ld c, a ld b, $0 ; read at least 1 byte inc c .readers ; let's get started ; inc loop counts since we bail as soon as they hit 0 inc b inc c ; get control code pop af ; command type bit 7, a ; 80, a0, c0 jr nz, .repeatertype ; literals cp $20 ; LZ_ITER jr z, .iter cp $40 ; LZ_ALT jr z, .alt cp $60 ; LZ_ZERO jr z, .zero ; else $00 ; 00 ; LZ_LIT ; literal data for bc bytes .loop1 ; done? dec c jr nz, .next1 dec b jp z, .loop .next1 ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de jr .loop1 ; 20 ; LZ_ITER ; write byte for bc bytes .iter ld a, [hli] .iterloop dec c jr nz, .iternext dec b jp z, .loop .iternext ld [de], a inc de jr .iterloop ; 40 ; LZ_ALT ; alternate two bytes for bc bytes ; next pair .alt ; done? dec c jr nz, .alt0 dec b jp z, .altclose0 ; alternate for bc .alt0 ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec c jr nz, .alt1 ; done? dec b jp z, .altclose1 .alt1 ld a, [hld] ld [de], a inc de jr .alt ; skip past the bytes we were alternating .altclose0 inc hl .altclose1 inc hl jr .loop ; 60 ; LZ_ZERO ; write 00 for bc bytes .zero xor a .zeroloop dec c jr nz, .zeronext dec b jp z, .loop .zeronext ld [de], a inc de jr .zeroloop ; repeats ; 80, a0, c0 ; repeat decompressed data from output .repeatertype push hl push af ; get next byte ld a, [hli] ; absolute? bit 7, a jr z, .absolute ; relative ; a = -a and %01111111 ; forget the bit we just looked at cpl ; add de (current output address) add e ld l, a ld a, $ff ; -1 adc d ld h, a jr .repeaters .absolute ; get next byte (lo) ld l, [hl] ; last byte (hi) ld h, a ; add starting output address ld a, [$c2c2] add l ld l, a ld a, [$c2c3] adc h ld h, a .repeaters pop af cp $80 ; LZ_REPEAT jr z, .repeat cp $a0 ; LZ_FLIP jr z, .flip cp $c0 ; LZ_REVERSE jr z, .reverse ; e0 -> 80 ; 80 ; LZ_REPEAT ; repeat some decompressed data .repeat ; done? dec c jr nz, .repeatnext dec b jr z, .cleanup .repeatnext ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de jr .repeat ; a0 ; LZ_FLIP ; repeat some decompressed data w/ flipped bit order .flip dec c jr nz, .flipnext dec b jp z, .cleanup .flipnext ld a, [hli] push bc ld bc, $0008 .fliploop rra rl b dec c jr nz, .fliploop ld a, b pop bc ld [de], a inc de jr .flip ; c0 ; LZ_REVERSE ; repeat some decompressed data in reverse .reverse dec c jr nz, .reversenext dec b jp z, .cleanup .reversenext ld a, [hld] ld [de], a inc de jr .reverse .cleanup ; get type of repeat we just used pop hl ; was it relative or absolute? bit 7, [hl] jr nz, .next ; skip two bytes for absolute inc hl ; skip one byte for relative .next inc hl jp .loop ; c2f UpdatePalsIfCGB: ; c2f ; update bgp data from BGPals ; update obp data from OBPals ; return carry if successful ; check cgb ld a, [hCGB] and a ret z UpdateCGBPals: ; c33 ; return carry if successful ; any pals to update? ld a, [hCGBPalUpdate] and a ret z ForceUpdateCGBPals: ; c37 ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, 5 ; BANK(BGPals) ld [rSVBK], a ld hl, BGPals ; 5:d080 ; copy 8 pals to bgpd ld a, %10000000 ; auto increment, index 0 ld [rBGPI], a ld c, rBGPD % $100 ld b, 4 ; NUM_PALS / 2 .bgp rept $10 ld a, [hli] ld [$ff00+c], a endr dec b jr nz, .bgp ; hl is now 5:d0c0 OBPals ; copy 8 pals to obpd ld a, %10000000 ; auto increment, index 0 ld [rOBPI], a ld c, rOBPD - rJOYP ld b, 4 ; NUM_PALS / 2 .obp rept $10 ld a, [hli] ld [$ff00+c], a endr dec b jr nz, .obp pop af ld [rSVBK], a ; clear pal update queue xor a ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a scf ret ; c9f DmgToCgbBGPals: ; c9f ; exists to forego reinserting cgb-converted image data ; input: a -> bgp ld [rBGP], a push af ld a, [hCGB] and a jr z, .end push hl push de push bc ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, 5 ld [rSVBK], a ; copy & reorder bg pal buffer ld hl, BGPals ; to ld de, Unkn1Pals ; from ; order ld a, [rBGP] ld b, a ; all pals ld c, 8 call CopyPals ; request pal update ld a, 1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a pop af ld [rSVBK], a pop bc pop de pop hl .end pop af ret ; ccb DmgToCgbObjPals: ; ccb ; exists to forego reinserting cgb-converted image data ; input: d -> obp1 ; e -> obp2 ld a, e ld [rOBP0], a ld a, d ld [rOBP1], a ld a, [hCGB] and a ret z push hl push de push bc ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, 5 ld [rSVBK], a ; copy & reorder obj pal buffer ld hl, OBPals ; to ld de, Unkn2Pals ; from ; order ld a, [rOBP0] ld b, a ; all pals ld c, 8 call CopyPals ; request pal update ld a, 1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a pop af ld [rSVBK], a pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; cf8 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $cf8, $d50 - $cf8 CopyPals: ; d50 ; copy c palettes in order b from de to hl push bc ld c, 4 ; NUM_PAL_COLORS .loop push de push hl ; get pal color ld a, b and %11 ; color ; 2 bytes per color add a ld l, a ld h, $0 add hl, de ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] ; dest pop hl ; write color ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d inc hl ; next pal color srl b srl b ; source pop de ; done pal? dec c jr nz, .loop ; de += 8 (next pal) ld a, 8 ; NUM_PAL_COLORS * 2 ; bytes per pal add e jr nc, .ok inc d .ok ld e, a ; how many more pals? pop bc dec c jr nz, CopyPals ret ; d79 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $d79, $e8d - $d79 FarCopyBytes: ; e8d ; copy bc bytes from a:hl to de ld [hBuffer], a ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, [hBuffer] rst Bankswitch call CopyBytes pop af rst Bankswitch ret ; 0xe9b FarCopyBytesDouble: ; e9b ; Copy bc bytes from a:hl to bc*2 bytes at de, ; doubling each byte in the process. ld [hBuffer], a ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, [hBuffer] rst Bankswitch ; switcheroo, de <> hl ld a, h ld h, d ld d, a ld a, l ld l, e ld e, a inc b inc c jr .dec .loop ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a ld [hli], a .dec dec c jr nz, .loop dec b jr nz, .loop pop af rst Bankswitch ret ; 0xeba INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eba, $fb6 - $eba ClearBox: ; fb6 ; Fill a c*b box at hl with blank tiles. ld a, " " .y push bc push hl .x ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .x pop hl ld bc, 20 ; screen width add hl, bc pop bc dec b jr nz, .y ret ; fc8 ClearTileMap: ; fc8 ; Fill TileMap with blank tiles. ld hl, TileMap ld a, " " ld bc, 360 ; screen dimensions 20*18 call ByteFill ; We aren't done if the LCD is on. ld a, [rLCDC] bit 7, a ret z jp WaitBGMap ; fdb INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fdb, $fe8 - $fdb TextBox: ; fe8 ; draw a text box of given location/size ; ? hl ; size bc ; ? de ; draw border push bc push hl call TextBoxBorder pop hl pop bc ; fill textbox area with palette 7 jr TextBoxPalette ; ff1 TextBoxBorder: ; ff1 ; draw a text box ; upper-left corner at coordinates hl ; height b ; width c ; first row push hl ld a, "┌" ld [hli], a inc a ; horizontal border ─ call NPlaceChar inc a ; upper-right border ┐ ld [hl], a ; middle rows pop hl ld de, 20 add hl, de ; skip the top row .PlaceRow\@ push hl ld a, "│" ld [hli], a ld a, " " call NPlaceChar ld [hl], "│" pop hl ld de, 20 add hl, de ; move to next row dec b jr nz, .PlaceRow\@ ; bottom row ld a, "└" ld [hli], a ld a, "─" call NPlaceChar ld [hl], "┘" ret ; 101e NPlaceChar: ; 101e ; place a row of width c of identical characters ld d,c .loop\@ ld [hli],a dec d jr nz,.loop\@ ret ; 1024 TextBoxPalette: ; 1024 ; fill textbox area with pal 07 ; hl: tile address ; b: height ; c: width ld de, AttrMap - TileMap add hl, de inc b inc b inc c inc c ld a, $07 ; palette .gotoy push bc push hl .gotox ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .gotox pop hl ld de, $0014 ; screen width in tiles (20) add hl, de pop bc dec b jr nz, .gotoy ret ; 103e SpeechTextBox: ; 103e ; Standard textbox. ld hl, $c590 ; tile 0, 12 ld b, $4 ; height ld c, $12 ; width ; SCREEN_WIDTH - 2 (border) jp TextBox ; 1048 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1048, $1057 - $1048 PrintText: ; 0x1057 call $106c push hl ld hl, $c5b9 ld bc, $0312 call ClearBox pop hl PrintTextBoxText: ; 1065 ld bc, $c5b9 ; TileMap(1,14) call $13e5 ; PrintText ret ; 106c INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $106c, $1078 - $106c PlaceString: ; 1078 push hl PlaceNextChar: ; 1079 ld a, [de] cp "@" jr nz, CheckDict ld b, h ld c, l pop hl ret pop de NextChar: ; 1083 inc de jp PlaceNextChar CheckDict: ; 1087 cp $15 jp z, $117b cp $4f jp z, Char4f cp $4e jp z, $12a7 cp $16 jp z, $12b9 and a jp z, $1383 cp $4c jp z, $1337 cp $4b jp z, $131f cp $51 ; Player name jp z, $12f2 cp $49 jp z, $1186 cp $52 ; Mother name jp z, $118d cp $53 jp z, $1194 cp $35 jp z, $11e8 cp $36 jp z, $11ef cp $37 jp z, $11f6 cp $38 jp z, $119b cp $39 jp z, $11a2 cp $54 jp z, $11c5 cp $5b jp z, $11b7 cp $5e jp z, $11be cp $5c jp z, $11b0 cp $5d jp z, $11a9 cp $23 jp z, $11cc cp $22 jp z, $12b0 cp $55 jp z, Char55 cp $56 jp z, $11d3 cp $57 jp z, $137c cp $58 jp z, $135a cp $4a jp z, $11da cp $24 jp z, $11e1 cp $25 jp z, NextChar cp $1f jr nz, .asm_1122 ld a, $7f .asm_1122 cp $5f jp z, Char5F cp $59 jp z, $11fd cp $5a jp z, $1203 cp $3f jp z, $121b cp $14 jp z, $1252 cp $e4 jr z, .asm_1174 ; 0x113d $35 cp $e5 jr z, .asm_1174 ; 0x1141 $31 jr .asm_114c ; 0x1143 $7 ld b, a call $13c6 jp NextChar .asm_114c cp $60 jr nc, .asm_1174 ; 0x114e $24 cp $40 jr nc, .asm_1165 ; 0x1152 $11 cp $20 jr nc, .asm_115c ; 0x1156 $4 add $80 jr .asm_115e ; 0x115a $2 .asm_115c add $90 .asm_115e ld b, $e5 call $13c6 jr .asm_1174 ; 0x1163 $f .asm_1165 cp $44 jr nc, .asm_116d ; 0x1167 $4 add $59 jr .asm_116f ; 0x116b $2 .asm_116d add $86 .asm_116f ld b, $e4 call $13c6 .asm_1174 ld [hli], a call PrintLetterDelay jp NextChar ; 0x117b INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $117b, $1203 - $117b Char5D: ld a, [hBattleTurn] push de and a jr nz, .asm_120e ; 0x1207 $5 ld de, $c621 jr .asm_126a ; 0x120c $5c .asm_120e ld de, Char5AText ; Enemy call $1078 ld h, b ld l, c ld de, $c616 jr .asm_126a ; 0x1219 $4f push de ld a, [InLinkBattle] and a jr nz, .linkbattle ld a, [TrainerClass] cp $9 jr z, .asm_1248 ; 0x1227 $1f cp $2a jr z, .asm_1248 ; 0x122b $1b ld de, $c656 call $1078 ld h, b ld l, c ld de, $12a2 call $1078 push bc ld hl, $5939 ld a, $e rst FarCall pop hl ld de, StringBuffer1 jr .asm_126a ; 0x1246 $22 .asm_1248 ld de, $d493 jr .asm_126a ; 0x124b $1d .linkbattle ld de, $c656 jr .asm_126a ; 0x1250 $18 push de ld de, PlayerName call $1078 ld h, b ld l, c ld a, [$d472] bit 0, a ld de, $12a5 jr z, .asm_126a ; 0x1263 $5 ld de, $12a6 jr .asm_126a ; 0x1268 $0 .asm_126a call $1078 ld h, b ld l, c pop de jp NextChar ; 0x1273 Char5CText: ; 0x1273 db "TM@" Char5DText: ; 0x1276 db "TRAINER@" Char5BText: ; 0x127e db "PC@" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1281, $1293 - $1281 Char56Text: ; 0x1293 db "…@" Char5AText: ; 0x1295 db "Enemy @" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $129c, $12ea - $129c Char4f: ; 12ea pop hl ld hl, $c5e1 push hl jp NextChar ; 0x12f2 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $12f2, $1345 - $12f2 Char55: ; $1345 push de ld de, $1354 ld b, h ld c, l call $1078 ld h, b ld l, c pop de jp NextChar ; 0x1354 ; ??? ld c, e ld d, b Char5F: ; 0x1356 ; ends a Pokédex entry ld [hl],"." pop hl ret INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $135a, $15d8 - $135a DMATransfer: ; 15d8 ; DMA transfer ; return carry if successful ; anything to transfer? ld a, [hDMATransfer] and a ret z ; start transfer ld [rHDMA5], a ; indicate that transfer has occurred xor a ld [hDMATransfer], a ; successful transfer scf ret ; 15e3 UpdateBGMapBuffer: ; 15e3 ; write [$ffdc] 16x8 tiles from BGMapBuffer to bg map addresses in BGMapBufferPtrs ; [$ffdc] must be even since this is done in 16x16 blocks ; return carry if successful ; any tiles to update? ld a, [hBGMapUpdate] and a ret z ; save wram bank ld a, [rVBK] push af ; save sp ld [hSPBuffer], sp ; temp stack ld hl, BGMapBufferPtrs ld sp, hl ; we can now pop the addresses of affected spots in bg map ; get pal and tile buffers ld hl, BGMapPalBuffer ld de, BGMapBuffer .loop ; draw one 16x16 block ; top half: ; get bg map address pop bc ; update palettes ld a, $1 ld [rVBK], a ; tile 1 ld a, [hli] ld [bc], a inc c ; tile 2 ld a, [hli] ld [bc], a dec c ; update tiles ld a, $0 ld [rVBK], a ; tile 1 ld a, [de] inc de ld [bc], a inc c ; tile 2 ld a, [de] inc de ld [bc], a ; bottom half: ; get bg map address pop bc ; update palettes ld a, $1 ld [rVBK], a ; tile 1 ld a, [hli] ld [bc], a inc c ; tile 2 ld a, [hli] ld [bc], a dec c ; update tiles ld a, $0 ld [rVBK], a ; tile 1 ld a, [de] inc de ld [bc], a inc c ; tile 2 ld a, [de] inc de ld [bc], a ; we've done 2 16x8 blocks ld a, [$ffdc] dec a dec a ld [$ffdc], a ; if there are more left, get the next 16x16 block jr nz, .loop ; restore sp ld a, [hSPBuffer] ld l, a ld a, [$ffda] ld h, a ld sp, hl ; restore vram bank pop af ld [rVBK], a ; we don't need to update bg map until new tiles are loaded xor a ld [hBGMapUpdate], a ; successfully updated bg map scf ret ; 163a WaitTop: ; 163a ld a, [hBGMapMode] and a ret z ; wait until top third of bg map can be updated ld a, [hBGMapThird] and a jr z, .quit call DelayFrame jr WaitTop .quit xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a ret ; 164c UpdateBGMap: ; 164c ; get mode ld a, [hBGMapMode] and a ret z ; don't save bg map address dec a ; 1 jr z, .tiles dec a ; 2 jr z, .attr dec a ; ? ; save bg map address ld a, [hBGMapAddress] ld l, a ld a, [$ffd7] ld h, a push hl ; bg map 1 ($9c00) xor a ld [hBGMapAddress], a ld a, $9c ld [$ffd7], a ; get mode again ld a, [hBGMapMode] push af cp 3 call z, .tiles pop af cp 4 call z, .attr ; restore bg map address pop hl ld a, l ld [hBGMapAddress], a ld a, h ld [$ffd7], a ret .attr ; switch vram banks ld a, 1 ld [rVBK], a ; bg map 1 ld hl, AttrMap call .getthird ; restore vram bank ld a, 0 ld [rVBK], a ret .tiles ; bg map 0 ld hl, TileMap .getthird ; save sp ld [hSPBuffer], sp ; # tiles to move down * 6 (which third?) ld a, [hBGMapThird] and a ; 0 jr z, .top dec a ; 1 jr z, .middle ; .bottom ; 2 ; move 12 tiles down ld de, $00f0 ; TileMap(0,12) - TileMap add hl, de ; stack now points to source ld sp, hl ; get bg map address ld a, [$ffd7] ld h, a ld a, [hBGMapAddress] ld l, a ; move 12 tiles down ld de, $0180 ; bgm(0,12) add hl, de ; start at top next time xor a jr .start .middle ; move 6 tiles down ld de, $0078 ; TileMap(0,6) - TileMap add hl, de ; stack now points to source ld sp, hl ; get bg map address ld a, [$ffd7] ld h, a ld a, [hBGMapAddress] ld l, a ; move 6 tiles down ld de, $00c0 ; bgm(0,6) add hl, de ; start at bottom next time ld a, 2 jr .start .top ; stack now points to source ld sp, hl ; get bg map address ld a, [$ffd7] ld h, a ld a, [hBGMapAddress] ld l, a ; start at middle next time ld a, 1 .start ; which third to draw next update ld [hBGMapThird], a ; # rows per third ld a, 6 ; SCREEN_HEIGHT / 3 ; # tiles from the edge of the screen to the next row ld bc, $000d ; BG_WIDTH + 1 - SCREEN_WIDTH .row ; write a row of 20 tiles pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d ; next row add hl, bc ; done? dec a jr nz, .row ; restore sp ld a, [hSPBuffer] ld l, a ld a, [$ffda] ld h, a ld sp, hl ret ; 170a SafeLoadTiles2: ; 170a ; only execute during first fifth of vblank ; any tiles to draw? ld a, [$cf6c] and a ret z ; abort if too far into vblank ld a, [rLY] ; ly = 144-145? cp 144 ret c cp 146 ret nc GetTiles2: ; 1717 ; load [$cf6c] tiles from [$cf6d-e] to [$cf6f-70] ; save sp ld [hSPBuffer], sp ; sp = [$cf6d-e] tile source ld hl, $cf6d ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld sp, hl ; hl = [$cf6f-70] tile dest ld hl, $cf6f ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; # tiles to draw ld a, [$cf6c] ld b, a ; clear tile queue xor a ld [$cf6c], a .loop ; put 1 tile (16 bytes) into hl from sp pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l ld [hl], d ; next tile inc hl ; done? dec b jr nz, .loop ; update $cf6f-70 ld a, l ld [$cf6f], a ld a, h ld [$cf70], a ; update $cf6d-e ld [$cf6d], sp ; restore sp ld a, [hSPBuffer] ld l, a ld a, [$ffda] ld h, a ld sp, hl ret ; 1769 SafeLoadTiles: ; 1769 ; only execute during first fifth of vblank ; any tiles to draw? ld a, [$cf67] and a ret z ; abort if too far into vblank ld a, [rLY] ; ly = 144-145? cp 144 ret c cp 146 ret nc jr GetTiles LoadTiles: ; 1778 ; use only if time is allotted ; any tiles to draw? ld a, [$cf67] and a ret z ; get tiles GetTiles: ; 177d ; load [$cf67] tiles from [$cf68-9] to [$cf6a-b] ; save sp ld [hSPBuffer], sp ; sp = [$cf68-9] tile source ld hl, $cf68 ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld sp, hl ; hl = [$cf6a-b] tile dest ld hl, $cf6a ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; # tiles to draw ld a, [$cf67] ld b, a ; clear tile queue xor a ld [$cf67], a .loop ; put 1 tile (16 bytes) into hl from sp pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d ; next tile inc hl ; done? dec b jr nz, .loop ; update $cf6a-b ld a, l ld [$cf6a], a ld a, h ld [$cf6b], a ; update $cf68-9 ld [$cf68], sp ; restore sp ld a, [hSPBuffer] ld l, a ld a, [$ffda] ld h, a ld sp, hl ret ; 17d3 SafeTileAnimation: ; 17d3 ; call from vblank ld a, [$ffde] and a ret z ; abort if too far into vblank ld a, [rLY] ; ret unless ly = 144-150 cp 144 ret c cp 151 ret nc ; save affected banks ; switch to new banks ld a, [hROMBank] push af ; save bank ld a, BANK(DoTileAnimation) rst Bankswitch ; bankswitch ld a, [rSVBK] push af ; save wram bank ld a, $1 ; wram bank 1 ld [rSVBK], a ld a, [rVBK] push af ; save vram bank ld a, $0 ; vram bank 0 ld [rVBK], a ; take care of tile animation queue call DoTileAnimation ; restore affected banks pop af ld [rVBK], a pop af ld [rSVBK], a pop af rst Bankswitch ; bankswitch ret ; 17ff INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $17ff, $185d - $17ff GetTileType: ; 185d ; checks the properties of a tile ; input: a = tile id push de push hl ld hl, TileTypeTable ld e, a ld d, $00 add hl, de ld a, [hROMBank] ; current bank push af ld a, BANK(TileTypeTable) rst Bankswitch ld e, [hl] ; get tile type pop af rst Bankswitch ; return to current bank ld a, e and a, $0f ; lo nybble only pop hl pop de ret ; 1875 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1875, $1e70 - $1875 SetUpMenu: ; 1e70 call MenuFunc_1e7f ; ??? call MenuWriteText call $1eff ; set up selection pointer ld hl, $cfa5 set 7, [hl] ret MenuFunc_1e7f: ; 0x1e7f call $1c66 call $1ebd call $1ea6 call $1cbb ret MenuWriteText: ; 0x1e8c xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a call $1ebd ; sort out the text call $1eda ; actually write it call $2e31 ld a, [hOAMUpdate] push af ld a, $1 ld [hOAMUpdate], a call $321c pop af ld [hOAMUpdate], a ret ; 0x1ea6 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1ea6, $2009 - $1ea6 PlayClickSFX: ; $2009 push de ld de, SFX_READ_TEXT_2 call StartSFX pop de ret ; 0x2012 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2012, $2063 - $2012 AskSerial: ; 2063 ; send out a handshake while serial int is off ld a, [$c2d4] bit 0, a ret z ld a, [$c2d5] and a ret nz ; once every 6 frames ld hl, $ca8a inc [hl] ld a, [hl] cp 6 ret c xor a ld [hl], a ld a, $c ld [$c2d5], a ; handshake ld a, $88 ld [rSB], a ; switch to internal clock ld a, %00000001 ld [rSC], a ; start transfer ld a, %10000001 ld [rSC], a ret ; 208a INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $208a, $209e - $208a GameTimer: ; 209e ; precautionary nop ; save wram bank ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, $1 ld [rSVBK], a call UpdateGameTimer ; restore wram bank pop af ld [rSVBK], a ret ; 20ad UpdateGameTimer: ; 20ad ; increment the game timer by one frame ; capped at 999:59:59.00 after exactly 1000 hours ; pause game update? ld a, [$c2cd] and a ret nz ; game timer paused? ld hl, GameTimerPause bit 0, [hl] ret z ; reached cap? (999:00:00.00) ld hl, GameTimeCap bit 0, [hl] ret nz ; increment frame counter ld hl, GameTimeFrames ; frame counter ld a, [hl] inc a ; reached 1 second? cp 60 ; frames/second jr nc, .second ; 20c5 $2 ; update frame counter ld [hl], a ret .second ; reset frame counter xor a ld [hl], a ; increment second counter ld hl, GameTimeSeconds ld a, [hl] inc a ; reached 1 minute? cp 60 ; seconds/minute jr nc, .minute ; update second counter ld [hl], a ret .minute ; reset second counter xor a ld [hl], a ; increment minute counter ld hl, GameTimeMinutes ld a, [hl] inc a ; reached 1 hour? cp 60 ; minutes/hour jr nc, .hour ; update minute counter ld [hl], a ret .hour ; reset minute counter xor a ld [hl], a ; increment hour counter ld a, [GameTimeHours] ld h, a ld a, [GameTimeHours+1] ld l, a inc hl ; reached 1000 hours? ld a, h cp $3 ; 1000 / $100 jr c, .updatehr ld a, l cp $e8 ; 1000 & $ff jr c, .updatehr ; cap at 999:59:59.00 ld hl, GameTimeCap set 0, [hl] ; stop timer ld a, 59 ld [GameTimeMinutes], a ld [GameTimeSeconds], a ; this will never be run again ret .updatehr ld a, h ld [GameTimeHours], a ld a, l ld [GameTimeHours+1], a ret ; 210f INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $210f, $261f - $210f PushScriptPointer: ; 261f ; used to call a script from asm ; input: ; a: bank ; hl: address ; bank ld [$d439], a ; ScriptBank ; address ld a, l ld [$d43a], a ; ScriptAddressLo ld a, h ld [$d43b], a ; ScriptAddressHi ld a, $ff ld [$d438], a scf ret ; 2631 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2631, $26d4 - $2631 GetScriptByte: ; 0x26d4 ; Return byte at ScriptBank:ScriptPos in a. push hl push bc ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, [ScriptBank] rst Bankswitch ld hl, ScriptPos ld c, [hl] inc hl ld b, [hl] ld a, [bc] inc bc ld [hl], b dec hl ld [hl], c ld b, a pop af rst Bankswitch ld a, b pop bc pop hl ret ; 0x26ef ObjectEvent: ; 0x26ef jumptextfaceplayer ObjectEventText ; 0x26f2 ObjectEventText: TX_FAR _ObjectEventText db "@" ; 0x26f7 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $26f7, $2b74-$26f7 Function2b74: ; 0x2b74 push af ld a, $1 ld [$c2ce], a call WhiteBGMap call ClearSprites call $2bae ld hl, $c590 ; tile 0, 12 ld bc, $0412 call TextBox ld hl, VramState set 0, [hl] call $1ad2 call $3200 ld b, $9 call GetSGBLayout ld a, $12 ld hl, $5409 rst $8 call $0485 call DelayFrame ld a, $1 ld [$ffde], a pop af ret ; 0x2bae INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2bae, $2bed-$2bae GetMapHeaderPointer: ; 0x2bed ; Prior to calling this function, you must have switched banks so that ; MapGroupPointers is visible. ; inputs: ; b = map group, c = map number ; XXX de = ??? ; outputs: ; hl points to the map header push bc ; save map number for later ; get pointer to map group dec b ld c, b ld b, $0 ld hl, MapGroupPointers add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a pop bc ; restore map number ; find the cth map header dec c ld b, $0 ld a, OlivineGym_MapHeader - OlivinePokeCenter1F_MapHeader call AddNTimes ret ; 0x2c04 GetMapHeaderMember: ; 0x2c04 ; Extract data from the current map's header. ; inputs: ; de = offset of desired data within the mapheader ; outputs: ; bc = data from the current map's header ; (e.g., de = $0003 would return a pointer to the secondary map header) ld a, [MapGroup] ld b, a ld a, [MapNumber] ld c, a ; fallthrough GetAnyMapHeaderMember: ; 0x2c0c ; bankswitch ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, BANK(MapGroupPointers) rst Bankswitch call GetMapHeaderPointer add hl, de ld c, [hl] inc hl ld b, [hl] ; bankswitch back pop af rst Bankswitch ret ; 0x2c1c INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2c1c, $2c7d-$2c1c GetSecondaryMapHeaderPointer: ; 0x2c7d ; returns the current map's secondary map header pointer in hl. push bc push de ld de, $0003 ; secondary map header pointer (offset within header) call GetMapHeaderMember ld l, c ld h, b pop de pop bc ret INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2c8a, $2caf-$2c8a GetWorldMapLocation: ; 0x2caf ; given a map group/id in bc, return its location on the Pokégear map. push hl push de push bc ld de, 5 call GetAnyMapHeaderMember ld a, c pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 0x2cbd INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2cbd, $2d63-$2cbd FarJpHl: ; 2d63 ; Jump to a:hl. ; Preserves all registers besides a. ; Switch to the new bank. ld [hBuffer], a ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, [hBuffer] rst Bankswitch call .hl ; We want to retain the contents of f. ; To do this, we can pop to bc instead of af. ld a, b ld [$cfb9], a ld a, c ld [$cfba], a ; Restore the working bank. pop bc ld a, b rst Bankswitch ld a, [$cfb9] ld b, a ld a, [$cfba] ld c, a ret .hl jp [hl] ; 2d83 Predef: ; 2d83 ; call a function from given id a ; relies on $cfb4-8 ; this function is somewhat unreadable at a glance ; the execution flow is as follows: ; save bank ; get function from id ; call function ; restore bank ; these are pushed to the stack in reverse ; most of the $cfbx trickery is just juggling hl (which is preserved) ; this allows hl, de and bc to be passed to the function ; input: ; a: id ; parameters bc, de, hl ; store id ld [$cfb4], a ; save bank ld a, [hROMBank] ; current bank push af ; get Predef function to call ; GetPredefFn also stores hl in $cfb5-6 ld a, BANK(GetPredefFn) rst Bankswitch call GetPredefFn ; switch bank to Predef function rst Bankswitch ; clean up after Predef call ld hl, .cleanup push hl ; call Predef function from ret ld a, [$cfb7] ld h, a ld a, [$cfb8] ld l, a push hl ; get hl back ld a, [$cfb5] ld h, a ld a, [$cfb6] ld l, a ret .cleanup ; store hl ld a, h ld [$cfb5], a ld a, l ld [$cfb6], a ; restore bank pop hl ; popping a pushed af. h = a (old bank) ld a, h rst Bankswitch ; get hl back ld a, [$cfb5] ld h, a ld a, [$cfb6] ld l, a ret ; 2dba INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2dba, $2e6f-$2dba BitTable1Func: ; 0x2e6f ld hl, $da72 call BitTableFunc ret BitTableFunc: ; 0x2e76 ; Perform a function on a bit in memory. ; inputs: ; b: function ; 0 clear bit ; 1 set bit ; 2 check bit ; de: bit number ; hl: index within bit table ; get index within the byte ld a, e and $7 ; shift de right by three bits (get the index within memory) srl d rr e srl d rr e srl d rr e add hl, de ; implement a decoder ld c, $1 rrca jr nc, .one rlc c .one rrca jr nc, .two rlc c rlc c .two rrca jr nc, .three swap c .three ; check b's value: 0, 1, 2 ld a, b cp 1 jr c, .clearbit ; 0 jr z, .setbit ; 1 ; check bit ld a, [hl] and c ld c, a ret .setbit ; set bit ld a, [hl] or c ld [hl], a ret .clearbit ; clear bit ld a, c cpl and [hl] ld [hl], a ret ; 0x2ead INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2ead, $2ed3 - $2ead Function2ed3: ; 0x2ed3 ; disables overworld sprite updating? xor a ld [$ffde], a ld a, [VramState] res 0, a ld [VramState], a ld a, $0 ld [$c2ce], a ret ; 0x2ee4 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2ee4, $2ef9 - $2ee4 InitString: ; 0x2ef9 ; if the string pointed to by hl is empty (defined as "zero or more spaces ; followed by a null"), then initialize it to the string pointed to by de. ; ; Intended for names, so this function is limited to ten characters. push hl ld c, 10 push bc .loop ld a, [hli] cp "@" jr z, .blank cp " " jr nz, .notblank dec c jr nz, .loop .blank pop bc ld l, e ld h, d pop de ld b, $0 inc c call CopyBytes ret .notblank pop bc pop hl ret ; 0x2f17 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2f17, $2f8c - $2f17 RNG: ; 2f8c ; Two random numbers are generated by adding and subtracting ; the divider to the respective values every time it's called. ; The divider is a value that increments at a rate of 16384Hz. ; For comparison, the Game Boy operates at a clock speed of 4.2MHz. ; Additionally, an equivalent function is called every frame. ; output: ; a: rand2 ; ffe1: rand1 ; ffe2: rand2 push bc ; Added value ld a, [rDIV] ld b, a ld a, [hRandomAdd] adc b ld [hRandomAdd], a ; Subtracted value ld a, [rDIV] ld b, a ld a, [hRandomSub] sbc b ld [hRandomSub], a pop bc ret ; 2f9f FarBattleRNG: ; 2f9f ; BattleRNG lives in another bank. ; It handles all RNG calls in the battle engine, ; allowing link battles to remain in sync using a shared PRNG. ; Save bank ld a, [hROMBank] ; bank push af ; Bankswitch ld a, BANK(BattleRNG) rst Bankswitch call BattleRNG ; Restore bank ld [$cfb6], a pop af rst Bankswitch ld a, [$cfb6] ret ; 2fb1 Function2fb1: ; 2fb1 push bc ld c, a xor a sub c .asm_2fb5 sub c jr nc, .asm_2fb5 add c ld b, a push bc .asm_2fbb call RNG ld a, [hRandomAdd] ld c, a add b jr c, .asm_2fbb ld a, c pop bc call SimpleDivide pop bc ret ; 2fcb GetSRAMBank: ; 2fcb ; load sram bank a ; if invalid bank, sram is disabled cp NUM_SRAM_BANKS jr c, OpenSRAM jr CloseSRAM ; 2fd1 OpenSRAM: ; 2fd1 ; switch to sram bank a push af ; latch clock data ld a, 1 ld [MBC3LatchClock], a ; enable sram/clock write ld a, SRAM_ENABLE ld [MBC3SRamEnable], a ; select sram bank pop af ld [MBC3SRamBank], a ret ; 2fe1 CloseSRAM: ; 2fe1 ; preserve a push af ld a, SRAM_DISABLE ; reset clock latch for next time ld [MBC3LatchClock], a ; disable sram/clock write ld [MBC3SRamEnable], a pop af ret ; 2fec JpHl: ; 2fec jp [hl] ; 2fed INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2fed, $300b-$2fed ClearSprites: ; 300b ld hl, Sprites ld b, TileMap - Sprites xor a .loop ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .loop ret ; 3016 HideSprites: ; 3016 ; Set all OBJ y-positions to 160 to hide them offscreen ld hl, Sprites ld de, $0004 ; length of an OBJ struct ld b, $28 ; number of OBJ structs ld a, 160 ; y-position .loop ld [hl], a add hl, de dec b jr nz, .loop ret ; 3026 CopyBytes: ; 0x3026 ; copy bc bytes from hl to de inc b ; we bail the moment b hits 0, so include the last run inc c ; same thing; include last byte jr .HandleLoop .CopyByte ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de .HandleLoop dec c jr nz, .CopyByte dec b jr nz, .CopyByte ret SwapBytes: ; 0x3034 ; swap bc bytes between hl and de .Loop ; stash [hl] away on the stack ld a, [hl] push af ; copy a byte from [de] to [hl] ld a, [de] ld [hli], a ; retrieve the previous value of [hl]; put it in [de] pop af ld [de], a ; handle loop stuff inc de dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .Loop ret ByteFill: ; 0x3041 ; fill bc bytes with the value of a, starting at hl inc b ; we bail the moment b hits 0, so include the last run inc c ; same thing; include last byte jr .HandleLoop .PutByte ld [hli], a .HandleLoop dec c jr nz, .PutByte dec b jr nz, .PutByte ret GetFarByte: ; 0x304d ; retrieve a single byte from a:hl, and return it in a. ; bankswitch to new bank ld [hBuffer], a ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, [hBuffer] rst Bankswitch ; get byte from new bank ld a, [hl] ld [hBuffer], a ; bankswitch to previous bank pop af rst Bankswitch ; return retrieved value in a ld a, [hBuffer] ret GetFarHalfword: ; 0x305d ; retrieve a halfword from a:hl, and return it in hl. ; bankswitch to new bank ld [hBuffer], a ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, [hBuffer] rst Bankswitch ; get halfword from new bank, put it in hl ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; bankswitch to previous bank and return pop af rst Bankswitch ret ; 0x306b INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $306b, $30d6-$306b CopyName1: ; 30d6 ld hl, StringBuffer2 ; 30d9 CopyName2: ; 30d9 .loop ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a cp "@" jr nz, .loop ret ; 30e1 IsInArray: ; 30e1 ; searches an array at hl for the value in a. ; skips (de - 1) bytes between reads, so to check every byte, de should be 1. ; if found, returns count in b and sets carry. ld b,0 ld c,a .loop\@ ld a,[hl] cp a, $FF jr z,.NotInArray\@ cp c jr z,.InArray\@ inc b add hl,de jr .loop\@ .NotInArray\@ and a ret .InArray\@ scf ret ; 0x30f4 SkipNames: ; 0x30f4 ; skips n names where n = a ld bc, $000b ; name length and a ret z .loop add hl, bc dec a jr nz, .loop ret ; 0x30fe AddNTimes: ; 0x30fe ; adds bc n times where n = a and a ret z .loop add hl, bc dec a jr nz, .loop ret ; 0x3105 SimpleMultiply: ; 3105 ; Return a * c. and a ret z push bc ld b, a xor a .loop add c dec b jr nz, .loop pop bc ret ; 3110 SimpleDivide: ; 3110 ; Divide a by c. Return quotient b and remainder a. ld b, 0 .loop inc b sub c jr nc, .loop dec b add c ret ; 3119 Multiply: ; 3119 ; Multiply hMultiplicand (3 bytes) by hMultiplier. Result in hProduct. ; All values are big endian. push hl push bc callab _Multiply pop bc pop hl ret ; 3124 Divide: ; 3124 ; Divide hDividend length b (max 4 bytes) by hDivisor. Result in hQuotient. ; All values are big endian. push hl push de push bc ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, BANK(_Divide) rst Bankswitch call _Divide pop af rst Bankswitch pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 3136 SubtractSigned: ; 3136 ; Return a - b, sign in carry. sub b ret nc cpl add 1 scf ret ; 313d PrintLetterDelay: ; 313d ; wait some frames before printing the next letter ; the text speed setting in Options is actually a frame count ; fast: 1 frame ; mid: 3 frames ; slow: 5 frames ; $cfcf[!0] and A or B override text speed with a one-frame delay ; Options[4] and $cfcf[!1] disable the delay ; delay off? ld a, [Options] bit 4, a ; delay off ret nz ; non-scrolling text? ld a, [$cfcf] bit 1, a ret z push hl push de push bc ; save oam update status ld hl, hOAMUpdate ld a, [hl] push af ; orginally turned oam update off, commented out ; ld a, 1 ld [hl], a ; force fast scroll? ld a, [$cfcf] bit 0, a jr z, .fast ; text speed ld a, [Options] and a, %111 ; # frames to delay jr .updatedelay .fast ld a, 1 .updatedelay ld [TextDelayFrames], a .checkjoypad call GetJoypadPublic ; input override ld a, [$c2d7] and a jr nz, .wait ; wait one frame if holding a ld a, [hJoyDown] ; joypad bit 0, a ; A jr z, .checkb jr .delay .checkb ; wait one frame if holding b bit 1, a ; B jr z, .wait .delay call DelayFrame jr .end .wait ; wait until frame counter hits 0 or the loop is broken ; this is a bad way to do this ld a, [TextDelayFrames] and a jr nz, .checkjoypad .end ; restore oam update flag (not touched in this fn anymore) pop af ld [hOAMUpdate], a pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 318c CopyDataUntil: ; 318c ; Copies [hl, bc) to [de, bc - hl). ; In other words, the source data is from hl up to but not including bc, ; and the destination is de. ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, h cp b jr nz, CopyDataUntil ld a, l cp c jr nz, CopyDataUntil ret ; 0x3198 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3198, $31db - $3198 StringCmp: ; 31db ; Compare strings, c bytes in length, at de and hl. ; Often used to compare big endian numbers in battle calculations. ld a, [de] cp [hl] ret nz inc de inc hl dec c jr nz, StringCmp ret ; 0x31e4 CompareLong: ; 31e4 ; Compare bc bytes at de and hl. Return carry if they all match. ld a, [de] cp [hl] jr nz, .Diff inc de inc hl dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, CompareLong scf ret .Diff and a ret ; 31f3 WhiteBGMap: ; 31f3 call ClearPalettes WaitBGMap: ; 31f6 ; Tell VBlank to update BG Map ld a, 1 ; BG Map 0 tiles ld [hBGMapMode], a ; Wait for it to do its magic ld c, 4 call DelayFrames ret ; 3200 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3200, $3317 - $3200 ClearPalettes: ; 3317 ; Make all palettes white ; For CGB we make all the palette colors white ld a, [hCGB] and a jr nz, .cgb ; In DMG mode, we can just change palettes to 0 (white) xor a ld [rBGP], a ld [rOBP0], a ld [rOBP1], a ret .cgb ; Save WRAM bank ld a, [rSVBK] push af ; WRAM bank 5 ld a, 5 ld [rSVBK], a ; Fill BGPals and OBPals with $ffff (white) ld hl, BGPals ld bc, $0080 ld a, $ff call ByteFill ; Restore WRAM bank pop af ld [rSVBK], a ; Request palette update ld a, 1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 333e ClearSGB: ; 333e ld b, $ff GetSGBLayout: ; 3340 ; load sgb packets unless dmg ; check cgb ld a, [hCGB] and a jr nz, .dosgb ; check sgb ld a, [hSGB] and a ret z .dosgb ld a, $31 ; LoadSGBLayout jp Predef ; 334e SetHPPal: ; 334e ; Set palette for hp bar pixel length e at hl. call GetHPPal ld [hl], d ret ; 3353 GetHPPal: ; 3353 ; Get palette for hp bar pixel length e in d. ld d, 0 ; green ld a, e cp 24 ret nc inc d ; yellow cp 10 ret nc inc d ; red ret ; 335f CountSetBits: ; 0x335f ; function to count how many bits are set in a string of bytes ; INPUT: ; hl = address of string of bytes ; b = length of string of bytes ; OUTPUT: ; [$d265] = number of set bits ld c, $0 .loop\@ ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld d, $8 .innerLoop\@ ; count how many bits are set in the current byte srl e ld a, $0 adc c ld c, a dec d jr nz, .innerLoop\@ dec b jr nz, .loop\@ ld a, c ld [$d265], a ret ; 0x3376 GetWeekday: ; 3376 ld a, [CurDay] .loop sub 7 jr nc, .loop add 7 ret ; 3380 SetSeenAndCaughtMon: ; 3380 push af ld c, a ld hl, PokedexSeen ld b, 1 call GetWramFlag pop af ; fallthrough ; 338b SetCaughtMon: ; 338b ld c, a ld hl, PokedexCaught ld b, 1 jr GetWramFlag ; 3393 CheckSeenMon: ; 3393 ld c, a ld hl, PokedexSeen ld b, 2 jr GetWramFlag ; 339b CheckCaughtMon: ; 339b ld c, a ld hl, PokedexCaught ld b, 2 ; fallthrough ; 33a1 GetWramFlag: ; 33a1 ld d, 0 ld a, PREDEF_FLAG call Predef ld a, c and a ret ; 33ab NamesPointerTable: ; 33ab dbw BANK(PokemonNames), PokemonNames dbw BANK(MoveNames), MoveNames dbw $00, $0000 dbw BANK(ItemNames), ItemNames dbw $00, PartyMonOT dbw $00, OTPartyMonOT dbw BANK(TrainerClassNames), TrainerClassNames dbw $04, $4b52 ; 33c3 GetName: ; 33c3 ; Return name $cf60 from name list $cf61 in StringBuffer1. ld a, [hROMBank] push af push hl push bc push de ld a, [$cf61] cp 1 ; Pokemon names jr nz, .NotPokeName ld a, [$cf60] ld [$d265], a call GetPokemonName ld hl, $000b add hl, de ld e, l ld d, h jr .done .NotPokeName ld a, [$cf61] dec a ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, NamesPointerTable add hl, de add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] rst Bankswitch ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [$cf60] dec a call GetNthString ld de, StringBuffer1 ld bc, $000d call CopyBytes .done ld a, e ld [$d102], a ld a, d ld [$d103], a pop de pop bc pop hl pop af rst Bankswitch ret ; 3411 GetNthString: ; 3411 ; Starting at hl, this function returns the start address of the ath string. and a ret z push bc ld b, a ld c, "@" .readChar ld a, [hli] cp c jr nz, .readChar dec b jr nz, .readChar pop bc ret ; 3420 GetBasePokemonName: ; 3420 ; Discards gender (Nidoran). push hl call GetPokemonName ld hl, StringBuffer1 .loop ld a, [hl] cp "@" jr z, .quit cp "♂" jr z, .end cp "♀" jr z, .end inc hl jr .loop .end ld [hl], "@" .quit pop hl ret ; 343b GetPokemonName: ; 343b ; Get Pokemon name $d265. ld a, [hROMBank] push af push hl ld a, BANK(PokemonNames) rst Bankswitch ; Each name is ten characters ld a, [$d265] dec a ld d, 0 ld e, a ld h, 0 ld l, a add hl, hl add hl, hl add hl, de add hl, hl ld de, PokemonNames add hl, de ; Terminator ld de, StringBuffer1 push de ld bc, PKMN_NAME_LENGTH - 1 call CopyBytes ld hl, StringBuffer1 + PKMN_NAME_LENGTH - 1 ld [hl], "@" pop de pop hl pop af rst Bankswitch ret ; 3468 GetItemName: ; 3468 ; Get item name $d265. push hl push bc ld a, [$d265] cp TM_01 jr nc, .TM ld [$cf60], a ld a, 4 ; Item names ld [$cf61], a call GetName jr .Copied .TM call GetTMHMName .Copied ld de, StringBuffer1 pop bc pop hl ret ; 3487 GetTMHMName: ; 3487 ; Get TM/HM name by item id $d265. push hl push de push bc ld a, [$d265] push af ; TM/HM prefix cp HM_01 push af jr c, .TM ld hl, .HMText ld bc, .HMTextEnd - .HMText jr .asm_34a1 .TM ld hl, .TMText ld bc, .TMTextEnd - .TMText .asm_34a1 ld de, StringBuffer1 call CopyBytes ; TM/HM number push de ld a, [$d265] ld c, a callab GetTMHMNumber pop de ; HM numbers start from 51, not 1 pop af ld a, c jr c, .asm_34b9 sub NUM_TMS ; Divide and mod by 10 to get the top and bottom digits respectively .asm_34b9 ld b, "0" .mod10 sub 10 jr c, .asm_34c2 inc b jr .mod10 .asm_34c2 add 10 push af ld a, b ld [de], a inc de pop af ld b, "0" add b ld [de], a ; End the string inc de ld a, "@" ld [de], a pop af ld [$d265], a pop bc pop de pop hl ret .TMText db "TM" .TMTextEnd db "@" .HMText db "HM" .HMTextEnd db "@" ; 34df IsHM: ; 34df cp HM_01 jr c, .NotHM scf ret .NotHM and a ret ; 34e7 IsHMMove: ; 34e7 ld hl, .HMMoves ld de, 1 jp IsInArray .HMMoves db CUT db FLY db SURF db STRENGTH db FLASH db WATERFALL db WHIRLPOOL db $ff ; 34f8 GetMoveName: ; 34f8 push hl ; move name ld a, $2 ; move names ld [$cf61], a ; move id ld a, [$d265] ld [$cf60], a call GetName ld de, StringBuffer1 pop hl ret ; 350c INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $350c, $3856 - $350c GetBaseData: ; 3856 push bc push de push hl ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, BANK(BaseData) rst Bankswitch ; Egg doesn't have BaseData ld a, [CurSpecies] cp EGG jr z, .egg ; Get BaseData dec a ld bc, BaseData1 - BaseData0 ld hl, BaseData call AddNTimes ld de, CurBaseData ld bc, BaseData1 - BaseData0 call CopyBytes jr .end .egg ; ???? ld de, $7d9c ; Sprite dimensions ld b, $55 ; 5x5 ld hl, BasePicSize ld [hl], b ; ???? ld hl, BasePadding ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d inc hl ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d jr .end .end ; Replace Pokedex # with species ld a, [CurSpecies] ld [BaseDexNo], a pop af rst Bankswitch pop hl pop de pop bc ret ; 389c GetCurNick; 389c ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld hl, PartyMonNicknames GetNick: ; 38a2 ; Get nickname a from list hl. push hl push bc call SkipNames ld de, StringBuffer1 push de ld bc, PKMN_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes pop de callab CheckNickErrors pop bc pop hl ret ; 38bb PrintBCDNumber: ; 38bb ; function to print a BCD (Binary-coded decimal) number ; de = address of BCD number ; hl = destination address ; c = flags and length ; bit 7: if set, do not print leading zeroes ; if unset, print leading zeroes ; bit 6: if set, left-align the string (do not pad empty digits with spaces) ; if unset, right-align the string ; bit 5: if set, print currency symbol at the beginning of the string ; if unset, do not print the currency symbol ; bits 0-4: length of BCD number in bytes ; Note that bits 5 and 7 are modified during execution. The above reflects ; their meaning at the beginning of the functions's execution. ld b, c ; save flags in b res 7, c res 6, c res 5, c ; c now holds the length bit 5, b jr z, .loop\@ bit 7, b jr nz, .loop\@ ld [hl], "¥" inc hl .loop\@ ld a, [de] swap a call PrintBCDDigit ; print upper digit ld a, [de] call PrintBCDDigit ; print lower digit inc de dec c jr nz, .loop\@ bit 7, b ; were any non-zero digits printed? jr z, .done\@ ; if so, we are done .numberEqualsZero\@ ; if every digit of the BCD number is zero bit 6, b ; left or right alignment? jr nz, .skipRightAlignmentAdjustment\@ dec hl ; if the string is right-aligned, it needs to be moved back one space .skipRightAlignmentAdjustment\@ bit 5, b jr z, .skipCurrencySymbol\@ ld [hl], "¥" ; currency symbol inc hl .skipCurrencySymbol\@ ld [hl], "0" call PrintLetterDelay inc hl .done\@ ret ; 0x38f2 PrintBCDDigit: ; 38f2 and a, %00001111 and a jr z, .zeroDigit\@ .nonzeroDigit\@ bit 7, b ; have any non-space characters been printed? jr z, .outputDigit\@ ; if bit 7 is set, then no numbers have been printed yet bit 5, b ; print the currency symbol? jr z, .skipCurrencySymbol\@ ld [hl], "¥" inc hl res 5, b .skipCurrencySymbol\@ res 7, b ; unset 7 to indicate that a nonzero digit has been reached .outputDigit\@ add a, "0" ld [hli], a jp PrintLetterDelay .zeroDigit\@ bit 7, b ; either printing leading zeroes or already reached a nonzero digit? jr z, .outputDigit\@ ; if so, print a zero digit bit 6, b ; left or right alignment? ret nz ld a, " " ld [hli], a ; if right-aligned, "print" a space by advancing the pointer ret ; 0x3917 GetPartyParamLocation: ; 3917 ; Get the location of parameter a from CurPartyMon in hl push bc ld hl, PartyMons ld c, a ld b, $00 add hl, bc ld a, [CurPartyMon] call GetPartyLocation pop bc ret ; 3927 GetPartyLocation: ; 3927 ; Add the length of a PartyMon struct to hl a times. ld bc, PartyMon2 - PartyMon1 jp AddNTimes ; 392d INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $392d, $3945 - $392d UserPartyAttr: ; 3945 push af ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr nz, .asm_394e pop af jr BattlePartyAttr .asm_394e pop af jr OTPartyAttr ; 3951 OpponentPartyAttr: ; 3951 push af ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_395a pop af jr BattlePartyAttr .asm_395a pop af jr OTPartyAttr ; 395d BattlePartyAttr: ; 395d ; Get attribute a from the active BattleMon's party struct. push bc ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, PartyMons add hl, bc ld a, [CurBattleMon] call GetPartyLocation pop bc ret ; 396d OTPartyAttr: ; 396d ; Get attribute a from the active EnemyMon's party struct. push bc ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, OTPartyMon1Species add hl, bc ld a, [CurOTMon] call GetPartyLocation pop bc ret ; 397d ResetDamage: ; 397d xor a ld [CurDamage], a ld [CurDamage + 1], a ret ; 3985 SetPlayerTurn: ; 3985 xor a ld [hBattleTurn], a ret ; 3989 SetEnemyTurn: ; 3989 ld a, 1 ld [hBattleTurn], a ret ; 398e UpdateOpponentInParty: ; 398e ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, UpdateEnemyMonInParty jr UpdateBattleMonInParty ; 3995 UpdateUserInParty: ; 3995 ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, UpdateBattleMonInParty jr UpdateEnemyMonInParty ; 399c UpdateBattleMonInParty: ; 399c ; Update level, status, current HP ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld hl, PartyMon1Level call GetPartyLocation ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, BattleMonLevel ld bc, BattleMonMaxHP - BattleMonLevel jp CopyBytes ; 39b0 UpdateEnemyMonInParty: ; 39b0 ; Update level, status, current HP ; No wildmons. ld a, [IsInBattle] dec a ret z ld a, [CurOTMon] ld hl, OTPartyMon1Level call GetPartyLocation ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, EnemyMonLevel ld bc, EnemyMonMaxHP - EnemyMonLevel jp CopyBytes ; 39c9 RefreshBattleHuds: ; 39c9 call UpdateBattleHuds ld c, 3 call DelayFrames jp WaitBGMap ; 39d4 UpdateBattleHuds: ; 39d4 ld a, $f ld hl, $5f48 rst FarCall ; UpdatePlayerHud ld a, $f ld hl, $6036 rst FarCall ; UpdateEnemyHud ret ; 39e1 CleanGetBattleVarPair: ; 39e1 ; Preserves hl. push hl call GetBattleVarPair pop hl ret ; 39e7 GetBattleVarPair: ; 39e7 ; Get variable from pair a, depending on whose turn it is. ; There are 21 variable pairs. push bc ; get var pair ld hl, .battlevarpairs ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; Enemy turn uses the second byte instead. ; This lets battle variable calls be side-neutral. ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .getvar inc hl .getvar ; get var id ld a, [hl] ld c, a ld b, $0 ; seek ld hl, .vars add hl, bc add hl, bc ; get var address ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [hl] pop bc ret .battlevarpairs dw .substatus1 ; 0 dw .substatus2 ; 1 dw .substatus3 ; 2 dw .substatus4 ; 3 dw .substatus5 ; 4 dw .substatus1opp ; 5 dw .substatus2opp ; 6 dw .substatus3opp ; 7 dw .substatus4opp ; 8 dw .substatus5opp ; 9 dw .status ; a dw .statusopp ; b dw .animation ; c dw .effect ; d dw .power ; e dw .type ; f dw .curmove ; 10 dw .lastcountermove ; 11 dw .lastcountermoveopp ; 12 dw .lastmove ; 13 dw .lastmoveopp ; 14 ; player enemy .substatus1 db $00, $01 ; PLAYER_SUBSTATUS1, ENEMY_SUBSTATUS1 .substatus1opp db $01, $00 ; ENEMY_SUBSTATUS1, PLAYER_SUBSTATUS1 .substatus2 db $02, $03 ; PLAYER_SUBSTATUS2, ENEMY_SUBSTATUS2 .substatus2opp db $03, $02 ; ENEMY_SUBSTATUS2, PLAYER_SUBSTATUS2 .substatus3 db $04, $05 ; PLAYER_SUBSTATUS3, ENEMY_SUBSTATUS3 .substatus3opp db $05, $04 ; ENEMY_SUBSTATUS3, PLAYER_SUBSTATUS3 .substatus4 db $06, $07 ; PLAYER_SUBSTATUS4, ENEMY_SUBSTATUS4 .substatus4opp db $07, $06 ; ENEMY_SUBSTATUS4, PLAYER_SUBSTATUS4 .substatus5 db $08, $09 ; PLAYER_SUBSTATUS5, ENEMY_SUBSTATUS5 .substatus5opp db $09, $08 ; ENEMY_SUBSTATUS5, PLAYER_SUBSTATUS5 .status db $0a, $0b ; PLAYER_STATUS, ENEMY_STATUS .statusopp db $0b, $0a ; ENEMY_STATUS, PLAYER_STATUS .animation db $0c, $0d ; PLAYER_MOVE_ANIMATION, ENEMY_MOVE_ANIMATION .effect db $0e, $0f ; PLAYER_MOVE_EFFECT, ENEMY_MOVE_EFFECT .power db $10, $11 ; PLAYER_MOVE_POWER, ENEMY_MOVE_POWER .type db $12, $13 ; PLAYER_MOVE_TYPE, ENEMY_MOVE_TYPE .curmove db $14, $15 ; PLAYER_CUR_MOVE, ENEMY_CUR_MOVE .lastcountermove db $16, $17 ; ENEMY_LAST_COUNTER_MOVE, PLAYER_LAST_COUNTER_MOVE .lastcountermoveopp db $17, $16 ; PLAYER_LAST_COUNTER_MOVE, ENEMY_LAST_COUNTER_MOVE .lastmove db $18, $19 ; PLAYER_LAST_MOVE, ENEMY_LAST_MOVE .lastmoveopp db $19, $18 ; ENEMY_LAST_MOVE, PLAYER_LAST_MOVE .vars dw PlayerSubStatus1 dw EnemySubStatus1 dw PlayerSubStatus2 dw EnemySubStatus2 dw PlayerSubStatus3 dw EnemySubStatus3 dw PlayerSubStatus4 dw EnemySubStatus4 dw PlayerSubStatus5 dw EnemySubStatus5 dw BattleMonStatus dw EnemyMonStatus dw PlayerMoveAnimation dw EnemyMoveAnimation dw PlayerMoveEffect dw EnemyMoveEffect dw PlayerMovePower dw EnemyMovePower dw PlayerMoveType dw EnemyMoveType dw CurPlayerMove dw CurEnemyMove dw LastEnemyCounterMove dw LastPlayerCounterMove dw LastPlayerMove dw LastEnemyMove ; 3a90 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3a90, $3ab2 - $3a90 MobileTextBorder: ; 3ab2 ; For mobile link battles only. ld a, [InLinkBattle] cp 4 ret c ; Draw a cell phone icon at the top right corner of the border. ld hl, $c5a3 ; TileMap(19,12) ld [hl], $5e ; cell phone top ld hl, $c5b7 ; TileMap(19,13) ld [hl], $5f ; cell phone bottom ret ; 3ac3 BattleTextBox: ; 3ac3 push hl call SpeechTextBox call MobileTextBorder call $1ad2 ; UpdateSprites call $321c ; refresh? pop hl call PrintTextBoxText ret ; 3ad5 FarBattleTextBox: ; 3ad5 ; Open a textbox and print text at 20:hl. ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, $20 rst Bankswitch call BattleTextBox pop af rst Bankswitch ret ; 3ae1 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3ae1, $3b4e - $3ae1 CleanSoundRestart: ; 3b4e push hl push de push bc push af ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, BANK(SoundRestart) ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a call SoundRestart pop af ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a pop af pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 3b6a CleanUpdateSound: ; 3b6a push hl push de push bc push af ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, BANK(UpdateSound) ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a call UpdateSound pop af ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a pop af pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 3b86 LoadMusicByte: ; 3b86 ; CurMusicByte = [a:de] ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a ld a, [de] ld [CurMusicByte], a ld a, $3a ; manual bank restore ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a ret ; 3b97 StartMusic: ; 3b97 ; Play music de. push hl push de push bc push af ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, BANK(LoadMusic) ; and BANK(SoundRestart) ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a ld a, e and a jr z, .nomusic call LoadMusic jr .end .nomusic call SoundRestart .end pop af ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a pop af pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 3bbc StartMusic2: ; 3bbc ; Stop playing music, then play music de. push hl push de push bc push af ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, BANK(LoadMusic) ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a push de ld de, MUSIC_NONE call LoadMusic call DelayFrame pop de call LoadMusic pop af ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a pop af pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 3be3 PlayCryHeader: ; 3be3 ; Play a cry given parameters in header de push hl push de push bc push af ; Save current bank ld a, [hROMBank] push af ; Cry headers are stuck in one bank. ld a, BANK(CryHeaders) ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a ; Each header is 6 bytes long: ld hl, CryHeaders add hl, de add hl, de add hl, de add hl, de add hl, de add hl, de ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] inc hl ld a, [hli] ld [CryPitch], a ld a, [hli] ld [CryEcho], a ld a, [hli] ld [CryLength], a ld a, [hl] ld [CryLength+1], a ld a, BANK(PlayCry) ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a call PlayCry pop af ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a pop af pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 3c23 StartSFX: ; 3c23 ; Play sound effect de. ; Sound effects are ordered by priority (lowest to highest) push hl push de push bc push af ; Is something already playing? call CheckSFX jr nc, .play ; Does it have priority? ld a, [CurSFX] cp e jr c, .quit .play ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, BANK(LoadSFX) ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a ; bankswitch ld a, e ld [CurSFX], a call LoadSFX pop af ld [hROMBank], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a ; bankswitch .quit pop af pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 3c4e WaitPlaySFX: ; 3c4e call WaitSFX call StartSFX ret ; 3c55 WaitSFX: ; 3c55 ; infinite loop until sfx is done playing push hl .loop ; ch5 on? ld hl, Channel5 + Channel1Flags - Channel1 bit 0, [hl] jr nz, .loop ; ch6 on? ld hl, Channel6 + Channel1Flags - Channel1 bit 0, [hl] jr nz, .loop ; ch7 on? ld hl, Channel7 + Channel1Flags - Channel1 bit 0, [hl] jr nz, .loop ; ch8 on? ld hl, Channel8 + Channel1Flags - Channel1 bit 0, [hl] jr nz, .loop pop hl ret ; 3c74 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3c74, $3c97-$3c74 MaxVolume: ; 3c97 ld a, $77 ; max ld [Volume], a ret ; 3c9d LowVolume: ; 3c9d ld a, $33 ; 40% ld [Volume], a ret ; 3ca3 VolumeOff: ; 3ca3 xor a ld [Volume], a ret ; 3ca8 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3ca8, $3dde - $3ca8 CheckSFX: ; 3dde ; returns carry if sfx channels are active ld a, [$c1cc] ; 1 bit 0, a jr nz, .quit ld a, [$c1fe] ; 2 bit 0, a jr nz, .quit ld a, [$c230] ; 3 bit 0, a jr nz, .quit ld a, [$c262] ; 4 bit 0, a jr nz, .quit and a ret .quit scf ret ; 3dfe INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3dfe, $3e10 - $3dfe ChannelsOff: ; 3e10 ; Quickly turn off music channels xor a ld [$c104], a ld [$c136], a ld [$c168], a ld [$c19a], a ld [$c29c], a ret ; 3e21 SFXChannelsOff: ; 3e21 ; Quickly turn off sound effect channels xor a ld [$c1cc], a ld [$c1fe], a ld [$c230], a ld [$c262], a ld [$c29c], a ret ; 3e32 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3e32, $3fb5 - $3e32 SECTION "bank1",DATA,BANK[$1] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4000, $5f99 - $4000 OakSpeech: ; 0x5f99 ld a, $24 ld hl, $4672 rst $8 call $04dd call ClearTileMap ld de, $002b call StartMusic call $04a3 call $04b6 xor a ld [CurPartySpecies], a ld a, POKEMON_PROF ld [TrainerClass], a call $619c ld b, $1c call GetSGBLayout call $616a ld hl, OakText1 call PrintText call $04b6 call ClearTileMap ld a, $c2 ld [$cf60], a ld [CurPartySpecies], a call $3856 ld hl, $c4f6 call $3786 xor a ld [$d123], a ld [$d124], a ld b, $1c call GetSGBLayout call $6182 ld hl, OakText2 call PrintText ld hl, OakText4 call PrintText call $04b6 call ClearTileMap xor a ld [CurPartySpecies], a ld a, POKEMON_PROF ld [TrainerClass], a call $619c ld b, $1c call GetSGBLayout call $616a ld hl, OakText5 call PrintText call $04b6 call ClearTileMap xor a ld [CurPartySpecies], a ld a, $22 ld hl, $4874 rst $8 ld b, $1c call GetSGBLayout call $616a ld hl, OakText6 call PrintText call $6074 ld hl, OakText7 call PrintText ret OakText1: ; 0x6045 TX_FAR _OakText1 db "@" OakText2: ; 0x604a TX_FAR _OakText2 db 8 ld a,WOOPER call $37ce call $3c55 ld hl,OakText3 ret OakText3: ; 0x605b TX_FAR _OakText3 db "@" OakText4: ; 0x6060 TX_FAR _OakText4 db "@" OakText5: ; 0x6065 TX_FAR _OakText5 db "@" OakText6: ; 0x606a TX_FAR _OakText6 db "@" OakText7: ; 0x606f TX_FAR _OakText7 db "@" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $6074, $617c - $6074 IntroFadePalettes: ; 0x617c db %01010100 db %10101000 db %11111100 db %11111000 db %11110100 db %11100100 ; 6182 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $6182, $6274 - $6182 FarStartTitleScreen: ; 6274 callba StartTitleScreen ret ; 627b INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $627b, $62bc - $627b TitleScreenEntrance: ; 62bc ; Animate the logo: ; Move each line by 4 pixels until our count hits 0. ld a, [$ffcf] and a jr z, .done sub 4 ld [$ffcf], a ; Lay out a base (all lines scrolling together). ld e, a ld hl, $d100 ld bc, 8 * 10 ; logo height call ByteFill ; Alternate signage for each line's position vector. ; This is responsible for the interlaced effect. ld a, e xor $ff inc a ld b, 8 * 10 / 2 ; logo height / 2 ld hl, $d101 .loop ld [hli], a inc hl dec b jr nz, .loop callba AnimateTitleCrystal ret .done ; Next scene ld hl, $cf63 inc [hl] xor a ld [hLCDStatCustom], a ; Play the title screen music. ld de, MUSIC_TITLE call StartMusic ld a, $88 ld [$ffd2], a ret ; 62f6 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $62f6, $669f - $62f6 CheckNickErrors: ; 669f ; error-check monster nick before use ; must be a peace offering to gamesharkers ; input: de = nick location push bc push de ld b, PKMN_NAME_LENGTH .checkchar ; end of nick? ld a, [de] cp "@" ; terminator jr z, .end ; check if this char is a text command ld hl, .textcommands dec hl .loop ; next entry inc hl ; reached end of commands table? ld a, [hl] cp a, $ff jr z, .done ; is the current char between this value (inclusive)... ld a, [de] cp [hl] inc hl jr c, .loop ; ...and this one? cp [hl] jr nc, .loop ; replace it with a "?" ld a, "?" ld [de], a jr .loop .done ; next char inc de ; reached end of nick without finding a terminator? dec b jr nz, .checkchar ; change nick to "?@" pop de push de ld a, "?" ld [de], a inc de ld a, "@" ld [de], a .end ; if the nick has any errors at this point it's out of our hands pop de pop bc ret ; 66cf .textcommands ; 66cf ; table definining which characters ; are actually text commands ; format: ; >= < db $00, $05 db $14, $19 db $1d, $26 db $35, $3a db $3f, $40 db $49, $5d db $5e, $7f db $ff ; end ; 66de _Multiply: ; 66de ; hMultiplier is one byte. ld a, 8 ld b, a xor a ld [hMultiplicand - 1], a ld [hMathBuffer + 1], a ld [hMathBuffer + 2], a ld [hMathBuffer + 3], a ld [hMathBuffer + 4], a .loop ld a, [hMultiplier] srl a ld [hMultiplier], a jr nc, .next ld a, [hMathBuffer + 4] ld c, a ld a, [hMultiplicand + 2] add c ld [hMathBuffer + 4], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 3] ld c, a ld a, [hMultiplicand + 1] adc c ld [hMathBuffer + 3], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 2] ld c, a ld a, [hMultiplicand + 0] adc c ld [hMathBuffer + 2], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 1] ld c, a ld a, [hMultiplicand - 1] adc c ld [hMathBuffer + 1], a .next dec b jr z, .done ; hMultiplicand <<= 1 ld a, [hMultiplicand + 2] add a ld [hMultiplicand + 2], a ld a, [hMultiplicand + 1] rla ld [hMultiplicand + 1], a ld a, [hMultiplicand + 0] rla ld [hMultiplicand + 0], a ld a, [hMultiplicand - 1] rla ld [hMultiplicand - 1], a jr .loop .done ld a, [hMathBuffer + 4] ld [hProduct + 3], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 3] ld [hProduct + 2], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 2] ld [hProduct + 1], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 1] ld [hProduct + 0], a ret ; 673e _Divide: ; 673e xor a ld [hMathBuffer + 0], a ld [hMathBuffer + 1], a ld [hMathBuffer + 2], a ld [hMathBuffer + 3], a ld [hMathBuffer + 4], a ld a, 9 ld e, a .loop ld a, [hMathBuffer + 0] ld c, a ld a, [hDividend + 1] sub c ld d, a ld a, [hDivisor] ld c, a ld a, [hDividend + 0] sbc c jr c, .asm_6767 ld [hDividend + 0], a ld a, d ld [hDividend + 1], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 4] inc a ld [hMathBuffer + 4], a jr .loop .asm_6767 ld a, b cp 1 jr z, .done ld a, [hMathBuffer + 4] add a ld [hMathBuffer + 4], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 3] rla ld [hMathBuffer + 3], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 2] rla ld [hMathBuffer + 2], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 1] rla ld [hMathBuffer + 1], a dec e jr nz, .asm_6798 ld e, 8 ld a, [hMathBuffer + 0] ld [hDivisor], a xor a ld [hMathBuffer + 0], a ld a, [hDividend + 1] ld [hDividend + 0], a ld a, [hDividend + 2] ld [hDividend + 1], a ld a, [hDividend + 3] ld [hDividend + 2], a .asm_6798 ld a, e cp 1 jr nz, .asm_679e dec b .asm_679e ld a, [hDivisor] srl a ld [hDivisor], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 0] rr a ld [hMathBuffer + 0], a jr .loop .done ld a, [hDividend + 1] ld [hDivisor], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 4] ld [hDividend + 3], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 3] ld [hDividend + 2], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 2] ld [hDividend + 1], a ld a, [hMathBuffer + 1] ld [hDividend + 0], a ret ; 67c1 ItemAttributes: ; 67c1 INCLUDE "items/item_attributes.asm" ; 6ec1 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $6ec1, $6eef - $6ec1 DrawGraphic: ; 6eef ; input: ; hl: draw location ; b: height ; c: width ; d: tile to start drawing from ; e: number of tiles to advance for each row call $7009 pop bc pop hl ret c bit 5, [hl] jr nz, .asm_6f05 push hl call $70a4 pop hl ret c push hl call $70ed pop hl ret c .asm_6f05 and a ret ; 6f07 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $6f07, $7305 - $6f07 SpecialGiveShuckle: ; 7305 ; Adding to the party. xor a ld [MonType], a ; Level 15 Shuckle. ld a, SHUCKLE ld [CurPartySpecies], a ld a, 15 ld [CurPartyLevel], a ld a, PREDEF_ADDPARTYMON call Predef jr nc, .NotGiven ; Caught data. ld b, 0 ld a, $13 ld hl, $5ba3 rst FarCall ; Holding a Berry. ld bc, PartyMon2 - PartyMon1 ld a, [PartyCount] dec a push af push bc ld hl, PartyMon1Item call AddNTimes ld [hl], BERRY pop bc pop af ; OT ID. ld hl, PartyMon1ID call AddNTimes ld a, $2 ld [hli], a ld [hl], $6 ; Nickname. ld a, [PartyCount] dec a ld hl, PartyMon1Nickname call SkipNames ld de, .Shuckie call CopyName2 ; OT. ld a, [PartyCount] dec a ld hl, PartyMon1OT call SkipNames ld de, .Mania call CopyName2 ; Bittable2 flag for this event. ld hl, $dc1e set 5, [hl] ld a, 1 ld [ScriptVar], a ret .NotGiven xor a ld [ScriptVar], a ret .Mania db "MANIA@" .Shuckie db "SHUCKIE@" ; 737e INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $737e, $747b - $737e SECTION "bank2",DATA,BANK[$2] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8000, $854b - $8000 GetPredefFn: ; 854b ; input: ; [$cfb4] id ; save hl for later ld a, h ld [$cfb5], a ld a, l ld [$cfb6], a push de ; get id ld a, [$cfb4] ld e, a ld d, $0 ld hl, PredefPointers ; seek add hl, de add hl, de add hl, de pop de ; store address in [$cfb7-8] ; addr lo ld a, [hli] ld [$cfb8], a ; addr hi ld a, [hli] ld [$cfb7], a ; get bank ld a, [hl] ret ; 856b PredefPointers: ; 856b ; $4b Predef pointers ; address, bank dwb $6508, $01 dwb $747a, $01 dwb $4658, $03 dwb $57c1, $13 dwb $4699, $03 dwb $5a6d, $03 dwb $588c, $03 dwb $5a96, $03 dwb $5b3f, $03 dwb $5e6e, $03 dwb $5f8c, $03 dwb $46e0, $03 dwb $6167, $03 dwb $617b, $03 dwb $5639, $04 dwb $566a, $04 dwb $4eef, $0a dwb $4b3e, $0b dwb $5f48, $0f dwb FillBox, BANK(FillBox) dwb $5873, $0f dwb $6036, $0f dwb $74c1, $0f dwb $7390, $0f dwb $743d, $0f dwb $747c, $0f dwb $6487, $10 dwb $64e1, $10 dwb $61e6, $10 dwb $4f63, $0a dwb $4f24, $0a dwb $484a, $14 dwb $4d6f, $14 dwb $4d2e, $14 dwb $4cdb, $14 dwb $4c50, $14 dwb $4bdd, $14 dwb StatsScreenInit, BANK(StatsScreenInit) ; stats screen dwb $4b0a, $14 dwb $4b0e, $14 dwb $4b7b, $14 dwb $4964, $14 dwb $493a, $14 dwb $4953, $14 dwb $490d, $14 dwb $5040, $14 dwb $7cdd, $32 dwb $40d5, $33 dwb $5853, $02 dwb $464c, $02 dwb $5d11, $24 dwb $4a88, $02 dwb $420f, $23 dwb $4000, $23 dwb $4000, $23 dwb $40d6, $33 dwb $40d5, $33 dwb $40d5, $33 dwb $51d0, $3f dwb $6a6c, $04 dwb $5077, $14 dwb $516c, $14 dwb $508b, $14 dwb $520d, $14 dwb $525d, $14 dwb $47d3, $0d dwb $7908, $3e dwb $7877, $3e dwb $4000, $34 dwb $4d0a, $14 dwb $40a3, $34 dwb $408e, $34 dwb $4669, $34 dwb $466e, $34 dwb $43ff, $2d ; 864c INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $864c, $8a68 - $864c CheckShininess: ; 0x8a68 ; given a pointer to Attack/Defense DV in bc, determine if monster is shiny. ; if shiny, set carry. ld l,c ld h,b ld a,[hl] and a,%00100000 ; is attack DV xx1x? jr z,.NotShiny ld a,[hli] and a,%1111 cp $A ; is defense DV 1010? jr nz,.NotShiny ld a,[hl] and a,%11110000 cp $A0 ; is speed DV 1010? jr nz,.NotShiny ld a,[hl] and a,%1111 cp $A ; is special DV 1010? jr nz,.NotShiny scf ret .NotShiny and a ; clear carry flag ret INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8a88, $9a52-$8a88 CopyData: ; 0x9a52 ; copy bc bytes of data from hl to de ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec bc ld a, c or b jr nz, CopyData ret ; 0x9a5b ClearBytes: ; 0x9a5b ; clear bc bytes of data starting from de xor a ld [de], a inc de dec bc ld a, c or b jr nz, ClearBytes ret ; 0x9a64 DrawDefaultTiles: ; 0x9a64 ; Draw 240 tiles (2/3 of the screen) from tiles in VRAM ld hl, $9800 ; BG Map 0 ld de, 32 - 20 ld a, $80 ; starting tile ld c, 12 + 1 .line ld b, 20 .tile ld [hli], a inc a dec b jr nz, .tile ; next line add hl, de dec c jr nz, .line ret ; 0x9a7a INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $9a7a, $a51e - $9a7a SGBBorder: INCBIN "gfx/misc/sgb_border.2bpp" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $a8be, $a8d6 - $a8be PokemonPalettes: INCLUDE "gfx/pics/palette_pointers.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $b0ae, $b0d2 - $b0ae TrainerPalettes: INCLUDE "gfx/trainers/palette_pointers.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $b1de, $b319 - $b1de MornPal: ; 0xb319 INCBIN "tilesets/morn.pal" ; 0xb359 DayPal: ; 0xb359 INCBIN "tilesets/day.pal" ; 0xb399 NitePal: ; 0xb399 INCBIN "tilesets/nite.pal" ; 0xb3d9 DarkPal: ; 0xb3d9 INCBIN "tilesets/dark.pal" ; 0xb419 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $b419, $b825 - $b419 SECTION "bank3",DATA,BANK[$3] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $c000, $29 SpecialsPointers: ; 0xc029 dbw $25, $7c28 dbw $0a, $5ce8 dbw $0a, $5d11 dbw $0a, $5d92 dbw $0a, $5e66 dbw $0a, $5e82 dbw $0a, $5efa dbw $0a, $5eee dbw $0a, $5c92 dbw $0a, $5cf1 dbw $0a, $5cfa dbw $0a, $5bfb dbw $0a, $5c7b dbw $0a, $5ec4 dbw $0a, $5ed9 dbw $0a, $5eaf dbw $0a, $5f47 dbw $03, $42f6 dbw $03, $4309 dbw $41, $50b9 dbw $03, $434a dbw $13, $59e5 dbw $04, $7a12 dbw $04, $7a31 dbw $04, $75db dbw $3e, $7b32 dbw $3e, $7cd2 dbw $03, $4658 dbw $05, $559a dbw $03, $42e7 dbw $05, $66d6 dbw $05, $672a dbw $05, $6936 dbw $0b, $4547 dbw $05, $6218 dbw $23, $4c04 dbw BANK(SpecialNameRival), SpecialNameRival dbw $24, $4913 dbw $03, $42c0 dbw $03, $42cd dbw $03, $4355 dbw $03, $4360 dbw $03, $4373 dbw $03, $4380 dbw $03, $438d dbw $03, $43db dbw $23, $4084 dbw $23, $4092 dbw $23, $40b6 dbw $23, $4079 dbw $23, $40ab dbw $00, $0d91 dbw BANK(WhiteBGMap), WhiteBGMap dbw $00, $0485 dbw BANK(ClearTileMap), ClearTileMap dbw $00, $1ad2 dbw $00, $0e4a dbw $03, $4230 dbw $03, $4252 dbw BANK(WaitSFX),WaitSFX dbw $00, $3cdf dbw $00, $3d47 dbw $04, $6324 dbw $02, $4379 dbw $03, $425a dbw $03, $4268 dbw $03, $4276 dbw $03, $4284 dbw $03, $43ef dbw $05, $7421 dbw $05, $7440 dbw $04, $79a8 dbw $03, $43fc dbw $09, $6feb dbw $09, $7043 dbw BANK(SpecialGiveShuckle), SpecialGiveShuckle dbw $01, $737e dbw $01, $73f7 dbw BANK(SpecialCheckPokerus),SpecialCheckPokerus dbw $09, $4b25 dbw $09, $4b4e dbw $09, $4ae8 dbw $13, $587a dbw $03, $4434 dbw $03, $4422 dbw $13, $59d3 dbw $22, $4018 dbw $03, $42b9 dbw $03, $42da dbw $01, $718d dbw $01, $71ac dbw $0a, $64ab dbw $0a, $651f dbw $0a, $6567 dbw $05, $4209 dbw $3e, $7841 dbw BANK(SpecialSnorlaxAwake),SpecialSnorlaxAwake dbw $01, $7413 dbw $01, $7418 dbw $01, $741d dbw $03, $4472 dbw $09, $65ee dbw BANK(SpecialGameboyCheck),SpecialGameboyCheck dbw BANK(SpecialTrainerHouse),SpecialTrainerHouse dbw $05, $6dc7 dbw BANK(SpecialRoamMons), SpecialRoamMons dbw $03, $448f dbw $03, $449f dbw $03, $44ac dbw $46, $6c3e dbw $46, $7444 dbw $46, $75e8 dbw $46, $77e5 dbw $46, $7879 dbw $46, $7920 dbw $46, $793b dbw $5c, $40b0 dbw $5c, $40ba dbw $5c, $4114 dbw $5c, $4215 dbw $5c, $44e1 dbw $5c, $421d dbw $5c, $4b44 dbw $46, $7a38 dbw $5c, $4bd3 dbw $45, $7656 dbw $00, $0150 dbw $40, $51f1 dbw $40, $5220 dbw $40, $5225 dbw $40, $5231 dbw $12, $525b dbw $22, $6def dbw $47, $41ab dbw $5c, $4687 dbw $22, $6e68 dbw $5f, $5224 dbw $5f, $52b6 dbw $5f, $52ce dbw $5f, $753d dbw $40, $7612 dbw BANK(SpecialHoOhChamber),SpecialHoOhChamber dbw $40, $6142 dbw $12, $589a dbw $12, $5bf9 dbw $13, $70bc dbw $22, $6f6b dbw $22, $6fd4 dbw BANK(SpecialDratini),SpecialDratini dbw $04, $5485 dbw BANK(SpecialBeastsCheck),SpecialBeastsCheck dbw BANK(SpecialMonCheck),SpecialMonCheck dbw $03, $4225 dbw $5c, $4bd2 dbw $40, $766e dbw $40, $77eb dbw $40, $783c dbw $41, $60a2 dbw $05, $4168 dbw $40, $77c2 dbw $41, $630f dbw $40, $7780 dbw $40, $787b dbw $12, $6e12 dbw $41, $47eb dbw $12, $6927 dbw $24, $4a54 dbw $24, $4a88 dbw $03, $4224 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $c224, $c29d - $c224 SpecialNameRival: ; 0xc29d ld b, $2 ; rival ld de, WRivalName ld a, BANK(Function116b7) ld hl, Function116b7 rst $8 ; default to "SILVER" ld hl, WRivalName ld de, DefaultRivalName call InitString ret ; 0xc2b2 DefaultRivalName: ; 0xc2b2 db "SILVER@" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $c2b9, $c3e2 - $c2b9 ScriptReturnCarry: ; c3e2 jr c, .carry xor a ld [ScriptVar], a ret .carry ld a, 1 ld [ScriptVar], a ret ; c3ef INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $c3ef, $c419 - $c3ef SpecialCheckPokerus: ; c419 ; Check if a monster in your party has Pokerus callba CheckPokerus jp ScriptReturnCarry ; c422 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $c422, $c43d - $c422 SpecialSnorlaxAwake: ; 0xc43d ; Check if the Poké Flute channel is playing, and if the player is standing ; next to Snorlax. ; outputs: ; ScriptVar is 1 if the conditions are met, otherwise 0. ; check background music ld a, [$c2c0] cp $40 ; Poké Flute Channel jr nz, .nope ld a, [XCoord] ld b, a ld a, [YCoord] ld c, a ld hl, .ProximityCoords .loop ld a, [hli] cp $ff jr z, .nope cp b jr nz, .nextcoord ld a, [hli] cp c jr nz, .loop ld a, $1 jr .done .nextcoord inc hl jr .loop .nope xor a .done ld [ScriptVar], a ret .ProximityCoords db $21, $08 db $22, $0a db $23, $0a db $24, $08 db $24, $09 db $ff INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $c472, $c478 - $c472 SpecialGameboyCheck: ; c478 ; check cgb ld a, [hCGB] and a jr nz, .cgb ; check sgb ld a, [hSGB] and a jr nz, .sgb ; gb xor a jr .done .sgb ld a, 1 jr .done .cgb ld a, 2 .done ld [ScriptVar], a ret INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $c48f, $c4b9 - $c48f SpecialTrainerHouse: ; 0xc4b9 ld a, 0 call GetSRAMBank ld a, [$abfd] ; XXX what is this memory location? ld [ScriptVar], a jp CloseSRAM INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $c4c7, $c5d2 - $c4c7 PrintNumber_PrintDigit: ; c5d2 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $c5d2, $c644 - $c5d2 PrintNumber_PrintLeadingZero: ; c644 ; prints a leading zero unless they are turned off in the flags bit 7, d ; print leading zeroes? ret z ld [hl], "0" ret PrintNumber_AdvancePointer: ; c64a ; increments the pointer unless leading zeroes are not being printed, ; the number is left-aligned, and no nonzero digits have been printed yet bit 7, d ; print leading zeroes? jr nz, .incrementPointer\@ bit 6, d ; left alignment or right alignment? jr z, .incrementPointer\@ ld a, [hPastLeadingZeroes] and a ret z .incrementPointer\@ inc hl ret ; 0xc658 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $c658, $c706 - $c658 GetPartyNick: ; c706 ; write CurPartyMon nickname to StringBuffer1-3 ld hl, PartyMon1Nickname ld a, $02 ld [$cf5f], a ld a, [CurPartyMon] call GetNick call CopyName1 ; copy text from StringBuffer2 to StringBuffer3 ld de, StringBuffer2 ld hl, StringBuffer3 call CopyName2 ret ; c721 CheckFlag2: ; c721 ; using bittable2 ; check flag id in de ; return carry if flag is not set ld b, $02 ; check flag callba GetFlag2 ld a, c and a jr nz, .isset scf ret .isset xor a ret ; c731 CheckBadge: ; c731 ; input: a = badge flag id ($1b-$2b) call CheckFlag2 ret nc ld hl, BadgeRequiredText call $1d67 ; push text to queue scf ret ; c73d BadgeRequiredText: ; c73d TX_FAR _BadgeRequiredText ; Sorry! A new BADGE db "@" ; is required. ; c742 CheckPartyMove: ; c742 ; checks if a pokemon in your party has a move ; e = partymon being checked ; input: d = move id ld e, $00 ; mon # xor a ld [CurPartyMon], a .checkmon ; check for valid species ld c, e ld b, $00 ld hl, PartySpecies add hl, bc ld a, [hl] and a ; no id jr z, .quit cp a, $ff ; terminator jr z, .quit cp a, EGG jr z, .nextmon ; navigate to appropriate move table ld bc, PartyMon2 - PartyMon1 ld hl, PartyMon1Moves ld a, e call AddNTimes ld b, $04 ; number of moves .checkmove ld a, [hli] cp d ; move id jr z, .end dec b ; how many moves left? jr nz, .checkmove .nextmon inc e ; mon # jr .checkmon .end ld a, e ld [CurPartyMon], a ; which mon has the move xor a ret .quit scf ret ; c779 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $c779, $c986 - $c779 UsedSurfScript: ; c986 ; print "[MON] used SURF!" 2writetext UsedSurfText closetext loadmovesprites ; this does absolutely nothing 3callasm BANK(Functionc9a2), Functionc9a2 ; write surftype to PlayerState copybytetovar $d1eb ; Buffer2 writevarcode VAR_MOVEMENT ; update sprite tiles special SPECIAL_UPDATESPRITETILES ; start surf music special SPECIAL_BIKESURFMUSIC ; step into the water special SPECIAL_LOADFACESTEP ; (slow_step_x, step_end) applymovement $00, $d007 ; PLAYER, MovementBuffer end ; c9a2 Functionc9a2: ; c9a2 callba Function1060bb ; empty ret ; c9a9 UsedSurfText: ; c9a9 TX_FAR _UsedSurfText ; [MONSTER] used db "@" ; SURF! ; c9ae CantSurfText: ; c9ae TX_FAR _CantSurfText ; You can't SURF db "@" ; here. ; c9b3 AlreadySurfingText: ; c9b3 TX_FAR _AlreadySurfingText ; You're already db "@" ; SURFING. ; c9b8 GetSurfType: ; c9b8 ; get surfmon species ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld e, a ld d, $00 ld hl, PartySpecies add hl, de ; is pikachu surfing? ld a, [hl] cp PIKACHU ld a, PLAYER_SURF_PIKA ret z ld a, PLAYER_SURF ret ; c9cb CheckDirection: ; c9cb ; set carry if a tile permission prevents you ; from moving in the direction you are facing ; get player direction ld a, [PlayerDirection] and a, %00001100 ; bits 2 and 3 contain direction rrca rrca ld e, a ld d, $00 ld hl, .DirectionTable add hl, de ; can you walk in this direction? ld a, [TilePermissions] and [hl] jr nz, .quit xor a ret .quit scf ret ; c9e3 .DirectionTable ; c9e3 db %00001000 ; down db %00000100 ; up db %00000010 ; left db %00000001 ; right ; c9e7 CheckSurfOW: ; c9e7 ; called when checking a tile in the overworld ; check if you can surf ; return carry if conditions are met ; can we surf? ld a, [PlayerState] ; are you already surfing (pikachu)? cp PLAYER_SURF_PIKA jr z, .quit ; are you already surfing (normal)? cp PLAYER_SURF jr z, .quit ; are you facing a surf tile? ld a, [$d03e] ; buffer for the tile you are facing (used for other things too) call GetTileType cp $01 ; surfable jr nz, .quit ; does this contradict tile permissions? call CheckDirection jr c, .quit ; do you have fog badge? ld de, $001e ; FLAG_FOG_BADGE call CheckFlag2 jr c, .quit ; do you have a monster with surf? ld d, SURF call CheckPartyMove jr c, .quit ; can you get off the bike (cycling road)? ld hl, $dbf5 ; overworld flags bit 1, [hl] ; always on bike (can't surf) jr nz, .quit ; load surftype into MovementType call GetSurfType ld [$d1eb], a ; MovementType ; get surfmon nick call GetPartyNick ; run AskSurfScript ld a, BANK(AskSurfScript) ld hl, AskSurfScript call PushScriptPointer ; conditions were met scf ret .quit ; conditions were not met xor a ret ; ca2c AskSurfScript: ; ca2c loadfont 2writetext AskSurfText yesorno iftrue UsedSurfScript loadmovesprites end AskSurfText: ; ca36 TX_FAR _AskSurfText ; The water is calm. db "@" ; Want to SURF? ; ca3b INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $ca3b, $d407 - $ca3b GetTMHMNumber: ; d407 ; Return the number of a TM/HM by item id c. ld a, c ; Skip any dummy items. cp $c3 ; TM04-05 jr c, .done cp $dc ; TM28-29 jr c, .skip dec a .skip dec a .done sub TM_01 inc a ld c, a ret ; d417 GetNumberedTMHM: ; d417 ; Return the item id of a TM/HM by number c. ld a, c ; Skip any gaps. cp 5 jr c, .done cp 29 jr c, .skip inc a .skip inc a .done add TM_01 dec a ld c, a ret ; d427 CheckTossableItem: ; d427 ; Return 1 in $d142 and carry if CurItem can't be removed from the bag. ld a, 4 call GetItemAttr bit 7, a jr nz, Function0xd47f and a ret ; d432 CheckSelectableItem: ; d432 ; Return 1 in $d142 and carry if CurItem can't be selected. ld a, 4 call GetItemAttr bit 6, a jr nz, Function0xd47f and a ret ; d43d CheckItemPocket: ; d43d ; Return the pocket for CurItem in $d142. ld a, 5 call GetItemAttr and $f ld [$d142], a ret ; d448 CheckItemContext: ; d448 ; Return the context for CurItem in $d142. ld a, 6 call GetItemAttr and $f ld [$d142], a ret ; d453 CheckItemMenu: ; d453 ; Return the menu for CurItem in $d142. ld a, 6 call GetItemAttr swap a and $f ld [$d142], a ret ; d460 GetItemAttr: ; d460 ; Get attribute a of CurItem. push hl push bc ld hl, ItemAttributes ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc xor a ld [$d142], a ld a, [CurItem] dec a ld c, a ld a, 7 call AddNTimes ld a, BANK(ItemAttributes) call GetFarByte pop bc pop hl ret ; d47f Function0xd47f: ; d47f ld a, 1 ld [$d142], a scf ret ; d486 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $d486, $e722 - $d486 DoItemEffect: ; e722 ld a, [CurItem] ld [$d265], a call GetItemName call CopyName1 ld a, 1 ld [$d0ec], a ld a, [CurItem] dec a ld hl, ItemEffects rst $28 ret ; e73c ItemEffects: ; e73c dw MasterBall dw UltraBall dw Brightpowder dw GreatBall dw PokeBall dw Item06 dw Bicycle dw MoonStone dw Antidote dw BurnHeal dw IceHeal dw Awakening dw ParlyzHeal dw FullRestore dw MaxPotion dw HyperPotion dw SuperPotion dw Potion dw EscapeRope dw Repel dw MaxElixer dw FireStone dw Thunderstone dw WaterStone dw Item19 dw HpUp dw Protein dw Iron dw Carbos dw LuckyPunch dw Calcium dw RareCandy dw XAccuracy dw LeafStone dw MetalPowder dw Nugget dw PokeDoll dw FullHeal dw Revive dw MaxRevive dw GuardSpec dw SuperRepel dw MaxRepel dw DireHit dw Item2D dw FreshWater dw SodaPop dw Lemonade dw XAttack dw Item32 dw XDefend dw XSpeed dw XSpecial dw CoinCase dw Itemfinder dw Item38 dw ExpShare dw OldRod dw GoodRod dw SilverLeaf dw SuperRod dw PpUp dw Ether dw MaxEther dw Elixer dw RedScale dw Secretpotion dw SSTicket dw MysteryEgg dw ClearBell dw SilverWing dw MoomooMilk dw QuickClaw dw Psncureberry dw GoldLeaf dw SoftSand dw SharpBeak dw Przcureberry dw BurntBerry dw IceBerry dw PoisonBarb dw KingsRock dw BitterBerry dw MintBerry dw RedApricorn dw Tinymushroom dw BigMushroom dw Silverpowder dw BluApricorn dw Item5A dw AmuletCoin dw YlwApricorn dw GrnApricorn dw CleanseTag dw MysticWater dw Twistedspoon dw WhtApricorn dw Blackbelt dw BlkApricorn dw Item64 dw PnkApricorn dw Blackglasses dw Slowpoketail dw PinkBow dw Stick dw SmokeBall dw Nevermeltice dw Magnet dw Miracleberry dw Pearl dw BigPearl dw Everstone dw SpellTag dw Ragecandybar dw GsBall dw BlueCard dw MiracleSeed dw ThickClub dw FocusBand dw Item78 dw Energypowder dw EnergyRoot dw HealPowder dw RevivalHerb dw HardStone dw LuckyEgg dw CardKey dw MachinePart dw EggTicket dw LostItem dw Stardust dw StarPiece dw BasementKey dw Pass dw Item87 dw Item88 dw Item89 dw Charcoal dw BerryJuice dw ScopeLens dw Item8D dw Item8E dw MetalCoat dw DragonFang dw Item91 dw Leftovers dw Item93 dw Item94 dw Item95 dw Mysteryberry dw DragonScale dw BerserkGene dw Item99 dw Item9A dw Item9B dw SacredAsh dw HeavyBall dw FlowerMail dw LevelBall dw LureBall dw FastBall dw ItemA2 dw LightBall dw FriendBall dw MoonBall dw LoveBall dw NormalBox dw GorgeousBox dw SunStone dw PolkadotBow dw ItemAB dw UpGrade dw Berry dw GoldBerry dw Squirtbottle dw ItemB0 dw ParkBall dw RainbowWing dw ItemB3 ; e8a2 INCLUDE "items/item_effects.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $f780, $fa0b - $f780 SECTION "bank4",DATA,BANK[$4] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $10000, $10b16 - $10000 PackGFX: INCBIN "gfx/misc/pack.2bpp" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $113d6, $1167a - $113d6 TechnicalMachines: ; 0x1167a db DYNAMICPUNCH db HEADBUTT db CURSE db ROLLOUT db ROAR db TOXIC db ZAP_CANNON db ROCK_SMASH db PSYCH_UP db HIDDEN_POWER db SUNNY_DAY db SWEET_SCENT db SNORE db BLIZZARD db HYPER_BEAM db ICY_WIND db PROTECT db RAIN_DANCE db GIGA_DRAIN db ENDURE db FRUSTRATION db SOLARBEAM db IRON_TAIL db DRAGONBREATH db THUNDER db EARTHQUAKE db RETURN db DIG db PSYCHIC_M db SHADOW_BALL db MUD_SLAP db DOUBLE_TEAM db ICE_PUNCH db SWAGGER db SLEEP_TALK db SLUDGE_BOMB db SANDSTORM db FIRE_BLAST db SWIFT db DEFENSE_CURL db THUNDERPUNCH db DREAM_EATER db DETECT db REST db ATTRACT db THIEF db STEEL_WING db FIRE_PUNCH db FURY_CUTTER db NIGHTMARE db CUT db FLY db SURF db STRENGTH db FLASH db WHIRLPOOL db WATERFALL INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $116b3, $116b7 - $116b3 Function116b7: ; 0x116b7 call Function2ed3 call $56c1 call $2b74 ret ; 0x116c1 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $116c1, $11ce7 - $116c1 NameInputLower: db "a b c d e f g h i" db "j k l m n o p q r" db "s t u v w x y z " db "× ( ) : ; [ ] ", $e1, " ", $e2 db "UPPER DEL END " BoxNameInputLower: db "a b c d e f g h i" db "j k l m n o p q r" db "s t u v w x y z " db "é 'd 'l 'm 'r 's 't 'v 0" db "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" db "UPPER DEL END " NameInputUpper: db "A B C D E F G H I" db "J K L M N O P Q R" db "S T U V W X Y Z " db "- ? ! / . , " db "lower DEL END " BoxNameInputUpper: db "A B C D E F G H I" db "J K L M N O P Q R" db "S T U V W X Y Z " db "× ( ) : ; [ ] ", $e1, " ", $e2 db "- ? ! ♂ ♀ / . , &" db "lower DEL END " INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $11e5d, $125cd - $11e5d OpenMenu: ; 0x125cd call $1fbf ld de, SFX_MENU call StartSFX ld a, $1 ld hl, $6454 rst FarCall ld hl, $d84d bit 2, [hl] ld hl, $66d3 jr z, .asm_125e9 ld hl, $66db ; draw the menu a little lower .asm_125e9 call $1d35 call SetUpMenuItems ld a, [$d0d2] ld [$cf88], a call DrawMenuAccount_ call $1e7f call $68d1 call $2e31 call $2e20 ld a, $1 ld hl, $64bf rst $8 call $68de call $0485 jr .wait .reopen call $1ad2 call $0485 call $6829 ld a, [$d0d2] ld [$cf88], a .wait call MenuWait jr c, .exit call DrawMenuAccount ld a, [$cf88] ld [$d0d2], a call PlayClickSFX call $1bee call $67e5 ; code when you return from a submenu. some submenus force you to quit ; the menu, like save. option forces it to redraw completely. ld hl, .MenuReturnPointerTable ld e, a ld d, $0 add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp [hl] .MenuReturnPointerTable: ; $6644 dw .reopen dw .exit dw $66a2 ; invalid? dw $6699 ; invalid? dw $6691 ; invalid? dw .end dw $66b1 ; redraw .exit ld a, [$ffd8] push af ld a, $1 ld [hOAMUpdate], a call $0e5f pop af ld [hOAMUpdate], a .end call $1c07 call $2dcf call $0485 ret MenuWait: ; 0x12669 ; returns nc if A was pressed, c if B. xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a call DrawMenuAccount call SetUpMenu ld a, $ff ld [MenuSelection], a .loop call PrintMenuAccount call $1f1a ld a, [$cf73] cp BUTTON_B jr z, .b_button cp BUTTON_A jr z, .a_button jr .loop .a_button call PlayClickSFX and a ret .b_button scf ret ; 0x12691 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $12691, $12721 - $12691 MenuStringDex: ; 0x12721 db "#DEX@" MenuStringMon: ; 0x12726 db "#MON@" MenuStringPack: ; 0x1272b db "PACK@" MenuStringProfile: ; 0x12730 db $52, "@" MenuStringSave: ; 0x12732 db "SAVE@" MenuStringOption: ; 0x12737 db "OPTION@" MenuStringExit: ; 0x1273e db "EXIT@" MenuStringGear: ; 0x12743 db $24, "GEAR@" MenuStringQuit: ; 0x12749 db "QUIT@" MenuStringDescDex: ; 0x1274e db "#MON", $4e, "database@" MenuStringDescParty: ; 0x1275c db "Party ", $4a, $4e, "status@" MenuStringDescPack: ; 0x1276b db "Contains", $4e, "items@" MenuStringDescGear: ; 0x1277a db "Trainer's", $4e, "key device@" MenuStringDescProfile: ; 0x1278e db "Your own", $4e, "status@" MenuStringDescSave: ; 0x1279e db "Save your", $4e, "progress@" MenuStringDescOption: ; 0x127b1 db "Change", $4e, "settings@" MenuStringDescExit: ; 0x127c1 db "Close this", $4e, "menu@" MenuStringDescRetire: ; 0x127d1 db "Quit and", $4e, "be judged.