EarlsPokemonAcademy_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x68a5a ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 0 AcademyEarl: applymovement $2, MovementData_0x68b2d faceplayer loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x68b3b yesorno iffalse .Part1 writetext UnknownText_0x68bbd yesorno iffalse .Done .Part1 writetext UnknownText_0x68c51 yesorno iffalse .Done writetext UnknownText_0x68c7b closetext loadmovesprites end .Done writetext UnknownText_0x68d31 closetext loadmovesprites end YoungsterScript_0x68a83: ; 0x68a83 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x68d80 ; 0x68a86 GameboyKidScript_0x68a86: ; 0x68a86 faceplayer loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x68dda closetext loadmovesprites spriteface $4, $0 end ; 0x68a91 GameboyKidScript_0x68a91: ; 0x68a91 faceplayer loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x68e07 closetext loadmovesprites spriteface $5, $0 end ; 0x68a9c YoungsterScript_0x68a9c: ; 0x68a9c jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x68e39 ; 0x68a9f AcademyBlackboard: loadfont writetext AcademyBlackboardText .Loop loadmenudata .MenuHeader interpretmenu writebackup if_equal $1, .Poison if_equal $2, .Paralysis if_equal $3, .Sleep if_equal $4, .Burn if_equal $5, .Freeze loadmovesprites end .Poison writetext AcademyPoisonText closetext jump .Loop .Paralysis writetext AcademyParalysisText closetext jump .Loop .Sleep writetext AcademySleepText closetext jump .Loop .Burn writetext AcademyBurnText closetext jump .Loop .Freeze: writetext AcademyFreezeText closetext jump .Loop .MenuHeader db $40 ; flags db 00, 00 ; start coords db 08, 11 ; end coords dw .Data db 1 ; default option .Data db $80 ; flags dn 3, 2 ; rows, columns db 5 ; spacing dbw BANK(.Text), .Text dbw $1a, $0000 .Text db "PSN@" db "PAR@" db "SLP@" db "BRN@" db "FRZ@" db "QUIT@" AcademyNotebook: loadfont writetext AcademyNotebookText yesorno iffalse .Done writetext AcademyNotebookText1 yesorno iffalse .Done writetext AcademyNotebookText2 yesorno iffalse .Done writetext AcademyNotebookText3 closetext .Done loadmovesprites end AcademyStickerMachine: ; unused jumptext AcademyStickerMachineText AcademyBookshelf: jumpstd difficultbookshelf MovementData_0x68b2d: ; 0x68b2d turn_head_down turn_head_left turn_head_up turn_head_right turn_head_down turn_head_left turn_head_up turn_head_right turn_head_down turn_head_left turn_head_up turn_head_right turn_head_down step_end ; 0x68b3b UnknownText_0x68b3b: ; 0x68b3b text "EARL, I am!" para "Wonderful are" line "#MON, yes!" para "Teach you I will" line "to be a better" cont "trainer!" para "What you want to" line "know? Want to be" cont "a winner is you?" done ; 0x68bbd UnknownText_0x68bbd: ; 0x68bbd text "Good! Teach you," line "I will!" para "In battle, #MON" line "top on list jump" cont "out first!" para "Change order in" line "list, make battle" cont "easy, maybe!" para "More from me you" line "want to hear?" done ; 0x68c51 UnknownText_0x68c51: ; 0x68c51 text "So, want to know" line "how to raise" cont "#MON well?" done ; 0x68c7b UnknownText_0x68c7b: ; 0x68c7b text "Fine! Teach you," line "I will!" para "If #MON come" line "out in battle even" para "briefly, some EXP." line "Points it gets." para "At top of list put" line "weak #MON." para "Switch in battle" line "quick!" para "This way, weak" line "#MON strong" cont "become!" done ; 0x68d31 UnknownText_0x68d31: ; 0x68d31 text "Oh! Smart student" line "you are! Nothing" cont "more do I teach!" para "Good to #MON" line "you must be!" done ; 0x68d80 UnknownText_0x68d80: ; 0x68d80 text "I'm taking notes" line "of the teacher's" cont "lecture." para "I'd better copy" line "the stuff on the" cont "blackboard too." done ; 0x68dda UnknownText_0x68dda: ; 0x68dda text "I traded my best" line "#MON to the" cont "guy beside me." done ; 0x68e07 UnknownText_0x68e07: ; 0x68e07 text "Huh? The #MON I" line "just got is hold-" cont "ing something!" done ; 0x68e39 UnknownText_0x68e39: ; 0x68e39 text "A #MON holding" line "a BERRY will heal" cont "itself in battle." para "Many other items" line "can be held by" cont "#MON…" para "It sure is tough" line "taking notes…" done ; 0x68eb2 AcademyBlackboardText: text "The blackboard" line "describes #MON" para "status changes in" line "battle." done AcademyBlackboardText2: ; unused text "Read which topic?" done AcademyPoisonText: text "If poisoned, a" line "#MON steadily" cont "loses HP." para "Poison lingers" line "after the battle," para "and HP is lost as" line "you walk." para "To cure it, use an" line "ANTIDOTE." done AcademyParalysisText: text "Paralysis reduces" line "speed and may" cont "prevent movement." para "It remains after" line "battle, so use" cont "a PARLYZ HEAL." done AcademySleepText: text "If asleep, your" line "#MON can't make" cont "a move." para "A sleeping #MON" line "doesn't wake up" cont "after battle." para "Wake it up with" line "an AWAKENING." done AcademyBurnText: text "A burn steadily" line "consumes HP." para "It also reduces" line "attack power." para "A burn lingers" line "after battle." para "Use a BURN HEAL as" line "the cure." done AcademyFreezeText: text "If your #MON is" line "frozen, it can't" cont "do a thing." para "It remains frozen" line "after battle." para "Thaw it out with" line "an ICE HEAL." done AcademyNotebookText: text "It's this kid's" line "notebook…" para "Catch #MON" line "using # BALLS." para "Up to six can be" line "in your party." para "Keep reading?" done AcademyNotebookText1: text "Before throwing a" line "# BALL, weaken" cont "the target first." para "A poisoned or" line "burned #MON is" cont "easier to catch." para "Keep reading?" done AcademyNotebookText2: text "Some moves may" line "cause confusion." para "Confusion may make" line "a #MON attack" cont "itself." para "Leaving battle" line "clears up any" cont "confusion." para "Keep reading?" done AcademyNotebookText3: text "People who catch" line "and use #MON" para "in battle are" line "#MON trainers." para "They are expected" line "to visit #MON" para "GYMS and defeat" line "other trainers." para "The next page" line "is… Blank!" para "Boy: E-he-he…" para "I haven't written" line "anymore…" done AcademyStickerMachineText: text "This super machine" line "prints data out as" para "stickers!" done EarlsPokemonAcademy_MapEventHeader: ; 0x69375 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 2 warp_def $f, $3, 3, GROUP_VIOLET_CITY, MAP_VIOLET_CITY warp_def $f, $4, 3, GROUP_VIOLET_CITY, MAP_VIOLET_CITY ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 4 signpost 1, 0, $0, AcademyBookshelf signpost 1, 1, $0, AcademyBookshelf signpost 0, 3, $0, AcademyBlackboard signpost 0, 4, $0, AcademyBlackboard ; people-events db 6 person_event SPRITE_FISHER, 6, 8, $6, $0, 255, 255, $a0, 0, AcademyEarl, $06cb person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 9, 6, $7, $0, 255, 255, $80, 0, YoungsterScript_0x68a83, $ffff person_event SPRITE_GAMEBOY_KID, 15, 7, $6, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, GameboyKidScript_0x68a86, $ffff person_event SPRITE_GAMEBOY_KID, 15, 8, $8, $0, 255, 255, $80, 0, GameboyKidScript_0x68a91, $ffff person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 11, 8, $7, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, YoungsterScript_0x68a9c, $ffff person_event SPRITE_POKEDEX, 8, 6, $1, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, AcademyNotebook, $ffff ; 0x693e7