SendMailToPC: ; 4456e ld a, MON_ITEM call GetPartyParamLocation ld d, [hl] farcall ItemIsMail jr nc, .full call GetMailboxCount cp MAILBOX_CAPACITY jr nc, .full ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH ld hl, sMailbox call AddNTimes ld d, h ld e, l ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH ld hl, sPartyMail call AddNTimes push hl ld a, BANK(sMailboxCount) call GetSRAMBank ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call CopyBytes pop hl xor a ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call ByteFill ld a, MON_ITEM call GetPartyParamLocation ld [hl], 0 ld hl, sMailboxCount inc [hl] call CloseSRAM xor a ret .full scf ret ; 445c0 DeleteMailFromPC: ; 445c0 (11:45c0) ; Shift all mail messages in the mailbox ld a, BANK(sMailboxCount) call GetSRAMBank ld a, b push bc ld hl, sMailbox ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes push hl add hl, bc pop de pop bc .loop ld a, b cp MAILBOX_CAPACITY - 1 jr z, .done push bc ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call CopyBytes pop bc inc b jr .loop .done ld h, d ld l, e xor a ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call ByteFill ld hl, sMailboxCount dec [hl] jp CloseSRAM ; 445f4 (11:45f4) ReadMailMessage: ; 445f4 ld a, b ld hl, sMailbox ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld d, h ld e, l farcall ReadAnyMail ret MoveMailFromPCToParty: ; 44607 ld a, BANK(sMailboxCount) call GetSRAMBank push bc ld a, b ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH ld hl, sMailbox call AddNTimes push hl ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH ld hl, sPartyMail call AddNTimes ld d, h ld e, l pop hl push hl ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call CopyBytes pop hl ld de, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH - MON_MOVES add hl, de ld d, [hl] ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld hl, PartyMon1Item ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld [hl], d call CloseSRAM pop bc jp DeleteMailFromPC ; 44648 (11:4648) GetMailboxCount: ; 44648 ld a, BANK(sMailboxCount) call GetSRAMBank ld a, [sMailboxCount] ld c, a jp CloseSRAM ; 44654 CheckPokeItem:: ; 44654 push bc push de farcall SelectMonFromParty ld a, $2 jr c, .pop_return ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld hl, PartyMon1Item ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld d, [hl] farcall ItemIsMail ld a, $3 jr nc, .pop_return ld a, BANK(sPartyMail) call GetSRAMBank ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld hl, sPartyMail ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld d, h ld e, l pop hl pop bc ; Compare the mail message, byte for byte, with the expected message. ld a, MAIL_MSG_LENGTH ld [wd265], a .loop ld a, [de] ld c, a ld a, b call GetFarByte cp "@" jr z, .done cp c ld a, $0 jr nz, .close_sram_return inc hl inc de ld a, [wd265] dec a ld [wd265], a jr nz, .loop .done farcall CheckCurPartyMonFainted ld a, $4 jr c, .close_sram_return xor a ld [wPokemonWithdrawDepositParameter], a farcall RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox ld a, $1 .close_sram_return call CloseSRAM jr .return .pop_return pop de pop bc .return ld [ScriptVar], a ret ; 446cc GivePokeItem:: ; 446cc ld a, [PartyCount] dec a push af push bc ld hl, PartyMon1Item ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes pop bc ld [hl], b pop af push bc push af ld hl, sPartyMail ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, wd002 ld bc, MAIL_MSG_LENGTH + 1 ld a, BANK(sPartyMail) call GetSRAMBank call CopyBytes pop af push af ld hl, PartyMonOT ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld bc, NAME_LENGTH - 1 call CopyBytes pop af ld hl, PartyMon1ID ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hl] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [CurPartySpecies] ld [de], a inc de pop bc ld a, b ld [de], a jp CloseSRAM ; 44725 BackupPartyMonMail: ; 44725 ld a, BANK(sPartyMail) call GetSRAMBank ld hl, sPartyMail ld de, sPartyMailBackup ld bc, 6 * MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call CopyBytes ld hl, sMailboxCount ld de, sMailboxCountBackup ld bc, 1 + 10 * MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call CopyBytes jp CloseSRAM ; 44745 RestorePartyMonMail: ; 44745 (11:4745) ld a, BANK(sPartyMail) call GetSRAMBank ld hl, sPartyMailBackup ld de, sPartyMail ld bc, 6 * MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call CopyBytes ld hl, sMailboxCountBackup ld de, sMailboxCount ld bc, 1 + 10 * MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call CopyBytes jp CloseSRAM DeletePartyMonMail: ; 44765 (11:4765) ld a, BANK(sPartyMail) call GetSRAMBank xor a ld hl, sPartyMail ld bc, 6 * MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call ByteFill xor a ld hl, sMailboxCount ld bc, 