@" ; 0x127e5 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $127e5, $12800 - $127e5 WriteMenuAccount: push de ld a, [MenuSelection] cp $ff jr z, .none call GetMenuAccountTextPointer inc hl inc hl inc hl inc hl ld a, [hli] ld d, [hl] ld e, a pop hl call PlaceString ret .none pop de ret GetMenuAccountTextPointer: ; 0x12819 ld e, a ld d, $0 ld hl, $cf97 ; table is dynamic and stored in memory ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a add hl, de add hl, de add hl, de add hl, de add hl, de add hl, de ret SetUpMenuItems: ; 4:6829 = 0x12829 xor a ld [$cf76], a call $688d ld hl, $d84c bit 0, [hl] jr z, .no_pokedex ld a, $0 call AppendMenuList .no_pokedex ld a, [PartyCount] and a jr z, .no_pokemon ld a, $1 call AppendMenuList .no_pokemon ld a, [InLinkBattle] and a jr nz, .no_pack ld hl, $d84d bit 2, [hl] jr nz, .no_pack ld a, $2 call AppendMenuList .no_pack ld hl, $d957 bit 7, [hl] jr z, .no_exit ld a, $7 call AppendMenuList .no_exit ld a, $3 call AppendMenuList ld a, [InLinkBattle] and a jr nz, .no_save ld hl, $d84d bit 2, [hl] ld a, $8 jr nz, .write ld a, $4 .write call AppendMenuList .no_save ld a, $5 call AppendMenuList ld a, $6 call AppendMenuList ld a, c ld [MenuItemsList], a ret FillMenuList: ; 0x1288d xor a ld hl, MenuItemsList ld [hli], a ld a, $ff ld bc, $000f call ByteFill ld de, MenuItemsList+1 ld c, 0 ret AppendMenuList: ; 0x128a0 ld [de], a inc de inc c ret DrawMenuAccount_:; 0x128a4 jp DrawMenuAccount PrintMenuAccount: ; 4:68a7 0x128a7 call IsMenuAccountOn ret z call DrawMenuAccount decoord 0, 14 ; $c5b8 jp $6800 DrawMenuAccount: ; 4:68b4 0x128b4 call IsMenuAccountOn ret z hlcoord 0, 13 ; $c5a4 ld bc, $050a call ClearBox hlcoord 0, 13 ; $c5a4 ld b, $3 ld c, $8 jp TextBoxPalette IsMenuAccountOn: ; 0x128cb ld a, [Options2] and $1 ret ; 0x128d1 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $128d1, $12976 - $128d1 OpenPartyMenu: ; $12976 ld a, [PartyCount] and a jr z, .return ; no pokémon in party call $2b29 ; fade in? .choosemenu ; 1297f xor a ld [PartyMenuActionText], a ; Choose a POKéMON. call WhiteBGMap .menu ; 12986 ld a, $14 ld hl, $404f rst FarCall ; load gfx ld a, $14 ld hl, $4405 rst FarCall ; setup menu? ld a, $14 ld hl, $43e0 rst FarCall ; load menu pokémon sprites .menunoreload ; 12998 ld a, BANK(WritePartyMenuTilemap) ld hl, WritePartyMenuTilemap rst FarCall ld a, BANK(PrintPartyMenuText) ld hl, PrintPartyMenuText rst FarCall call $31f6 call $32f9 ; load regular palettes? call DelayFrame ld a, BANK(PartyMenuSelect) ld hl, PartyMenuSelect rst FarCall jr c, .return ; if cancelled or pressed B call PokemonActionSubmenu cp $3 jr z, .menu cp $0 jr z, .choosemenu cp $1 jr z, .menunoreload cp $2 jr z, .quit .return ; 129c8 call $2b3c ld a, $0 ret .quit ; 129ce ld a, b push af call $2b4d pop af ret ; 0x129d5 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $129d5, $12a88 - $129d5 PokemonActionSubmenu ; 0x12a88 ld hl, $c5cd ; coord ld bc, $0212 ; box size call $0fb6 ; draw box ld a, $9 ld hl, $4d19 rst FarCall call $389c ld a, [MenuSelection] ld hl, PokemonSubmenuActionPointerTable ld de, $0003 ; skip 3 bytes each time call IsInArray jr nc, .nothing inc hl ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp [hl] .nothing ld a, $0 ret ; 0x12ab0 PokemonSubmenuActionPointerTable: ; 0x12ab0 dbw $01, $6e1b dbw $02, $6e30 dbw $03, $6ebd dbw $04, $6e6a dbw $06, $6e55 dbw $07, $6e7f dbw $08, $6ed1 dbw $09, $6ea9 dbw $0a, $6ee6 dbw $0d, $6ee6 dbw $0b, $6f26 dbw $05, $6e94 dbw $0c, $6f3b dbw $0e, $6f50 dbw $0f, OpenPartyStats ; stats dbw $10, $6aec ; switch dbw $11, $6b60 ; item dbw $12, $6a79 dbw $13, $6fba ; move dbw $14, $6d45 ; mail ; no terminator? ; 0x12aec INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $12aec, $12e00 - $12aec OpenPartyStats: ; 12e00 call $1d6e call ClearSprites xor a ld [MonType], a ; partymon call LowVolume ld a, $25 call Predef call MaxVolume call $1d7d ld a, $0 ret ; 0x12e1b INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $12e1b, $13b87 - $12e1b GetSquareRoot: ; 13b87 ; Return the square root of de in b. ; Rather than calculating the result, we take the index of the ; first value in a table of squares that isn't lower than de. ld hl, Squares ld b, 0 .loop ; Make sure we don't go past the end of the table. inc b ld a, b cp $ff ret z ; Iterate over the table until b**2 >= de. ld a, [hli] sub e ld a, [hli] sbc d jr c, .loop ret Squares: ; 13b98 root set 1 rept $ff dw root*root root set root+1 endr ; 13d96 SECTION "bank5",DATA,BANK[$5] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $14000, $14032 - $14000 GetTimeOfDay: ; 14032 ; get time of day based on the current hour ld a, [hHours] ; hour ld hl, TimeOfDayTable .check ; if we're within the given time period, ; get the corresponding time of day cp [hl] jr c, .match ; else, get the next entry inc hl inc hl ; try again jr .check .match ; get time of day inc hl ld a, [hl] ld [TimeOfDay], a ret ; 14044 TimeOfDayTable: ; 14044 ; boundaries for the time of day ; 04-09 morn | 10-17 day | 18-03 nite ; hr, time of day db 04, $02 ; NITE db 10, $00 ; MORN db 18, $01 ; DAY db 24, $02 ; NITE ; 1404c INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1404c, $152ab - $1404c BlackoutPoints: ; 0x152ab db GROUP_KRISS_HOUSE_2F, MAP_KRISS_HOUSE_2F, 3, 3 db GROUP_VIRIDIAN_POKECENTER_1F, MAP_VIRIDIAN_POKECENTER_1F, 5, 3 ; unused db GROUP_PALLET_TOWN, MAP_PALLET_TOWN, 5, 6 db GROUP_VIRIDIAN_CITY, MAP_VIRIDIAN_CITY, 23, 26 db GROUP_PEWTER_CITY, MAP_PEWTER_CITY, 13, 26 db GROUP_CERULEAN_CITY, MAP_CERULEAN_CITY, 19, 22 db GROUP_ROUTE_10A, MAP_ROUTE_10A, 11, 2 db GROUP_VERMILION_CITY, MAP_VERMILION_CITY, 9, 6 db GROUP_LAVENDER_TOWN, MAP_LAVENDER_TOWN, 5, 6 db GROUP_SAFFRON_CITY, MAP_SAFFRON_CITY, 9, 30 db GROUP_CELADON_CITY, MAP_CELADON_CITY, 29, 10 db GROUP_FUCHSIA_CITY, MAP_FUCHSIA_CITY, 19, 28 db GROUP_CINNABAR_ISLAND, MAP_CINNABAR_ISLAND, 11, 12 db GROUP_ROUTE_23, MAP_ROUTE_23, 9, 6 db GROUP_NEW_BARK_TOWN, MAP_NEW_BARK_TOWN, 13, 6 db GROUP_CHERRYGROVE_CITY, MAP_CHERRYGROVE_CITY, 29, 4 db GROUP_VIOLET_CITY, MAP_VIOLET_CITY, 31, 26 db GROUP_ROUTE_32, MAP_ROUTE_32, 11, 74 db GROUP_AZALEA_TOWN, MAP_AZALEA_TOWN, 15, 10 db GROUP_CIANWOOD_CITY, MAP_CIANWOOD_CITY, 23, 44 db GROUP_GOLDENROD_CITY, MAP_GOLDENROD_CITY, 15, 28 db GROUP_OLIVINE_CITY, MAP_OLIVINE_CITY, 13, 22 db GROUP_ECRUTEAK_CITY, MAP_ECRUTEAK_CITY, 23, 28 db GROUP_MAHOGANY_TOWN, MAP_MAHOGANY_TOWN, 15, 14 db GROUP_LAKE_OF_RAGE, MAP_LAKE_OF_RAGE, 21, 29 db GROUP_BLACKTHORN_CITY, MAP_BLACKTHORN_CITY, 21, 30 db GROUP_SILVER_CAVE_OUTSIDE, MAP_SILVER_CAVE_OUTSIDE, 23, 20 db GROUP_FAST_SHIP_CABINS_SW_SSW_NW, MAP_FAST_SHIP_CABINS_SW_SSW_NW, 6, 2 db $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1531f, $174ba - $1531f SECTION "bank6",DATA,BANK[$6] Tileset03GFX: ; 0x18000 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/03.lz" ; 0x18605 db $00 Tileset03Meta: ; 0x18606 INCBIN "tilesets/03_metatiles.bin" ; 0x18e06 Tileset03Coll: ; 0x18e06 INCBIN "tilesets/03_collision.bin" ; 0x19006 Tileset00GFX: ; 0x19006 Tileset01GFX: ; 0x19006 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/01.lz" ; 0x19c0d db $00 Tileset00Meta: ; 0x19c0e Tileset01Meta: ; 0x19c0e INCBIN "tilesets/01_metatiles.bin" ; 0x1a40e Tileset00Coll: ; 0x1a40e Tileset01Coll: ; 0x1a40e INCBIN "tilesets/01_collision.bin" ; 0x1a60e Tileset29GFX: ; 0x1a60e INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/29.lz" ; 0x1af38 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset29Meta: ; 0x1af3e INCBIN "tilesets/29_metatiles.bin" ; 0x1b33e Tileset29Coll: ; 0x1b33e INCBIN "tilesets/29_collision.bin" ; 0x1b43e Tileset20GFX: ; 0x1b43e INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/20.lz" ; 0x1b8f1 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset20Meta: ; 0x1b8fe INCBIN "tilesets/20_metatiles.bin" ; 0x1bcfe Tileset20Coll: ; 0x1bcfe INCBIN "tilesets/20_collision.bin" ; 0x1bdfe SECTION "bank7",DATA,BANK[$7] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1c000, $1c30c - $1c000 Tileset07GFX: ; 0x1c30c INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/07.lz" ; 0x1c73b db $00 Tileset07Meta: ; 0x1c73c INCBIN "tilesets/07_metatiles.bin" ; 0x1cb3c Tileset07Coll: ; 0x1cb3c INCBIN "tilesets/07_collision.bin" ; 0x1cc3c Tileset09GFX: ; 0x1cc3c INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/09.lz" ; 0x1d047 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset09Meta: ; 0x1d04c INCBIN "tilesets/09_metatiles.bin" ; 0x1d44c Tileset09Coll: ; 0x1d44c INCBIN "tilesets/09_collision.bin" ; 0x1d54c Tileset06GFX: ; 0x1d54c INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/06.lz" ; 0x1d924 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset06Meta: ; 0x1d92c INCBIN "tilesets/06_metatiles.bin" ; 0x1dd2c Tileset06Coll: ; 0x1dd2c INCBIN "tilesets/06_collision.bin" ; 0x1de2c Tileset13GFX: ; 0x1de2c INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/13.lz" ; 0x1e58c Tileset13Meta: ; 0x1e58c INCBIN "tilesets/13_metatiles.bin" ; 0x1e98c Tileset13Coll: ; 0x1e98c INCBIN "tilesets/13_collision.bin" ; 0x1ea8c Tileset24GFX: ; 0x1ea8c INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/24.lz" ; 0x1ee0e db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset24Meta: ; 0x1ee1c Tileset30Meta: ; 0x1ee1c INCBIN "tilesets/30_metatiles.bin" ; 0x1f21c Tileset24Coll: ; 0x1f21c Tileset30Coll: ; 0x1f21c INCBIN "tilesets/30_collision.bin" ; 0x1f31c ; Songs i Music_Credits: INCLUDE "audio/music/credits.asm" Music_Clair: INCLUDE "audio/music/clair.asm" Music_MobileAdapter: INCLUDE "audio/music/mobileadapter.asm" SECTION "bank8",DATA,BANK[$8] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $20000, $20181 - $20000 Tileset23GFX: ; 0x20181 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/23.lz" ; 0x206d2 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset23Meta: ; 0x206e1 INCBIN "tilesets/23_metatiles.bin" ; 0x20ae1 Tileset23Coll: ; 0x20ae1 INCBIN "tilesets/23_collision.bin" ; 0x20be1 Tileset10GFX: ; 0x20be1 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/10.lz" ; 0x213e0 db $00 Tileset10Meta: ; 0x213e1 INCBIN "tilesets/10_metatiles.bin" ; 0x217e1 Tileset10Coll: ; 0x217e1 INCBIN "tilesets/10_collision.bin" ; 0x218e1 Tileset12GFX: ; 0x218e1 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/12.lz" ; 0x22026 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset12Meta: ; 0x22031 INCBIN "tilesets/12_metatiles.bin" ; 0x22431 Tileset12Coll: ; 0x22431 INCBIN "tilesets/12_collision.bin" ; 0x22531 Tileset14GFX: ; 0x22531 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/14.lz" ; 0x22ae2 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset14Meta: ; 0x22af1 INCBIN "tilesets/14_metatiles.bin" ; 0x22ef1 Tileset14Coll: ; 0x22ef1 INCBIN "tilesets/14_collision.bin" ; 0x22ff1 Tileset17GFX: ; 0x22ff1 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/17.lz" ; 0x23391 Tileset17Meta: ; 0x23391 INCBIN "tilesets/17_metatiles.bin" ; 0x23791 Tileset17Coll: ; 0x23791 INCBIN "tilesets/17_collision.bin" ; 0x23891 ; todo Tileset31Meta: ; 0x23891 INCBIN "tilesets/31_metatiles.bin", $0, $280 ; 0x23b11 EggMovePointers: ; 0x23b11 INCLUDE "stats/egg_move_pointers.asm" INCLUDE "stats/egg_moves.asm" SECTION "bank9",DATA,BANK[$9] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $24000, $270c4 - $24000 GetTrainerDVs: ; 270c4 ; get dvs based on trainer class ; output: bc push hl ; dec trainer class so there's no filler entry for $00 ld a, [OtherTrainerClass] dec a ld c, a ld b, $0 ; seek table ld hl, TrainerClassDVs add hl, bc add hl, bc ; get dvs ld a, [hli] ld b, a ld c, [hl] ; we're done pop hl ret ; 270d6 TrainerClassDVs ; 270d6 ; AtkDef, SpdSpc db $9A, $77 ; falkner db $88, $88 ; bugsy db $98, $88 ; whitney db $98, $88 ; morty db $98, $88 ; pryce db $98, $88 ; jasmine db $98, $88 ; chuck db $7C, $DD ; clair db $DD, $DD ; rival1 db $98, $88 ; pokemon prof db $DC, $DD ; will db $DC, $DD ; cal db $DC, $DD ; bruno db $7F, $DF ; karen db $DC, $DD ; koga db $DC, $DD ; champion db $98, $88 ; brock db $78, $88 ; misty db $98, $88 ; lt surge db $98, $88 ; scientist db $78, $88 ; erika db $98, $88 ; youngster db $98, $88 ; schoolboy db $98, $88 ; bird keeper db $58, $88 ; lass db $98, $88 ; janine db $D8, $C8 ; cooltrainerm db $7C, $C8 ; cooltrainerf db $69, $C8 ; beauty db $98, $88 ; pokemaniac db $D8, $A8 ; gruntm db $98, $88 ; gentleman db $98, $88 ; skier db $68, $88 ; teacher db $7D, $87 ; sabrina db $98, $88 ; bug catcher db $98, $88 ; fisher db $98, $88 ; swimmerm db $78, $88 ; swimmerf db $98, $88 ; sailor db $98, $88 ; super nerd db $98, $88 ; rival2 db $98, $88 ; guitarist db $A8, $88 ; hiker db $98, $88 ; biker db $98, $88 ; blaine db $98, $88 ; burglar db $98, $88 ; firebreather db $98, $88 ; juggler db $98, $88 ; blackbelt db $D8, $A8 ; executivem db $98, $88 ; psychic db $6A, $A8 ; picnicker db $98, $88 ; camper db $7E, $A8 ; executivef db $98, $88 ; sage db $78, $88 ; medium db $98, $88 ; boarder db $98, $88 ; pokefanm db $68, $8A ; kimono girl db $68, $A8 ; twins db $6D, $88 ; pokefanf db $FD, $DE ; red db $9D, $DD ; blue db $98, $88 ; officer db $7E, $A8 ; gruntf db $98, $88 ; mysticalman ; 2715c INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2715c, $271f4 - $2715c MoveEffectsPointers: ; 271f4 INCLUDE "battle/moves/move_effects_pointers.asm" MoveEffects: ; 2732e INCLUDE "battle/moves/move_effects.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $27a28, $27a2d - $27a28 SECTION "bankA",DATA,BANK[$A] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $28000, $2a2a0 - $28000 SpecialRoamMons: ; 2a2a0 ; initialize RoamMon structs ; include commented-out parts from the gs function ; species ld a, RAIKOU ld [RoamMon1Species], a ld a, ENTEI ld [RoamMon2Species], a ; ld a, SUICUNE ; ld [RoamMon3Species], a ; level ld a, 40 ld [RoamMon1Level], a ld [RoamMon2Level], a ; ld [RoamMon3Level], a ; raikou starting map ld a, GROUP_ROUTE_42 ld [RoamMon1MapGroup], a ld a, MAP_ROUTE_42 ld [RoamMon1MapNumber], a ; entei starting map ld a, GROUP_ROUTE_37 ld [RoamMon2MapGroup], a ld a, MAP_ROUTE_37 ld [RoamMon2MapNumber], a ; suicune starting map ; ld a, GROUP_ROUTE_38 ; ld [RoamMon3MapGroup], a ; ld a, MAP_ROUTE_38 ; ld [RoamMon3MapNumber], a ; hp xor a ; generate new stats ld [RoamMon1CurHP], a ld [RoamMon2CurHP], a ; ld [RoamMon3CurHP], a ret ; 2a2ce INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2a2ce, $2a5e9 - $2a2ce WildMons1: ; 0x2a5e9 INCLUDE "stats/wild/johto_grass.asm" WildMons2: ; 0x2b11d INCLUDE "stats/wild/johto_water.asm" WildMons3: ; 0x2b274 INCLUDE "stats/wild/kanto_grass.asm" WildMons4: ; 0x2b7f7 INCLUDE "stats/wild/kanto_water.asm" WildMons5: ; 0x2b8d0 INCLUDE "stats/wild/swarm_grass.asm" WildMons6: ; 0x2b92f INCLUDE "stats/wild/swarm_water.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2b930, $2ba1a - $2b930 PlayerGFX: ; 2ba1a INCBIN "gfx/misc/player.lz" ; 2bba1 db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; filler DudeGFX: ; 2bbaa INCBIN "gfx/misc/dude.lz" ; 2bce1 SECTION "bankB",DATA,BANK[$B] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2C000, $2c1ef - $2C000 TrainerClassNames: ; 2c1ef db "LEADER@" db "LEADER@" db "LEADER@" db "LEADER@" db "LEADER@" db "LEADER@" db "LEADER@" db "LEADER@" db "RIVAL@" db "#MON PROF.@" db "ELITE FOUR@" db $4a, " TRAINER@" db "ELITE FOUR@" db "ELITE FOUR@" db "ELITE FOUR@" db "CHAMPION@" db "LEADER@" db "LEADER@" db "LEADER@" db "SCIENTIST@" db "LEADER@" db "YOUNGSTER@" db "SCHOOLBOY@" db "BIRD KEEPER@" db "LASS@" db "LEADER@" db "COOLTRAINER@" db "COOLTRAINER@" db "BEAUTY@" db "#MANIAC@" db "ROCKET@" db "GENTLEMAN@" db "SKIER@" db "TEACHER@" db "LEADER@" db "BUG CATCHER@" db "FISHER@" db "SWIMMER♂@" db "SWIMMER♀@" db "SAILOR@" db "SUPER NERD@" db "RIVAL@" db "GUITARIST@" db "HIKER@" db "BIKER@" db "LEADER@" db "BURGLAR@" db "FIREBREATHER@" db "JUGGLER@" db "BLACKBELT@" db "ROCKET@" db "PSYCHIC@" db "PICNICKER@" db "CAMPER@" db "ROCKET@" db "SAGE@" db "MEDIUM@" db "BOARDER@" db "#FAN@" db "KIMONO GIRL@" db "TWINS@" db "#FAN@" db $4a, " TRAINER@" db "LEADER@" db "OFFICER@" db "ROCKET@" db "MYSTICALMAN@" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $2c41a, $2ee6c - $2c41a PlayBattleMusic: ; 2ee6c push hl push de push bc xor a ld [MusicFade], a ld de, MUSIC_NONE call StartMusic call DelayFrame call MaxVolume ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_SUICUNE ld de, MUSIC_SUICUNE_BATTLE jp z, .done cp BATTLETYPE_ROAMING jp z, .done ; Are we fighting a trainer? ld a, [OtherTrainerClass] and a jr nz, .trainermusic ld a, BANK(RegionCheck) ld hl, RegionCheck rst FarCall ld a, e and a jr nz, .kantowild ld de, MUSIC_JOHTO_WILD_BATTLE ld a, [TimeOfDay] cp NITE jr nz, .done ld de, MUSIC_JOHTO_WILD_BATTLE_NIGHT jr .done .kantowild ld de, MUSIC_KANTO_WILD_BATTLE jr .done .trainermusic ld de, MUSIC_CHAMPION_BATTLE cp CHAMPION jr z, .done cp RED jr z, .done ; really, they should have included admins and scientists here too... ld de, MUSIC_ROCKET_BATTLE cp GRUNTM jr z, .done cp GRUNTF jr z, .done ld de, MUSIC_KANTO_GYM_LEADER_BATTLE ld a, BANK(IsKantoGymLeader) ld hl, IsKantoGymLeader rst FarCall jr c, .done ld de, MUSIC_JOHTO_GYM_LEADER_BATTLE ld a, BANK(IsJohtoGymLeader) ld hl, IsJohtoGymLeader rst FarCall jr c, .done ld de, MUSIC_RIVAL_BATTLE ld a, [OtherTrainerClass] cp RIVAL1 jr z, .done cp RIVAL2 jr nz, .othertrainer ld a, [OtherTrainerID] cp 4 ; Rival in Indigo Plateau jr c, .done ld de, MUSIC_CHAMPION_BATTLE jr .done .othertrainer ld a, [InLinkBattle] and a jr nz, .johtotrainer ld a, BANK(RegionCheck) ld hl, RegionCheck rst FarCall ld a, e and a jr nz, .kantotrainer .johtotrainer ld de, MUSIC_JOHTO_TRAINER_BATTLE jr .done .kantotrainer ld de, MUSIC_KANTO_TRAINER_BATTLE .done call StartMusic pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 2ef18 ClearBattleRAM: ; 2ef18 xor a ld [$d0ec], a ld [$d0ee], a ld hl, $d0d8 ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ld [$d0e4], a ld [CriticalHit], a ld [BattleMonSpecies], a ld [$c664], a ld [CurBattleMon], a ld [$d232], a ld [TimeOfDayPal], a ld [PlayerTurnsTaken], a ld [EnemyTurnsTaken], a ld [EvolvableFlags], a ld hl, PlayerHPPal ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ld hl, BattleMonDVs ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ld hl, EnemyMonDVs ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ; Clear the entire BattleMons area ld hl, EnemyMoveStruct ld bc, $0139 xor a call ByteFill ld hl, $5867 ld a, $f rst FarCall call $1fbf ld hl, $ffd6 xor a ld [hli], a ld [hl], $98 ret ; 2ef6e FillBox: ; 2ef6e ; Fill $c2c6-aligned box width b height c ; with iterating tile starting from $ffad at hl. ; Predef $13 ld de, 20 ld a, [$c2c6] and a jr nz, .left ld a, [$ffad] .x1 push bc push hl .y1 ld [hl], a add hl, de inc a dec c jr nz, .y1 pop hl inc hl pop bc dec b jr nz, .x1 ret .left ; Right-aligned. push bc ld b, 0 dec c add hl, bc pop bc ld a, [$ffad] .x2 push bc push hl .y2 ld [hl], a add hl, de inc a dec c jr nz, .y2 pop hl dec hl pop bc dec b jr nz, .x2 ret ; 2ef9f SECTION "bankC",DATA,BANK[$C] Tileset15GFX: ; 0x30000 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/15.lz" ; 0x304d7 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset15Meta: ; 0x304e0 INCBIN "tilesets/15_metatiles.bin" ; 0x308e0 Tileset15Coll: ; 0x308e0 INCBIN "tilesets/15_collision.bin" ; 0x309e0 Tileset25GFX: ; 0x309e0 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/25.lz" ; 0x30e78 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset25Meta: ; 0x30e80 INCBIN "tilesets/25_metatiles.bin" ; 0x31280 Tileset25Coll: ; 0x31280 INCBIN "tilesets/25_collision.bin" ; 0x31380 Tileset27GFX: ; 0x31380 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/27.lz" ; 0x318dc db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset27Meta: ; 0x318e0 INCBIN "tilesets/27_metatiles.bin" ; 0x31ce0 Tileset27Coll: ; 0x31ce0 INCBIN "tilesets/27_collision.bin" ; 0x31de0 Tileset28GFX: ; 0x31de0 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/28.lz" ; 0x321a6 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset28Meta: ; 0x321b0 INCBIN "tilesets/28_metatiles.bin" ; 0x325b0 Tileset28Coll: ; 0x325b0 INCBIN "tilesets/28_collision.bin" ; 0x326b0 Tileset30GFX: ; 0x326b0 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/30.lz" ; 0x329ed INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $329ed, $333f0 - $329ed SECTION "bankD",DATA,BANK[$D] INCLUDE "battle/effect_commands.asm" SECTION "bankE",DATA,BANK[$E] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $38000, $38591 - $38000 AIScoring: ; 38591 INCLUDE "battle/ai/scoring.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3952d, $39999 - $3952d TrainerGroups: ; 0x39999 INCLUDE "trainers/trainer_pointers.asm" INCLUDE "trainers/trainers.asm" SECTION "bankF",DATA,BANK[$F] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3c000, $3cc83 - $3c000 GetEighthMaxHP: ; 3cc83 ; output: bc call GetQuarterMaxHP ; assumes nothing can have 1024 or more hp ; halve result srl c ; round up ld a, c and a jr nz, .end inc c .end ret ; 3cc8e GetQuarterMaxHP: ; 3cc8e ; output: bc call GetMaxHP ; quarter result srl b rr c srl b rr c ; assumes nothing can have 1024 or more hp ; round up ld a, c and a jr nz, .end inc c .end ret ; 3cc9f GetHalfMaxHP: ; 3cc9f ; output: bc call GetMaxHP ; halve reslut srl b rr c ; floor = 1 ld a, c or b jr nz, .end inc c .end ret ; 3ccac GetMaxHP: ; 3ccac ; output: bc, $d1ea-b ; player ld hl, BattleMonMaxHP ; whose turn? ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .gethp ; enemy ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHP .gethp ld a, [hli] ld [$d1eb], a ld b, a ld a, [hl] ld [$d1ea], a ld c, a ret ; 3ccc2 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3ccc2, $3d123 - $3ccc2 ; These functions check if the current opponent is a gym leader or one of a ; few other special trainers. ; Note: KantoGymLeaders is a subset of JohtoGymLeaders. If you wish to ; differentiate between the two, call IsKantoGymLeader first. ; The Lance and Red entries are unused for music checks; those trainers are ; accounted for elsewhere. IsKantoGymLeader: ; 0x3d123 ld hl, KantoGymLeaders jr IsGymLeaderCommon IsJohtoGymLeader: ; 0x3d128 ld hl, JohtoGymLeaders IsGymLeaderCommon: push de ld a, [OtherTrainerClass] ld de, $0001 call IsInArray pop de ret ; 0x3d137 JohtoGymLeaders: db FALKNER db WHITNEY db BUGSY db MORTY db PRYCE db JASMINE db CHUCK db CLAIR db WILL db BRUNO db KAREN db KOGA ; fallthrough ; these two entries are unused db CHAMPION db RED ; fallthrough KantoGymLeaders: db BROCK db MISTY db LT_SURGE db ERIKA db JANINE db SABRINA db BLAINE db BLUE db $ff INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3d14e, $3ddc2 - $3d14e ld hl, RecoveredUsingText jp $3ad5 ; 0x3ddc8 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3ddc8, $3e8eb - $3ddc8 LoadEnemyMon: ; 3e8eb ; Initialize enemy monster parameters ; To do this we pull the species from TempEnemyMonSpecies ; Notes: ; FarBattleRNG is used to ensure sync between Game Boys ; Clear the whole EnemyMon struct xor a ld hl, EnemyMonSpecies ld bc, EnemyMonEnd - EnemyMon call ByteFill ; We don't need to be here if we're in a link battle ld a, [InLinkBattle] and a jp nz, $5abd ld a, [$cfc0] ; ???? bit 0, a jp nz, $5abd ; Make sure everything knows what species we're working with ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld [EnemyMonSpecies], a ld [CurSpecies], a ld [CurPartySpecies], a ; Grab the BaseData for this species call GetBaseData ; Let's get the item: ; Is the item predetermined? ld a, [IsInBattle] dec a jr z, .WildItem ; If we're in a trainer battle, the item is in the party struct ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld hl, OTPartyMon1Item call GetPartyLocation ; bc = PartyMon[CurPartyMon] - PartyMons ld a, [hl] jr .UpdateItem .WildItem ; In a wild battle, we pull from the item slots in BaseData ; Force Item1 ; Used for Ho-Oh, Lugia and Snorlax encounters ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_FORCEITEM ld a, [BaseItems] jr z, .UpdateItem ; Failing that, it's all up to chance ; Effective chances: ; 75% None ; 23% Item1 ; 2% Item2 ; 25% chance of getting an item call FarBattleRNG cp a, $c0 ld a, NO_ITEM jr c, .UpdateItem ; From there, an 8% chance for Item2 call FarBattleRNG cp a, $14 ; 8% of 25% = 2% Item2 ld a, [BaseItems] jr nc, .UpdateItem ld a, [BaseItems+1] .UpdateItem ld [EnemyMonItem], a ; Initialize DVs ; If we're in a trainer battle, DVs are predetermined ld a, [IsInBattle] and a jr z, .InitDVs ; ???? ld a, [EnemySubStatus5] bit 3, a jr z, .InitDVs ; Unknown ld hl, $c6f2 ld de, EnemyMonDVs ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hl] ld [de], a jp .Happiness .InitDVs ; Trainer DVs ; All trainers have preset DVs, determined by class ; See GetTrainerDVs for more on that callba GetTrainerDVs ; These are the DVs we'll use if we're actually in a trainer battle ld a, [IsInBattle] dec a jr nz, .UpdateDVs ; Wild DVs ; Here's where the fun starts ; Roaming monsters (Entei, Raikou) work differently ; They have their own structs, which are shorter than normal ld a, [BattleType] cp a, BATTLETYPE_ROAMING jr nz, .NotRoaming ; Grab HP call GetRoamMonHP ld a, [hl] ; Check if the HP has been initialized and a ; We'll do something with the result in a minute push af ; Grab DVs call GetRoamMonDVs inc hl ld a, [hld] ld c, a ld b, [hl] ; Get back the result of our check pop af ; If the RoamMon struct has already been initialized, we're done jr nz, .UpdateDVs ; If it hasn't, we need to initialize the DVs ; (HP is initialized at the end of the battle) call GetRoamMonDVs inc hl call FarBattleRNG ld [hld], a ld c, a call FarBattleRNG ld [hl], a ld b, a ; We're done with DVs jr .UpdateDVs .NotRoaming ; Register a contains BattleType ; Forced shiny battle type ; Used by Red Gyarados at Lake of Rage cp a, BATTLETYPE_SHINY jr nz, .GenerateDVs ld b, ATKDEFDV_SHINY ; $ea ld c, SPDSPCDV_SHINY ; $aa jr .UpdateDVs .GenerateDVs ; Generate new random DVs call FarBattleRNG ld b, a call FarBattleRNG ld c, a .UpdateDVs ; Input DVs in register bc ld hl, EnemyMonDVs ld a, b ld [hli], a ld [hl], c ; We've still got more to do if we're dealing with a wild monster ld a, [IsInBattle] dec a jr nz, .Happiness ; Species-specfic: ; Unown ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] cp a, UNOWN jr nz, .Magikarp ; Get letter based on DVs ld hl, EnemyMonDVs ld a, PREDEF_GETUNOWNLETTER call Predef ; Can't use any letters that haven't been unlocked ; If combined with forced shiny battletype, causes an infinite loop call CheckUnownLetter jr c, .GenerateDVs ; try again .Magikarp ; Skimming this part recommended ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] cp a, MAGIKARP jr nz, .Happiness ; Get Magikarp's length ld de, EnemyMonDVs ld bc, PlayerID callab CalcMagikarpLength ; We're clear if the length is < 1536 ld a, [MagikarpLength] cp a, $06 ; $600 = 1536 jr nz, .CheckMagikarpArea ; 5% chance of skipping size checks call RNG cp a, $0c ; / $100 jr c, .CheckMagikarpArea ; Try again if > 1614 ld a, [MagikarpLength + 1] cp a, $50 jr nc, .GenerateDVs ; 20% chance of skipping this check call RNG cp a, $32 ; / $100 jr c, .CheckMagikarpArea ; Try again if > 1598 ld a, [MagikarpLength + 1] cp a, $40 jr nc, .GenerateDVs .CheckMagikarpArea ; The z checks are supposed to be nz ; Instead, all maps in GROUP_LAKE_OF_RAGE (mahogany area) ; and routes 20 and 44 are treated as Lake of Rage ; This also means Lake of Rage Magikarp can be smaller than ones ; caught elsewhere rather than the other way around ; Intended behavior enforces a minimum size at Lake of Rage ; The real behavior prevents size flooring in the Lake of Rage area ld a, [MapGroup] cp a, GROUP_LAKE_OF_RAGE jr z, .Happiness ld a, [MapNumber] cp a, MAP_LAKE_OF_RAGE jr z, .Happiness ; 40% chance of not flooring call RNG cp a, $64 ; / $100 jr c, .Happiness ; Floor at length 1024 ld a, [MagikarpLength] cp a, $04 ; $400 = 1024 jr c, .GenerateDVs ; try again ; Finally done with DVs .Happiness ; Set happiness ld a, BASE_HAPPINESS ld [EnemyMonHappiness], a ; Set level ld a, [CurPartyLevel] ld [EnemyMonLevel], a ; Fill stats ld de, EnemyMonMaxHP ld b, $00 ld hl, $d201 ; ? ld a, PREDEF_FILLSTATS call Predef ; If we're in a trainer battle, ; get the rest of the parameters from the party struct ld a, [IsInBattle] cp a, TRAINER_BATTLE jr z, .OpponentParty ; If we're in a wild battle, check wild-specific stuff and a jr z, .TreeMon ; ???? ld a, [$c671] bit 3, a jp nz, .Moves .TreeMon ; If we're headbutting trees, some monsters enter battle asleep call CheckSleepingTreeMon ld a, 7 ; Asleep for 7 turns jr c, .UpdateStatus ; Otherwise, no status xor a .UpdateStatus ld hl, EnemyMonStatus ld [hli], a ; Unused byte xor a ld [hli], a ; Full HP... ld a, [EnemyMonMaxHPHi] ld [hli], a ld a, [EnemyMonMaxHPLo] ld [hl], a ; ...unless it's a RoamMon ld a, [BattleType] cp a, BATTLETYPE_ROAMING jr nz, .Moves ; Grab HP call GetRoamMonHP ld a, [hl] ; Check if it's been initialized again and a jr z, .InitRoamHP ; Update from the struct if it has ld a, [hl] ld [EnemyMonHPLo], a jr .Moves .InitRoamHP ; HP only uses the lo byte in the RoamMon struct since ; Raikou/Entei/Suicune will have < 256 hp at level 40 ld a, [EnemyMonHPLo] ld [hl], a jr .Moves .OpponentParty ; Get HP from the party struct ld hl, (PartyMon1CurHP + 1) - PartyMon1 + OTPartyMon1 ld a, [CurPartyMon] call GetPartyLocation ld a, [hld] ld [EnemyMonHPLo], a ld a, [hld] ld [EnemyMonHPHi], a ; Make sure everything knows which monster the opponent is using ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld [CurOTMon], a ; Get status from the party struct dec hl ld a, [hl] ; OTPartyMonStatus ld [EnemyMonStatus], a .Moves ; ???? ld hl, BaseType1 ld de, EnemyMonType1 ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hl] ld [de], a ; Get moves ld de, EnemyMonMoves ; Are we in a trainer battle? ld a, [IsInBattle] cp a, TRAINER_BATTLE jr nz, .WildMoves ; Then copy moves from the party struct ld hl, OTPartyMon1Moves ld a, [CurPartyMon] call GetPartyLocation ld bc, NUM_MOVES call CopyBytes jr .PP .WildMoves ; Clear EnemyMonMoves xor a ld h, d ld l, e ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ; Make sure the predef knows this isn't a partymon ld [$d1ea], a ; Fill moves based on level ld a, PREDEF_FILLMOVES call Predef .PP ; Trainer battle? ld a, [IsInBattle] cp a, TRAINER_BATTLE jr z, .TrainerPP ; Fill wild PP ld hl, EnemyMonMoves ld de, EnemyMonPP ld a, PREDEF_FILLPP call Predef jr .Finish .TrainerPP ; Copy PP from the party struct ld hl, OTPartyMon1PP ld a, [CurPartyMon] call GetPartyLocation ld de, EnemyMonPP ld bc, NUM_MOVES call CopyBytes .Finish ; Only the first five base stats are copied... ld hl, BaseStats ld de, EnemyMonBaseStats ld b, BaseSpecialDefense - BaseStats .loop ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec b jr nz, .loop ld a, [BaseCatchRate] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [BaseExp] ld [de], a ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld [$d265], a call GetPokemonName ; Did we catch it? ld a, [IsInBattle] and a ret z ; Update enemy nick ld hl, StringBuffer1 ld de, EnemyMonNick ld bc, PKMN_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes ; Caught this mon ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] dec a ld c, a ld b, 1 ; set ld hl, PokedexCaught ld a, PREDEF_FLAG call Predef ld hl, EnemyMonStats ld de, $c6c1 ld bc, EnemyMonStatsEnd - EnemyMonStats call CopyBytes ret ; 3eb38 CheckSleepingTreeMon: ; 3eb38 ; Return carry if species is in the list ; for the current time of day ; Don't do anything if this isn't a tree encounter ld a, [BattleType] cp a, BATTLETYPE_TREE jr nz, .NotSleeping ; Get list for the time of day ld hl, .Morn ld a, [TimeOfDay] cp a, DAY jr c, .Check ld hl, .Day jr z, .Check ld hl, .Nite .Check ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld de, 1 ; length of species id call IsInArray ; If it's a match, the opponent is asleep ret c .NotSleeping and a ret .Nite db CATERPIE db METAPOD db BUTTERFREE db WEEDLE db KAKUNA db BEEDRILL db SPEAROW db EKANS db EXEGGCUTE db LEDYBA db AIPOM db $ff ; end .Day db VENONAT db HOOTHOOT db NOCTOWL db SPINARAK db HERACROSS db $ff ; end .Morn db VENONAT db HOOTHOOT db NOCTOWL db SPINARAK db HERACROSS db $ff ; end ; 3eb75 CheckUnownLetter: ; 3eb75 ; Return carry if the Unown letter hasn't been unlocked yet ld a, [UnlockedUnowns] ld c, a ld de, 0 .loop ; Don't check this set unless it's been unlocked srl c jr nc, .next ; Is our letter in the set? ld hl, .LetterSets add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a push de ld a, [UnownLetter] ld de, 1 push bc call IsInArray pop bc pop de jr c, .match .next ; Make sure we haven't gone past the end of the table inc e inc e ld a, e cp a, .Set1 - .LetterSets jr c, .loop ; Hasn't been unlocked, or the letter is invalid scf ret .match ; Valid letter and a ret .LetterSets dw .Set1 dw .Set2 dw .Set3 dw .Set4 .Set1 ; A B C D E F G H I J K db 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, $ff .Set2 ; L M N O P Q R db 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, $ff .Set3 ; S T U V W db 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, $ff .Set4 ; X Y Z db 24, 25, 26, $ff ; 3ebc7 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3ebc7, $3edd8 - $3ebc7 BattleRNG: ; 3edd8 ; If the normal RNG is used in a link battle it'll desync. ; To circumvent this a shared PRNG is used instead. ; But if we're in a non-link battle we're safe to use it ld a, [InLinkBattle] and a jp z, RNG ; The PRNG operates in streams of 8 values ; The reasons for this are unknown ; Which value are we trying to pull? push hl push bc ld a, [LinkBattleRNCount] ld c, a ld b, $0 ld hl, LinkBattleRNs add hl, bc inc a ld [LinkBattleRNCount], a ; If we haven't hit the end yet, we're good cp 9 ; Exclude last value. See the closing comment ld a, [hl] pop bc pop hl ret c ; If we have, we have to generate new pseudorandom data ; Instead of having multiple PRNGs, ten seeds are used push hl push bc push af ; Reset count to 0 xor a ld [LinkBattleRNCount], a ld hl, LinkBattleRNs ld b, 10 ; number of seeds ; Generate next number in the sequence for each seed ; The algorithm takes the form *5 + 1 % 256 .loop ; get last # ld a, [hl] ; a * 5 + 1 ld c, a add a add a add c inc a ; update # ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .loop ; This has the side effect of pulling the last value first, ; then wrapping around. As a result, when we check to see if ; we've reached the end, we have to take this into account. pop af pop bc pop hl ret ; 3ee0f INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3ee0f, $3fa01 - $3ee0f GetRoamMonHP: ; 3fa01 ; output: hl = RoamMonCurHP ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld b, a ld a, [RoamMon1Species] cp b ld hl, RoamMon1CurHP ret z ld a, [RoamMon2Species] cp b ld hl, RoamMon2CurHP ret z ; remnant of the GS function ; we know this will be $00 because it's never initialized ld hl, RoamMon3CurHP ret ; 3fa19 GetRoamMonDVs: ; 3fa19 ; output: hl = RoamMonDVs ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld b, a ld a, [RoamMon1Species] cp b ld hl, RoamMon1DVs ret z ld a, [RoamMon2Species] cp b ld hl, RoamMon2DVs ret z ; remnant of the GS function ; we know this will be $0000 because it's never initialized ld hl, RoamMon3DVs ret ; 3fa31 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3fa31, $3fc8b - $3fa31 BattleStartMessage ; 3fc8b ld a, [IsInBattle] dec a jr z, .asm_3fcaa ld de, SFX_SHINE call StartSFX call WaitSFX ld c, 20 call DelayFrames ld a, $e ld hl, $5939 rst FarCall ld hl, WantsToBattleText jr .asm_3fd0e .asm_3fcaa call $5a79 jr nc, .asm_3fcc2 xor a ld [$cfca], a ld a, 1 ld [hBattleTurn], a ld a, 1 ld [$c689], a ld de, $0101 call $6e17 .asm_3fcc2 ld a, $f ld hl, $6b38 rst FarCall jr c, .asm_3fceb ld a, $13 ld hl, $6a44 rst FarCall jr c, .asm_3fce0 hlcoord 12, 0 ld d, $0 ld e, $1 ld a, $47 call Predef jr .asm_3fceb .asm_3fce0 ld a, $0f ld [CryTracks], a ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] call $37b6 .asm_3fceb ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_FISH jr nz, .asm_3fcfd ld a, $41 ld hl, $6086 rst FarCall ld hl, HookedPokemonAttackedText jr .asm_3fd0e .asm_3fcfd ld hl, PokemonFellFromTreeText cp BATTLETYPE_TREE jr z, .asm_3fd0e ld hl, WildPokemonAppearedText2 cp $b jr z, .asm_3fd0e ld hl, WildPokemonAppearedText .asm_3fd0e push hl ld a, $b ld hl, $4000 rst FarCall pop hl call FarBattleTextBox call $7830 ret nz ld c, $2 ld a, $13 ld hl, $6a0a rst FarCall ret ; 3fd26 dw $0000 ; padding BattleCommandPointers: ; 3fd28 INCLUDE "battle/effect_command_pointers.asm" SECTION "bank10",DATA,BANK[$10] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $40000, $40c65-$40000 AlphabeticalPokedexOrder: ; 0x40c65 INCLUDE "stats/pokedex/order_alpha.asm" NewPokedexOrder: ; 0x40d60 INCLUDE "stats/pokedex/order_new.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $40e5b, $41afb-$40e5b Moves: ; 0x41afb INCLUDE "battle/moves/moves.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $421d8, $425b1-$421d8 EvosAttacksPointers: ; 0x425b1 INCLUDE "stats/evos_attacks_pointers.asm" INCLUDE "stats/evos_attacks.asm" SECTION "bank11",DATA,BANK[$11] FruitTreeScript: ; 44000 3callasm BANK(GetCurTreeFruit), GetCurTreeFruit loadfont copybytetovar CurFruit itemtotext $0, $0 2writetext FruitBearingTreeText keeptextopen 3callasm BANK(TryResetFruitTrees), TryResetFruitTrees 3callasm BANK(CheckFruitTree), CheckFruitTree iffalse .fruit 2writetext NothingHereText closetext 2jump .end .fruit 2writetext HeyItsFruitText copybytetovar CurFruit giveitem $ff, 1 iffalse .packisfull keeptextopen 2writetext ObtainedFruitText 3callasm BANK(PickedFruitTree), PickedFruitTree specialsound itemnotify 2jump .end .packisfull keeptextopen 2writetext FruitPackIsFullText closetext .end loadmovesprites end ; 44041 GetCurTreeFruit: ; 44041 ld a, [CurFruitTree] dec a call GetFruitTreeItem ld [CurFruit], a ret ; 4404c TryResetFruitTrees: ; 4404c ld hl, $dc1e bit 4, [hl] ret nz jp ResetFruitTrees ; 44055 CheckFruitTree: ; 44055 ld b, 2 call GetFruitTreeFlag ld a, c ld [ScriptVar], a ret ; 4405f PickedFruitTree: ; 4405f ld a, $41 ld hl, $609b rst FarCall ; empty function ld b, 1 jp GetFruitTreeFlag ; 4406a ResetFruitTrees: ; 4406a xor a ld hl, FruitTreeFlags ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ld hl, $dc1e set 4, [hl] ret ; 44078 GetFruitTreeFlag: ; 44078 push hl push de ld a, [CurFruitTree] dec a ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, FruitTreeFlags call BitTableFunc pop de pop hl ret ; 4408a GetFruitTreeItem: ; 4408a push hl push de ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, FruitTreeItems add hl, de ld a, [hl] pop de pop hl ret ; 44097 FruitTreeItems: ; 44097 db BERRY db BERRY db BERRY db BERRY db PSNCUREBERRY db PSNCUREBERRY db BITTER_BERRY db BITTER_BERRY db PRZCUREBERRY db PRZCUREBERRY db MYSTERYBERRY db MYSTERYBERRY db ICE_BERRY db ICE_BERRY db MINT_BERRY db BURNT_BERRY db RED_APRICORN db BLU_APRICORN db BLK_APRICORN db WHT_APRICORN db PNK_APRICORN db GRN_APRICORN db YLW_APRICORN db BERRY db PSNCUREBERRY db BITTER_BERRY db PRZCUREBERRY db ICE_BERRY db MINT_BERRY db BURNT_BERRY ; 440b5 FruitBearingTreeText: ; 440b5 text_jump _FruitBearingTreeText, BANK(_FruitBearingTreeText) db "@" ; 440ba HeyItsFruitText: ; 440ba text_jump _HeyItsFruitText, BANK(_HeyItsFruitText) db "@" ; 440bf ObtainedFruitText: ; 440bf text_jump _ObtainedFruitText, BANK(_ObtainedFruitText) db "@" ; 440c4 FruitPackIsFullText: ; 440c4 text_jump _FruitPackIsFullText, BANK(_FruitPackIsFullText) db "@" ; 440c9 NothingHereText: ; 440c9 text_jump _NothingHereText, BANK(_NothingHereText) db "@" ; 440ce AIChooseMove: ; 440ce ; Score each move in EnemyMonMoves starting from Buffer1. Lower is better. ; Pick the move with the lowest score. ; Wildmons attack at random. ld a, [IsInBattle] dec a ret z ld a, [InLinkBattle] and a ret nz ; No use picking a move if there's no choice. ld a, $f ld hl, $68d1 rst FarCall ; CheckLockedEnemyMove ret nz ; The default score is 20. Unusable moves are given a score of 80. ld a, 20 ld hl, Buffer1 ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ; Don't pick disabled moves. ld a, [EnemyDisabledMove] and a jr z, .CheckPP ld hl, EnemyMonMove1 ld c, 0 .CheckDisabledMove cp [hl] jr z, .ScoreDisabledMove inc c inc hl jr .CheckDisabledMove .ScoreDisabledMove ld hl, Buffer1 ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld [hl], 80 ; Don't pick moves with 0 PP. .CheckPP ld hl, Buffer1 - 1 ld de, EnemyMonPP ld b, 0 .CheckMovePP inc b ld a, b cp EnemyMonMovesEnd - EnemyMonMoves + 1 jr z, .ApplyLayers inc hl ld a, [de] inc de and $3f jr nz, .CheckMovePP ld [hl], 80 jr .CheckMovePP ; Apply AI scoring layers depending on the trainer class. .ApplyLayers ld hl, $559f ; TrainerAI + 3 ; e:559c-5771 ld a, [$cfc0] bit 0, a jr nz, .asm_4412f ld a, [TrainerClass] dec a ld bc, 7 ; Trainer2AI - Trainer1AI call AddNTimes .asm_4412f ld bc, (CHECK_FLAG << 8) | 0 push bc push hl .CheckLayer pop hl pop bc ld a, c cp 16 ; up to 16 scoring layers jr z, .asm_4415e push bc ld d, $e ; BANK(TrainerAI) ld a, PREDEF_FLAG call Predef ld d, c pop bc inc c push bc push hl ld a, d and a jr z, .CheckLayer ld hl, AIScoringPointers dec c ld b, 0 add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, BANK(AIScoring) call FarJpHl jr .CheckLayer .asm_4415e ld hl, Buffer1 ld de, EnemyMonMoves ld c, EnemyMonMovesEnd - EnemyMonMoves .asm_44166 ld a, [de] inc de and a jr z, .asm_4415e dec [hl] jr z, .asm_44174 inc hl dec c jr z, .asm_4415e jr .asm_44166 .asm_44174 ld a, c .asm_44175 inc [hl] dec hl inc a cp EnemyMonMovesEnd - EnemyMonMoves + 1 jr nz, .asm_44175 ld hl, Buffer1 ld de, EnemyMonMoves ld c, EnemyMonMovesEnd - EnemyMonMoves .asm_44184 ld a, [de] and a jr nz, .asm_44189 ld [hl], a .asm_44189 ld a, [hl] dec a jr z, .asm_44191 xor a ld [hli], a jr .asm_44193 .asm_44191 ld a, [de] ld [hli], a .asm_44193 inc de dec c jr nz, .asm_44184 .asm_44197 ld hl, Buffer1 call RNG and 3 ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .asm_44197 ld [CurEnemyMove], a ld a, c ld [CurEnemyMoveNum], a ret ; 441af AIScoringPointers: ; 441af dw AIScoring_RedStatus dw AIScoring_RedStatMods dw AIScoring_RedSuperEffective dw AIScoring_Offensive dw AIScoring_Smart dw AIScoring_Opportunist dw AIScoring_Aggressive dw AIScoring_Cautious dw AIScoring_StatusImmunity dw AIScoring_Risky dw AIScoring_None dw AIScoring_None dw AIScoring_None dw AIScoring_None dw AIScoring_None dw AIScoring_None ; 441cf INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $441cf, $44378 - $441cf PokedexDataPointerTable: ; 0x44378 INCLUDE "stats/pokedex/entry_pointers.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4456e, $44997 - $4456e SECTION "bank12",DATA,BANK[$12] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $48000, $48e9b - $48000 PackFGFX: INCBIN "gfx/misc/pack_f.2bpp" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4925b, $49962 - $4925b SpecialCelebiGFX: INCBIN "gfx/special/celebi/leaf.2bpp" INCBIN "gfx/special/celebi/1.2bpp" INCBIN "gfx/special/celebi/2.2bpp" INCBIN "gfx/special/celebi/3.2bpp" INCBIN "gfx/special/celebi/4.2bpp" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $49aa2, $49d24 - $49aa2 ContinueText: ; 0x49d24 db "CONTINUE@" NewGameText: ; 0x49d2d db "NEW GAME@" OptionText: ; 0x49d36 db "OPTION@" MysteryGiftText: ; 0x49d3d db "MYSTERY GIFT@" MobileText: ; 0x49d4a db "MOBILE@" MobileStudiumText: ; 0x49d51 db "MOBILE STUDIUM@" Label49d60: ; 0x49d60 dw $5eee ; XXX is this ContinueASM? dw $5ee0 ; XXX is this NewGameASM? dw $5ee7 ; XXX is this OptionASM? dw $5ef5 ; XXX is this MysteryGiftASM? dw $5efc ; XXX is this MobileASM? dw $6496 ; XXX is this MobileStudiumASM? NewGameMenu: ; 0x49d6c db 2 db NEW_GAME db OPTION db $ff ContinueMenu: ; 0x49d70 db 3 db CONTINUE db NEW_GAME db OPTION db $ff MobileMysteryMenu: ; 0x49d75 db 5 db CONTINUE db NEW_GAME db OPTION db MYSTERY_GIFT db MOBILE db $ff MobileMenu: ; 0x49d7c db 4 db CONTINUE db NEW_GAME db OPTION db MOBILE db $ff MobileStudiumMenu: ; 0x49d82 db 5 db CONTINUE db NEW_GAME db OPTION db MOBILE db MOBILE_STUDIUM db $ff MysteryMobileStudiumMenu: ; 0x49d89 db 6 db CONTINUE db NEW_GAME db OPTION db MYSTERY_GIFT db MOBILE db MOBILE_STUDIUM db $ff MysteryMenu: ; 0x49d91 db 4 db CONTINUE db NEW_GAME db OPTION db MYSTERY_GIFT db $ff MysteryStudiumMenu: ; 0x49d97 db 5 db CONTINUE db NEW_GAME db OPTION db MYSTERY_GIFT db MOBILE_STUDIUM db $ff StudiumMenu: ; 0x49d9e db 4 db CONTINUE db NEW_GAME db OPTION db MOBILE_STUDIUM db $ff INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $49da4, $4a6e8 - $49da4 SpecialBeastsCheck: ; 0x4a6e8 ; Check if the player owns all three legendary beasts. ; They must exist in either party or PC, and have the player's OT and ID. ; outputs: ; ScriptVar is 1 if the Pokémon exist, otherwise 0. ld a, RAIKOU ld [ScriptVar], a call CheckOwnMonAnywhere jr nc, .notexist ld a, ENTEI ld [ScriptVar], a call CheckOwnMonAnywhere jr nc, .notexist ld a, SUICUNE ld [ScriptVar], a call CheckOwnMonAnywhere jr nc, .notexist ; they exist ld a, $1 ld [ScriptVar], a ret .notexist xor a ld [ScriptVar], a ret SpecialMonCheck: ; 0x4a711 ; Check if a Pokémon exists in PC or party. ; It must exist in either party or PC, and have the player's OT and ID. ; inputs: ; ScriptVar contains species to search for call CheckOwnMonAnywhere jr c, .exists ; doesn't exist xor a ld [ScriptVar], a ret .exists ld a, $1 ld [ScriptVar], a ret CheckOwnMonAnywhere: ; 0x4a721 ld a, [PartyCount] and a ret z ; no pokémon in party ld d, a ld e, $0 ld hl, PartyMon1Species ld bc, PartyMon1OT ; run CheckOwnMon on each Pokémon in the party .loop call CheckOwnMon ret c ; found! push bc ld bc, PartyMon2 - PartyMon1 add hl, bc pop bc call UpdateOTPointer dec d jr nz, .loop ; 0x4a73d $f0 ; XXX the below could use some cleanup ; run CheckOwnMon on each Pokémon in the PC ld a, $1 call GetSRAMBank ld a, [$ad10] and a jr z, .asm_4a766 ; 0x4a748 $1c ld d, a ld hl, $ad26 ld bc, $afa6 .asm_4a751 call CheckOwnMon jr nc, .asm_4a75a ; 0x4a754 $4 call CloseSRAM ret .asm_4a75a push bc ld bc, $0020 add hl, bc pop bc call UpdateOTPointer dec d jr nz, .asm_4a751 ; 0x4a764 $eb .asm_4a766 call CloseSRAM ld c, $0 .asm_4a76b ld a, [$db72] and $f cp c jr z, .asm_4a7af ; 0x4a771 $3c ld hl, $6810 ld b, $0 add hl, bc add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, [hli] call GetSRAMBank ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .asm_4a7af ; 0x4a784 $29 push bc push hl ld de, $0016 add hl, de ld d, h ld e, l pop hl push de ld de, $0296 add hl, de ld b, h ld c, l pop hl ld d, a .asm_4a798 call CheckOwnMon jr nc, .asm_4a7a2 ; 0x4a79b $5 pop bc call CloseSRAM ret .asm_4a7a2 push bc ld bc, $0020 add hl, bc pop bc call UpdateOTPointer dec d jr nz, .asm_4a798 ; 0x4a7ac $ea pop bc .asm_4a7af inc c ld a, c cp $e jr c, .asm_4a76b ; 0x4a7b3 $b6 call CloseSRAM and a ; clear carry ret CheckOwnMon: ; 0x4a7ba ; Check if a Pokémon belongs to the player and is of a specific species. ; inputs: ; hl, pointer to PartyMonNSpecies ; bc, pointer to PartyMonNOT ; ScriptVar should contain the species we're looking for ; outputs: ; sets carry if monster matches species, ID, and OT name. push bc push hl push de ld d, b ld e, c ; check species ld a, [ScriptVar] ; species we're looking for ld b, [hl] ; species we have cp b jr nz, .notfound ; species doesn't match ; check ID number ld bc, PartyMon1ID - PartyMon1Species add hl, bc ; now hl points to ID number ld a, [PlayerID] cp [hl] jr nz, .notfound ; ID doesn't match inc hl ld a, [PlayerID + 1] cp [hl] jr nz, .notfound ; ID doesn't match ; check OT ; This only checks five characters, which is fine for the Japanese version, ; but in the English version the player name is 7 characters, so this is wrong. ld hl, PlayerName ld a, [de] cp [hl] jr nz, .notfound cp "@" jr z, .found ; reached end of string inc hl inc de ld a, [de] cp [hl] jr nz, .notfound cp $50 jr z, .found inc hl inc de ld a, [de] cp [hl] jr nz, .notfound cp $50 jr z, .found inc hl inc de ld a, [de] cp [hl] jr nz, .notfound cp $50 jr z, .found inc hl inc de ld a, [de] cp [hl] jr z, .found .notfound pop de pop hl pop bc and a ; clear carry ret .found pop de pop hl pop bc scf ret ; 0x4a810 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4a810, $4a83a - $4a810 UpdateOTPointer: ; 0x4a83a push hl ld hl, PartyMon2OT - PartyMon1OT add hl, bc ld b, h ld c, l pop hl ret ; 0x4a843 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4a843, $4ae78 - $4a843 SECTION "bank13",DATA,BANK[$13] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4c000, $4c075 - $4c000 Tileset03PalMap: ; 0x4c075 INCBIN "tilesets/03_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c0e5 Tileset00PalMap: ; 0x4c0e5 Tileset01PalMap: ; 0x4c0e5 INCBIN "tilesets/01_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c155 Tileset02PalMap: ; 0x4c155 INCBIN "tilesets/02_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c1c5 Tileset05PalMap: ; 0x4c1c5 INCBIN "tilesets/05_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c235 Tileset06PalMap: ; 0x4c235 INCBIN "tilesets/06_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c2a5 Tileset07PalMap: ; 0x4c2a5 INCBIN "tilesets/07_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c315 Tileset08PalMap: ; 0x4c315 INCBIN "tilesets/08_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c385 Tileset09PalMap: ; 0x4c385 INCBIN "tilesets/09_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c3f5 Tileset10PalMap: ; 0x4c3f5 INCBIN "tilesets/10_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c465 Tileset11PalMap: ; 0x4c465 INCBIN "tilesets/11_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c4d5 Tileset12PalMap: ; 0x4c4d5 INCBIN "tilesets/12_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c545 Tileset13PalMap: ; 0x4c545 INCBIN "tilesets/13_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c5b5 Tileset14PalMap: ; 0x4c5b5 INCBIN "tilesets/14_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c625 Tileset15PalMap: ; 0x4c625 INCBIN "tilesets/15_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c695 Tileset16PalMap: ; 0x4c695 INCBIN "tilesets/16_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c705 Tileset23PalMap: ; 0x4c705 INCBIN "tilesets/23_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c775 Tileset24PalMap: ; 0x4c775 Tileset30PalMap: ; 0x4c775 INCBIN "tilesets/30_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c7e5 Tileset25PalMap: ; 0x4c7e5 INCBIN "tilesets/25_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c855 Tileset26PalMap: ; 0x4c855 Tileset32PalMap: ; 0x4c855 Tileset33PalMap: ; 0x4c855 Tileset34PalMap: ; 0x4c855 Tileset35PalMap: ; 0x4c855 Tileset36PalMap: ; 0x4c855 INCBIN "tilesets/36_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c8c5 Tileset27PalMap: ; 0x4c8c5 INCBIN "tilesets/27_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c935 Tileset17PalMap: ; 0x4c935 INCBIN "tilesets/17_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4c9a5 Tileset28PalMap: ; 0x4c9a5 INCBIN "tilesets/28_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4ca15 Tileset18PalMap: ; 0x4ca15 INCBIN "tilesets/18_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4ca85 Tileset19PalMap: ; 0x4ca85 INCBIN "tilesets/19_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4caf5 Tileset20PalMap: ; 0x4caf5 INCBIN "tilesets/20_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4cb65 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4cb65, $4cbd5-$4cb65 Tileset29PalMap: ; 0x4cbd5 INCBIN "tilesets/29_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4cc45 Tileset31PalMap: ; 0x4cc45 INCBIN "tilesets/31_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4ccb5 Tileset21PalMap: ; 0x4ccb5 INCBIN "tilesets/21_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4cd25 Tileset22PalMap: ; 0x4cd25 INCBIN "tilesets/22_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4cd95 Tileset04PalMap: ; 0x4cd95 INCBIN "tilesets/04_palette_map.bin" ; 0x4ce05 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4ce05, $4ce1f - $4ce05 TileTypeTable: ; 4ce1f ; 256 tiletypes ; 01 = surfable db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $0f db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $0f db $00, $00, $1f, $00, $00, $1f, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $1f, $00, $00, $1f, $00, $00 db $01, $01, $11, $00, $11, $01, $01, $0f db $01, $01, $11, $00, $11, $01, $01, $0f db $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01 db $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $0f, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $0f, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $0f, $0f, $0f, $0f, $0f, $00, $00, $00 db $0f, $0f, $0f, $0f, $0f, $00, $00, $00 db $0f, $0f, $0f, $0f, $0f, $0f, $0f, $0f db $0f, $0f, $0f, $0f, $0f, $0f, $0f, $0f db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01 db $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $0f ; 4cf1f INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4cf1f, $4d596 - $4cf1f Tilesets: Tileset00: ; 0x4d596 dbw BANK(Tileset00GFX), Tileset00GFX dbw BANK(Tileset00Meta), Tileset00Meta dbw BANK(Tileset00Coll), Tileset00Coll dw Tileset00Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset00PalMap Tileset01: ; 0x4d5a5 dbw BANK(Tileset01GFX), Tileset01GFX dbw BANK(Tileset01Meta), Tileset01Meta dbw BANK(Tileset01Coll), Tileset01Coll dw Tileset01Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset01PalMap Tileset02: ; 0x4d5b4 dbw BANK(Tileset02GFX), Tileset02GFX dbw BANK(Tileset02Meta), Tileset02Meta dbw BANK(Tileset02Coll), Tileset02Coll dw Tileset02Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset02PalMap Tileset03: ; 0x4d5c3 dbw BANK(Tileset03GFX), Tileset03GFX dbw BANK(Tileset03Meta), Tileset03Meta dbw BANK(Tileset03Coll), Tileset03Coll dw Tileset03Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset03PalMap Tileset04: ; 0x4d5d2 dbw BANK(Tileset04GFX), Tileset04GFX dbw BANK(Tileset04Meta), Tileset04Meta dbw BANK(Tileset04Coll), Tileset04Coll dw Tileset04Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset04PalMap Tileset05: ; 0x4d5e1 dbw BANK(Tileset05GFX), Tileset05GFX dbw BANK(Tileset05Meta), Tileset05Meta dbw BANK(Tileset05Coll), Tileset05Coll dw Tileset05Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset05PalMap Tileset06: ; 0x4d5f0 dbw BANK(Tileset06GFX), Tileset06GFX dbw BANK(Tileset06Meta), Tileset06Meta dbw BANK(Tileset06Coll), Tileset06Coll dw Tileset06Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset06PalMap Tileset07: ; 0x4d5ff dbw BANK(Tileset07GFX), Tileset07GFX dbw BANK(Tileset07Meta), Tileset07Meta dbw BANK(Tileset07Coll), Tileset07Coll dw Tileset07Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset07PalMap Tileset08: ; 0x4d60e dbw BANK(Tileset08GFX), Tileset08GFX dbw BANK(Tileset08Meta), Tileset08Meta dbw BANK(Tileset08Coll), Tileset08Coll dw Tileset08Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset08PalMap Tileset09: ; 0x4d61d dbw BANK(Tileset09GFX), Tileset09GFX dbw BANK(Tileset09Meta), Tileset09Meta dbw BANK(Tileset09Coll), Tileset09Coll dw Tileset09Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset09PalMap Tileset10: ; 0x4d62c dbw BANK(Tileset10GFX), Tileset10GFX dbw BANK(Tileset10Meta), Tileset10Meta dbw BANK(Tileset10Coll), Tileset10Coll dw Tileset10Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset10PalMap Tileset11: ; 0x4d63b dbw BANK(Tileset11GFX), Tileset11GFX dbw BANK(Tileset11Meta), Tileset11Meta dbw BANK(Tileset11Coll), Tileset11Coll dw Tileset11Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset11PalMap Tileset12: ; 0x4d64a dbw BANK(Tileset12GFX), Tileset12GFX dbw BANK(Tileset12Meta), Tileset12Meta dbw BANK(Tileset12Coll), Tileset12Coll dw Tileset12Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset12PalMap Tileset13: ; 0x4d659 dbw BANK(Tileset13GFX), Tileset13GFX dbw BANK(Tileset13Meta), Tileset13Meta dbw BANK(Tileset13Coll), Tileset13Coll dw Tileset13Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset13PalMap Tileset14: ; 0x4d668 dbw BANK(Tileset14GFX), Tileset14GFX dbw BANK(Tileset14Meta), Tileset14Meta dbw BANK(Tileset14Coll), Tileset14Coll dw Tileset14Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset14PalMap Tileset15: ; 0x4d677 dbw BANK(Tileset15GFX), Tileset15GFX dbw BANK(Tileset15Meta), Tileset15Meta dbw BANK(Tileset15Coll), Tileset15Coll dw Tileset15Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset15PalMap Tileset16: ; 0x4d686 dbw BANK(Tileset16GFX), Tileset16GFX dbw BANK(Tileset16Meta), Tileset16Meta dbw BANK(Tileset16Coll), Tileset16Coll dw Tileset16Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset16PalMap Tileset17: ; 0x4d695 dbw BANK(Tileset17GFX), Tileset17GFX dbw BANK(Tileset17Meta), Tileset17Meta dbw BANK(Tileset17Coll), Tileset17Coll dw Tileset17Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset17PalMap Tileset18: ; 0x4d6a4 dbw BANK(Tileset18GFX), Tileset18GFX dbw BANK(Tileset18Meta), Tileset18Meta dbw BANK(Tileset18Coll), Tileset18Coll dw Tileset18Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset18PalMap Tileset19: ; 0x4d6b3 dbw BANK(Tileset19GFX), Tileset19GFX dbw BANK(Tileset19Meta), Tileset19Meta dbw BANK(Tileset19Coll), Tileset19Coll dw Tileset19Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset19PalMap Tileset20: ; 0x4d6c2 dbw BANK(Tileset20GFX), Tileset20GFX dbw BANK(Tileset20Meta), Tileset20Meta dbw BANK(Tileset20Coll), Tileset20Coll dw Tileset20Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset20PalMap Tileset21: ; 0x4d6d1 dbw BANK(Tileset21GFX), Tileset21GFX dbw BANK(Tileset21Meta), Tileset21Meta dbw BANK(Tileset21Coll), Tileset21Coll dw Tileset21Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset21PalMap Tileset22: ; 0x4d6e0 dbw BANK(Tileset22GFX), Tileset22GFX dbw BANK(Tileset22Meta), Tileset22Meta dbw BANK(Tileset22Coll), Tileset22Coll dw Tileset22Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset22PalMap Tileset23: ; 0x4d6ef dbw BANK(Tileset23GFX), Tileset23GFX dbw BANK(Tileset23Meta), Tileset23Meta dbw BANK(Tileset23Coll), Tileset23Coll dw Tileset23Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset23PalMap Tileset24: ; 0x4d6fe dbw BANK(Tileset24GFX), Tileset24GFX dbw BANK(Tileset24Meta), Tileset24Meta dbw BANK(Tileset24Coll), Tileset24Coll dw Tileset24Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset24PalMap Tileset25: ; 0x4d70d dbw BANK(Tileset25GFX), Tileset25GFX dbw BANK(Tileset25Meta), Tileset25Meta dbw BANK(Tileset25Coll), Tileset25Coll dw Tileset25Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset25PalMap Tileset26: ; 0x4d71c dbw BANK(Tileset26GFX), Tileset26GFX dbw BANK(Tileset26Meta), Tileset26Meta dbw BANK(Tileset26Coll), Tileset26Coll dw Tileset26Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset26PalMap Tileset27: ; 0x4d72b dbw BANK(Tileset27GFX), Tileset27GFX dbw BANK(Tileset27Meta), Tileset27Meta dbw BANK(Tileset27Coll), Tileset27Coll dw Tileset27Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset27PalMap Tileset28: ; 0x4d73a dbw BANK(Tileset28GFX), Tileset28GFX dbw BANK(Tileset28Meta), Tileset28Meta dbw BANK(Tileset28Coll), Tileset28Coll dw Tileset28Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset28PalMap Tileset29: ; 0x4d749 dbw BANK(Tileset29GFX), Tileset29GFX dbw BANK(Tileset29Meta), Tileset29Meta dbw BANK(Tileset29Coll), Tileset29Coll dw Tileset29Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset29PalMap Tileset30: ; 0x4d758 dbw BANK(Tileset30GFX), Tileset30GFX dbw BANK(Tileset30Meta), Tileset30Meta dbw BANK(Tileset30Coll), Tileset30Coll dw Tileset30Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset30PalMap Tileset31: ; 0x4d767 dbw BANK(Tileset31GFX), Tileset31GFX dbw BANK(Tileset31Meta), Tileset31Meta dbw BANK(Tileset31Coll), Tileset31Coll dw Tileset31Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset31PalMap Tileset32: ; 0x4d776 dbw BANK(Tileset32GFX), Tileset32GFX dbw BANK(Tileset32Meta), Tileset32Meta dbw BANK(Tileset32Coll), Tileset32Coll dw Tileset32Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset32PalMap Tileset33: ; 0x4d785 dbw BANK(Tileset33GFX), Tileset33GFX dbw BANK(Tileset33Meta), Tileset33Meta dbw BANK(Tileset33Coll), Tileset33Coll dw Tileset33Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset33PalMap Tileset34: ; 0x4d794 dbw BANK(Tileset34GFX), Tileset34GFX dbw BANK(Tileset34Meta), Tileset34Meta dbw BANK(Tileset34Coll), Tileset34Coll dw Tileset34Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset34PalMap Tileset35: ; 0x4d7a3 dbw BANK(Tileset35GFX), Tileset35GFX dbw BANK(Tileset35Meta), Tileset35Meta dbw BANK(Tileset35Coll), Tileset35Coll dw Tileset35Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset35PalMap Tileset36: ; 0x4d7b2 dbw BANK(Tileset36GFX), Tileset36GFX dbw BANK(Tileset36Meta), Tileset36Meta dbw BANK(Tileset36Coll), Tileset36Coll dw Tileset36Anim dw $0000 dw Tileset36PalMap ; 0x4d7c1 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4d7c1, $4d860 - $4d7c1 CheckPokerus: ; 4d860 ; Return carry if a monster in your party has Pokerus ; Get number of monsters to iterate over ld a, [PartyCount] and a jr z, .NoPokerus ld b, a ; Check each monster in the party for Pokerus ld hl, PartyMon1PokerusStatus ld de, PartyMon2 - PartyMon1 .Check ld a, [hl] and $0f ; only the bottom nybble is used jr nz, .HasPokerus ; Next PartyMon add hl, de dec b jr nz, .Check .NoPokerus and a ret .HasPokerus scf ret ; 4d87a INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4d87a, $4dc8a - $4d87a StatsScreenInit: ; 4dc8a ld hl, StatsScreenMain jr .gotaddress ld hl, $5cf7 jr .gotaddress .gotaddress ld a, [$ffde] push af xor a ld [$ffde], a ; disable overworld tile animations ld a, [$c2c6] ; whether sprite is to be mirrorred push af ld a, [$cf63] ld b, a ld a, [$cf64] ld c, a push bc push hl call WhiteBGMap call ClearTileMap call $1ad2 ld a, $3e ld hl, $753e rst FarCall ; this loads graphics pop hl call JpHl call WhiteBGMap call ClearTileMap pop bc ; restore old values ld a, b ld [$cf63], a ld a, c ld [$cf64], a pop af ld [$c2c6], a pop af ld [$ffde], a ret ; 0x4dcd2 StatsScreenMain: ; 0x4dcd2 xor a ld [$cf63], a ld [$cf64], a ld a, [$cf64] and $fc or $1 ld [$cf64], a .loop ; 4dce3 ld a, [$cf63] and $7f ld hl, StatsScreenPointerTable rst $28 call $5d3a ; check for keys? ld a, [$cf63] bit 7, a jr z, .loop ret ; 0x4dcf7 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4dcf7, $4dd2a - $4dcf7 StatsScreenPointerTable: ; 4dd2a dw $5d72 ; regular pokémon dw EggStatsInit ; egg dw $5de6 dw $5dac dw $5dc6 dw $5de6 dw $5dd6 dw $5d6c ; 4dd3a INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4dd3a, $4dda1 - $4dd3a EggStatsInit: ; 4dda1 call EggStatsScreen ld a, [$cf63] inc a ld [$cf63], a ret ; 0x4ddac INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4ddac, $4e21e - $4ddac IDNoString: ; 4e21e db $73, "№.@" OTString: ; 4e222 db "OT/@" ; 4e226 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4e226, $4e33a - $4e226 EggStatsScreen: ; 4e33a xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a ld hl, $cda1 call SetHPPal ld b, $3 call GetSGBLayout call $5f8f ld de, EggString hlcoord 8, 1 ; $c4bc call PlaceString ld de, IDNoString hlcoord 8, 3 ; $c4e4 call PlaceString ld de, OTString hlcoord 8, 5 ; $c50c call PlaceString ld de, FiveQMarkString hlcoord 11, 3 ; $c4e7 call PlaceString ld de, FiveQMarkString hlcoord 11, 5 ; $c50f call PlaceString ld a, [$d129] ; egg status ld de, EggSoonString cp $6 jr c, .picked ld de, EggCloseString cp $b jr c, .picked ld de, EggMoreTimeString cp $29 jr c, .picked ld de, EggALotMoreTimeString .picked hlcoord 1, 9 ; $c555 call PlaceString ld hl, $cf64 set 5, [hl] call $32f9 ; pals call $045a ld hl, TileMap call $3786 ld a, $41 ld hl, $402d rst FarCall call $6497 ld a, [TempMonHappiness] cp 6 ret nc ld de, SFX_2_BOOPS call StartSFX ret ; 0x4e3c0 EggString: ; 4e3c0 db "EGG@" FiveQMarkString: ; 4e3c4 db "?????@" EggSoonString: ; 0x4e3ca db "It's making sounds", $4e, "inside. It's going", $4e, "to hatch soon!@" EggCloseString: ; 0x4e3fd db "It moves around", $4e, "inside sometimes.", $4e, "It must be close", $4e, "to hatching.@" EggMoreTimeString: ; 0x4e43d db "Wonder what's", $4e, "inside? It needs", $4e, "more time, though.@" EggALotMoreTimeString: ; 0x4e46e db "This EGG needs a", $4e, "lot more time to", $4e, "hatch.@" ; 0x4e497 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4e497, $4e831 - $4e497 EvolutionGFX: INCBIN "gfx/evo/bubble_large.2bpp" INCBIN "gfx/evo/bubble.2bpp" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $4e881, $4f31c - $4e881 SECTION "bank14",DATA,BANK[$14] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $50000, $5005f-$50000 WritePartyMenuTilemap: ; 0x5005f ld hl, Options ld a, [hl] push af set 4, [hl] ; Disable text delay xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a ld hl, TileMap ld bc, $0168 ld a, " " call $3041 ; blank the tilemap call $4396 ; This reads from a pointer table??? .asm_50077 ld a, [hli] cp $ff jr z, .asm_50084 ; 0x5007a $8 push hl ld hl, $4089 rst $28 pop hl jr .asm_50077 ; 0x50082 $f3 .asm_50084 pop af ld [Options], a ret ; 0x50089 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $50089, $50457-$50089 PartyMenuSelect: ; 0x50457 ; sets carry if exitted menu. call $1bc9 call $1bee ld a, [PartyCount] inc a ld b, a ld a, [$cfa9] ; menu selection? cp b jr z, .exitmenu ; CANCEL ld [$d0d8], a ld a, [$ffa9] ld b, a bit 1, b jr nz, .exitmenu ; B button? ld a, [$cfa9] dec a ld [CurPartyMon], a ld c, a ld b, $0 ld hl, PartySpecies add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [CurPartySpecies], a ld de, SFX_READ_TEXT_2 call StartSFX call WaitSFX and a ret .exitmenu ld de, SFX_READ_TEXT_2 call StartSFX call WaitSFX scf ret ; 0x5049a PrintPartyMenuText: ; 5049a ld hl, $c5b8 ld bc, $0212 call TextBox ld a, [PartyCount] and a jr nz, .haspokemon ld de, YouHaveNoPKMNString jr .gotstring .haspokemon ; 504ae ld a, [PartyMenuActionText] and $f ; drop high nibble ld hl, PartyMenuStrings ld e, a ld d, $0 add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld d, [hl] ld e, a .gotstring ; 504be ld a, [Options] push af set 4, a ; disable text delay ld [Options], a ld hl, $c5e1 ; Coord call PlaceString pop af ld [Options], a ret ; 0x504d2 PartyMenuStrings: ; 0x504d2 dw ChooseAMonString dw UseOnWhichPKMNString dw WhichPKMNString dw TeachWhichPKMNString dw MoveToWhereString dw UseOnWhichPKMNString dw ChooseAMonString ; Probably used to be ChooseAFemalePKMNString dw ChooseAMonString ; Probably used to be ChooseAMalePKMNString dw ToWhichPKMNString ChooseAMonString: ; 0x504e4 db "Choose a #MON.@" UseOnWhichPKMNString: ; 0x504f3 db "Use on which ", $e1, $e2, "?@" WhichPKMNString: ; 0x50504 db "Which ", $e1, $e2, "?@" TeachWhichPKMNString: ; 0x5050e db "Teach which ", $e1, $e2, "?@" MoveToWhereString: ; 0x5051e db "Move to where?@" ChooseAFemalePKMNString: ; 0x5052d ; UNUSED db "Choose a ♀", $e1, $e2, ".@" ChooseAMalePKMNString: ; 0x5053b ; UNUSED db "Choose a ♂", $e1, $e2, ".@" ToWhichPKMNString: ; 0x50549 db "To which ", $e1, $e2, "?@" YouHaveNoPKMNString: ; 0x50556 db "You have no ", $e1, $e2, "!@" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $50566, $5093a - $50566 PrintMoveType: ; 5093a ; Print the type of move b at hl. push hl ld a, b dec a ld bc, Move2 - Move1 ld hl, Moves call AddNTimes ld de, StringBuffer1 ld a, BANK(Moves) call FarCopyBytes ld a, [StringBuffer1 + PlayerMoveType - PlayerMoveStruct] pop hl ld b, a ; 50953 PrintType: ; 50953 ; Print type b at hl. ld a, b push hl add a ld hl, TypeNames ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld d, [hl] pop hl jp PlaceString ; 50964 LoadTypeName: ; 50964 ; Copy the name of type $d265 to StringBuffer1. ld a, [$d265] ld hl, TypeNames ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld de, StringBuffer1 ld bc, $000d jp CopyBytes ; 5097b TypeNames: ; 5097b dw Normal dw Fighting dw Flying dw Poison dw Ground dw Rock dw Bird dw Bug dw Ghost dw Steel dw Normal dw Normal dw Normal dw Normal dw Normal dw Normal dw Normal dw Normal dw Normal dw UnknownType dw Fire dw Water dw Grass dw Electric dw Psychic dw Ice dw Dragon dw Dark Normal: db "NORMAL@" Fighting: db "FIGHTING@" Flying: db "FLYING@" Poison: db "POISON@" UnknownType: db "???@" Fire: db "FIRE@" Water: db "WATER@" Grass: db "GRASS@" Electric: db "ELECTRIC@" Psychic: db "PSYCHIC@" Ice: db "ICE@" Ground: db "GROUND@" Rock: db "ROCK@" Bird: db "BIRD@" Bug: db "BUG@" Ghost: db "GHOST@" Steel: db "STEEL@" Dragon: db "DRAGON@" Dark: db "DARK@" ; 50a28 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $50a28, $50bdd - $50a28 GetGender: ; 50bdd ; Return the gender of a given monster in a. ; 1: male ; 0: female ; c: genderless ; This is determined by comparing the Attack and Speed DVs ; with the species' gender ratio. ; Figure out what type of monster struct we're looking at. ; 0: PartyMon ld hl, PartyMon1DVs ld bc, PartyMon2 - PartyMon1 ld a, [MonType] and a jr z, .PartyMon ; 1: OTPartyMon ld hl, OTPartyMon1DVs dec a jr z, .PartyMon ; 2: BoxMon ld hl, $ad26 + $15 ; BoxMon1DVs ld bc, $20 ; BoxMon2 - BoxMon1 dec a jr z, .BoxMon ; 3: Unknown ld hl, $d123 ; DVBuffer dec a jr z, .DVs ; else: WildMon ld hl, EnemyMonDVs jr .DVs ; Get our place in the party/box. .PartyMon .BoxMon ld a, [CurPartyMon] call AddNTimes .DVs ; BoxMon data is read directly from SRAM. ld a, [MonType] cp 2 ld a, 1 call z, GetSRAMBank ; Attack DV ld a, [hli] and $f0 ld b, a ; Speed DV ld a, [hl] and $f0 swap a ; Put our DVs together. or b ld b, a ; Close SRAM if we were dealing with a BoxMon. ld a, [MonType] ; MonType cp 2 ; BOXMON call z, CloseSRAM ; We need the gender ratio to do anything with this. push bc ld a, [CurPartySpecies] dec a ld hl, BaseData + BaseGender - CurBaseData ld bc, BaseData1 - BaseData call AddNTimes pop bc ld a, BANK(BaseData) call GetFarByte ; The higher the ratio, the more likely the monster is to be female. cp $ff jr z, .Genderless and a jr z, .Male cp $fe jr z, .Female ; Values below the ratio are male, and vice versa. cp b jr c, .Male .Female xor a ret .Male ld a, 1 and a ret .Genderless scf ret ; 50c50 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $50c50, $51424 - $50c50 BaseData: INCLUDE "stats/base_stats.asm" PokemonNames: INCLUDE "stats/pokemon_names.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $53D84, $53e2e - $53D84 SECTION "bank15",DATA,BANK[$15] ; Map Scripts I INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodGym.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodBikeShop.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodHappinessRater.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodBillsHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodMagnetTrainStation.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodFlowerShop.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodPPSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodNameRatersHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodDeptStore1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodDeptStore2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodDeptStore3F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodDeptStore4F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodDeptStore5F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodDeptStore6F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodDeptStoreElevator.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodDeptStoreRoof.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodGameCorner.asm" SECTION "bank16",DATA,BANK[$16] ; Map Scripts II INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphOutside.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphHoOhChamber.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphKabutoChamber.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphOmanyteChamber.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphAerodactylChamber.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphInnerChamber.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphResearchCenter.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphHoOhItemRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphKabutoItemRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphOmanyteItemRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphAerodactylItemRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphHoOhWordRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphKabutoWordRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphOmanyteWordRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RuinsofAlphAerodactylWordRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/UnionCave1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/UnionCaveB1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/UnionCaveB2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SlowpokeWellB1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SlowpokeWellB2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivineLighthouse1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivineLighthouse2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivineLighthouse3F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivineLighthouse4F.asm" SECTION "bank17",DATA,BANK[$17] ; Map Scripts III INCLUDE "maps/NationalPark.asm" INCLUDE "maps/NationalParkBugContest.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RadioTower1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RadioTower2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RadioTower3F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RadioTower4F.asm" SECTION "bank18",DATA,BANK[$18] ; Map Scripts IV INCLUDE "maps/RadioTower5F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivineLighthouse5F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivineLighthouse6F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodPokeComCenter2FMobile.asm" INCLUDE "maps/IlexForestAzaleaGate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route34IlexForestGate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/DayCare.asm" SECTION "bank19",DATA,BANK[$19] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $64000, $67308 - $64000 SECTION "bank1A",DATA,BANK[$1A] ; Map Scripts V INCLUDE "maps/Route11.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VioletMart.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VioletGym.asm" INCLUDE "maps/EarlsPokemonAcademy.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VioletNicknameSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VioletPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VioletOnixTradeHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route32RuinsofAlphGate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route32PokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route35Goldenrodgate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route35NationalParkgate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route36RuinsofAlphgate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route36NationalParkgate.asm" SECTION "bank1B",DATA,BANK[$1B] ; Map Scripts VI INCLUDE "maps/Route8.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MahoganyMart1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TeamRocketBaseB1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TeamRocketBaseB2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TeamRocketBaseB3F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/IlexForest.asm" SECTION "bank1C",DATA,BANK[$1C] ; Map Scripts VII INCLUDE "maps/LakeofRage.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonDeptStore1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonDeptStore2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonDeptStore3F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonDeptStore4F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonDeptStore5F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonDeptStore6F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonDeptStoreElevator.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonMansion1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonMansion2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonMansion3F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonMansionRoof.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonMansionRoofHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonPokeCenter2FBeta.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonGameCorner.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonGym.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonCafe.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route16FuchsiaSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route16Gate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route7SaffronGate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route1718Gate.asm" SECTION "bank1D",DATA,BANK[$1D] ; Map Scripts VIII INCLUDE "maps/DiglettsCave.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MountMoon.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Underground.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RockTunnel1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RockTunnelB1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SafariZoneFuchsiaGateBeta.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SafariZoneBeta.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VictoryRoad.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivinePort.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VermilionPort.asm" INCLUDE "maps/FastShip1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/FastShipCabins_NNW_NNE_NE.asm" INCLUDE "maps/FastShipCabins_SW_SSW_NW.asm" INCLUDE "maps/FastShipCabins_SE_SSE_CaptainsCabin.asm" INCLUDE "maps/FastShipB1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivinePortPassage.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VermilionPortPassage.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MountMoonSquare.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MountMoonGiftShop.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TinTowerRoof.asm" SECTION "bank1E",DATA,BANK[$1E] ; Map Scripts IX INCLUDE "maps/Route34.asm" INCLUDE "maps/ElmsLab.asm" INCLUDE "maps/KrissHouse1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/KrissHouse2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/KrissNeighborsHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/ElmsHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route26HealSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route26DayofWeekSiblingsHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route27SandstormHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route2946Gate.asm" SECTION "bank1F",DATA,BANK[$1F] ; Map Scripts X INCLUDE "maps/Route22.asm" INCLUDE "maps/WarehouseEntrance.asm" INCLUDE "maps/UndergroundPathSwitchRoomEntrances.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodDeptStoreB1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/UndergroundWarehouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MountMortar1FOutside.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MountMortar1FInside.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MountMortar2FInside.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MountMortarB1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/IcePath1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/IcePathB1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/IcePathB2FMahoganySide.asm" INCLUDE "maps/IcePathB2FBlackthornSide.asm" INCLUDE "maps/IcePathB3F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/LavenderPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/LavenderPokeCenter2FBeta.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MrFujisHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/LavenderTownSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/LavenderNameRater.asm" INCLUDE "maps/LavenderMart.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SoulHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/LavRadioTower1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route8SaffronGate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route12SuperRodHouse.asm" SECTION "bank20",DATA,BANK[$20] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $80000, $80430-$80000 GetFlag2: ; 80430 ; Do action b on flag de from BitTable2 ; ; b = 0: reset flag ; = 1: set flag ; > 1: check flag, result in c ; ; Setting/resetting does not return a result. ; 16-bit flag ids are considered invalid, but it's nice ; to know that the infrastructure is there. ld a, d cp 0 jr z, .ceiling jr c, .read ; cp 0 can't set carry! jr .invalid ; There are only $a2 flags in BitTable2, so anything beyond that ; is invalid too. .ceiling ld a, e cp $a2 jr c, .read ; Invalid flags are treated as flag $00. .invalid xor a ld e, a ld d, a ; Read BitTable2 for this flag's location. .read ld hl, BitTable2 ; location add hl, de add hl, de ; bit add hl, de ; location ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] inc hl ; bit ld c, [hl] ; What are we doing with this flag? ld a, b cp 1 jr c, .reset ; b = 0 jr z, .set ; b = 1 ; Return the given flag in c. .check ld a, [de] and c ld c, a ret ; Set the given flag. .set ld a, [de] or c ld [de], a ret ; Reset the given flag. .reset ld a, c cpl ; AND all bits except the one in question ld c, a ld a, [de] and c ld [de], a ret ; 80462 BitTable2: ; 80462 INCLUDE "bittable2.asm" ; 80648 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $80648, $80730-$80648 INCLUDE "text/battle.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $818ac, $81fe3-$818ac DebugColorTestGFX: INCBIN "gfx/debug/color_test.2bpp" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $82153, $823c8-$82153 SECTION "bank21",DATA,BANK[$21] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $84000, $84a2e - $84000 FX00GFX: FX01GFX: ; 84a2e INCBIN "gfx/fx/001.lz" ; 84b15 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $84b15, $84b1e - $84b15 FX02GFX: ; 84b1e INCBIN "gfx/fx/002.lz" ; 84b7a INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $84b7a, $84b7e - $84b7a FX03GFX: ; 84b7e INCBIN "gfx/fx/003.lz" ; 84bd0 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $84bd0, $84bde - $84bd0 FX04GFX: ; 84bde INCBIN "gfx/fx/004.lz" ; 84ca5 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $84ca5, $84cae - $84ca5 FX05GFX: ; 84cae INCBIN "gfx/fx/005.lz" ; 84de2 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $84de2, $84dee - $84de2 FX07GFX: ; 84dee INCBIN "gfx/fx/007.lz" ; 84e70 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $84e70, $84e7e - $84e70 FX08GFX: ; 84e7e INCBIN "gfx/fx/008.lz" ; 84ed4 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $84ed4, $84ede - $84ed4 FX10GFX: ; 84ede INCBIN "gfx/fx/010.lz" ; 84f13 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $84f13, $84f1e - $84f13 FX09GFX: ; 84f1e INCBIN "gfx/fx/009.lz" ; 85009 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $85009, $8500e - $85009 FX12GFX: ; 8500e INCBIN "gfx/fx/012.lz" ; 8506f INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8506f, $8507e - $8506f FX06GFX: ; 8507e INCBIN "gfx/fx/006.lz" ; 8515c INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8515c, $8515e - $8515c FX11GFX: ; 8515e INCBIN "gfx/fx/011.lz" ; 851ad INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $851ad, $851ae - $851ad FX13GFX: ; 851ae INCBIN "gfx/fx/013.lz" ; 85243 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $85243, $8524e - $85243 FX14GFX: ; 8524e INCBIN "gfx/fx/014.lz" ; 852ff INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $852ff, $8530e - $852ff FX24GFX: ; 8530e INCBIN "gfx/fx/024.lz" ; 8537c INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8537c, $8537e - $8537c FX15GFX: ; 8537e INCBIN "gfx/fx/015.lz" ; 8539a INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8539a, $8539e - $8539a FX16GFX: ; 8539e INCBIN "gfx/fx/016.lz" ; 8542d INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8542d, $8542e - $8542d FX17GFX: ; 8542e INCBIN "gfx/fx/017.lz" ; 85477 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $85477, $8547e - $85477 FX18GFX: ; 8547e INCBIN "gfx/fx/018.lz" ; 854eb INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $854eb, $854ee - $854eb FX19GFX: ; 854ee INCBIN "gfx/fx/019.lz" ; 855a9 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $855a9, $855ae - $855a9 FX20GFX: ; 855ae INCBIN "gfx/fx/020.lz" ; 85627 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $85627, $8562e - $85627 FX22GFX: ; 8562e INCBIN "gfx/fx/022.lz" ; 856ec INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $856ec, $856ee - $856ec FX21GFX: ; 856ee INCBIN "gfx/fx/021.lz" ; 85767 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $85767, $8576e - $85767 FX23GFX: ; 8576e INCBIN "gfx/fx/023.lz" ; 857d0 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $857d0, $857de - $857d0 FX26GFX: ; 857de INCBIN "gfx/fx/026.lz" ; 85838 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $85838, $8583e - $85838 FX27GFX: ; 8583e INCBIN "gfx/fx/027.lz" ; 858b0 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $858b0, $858be - $858b0 FX28GFX: ; 858be INCBIN "gfx/fx/028.lz" ; 85948 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $85948, $8594e - $85948 FX29GFX: ; 8594e INCBIN "gfx/fx/029.lz" ; 859a8 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $859a8, $859ae - $859a8 FX30GFX: ; 859ae INCBIN "gfx/fx/030.lz" ; 859ff INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $859ff, $85a0e - $859ff FX31GFX: ; 85a0e INCBIN "gfx/fx/031.lz" ; 85ba1 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $85ba1, $85bae - $85ba1 FX32GFX: ; 85bae INCBIN "gfx/fx/032.lz" ; 85d09 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $85d09, $85d0e - $85d09 FX33GFX: ; 85d0e INCBIN "gfx/fx/033.lz" ; 85def INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $85def, $85dfe - $85def FX34GFX: ; 85dfe INCBIN "gfx/fx/034.lz" ; 85e96 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $85e96, $85e9e - $85e96 FX25GFX: ; 85e9e INCBIN "gfx/fx/025.lz" ; 85fb8 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $85fb8, $85fbe - $85fb8 FX35GFX: ; 85fbe INCBIN "gfx/fx/035.lz" ; 86099 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $86099, $8609e - $86099 FX36GFX: ; 8609e INCBIN "gfx/fx/036.lz" ; 86174 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $86174, $8617e - $86174 FX37GFX: ; 8617e INCBIN "gfx/fx/037.lz" ; 862eb INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $862eb, $862ee - $862eb FX38GFX: ; 862ee INCBIN "gfx/fx/038.lz" ; 8637f INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8637f, $8638e - $8637f FX39GFX: ; 8638e INCBIN "gfx/fx/039.lz" ; 8640b INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8640b, $8640e - $8640b HallOfFame3: ; 0x8640e call $648e ld a, [$d84c] push af ld a, $1 ld [$c2cd], a call Function2ed3 ld a, $1 ld [$d4b5], a ; Enable the Pokégear map to cycle through all of Kanto ld hl, $d84c set 6, [hl] ld a, $5 ld hl, $4da0 rst FarCall ld hl, $d95e ld a, [hl] cp $c8 jr nc, .asm_86436 ; 0x86433 $1 inc [hl] .asm_86436 ld a, $5 ld hl, $4b85 rst FarCall call $653f ld a, $5 ld hl, $4b5f rst FarCall xor a ld [$c2cd], a call $64c3 pop af ld b, a ld a, $42 ld hl, $5847 rst FarCall ret ; 0x86455 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $86455, $88000 - $86455 SECTION "bank22",DATA,BANK[$22] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $88000, $8832c - $88000 GetPlayerIcon: ; 8832c ; Get the player icon corresponding to gender ; Male ld de, $4000 ; KrissMIcon ld b, $30 ; BANK(KrissMIcon) ld a, [PlayerGender] bit 0, a jr z, .done ; Female ld de, $7a40 ; KrissFIcon ld b, $31 ; BANK(KrissFIcon) .done ret ; 8833e INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8833e, $896ff - $8833e ClearScreenArea: ; 0x896ff ; clears an area of the screen ; INPUT: ; hl = address of upper left corner of the area ; b = height ; c = width ld a, $7f ; blank tile ld de, 20 ; screen width .loop\@ push bc push hl .innerLoop\@ ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .innerLoop\@ pop hl pop bc add hl, de dec b jr nz, .loop\@ dec hl inc c inc c .asm_89713 ld a, $36 ld [hli], a dec c ret z ld a, $18 ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .asm_89713 ; 0x8971c $f5 ret ; 0x8971f INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8971f, $8addb - $8971f SpecialHoOhChamber: ; 0x8addb ld hl, PartySpecies ld a, [hl] cp HO_OH ; is Ho-oh the first Pokémon in the party? jr nz, .done ; if not, we're done call GetSecondaryMapHeaderPointer ld de, $0326 ld b, $1 call BitTable1Func .done ret ; 0x8adef INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8adef, $8b170 - $8adef SpecialDratini: ; 0x8b170 ; if ScriptVar is 0 or 1, change the moveset of the last Dratini in the party. ; 0: give it a special moveset with Extremespeed. ; 1: give it the normal moveset of a level 15 Dratini. ld a, [ScriptVar] cp $2 ret nc ld bc, PartyCount ld a, [bc] ld hl, 0 call GetNthPartyMon ld a, [bc] ld c, a ld de, PartyMon2 - PartyMon1 .CheckForDratini ; start at the end of the party and search backwards for a Dratini ld a, [hl] cp DRATINI jr z, .GiveMoveset ld a, l sub e ld l, a ld a, h sbc d ld h, a dec c jr nz, .CheckForDratini ret .GiveMoveset push hl ld a, [ScriptVar] ld hl, .Movesets ld bc, .Moveset1 - .Moveset0 call AddNTimes ; get address of mon's first move pop de inc de inc de .GiveMoves ld a, [hl] and a ; is the move 00? ret z ; if so, we're done here push hl push de ld [de], a ; give the Pokémon the new move ; get the PP of the new move dec a ld hl, Moves + PlayerMovePP - PlayerMoveStruct ld bc, Move2 - Move1 call AddNTimes ld a, BANK(Moves) call GetFarByte ; get the address of the move's PP and update the PP ld hl, PartyMon1PP - PartyMon1Moves add hl, de ld [hl], a pop de pop hl inc de inc hl jr .GiveMoves .Movesets .Moveset0 ; Dratini does not normally learn Extremespeed. This is a special gift. db WRAP db THUNDER_WAVE db TWISTER db EXTREMESPEED db 0 .Moveset1 ; This is the normal moveset of a level 15 Dratini db WRAP db LEER db THUNDER_WAVE db TWISTER db 0 GetNthPartyMon: ; 0x8b1ce ; inputs: ; hl must be set to 0 before calling this function. ; a must be set to the number of Pokémon in the party. ; outputs: ; returns the address of the last Pokémon in the party in hl. ; sets carry if a is 0. ld de, PartyMon1 add hl, de and a jr z, .EmptyParty dec a ret z ld de, PartyMon2 - PartyMon1 .loop add hl, de dec a jr nz, .loop ret .EmptyParty scf ret INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8b1e1, $8ba24-$8b1e1 SECTION "bank23",DATA,BANK[$23] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8c000, $8c011 - $8c000 TimeOfDayPals: ; 8c011 ; return carry if pals are changed ; forced pals? ld hl, $d846 bit 7, [hl] jr nz, .dontchange ; do we need to bother updating? ld a, [TimeOfDay] ld hl, CurTimeOfDay cp [hl] jr z, .dontchange ; if so, the time of day has changed ld a, [TimeOfDay] ld [CurTimeOfDay], a ; get palette id call GetTimePalette ; same palette as before? ld hl, TimeOfDayPal cp [hl] jr z, .dontchange ; update palette id ld [TimeOfDayPal], a ; save bg palette 8 ld hl, $d038 ; Unkn1Pals + 7 pals ; save wram bank ld a, [rSVBK] ld b, a ; wram bank 5 ld a, 5 ld [rSVBK], a ; push palette ld c, 4 ; NUM_PAL_COLORS .push ld d, [hl] inc hl ld e, [hl] inc hl push de dec c jr nz, .push ; restore wram bank ld a, b ld [rSVBK], a ; update sgb pals ld b, $9 call GetSGBLayout ; restore bg palette 8 ld hl, $d03f ; last byte in Unkn1Pals ; save wram bank ld a, [rSVBK] ld d, a ; wram bank 5 ld a, 5 ld [rSVBK], a ; pop palette ld e, 4 ; NUM_PAL_COLORS .pop pop bc ld [hl], c dec hl ld [hl], b dec hl dec e jr nz, .pop ; restore wram bank ld a, d ld [rSVBK], a ; update palettes call UpdateTimePals call DelayFrame ; successful change scf ret .dontchange ; no change occurred and a ret ; 8c070 UpdateTimePals: ; 8c070 ld c, $9 ; normal call GetTimePalFade call DmgToCgbTimePals ret ; 8c079 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8c079, $8c117 - $8c079 GetTimePalette: ; 8c117 ; get time of day ld a, [TimeOfDay] ld e, a ld d, $0 ; get fn ptr ld hl, .TimePalettes add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; go jp [hl] ; 8c126 .TimePalettes dw .MorningPalette dw .DayPalette dw .NitePalette dw .DarknessPalette .MorningPalette ; 8c12e ld a, [$d847] and %00000011 ; 0 ret ; 8c134 .DayPalette ; 8c134 ld a, [$d847] and %00001100 ; 1 srl a srl a ret ; 8c13e .NitePalette ; 8c13e ld a, [$d847] and %00110000 ; 2 swap a ret ; 8c146 .DarknessPalette ; 8c146 ld a, [$d847] and %11000000 ; 3 rlca rlca ret ; 8c14e DmgToCgbTimePals: ; 8c14e push hl push de ld a, [hli] call DmgToCgbBGPals ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld a, [hli] ld d, a call DmgToCgbObjPals pop de pop hl ret ; 8c15e INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8c15e, $8c17c - $8c15e GetTimePalFade: ; 8c17c ; check cgb ld a, [hCGB] and a jr nz, .cgb ; else: dmg ; index ld a, [TimeOfDayPal] and %11 ; get fade table push bc ld c, a ld b, $0 ld hl, .dmgfades add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a pop bc ; get place in fade table ld b, $0 add hl, bc ret .cgb ld hl, .cgbfade ld b, $0 add hl, bc ret ; 8c19e .dmgfades ; 8c19e dw .morn dw .day dw .nite dw .darkness ; 8c1a6 .morn ; 8c1a6 db %11111111 db %11111111 db %11111111 db %11111110 db %11111110 db %11111110 db %11111001 db %11100100 db %11100100 db %11100100 db %11010000 db %11010000 db %10010000 db %10000000 db %10000000 db %01000000 db %01000000 db %01000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 ; 8c1bb .day ; 8c1bb db %11111111 db %11111111 db %11111111 db %11111110 db %11111110 db %11111110 db %11111001 db %11100100 db %11100100 db %11100100 db %11010000 db %11010000 db %10010000 db %10000000 db %10000000 db %01000000 db %01000000 db %01000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 ; 8c1d0 .nite ; 8c1d0 db %11111111 db %11111111 db %11111111 db %11111110 db %11111110 db %11111110 db %11111001 db %11100100 db %11100100 db %11101001 db %11010000 db %11010000 db %10010000 db %10000000 db %10000000 db %01000000 db %01000000 db %01000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 ; 8c1e5 .darkness ; 8c1e5 db %11111111 db %11111111 db %11111111 db %11111110 db %11111110 db %11111111 db %11111110 db %11100100 db %11111111 db %11111101 db %11010000 db %11111111 db %11111101 db %10000000 db %11111111 db %00000000 db %01000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 ; 8c1fa .cgbfade ; 8c1fa db %11111111 db %11111111 db %11111111 db %11111110 db %11111110 db %11111110 db %11111001 db %11111001 db %11111001 db %11100100 db %11100100 db %11100100 db %10010000 db %10010000 db %10010000 db %01000000 db %01000000 db %01000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 ; 8c20f INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8c20f, $8e9ac - $8c20f GetSpeciesIcon: ; 8e9ac ; Load species icon into VRAM at tile a push de ld a, [$d265] call ReadMonMenuIcon ld [CurIcon], a pop de ld a, e call GetIconGFX ret ; 8e9bc INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8e9bc, $8e9de - $8e9bc GetIconGFX: ; 8e9de call GetIcon_a ld de, $80 ; 8 tiles add hl, de ld de, HeldItemIcons ld bc, $2302 call GetGFXUnlessMobile ld a, [$c3b7] add 10 ld [$c3b7], a ret HeldItemIcons: INCBIN "gfx/icon/mail.2bpp" INCBIN "gfx/icon/item.2bpp" ; 8ea17 GetIcon_de: ; 8ea17 ; Load icon graphics into VRAM starting from tile de ld l, e ld h, d jr GetIcon GetIcon_a: ; 8ea1b ; Load icon graphics into VRAM starting from tile a ld l, a ld h, 0 GetIcon: ; 8ea1e ; Load icon graphics into VRAM starting from tile hl ; One tile is 16 bytes long add hl, hl add hl, hl add hl, hl add hl, hl ld de, VTiles0 add hl, de push hl ; Reading the icon pointer table would only make sense if they were ; scattered. However, the icons are contiguous and in-order. ld a, [CurIcon] push hl ld l, a ld h, 0 add hl, hl ld de, IconPointers add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld d, [hl] pop hl ld bc, $2308 call GetGFXUnlessMobile pop hl ret ; 8ea3f GetGFXUnlessMobile: ; 8ea3f ld a, [InLinkBattle] cp 4 ; Mobile Link Battle jp nz, $eba jp $dc9 ; 8ea4a INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8ea4a, $8eab3 - $8ea4a ReadMonMenuIcon: ; 8eab3 cp EGG jr z, .egg dec a ld hl, MonMenuIcons ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de ld a, [hl] ret .egg ld a, ICON_EGG ret ; 8eac4 MonMenuIcons: ; 8eac4 db ICON_BULBASAUR ; BULBASAUR db ICON_BULBASAUR ; IVYSAUR db ICON_BULBASAUR ; VENUSAUR db ICON_CHARMANDER ; CHARMANDER db ICON_CHARMANDER ; CHARMELEON db ICON_BIGMON ; CHARIZARD db ICON_SQUIRTLE ; SQUIRTLE db ICON_SQUIRTLE ; WARTORTLE db ICON_SQUIRTLE ; BLASTOISE db ICON_CATERPILLAR ; CATERPIE db ICON_CATERPILLAR ; METAPOD db ICON_MOTH ; BUTTERFREE db ICON_CATERPILLAR ; WEEDLE db ICON_CATERPILLAR ; KAKUNA db ICON_BUG ; BEEDRILL db ICON_BIRD ; PIDGEY db ICON_BIRD ; PIDGEOTTO db ICON_BIRD ; PIDGEOT db ICON_FOX ; RATTATA db ICON_FOX ; RATICATE db ICON_BIRD ; SPEAROW db ICON_BIRD ; FEAROW db ICON_SERPENT ; EKANS db ICON_SERPENT ; ARBOK db ICON_PIKACHU ; PIKACHU db ICON_PIKACHU ; RAICHU db ICON_MONSTER ; SANDSHREW db ICON_MONSTER ; SANDSLASH db ICON_FOX ; NIDORAN_F db ICON_FOX ; NIDORINA db ICON_MONSTER ; NIDOQUEEN db ICON_FOX ; NIDORAN_M db ICON_FOX ; NIDORINO db ICON_MONSTER ; NIDOKING db ICON_CLEFAIRY ; CLEFAIRY db ICON_CLEFAIRY ; CLEFABLE db ICON_FOX ; VULPIX db ICON_FOX ; NINETALES db ICON_JIGGLYPUFF ; JIGGLYPUFF db ICON_JIGGLYPUFF ; WIGGLYTUFF db ICON_BAT ; ZUBAT db ICON_BAT ; GOLBAT db ICON_ODDISH ; ODDISH db ICON_ODDISH ; GLOOM db ICON_ODDISH ; VILEPLUME db ICON_BUG ; PARAS db ICON_BUG ; PARASECT db ICON_CATERPILLAR ; VENONAT db ICON_MOTH ; VENOMOTH db ICON_DIGLETT ; DIGLETT db ICON_DIGLETT ; DUGTRIO db ICON_FOX ; MEOWTH db ICON_FOX ; PERSIAN db ICON_MONSTER ; PSYDUCK db ICON_MONSTER ; GOLDUCK db ICON_FIGHTER ; MANKEY db ICON_FIGHTER ; PRIMEAPE db ICON_FOX ; GROWLITHE db ICON_FOX ; ARCANINE db ICON_POLIWAG ; POLIWAG db ICON_POLIWAG ; POLIWHIRL db ICON_POLIWAG ; POLIWRATH db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; ABRA db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; KADABRA db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; ALAKAZAM db ICON_FIGHTER ; MACHOP db ICON_FIGHTER ; MACHOKE db ICON_FIGHTER ; MACHAMP db ICON_ODDISH ; BELLSPROUT db ICON_ODDISH ; WEEPINBELL db ICON_ODDISH ; VICTREEBEL db ICON_JELLYFISH ; TENTACOOL db ICON_JELLYFISH ; TENTACRUEL db ICON_GEODUDE ; GEODUDE db ICON_GEODUDE ; GRAVELER db ICON_GEODUDE ; GOLEM db ICON_EQUINE ; PONYTA db ICON_EQUINE ; RAPIDASH db ICON_SLOWPOKE ; SLOWPOKE db ICON_SLOWPOKE ; SLOWBRO db ICON_VOLTORB ; MAGNEMITE db ICON_VOLTORB ; MAGNETON db ICON_BIRD ; FARFETCH_D db ICON_BIRD ; DODUO db ICON_BIRD ; DODRIO db ICON_LAPRAS ; SEEL db ICON_LAPRAS ; DEWGONG db ICON_BLOB ; GRIMER db ICON_BLOB ; MUK db ICON_SHELL ; SHELLDER db ICON_SHELL ; CLOYSTER db ICON_GHOST ; GASTLY db ICON_GHOST ; HAUNTER db ICON_GHOST ; GENGAR db ICON_SERPENT ; ONIX db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; DROWZEE db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; HYPNO db ICON_SHELL ; KRABBY db ICON_SHELL ; KINGLER db ICON_VOLTORB ; VOLTORB db ICON_VOLTORB ; ELECTRODE db ICON_ODDISH ; EXEGGCUTE db ICON_ODDISH ; EXEGGUTOR db ICON_MONSTER ; CUBONE db ICON_MONSTER ; MAROWAK db ICON_FIGHTER ; HITMONLEE db ICON_FIGHTER ; HITMONCHAN db ICON_MONSTER ; LICKITUNG db ICON_BLOB ; KOFFING db ICON_BLOB ; WEEZING db ICON_EQUINE ; RHYHORN db ICON_MONSTER ; RHYDON db ICON_CLEFAIRY ; CHANSEY db ICON_ODDISH ; TANGELA db ICON_MONSTER ; KANGASKHAN db ICON_FISH ; HORSEA db ICON_FISH ; SEADRA db ICON_FISH ; GOLDEEN db ICON_FISH ; SEAKING db ICON_STARYU ; STARYU db ICON_STARYU ; STARMIE db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; MR__MIME db ICON_BUG ; SCYTHER db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; JYNX db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; ELECTABUZZ db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; MAGMAR db ICON_BUG ; PINSIR db ICON_EQUINE ; TAUROS db ICON_FISH ; MAGIKARP db ICON_GYARADOS ; GYARADOS db ICON_LAPRAS ; LAPRAS db ICON_BLOB ; DITTO db ICON_FOX ; EEVEE db ICON_FOX ; VAPOREON db ICON_FOX ; JOLTEON db ICON_FOX ; FLAREON db ICON_VOLTORB ; PORYGON db ICON_SHELL ; OMANYTE db ICON_SHELL ; OMASTAR db ICON_SHELL ; KABUTO db ICON_SHELL ; KABUTOPS db ICON_BIRD ; AERODACTYL db ICON_SNORLAX ; SNORLAX db ICON_BIRD ; ARTICUNO db ICON_BIRD ; ZAPDOS db ICON_BIRD ; MOLTRES db ICON_SERPENT ; DRATINI db ICON_SERPENT ; DRAGONAIR db ICON_BIGMON ; DRAGONITE db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; MEWTWO db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; MEW db ICON_ODDISH ; CHIKORITA db ICON_ODDISH ; BAYLEEF db ICON_ODDISH ; MEGANIUM db ICON_FOX ; CYNDAQUIL db ICON_FOX ; QUILAVA db ICON_FOX ; TYPHLOSION db ICON_MONSTER ; TOTODILE db ICON_MONSTER ; CROCONAW db ICON_MONSTER ; FERALIGATR db ICON_FOX ; SENTRET db ICON_FOX ; FURRET db ICON_BIRD ; HOOTHOOT db ICON_BIRD ; NOCTOWL db ICON_BUG ; LEDYBA db ICON_BUG ; LEDIAN db ICON_BUG ; SPINARAK db ICON_BUG ; ARIADOS db ICON_BAT ; CROBAT db ICON_FISH ; CHINCHOU db ICON_FISH ; LANTURN db ICON_PIKACHU ; PICHU db ICON_CLEFAIRY ; CLEFFA db ICON_JIGGLYPUFF ; IGGLYBUFF db ICON_CLEFAIRY ; TOGEPI db ICON_BIRD ; TOGETIC db ICON_BIRD ; NATU db ICON_BIRD ; XATU db ICON_FOX ; MAREEP db ICON_MONSTER ; FLAAFFY db ICON_MONSTER ; AMPHAROS db ICON_ODDISH ; BELLOSSOM db ICON_JIGGLYPUFF ; MARILL db ICON_JIGGLYPUFF ; AZUMARILL db ICON_SUDOWOODO ; SUDOWOODO db ICON_POLIWAG ; POLITOED db ICON_ODDISH ; HOPPIP db ICON_ODDISH ; SKIPLOOM db ICON_ODDISH ; JUMPLUFF db ICON_MONSTER ; AIPOM db ICON_ODDISH ; SUNKERN db ICON_ODDISH ; SUNFLORA db ICON_BUG ; YANMA db ICON_MONSTER ; WOOPER db ICON_MONSTER ; QUAGSIRE db ICON_FOX ; ESPEON db ICON_FOX ; UMBREON db ICON_BIRD ; MURKROW db ICON_SLOWPOKE ; SLOWKING db ICON_GHOST ; MISDREAVUS db ICON_UNOWN ; UNOWN db ICON_GHOST ; WOBBUFFET db ICON_EQUINE ; GIRAFARIG db ICON_BUG ; PINECO db ICON_BUG ; FORRETRESS db ICON_SERPENT ; DUNSPARCE db ICON_BUG ; GLIGAR db ICON_SERPENT ; STEELIX db ICON_MONSTER ; SNUBBULL db ICON_MONSTER ; GRANBULL db ICON_FISH ; QWILFISH db ICON_BUG ; SCIZOR db ICON_BUG ; SHUCKLE db ICON_BUG ; HERACROSS db ICON_FOX ; SNEASEL db ICON_MONSTER ; TEDDIURSA db ICON_MONSTER ; URSARING db ICON_BLOB ; SLUGMA db ICON_BLOB ; MAGCARGO db ICON_EQUINE ; SWINUB db ICON_EQUINE ; PILOSWINE db ICON_SHELL ; CORSOLA db ICON_FISH ; REMORAID db ICON_FISH ; OCTILLERY db ICON_MONSTER ; DELIBIRD db ICON_FISH ; MANTINE db ICON_BIRD ; SKARMORY db ICON_FOX ; HOUNDOUR db ICON_FOX ; HOUNDOOM db ICON_BIGMON ; KINGDRA db ICON_EQUINE ; PHANPY db ICON_EQUINE ; DONPHAN db ICON_VOLTORB ; PORYGON2 db ICON_EQUINE ; STANTLER db ICON_MONSTER ; SMEARGLE db ICON_FIGHTER ; TYROGUE db ICON_FIGHTER ; HITMONTOP db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; SMOOCHUM db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; ELEKID db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; MAGBY db ICON_EQUINE ; MILTANK db ICON_CLEFAIRY ; BLISSEY db ICON_FOX ; RAIKOU db ICON_FOX ; ENTEI db ICON_FOX ; SUICUNE db ICON_MONSTER ; LARVITAR db ICON_MONSTER ; PUPITAR db ICON_MONSTER ; TYRANITAR db ICON_LUGIA ; LUGIA db ICON_HO_OH ; HO_OH db ICON_HUMANSHAPE ; CELEBI IconPointers: dw NullIcon dw PoliwagIcon dw JigglypuffIcon dw DiglettIcon dw PikachuIcon dw StaryuIcon dw FishIcon dw BirdIcon dw MonsterIcon dw ClefairyIcon dw OddishIcon dw BugIcon dw GhostIcon dw LaprasIcon dw HumanshapeIcon dw FoxIcon dw EquineIcon dw ShellIcon dw BlobIcon dw SerpentIcon dw VoltorbIcon dw SquirtleIcon dw BulbasaurIcon dw CharmanderIcon dw CaterpillarIcon dw UnownIcon dw GeodudeIcon dw FighterIcon dw EggIcon dw JellyfishIcon dw MothIcon dw BatIcon dw SnorlaxIcon dw HoOhIcon dw LugiaIcon dw GyaradosIcon dw SlowpokeIcon dw SudowoodoIcon dw BigmonIcon NullIcon: PoliwagIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/poliwag.2bpp" ; 0x8ec0d JigglypuffIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/jigglypuff.2bpp" ; 0x8ec8d DiglettIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/diglett.2bpp" ; 0x8ed0d PikachuIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/pikachu.2bpp" ; 0x8ed8d StaryuIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/staryu.2bpp" ; 0x8ee0d FishIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/fish.2bpp" ; 0x8ee8d BirdIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/bird.2bpp" ; 0x8ef0d MonsterIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/monster.2bpp" ; 0x8ef8d ClefairyIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/clefairy.2bpp" ; 0x8f00d OddishIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/oddish.2bpp" ; 0x8f08d BugIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/bug.2bpp" ; 0x8f10d GhostIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/ghost.2bpp" ; 0x8f18d LaprasIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/lapras.2bpp" ; 0x8f20d HumanshapeIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/humanshape.2bpp" ; 0x8f28d FoxIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/fox.2bpp" ; 0x8f30d EquineIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/equine.2bpp" ; 0x8f38d ShellIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/shell.2bpp" ; 0x8f40d BlobIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/blob.2bpp" ; 0x8f48d SerpentIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/serpent.2bpp" ; 0x8f50d VoltorbIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/voltorb.2bpp" ; 0x8f58d SquirtleIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/squirtle.2bpp" ; 0x8f60d BulbasaurIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/bulbasaur.2bpp" ; 0x8f68d CharmanderIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/charmander.2bpp" ; 0x8f70d CaterpillarIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/caterpillar.2bpp" ; 0x8f78d UnownIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/unown.2bpp" ; 0x8f80d GeodudeIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/geodude.2bpp" ; 0x8f88d FighterIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/fighter.2bpp" ; 0x8f90d EggIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/egg.2bpp" ; 0x8f98d JellyfishIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/jellyfish.2bpp" ; 0x8fa0d MothIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/moth.2bpp" ; 0x8fa8d BatIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/bat.2bpp" ; 0x8fb0d SnorlaxIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/snorlax.2bpp" ; 0x8fb8d HoOhIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/ho_oh.2bpp" ; 0x8fc0d LugiaIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/lugia.2bpp" ; 0x8fc8d GyaradosIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/gyarados.2bpp" ; 0x8fd0d SlowpokeIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/slowpoke.2bpp" ; 0x8fd8d SudowoodoIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/sudowoodo.2bpp" ; 0x8fe0d BigmonIcon: INCBIN "gfx/icon/bigmon.2bpp" ; 0x8fe8d SECTION "bank24",DATA,BANK[$24] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $90000, $909F2-$90000 dw Sunday dw Monday dw Tuesday dw Wednesday dw Thursday dw Friday dw Saturday dw Sunday Sunday: db " SUNDAY@" Monday: db " MONDAY@" Tuesday: db " TUESDAY@" Wednesday: db "WEDNESDAY@" Thursday: db "THURSDAY@" Friday: db " FRIDAY@" Saturday: db "SATURDAY@" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $90a3f, $914dd - $90a3f PokegearSpritesGFX: ; 914dd INCBIN "gfx/misc/pokegear_sprites.lz" ; 91508 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $91508, $91bb5 - $91508 TownMapBubble: ; 91bb5 ; Draw the bubble containing the location text in the town map HUD ; Top-left corner ld hl, TileMap + 1 ; (1,0) ld a, $30 ld [hli], a ; Top row ld bc, 16 ld a, " " call ByteFill ; Top-right corner ld a, $31 ld [hl], a ld hl, TileMap + 1 + 20 ; (1,1) ; Middle row ld bc, 18 ld a, " " call ByteFill ; Bottom-left corner ld hl, TileMap + 1 + 40 ; (1,2) ld a, $32 ld [hli], a ; Bottom row ld bc, 16 ld a, " " call ByteFill ; Bottom-right corner ld a, $33 ld [hl], a ; Print "Where?" ld hl, TileMap + 2 ; (2,0) ld de, .Where call PlaceString ; Print the name of the default flypoint call .Name ; Up/down arrows ld hl, TileMap + 18 + 20 ; (18,1) ld [hl], $34 ret .Where db "Where?@" .Name ; We need the map location of the default flypoint ld a, [DefaultFlypoint] ld l, a ld h, 0 add hl, hl ; two bytes per flypoint ld de, Flypoints add hl, de ld e, [hl] callba GetLandmarkName ld hl, TileMap + 2 + 20 ; (2,1) ld de, StringBuffer1 call PlaceString ret ; 91c17 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $91c17, $91c50 - $91c17 GetFlyPermission: ; 91c50 ; Return flypoint c permission flag in a ld hl, FlypointPerms ld b, $2 ld d, $0 ld a, 3 ; PREDEF_GET_FLAG_NO call Predef ld a, c ret ; 91c5e Flypoints: ; 91c5e ; location id, blackout id ; Johto db 01, 14 ; New Bark Town db 03, 15 ; Cherrygrove City db 06, 16 ; Violet City db 12, 18 ; Azalea Town db 16, 20 ; Goldenrod City db 22, 22 ; Ecruteak City db 27, 21 ; Olivine City db 33, 19 ; Cianwood City db 36, 23 ; Mahogany Town db 38, 24 ; Lake of Rage db 41, 25 ; Blackthorn City db 46, 26 ; Silver Cave ; Kanto db 47, 02 ; Pallet Town db 49, 03 ; Viridian City db 51, 04 ; Pewter City db 55, 05 ; Cerulean City db 61, 07 ; Vermilion City db 66, 06 ; Rock Tunnel db 69, 08 ; Lavender Town db 71, 10 ; Celadon City db 72, 09 ; Saffron City db 81, 11 ; Fuchsia City db 85, 12 ; Cinnabar Island db 90, 13 ; Indigo Plateau ; 91c8e INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $91c8e, $91c90 - $91c8e FlyMap: ; 91c90 ld a, [MapGroup] ld b, a ld a, [MapNumber] ld c, a call GetWorldMapLocation ; If we're not in a valid location, i.e. Pokecenter floor 2F, ; the backup map information is used cp 0 jr nz, .CheckRegion ld a, [BackupMapGroup] ld b, a ld a, [BackupMapNumber] ld c, a call GetWorldMapLocation .CheckRegion ; The first 46 locations are part of Johto. The rest are in Kanto cp 47 jr nc, .KantoFlyMap .JohtoFlyMap ; Note that .NoKanto should be modified in tandem with this branch push af ; Start from New Bark Town ld a, 0 ld [DefaultFlypoint], a ; Flypoints begin at New Bark Town... ld [StartFlypoint], a ; ..and end at Silver Cave ld a, $b ld [EndFlypoint], a ; Fill out the map call FillJohtoMap call .MapHud pop af call TownMapPlayerIcon ret .KantoFlyMap ; The event that there are no flypoints enabled in a map is not ; accounted for. As a result, if you attempt to select a flypoint ; when there are none enabled, the game will crash. Additionally, ; the flypoint selection has a default starting point that ; can be flown to even if none are enabled ; To prevent both of these things from happening when the player ; enters Kanto, fly access is restricted until Indigo Plateau is ; visited and its flypoint enabled push af ld c, $d ; Indigo Plateau call GetFlyPermission and a jr z, .NoKanto ; Kanto's map is only loaded if we've visited Indigo Plateau ; Flypoints begin at Pallet Town... ld a, $c ld [StartFlypoint], a ; ...and end at Indigo Plateau ld a, $17 ld [EndFlypoint], a ; Because Indigo Plateau is the first flypoint the player ; visits, it's made the default flypoint ld [DefaultFlypoint], a ; Fill out the map call FillKantoMap call .MapHud pop af call TownMapPlayerIcon ret .NoKanto ; If Indigo Plateau hasn't been visited, we use Johto's map instead ; Start from New Bark Town ld a, 0 ld [DefaultFlypoint], a ; Flypoints begin at New Bark Town... ld [StartFlypoint], a ; ..and end at Silver Cave ld a, $b ld [EndFlypoint], a call FillJohtoMap pop af .MapHud call TownMapBubble call TownMapPals ld hl, $9800 ; BG Map 0 call TownMapBGUpdate call TownMapMon ld a, c ld [$d003], a ld a, b ld [$d004], a ret ; 91d11 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $91d11, $91ee4 - $91d11 TownMapBGUpdate: ; 91ee4 ; Update BG Map tiles and attributes ; BG Map address ld a, l ld [hBGMapAddress], a ld a, h ld [$ffd7], a ; Only update palettes on CGB ld a, [hCGB] and a jr z, .tiles ; BG Map mode 2 (palettes) ld a, 2 ld [hBGMapMode], a ; The BG Map is updated in thirds, so we wait ; 3 frames to update the whole screen's palettes. ld c, 3 call DelayFrames .tiles ; Update BG Map tiles call WaitBGMap ; Turn off BG Map update xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a ret ; 91eff FillJohtoMap: ; 91eff ld de, JohtoMap jr FillTownMap FillKantoMap: ; 91f04 ld de, KantoMap FillTownMap: ; 91f07 ld hl, TileMap .loop ld a, [de] cp $ff ret z ld a, [de] ld [hli], a inc de jr .loop ; 91f13 TownMapPals: ; 91f13 ; Assign palettes based on tile ids ld hl, TileMap ld de, AttrMap ld bc, 360 .loop ; Current tile ld a, [hli] push hl ; HP/borders use palette 0 cp $60 jr nc, .pal0 ; The palette data is condensed to nybbles, ; least-significant first. ld hl, .Pals srl a jr c, .odd ; Even-numbered tile ids take the bottom nybble... add l ld l, a ld a, h adc 0 ld h, a ld a, [hl] and %111 jr .update .odd ; ...and odd ids take the top. add l ld l, a ld a, h adc 0 ld h, a ld a, [hl] swap a and %111 jr .update .pal0 xor a .update pop hl ld [de], a inc de dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .loop ret .Pals db $11, $21, $22, $00, $11, $13, $54, $54, $11, $21, $22, $00 db $11, $10, $01, $00, $11, $21, $22, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 db $00, $00, $44, $04, $00, $00, $00, $00, $33, $33, $33, $33 db $33, $33, $33, $03, $33, $33, $33, $33, $00, $00, $00, $00 ; 91f7b TownMapMon: ; 91f7b ; Draw the FlyMon icon at town map location in ; Get FlyMon species ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld hl, PartySpecies ld e, a ld d, $0 add hl, de ld a, [hl] ld [$d265], a ; Get FlyMon icon ld e, 8 ; starting tile in VRAM callba GetSpeciesIcon ; Animation/palette ld de, $0000 ld a, $0 call $3b2a ld hl, 3 add hl, bc ld [hl], 8 ld hl, 2 add hl, bc ld [hl], 0 ret ; 91fa6 TownMapPlayerIcon: ; 91fa6 ; Draw the player icon at town map location in a push af callba GetPlayerIcon ; Standing icon ld hl, $8100 ld c, 4 ; # tiles call $eba ; Walking icon ld hl, $00c0 add hl, de ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, $8140 ld c, 4 ; # tiles ld a, $30 call $eba ; Animation/palette ld de, $0000 ld b, $0a ; Male ld a, [PlayerGender] bit 0, a jr z, .asm_91fd3 ld b, $1e ; Female .asm_91fd3 ld a, b call $3b2a ld hl, $0003 add hl, bc ld [hl], $10 pop af ld e, a push bc callba GetLandmarkCoords pop bc ld hl, 4 add hl, bc ld [hl], e ld hl, 5 add hl, bc ld [hl], d ret ; 0x91ff2 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $91ff2, $91fff - $91ff2 JohtoMap: INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $91fff, $92168 - $91fff KantoMap: INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $92168, $922d1 - $92168 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $922d1, $92402 - $922d1 INCLUDE "stats/wild/fish.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $926c7, $93a31 - $926c7 SECTION "bank25",DATA,BANK[$25] MapGroupPointers: ; 0x94000 ; pointers to the first map header of each map group dw MapGroup1 dw MapGroup2 dw MapGroup3 dw MapGroup4 dw MapGroup5 dw MapGroup6 dw MapGroup7 dw MapGroup8 dw MapGroup9 dw MapGroup10 dw MapGroup11 dw MapGroup12 dw MapGroup13 dw MapGroup14 dw MapGroup15 dw MapGroup16 dw MapGroup17 dw MapGroup18 dw MapGroup19 dw MapGroup20 dw MapGroup21 dw MapGroup22 dw MapGroup23 dw MapGroup24 dw MapGroup25 dw MapGroup26 INCLUDE "maps/map_headers.asm" INCLUDE "maps/second_map_headers.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $966b0, $96cb1 - $966b0 INCLUDE "scripting.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $97c20, $35e SECTION "bank26",DATA,BANK[$26] ; Map Scripts XI INCLUDE "maps/EcruteakHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/WiseTriosRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/EcruteakPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/EcruteakLugiaSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/DanceTheatre.asm" INCLUDE "maps/EcruteakMart.asm" INCLUDE "maps/EcruteakGym.asm" INCLUDE "maps/EcruteakItemfinderHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/ViridianGym.asm" INCLUDE "maps/ViridianNicknameSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TrainerHouse1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TrainerHouseB1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/ViridianMart.asm" INCLUDE "maps/ViridianPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/ViridianPokeCenter2FBeta.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route2NuggetSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route2Gate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VictoryRoadGate.asm" SECTION "bank27",DATA,BANK[$27] ; Map Scripts XII INCLUDE "maps/OlivinePokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivineGym.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivineVoltorbHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivineHouseBeta.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivineGoodRodHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivineCafe.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivineMart.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route38EcruteakGate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route39Barn.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route39Farmhouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/ManiasHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CianwoodGym.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CianwoodPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CianwoodPharmacy.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CianwoodCityPhotoStudio.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CianwoodLugiaSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/PokeSeersHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BattleTower1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BattleTowerBattleRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BattleTowerElevator.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BattleTowerHallway.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route40BattleTowerGate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BattleTowerOutside.asm" SECTION "bank28",DATA,BANK[$28] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $a0000, $a1eca - $a0000 SECTION "bank29",DATA,BANK[$29] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $a4000, $a64ad - $a4000 SECTION "bank2A",DATA,BANK[$2A] Route32_BlockData: ; 0xa8000 INCBIN "maps/Route32.blk" ; 0xa81c2 Route40_BlockData: ; 0xa81c2 INCBIN "maps/Route40.blk" ; 0xa8276 Route36_BlockData: ; 0xa8276 INCBIN "maps/Route36.blk" ; 0xa8384 Route44_BlockData: ; 0xa8384 INCBIN "maps/Route44.blk" ; 0xa8492 Route28_BlockData: ; 0xa8492 INCBIN "maps/Route28.blk" ; 0xa8546 BetaHerosHouse_BlockData: ; 0xa8546 INCBIN "maps/BetaHerosHouse.blk" ; 0xa8552 CeladonCity_BlockData: ; 0xa8552 INCBIN "maps/CeladonCity.blk" ; 0xa86ba SaffronCity_BlockData: ; 0xa86ba INCBIN "maps/SaffronCity.blk" ; 0xa8822 Route2_BlockData: ; 0xa8822 INCBIN "maps/Route2.blk" ; 0xa8930 ElmsHouse_BlockData: ; 0xa8930 INCBIN "maps/ElmsHouse.blk" ; 0xa8940 BetaSproutTower1_BlockData: ; 0xa8940 INCBIN "maps/BetaSproutTower1.blk" ; 0xa899a Route11_BlockData: ; 0xa899a INCBIN "maps/Route11.blk" ; 0xa8a4e BetaSproutTower5_BlockData: ; 0xa8a4e INCBIN "maps/BetaSproutTower5.blk" ; 0xa8aa8 Route15_BlockData: ; 0xa8aa8 INCBIN "maps/Route15.blk" ; 0xa8b5c BetaSproutTower9_BlockData: ; 0xa8b5c INCBIN "maps/BetaSproutTower9.blk" ; 0xa8b80 Route19_BlockData: ; 0xa8b80 INCBIN "maps/Route19.blk" ; 0xa8c34 BetaBlackthornCity_BlockData: ; 0xa8c34 INCBIN "maps/BetaBlackthornCity.blk" ; 0xa8d9c Route10South_BlockData: ; 0xa8d9c INCBIN "maps/Route10South.blk" ; 0xa8df6 CinnabarPokeCenter2FBeta_BlockData: ; 0xa8df6 INCBIN "maps/CinnabarPokeCenter2FBeta.blk" ; 0xa8e16 Route41_BlockData: ; 0xa8e16 INCBIN "maps/Route41.blk" ; 0xa90b9 Route33_BlockData: ; 0xa90b9 INCBIN "maps/Route33.blk" ; 0xa9113 Route45_BlockData: ; 0xa9113 INCBIN "maps/Route45.blk" ; 0xa92d5 Route29_BlockData: ; 0xa92d5 INCBIN "maps/Route29.blk" ; 0xa93e3 Route37_BlockData: ; 0xa93e3 INCBIN "maps/Route37.blk" ; 0xa943d LavenderTown_BlockData: ; 0xa943d INCBIN "maps/LavenderTown.blk" ; 0xa9497 PalletTown_BlockData: ; 0xa9497 INCBIN "maps/PalletTown.blk" ; 0xa94f1 Route25_BlockData: ; 0xa94f1 INCBIN "maps/Route25.blk" ; 0xa95ff Route24_BlockData: ; 0xa95ff INCBIN "maps/Route24.blk" ; 0xa9659 BetaVioletCity_BlockData: ; 0xa9659 INCBIN "maps/BetaVioletCity.blk" ; 0xa97c1 Route3_BlockData: ; 0xa97c1 INCBIN "maps/Route3.blk" ; 0xa98cf PewterCity_BlockData: ; 0xa98cf INCBIN "maps/PewterCity.blk" ; 0xa9a37 BetaIlexForest_BlockData: ; 0xa9a37 INCBIN "maps/BetaIlexForest.blk" ; 0xa9b9f BetaSproutTower2_BlockData: ; 0xa9b9f INCBIN "maps/BetaSproutTower2.blk" ; 0xa9bf9 Route12_BlockData: ; 0xa9bf9 INCBIN "maps/Route12.blk" ; 0xa9d07 BetaGoldenrodCity_BlockData: ; 0xa9d07 INCBIN "maps/BetaGoldenrodCity.blk" ; 0xa9e6f Route20_BlockData: ; 0xa9e6f INCBIN "maps/Route20.blk" ; 0xa9f7d BetaSproutTower6_BlockData: ; 0xa9f7d INCBIN "maps/BetaSproutTower6.blk" ; 0xa9fd7 BetaPokecenterMainHouse_BlockData: ; 0xa9fd7 INCBIN "maps/BetaPokecenterMainHouse.blk" ; 0xa9ff7 Route30_BlockData: ; 0xa9ff7 INCBIN "maps/Route30.blk" ; 0xaa105 Route26_BlockData: ; 0xaa105 INCBIN "maps/Route26.blk" ; 0xaa321 Route42_BlockData: ; 0xaa321 INCBIN "maps/Route42.blk" ; 0xaa42f Route34_BlockData: ; 0xaa42f INCBIN "maps/Route34.blk" ; 0xaa53d Route46_BlockData: ; 0xaa53d INCBIN "maps/Route46.blk" ; 0xaa5f1 FuchsiaCity_BlockData: ; 0xaa5f1 INCBIN "maps/FuchsiaCity.blk" ; 0xaa759 Route38_BlockData: ; 0xaa759 INCBIN "maps/Route38.blk" ; 0xaa80d BetaCianwoodCity_BlockData: ; 0xaa80d INCBIN "maps/BetaCianwoodCity.blk" ; 0xaa867 OlivineVoltorbHouse_BlockData: ; 0xaa867 INCBIN "maps/OlivineVoltorbHouse.blk" ; 0xaa877 SafariZoneFuchsiaGateBeta_BlockData: ; 0xaa877 INCBIN "maps/SafariZoneFuchsiaGateBeta.blk" ; 0xaa88b BetaTeakCity_BlockData: ; 0xaa88b INCBIN "maps/BetaTeakCity.blk" ; 0xaa9f3 BetaCherrygroveCity_BlockData: ; 0xaa9f3 INCBIN "maps/BetaCherrygroveCity.blk" ; 0xaaa4d CinnabarIsland_BlockData: ; 0xaaa4d INCBIN "maps/CinnabarIsland.blk" ; 0xaaaa7 Route4_BlockData: ; 0xaaaa7 INCBIN "maps/Route4.blk" ; 0xaab5b Route8_BlockData: ; 0xaab5b INCBIN "maps/Route8.blk" ; 0xaac0f BetaSproutTower3_BlockData: ; 0xaac0f INCBIN "maps/BetaSproutTower3.blk" ; 0xaac69 ViridianCity_BlockData: ; 0xaac69 INCBIN "maps/ViridianCity.blk" ; 0xaadd1 Route13_BlockData: ; 0xaadd1 INCBIN "maps/Route13.blk" ; 0xaaedf Route21_BlockData: ; 0xaaedf INCBIN "maps/Route21.blk" ; 0xaaf93 BetaSproutTower7_BlockData: ; 0xaaf93 INCBIN "maps/BetaSproutTower7.blk" ; 0xaafed Route17_BlockData: ; 0xaafed INCBIN "maps/Route17.blk" ; 0xab1af BetaMahoganyTown_BlockData: ; 0xab1af INCBIN "maps/BetaMahoganyTown.blk" ; 0xab209 Route31_BlockData: ; 0xab209 INCBIN "maps/Route31.blk" ; 0xab2bd Route27_BlockData: ; 0xab2bd INCBIN "maps/Route27.blk" ; 0xab425 Route35_BlockData: ; 0xab425 INCBIN "maps/Route35.blk" ; 0xab4d9 Route43_BlockData: ; 0xab4d9 INCBIN "maps/Route43.blk" ; 0xab5e7 Route39_BlockData: ; 0xab5e7 INCBIN "maps/Route39.blk" ; 0xab69b KrissHouse1F_BlockData: ; 0xab69b INCBIN "maps/KrissHouse1F.blk" ; 0xab6af Route38EcruteakGate_BlockData: ; 0xab6af INCBIN "maps/Route38EcruteakGate.blk" ; 0xab6c3 BetaAzaleaTown_BlockData: ; 0xab6c3 INCBIN "maps/BetaAzaleaTown.blk" ; 0xab82b VermilionCity_BlockData: ; 0xab82b INCBIN "maps/VermilionCity.blk" ; 0xab993 BetaOlivineCity_BlockData: ; 0xab993 INCBIN "maps/BetaOlivineCity.blk" ; 0xabafb BetaNewBarkTown_BlockData: ; 0xabafb INCBIN "maps/BetaNewBarkTown.blk" ; 0xabb55 ElmsLab_BlockData: ; 0xabb55 INCBIN "maps/ElmsLab.blk" ; 0xabb73 CeruleanCity_BlockData: ; 0xabb73 INCBIN "maps/CeruleanCity.blk" ; 0xabcdb Route1_BlockData: ; 0xabcdb INCBIN "maps/Route1.blk" ; 0xabd8f Route5_BlockData: ; 0xabd8f INCBIN "maps/Route5.blk" ; 0xabde9 Route9_BlockData: ; 0xabde9 INCBIN "maps/Route9.blk" ; 0xabef7 Route22_BlockData: ; 0xabef7 INCBIN "maps/Route22.blk" ; 0xabfab SECTION "bank2B",DATA,BANK[$2B] Route14_BlockData: ; 0xac000 INCBIN "maps/Route14.blk" ; 0xac0b4 BetaSproutTower8_BlockData: ; 0xac0b4 INCBIN "maps/BetaSproutTower8.blk" ; 0xac10e OlivineMart_BlockData: ; 0xac10e INCBIN "maps/OlivineMart.blk" ; 0xac126 Route10North_BlockData: ; 0xac126 INCBIN "maps/Route10North.blk" ; 0xac180 BetaLakeOfRage_BlockData: ; 0xac180 INCBIN "maps/BetaLakeOfRage.blk" ; 0xac2e8 OlivinePokeCenter1F_BlockData: ; 0xac2e8 INCBIN "maps/OlivinePokeCenter1F.blk" ; 0xac2fc BetaPewterMuseumOfScience1F_BlockData: ; 0xac2fc INCBIN "maps/BetaPewterMuseumOfScience1F.blk" ; 0xac324 BetaPewterMuseumOfScience2F_BlockData: ; 0xac324 INCBIN "maps/BetaPewterMuseumOfScience2F.blk" ; 0xac340 EarlsPokemonAcademy_BlockData: ; 0xac340 INCBIN "maps/EarlsPokemonAcademy.blk" ; 0xac360 BetaCinnabarIslandPokemonLabHallway_BlockData: ; 0xac360 INCBIN "maps/BetaCinnabarIslandPokemonLabHallway.blk" ; 0xac384 BetaCinnabarIslandPokemonLabRoom1_BlockData: ; 0xac384 INCBIN "maps/BetaCinnabarIslandPokemonLabRoom1.blk" ; 0xac394 BetaCinnabarIslandPokemonLabRoom2_BlockData: ; 0xac394 INCBIN "maps/BetaCinnabarIslandPokemonLabRoom2.blk" ; 0xac3a4 BetaCinnabarIslandPokemonLabRoom3_BlockData: ; 0xac3a4 INCBIN "maps/BetaCinnabarIslandPokemonLabRoom3.blk" ; 0xac3b4 GoldenrodDeptStore1F_BlockData: ; 0xac3b4 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodDeptStore1F.blk" ; 0xac3d4 GoldenrodDeptStore2F_BlockData: ; 0xac3d4 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodDeptStore2F.blk" ; 0xac3f4 GoldenrodDeptStore3F_BlockData: ; 0xac3f4 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodDeptStore3F.blk" ; 0xac414 GoldenrodDeptStore4F_BlockData: ; 0xac414 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodDeptStore4F.blk" ; 0xac434 GoldenrodDeptStore5F_BlockData: ; 0xac434 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodDeptStore5F.blk" ; 0xac454 GoldenrodDeptStore6F_BlockData: ; 0xac454 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodDeptStore6F.blk" ; 0xac474 GoldenrodDeptStoreElevator_BlockData: ; 0xac474 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodDeptStoreElevator.blk" ; 0xac478 CeladonMansion1F_BlockData: ; 0xac478 INCBIN "maps/CeladonMansion1F.blk" ; 0xac48c CeladonMansion2F_BlockData: ; 0xac48c INCBIN "maps/CeladonMansion2F.blk" ; 0xac4a0 CeladonMansion3F_BlockData: ; 0xac4a0 INCBIN "maps/CeladonMansion3F.blk" ; 0xac4b4 CeladonMansionRoof_BlockData: ; 0xac4b4 INCBIN "maps/CeladonMansionRoof.blk" ; 0xac4c8 BetaHouse_BlockData: ; 0xac4c8 INCBIN "maps/BetaHouse.blk" ; 0xac4d8 CeladonGameCorner_BlockData: ; 0xac4d8 INCBIN "maps/CeladonGameCorner.blk" ; 0xac51e CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoom_BlockData: ; 0xac51e INCBIN "maps/CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoom.blk" ; 0xac527 Colosseum_BlockData: ; 0xac527 INCBIN "maps/Colosseum.blk" ; 0xac53b TradeCenter_BlockData: ; 0xac53b INCBIN "maps/TradeCenter.blk" ; 0xac54f EcruteakLugiaSpeechHouse_BlockData: ; 0xac54f INCBIN "maps/EcruteakLugiaSpeechHouse.blk" ; 0xac55f BetaCave_BlockData: ; 0xac55f INCBIN "maps/BetaCave.blk" ; 0xac5b9 UnionCaveB1F_BlockData: ; 0xac5b9 INCBIN "maps/UnionCaveB1F.blk" ; 0xac66d UnionCaveB2F_BlockData: ; 0xac66d INCBIN "maps/UnionCaveB2F.blk" ; 0xac721 UnionCave1F_BlockData: ; 0xac721 INCBIN "maps/UnionCave1F.blk" ; 0xac7d5 NationalPark_BlockData: ; 0xac7d5 INCBIN "maps/NationalPark.blk" ; 0xac9f1 Route6UndergroundEntrance_BlockData: ; 0xac9f1 INCBIN "maps/Route6UndergroundEntrance.blk" ; 0xaca01 BetaPokecenterTradeStation_BlockData: ; 0xaca01 INCBIN "maps/BetaPokecenterTradeStation.blk" ; 0xaca11 KurtsHouse_BlockData: ; 0xaca11 INCBIN "maps/KurtsHouse.blk" ; 0xaca31 GoldenrodMagnetTrainStation_BlockData: ; 0xaca31 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodMagnetTrainStation.blk" ; 0xaca8b RuinsofAlphOutside_BlockData: ; 0xaca8b INCBIN "maps/RuinsofAlphOutside.blk" ; 0xacb3f BetaAlphRuinUnsolvedPuzzleRoom_BlockData: ; 0xacb3f INCBIN "maps/BetaAlphRuinUnsolvedPuzzleRoom.blk" ; 0xacb53 RuinsofAlphInnerChamber_BlockData: ; 0xacb53 INCBIN "maps/RuinsofAlphInnerChamber.blk" ; 0xacbdf RuinsofAlphHoOhChamber_BlockData: ; 0xacbdf INCBIN "maps/RuinsofAlphHoOhChamber.blk" ; 0xacbf3 SproutTower1F_BlockData: ; 0xacbf3 INCBIN "maps/SproutTower1F.blk" ; 0xacc43 BetaSproutTowerCutOut1_BlockData: ; 0xacc43 INCBIN "maps/BetaSproutTowerCutOut1.blk" ; 0xacc4d SproutTower2F_BlockData: ; 0xacc4d INCBIN "maps/SproutTower2F.blk" ; 0xacc9d BetaSproutTowerCutOut2_BlockData: ; 0xacc9d INCBIN "maps/BetaSproutTowerCutOut2.blk" ; 0xacca7 SproutTower3F_BlockData: ; 0xacca7 INCBIN "maps/SproutTower3F.blk" ; 0xaccf7 BetaSproutTowerCutOut3_BlockData: ; 0xaccf7 INCBIN "maps/BetaSproutTowerCutOut3.blk" ; 0xacd01 RadioTower1F_BlockData: ; 0xacd01 INCBIN "maps/RadioTower1F.blk" ; 0xacd25 RadioTower2F_BlockData: ; 0xacd25 INCBIN "maps/RadioTower2F.blk" ; 0xacd49 RadioTower3F_BlockData: ; 0xacd49 INCBIN "maps/RadioTower3F.blk" ; 0xacd6d RadioTower4F_BlockData: ; 0xacd6d INCBIN "maps/RadioTower4F.blk" ; 0xacd91 RadioTower5F_BlockData: ; 0xacd91 INCBIN "maps/RadioTower5F.blk" ; 0xacdb5 NewBarkTown_BlockData: ; 0xacdb5 INCBIN "maps/NewBarkTown.blk" ; 0xace0f CherrygroveCity_BlockData: ; 0xace0f INCBIN "maps/CherrygroveCity.blk" ; 0xacec3 VioletCity_BlockData: ; 0xacec3 INCBIN "maps/VioletCity.blk" ; 0xad02b AzaleaTown_BlockData: ; 0xad02b INCBIN "maps/AzaleaTown.blk" ; 0xad0df CianwoodCity_BlockData: ; 0xad0df INCBIN "maps/CianwoodCity.blk" ; 0xad274 GoldenrodCity_BlockData: ; 0xad274 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodCity.blk" ; 0xad3dc OlivineCity_BlockData: ; 0xad3dc INCBIN "maps/OlivineCity.blk" ; 0xad544 EcruteakCity_BlockData: ; 0xad544 INCBIN "maps/EcruteakCity.blk" ; 0xad6ac MahoganyTown_BlockData: ; 0xad6ac INCBIN "maps/MahoganyTown.blk" ; 0xad706 LakeofRage_BlockData: ; 0xad706 INCBIN "maps/LakeofRage.blk" ; 0xad86e BlackthornCity_BlockData: ; 0xad86e INCBIN "maps/BlackthornCity.blk" ; 0xad9d6 SilverCaveOutside_BlockData: ; 0xad9d6 INCBIN "maps/SilverCaveOutside.blk" ; 0xadb3e Route6_BlockData: ; 0xadb3e INCBIN "maps/Route6.blk" ; 0xadb98 Route7_BlockData: ; 0xadb98 INCBIN "maps/Route7.blk" ; 0xadbf2 Route16_BlockData: ; 0xadbf2 INCBIN "maps/Route16.blk" ; 0xadc4c Route18_BlockData: ; 0xadc4c INCBIN "maps/Route18.blk" ; 0xadca6 WarehouseEntrance_BlockData: ; 0xadca6 INCBIN "maps/WarehouseEntrance.blk" ; 0xaddb4 UndergroundPathSwitchRoomEntrances_BlockData: ; 0xaddb4 INCBIN "maps/UndergroundPathSwitchRoomEntrances.blk" ; 0xadec2 GoldenrodDeptStoreB1F_BlockData: ; 0xadec2 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodDeptStoreB1F.blk" ; 0xadf1c UndergroundWarehouse_BlockData: ; 0xadf1c INCBIN "maps/UndergroundWarehouse.blk" ; 0xadf76 BetaElevator_BlockData: ; 0xadf76 INCBIN "maps/BetaElevator.blk" ; 0xadf8f TinTower1F_BlockData: ; 0xadf8f INCBIN "maps/TinTower1F.blk" ; 0xadfe9 TinTower2F_BlockData: ; 0xadfe9 INCBIN "maps/TinTower2F.blk" ; 0xae043 TinTower3F_BlockData: ; 0xae043 INCBIN "maps/TinTower3F.blk" ; 0xae09d TinTower4F_BlockData: ; 0xae09d INCBIN "maps/TinTower4F.blk" ; 0xae0f7 TinTower5F_BlockData: ; 0xae0f7 INCBIN "maps/TinTower5F.blk" ; 0xae151 TinTower6F_BlockData: ; 0xae151 INCBIN "maps/TinTower6F.blk" ; 0xae1ab TinTower7F_BlockData: ; 0xae1ab INCBIN "maps/TinTower7F.blk" ; 0xae205 TinTower8F_BlockData: ; 0xae205 INCBIN "maps/TinTower8F.blk" ; 0xae25f TinTower9F_BlockData: ; 0xae25f INCBIN "maps/TinTower9F.blk" ; 0xae2b9 TinTowerRoof_BlockData: ; 0xae2b9 INCBIN "maps/TinTowerRoof.blk" ; 0xae313 BurnedTower1F_BlockData: ; 0xae313 INCBIN "maps/BurnedTower1F.blk" ; 0xae36d BurnedTowerB1F_BlockData: ; 0xae36d INCBIN "maps/BurnedTowerB1F.blk" ; 0xae3c7 BetaCaveTestMap_BlockData: ; 0xae3c7 INCBIN "maps/BetaCaveTestMap.blk" ; 0xae4d5 MountMortar1FOutside_BlockData: ; 0xae4d5 INCBIN "maps/MountMortar1FOutside.blk" ; 0xae63d MountMortar1FInside_BlockData: ; 0xae63d INCBIN "maps/MountMortar1FInside.blk" ; 0xae859 MountMortar2FInside_BlockData: ; 0xae859 INCBIN "maps/MountMortar2FInside.blk" ; 0xae9c1 MountMortarB1F_BlockData: ; 0xae9c1 INCBIN "maps/MountMortarB1F.blk" ; 0xaeb29 IcePath1F_BlockData: ; 0xaeb29 INCBIN "maps/IcePath1F.blk" ; 0xaec91 IcePathB1F_BlockData: ; 0xaec91 INCBIN "maps/IcePathB1F.blk" ; 0xaed45 IcePathB2FMahoganySide_BlockData: ; 0xaed45 INCBIN "maps/IcePathB2FMahoganySide.blk" ; 0xaed9f IcePathB2FBlackthornSide_BlockData: ; 0xaed9f INCBIN "maps/IcePathB2FBlackthornSide.blk" ; 0xaedcc IcePathB3F_BlockData: ; 0xaedcc INCBIN "maps/IcePathB3F.blk" ; 0xaee26 WhirlIslandNW_BlockData: ; 0xaee26 INCBIN "maps/WhirlIslandNW.blk" ; 0xaee53 WhirlIslandNE_BlockData: ; 0xaee53 INCBIN "maps/WhirlIslandNE.blk" ; 0xaeead WhirlIslandSW_BlockData: ; 0xaeead INCBIN "maps/WhirlIslandSW.blk" ; 0xaef07 WhirlIslandCave_BlockData: ; 0xaef07 INCBIN "maps/WhirlIslandCave.blk" ; 0xaef34 WhirlIslandSE_BlockData: ; 0xaef34 INCBIN "maps/WhirlIslandSE.blk" ; 0xaef61 WhirlIslandB1F_BlockData: ; 0xaef61 INCBIN "maps/WhirlIslandB1F.blk" ; 0xaf0c9 WhirlIslandB2F_BlockData: ; 0xaf0c9 INCBIN "maps/WhirlIslandB2F.blk" ; 0xaf17d WhirlIslandLugiaChamber_BlockData: ; 0xaf17d INCBIN "maps/WhirlIslandLugiaChamber.blk" ; 0xaf1d7 SilverCaveRoom1_BlockData: ; 0xaf1d7 INCBIN "maps/SilverCaveRoom1.blk" ; 0xaf28b SilverCaveRoom2_BlockData: ; 0xaf28b INCBIN "maps/SilverCaveRoom2.blk" ; 0xaf399 SilverCaveRoom3_BlockData: ; 0xaf399 INCBIN "maps/SilverCaveRoom3.blk" ; 0xaf44d BetaRocketHideout1_BlockData: ; 0xaf44d INCBIN "maps/BetaRocketHideout1.blk" ; 0xaf55b BetaRocketHideout2_BlockData: ; 0xaf55b INCBIN "maps/BetaRocketHideout2.blk" ; 0xaf669 BetaEmptyHouse_BlockData: ; 0xaf669 INCBIN "maps/BetaEmptyHouse.blk" ; 0xaf777 BetaRocketHideout3_BlockData: ; 0xaf777 INCBIN "maps/BetaRocketHideout3.blk" ; 0xaf885 MahoganyMart1F_BlockData: ; 0xaf885 INCBIN "maps/MahoganyMart1F.blk" ; 0xaf895 TeamRocketBaseB1F_BlockData: ; 0xaf895 INCBIN "maps/TeamRocketBaseB1F.blk" ; 0xaf91c TeamRocketBaseB2F_BlockData: ; 0xaf91c INCBIN "maps/TeamRocketBaseB2F.blk" ; 0xaf9a3 TeamRocketBaseB3F_BlockData: ; 0xaf9a3 INCBIN "maps/TeamRocketBaseB3F.blk" ; 0xafa2a BetaRoute23EarlyVersion_BlockData: ; 0xafa2a INCBIN "maps/BetaRoute23EarlyVersion.blk" ; 0xafa84 IndigoPlateauPokeCenter1F_BlockData: ; 0xafa84 INCBIN "maps/IndigoPlateauPokeCenter1F.blk" ; 0xafac3 WillsRoom_BlockData: ; 0xafac3 INCBIN "maps/WillsRoom.blk" ; 0xafaf0 KogasRoom_BlockData: ; 0xafaf0 INCBIN "maps/KogasRoom.blk" ; 0xafb1d BrunosRoom_BlockData: ; 0xafb1d INCBIN "maps/BrunosRoom.blk" ; 0xafb4a KarensRoom_BlockData: ; 0xafb4a INCBIN "maps/KarensRoom.blk" ; 0xafb77 AzaleaGym_BlockData: ; 0xafb77 INCBIN "maps/AzaleaGym.blk" ; 0xafb9f VioletGym_BlockData: ; 0xafb9f INCBIN "maps/VioletGym.blk" ; 0xafbc7 GoldenrodGym_BlockData: ; 0xafbc7 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodGym.blk" ; 0xafc21 EcruteakGym_BlockData: ; 0xafc21 INCBIN "maps/EcruteakGym.blk" ; 0xafc4e MahoganyGym_BlockData: ; 0xafc4e INCBIN "maps/MahoganyGym.blk" ; 0xafc7b OlivineGym_BlockData: ; 0xafc7b INCBIN "maps/OlivineGym.blk" ; 0xafca3 BetaUnknown_BlockData: ; 0xafca3 INCBIN "maps/BetaUnknown.blk" ; 0xafcb7 CianwoodGym_BlockData: ; 0xafcb7 INCBIN "maps/CianwoodGym.blk" ; 0xafce4 BlackthornGym1F_BlockData: ; 0xafce4 INCBIN "maps/BlackthornGym1F.blk" ; 0xafd11 BlackthornGym2F_BlockData: ; 0xafd11 INCBIN "maps/BlackthornGym2F.blk" ; 0xafd3e OlivineLighthouse1F_BlockData: ; 0xafd3e INCBIN "maps/OlivineLighthouse1F.blk" ; 0xafd98 OlivineLighthouse2F_BlockData: ; 0xafd98 INCBIN "maps/OlivineLighthouse2F.blk" ; 0xafdf2 OlivineLighthouse3F_BlockData: ; 0xafdf2 INCBIN "maps/OlivineLighthouse3F.blk" ; 0xafe4c OlivineLighthouse4F_BlockData: ; 0xafe4c INCBIN "maps/OlivineLighthouse4F.blk" ; 0xafea6 OlivineLighthouse5F_BlockData: ; 0xafea6 INCBIN "maps/OlivineLighthouse5F.blk" ; 0xaff00 OlivineLighthouse6F_BlockData: ; 0xaff00 INCBIN "maps/OlivineLighthouse6F.blk" ; 0xaff5a SECTION "bank2C",DATA,BANK[$2C] BetaCave2_BlockData: ; 0xb0000 INCBIN "maps/BetaCave2.blk" ; 0xb0023 SlowpokeWellB1F_BlockData: ; 0xb0023 INCBIN "maps/SlowpokeWellB1F.blk" ; 0xb007d SlowpokeWellB2F_BlockData: ; 0xb007d INCBIN "maps/SlowpokeWellB2F.blk" ; 0xb00d7 IlexForest_BlockData: ; 0xb00d7 INCBIN "maps/IlexForest.blk" ; 0xb026c DarkCaveVioletEntrance_BlockData: ; 0xb026c INCBIN "maps/DarkCaveVioletEntrance.blk" ; 0xb03d4 DarkCaveBlackthornEntrance_BlockData: ; 0xb03d4 INCBIN "maps/DarkCaveBlackthornEntrance.blk" ; 0xb04e2 RuinsofAlphResearchCenter_BlockData: ; 0xb04e2 INCBIN "maps/RuinsofAlphResearchCenter.blk" ; 0xb04f2 GoldenrodBikeShop_BlockData: ; 0xb04f2 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodBikeShop.blk" ; 0xb0502 DanceTheatre_BlockData: ; 0xb0502 INCBIN "maps/DanceTheatre.blk" ; 0xb052c EcruteakHouse_BlockData: ; 0xb052c INCBIN "maps/EcruteakHouse.blk" ; 0xb0586 GoldenrodGameCorner_BlockData: ; 0xb0586 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodGameCorner.blk" ; 0xb05cc Route35NationalParkgate_BlockData: ; 0xb05cc INCBIN "maps/Route35NationalParkgate.blk" ; 0xb05dc Route36NationalParkgate_BlockData: ; 0xb05dc INCBIN "maps/Route36NationalParkgate.blk" ; 0xb05f0 FastShip1F_BlockData: ; 0xb05f0 INCBIN "maps/FastShip1F.blk" ; 0xb0680 FastShipB1F_BlockData: ; 0xb0680 INCBIN "maps/FastShipB1F.blk" ; 0xb0700 BetaSsAquaInsideCutOut_BlockData: ; 0xb0700 INCBIN "maps/BetaSsAquaInsideCutOut.blk" ; 0xb0710 FastShipCabins_NNW_NNE_NE_BlockData: ; 0xb0710 INCBIN "maps/FastShipCabins_NNW_NNE_NE.blk" ; 0xb0750 FastShipCabins_SW_SSW_NW_BlockData: ; 0xb0750 INCBIN "maps/FastShipCabins_SW_SSW_NW.blk" ; 0xb0790 FastShipCabins_SE_SSE_CaptainsCabin_BlockData: ; 0xb0790 INCBIN "maps/FastShipCabins_SE_SSE_CaptainsCabin.blk" ; 0xb07e5 OlivinePort_BlockData: ; 0xb07e5 INCBIN "maps/OlivinePort.blk" ; 0xb0899 VermilionPort_BlockData: ; 0xb0899 INCBIN "maps/VermilionPort.blk" ; 0xb094d OlivineCafe_BlockData: ; 0xb094d INCBIN "maps/OlivineCafe.blk" ; 0xb095d KrissHouse2F_BlockData: ; 0xb095d INCBIN "maps/KrissHouse2F.blk" ; 0xb0969 SaffronTrainStation_BlockData: ; 0xb0969 INCBIN "maps/SaffronTrainStation.blk" ; 0xb09c3 CeruleanGym_BlockData: ; 0xb09c3 INCBIN "maps/CeruleanGym.blk" ; 0xb09eb VermilionGym_BlockData: ; 0xb09eb INCBIN "maps/VermilionGym.blk" ; 0xb0a18 SaffronGym_BlockData: ; 0xb0a18 INCBIN "maps/SaffronGym.blk" ; 0xb0a72 PowerPlant_BlockData: ; 0xb0a72 INCBIN "maps/PowerPlant.blk" ; 0xb0acc PokemonFanClub_BlockData: ; 0xb0acc INCBIN "maps/PokemonFanClub.blk" ; 0xb0ae0 FightingDojo_BlockData: ; 0xb0ae0 INCBIN "maps/FightingDojo.blk" ; 0xb0afe SilphCo1F_BlockData: ; 0xb0afe INCBIN "maps/SilphCo1F.blk" ; 0xb0b1e ViridianGym_BlockData: ; 0xb0b1e INCBIN "maps/ViridianGym.blk" ; 0xb0b4b TrainerHouse1F_BlockData: ; 0xb0b4b INCBIN "maps/TrainerHouse1F.blk" ; 0xb0b6e TrainerHouseB1F_BlockData: ; 0xb0b6e INCBIN "maps/TrainerHouseB1F.blk" ; 0xb0b96 RedsHouse1F_BlockData: ; 0xb0b96 INCBIN "maps/RedsHouse1F.blk" ; 0xb0ba6 RedsHouse2F_BlockData: ; 0xb0ba6 INCBIN "maps/RedsHouse2F.blk" ; 0xb0bb6 OaksLab_BlockData: ; 0xb0bb6 INCBIN "maps/OaksLab.blk" ; 0xb0bd4 MrFujisHouse_BlockData: ; 0xb0bd4 INCBIN "maps/MrFujisHouse.blk" ; 0xb0be8 LavRadioTower1F_BlockData: ; 0xb0be8 INCBIN "maps/LavRadioTower1F.blk" ; 0xb0c10 SilverCaveItemRooms_BlockData: ; 0xb0c10 INCBIN "maps/SilverCaveItemRooms.blk" ; 0xb0c6a DayCare_BlockData: ; 0xb0c6a INCBIN "maps/DayCare.blk" ; 0xb0c7e SoulHouse_BlockData: ; 0xb0c7e INCBIN "maps/SoulHouse.blk" ; 0xb0c92 PewterGym_BlockData: ; 0xb0c92 INCBIN "maps/PewterGym.blk" ; 0xb0cb5 CeladonGym_BlockData: ; 0xb0cb5 INCBIN "maps/CeladonGym.blk" ; 0xb0ce2 BetaHouse2_BlockData: ; 0xb0ce2 INCBIN "maps/BetaHouse2.blk" ; 0xb0cf6 CeladonCafe_BlockData: ; 0xb0cf6 INCBIN "maps/CeladonCafe.blk" ; 0xb0d0e BetaCeladonMansion_BlockData: ; 0xb0d0e INCBIN "maps/BetaCeladonMansion.blk" ; 0xb0d26 RockTunnel1F_BlockData: ; 0xb0d26 INCBIN "maps/RockTunnel1F.blk" ; 0xb0e34 RockTunnelB1F_BlockData: ; 0xb0e34 INCBIN "maps/RockTunnelB1F.blk" ; 0xb0f42 DiglettsCave_BlockData: ; 0xb0f42 INCBIN "maps/DiglettsCave.blk" ; 0xb0ff6 MountMoon_BlockData: ; 0xb0ff6 INCBIN "maps/MountMoon.blk" ; 0xb107d SeafoamGym_BlockData: ; 0xb107d INCBIN "maps/SeafoamGym.blk" ; 0xb1091 MrPokemonsHouse_BlockData: ; 0xb1091 INCBIN "maps/MrPokemonsHouse.blk" ; 0xb10a1 VictoryRoadGate_BlockData: ; 0xb10a1 INCBIN "maps/VictoryRoadGate.blk" ; 0xb10fb OlivinePortPassage_BlockData: ; 0xb10fb INCBIN "maps/OlivinePortPassage.blk" ; 0xb1155 FuchsiaGym_BlockData: ; 0xb1155 INCBIN "maps/FuchsiaGym.blk" ; 0xb1182 SafariZoneBeta_BlockData: ; 0xb1182 INCBIN "maps/SafariZoneBeta.blk" ; 0xb1236 Underground_BlockData: ; 0xb1236 INCBIN "maps/Underground.blk" ; 0xb1260 Route39Barn_BlockData: ; 0xb1260 INCBIN "maps/Route39Barn.blk" ; 0xb1270 VictoryRoad_BlockData: ; 0xb1270 INCBIN "maps/VictoryRoad.blk" ; 0xb13d8 Route23_BlockData: ; 0xb13d8 INCBIN "maps/Route23.blk" ; 0xb1432 LancesRoom_BlockData: ; 0xb1432 INCBIN "maps/LancesRoom.blk" ; 0xb146e HallOfFame_BlockData: ; 0xb146e INCBIN "maps/HallOfFame.blk" ; 0xb1491 CopycatsHouse1F_BlockData: ; 0xb1491 INCBIN "maps/CopycatsHouse1F.blk" ; 0xb14a1 CopycatsHouse2F_BlockData: ; 0xb14a1 INCBIN "maps/CopycatsHouse2F.blk" ; 0xb14b0 GoldenrodFlowerShop_BlockData: ; 0xb14b0 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodFlowerShop.blk" ; 0xb14c0 MountMoonSquare_BlockData: ; 0xb14c0 INCBIN "maps/MountMoonSquare.blk" ; 0xb1547 WiseTriosRoom_BlockData: ; 0xb1547 INCBIN "maps/WiseTriosRoom.blk" ; 0xb1557 DragonsDen1F_BlockData: ; 0xb1557 INCBIN "maps/DragonsDen1F.blk" ; 0xb1584 DragonsDenB1F_BlockData: ; 0xb1584 INCBIN "maps/DragonsDenB1F.blk" ; 0xb16ec TohjoFalls_BlockData: ; 0xb16ec INCBIN "maps/TohjoFalls.blk" ; 0xb1773 RuinsofAlphHoOhItemRoom_BlockData: ; 0xb1773 INCBIN "maps/RuinsofAlphHoOhItemRoom.blk" ; 0xb1787 RuinsofAlphHoOhWordRoom_BlockData: ; 0xb1787 INCBIN "maps/RuinsofAlphHoOhWordRoom.blk" ; 0xb17ff RuinsofAlphKabutoWordRoom_BlockData: ; 0xb17ff INCBIN "maps/RuinsofAlphKabutoWordRoom.blk" ; 0xb1845 RuinsofAlphOmanyteWordRoom_BlockData: ; 0xb1845 INCBIN "maps/RuinsofAlphOmanyteWordRoom.blk" ; 0xb1895 RuinsofAlphAerodactylWordRoom_BlockData: ; 0xb1895 INCBIN "maps/RuinsofAlphAerodactylWordRoom.blk" ; 0xb18db DragonShrine_BlockData: ; 0xb18db INCBIN "maps/DragonShrine.blk" ; 0xb18f4 BattleTower1F_BlockData: ; 0xb18f4 INCBIN "maps/BattleTower1F.blk" ; 0xb191c BattleTowerBattleRoom_BlockData: ; 0xb191c INCBIN "maps/BattleTowerBattleRoom.blk" ; 0xb192c GoldenrodPokeComCenter2FMobile_BlockData: ; 0xb192c INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodPokeComCenter2FMobile.blk" ; 0xb1a2c MobileTradeRoomMobile_BlockData: ; 0xb1a2c INCBIN "maps/MobileTradeRoomMobile.blk" ; 0xb1a40 MobileBattleRoom_BlockData: ; 0xb1a40 INCBIN "maps/MobileBattleRoom.blk" ; 0xb1a54 BattleTowerHallway_BlockData: ; 0xb1a54 INCBIN "maps/BattleTowerHallway.blk" ; 0xb1a6a BattleTowerElevator_BlockData: ; 0xb1a6a INCBIN "maps/BattleTowerElevator.blk" ; 0xb1a6e BattleTowerOutside_BlockData: ; 0xb1a6e INCBIN "maps/BattleTowerOutside.blk" ; 0xb1afa BetaBlank_BlockData: ; 0xb1afa INCBIN "maps/BetaBlank.blk" ; 0xb1b22 GoldenrodDeptStoreRoof_BlockData: ; 0xb1b22 INCBIN "maps/GoldenrodDeptStoreRoof.blk" ; 0xb1b42 SECTION "bank2D",DATA,BANK[$2D] Tileset21GFX: ; 0xb4000 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/21.lz" ; 0xb4893 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset21Meta: ; 0xb48a0 INCBIN "tilesets/21_metatiles.bin" ; 0xb4ca0 Tileset21Coll: ; 0xb4ca0 INCBIN "tilesets/21_collision.bin" ; 0xb4da0 Tileset22GFX: ; 0xb4da0 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/22.lz" ; 0xb50d1 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset22Meta: ; 0xb50e0 INCBIN "tilesets/22_metatiles.bin" ; 0xb54e0 Tileset22Coll: ; 0xb54e0 INCBIN "tilesets/22_collision.bin" ; 0xb55e0 Tileset08GFX: ; 0xb55e0 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/08.lz" ; 0xb59db db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset08Meta: ; 0xb59e0 INCBIN "tilesets/08_metatiles.bin" ; 0xb5de0 Tileset08Coll: ; 0xb5de0 INCBIN "tilesets/08_collision.bin" ; 0xb5ee0 Tileset02GFX: ; 0xb5ee0 Tileset04GFX: ; 0xb5ee0 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/04.lz" ; 0xb6ae7 db $00 Tileset02Meta: ; 0xb6ae8 INCBIN "tilesets/02_metatiles.bin" ; 0xb72e8 Tileset02Coll: ; 0xb72e8 INCBIN "tilesets/02_collision.bin" ; 0xb74e8 Tileset16GFX: ; 0xb74e8 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/16.lz" ; 0xb799a db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset16Meta: ; 0xb79a8 INCBIN "tilesets/16_metatiles.bin" ; 0xb7da8 Tileset16Coll: ; 0xb7da8 INCBIN "tilesets/16_collision.bin" ; 0xb7ea8 SECTION "bank2E",DATA,BANK[$2E] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $B8000, $b8219 - $b8000 Functionb8219: ; b8219 ; deals strictly with rockmon encounter xor a ld [$d22e], a ld [$d143], a ld hl, WildRockMonMapTable call GetTreeMonEncounterTable jr nc, .quit call LoadWildTreeMonData jr nc, .quit ld a, $0a call $2fb1 cp a, $04 jr nc, .quit call $441f jr nc, .quit ret .quit xor a ret ; b823e db $05 ; ???? GetTreeMonEncounterTable: ; b823f ; reads a map-sensitive encounter table ; compares current map with maps in the table ; if there is a match, encounter table # is loaded into a ld a, [MapNumber] ld e, a ld a, [MapGroup] ld d, a .loop ld a, [hli] cp a, $ff jr z, .quit cp d jr nz, .skip2 ld a, [hli] cp e jr nz, .skip1 jr .end .skip2 inc hl .skip1 inc hl jr .loop .quit xor a ret .end ld a, [hl] scf ret ; b825e INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $B825E, $b82c5 - $b825e WildRockMonMapTable: ; b82c5 db GROUP_CIANWOOD_CITY, MAP_CIANWOOD_CITY, $07 db GROUP_ROUTE_40, MAP_ROUTE_40, $07 db GROUP_DARK_CAVE_VIOLET_ENTRANCE, MAP_DARK_CAVE_VIOLET_ENTRANCE, $07 db GROUP_SLOWPOKE_WELL_B1F, MAP_SLOWPOKE_WELL_B1F, $07 db $ff ; end ; b82d2 LoadWildTreeMonData: ; b82d2 ; input: a = table number ; returns wildtreemontable pointer in hl ; sets carry if successful cp a, $08 ; which table? jr nc, .quit ; only 8 tables and a jr z, .quit ; 0 is invalid ld e, a ld d, $00 ld hl, WildTreeMonPointerTable add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ; store pointer in hl ld h, [hl] ld l, a scf ret .quit xor a ret ; b82e8 WildTreeMonPointerTable: ; b82e8 ; seems to point to "normal" tree encounter data ; as such only odd-numbered tables are used ; rockmon is 13th dw WildTreeMonTable1 ; filler dw WildTreeMonTable1 ; 1 dw WildTreeMonTable3 ; 2 dw WildTreeMonTable5 ; 3 dw WildTreeMonTable7 ; 4 dw WildTreeMonTable9 ; 5 dw WildTreeMonTable11 ; 6 dw WildRockMonTable ; 7 dw WildTreeMonTable1 ; 8 ; b82fa ; structure: % species level WildTreeMonTable1: ; b82fa db 50, SPEAROW, 10 db 15, SPEAROW, 10 db 15, SPEAROW, 10 db 10, AIPOM, 10 db 5, AIPOM, 10 db 5, AIPOM, 10 db $ff ; end ; b830d WildTreeMonTable2 ; b830d ; unused db 50, SPEAROW, 10 db 15, HERACROSS, 10 db 15, HERACROSS, 10 db 10, AIPOM, 10 db 5, AIPOM, 10 db 5, AIPOM, 10 db $ff ; end ; b8320 WildTreeMonTable3: ; b8320 db 50, SPEAROW, 10 db 15, EKANS, 10 db 15, SPEAROW, 10 db 10, AIPOM, 10 db 5, AIPOM, 10 db 5, AIPOM, 10 db $ff ; end ; b8333 WildTreeMonTable4: ; b8333 ; unused db 50, SPEAROW, 10 db 15, HERACROSS, 10 db 15, HERACROSS, 10 db 10, AIPOM, 10 db 5, AIPOM, 10 db 5, AIPOM, 10 db $ff ; end ; b8346 WildTreeMonTable5: ; b8346 db 50, HOOTHOOT, 10 db 15, SPINARAK, 10 db 15, LEDYBA, 10 db 10, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db 5, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db 5, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db $ff ; end ; b8359 WildTreeMonTable6: ; b8359 ; unused db 50, HOOTHOOT, 10 db 15, PINECO, 10 db 15, PINECO, 10 db 10, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db 5, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db 5, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db $ff ; end ; b836c WildTreeMonTable7: ; b836c db 50, HOOTHOOT, 10 db 15, EKANS, 10 db 15, HOOTHOOT, 10 db 10, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db 5, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db 5, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db $ff ; end ; b837f WildTreeMonTable8: ; b837f ; unused db 50, HOOTHOOT, 10 db 15, PINECO, 10 db 15, PINECO, 10 db 10, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db 5, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db 5, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db $ff ; end ; b8392 WildTreeMonTable9: ; b8392 db 50, HOOTHOOT, 10 db 15, VENONAT, 10 db 15, HOOTHOOT, 10 db 10, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db 5, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db 5, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db $ff ; end ; b83a5 WildTreeMonTable10: ; b83a5 ; unused db 50, HOOTHOOT, 10 db 15, PINECO, 10 db 15, PINECO, 10 db 10, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db 5, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db 5, EXEGGCUTE, 10 db $ff ; end ; b83b8 WildTreeMonTable11: ; b83b8 db 50, HOOTHOOT, 10 db 15, PINECO, 10 db 15, PINECO, 10 db 10, NOCTOWL, 10 db 5, BUTTERFREE, 10 db 5, BEEDRILL, 10 db $ff ; end ; b83cb WildTreeMonTable12; b83cb ; unused db 50, HOOTHOOT, 10 db 15, CATERPIE, 10 db 15, WEEDLE, 10 db 10, HOOTHOOT, 10 db 5, METAPOD, 10 db 5, KAKUNA, 10 db $ff ; end ; b83de WildRockMonTable: ; b83de db 90, KRABBY, 15 db 10, SHUCKLE, 15 db $ff ; end ; b83e5 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $b83e5, $b9e8b - $b83e5 SECTION "bank2F",DATA,BANK[$2F] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $bc000, $bc09c - $bc000 PokeCenterNurseScript: ; bc09c ; Talking to a nurse in a Pokemon Center loadfont ; The nurse has different text for: ; Morn checktime $1 iftrue .morn ; Day checktime $2 iftrue .day ; Nite checktime $4 iftrue .nite ; If somehow it's not a time of day at all, we skip the introduction 2jump .heal .morn ; Different text if we're in the com center checkbit1 $032a iftrue .morn_comcenter ; Good morning! Welcome to ... 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b0000), UnknownText_0x1b0000 keeptextopen 2jump .heal .morn_comcenter ; Good morning! This is the ... 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b008a), UnknownText_0x1b008a keeptextopen 2jump .heal .day ; Different text if we're in the com center checkbit1 $032a iftrue .day_comcenter ; Hello! Welcome to ... 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b002b), UnknownText_0x1b002b keeptextopen 2jump .heal .day_comcenter ; Hello! This is the ... 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b00d6), UnknownText_0x1b00d6 keeptextopen 2jump .heal .nite ; Different text if we're in the com center checkbit1 $032a iftrue .nite_comcenter ; Good evening! You're out late. ... 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b004f), UnknownText_0x1b004f keeptextopen 2jump .heal .nite_comcenter ; Good to see you working so late. ... 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b011b), UnknownText_0x1b011b keeptextopen 2jump .heal .heal ; If we come back, don't welcome us to the com center again clearbit1 $032a ; Ask if you want to heal 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b017a), UnknownText_0x1b017a yesorno iffalse .end ; Go ahead and heal 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b01bd), UnknownText_0x1b01bd pause 20 special $009d ; Turn to the machine spriteface $fe, $2 pause 10 special $001b playmusic $0000 writebyte $0 special $003e pause 30 special $003d spriteface $fe, $0 pause 10 ; Has Elm already phoned you about Pokerus? checkphonecall iftrue .done ; Has Pokerus already been found in the Pokecenter? checkbit2 $000d iftrue .done ; Check for Pokerus special $004e ; SPECIAL_CHECKPOKERUS iftrue .pokerus .done ; Thank you for waiting. ... 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b01d7), UnknownText_0x1b01d7 pause 20 .end ; We hope to see you again. 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b020b), UnknownText_0x1b020b ; Curtsy spriteface $fe, $1 pause 10 spriteface $fe, $0 pause 10 ; And we're out closetext loadmovesprites end .pokerus ; Different text for com center (excludes 'in a Pokemon Center') ; Since flag $32a is cleared when healing, ; this text is never actually seen checkbit1 $032a iftrue .pokerus_comcenter ; Your Pokemon appear to be infected ... 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b0241), UnknownText_0x1b0241 closetext loadmovesprites 2jump .endpokerus .pokerus_comcenter ; Your Pokemon appear to be infected ... 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b02d6), UnknownText_0x1b02d6 closetext loadmovesprites .endpokerus ; Don't tell us about Pokerus again setbit2 $000d ; Trigger Elm's Pokerus phone call specialphonecall $0001 end ; bc162 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $bc162, $bcea5-$bc162 UnusedPhoneScript: ; 0xbcea5 3writetext BANK(UnusedPhoneText), UnusedPhoneText end MomPhoneScript: ; 0xbceaa checkbit1 $0040 iftrue .bcec5 checkbit1 $0041 ; if dude talked to you, then you left home without talking to mom iftrue MomPhoneLectureScript checkbit1 $001f iftrue MomPhoneNoGymQuestScript checkbit1 $001a iftrue MomPhoneNoPokedexScript 2jump MomPhoneNoPokemonScript .bcec5 ; 0xbcec5 checkbit1 $0007 iftrue MomPhoneHangUpScript 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneGreetingText), MomPhoneGreetingText keeptextopen mapnametotext $0 checkcode $f if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0xbcee7 if_equal $2, $4f27 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf2f UnknownScript_0xbcedf: ; 0xbcedf 3writetext $6d, $4021 keeptextopen 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37 UnknownScript_0xbcee7: ; 0xbcee7 checkcode $c if_equal GROUP_NEW_BARK_TOWN, .newbark if_equal GROUP_CHERRYGROVE_CITY, .cherrygrove if_equal GROUP_VIOLET_CITY, .violet if_equal GROUP_AZALEA_TOWN, .azalea if_equal GROUP_GOLDENROD_CITY, .goldenrod 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneGenericAreaText), MomPhoneGenericAreaText keeptextopen 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37 .newbark ; 0xbcf05 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneNewBarkText), MomPhoneNewBarkText keeptextopen 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37 .cherrygrove ; 0xbcf0d 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneCherrygroveText), MomPhoneCherrygroveText keeptextopen 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37 .violet ; 0xbcf15 displaylocation $7 ; sprout tower 3call $3, $4edf .azalea ; 0xbcf1b displaylocation $d ; slowpoke well 3call $3, $4edf .goldenrod ; 0xbcf21 displaylocation $11 ; radio tower 3call $3, $4edf 3writetext $6d, $411c keeptextopen 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37 UnknownScript_0xbcf2f: ; 0xbcf2f 3writetext $6d, $4150 keeptextopen 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37 UnknownScript_0xbcf37: ; 0xbcf37 checkbit2 $0008 iffalse UnknownScript_0xbcf49 checkmoney $1, 0 if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0xbcf55 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf63 UnknownScript_0xbcf49: ; 0xbcf49 checkmoney $1, 0 if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0xbcf79 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf6e UnknownScript_0xbcf55: ; 0xbcf55 readmoney $1, $0 3writetext $6d, $41a7 yesorno iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript UnknownScript_0xbcf63: ; 0xbcf63 3writetext $6d, $41ea yesorno iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript UnknownScript_0xbcf6e: ; 0xbcf6e 3writetext $6d, $420d yesorno iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript UnknownScript_0xbcf79: ; 0xbcf79 readmoney $1, $0 3writetext $6d, $4249 yesorno iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript: ; 0xbcf87 setbit2 $0008 3writetext $6d, $4289 keeptextopen 2jump MomPhoneHangUpScript MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript: ; 0xbcf92 clearbit2 $0008 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyText), MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyText keeptextopen 2jump MomPhoneHangUpScript MomPhoneHangUpScript: ; 0xbcf9d 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneHangUpText), MomPhoneHangUpText end MomPhoneNoPokemonScript: ; 0xbcfa2 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneNoPokemonText), MomPhoneNoPokemonText end MomPhoneNoPokedexScript: ; 0xbcfa7 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneNoPokedexText), MomPhoneNoPokedexText end MomPhoneNoGymQuestScript: ; 0xbcfac 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneNoGymQuestText), MomPhoneNoGymQuestText end MomPhoneLectureScript: ; 0xbcfb1 setbit1 $0040 setbit2 $0009 specialphonecall $0000 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneLectureText), MomPhoneLectureText yesorno iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript BillPhoneScript1: ; 0xbcfc5 checktime $2 iftrue .daygreet checktime $4 iftrue .nitegreet 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneMornGreetingText), BillPhoneMornGreetingText keeptextopen 2jump .main .daygreet ; 0xbcfd7 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneDayGreetingText), BillPhoneDayGreetingText keeptextopen 2jump .main .nitegreet ; 0xbcfdf 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneNiteGreetingText), BillPhoneNiteGreetingText keeptextopen 2jump .main .main ; 0xbcfe7 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneGeneriText), BillPhoneGeneriText keeptextopen checkcode $10 RAM2MEM $0 if_equal $0, .full if_greater_than $6, .nearlyfull 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneNotFullText), BillPhoneNotFullText end .nearlyfull ; 0xbcffd 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneNearlyFullText), BillPhoneNearlyFullText end .full ; 0xbd002 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneFullText), BillPhoneFullText end BillPhoneScript2: ; 0xbd007 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneNewlyFullText), BillPhoneNewlyFullText closetext end ElmPhoneScript1: ; 0xbd00d checkcode $14 if_equal $1, .pokerus checkbit1 $0055 iftrue .discovery checkbit1 $002d iffalse .next checkbit1 $0054 iftrue .egghatched .next checkbit1 $002d iftrue .eggunhatched checkbit1 $0701 iftrue .assistant checkbit1 $001f iftrue .checkingegg checkbit1 $0043 iftrue .stolen checkbit1 $001e iftrue .sawmrpokemon 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneStartText), ElmPhoneStartText end .sawmrpokemon ; 0xbd048 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneSawMrPokemonText), ElmPhoneSawMrPokemonText end .stolen ; 0xbd04d 3writetext BANK(ElmPhonePokemonStolenText), ElmPhonePokemonStolenText end .checkingegg ; 0xbd052 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneCheckingEggText), ElmPhoneCheckingEggText end .assistant ; 0xbd057 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneAssistantText), ElmPhoneAssistantText end .eggunhatched ; 0xbd05c 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneEggUnhatchedText), ElmPhoneEggUnhatchedText end .egghatched ; 0xbd061 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneEggHatchedText), ElmPhoneEggHatchedText setbit1 $0077 end .discovery ; 0xbd069 random $2 if_equal $0, .nextdiscovery 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneDiscovery1Text), ElmPhoneDiscovery1Text end .nextdiscovery ; 0xbd074 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneDiscovery2Text), ElmPhoneDiscovery2Text end .pokerus ; 0xbd079 3writetext BANK(ElmPhonePokerusText), ElmPhonePokerusText specialphonecall $0000 end ElmPhoneScript2: ; 0xbd081 checkcode $14 if_equal $2, .disaster if_equal $3, .assistant if_equal $4, .rocket if_equal $5, .gift if_equal $8, .gift 3writetext BANK(ElmPhonePokerusText), ElmPhonePokerusText specialphonecall $0000 end .disaster ; 0xbd09f 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneDisasterText), ElmPhoneDisasterText specialphonecall $0000 setbit1 $0043 end .assistant ; 0xbd0aa 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneEggAssistantText), ElmPhoneEggAssistantText specialphonecall $0000 clearbit1 $0700 setbit1 $0701 end .rocket ; 0xbd0b8 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneRocketText), ElmPhoneRocketText specialphonecall $0000 end .gift ; 0xbd0c0 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneGiftText), ElmPhoneGiftText specialphonecall $0000 end .unused ; 0xbd0c8 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneUnusedText), ElmPhoneUnusedText specialphonecall $0000 end INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $bd0d0, $be699-$bd0d0 SECTION "bank30",DATA,BANK[$30] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $c0000, $c3fc0 - $c0000 SECTION "bank31",DATA,BANK[$31] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $c4000, $c7f80 - $c4000 SECTION "bank32",DATA,BANK[$32] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $c8000, $cbe2b - $c8000 SECTION "bank33",DATA,BANK[$33] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $cc000, $cfd9e - $cc000 ; Songs iii Music_PostCredits: INCLUDE "audio/music/postcredits.asm" ; Pic animations I SECTION "bank34",DATA,BANK[$34] ; Pic animations asm INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $d0000, $d0695 - $d0000 ; Pic animations are assembled in 3 parts: ; Top-level animations: ; frame #, duration: Frame 0 is the original pic (no change) ; setrepeat #: Sets the number of times to repeat ; dorepeat #: Repeats from command # (starting from 0) ; end ; Bitmasks: ; Layered over the pic to designate affected tiles ; Frame definitions: ; first byte is the bitmask used for this frame ; following bytes are tile ids mapped to each bit in the mask ; Main animations (played everywhere) AnimationPointers: INCLUDE "gfx/pics/anim_pointers.asm" INCLUDE "gfx/pics/anims.asm" ; Extra animations, appended to the main animation ; Used in the status screen (blinking, tail wags etc.) AnimationExtraPointers: INCLUDE "gfx/pics/extra_pointers.asm" INCLUDE "gfx/pics/extras.asm" ; Unown has its own animation data despite having an entry in the main tables UnownAnimationPointers: INCLUDE "gfx/pics/unown_anim_pointers.asm" INCLUDE "gfx/pics/unown_anims.asm" UnownAnimationExtraPointers: INCLUDE "gfx/pics/unown_extra_pointers.asm" INCLUDE "gfx/pics/unown_extras.asm" ; Bitmasks BitmasksPointers: INCLUDE "gfx/pics/bitmask_pointers.asm" INCLUDE "gfx/pics/bitmasks.asm" UnownBitmasksPointers: INCLUDE "gfx/pics/unown_bitmask_pointers.asm" INCLUDE "gfx/pics/unown_bitmasks.asm" ; Pic animations II SECTION "bank35",DATA,BANK[$35] ; Frame definitions FramesPointers: INCLUDE "gfx/pics/frame_pointers.asm" ; Inexplicably, Kanto frames are split off from Johto INCLUDE "gfx/pics/kanto_frames.asm" ; Pic animations III SECTION "bank36",DATA,BANK[$36] FontInversed: INCBIN "gfx/misc/font_inversed.1bpp" ; Johto frame definitions INCLUDE "gfx/pics/johto_frames.asm" ; Unown frame definitions UnownFramesPointers: INCLUDE "gfx/pics/unown_frame_pointers.asm" INCLUDE "gfx/pics/unown_frames.asm" SECTION "bank37",DATA,BANK[$37] Tileset31GFX: ; 0xdc000 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/31.lz" ; 0xdc3ce db $00 db $00 Tileset18GFX: ; 0xdc3d0 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/18.lz" ; 0xdcc4e db $00 db $00 Tileset18Meta: ; 0xdcc50 INCBIN "tilesets/18_metatiles.bin" ; 0xdd050 Tileset18Coll: ; 0xdd050 INCBIN "tilesets/18_collision.bin" ; 0xdd150 Tileset05GFX: ; 0xdd150 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/05.lz" ; 0xdd5f8 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset05Meta: ; 0xdd600 INCBIN "tilesets/05_metatiles.bin" ; 0xdda00 Tileset05Coll: ; 0xdda00 INCBIN "tilesets/05_collision.bin" ; 0xddb00 Tileset19GFX: ; 0xddb00 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/19.lz" ; 0xddf64 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset19Meta: ; 0xddf70 INCBIN "tilesets/19_metatiles.bin" ; 0xde370 Tileset19Coll: ; 0xde370 INCBIN "tilesets/19_collision.bin" ; 0xde470 Tileset31Coll: ; 0xde470 INCBIN "tilesets/31_collision.bin" ; 0xde570 Tileset11GFX: ; 0xde570 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/11.lz" ; 0xde98a db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 Tileset11Meta: ; 0xde990 INCBIN "tilesets/11_metatiles.bin" ; 0xded90 Tileset11Coll: ; 0xded90 INCBIN "tilesets/11_collision.bin" ; 0xdee90 Tileset04Meta: ; 0xdee90 INCBIN "tilesets/04_metatiles.bin" ; 0xdf690 Tileset04Coll: ; 0xdf690 INCBIN "tilesets/04_collision.bin" ; 0xdf890 Tileset32Meta: ; 0xdf890 INCBIN "tilesets/32_metatiles.bin" ; 0xdfc90 Tileset32Coll: ; 0xdfc90 Tileset33Coll: ; 0xdfc90 Tileset34Coll: ; 0xdfc90 Tileset35Coll: ; 0xdfc90 Tileset36Coll: ; 0xdfc90 INCBIN "tilesets/36_collision.bin" ; 0xdfd90 SECTION "bank38",DATA,BANK[$38] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e0000, $e37f9 - $e0000 SECTION "bank39",DATA,BANK[$39] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e4000, $e555d - $e4000 IntroSuicuneRunGFX: ; e555d INCBIN "gfx/intro/suicune_run.lz" ; e592b INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e592b, $e592d - $e592b IntroPichuWooperGFX: ; e592d INCBIN "gfx/intro/pichu_wooper.lz" ; e5c70 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e5c70, $e5c7d - $e5c70 IntroBackgroundGFX: ; e5c7d INCBIN "gfx/intro/background.lz" ; e5e69 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e5e69, $e5e6d - $e5e69 IntroTilemap004: ; e5e6d INCBIN "gfx/intro/004.lz" ; e5ec5 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e5ec5, $e5ecd - $e5ec5 IntroTilemap003: ; e5ecd INCBIN "gfx/intro/003.lz" ; e5ed9 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e5ed9, $e5f5d - $e5ed9 IntroUnownsGFX: ; e5f5d INCBIN "gfx/intro/unowns.lz" ; e6348 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e6348, $e634d - $e6348 IntroPulseGFX: ; e634d INCBIN "gfx/intro/pulse.lz" ; e63d4 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e63d4, $e63dd - $e63d4 IntroTilemap002: ; e63dd INCBIN "gfx/intro/002.lz" ; e6418 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e6418, $e641d - $e6418 IntroTilemap001: ; e641d INCBIN "gfx/intro/001.lz" ; e6429 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e6429, $e642d - $e6429 IntroTilemap006: ; e642d INCBIN "gfx/intro/006.lz" ; e6472 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e6472, $e647d - $e6472 IntroTilemap005: ; e647d INCBIN "gfx/intro/005.lz" ; e6498 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e6498, $e649d - $e6498 IntroTilemap008: ; e649d INCBIN "gfx/intro/008.lz" ; e6550 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e6550, $e655d - $e6550 IntroTilemap007: ; e655d INCBIN "gfx/intro/007.lz" ; e65a4 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e65a4, $e662d - $e65a4 IntroCrystalUnownsGFX: ; e662d INCBIN "gfx/intro/crystal_unowns.lz" ; e6720 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e6720, $e672d - $e6720 IntroTilemap017: ; e672d INCBIN "gfx/intro/017.lz" ; e6761 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e6761, $e676d - $e6761 IntroTilemap015: ; e676d INCBIN "gfx/intro/015.lz" ; e6794 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e6794, $e681d - $e6794 IntroSuicuneCloseGFX: ; e681d INCBIN "gfx/intro/suicune_close.lz" ; e6c37 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e6c37, $e6c3d - $e6c37 IntroTilemap012: ; e6c3d INCBIN "gfx/intro/012.lz" ; e6d0a INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e6d0a, $e6d0d - $e6d0a IntroTilemap011: ; e6d0d INCBIN "gfx/intro/011.lz" ; e6d65 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e6d65, $e6ded - $e6d65 IntroSuicuneJumpGFX: ; e6ded INCBIN "gfx/intro/suicune_jump.lz" ; e72a7 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e72a7, $e72ad - $e72a7 IntroSuicuneBackGFX: ; e72ad INCBIN "gfx/intro/suicune_back.lz" ; e7648 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e7648, $e764d - $e7648 IntroTilemap010: ; e764d INCBIN "gfx/intro/010.lz" ; e76a0 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e76a0, $e76ad - $e76a0 IntroTilemap009: ; e76ad INCBIN "gfx/intro/009.lz" ; e76bb INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e76bb, $e76bd - $e76bb IntroTilemap014: ; e76bd INCBIN "gfx/intro/014.lz" ; e778b INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e778b, $e778d - $e778b IntroTilemap013: ; e778d INCBIN "gfx/intro/013.lz" ; e77d9 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e77d9, $e785d - $e77d9 IntroUnownBackGFX: ; e785d INCBIN "gfx/intro/unown_back.lz" ; e799a INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e799a, $e7a70 - $e799a ; ================================================================ ; Sound engine and music/sound effect pointers SECTION "bank3A",DATA,BANK[$3A] ; The sound engine. Interfaces are in bank 0 INCLUDE "audio/engine.asm" ; What music plays when a trainer notices you INCLUDE "audio/trainer_encounters.asm" ; Pointer table for all 103 songs Music: INCLUDE "audio/music_pointers.asm" ; Empty song Music_Nothing: INCLUDE "audio/music/nothing.asm" ; Pointer table for all 68 base cries Cries: INCLUDE "audio/cry_pointers.asm" ; Pointer table for all 207 sfx SFX: INCLUDE "audio/sfx_pointers.asm" ; Songs I Music_Route36: INCLUDE "audio/music/route36.asm" Music_RivalBattle: INCLUDE "audio/music/rivalbattle.asm" Music_RocketBattle: INCLUDE "audio/music/rocketbattle.asm" Music_ElmsLab: INCLUDE "audio/music/elmslab.asm" Music_DarkCave: INCLUDE "audio/music/darkcave.asm" Music_JohtoGymBattle: INCLUDE "audio/music/johtogymleaderbattle.asm" Music_ChampionBattle: INCLUDE "audio/music/championbattle.asm" Music_SSAqua: INCLUDE "audio/music/ssaqua.asm" Music_NewBarkTown: INCLUDE "audio/music/newbarktown.asm" Music_GoldenrodCity: INCLUDE "audio/music/goldenrodcity.asm" Music_VermilionCity: INCLUDE "audio/music/vermilioncity.asm" Music_TitleScreen: INCLUDE "audio/music/titlescreen.asm" Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior: INCLUDE "audio/music/ruinsofalphinterior.asm" Music_LookPokemaniac: INCLUDE "audio/music/lookpokemaniac.asm" Music_TrainerVictory: INCLUDE "audio/music/trainervictory.asm" SECTION "bank3B",DATA,BANK[$3B] ; Songs II Music_Route1: INCLUDE "audio/music/route1.asm" Music_Route3: INCLUDE "audio/music/route3.asm" Music_Route12: INCLUDE "audio/music/route12.asm" Music_KantoGymBattle: INCLUDE "audio/music/kantogymleaderbattle.asm" Music_KantoTrainerBattle: INCLUDE "audio/music/kantotrainerbattle.asm" Music_KantoWildBattle: INCLUDE "audio/music/kantowildpokemonbattle.asm" Music_PokemonCenter: INCLUDE "audio/music/pokemoncenter.asm" Music_LookLass: INCLUDE "audio/music/looklass.asm" Music_LookOfficer: INCLUDE "audio/music/lookofficer.asm" Music_Route2: INCLUDE "audio/music/route2.asm" Music_MtMoon: INCLUDE "audio/music/mtmoon.asm" Music_ShowMeAround: INCLUDE "audio/music/showmearound.asm" Music_GameCorner: INCLUDE "audio/music/gamecorner.asm" Music_Bicycle: INCLUDE "audio/music/bicycle.asm" Music_LookSage: INCLUDE "audio/music/looksage.asm" Music_PokemonChannel: INCLUDE "audio/music/pokemonchannel.asm" Music_Lighthouse: INCLUDE "audio/music/lighthouse.asm" Music_LakeOfRage: INCLUDE "audio/music/lakeofrage.asm" Music_IndigoPlateau: INCLUDE "audio/music/indigoplateau.asm" Music_Route37: INCLUDE "audio/music/route37.asm" Music_RocketHideout: INCLUDE "audio/music/rockethideout.asm" Music_DragonsDen: INCLUDE "audio/music/dragonsden.asm" Music_RuinsOfAlphRadio: INCLUDE "audio/music/ruinsofalphradiosignal.asm" Music_LookBeauty: INCLUDE "audio/music/lookbeauty.asm" Music_Route26: INCLUDE "audio/music/route26.asm" Music_EcruteakCity: INCLUDE "audio/music/ecruteakcity.asm" Music_LakeOfRageRocketRadio:INCLUDE "audio/music/lakeofragerocketsradiosignal.asm" Music_MagnetTrain: INCLUDE "audio/music/magnettrain.asm" Music_LavenderTown: INCLUDE "audio/music/lavendertown.asm" Music_DancingHall: INCLUDE "audio/music/dancinghall.asm" Music_ContestResults: INCLUDE "audio/music/bugcatchingcontestresults.asm" Music_Route30: INCLUDE "audio/music/route30.asm" SECTION "bank3C",DATA,BANK[$3C] ; Songs III Music_VioletCity: INCLUDE "audio/music/violetcity.asm" Music_Route29: INCLUDE "audio/music/route29.asm" Music_HallOfFame: INCLUDE "audio/music/halloffame.asm" Music_HealPokemon: INCLUDE "audio/music/healpokemon.asm" Music_Evolution: INCLUDE "audio/music/evolution.asm" Music_Printer: INCLUDE "audio/music/printer.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $f0941, $f2787 - $f0941 CryHeaders: INCLUDE "audio/cry_headers.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $f2d69, $f3fb6 - $f2d69 SECTION "bank3D",DATA,BANK[$3D] ; Songs IV Music_ViridianCity: INCLUDE "audio/music/viridiancity.asm" Music_CeladonCity: INCLUDE "audio/music/celadoncity.asm" Music_WildPokemonVictory: INCLUDE "audio/music/wildpokemonvictory.asm" Music_SuccessfulCapture: INCLUDE "audio/music/successfulcapture.asm" Music_GymLeaderVictory: INCLUDE "audio/music/gymleadervictory.asm" Music_MtMoonSquare: INCLUDE "audio/music/mtmoonsquare.asm" Music_Gym: INCLUDE "audio/music/gym.asm" Music_PalletTown: INCLUDE "audio/music/pallettown.asm" Music_ProfOaksPokemonTalk: INCLUDE "audio/music/profoakspokemontalk.asm" Music_ProfOak: INCLUDE "audio/music/profoak.asm" Music_LookRival: INCLUDE "audio/music/lookrival.asm" Music_AfterTheRivalFight: INCLUDE "audio/music/aftertherivalfight.asm" Music_Surf: INCLUDE "audio/music/surf.asm" Music_NationalPark: INCLUDE "audio/music/nationalpark.asm" Music_AzaleaTown: INCLUDE "audio/music/azaleatown.asm" Music_CherrygroveCity: INCLUDE "audio/music/cherrygrovecity.asm" Music_UnionCave: INCLUDE "audio/music/unioncave.asm" Music_JohtoWildBattle: INCLUDE "audio/music/johtowildpokemonbattle.asm" Music_JohtoWildBattleNight: INCLUDE "audio/music/johtowildpokemonbattlenight.asm" Music_JohtoTrainerBattle: INCLUDE "audio/music/johtotrainerbattle.asm" Music_LookYoungster: INCLUDE "audio/music/lookyoungster.asm" Music_TinTower: INCLUDE "audio/music/tintower.asm" Music_SproutTower: INCLUDE "audio/music/sprouttower.asm" Music_BurnedTower: INCLUDE "audio/music/burnedtower.asm" Music_Mom: INCLUDE "audio/music/mom.asm" Music_VictoryRoad: INCLUDE "audio/music/victoryroad.asm" Music_PokemonLullaby: INCLUDE "audio/music/pokemonlullaby.asm" Music_PokemonMarch: INCLUDE "audio/music/pokemonmarch.asm" Music_GoldSilverOpening: INCLUDE "audio/music/goldsilveropening.asm" Music_GoldSilverOpening2: INCLUDE "audio/music/goldsilveropening2.asm" Music_LookHiker: INCLUDE "audio/music/lookhiker.asm" Music_LookRocket: INCLUDE "audio/music/lookrocket.asm" Music_RocketTheme: INCLUDE "audio/music/rockettheme.asm" Music_MainMenu: INCLUDE "audio/music/mainmenu.asm" Music_LookKimonoGirl: INCLUDE "audio/music/lookkimonogirl.asm" Music_PokeFluteChannel: INCLUDE "audio/music/pokeflutechannel.asm" Music_BugCatchingContest: INCLUDE "audio/music/bugcatchingcontest.asm" SECTION "bank3E",DATA,BANK[$3E] FontExtra: INCBIN "gfx/misc/font_extra.2bpp", $0, $200 Font: INCBIN "gfx/misc/font.1bpp", $0, $400 FontBattleExtra: INCBIN "gfx/misc/font_battle_extra.2bpp", $0, $200 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $f8800, $f8ba0 - $f8800 TownMapGFX: ; f8ba0 INCBIN "gfx/misc/town_map.lz" ; f8ea3 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $f8ea3, $fbbfc - $f8ea3 INCLUDE "battle/magikarp_length.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fbccf, $fbda4 - $fbccf DoWeatherModifiers: ; fbda4 ld de, .WeatherTypeModifiers ld a, [Weather] ld b, a ld a, [$d265] ; move type ld c, a .CheckWeatherType ld a, [de] inc de cp $ff jr z, .asm_fbdc0 cp b jr nz, .NextWeatherType ld a, [de] cp c jr z, .ApplyModifier .NextWeatherType inc de inc de jr .CheckWeatherType .asm_fbdc0 ld de, .WeatherMoveModifiers ld a, BATTLE_VARS_MOVE_EFFECT call CleanGetBattleVarPair ld c, a .CheckWeatherMove ld a, [de] inc de cp $ff jr z, .done cp b jr nz, .NextWeatherMove ld a, [de] cp c jr z, .ApplyModifier .NextWeatherMove inc de inc de jr .CheckWeatherMove .ApplyModifier xor a ld [$ffb4], a ld hl, CurDamage ld a, [hli] ld [$ffb5], a ld a, [hl] ld [$ffb6], a inc de ld a, [de] ld [$ffb7], a call Multiply ld a, 10 ld [$ffb7], a ld b, $4 call Divide ld a, [$ffb4] and a ld bc, $ffff jr nz, .Update ld a, [$ffb5] ld b, a ld a, [$ffb6] ld c, a or b jr nz, .Update ld bc, 1 .Update ld a, b ld [CurDamage], a ld a, c ld [CurDamage + 1], a .done ret .WeatherTypeModifiers db WEATHER_RAIN, WATER, 15 db WEATHER_RAIN, FIRE, 05 db WEATHER_SUN, FIRE, 15 db WEATHER_SUN, WATER, 05 db $ff .WeatherMoveModifiers db WEATHER_RAIN, EFFECT_SOLARBEAM, 05 db $ff ; fbe24 DoBadgeTypeBoosts: ; fbe24 ld a, [InLinkBattle] and a ret nz ld a, [$cfc0] and a ret nz ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a ret nz push de push bc ld hl, .BadgeTypes ld a, [KantoBadges] ld b, a ld a, [JohtoBadges] ld c, a .CheckBadge ld a, [hl] cp $ff jr z, .done srl b rr c jr nc, .NextBadge ld a, [$d265] ; move type cp [hl] jr z, .ApplyBoost .NextBadge inc hl jr .CheckBadge .ApplyBoost ld a, [CurDamage] ld h, a ld d, a ld a, [CurDamage + 1] ld l, a ld e, a srl d rr e srl d rr e srl d rr e ld a, e or d jr nz, .asm_fbe6f ld e, 1 .asm_fbe6f add hl, de jr nc, .Update ld hl, $ffff .Update ld a, h ld [CurDamage], a ld a, l ld [$d257], a .done pop bc pop de ret .BadgeTypes db FLYING ; zephyrbadge db BUG ; hivebadge db NORMAL ; plainbadge db GHOST ; fogbadge db STEEL ; mineralbadge db FIGHTING ; stormbadge db ICE ; glacierbadge db DRAGON ; risingbadge db ROCK ; boulderbadge db WATER ; cascadebadge db ELECTRIC ; thunderbadge db GRASS ; rainbowbadge db POISON ; soulbadge db PSYCHIC ; marshbadge db FIRE ; volcanobadge db GROUND ; earthbadge db $ff ; fbe91 SECTION "bank3F",DATA,BANK[$3F] DoTileAnimation: ; fc000 ; Iterate over a given pointer array of animation functions ; (one per frame). ; Typically in wra1, vra0 ; Beginning of animation pointer array ld a, [TileSetAnim] ld e, a ld a, [TileSetAnim + 1] ld d, a ; Play this frame. ld a, [hTileAnimFrame] ; frame count ld l, a inc a ld [hTileAnimFrame], a ; Each pointer has: ld h, 0 add hl, hl add hl, hl add hl, de ; 2-byte parameter (all functions take input de) ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] inc hl ; Function address ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp [hl] ; fc01b Tileset00Anim: ; 0xfc01b Tileset02Anim: ; 0xfc01b Tileset03Anim: ; 0xfc01b ; param, function dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, TileAnimationPalette dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, AnimateFlowerTile dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, NextTileFrame8 dw $0000, DoneTileAnimation ; 0xfc047 Tileset25Anim: ; 0xfc047 ; param, function dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $95f0, $4387 dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, TileAnimationPalette dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, AnimateFlowerTile dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, NextTileFrame8 dw $0000, DoneTileAnimation ; 0xfc073 Tileset31Anim: ; 0xfc073 ; param, function dw $0000, $445c dw $0000, $44c4 dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, $44f2 dw $0000, $451c dw $0000, AnimateFlowerTile dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile dw $0000, TileAnimationPalette dw $0000, NextTileFrame8 dw $0000, DoneTileAnimation ; 0xfc0a3 Tileset01Anim: ; 0xfc0a3 ; param, function dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, TileAnimationPalette dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, AnimateFlowerTile dw $4a98, AnimateWhirlpoolTile dw $4a9c, AnimateWhirlpoolTile dw $4aa0, AnimateWhirlpoolTile dw $4aa4, AnimateWhirlpoolTile dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, NextTileFrame8 dw $0000, DoneTileAnimation ; 0xfc0d7 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fc0d7, $fc12f-$fc0d7 Tileset09Anim: ; 0xfc12f ; param, function dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, TileAnimationPalette dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, NextTileFrame8 dw $0000, DoneTileAnimation ; 0xfc15f Tileset15Anim: ; 0xfc15f ; param, function dw $0000, $45eb dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, $45cc dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, NextTileFrame8 dw $0000, DoneTileAnimation ; 0xfc17f INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fc17f, $fc1e7-$fc17f Tileset24Anim: ; 0xfc1e7 Tileset30Anim: ; 0xfc1e7 ; param, function dw $9140, $46a2 dw $0000, $471e dw $cf41, $4309 dw $0000, $471e dw $9140, $4696 dw $0000, $471e dw $0000, TileAnimationPalette dw $0000, $471e dw $9400, $46a2 dw $0000, $471e dw $cf41, $436a dw $0000, $471e dw $cf41, $436a dw $0000, $471e dw $cf41, $436a dw $0000, $471e dw $9400, $4696 dw $0000, $471e dw $0000, DoneTileAnimation ; 0xfc233 Tileset29Anim: ; 0xfc233 ; param, function dw $9350, $46a2 dw $0000, $471e dw $cf41, $4309 dw $0000, $471e dw $9350, $4696 dw $0000, $471e dw $0000, TileAnimationPalette dw $0000, $471e dw $9310, $46a2 dw $0000, $471e dw $cf41, $436a dw $0000, $471e dw $cf41, $436a dw $0000, $471e dw $cf41, $436a dw $0000, $471e dw $9310, $4696 dw $0000, $471e dw $0000, DoneTileAnimation ; 0xfc27f Tileset23Anim: ; 0xfc27f ; param, function dw $4770, $4645 dw $4774, $4645 dw $4768, $4645 dw $476c, $4645 dw $4760, $4645 dw $4764, $4645 dw $4758, $4645 dw $475c, $4645 dw $4750, $4645 dw $4754, $4645 dw $0000, NextTileFrame dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, DoneTileAnimation ; 0xfc2bf INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fc2bf, $fc2e7-$fc2bf Tileset04Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset05Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset06Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset07Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset08Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset10Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset11Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset12Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset13Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset14Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset16Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset17Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset18Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset19Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset20Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset21Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset22Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset26Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset27Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset28Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset32Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset33Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset34Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset35Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 Tileset36Anim: ; 0xfc2e7 ; param, function dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, WaitTileAnimation dw $0000, DoneTileAnimation ; 0xfc2fb DoneTileAnimation: ; fc2fb ; Reset the animation command loop. xor a ld [hTileAnimFrame], a WaitTileAnimation: ; fc2fe ; Do nothing this frame. ret ; fc2ff NextTileFrame8: ; fc2ff ld a, [TileAnimationTimer] inc a and a, 7 ld [TileAnimationTimer], a ret ; fc309 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fc309, $fc402 - $fc309 AnimateWaterTile: ; fc402 ; Draw a water tile for the current frame in VRAM tile at de. ; Save sp in bc (see WriteTile). ld hl, [sp+0] ld b, h ld c, l ld a, [TileAnimationTimer] ; 4 tile graphics, updated every other frame. and 3 << 1 ; 2 x 8 = 16 bytes per tile add a add a add a add WaterTileFrames % $100 ld l, a ld a, 0 adc WaterTileFrames / $100 ld h, a ; Stack now points to the start of the tile for this frame. ld sp, hl ld l, e ld h, d jp WriteTile ; fc41c WaterTileFrames: ; fc41c ; Frames 0-3 ; INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/water.2bpp" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fc41c, $fc45c - $fc41c ; fc45c INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fc45c, $fc56d - $fc45c AnimateFlowerTile: ; fc56d ; No parameters. ; Save sp in bc (see WriteTile). ld hl, [sp+0] ld b, h ld c, l ; Alternate tile graphc every other frame ld a, [TileAnimationTimer] and 1 << 1 ld e, a ; CGB has different color mappings for flowers. ld a, [hCGB] and 1 add e swap a ; << 4 (16 bytes) ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, FlowerTileFrames add hl, de ld sp, hl ld hl, VTiles2 + $30 ; tile 4 jp WriteTile ; fc58c FlowerTileFrames: ; fc58c ; frame 0 dmg ; frame 0 cgb ; frame 1 dmg ; frame 1 sgb ; INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower.2bpp" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fc58c, $fc5cc - $fc58c ; fc5cc INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fc5cc, $fc673 - $fc5cc NextTileFrame: ; fc673 ld hl, TileAnimationTimer inc [hl] ret ; fc678 AnimateWhirlpoolTile: ; fc678 ; Update whirlpool tile using struct at de. ; Struct: ; VRAM address ; Address of the first tile ; Only does one of 4 tiles at a time. ; Save sp in bc (see WriteTile). ld hl, [sp+0] ld b, h ld c, l ; de = VRAM address ld l, e ld h, d ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] inc hl ; Tile address is now at hl. ; Get the tile for this frame. ld a, [TileAnimationTimer] and %11 ; 4 frames x2 swap a ; * 16 bytes per tile add [hl] inc hl ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, 0 adc h ld h, a ; Stack now points to the desired frame. ld sp, hl ld l, e ld h, d jr WriteTile ; fc696 WriteTileFromBuffer: ; fc696 ; Write tiledata at $cf41 to de. ; $cf41 is loaded to sp for WriteTile. ld hl, [sp+0] ld b, h ld c, l ld hl, $cf41 ld sp, hl ld h, d ld l, e jr WriteTile ; fc6a2 WriteTileToBuffer: ; fc6a2 ; Write tiledata de to $cf41. ; de is loaded to sp for WriteTile. ld hl, [sp+0] ld b, h ld c, l ld h, d ld l, e ld sp, hl ld hl, $cf41 ; fallthrough WriteTile: ; fc6ac ; Write one 8x8 tile ($10 bytes) from sp to hl. ; Warning: sp is saved in bc so we can abuse pop. ; sp is restored to address bc. Save sp in bc before calling. pop de ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d rept 7 pop de inc hl ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d endr ; restore sp ld h, b ld l, c ld sp, hl ret ; fc6d7 TileAnimationPalette: ; fc6d7 ; Transition between color values 0-2 for color 0 in palette 3. ; No palette changes on DMG. ld a, [hCGB] and a ret z ; We don't want to mess with non-standard palettes. ld a, [$ff47] ; BGP cp %11100100 ret nz ; Only update on even frames. ld a, [TileAnimationTimer] ld l, a and 1 ; odd ret nz ; Ready for BGPD input... ld a, %10011000 ; auto increment, index $18 (pal 3 color 0) ld [rBGPI], a ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, 5 ; wra5: gfx ld [rSVBK], a ; Update color 0 in order 0 1 2 1 ld a, l and %110 ; frames 0 2 4 6 jr z, .color0 cp 4 jr z, .color2 .color1 ld hl, $d01a ; pal 3 color 1 ld a, [hli] ld [rBGPD], a ld a, [hli] ld [rBGPD], a jr .end .color0 ld hl, $d018 ; pal 3 color 0 ld a, [hli] ld [rBGPD], a ld a, [hli] ld [rBGPD], a jr .end .color2 ld hl, $d01c ; pal 3 color 2 ld a, [hli] ld [rBGPD], a ld a, [hli] ld [rBGPD], a .end pop af ld [rSVBK], a ret ; fc71e INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fc71e, $fcdc2 - $fc71e LoadTradesPointer: ; 0xfcdc2 ld d, 0 push de ld a, [$cf63] and $f swap a ld e, a ld d, $0 ld hl, Trades add hl, de add hl, de pop de add hl, de ret ; 0xfcdd7 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fcdd7, $fce58-$fcdd7 Trades: ; 0xfce58 ; byte 1: dialog ; byte 2: givemon ; byte 3: getmon ; bytes 4-14 nickname ; bytes 15-16 DVs ; byte 17 held item ; bytes 18-19 ID ; bytes 20-30 OT name ; byte 31 gender ; byte 32 XXX always zero? db 0,ABRA,MACHOP,"MUSCLE@@@@@", $37, $66,GOLD_BERRY, $54, $92,"MIKE@@@@@@@",0,0 db 0,BELLSPROUT,ONIX,"ROCKY@@@@@@", $96, $66,BITTER_BERRY, $1e, $bf,"KYLE@@@@@@@",0,0 db 1,KRABBY,VOLTORB,"VOLTY@@@@@@", $98, $88,PRZCUREBERRY, $05, $72,"TIM@@@@@@@@",0,0 db 3,DRAGONAIR,DODRIO,"DORIS@@@@@@", $77, $66,SMOKE_BALL, $1b, $01,"EMY@@@@@@@@",2,0 db 2,HAUNTER,XATU,"PAUL@@@@@@@", $96, $86,MYSTERYBERRY, $00, $3d,"CHRIS@@@@@@",0,0 db 3,CHANSEY,AERODACTYL,"AEROY@@@@@@", $96, $66,GOLD_BERRY, $7b, $67,"KIM@@@@@@@@",0,0 db 0,DUGTRIO,MAGNETON,"MAGGIE@@@@@", $96, $66,METAL_COAT, $a2, $c3,"FOREST@@@@@",0,0 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fcf38, $fd1d2-$fcf38 SECTION "bank40",DATA,BANK[$40] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $100000, $10389d - $100000 SECTION "bank41",DATA,BANK[$41] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $104000, $104350 - $104000 INCBIN "gfx/ow/misc.2bpp" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1045b0, $105258 - $1045b0 MysteryGiftGFX: INCBIN "gfx/misc/mystery_gift.2bpp" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $105688, $105930 - $105688 ; japanese mystery gift gfx INCBIN "gfx/misc/mystery_gift_jp.2bpp" DisplayUsedMoveText: ; 105db0 ; battle command 03 ld hl, UsedMoveText call BattleTextBox jp WaitBGMap ; 105db9 UsedMoveText: ; 105db9 ; this is a stream of text and asm from 105db9 to 105ef6 ; print actor name text_jump _ActorNameText, BANK(_ActorNameText) start_asm ; ???? ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr nz, .start ; append used move list ld a, [PlayerMoveAnimation] call UpdateUsedMoves .start ; get address for last move ld a, $13 ; last move call GetBattleVarPair ld d, h ld e, l ; get address for last counter move ld a, $11 call GetBattleVarPair ; get move animation (id) ld a, $c ; move animation call CleanGetBattleVarPair ld [$d265], a ; check actor ???? push hl callba Function0x34548 pop hl jr nz, .grammar ; update last move ld a, [$d265] ld [hl], a ld [de], a .grammar call GetMoveGrammar ; $d265 now contains MoveGrammar ; everything except 'instead' made redundant in localization ; check obedience ld a, [$c6f4] and a ld hl, UsedMove2Text ret nz ; check move grammar ld a, [$d265] cp $3 ld hl, UsedMove2Text ret c ld hl, UsedMove1Text ret ; 105e04 UsedMove1Text: ; 105e04 text_jump _UsedMove1Text, BANK(_UsedMove1Text) start_asm jr Function105e10 ; 105e0b UsedMove2Text: ; 105e0b text_jump _UsedMove2Text, BANK(_UsedMove2Text) start_asm ; 105e10 Function105e10: ; 105e10 ; check obedience ld a, [$c6f4] and a jr z, GetMoveNameText ; print "instead," ld hl, UsedInsteadText ret ; 105e1a UsedInsteadText: ; 105e1a text_jump _UsedInsteadText, BANK(_UsedInsteadText) start_asm ; 105e1f GetMoveNameText: ; 105e1f ld hl, MoveNameText ret ; 105e23 MoveNameText: ; 105e23 text_jump _MoveNameText, BANK(_MoveNameText) start_asm ; 105e28 GetUsedMoveTextEnder: ; 105e28 ; get start address ld hl, .endusedmovetexts ; get move id ld a, [$d265] ; 2-byte pointer add a ; seek push bc ld b, $0 ld c, a add hl, bc pop bc ; get pointer to usedmovetext ender ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ret ; 105e39 .endusedmovetexts ; 105e39 dw EndUsedMove1Text dw EndUsedMove2Text dw EndUsedMove3Text dw EndUsedMove4Text dw EndUsedMove5Text ; 105e43 EndUsedMove1Text: ; 105e43 text_jump _EndUsedMove1Text, BANK(_EndUsedMove1Text) db "@" ; 105e48 EndUsedMove2Text: ; 105e48 text_jump _EndUsedMove2Text, BANK(_EndUsedMove2Text) db "@" ; 105e4d EndUsedMove3Text: ; 105e4d text_jump _EndUsedMove3Text, BANK(_EndUsedMove3Text) db "@" ; 105e52 EndUsedMove4Text: ; 105e52 text_jump _EndUsedMove4Text, BANK(_EndUsedMove4Text) db "@" ; 105e57 EndUsedMove5Text: ; 105e57 text_jump _EndUsedMove5Text, BANK(_EndUsedMove5Text) db "@" ; 105e5c GetMoveGrammar: ; 105e5c ; store move grammar type in $d265 push bc ; c = move id ld a, [$d265] ld c, a ld b, $0 ; read grammar table ld hl, MoveGrammar .loop ld a, [hli] ; end of table? cp $ff jr z, .end ; match? cp c jr z, .end ; advance grammar type at $00 and a jr nz, .loop ; next grammar type inc b jr .loop .end ; $d265 now contains move grammar ld a, b ld [$d265], a ; we're done pop bc ret ; 105e7a MoveGrammar: ; 105e7a ; made redundant in localization ; each move is given an identifier for what usedmovetext to use (0-4): ; 0 db SWORDS_DANCE db GROWTH db STRENGTH db HARDEN db MINIMIZE db SMOKESCREEN db WITHDRAW db DEFENSE_CURL db EGG_BOMB db SMOG db BONE_CLUB db FLASH db SPLASH db ACID_ARMOR db BONEMERANG db REST db SHARPEN db SUBSTITUTE db MIND_READER db SNORE db PROTECT db SPIKES db ENDURE db ROLLOUT db SWAGGER db SLEEP_TALK db HIDDEN_POWER db PSYCH_UP db EXTREMESPEED db 0 ; end set ; 1 db RECOVER db TELEPORT db BIDE db SELFDESTRUCT db AMNESIA db FLAIL db 0 ; end set ; 2 db MEDITATE db AGILITY db MIMIC db DOUBLE_TEAM db BARRAGE db TRANSFORM db STRUGGLE db SCARY_FACE db 0 ; end set ; 3 db POUND db SCRATCH db VICEGRIP db WING_ATTACK db FLY db BIND db SLAM db HORN_ATTACK db WRAP db THRASH db TAIL_WHIP db LEER db BITE db GROWL db ROAR db SING db PECK db ABSORB db STRING_SHOT db EARTHQUAKE db FISSURE db DIG db TOXIC db SCREECH db METRONOME db LICK db CLAMP db CONSTRICT db POISON_GAS db BUBBLE db SLASH db SPIDER_WEB db NIGHTMARE db CURSE db FORESIGHT db CHARM db ATTRACT db ROCK_SMASH db 0 ; end set ; all other moves = 4 db $ff ; end ; 105ed0 UpdateUsedMoves: ; 105ed0 ; append move a to PlayerUsedMoves unless it has already been used push bc ; start of list ld hl, PlayerUsedMoves ; get move id ld b, a ; loop count ld c, NUM_MOVES .loop ; get move from the list ld a, [hli] ; not used yet? and a jr z, .add ; already used? cp b jr z, .quit ; next byte dec c jr nz, .loop ; if the list is full and the move hasn't already been used ; shift the list back one byte, deleting the first move used ; this can occur with struggle or a new learned move ld hl, PlayerUsedMoves + 1 ; 1 = 2 ld a, [hld] ld [hli], a ; 2 = 3 inc hl ld a, [hld] ld [hli], a ; 3 = 4 inc hl ld a, [hld] ld [hl], a ; 4 = new move ld a, b ld [PlayerUsedMoves + 3], a jr .quit .add ; go back to the byte we just inced from dec hl ; add the new move ld [hl], b .quit ; list updated pop bc ret ; 105ef6 HallOfFame2: ; 0x105ef6 ret INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $105ef7, $106078 - $105ef7 HallOfFame1: ; 0x106078 ret INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $106079, $1060bb - $106079 Function1060bb: ; 1060bb ; commented out ret ; 1060bc INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1060bc, $106dbc - $1060bc SECTION "bank42",DATA,BANK[$42] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $108000, $109407 - $108000 IntroLogoGFX: ; 109407 INCBIN "gfx/intro/logo.lz" ; 10983f INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $10983f, $1099aa - $10983f ; Credits INCLUDE "credits.asm" SECTION "bank43",DATA,BANK[$43] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $10c000, $10ed67 - $10c000 StartTitleScreen: ; 10ed67 call WhiteBGMap call ClearSprites call ClearTileMap ; Turn BG Map update off xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a ; Reset timing variables ld hl, $cf63 ld [hli], a ; cf63 ; Scene? ld [hli], a ; cf64 ld [hli], a ; cf65 ; Timer lo ld [hl], a ; cf66 ; Timer hi ; Turn LCD off call DisableLCD ; VRAM bank 1 ld a, 1 ld [rVBK], a ; Decompress running Suicune gfx ld hl, TitleSuicuneGFX ld de, $8800 call $0b50 ; Clear screen palettes ld hl, $9800 ld bc, $0280 xor a call ByteFill ; Fill tile palettes: ; BG Map 1: ; line 0 (copyright) ld hl, $9c00 ld bc, $0020 ; one row ld a, 7 ; palette call ByteFill ; BG Map 0: ; Apply logo gradient: ; lines 3-4 ld hl, $9860 ; (0,3) ld bc, $0040 ; 2 rows ld a, 2 call ByteFill ; line 5 ld hl, $98a0 ; (0,5) ld bc, $0020 ; 1 row ld a, 3 call ByteFill ; line 6 ld hl, $98c0 ; (0,6) ld bc, $0020 ; 1 row ld a, 4 call ByteFill ; line 7 ld hl, $98e0 ; (0,7) ld bc, $0020 ; 1 row ld a, 5 call ByteFill ; lines 8-9 ld hl, $9900 ; (0,8) ld bc, $0040 ; 2 rows ld a, 6 call ByteFill ; 'CRYSTAL VERSION' ld hl, $9925 ; (5,9) ld bc, $000b ; length of version text ld a, 1 call ByteFill ; Suicune gfx ld hl, $9980 ; (0,12) ld bc, $00c0 ; the rest of the screen ld a, 8 call ByteFill ; Back to VRAM bank 0 ld a, $0 ld [rVBK], a ; Decompress logo ld hl, TitleLogoGFX ld de, $8800 call $0b50 ; Decompress background crystal ld hl, TitleCrystalGFX ld de, $8000 call $0b50 ; Clear screen tiles ld hl, $9800 ld bc, $0800 ld a, $7f call ByteFill ; Draw Pokemon logo ld hl, $c4dc ; TileMap(0,3) ld bc, $0714 ; 20x7 ld d, $80 ld e, $14 call DrawGraphic ; Draw copyright text ld hl, $9c03 ; BG Map 1 (3,0) ld bc, $010d ; 13x1 ld d, $c ld e, $10 call DrawGraphic ; Initialize running Suicune? ld d, $0 call $6ed2 ; Initialize background crystal call $6f06 ; Save WRAM bank ld a, [rSVBK] push af ; WRAM bank 5 ld a, 5 ld [rSVBK], a ; Update palette colors ld hl, TitleScreenPalettes ld de, $d000 ld bc, $0080 call CopyBytes ld hl, TitleScreenPalettes ld de, $d080 ld bc, $0080 call CopyBytes ; Restore WRAM bank pop af ld [rSVBK], a ; LY/SCX trickery starts here ; Save WRAM bank ld a, [rSVBK] push af ; WRAM bank 5 ld a, 5 ld [rSVBK], a ; Make alternating lines come in from opposite sides ; ( This part is actually totally pointless, you can't ; see anything until these values are overwritten! ) ld b, 40 ; alternate for 80 lines ld hl, $d100 ; LY buffer .loop ; $00 is the middle position ld [hl], $70 ; coming from the left inc hl ld [hl], $90 ; coming from the right inc hl dec b jr nz, .loop ; Make sure the rest of the buffer is empty ld hl, $d150 xor a ld bc, $0040 call ByteFill ; Let LCD Stat know we're messing around with SCX ld a, rSCX - rJOYP ld [hLCDStatCustom], a ; Restore WRAM bank pop af ld [rSVBK], a ; Reset audio call ChannelsOff call $058a ; Set sprite size to 8x16 ld a, [rLCDC] set 2, a ld [rLCDC], a ; ld a, $70 ld [$ffcf], a ld a, $8 ld [$ffd0], a ld a, $7 ld [$ffd1], a ld a, $90 ld [$ffd2], a ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ; Update BG Map 0 (bank 0) ld [hBGMapMode], a xor a ld [$d002], a ; Play starting sound effect call SFXChannelsOff ld de, SFX_TITLE_SCREEN_ENTRANCE call StartSFX ret ; 10eea7 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $10eea7, $10ef32 - $10eea7 AnimateTitleCrystal: ; 10ef32 ; Move the title screen crystal downward until it's fully visible ; Stop at y=6 ; y is really from the bottom of the sprite, which is two tiles high ld hl, Sprites ld a, [hl] cp 6 + 16 ret z ; Move all 30 parts of the crystal down by 2 ld c, 30 .loop ld a, [hl] add 2 ld [hli], a inc hl inc hl inc hl dec c jr nz, .loop ret ; 10ef46 TitleSuicuneGFX: ; 10ef46 INCBIN "gfx/title/suicune.lz" ; 10f31b INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $10f31b, $10f326 - $10f31b TitleLogoGFX: ; 10f326 INCBIN "gfx/title/logo.lz" ; 10fced INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $10fced, $10fcee - $10fced TitleCrystalGFX: ; 10fcee INCBIN "gfx/title/crystal.lz" ; 10fed7 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $10fed7, $10fede - $10fed7 TitleScreenPalettes: ; BG RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 19, 00, 00 RGB 15, 08, 31 RGB 15, 08, 31 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 15, 16, 31 RGB 31, 01, 13 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 07, 07, 07 RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 02, 03, 30 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 13, 13, 13 RGB 31, 31, 18 RGB 02, 03, 30 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 19, 19, 19 RGB 29, 28, 12 RGB 02, 03, 30 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 25, 25, 25 RGB 28, 25, 06 RGB 02, 03, 30 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 26, 21, 00 RGB 02, 03, 30 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 11, 11, 19 RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 00, 00, 00 ; OBJ RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 10, 00, 15 RGB 17, 05, 22 RGB 19, 09, 31 RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 00, 00, 00 RGB 00, 00, 00 SECTION "bank44",DATA,BANK[$44] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $110000, $110fad - $110000 URIPrefix: ; 0x110fad ascii "http://" HTTPDownloadURL: ; 0x110fb4 ascii "" HTTPUploadURL: ; 0x110fd9 ascii "" HTTPUtilityURL: ; 0x110ffc ascii "" HTTPRankingURL: ; 0x111020 ascii "" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $111044, $113f84 - $111044 SECTION "bank45",DATA,BANK[$45] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $114000, $117a7f - $114000 ; everything from here to the end of the bank is related to the ; Mobile Stadium option from the continue/newgame menu. ; XXX better function names Function117a7f: ; 0x117a7f ld a, [$ffaa] push af ld a, $1 ld [$ffaa], a call Function117a8d pop af ld [$ffaa], a ret ; 0x117a8d Function117a8d: ; 0x117a8d call Function117a94 call Function117acd ret ; 0x117a94 Function117a94: ; 0x117a94 xor a ld [$cf63], a ld [$cf64], a ld [$cf65], a ld [$cf66], a call WhiteBGMap call ClearSprites ld a, $5c ld hl, $6e78 rst FarCall ld a, $41 ld hl, $4000 rst FarCall ret ; 0x117ab4 Function117ab4: ; 0x117ab4 call WhiteBGMap call ClearSprites ld a, $5c ld hl, $6e78 rst FarCall ld a, $5c ld hl, $6eb9 rst FarCall ld a, $41 ld hl, $4061 rst FarCall ret ; 0x117acd Function117acd: ; 0x117acd call $0a57 ld a, [$cf63] bit 7, a jr nz, .asm_117ae2 ; 0x117ad5 $b call Function117ae9 ld a, $41 ld hl, $4000 rst FarCall jr Function117acd .asm_117ae2 call WhiteBGMap call ClearSprites ret Function117ae9: ; 0x117ae9 ld a, [$cf63] ld e, a ld d, $0 ld hl, Pointers117af8 add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp [hl] Pointers117af8: ; 0x117af8 dw Function117b06 dw Function117b14 dw Function117b28 dw Function117b31 dw Function117b4f dw Function117bb6 dw Function117c4a Function117b06: ld a, $5c ld hl, $6eb9 rst FarCall ld a, $10 ld [$cf64], a jp Function117cdd Function117b14: ld hl, $cf64 dec [hl] ret nz ld hl, Data117cbc call $1d35 call $1cbb call $1cfd jp Function117cdd Function117b28: ld hl, MobileStadiumEntryText call PrintText jp Function117cdd Function117b31: ld hl, Data117cc4 call $1d35 call $1cbb call $1cfd ld hl, $c550 ld de, YesNo117ccc call $1078 ld hl, $c54f ld a, "▶" ld [hl], a jp Function117cdd Function117b4f: ld a, [hJoyPressed] cp $2 jr z, .asm_117ba4 ; 0x117b53 $4f cp $1 jr z, .asm_117b8c ; 0x117b57 $33 cp $80 jr z, .asm_117b76 ; 0x117b5b $19 cp $40 ret nz ld a, [$cf64] and a ret z dec a ld [$cf64], a ld hl, $c54f ld a, "▶" ld [hl], a ld hl, $c577 ld a, " " ld [hl], a ret .asm_117b76 ld a, [$cf64] and a ret nz inc a ld [$cf64], a ld hl, $c54f ld a, " " ld [hl], a ld hl, $c577 ld a, "▶" ld [hl], a ret .asm_117b8c call PlayClickSFX ld a, [$cf64] and a jr nz, .asm_117ba4 ; 0x117b93 $f call $1c07 call $1c07 ld a, $41 ld hl, $4061 rst FarCall jp Function117cdd .asm_117ba4 call $1c07 call $1c07 ld a, $41 ld hl, $4061 rst FarCall ld a, $80 ld [$cf63], a ret Function117bb6: call Function117c89 ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a ld a, $46 ld hl, $4284 rst FarCall call ClearSprites ld a, [$c300] and a jr z, .asm_117be7 ; 0x117bca $1b cp $a jr z, .asm_117be1 ; 0x117bce $11 .asm_117bd0 ld a, $2 ld [$c303], a ld a, $5f ld hl, $7555 rst FarCall ld a, $80 ld [$cf63], a ret .asm_117be1 ld a, $80 ld [$cf63], a ret .asm_117be7 ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, $3 ld [rSVBK], a ld a, [$cd89] and $1 jr nz, .asm_117c16 ; 0x117bf3 $21 ld a, [$d000] cp $fe jr nz, .asm_117c16 ; 0x117bfa $1a ld a, [$d001] cp $f jr nz, .asm_117c16 ; 0x117c01 $13 ld hl, $dfec ld de, $cd69 ld c, $10 .asm_117c0b ld a, [de] inc de cp [hl] jr nz, .asm_117c16 ; 0x117c0e $6 inc hl dec c jr nz, .asm_117c0b ; 0x117c12 $f7 jr .asm_117c20 ; 0x117c14 $a .asm_117c16 pop af ld [rSVBK], a ld a, $d3 ld [$c300], a jr .asm_117bd0 ; 0x117c1e $b0 .asm_117c20 pop af ld [rSVBK], a ld a, $5c ld hl, $6eb9 rst FarCall ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, $3 ld [rSVBK], a ld a, $7 call GetSRAMBank ld hl, $d002 ld de, $b000 ld bc, $1000 call CopyBytes call CloseSRAM pop af ld [rSVBK], a jp Function117cdd Function117c4a: ld hl, Data117cbc call $1d35 call $1cbb call $1cfd ld a, $41 ld hl, $4061 rst FarCall ld hl, MobileStadiumSuccessText call PrintText ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, $5 ld [rSVBK], a ld hl, $d000 ld de, $0008 ld c, $8 .asm_117c71 push hl ld a, $ff ld [hli], a ld a, " " ld [hl], a pop hl add hl, de dec c jr nz, .asm_117c71 ; 0x117c7b $f4 call $04b6 pop af ld [rSVBK], a ld a, $80 ld [$cf63], a ret Function117c89: ld a, $7 call GetSRAMBank ld l, $0 ld h, l ld de, $b000 ld bc, $0ffc .asm_117c97 push bc ld a, [de] inc de ld c, a ld b, $0 add hl, bc pop bc dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .asm_117c97 ; 0x117ca2 $f3 ld a, l ld [$cd83], a ld a, h ld [$cd84], a ld hl, $bfea ld de, $cd69 ld bc, $0010 call CopyBytes call CloseSRAM ret Data117cbc: ; 0x117cbc db $40, $0c, $00, $11, $13, $00, $00, $00 Data117cc4: ; 0x117cc4 db $40, $07, $0e, $0b, $13, $00, $00, $00 ; XXX what is this YesNo117ccc: ; 0x117ccc db "はい", $4e ; Yes db "いいえ@" ; No MobileStadiumEntryText: ; 0x117cd3 TX_FAR _MobileStadiumEntryText db "@" MobileStadiumSuccessText: ; 0x117cd8 TX_FAR _MobileStadiumSuccessText db "@" Function117cdd: ; 0x117cdd ld hl, $cf63 inc [hl] ret SECTION "bank46",DATA,BANK[$46] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $118000, $118ba5 - $118000 ExchangeDownloadURL: ; 0x118ba5 ascii "" db $0 BattleDownloadURL: ; 0x118bf7 ascii "" db $0 NewsDownloadURL: ; 0x118c47 ascii "" db $0 MenuDownloadURL: ; 0x118c95 ascii "" db $0 IndexDownloadURL: ; 0x118ce4 ascii "" db $0 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $118d35, $11bc9e - $118d35 SECTION "bank47",DATA,BANK[$47] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $11c000, $11f686 - $11c000 SECTION "bank48",DATA,BANK[$48] PicPointers: INCLUDE "gfx/pics/pic_pointers.asm" ; Pics I HoOhFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/250/front.lz" MachampFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/068/front.lz" NinetalesFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/038/front.lz" FeraligatrFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/160/front.lz" NidokingFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/034/front.lz" RaikouFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/243/front.lz" LugiaFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/249/front.lz" ArticunoFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/144/front.lz" TaurosFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/128/front.lz" VenusaurFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/003/front.lz" EnteiFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/244/front.lz" SuicuneFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/245/front.lz" TyphlosionFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/157/front.lz" ; 123ffa SECTION "bank49",DATA,BANK[$49] UnownPicPointers: INCLUDE "gfx/pics/unown_pic_pointers.asm" ; Pics II BlastoiseFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/009/front.lz" RapidashFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/078/front.lz" MeganiumFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/154/front.lz" NidoqueenFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/031/front.lz" HitmonleeFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/106/front.lz" ScizorFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/212/front.lz" BeedrillFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/015/front.lz" ArcanineFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/059/front.lz" TyranitarFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/248/front.lz" MoltresFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/146/front.lz" ZapdosFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/145/front.lz" ArbokFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/024/front.lz" MewtwoFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/150/front.lz" FearowFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/022/front.lz" CharizardFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/006/front.lz" QuilavaFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/156/front.lz" ; 127ffe SECTION "bank4a",DATA,BANK[$4a] TrainerPicPointers: INCLUDE "gfx/pics/trainer_pic_pointers.asm" ; Pics III SteelixFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/208/front.lz" AlakazamFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/065/front.lz" GyaradosFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/130/front.lz" KangaskhanFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/115/front.lz" RhydonFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/112/front.lz" GolduckFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/055/front.lz" RhyhornFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/111/front.lz" PidgeotFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/018/front.lz" SlowbroFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/080/front.lz" ButterfreeFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/012/front.lz" WeezingFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/110/front.lz" CloysterFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/091/front.lz" SkarmoryFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/227/front.lz" DewgongFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/087/front.lz" VictreebelFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/071/front.lz" RaichuFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/026/front.lz" PrimeapeFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/057/front.lz" OmastarBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/139/back.lz" ; 12bffe SECTION "bank4b",DATA,BANK[$4b] ; Pics IV DodrioFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/085/front.lz" SlowkingFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/199/front.lz" HitmontopFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/237/front.lz" OnixFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/095/front.lz" BlisseyFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/242/front.lz" MachokeFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/067/front.lz" DragoniteFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/149/front.lz" PoliwrathFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/062/front.lz" ScytherFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/123/front.lz" AerodactylFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/142/front.lz" SeakingFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/119/front.lz" MukFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/089/front.lz" CroconawFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/159/front.lz" HypnoFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/097/front.lz" NidorinoFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/033/front.lz" SandslashFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/028/front.lz" JolteonFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/135/front.lz" DonphanFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/232/front.lz" PinsirFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/127/front.lz" UnownEFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201e/front.lz" ; 130000 SECTION "bank4C",DATA,BANK[$4C] ; Pics V GolbatFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/042/front.lz" KinglerFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/099/front.lz" ExeggcuteFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/102/front.lz" MagcargoFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/219/front.lz" PersianFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/053/front.lz" StantlerFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/234/front.lz" RaticateFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/020/front.lz" VenomothFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/049/front.lz" PolitoedFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/186/front.lz" ElectabuzzFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/125/front.lz" MantineFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/226/front.lz" LickitungFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/108/front.lz" KingdraFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/230/front.lz" CharmeleonFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/005/front.lz" KadabraFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/064/front.lz" ExeggutorFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/103/front.lz" GastlyFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/092/front.lz" AzumarillFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/184/front.lz" ParasectFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/047/front.lz" MrMimeFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/122/front.lz" HeracrossFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/214/front.lz" ; 133fff SECTION "bank4d",DATA,BANK[$4d] ; Pics VI AriadosFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/168/front.lz" NoctowlFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/164/front.lz" WartortleFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/008/front.lz" LaprasFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/131/front.lz" GolemFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/076/front.lz" PoliwhirlFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/061/front.lz" UrsaringFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/217/front.lz" HoundoomFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/229/front.lz" KabutopsFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/141/front.lz" AmpharosFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/181/front.lz" NidorinaFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/030/front.lz" FlareonFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/136/front.lz" FarfetchDFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/083/front.lz" VileplumeFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/045/front.lz" BayleefFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/153/front.lz" MagmarFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/126/front.lz" TentacruelFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/073/front.lz" ElekidFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/239/front.lz" JumpluffFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/189/front.lz" MarowakFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/105/front.lz" VulpixFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/037/front.lz" GligarFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/207/front.lz" DunsparceFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/206/front.lz" ; 137fff SECTION "bank4E",DATA,BANK[$4E] ; Pics VII VaporeonFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/134/front.lz" GirafarigFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/203/front.lz" DrowzeeFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/096/front.lz" SneaselFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/215/front.lz" BellossomFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/182/front.lz" SnorlaxFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/143/front.lz" WigglytuffFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/040/front.lz" YanmaFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/193/front.lz" SmeargleFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/235/front.lz" ClefableFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/036/front.lz" PonytaFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/077/front.lz" MurkrowFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/198/front.lz" GravelerFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/075/front.lz" StarmieFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/121/front.lz" PidgeottoFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/017/front.lz" LedybaFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/165/front.lz" GengarFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/094/front.lz" OmastarFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/139/front.lz" PiloswineFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/221/front.lz" DugtrioFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/051/front.lz" MagnetonFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/082/front.lz" DragonairFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/148/front.lz" ForretressFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/205/front.lz" TogeticFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/176/front.lz" KangaskhanBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/115/back.lz" ; 13c000 SECTION "bank4f",DATA,BANK[$4f] ; Pics VIII SeelFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/086/front.lz" CrobatFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/169/front.lz" ChanseyFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/113/front.lz" TangelaFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/114/front.lz" SnubbullFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/209/front.lz" GranbullFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/210/front.lz" MiltankFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/241/front.lz" HaunterFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/093/front.lz" SunfloraFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/192/front.lz" UmbreonFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/197/front.lz" ChikoritaFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/152/front.lz" GoldeenFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/118/front.lz" EspeonFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/196/front.lz" XatuFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/178/front.lz" MewFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/151/front.lz" OctilleryFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/224/front.lz" JynxFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/124/front.lz" WobbuffetFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/202/front.lz" DelibirdFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/225/front.lz" LedianFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/166/front.lz" GloomFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/044/front.lz" FlaaffyFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/180/front.lz" IvysaurFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/002/front.lz" FurretFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/162/front.lz" CyndaquilFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/155/front.lz" HitmonchanFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/107/front.lz" QuagsireFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/195/front.lz" ; 13fff7 SECTION "bank50",DATA,BANK[$50] ; Pics IX EkansFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/023/front.lz" SudowoodoFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/185/front.lz" PikachuFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/025/front.lz" SeadraFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/117/front.lz" MagbyFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/240/front.lz" WeepinbellFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/070/front.lz" TotodileFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/158/front.lz" CorsolaFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/222/front.lz" FirebreatherPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/047.lz" MachopFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/066/front.lz" ChinchouFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/170/front.lz" RattataFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/019/front.lz" ChampionPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/015.lz" SpearowFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/021/front.lz" MagikarpFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/129/front.lz" CharmanderFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/004/front.lz" CuboneFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/104/front.lz" BlackbeltTPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/049.lz" BikerPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/044.lz" NidoranMFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/032/front.lz" PorygonFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/137/front.lz" BrunoPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/012.lz" GrimerFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/088/front.lz" StaryuFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/120/front.lz" HikerPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/043.lz" MeowthFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/052/front.lz" Porygon2Frontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/233/front.lz" SandshrewFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/027/front.lz" NidoranFFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/029/front.lz" PidgeyFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/016/front.lz" ParasectBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/047/back.lz" ; 144000 SECTION "bank51",DATA,BANK[$51] ; Pics X MisdreavusFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/200/front.lz" HoundourFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/228/front.lz" MankeyFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/056/front.lz" CelebiFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/251/front.lz" MediumPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/056.lz" PinecoFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/204/front.lz" KrabbyFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/098/front.lz" FisherPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/036.lz" JigglypuffFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/039/front.lz" ParasFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/046/front.lz" NidokingBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/034/back.lz" PokefanmPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/058.lz" BoarderPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/057.lz" PsyduckFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/054/front.lz" SquirtleFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/007/front.lz" MachampBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/068/back.lz" KoffingFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/109/front.lz" VenonatFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/048/front.lz" ExeggutorBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/103/back.lz" LanturnFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/171/front.lz" TyrogueFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/236/front.lz" SkiploomFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/188/front.lz" MareepFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/179/front.lz" ChuckPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/006.lz" EeveeFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/133/front.lz" ButterfreeBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/012/back.lz" ZubatFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/041/front.lz" KimonoGirlPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/059.lz" AlakazamBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/065/back.lz" AipomFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/190/front.lz" AbraFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/063/front.lz" HitmontopBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/237/back.lz" CloysterBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/091/back.lz" HoothootFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/163/front.lz" UnownFBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201f/back.lz" ; 148000 SECTION "bank52",DATA,BANK[$52] ; Pics XI DodrioBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/085/back.lz" ClefairyFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/035/front.lz" SlugmaFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/218/front.lz" GrowlitheFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/058/front.lz" SlowpokeFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/079/front.lz" SmoochumFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/238/front.lz" JugglerPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/048.lz" MarillFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/183/front.lz" GuitaristPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/042.lz" PokefanfPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/061.lz" VenomothBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/049/back.lz" ClairPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/007.lz" PokemaniacPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/029.lz" OmanyteFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/138/front.lz" SkierPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/032.lz" PupitarFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/247/front.lz" BellsproutFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/069/front.lz" ShellderFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/090/front.lz" TentacoolFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/072/front.lz" CleffaFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/173/front.lz" GyaradosBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/130/back.lz" NinetalesBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/038/back.lz" YanmaBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/193/back.lz" PinsirBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/127/back.lz" LassPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/024.lz" ClefableBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/036/back.lz" DoduoFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/084/front.lz" FeraligatrBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/160/back.lz" DratiniFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/147/front.lz" MagnetonBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/082/back.lz" QwilfishFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/211/front.lz" SuicuneBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/245/back.lz" SlowkingBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/199/back.lz" ElekidBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/239/back.lz" CelebiBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/251/back.lz" KrabbyBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/098/back.lz" BugCatcherPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/035.lz" SnorlaxBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/143/back.lz" ; 14bffb SECTION "bank53",DATA,BANK[$53] ; Pics XII VenusaurBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/003/back.lz" MoltresBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/146/back.lz" SunfloraBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/192/back.lz" PhanpyFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/231/front.lz" RhydonBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/112/back.lz" LarvitarFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/246/front.lz" TyranitarBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/248/back.lz" SandslashBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/028/back.lz" SeadraBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/117/back.lz" TwinsPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/060.lz" FarfetchDBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/083/back.lz" NidoranMBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/032/back.lz" LedybaBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/165/back.lz" CyndaquilBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/155/back.lz" BayleefBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/153/back.lz" OddishFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/043/front.lz" RapidashBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/078/back.lz" DoduoBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/084/back.lz" HoppipFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/187/front.lz" MankeyBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/056/back.lz" MagmarBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/126/back.lz" HypnoBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/097/back.lz" QuilavaBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/156/back.lz" CroconawBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/159/back.lz" SandshrewBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/027/back.lz" SailorPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/039.lz" BeautyPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/028.lz" ShellderBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/090/back.lz" ZubatBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/041/back.lz" TeddiursaFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/216/front.lz" CuboneBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/104/back.lz" GruntmPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/030.lz" GloomBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/044/back.lz" MagcargoBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/219/back.lz" KabutopsBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/141/back.lz" BeedrillBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/015/back.lz" ArcanineBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/059/back.lz" FlareonBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/136/back.lz" GoldeenBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/118/back.lz" BulbasaurFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/001/front.lz" StarmieBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/121/back.lz" ; 