1 + 10 * MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call ByteFill jp CloseSRAM ; 44781 (11:4781) IsAnyMonHoldingMail: ; 44781 ld a, [PartyCount] and a jr z, .no_mons ld e, a ld hl, PartyMon1Item .loop ld d, [hl] push hl push de farcall ItemIsMail pop de pop hl ret c ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH add hl, bc dec e jr nz, .loop .no_mons and a ret ; 447a0 _KrisMailBoxMenu: ; 0x447a0 call InitMail jr z, .nomail call LoadStandardMenuDataHeader call MailboxPC jp CloseWindow .nomail ld hl, .EmptyMailboxText jp MenuTextBoxBackup ; 0x447b4 .EmptyMailboxText: ; 0x447b4 text_jump _EmptyMailboxText db "@" InitMail: ; 0x447b9 ; initialize wMailboxCount and beyond with incrementing values, one per mail ; set z if no mail ld a, BANK(sMailboxCount) call GetSRAMBank ld a, [sMailboxCount] call CloseSRAM ld hl, wMailboxCount ld [hli], a and a jr z, .done ; if no mail, we're done ; load values in memory with incrementing values starting at wMailboxCount ld b, a ld a, 1 .loop ld [hli], a inc a dec b jr nz, .loop .done ld [hl], -1 ; terminate ld a, [wMailboxCount] and a ret ; 0x447da MailboxPC_GetMailAuthor: ; 0x447da dec a ld hl, sMailbox1Author ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld a, BANK(sMailboxCount) call GetSRAMBank ld de, StringBuffer2 push de ld bc, NAME_LENGTH - 1 call CopyBytes ld a, "@" ld [de], a call CloseSRAM pop de ret ; 0x447fb MailboxPC_PrintMailAuthor: ; 0x447fb push de ld a, [MenuSelection] call MailboxPC_GetMailAuthor pop hl jp PlaceString ; 0x44806 MailboxPC: ; 0x44806 xor a ld [wCurMessageScrollPosition], a ld a, 1 ld [wCurMessageIndex], a .loop call InitMail ld hl, .TopMenuDataHeader call CopyMenuDataHeader xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a call InitScrollingMenu call UpdateSprites ld a, [wCurMessageIndex] ld [wMenuCursorBuffer], a ld a, [wCurMessageScrollPosition] ld [wMenuScrollPosition], a call ScrollingMenu ld a, [wMenuScrollPosition] ld [wCurMessageScrollPosition], a ld a, [wMenuCursorY] ld [wCurMessageIndex], a ld a, [wMenuJoypad] cp B_BUTTON jr z, .exit call .Submenu jr .loop .exit xor a ret ; 0x4484a .Submenu: ; 0x4484a ld hl, .SubMenuDataHeader call LoadMenuDataHeader call VerticalMenu call ExitMenu jr c, .subexit ld a, [wMenuCursorY] dec a ld hl, .JumpTable rst JumpTable .subexit ret ; 0x44861 .JumpTable: dw .ReadMail dw .PutInPack dw .AttachMail dw .Cancel .ReadMail: ; 0x44869 call FadeToMenu ld a, [MenuSelection] dec a ld b, a call ReadMailMessage jp CloseSubmenu ; 0x44877 .PutInPack: ; 0x44877 ld hl, .MessageLostText call MenuTextBox call YesNoBox call ExitMenu ret c ld a, [MenuSelection] dec a call .GetMailType ld a, 1 ld [wItemQuantityChangeBuffer], a ld hl, NumItems call ReceiveItem jr c, .put_in_bag ld hl, .PackFullText jp MenuTextBoxBackup .put_in_bag ld a, [MenuSelection] dec a ld b, a call DeleteMailFromPC ld hl, .PutAwayText jp MenuTextBoxBackup ; 0x448ac .PutAwayText: ; 0x448ac text_jump ClearedMailPutAwayText db "@" .PackFullText: ; 0x448b1 text_jump MailPackFullText db "@" .MessageLostText: ; 0x448b6 text_jump MailMessageLostText db "@" .GetMailType: ; 0x448bb push af ld a, BANK(sMailboxCount) call GetSRAMBank pop af ld hl, sMailbox1Type ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld a, [hl] ld [CurItem], a jp CloseSRAM ; 0x448d2 .AttachMail: ; 0x448d2 call FadeToMenu xor a ld [PartyMenuActionText], a call ClearBGPalettes .try_again farcall LoadPartyMenuGFX farcall InitPartyMenuWithCancel farcall InitPartyMenuGFX farcall WritePartyMenuTilemap farcall PrintPartyMenuText call WaitBGMap call SetPalettes call DelayFrame farcall PartyMenuSelect jr c, .exit2 ld a, [CurPartySpecies] cp EGG jr z, .egg ld a, MON_ITEM call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .attach_mail ld hl, .HoldingMailText call PrintText jr .try_again .egg ld hl, .EggText call PrintText jr .try_again .attach_mail ld a, [MenuSelection] dec a ld b, a call MoveMailFromPCToParty ld hl, .MailMovedText call PrintText .exit2 jp CloseSubmenu ; 0x4493c .HoldingMailText: ; 0x4493c text_jump MailAlreadyHoldingItemText db "@" .EggText: ; 0x44941 text_jump MailEggText db "@" .MailMovedText: ; 0x44946 text_jump MailMovedFromBoxText db "@" .Cancel: ret .TopMenuDataHeader: ; 0x4494c db MENU_BACKUP_TILES ; flags db 1, 8 ; start coords db 10, 18 ; end coords dw .TopMenuData2 db 1 ; default option .TopMenuData2: db SCROLLINGMENU_DISPLAY_ARROWS ; flags db 4, 0 ; rows/columns? db 1 ; horizontal spacing? dbw 0, wMailboxCount ; text pointer dba MailboxPC_PrintMailAuthor dba NULL dba NULL .SubMenuDataHeader: ; 0x44964 db MENU_BACKUP_TILES ; flags db 0, 0 ; start coords db 9, 13 ; end coords dw .SubMenuData2 db 1 ; default option .SubMenuData2: db STATICMENU_CURSOR ; flags db 4 ; items db "READ MAIL@" db "PUT IN PACK@" db "ATTACH MAIL@" db "CANCEL@"