150000 SECTION "bank54",DATA,BANK[$54] ; Pics XIII OmanyteBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/138/back.lz" PidgeyBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/016/back.lz" ScientistPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/019.lz" QwilfishBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/211/back.lz" GligarBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/207/back.lz" TyphlosionBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/157/back.lz" CharmeleonBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/005/back.lz" NidoqueenBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/031/back.lz" PichuFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/172/front.lz" ElectabuzzBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/125/back.lz" LedianBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/166/back.lz" PupitarBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/247/back.lz" HeracrossBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/214/back.lz" UnownDFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201d/front.lz" MiltankBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/241/back.lz" SteelixBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/208/back.lz" PersianBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/053/back.lz" LtSurgePic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/018.lz" TeacherPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/033.lz" EggPic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/egg/front.lz" EeveeBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/133/back.lz" ShuckleFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/213/front.lz" PonytaBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/077/back.lz" RemoraidFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/223/front.lz" PoliwagFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/060/front.lz" OnixBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/095/back.lz" KoffingBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/109/back.lz" BirdKeeperPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/023.lz" FalknerPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/000.lz" KarenPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/013.lz" NidorinaBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/030/back.lz" TentacruelBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/073/back.lz" GrowlitheBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/058/back.lz" KogaPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/014.lz" MachokeBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/067/back.lz" RaichuBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/026/back.lz" PoliwrathBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/062/back.lz" SwimmermPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/037.lz" SunkernFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/191/front.lz" NidorinoBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/033/back.lz" MysticalmanPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/066.lz" CooltrainerfPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/027.lz" ElectrodeFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/101/front.lz" ; 153fe3 SECTION "bank55",DATA,BANK[$55] ; Pics XIV SudowoodoBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/185/back.lz" FlaaffyBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/180/back.lz" SentretFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/161/front.lz" TogeticBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/176/back.lz" BugsyPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/002.lz" MarowakBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/105/back.lz" GeodudeBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/074/back.lz" ScytherBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/123/back.lz" VileplumeBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/045/back.lz" HitmonchanBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/107/back.lz" JumpluffBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/189/back.lz" CooltrainermPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/026.lz" BlastoiseBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/009/back.lz" MisdreavusBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/200/back.lz" TyrogueBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/236/back.lz" GeodudeFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/074/front.lz" ScizorBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/212/back.lz" GirafarigBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/203/back.lz" StantlerBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/234/back.lz" SmeargleBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/235/back.lz" CharizardBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/006/back.lz" KadabraBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/064/back.lz" PrimeapeBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/057/back.lz" FurretBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/162/back.lz" WartortleBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/008/back.lz" ExeggcuteBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/102/back.lz" IgglybuffFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/174/front.lz" RaticateBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/020/back.lz" VulpixBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/037/back.lz" EkansBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/023/back.lz" SeakingBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/119/back.lz" BurglarPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/046.lz" PsyduckBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/054/back.lz" PikachuBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/025/back.lz" KabutoFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/140/front.lz" MareepBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/179/back.lz" RemoraidBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/223/back.lz" DittoFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/132/front.lz" KingdraBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/230/back.lz" CamperPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/053.lz" WooperFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/194/front.lz" ClefairyBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/035/back.lz" VenonatBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/048/back.lz" BellossomBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/182/back.lz" Rival1Pic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/008.lz" SwinubBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/220/back.lz" ; 158000 SECTION "bank56",DATA,BANK[$56] ; Pics XV MewtwoBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/150/back.lz" PokemonProfPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/009.lz" CalPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/011.lz" SwimmerfPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/038.lz" DiglettFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/050/front.lz" OfficerPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/064.lz" MukBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/089/back.lz" DelibirdBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/225/back.lz" SabrinaPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/034.lz" MagikarpBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/129/back.lz" AriadosBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/168/back.lz" SneaselBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/215/back.lz" UmbreonBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/197/back.lz" MurkrowBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/198/back.lz" IvysaurBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/002/back.lz" SlowbroBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/080/back.lz" PsychicTPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/051.lz" GolduckBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/055/back.lz" WeezingBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/110/back.lz" EnteiBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/244/back.lz" GruntfPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/065.lz" HorseaFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/116/front.lz" PidgeotBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/018/back.lz" HoOhBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/250/back.lz" PoliwhirlBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/061/back.lz" MewBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/151/back.lz" MachopBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/066/back.lz" AbraBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/063/back.lz" AerodactylBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/142/back.lz" KakunaFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/014/front.lz" DugtrioBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/051/back.lz" WeepinbellBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/070/back.lz" NidoranFBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/029/back.lz" GravelerBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/075/back.lz" AipomBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/190/back.lz" EspeonBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/196/back.lz" WeedleFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/013/front.lz" TotodileBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/158/back.lz" SnubbullBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/209/back.lz" KinglerBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/099/back.lz" GengarBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/094/back.lz" RattataBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/019/back.lz" YoungsterPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/021.lz" WillPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/010.lz" SchoolboyPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/022.lz" MagnemiteFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/081/front.lz" ErikaPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/020.lz" JaninePic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/025.lz" MagnemiteBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/081/back.lz" ; 15bffa SECTION "bank57",DATA,BANK[$57] ; Pics XVI HoothootBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/163/back.lz" NoctowlBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/164/back.lz" MortyPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/003.lz" SlugmaBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/218/back.lz" KabutoBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/140/back.lz" VictreebelBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/071/back.lz" MeowthBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/052/back.lz" MeganiumBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/154/back.lz" PicnickerPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/052.lz" LickitungBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/108/back.lz" TogepiFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/175/front.lz" SuperNerdPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/040.lz" HaunterBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/093/back.lz" XatuBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/178/back.lz" RedPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/062.lz" Porygon2Backpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/233/back.lz" JasminePic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/005.lz" PinecoBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/204/back.lz" MetapodFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/011/front.lz" SeelBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/086/back.lz" QuagsireBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/195/back.lz" WhitneyPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/001.lz" JolteonBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/135/back.lz" CaterpieFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/010/front.lz" HoppipBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/187/back.lz" BluePic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/063.lz" GranbullBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/210/back.lz" GentlemanPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/031.lz" ExecutivemPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/050.lz" SpearowBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/021/back.lz" SunkernBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/191/back.lz" LaprasBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/131/back.lz" MagbyBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/240/back.lz" DragonairBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/148/back.lz" ZapdosBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/145/back.lz" ChikoritaBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/152/back.lz" CorsolaBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/222/back.lz" ChinchouBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/170/back.lz" ChanseyBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/113/back.lz" SkiploomBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/188/back.lz" SpinarakFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/167/front.lz" Rival2Pic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/041.lz" UnownWFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201w/front.lz" CharmanderBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/004/back.lz" RhyhornBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/111/back.lz" UnownCFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201c/front.lz" MistyPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/017.lz" BlainePic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/045.lz" UnownZFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201z/front.lz" SwinubFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/220/front.lz" LarvitarBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/246/back.lz" PorygonBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/137/back.lz" UnownHBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201h/back.lz" ; 15ffff SECTION "bank58",DATA,BANK[$58] ; Pics XVII ParasBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/046/back.lz" VaporeonBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/134/back.lz" TentacoolBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/072/back.lz" ExecutivefPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/054.lz" BulbasaurBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/001/back.lz" SmoochumBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/238/back.lz" PichuBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/172/back.lz" HoundoomBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/229/back.lz" BellsproutBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/069/back.lz" GrimerBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/088/back.lz" LanturnBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/171/back.lz" PidgeottoBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/017/back.lz" StaryuBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/120/back.lz" MrMimeBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/122/back.lz" CaterpieBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/010/back.lz" VoltorbFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/100/front.lz" LugiaBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/249/back.lz" PrycePic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/004.lz" BrockPic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/016.lz" UnownGFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201g/front.lz" ArbokBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/024/back.lz" PolitoedBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/186/back.lz" DragoniteBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/149/back.lz" HitmonleeBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/106/back.lz" NatuFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/177/front.lz" UrsaringBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/217/back.lz" SagePic: INCBIN "gfx/trainers/055.lz" TeddiursaBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/216/back.lz" PhanpyBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/231/back.lz" UnownVFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201v/front.lz" KakunaBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/014/back.lz" WobbuffetBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/202/back.lz" TogepiBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/175/back.lz" CrobatBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/169/back.lz" BlisseyBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/242/back.lz" AmpharosBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/181/back.lz" IgglybuffBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/174/back.lz" AzumarillBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/184/back.lz" OctilleryBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/224/back.lz" UnownSFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201s/front.lz" HorseaBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/116/back.lz" SentretBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/161/back.lz" UnownOFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201o/front.lz" UnownTFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201t/front.lz" WigglytuffBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/040/back.lz" ArticunoBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/144/back.lz" DittoBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/132/back.lz" WeedleBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/013/back.lz" UnownHFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201h/front.lz" CleffaBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/173/back.lz" DrowzeeBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/096/back.lz" GastlyBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/092/back.lz" FearowBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/022/back.lz" MarillBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/183/back.lz" DratiniBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/147/back.lz" ElectrodeBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/101/back.lz" SkarmoryBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/227/back.lz" MetapodBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/011/back.lz" JigglypuffBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/039/back.lz" OddishBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/043/back.lz" UnownDBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201d/back.lz" ; 163ffc SECTION "bank59",DATA,BANK[$59] ; Pics XVIII SpinarakBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/167/back.lz" RaikouBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/243/back.lz" UnownKFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201k/front.lz" HoundourBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/228/back.lz" PoliwagBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/060/back.lz" SquirtleBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/007/back.lz" ShuckleBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/213/back.lz" DewgongBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/087/back.lz" UnownBFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201b/front.lz" SlowpokeBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/079/back.lz" DunsparceBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/206/back.lz" DonphanBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/232/back.lz" WooperBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/194/back.lz" TaurosBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/128/back.lz" UnownXFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201x/front.lz" UnownNFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201n/front.lz" TangelaBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/114/back.lz" VoltorbBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/100/back.lz" UnownJFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201j/front.lz" MantineBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/226/back.lz" UnownLFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201l/front.lz" PiloswineBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/221/back.lz" UnownMFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201m/front.lz" UnownFFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201f/front.lz" NatuBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/177/back.lz" UnownAFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201a/front.lz" GolemBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/076/back.lz" UnownUFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201u/front.lz" DiglettBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/050/back.lz" UnownQFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201q/front.lz" UnownPFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201p/front.lz" UnownCBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201c/back.lz" JynxBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/124/back.lz" GolbatBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/042/back.lz" UnownYFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201y/front.lz" UnownGBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201g/back.lz" UnownIFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201i/front.lz" UnownVBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201v/back.lz" ForretressBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/205/back.lz" UnownSBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201s/back.lz" UnownRFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201r/front.lz" UnownEBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201e/back.lz" UnownJBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201j/back.lz" UnownBBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201b/back.lz" UnownOBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201o/back.lz" UnownZBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201z/back.lz" UnownWBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201w/back.lz" UnownNBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201n/back.lz" UnownABackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201a/back.lz" UnownMBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201m/back.lz" UnownKBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201k/back.lz" UnownTBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201t/back.lz" UnownXBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201x/back.lz" UnownLBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201l/back.lz" UnownUBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201u/back.lz" UnownQBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201q/back.lz" UnownYBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201y/back.lz" UnownPBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201p/back.lz" UnownIBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201i/back.lz" UnownRBackpic: INCBIN "gfx/pics/201r/back.lz" ; 1669d3 SECTION "bank5A",DATA,BANK[$5A] ; This bank is identical to bank 59! ; It's also unreferenced, so it's a free bank INCBIN "gfx/pics/167/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/243/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201k/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/228/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/060/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/007/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/213/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/087/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201b/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/079/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/206/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/232/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/194/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/128/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201x/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201n/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/114/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/100/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201j/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/226/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201l/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/221/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201m/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201f/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/177/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201a/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/076/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201u/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/050/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201q/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201p/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201c/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/124/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/042/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201y/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201g/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201i/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201v/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/205/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201s/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201r/front.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201e/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201j/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201b/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201o/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201z/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201w/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201n/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201a/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201m/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201k/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201t/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201x/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201l/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201u/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201q/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201y/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201p/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201i/back.lz" INCBIN "gfx/pics/201r/back.lz" SECTION "bank5B",DATA,BANK[$5B] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $16c000, $16d7fe - $16c000 SECTION "bank5C",DATA,BANK[$5C] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $170000, $17367f - $170000 SECTION "bank5D",DATA,BANK[$5D] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $174000, $177561 - $174000 SECTION "bank5E",DATA,BANK[$5E] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $178000, $1f ; Songs V Music_MobileAdapterMenu: INCLUDE "audio/music/mobileadaptermenu.asm" Music_BuenasPassword: INCLUDE "audio/music/buenaspassword.asm" Music_LookMysticalMan: INCLUDE "audio/music/lookmysticalman.asm" Music_CrystalOpening: INCLUDE "audio/music/crystalopening.asm" Music_BattleTowerTheme: INCLUDE "audio/music/battletowertheme.asm" Music_SuicuneBattle: INCLUDE "audio/music/suicunebattle.asm" Music_BattleTowerLobby: INCLUDE "audio/music/battletowerlobby.asm" Music_MobileCenter: INCLUDE "audio/music/mobilecenter.asm" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $17982d, $1799ef - $17982d MobileAdapterGFX: INCBIN "gfx/misc/mobile_adapter.2bpp" INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $17a68f, $17b629 - $17a68f SECTION "bank5F",DATA,BANK[$5F] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $17c000, $17ff6c - $17c000 SECTION "bank60",DATA,BANK[$60] ; Map Scripts XIII INCLUDE "maps/IndigoPlateauPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/WillsRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/KogasRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BrunosRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/KarensRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/LancesRoom.asm" INCLUDE "maps/HallOfFame.asm" ; Pokedex entries I ; 001-064 INCLUDE "stats/pokedex/entries_1.asm" SECTION "bank61",DATA,BANK[$61] ; Map Scripts XIV INCLUDE "maps/CeruleanCity.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SproutTower1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SproutTower2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SproutTower3F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TinTower1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TinTower2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TinTower3F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TinTower4F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TinTower5F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TinTower6F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TinTower7F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TinTower8F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TinTower9F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BurnedTower1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BurnedTowerB1F.asm" SECTION "bank62",DATA,BANK[$62] ; Map Scripts XV INCLUDE "maps/CeruleanGymBadgeSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeruleanPoliceStation.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeruleanTradeSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeruleanPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeruleanPokeCenter2FBeta.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeruleanGym.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeruleanMart.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route10PokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route10PokeCenter2FBeta.asm" INCLUDE "maps/PowerPlant.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BillsHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/FightingDojo.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SaffronGym.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SaffronMart.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SaffronPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SaffronPokeCenter2FBeta.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MrPsychicsHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SaffronTrainStation.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SilphCo1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CopycatsHouse1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CopycatsHouse2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route5UndergroundEntrance.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route5SaffronCityGate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route5CleanseTagSpeechHouse.asm" SECTION "bank63",DATA,BANK[$63] ; Map Scripts XVI INCLUDE "maps/PewterCity.asm" INCLUDE "maps/WhirlIslandNW.asm" INCLUDE "maps/WhirlIslandNE.asm" INCLUDE "maps/WhirlIslandSW.asm" INCLUDE "maps/WhirlIslandCave.asm" INCLUDE "maps/WhirlIslandSE.asm" INCLUDE "maps/WhirlIslandB1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/WhirlIslandB2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/WhirlIslandLugiaChamber.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SilverCaveRoom1.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SilverCaveRoom2.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SilverCaveRoom3.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SilverCaveItemRooms.asm" INCLUDE "maps/DarkCaveVioletEntrance.asm" INCLUDE "maps/DarkCaveBlackthornEntrance.asm" INCLUDE "maps/DragonsDen1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/DragonsDenB1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/DragonShrine.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TohjoFalls.asm" INCLUDE "maps/AzaleaPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CharcoalKiln.asm" INCLUDE "maps/AzaleaMart.asm" INCLUDE "maps/KurtsHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/AzaleaGym.asm" SECTION "bank64",DATA,BANK[$64] ; Map Scripts XVII INCLUDE "maps/MahoganyTown.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route32.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VermilionHouseFishingSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VermilionPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VermilionPokeCenter2FBeta.asm" INCLUDE "maps/PokemonFanClub.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VermilionMagnetTrainSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VermilionMart.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VermilionHouseDiglettsCaveSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VermilionGym.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route6SaffronGate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route6UndergroundEntrance.asm" INCLUDE "maps/PokeCenter2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TradeCenter.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Colosseum.asm" INCLUDE "maps/TimeCapsule.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MobileTradeRoomMobile.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MobileBattleRoom.asm" SECTION "bank65",DATA,BANK[$65] ; Map Scripts XVIII INCLUDE "maps/Route36.asm" INCLUDE "maps/FuchsiaCity.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BlackthornGym1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BlackthornGym2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BlackthornDragonSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BlackthornDodrioTradeHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BlackthornMart.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BlackthornPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MoveDeletersHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/FuchsiaMart.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SafariZoneMainOffice.asm" INCLUDE "maps/FuchsiaGym.asm" INCLUDE "maps/FuchsiaBillSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/FuchsiaPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/FuchsiaPokeCenter2FBeta.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SafariZoneWardensHome.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route15FuchsiaGate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CherrygroveMart.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CherrygrovePokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CherrygroveGymSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GuideGentsHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CherrygroveEvolutionSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route30BerrySpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MrPokemonsHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route31VioletGate.asm" SECTION "bank66",DATA,BANK[$66] ; Map Scripts XIX INCLUDE "maps/AzaleaTown.asm" INCLUDE "maps/GoldenrodCity.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SaffronCity.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MahoganyRedGyaradosSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MahoganyGym.asm" INCLUDE "maps/MahoganyPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route42EcruteakGate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/LakeofRageHiddenPowerHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/LakeofRageMagikarpHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route43MahoganyGate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route43Gate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RedsHouse1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/RedsHouse2F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BluesHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OaksLab.asm" SECTION "bank67",DATA,BANK[$67] ; Map Scripts XX INCLUDE "maps/CherrygroveCity.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route35.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route43.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route44.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route45.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route19.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route25.asm" SECTION "bank68",DATA,BANK[$68] ; Map Scripts XXI INCLUDE "maps/CianwoodCity.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route27.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route29.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route30.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route38.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route13.asm" INCLUDE "maps/PewterNidoranSpeechHouse.asm" INCLUDE "maps/PewterGym.asm" INCLUDE "maps/PewterMart.asm" INCLUDE "maps/PewterPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/PewterPokeCEnter2FBeta.asm" INCLUDE "maps/PewterSnoozeSpeechHouse.asm" SECTION "bank69",DATA,BANK[$69] ; Map Scripts XXII INCLUDE "maps/EcruteakCity.asm" INCLUDE "maps/BlackthornCity.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route26.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route28.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route31.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route39.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route40.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route41.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route12.asm" SECTION "bank6A",DATA,BANK[$6A] ; Map Scripts XXIII INCLUDE "maps/NewBarkTown.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VioletCity.asm" INCLUDE "maps/OlivineCity.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route37.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route42.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route46.asm" INCLUDE "maps/ViridianCity.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CeladonCity.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route15.asm" INCLUDE "maps/VermilionCity.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route9.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CinnabarPokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CinnabarPokeCenter2FBeta.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route19FuchsiaGate.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SeafoamGym.asm" SECTION "bank6B",DATA,BANK[$6B] ; Map Scripts XXIV INCLUDE "maps/Route33.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route2.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route1.asm" INCLUDE "maps/PalletTown.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route21.asm" INCLUDE "maps/CinnabarIsland.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route20.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route18.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route17.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route16.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route7.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route14.asm" INCLUDE "maps/LavenderTown.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route6.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route5.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route24.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route3.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route4.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route10South.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route23.asm" INCLUDE "maps/SilverCavePokeCenter1F.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route28FamousSpeechHouse.asm" SECTION "bank6C",DATA,BANK[$6C] ; Common text I INCLUDE "text/common.tx" ; Map Scripts XXV INCLUDE "maps/SilverCaveOutside.asm" INCLUDE "maps/Route10North.asm" SECTION "bank6D",DATA,BANK[$6D] INCLUDE "text/phone/mom.tx" INCLUDE "text/phone/bill.tx" INCLUDE "text/phone/elm.tx" INCLUDE "text/phone/trainers1.tx" SECTION "bank6E",DATA,BANK[$6E] ; Pokedex entries II ; 065-128 INCLUDE "stats/pokedex/entries_2.asm" SECTION "bank6F",DATA,BANK[$6F] _FruitBearingTreeText: ; 0x1bc000 db $0, "It's a fruit-", $4f db "bearing tree.", $57 ; 0x1bc01c _HeyItsFruitText: ; 0x1bc01c db $0, "Hey! It's", $4f db "@" text_from_ram StringBuffer3 db $0, "!", $57 ; 0x1bc02d _ObtainedFruitText: ; 0x1bc02d db $0, "Obtained", $4f db "@" text_from_ram StringBuffer3 db $0, "!", $57 ; 0x1bc03e _FruitPackIsFullText: ; 0x1bc03e db $0, "But the PACK is", $4f db "full…", $57 ; 0x1bc055 _NothingHereText: ; 0x1bc055 db $0, "There's nothing", $4f db "here…", $57 ; 0x1bc06b INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1bc06b, $1be08d - $1bc06b SECTION "bank70",DATA,BANK[$70] ; Common text II INCLUDE "text/common_2.tx" SECTION "bank71",DATA,BANK[$71] ; Common text III INCLUDE "text/common_3.tx" SECTION "bank72",DATA,BANK[$72] ; Item names & descriptions ItemNames: INCLUDE "items/item_names.asm" INCLUDE "items/item_descriptions.asm" MoveNames: INCLUDE "battle/move_names.asm" INCLUDE "landmarks.asm" RegionCheck: ; 0x1caea1 ; Checks if the player is in Kanto or Johto. ; If in Johto, returns 0 in e. ; If in Kanto, returns 1 in e. ld a, [MapGroup] ld b, a ld a, [MapNumber] ld c, a call GetWorldMapLocation cp $5f ; on S.S. Aqua jr z, .johto cp $0 ; special jr nz, .checkagain ; If in map $00, load map group / map id from backup locations ld a, [BackupMapGroup] ld b, a ld a, [BackupMapNumber] ld c, a call GetWorldMapLocation .checkagain cp $2f ; Pallet Town jr c, .johto cp $58 ; Victory Road jr c, .kanto .johto ld e, 0 ret .kanto ld e, 1 ret SECTION "bank73",DATA,BANK[$73] ; Pokedex entries III ; 129-192 INCLUDE "stats/pokedex/entries_3.asm" SECTION "bank74",DATA,BANK[$74] ; Pokedex entries IV ; 193-251 INCLUDE "stats/pokedex/entries_4.asm" SECTION "bank75",DATA,BANK[$75] SECTION "bank76",DATA,BANK[$76] SECTION "bank77",DATA,BANK[$77] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1dc000, $1dc5a1 - $1dc000 Tileset26GFX: ; 0x1dc5a1 Tileset32GFX: ; 0x1dc5a1 Tileset33GFX: ; 0x1dc5a1 Tileset34GFX: ; 0x1dc5a1 Tileset35GFX: ; 0x1dc5a1 Tileset36GFX: ; 0x1dc5a1 INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/36.lz" ; 0x1dd1a8 db $00 Tileset26Meta: ; 0x1dd1a9 INCBIN "tilesets/26_metatiles.bin" ; 0x1dd5a9 Tileset26Coll: ; 0x1dd5a9 INCBIN "tilesets/26_collision.bin" ; 0x1dd6a9 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1dd6a9, $1de29f - $1dd6a9 DudeAutoInput_A: ; 1de29f db NO_INPUT, $50 db BUTTON_A, $00 db NO_INPUT, $ff ; end ; 1de2a5 DudeAutoInput_RightA: ; 1de2a5 db NO_INPUT, $08 db D_RIGHT, $00 db NO_INPUT, $08 db BUTTON_A, $00 db NO_INPUT, $ff ; end ; 1de2af DudeAutoInput_DownA: ; 1de2af db NO_INPUT, $fe db NO_INPUT, $fe db NO_INPUT, $fe db NO_INPUT, $fe db D_DOWN, $00 db NO_INPUT, $fe db NO_INPUT, $fe db NO_INPUT, $fe db NO_INPUT, $fe db BUTTON_A, $00 db NO_INPUT, $ff ; end ; 1de2c5 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1de2c5, $1de2e4 - $1de2c5 PokegearGFX: ; 1de2e4 INCBIN "gfx/misc/pokegear.lz" ; 1de5c7 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1de5c7, $1df238 - $1de5c7 SECTION "bank78",DATA,BANK[$78] Tileset33Meta: ; 0x1e0000 INCBIN "tilesets/33_metatiles.bin" ; 0x1e0400 Tileset34Meta: ; 0x1e0400 INCBIN "tilesets/34_metatiles.bin" ; 0x1e0800 Tileset35Meta: ; 0x1e0800 INCBIN "tilesets/35_metatiles.bin" ; 0x1e0c00 Tileset36Meta: ; 0x1e0c00 INCBIN "tilesets/36_metatiles.bin" ; 0x1e1000 SECTION "bank79",DATA,BANK[$79] SECTION "bank7A",DATA,BANK[$7A] SECTION "bank7B",DATA,BANK[$7B] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1ec000, $1ecf02 - $1ec000 SECTION "bank7C",DATA,BANK[$7C] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1f0000, $1f09d8 - $1f0000 SECTION "bank7D",DATA,BANK[$7D] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1f4000, $1f636a - $1f4000 SECTION "bank7E",DATA,BANK[$7E] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1f8000, $1fb8a8 - $1f8000 SECTION "bank7F",DATA,BANK[$7F] SECTION "stadium2",DATA[$8000-$220],BANK[$7F] INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $1ffde0, $220