const_value set 2 const ELMSLAB_ELM const ELMSLAB_ELMS_AIDE const ELMSLAB_POKE_BALL1 const ELMSLAB_POKE_BALL2 const ELMSLAB_POKE_BALL3 const ELMSLAB_OFFICER ElmsLab_MapScriptHeader: .SceneScripts: db 6 scene_script .MeetElm scene_script .DummyScene1 scene_script .DummyScene2 scene_script .DummyScene3 scene_script .DummyScene4 scene_script .DummyScene5 .MapCallbacks: db 1 dbw MAPCALLBACK_OBJECTS, .MoveElmCallback .MeetElm: priorityjump .WalkUpToElm end .DummyScene1: end .DummyScene2: end .DummyScene3: end .DummyScene4: end .DummyScene5: end .MoveElmCallback: checkscene iftrue .Skip moveobject ELMSLAB_ELM, $3, $4 .Skip: return .WalkUpToElm: applymovement PLAYER, ElmsLab_WalkUpToElmMovement showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, ELMSLAB_ELM, 15 spriteface ELMSLAB_ELM, RIGHT opentext writetext ElmText_Intro .MustSayYes: yesorno iftrue .ElmGetsEmail writetext ElmText_Refused jump .MustSayYes .ElmGetsEmail: writetext ElmText_Accepted buttonsound writetext ElmText_ResearchAmbitions waitbutton closetext playsound SFX_GLASS_TING pause 30 showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, ELMSLAB_ELM, 10 spriteface ELMSLAB_ELM, DOWN opentext writetext ElmText_GotAnEmail waitbutton closetext opentext spriteface ELMSLAB_ELM, RIGHT writetext ElmText_MissionFromMrPokemon waitbutton closetext applymovement ELMSLAB_ELM, ElmsLab_ElmToDefaultPositionMovement1 spriteface PLAYER, UP applymovement ELMSLAB_ELM, ElmsLab_ElmToDefaultPositionMovement2 spriteface PLAYER, RIGHT opentext writetext ElmText_ChooseAPokemon waitbutton setscene $1 closetext end ProfElmScript: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_GOT_SS_TICKET_FROM_ELM iftrue ElmCheckMasterBall checkevent EVENT_BEAT_ELITE_FOUR iftrue ElmGiveTicketScript ElmCheckMasterBall: checkevent EVENT_GOT_MASTER_BALL_FROM_ELM iftrue ElmCheckEverstone checkflag ENGINE_RISINGBADGE iftrue ElmGiveMasterBallScript ElmCheckEverstone: checkevent EVENT_GOT_EVERSTONE_FROM_ELM iftrue ElmScript_CallYou checkevent EVENT_SHOWED_TOGEPI_TO_ELM iftrue ElmGiveEverstoneScript checkevent EVENT_TOLD_ELM_ABOUT_TOGEPI_OVER_THE_PHONE iffalse ElmCheckTogepiEgg writebyte TOGEPI special Special_FindThatSpeciesYourTrainerID iftrue ShowElmTogepiScript writebyte TOGETIC special Special_FindThatSpeciesYourTrainerID iftrue ShowElmTogepiScript writetext UnknownText_0x79a40 waitbutton closetext end ElmEggHatchedScript: writebyte TOGEPI special Special_FindThatSpeciesYourTrainerID iftrue ShowElmTogepiScript writebyte TOGETIC special Special_FindThatSpeciesYourTrainerID iftrue ShowElmTogepiScript jump ElmCheckGotEggAgain ElmCheckTogepiEgg: checkevent EVENT_GOT_TOGEPI_EGG_FROM_ELMS_AIDE iffalse ElmCheckGotEggAgain checkevent EVENT_TOGEPI_HATCHED iftrue ElmEggHatchedScript ElmCheckGotEggAgain: checkevent EVENT_GOT_TOGEPI_EGG_FROM_ELMS_AIDE ; why are we checking it again? iftrue ElmWaitingEggHatchScript checkflag ENGINE_ZEPHYRBADGE iftrue ElmAideHasEggScript checkevent EVENT_GAVE_MYSTERY_EGG_TO_ELM iftrue ElmStudyingEggScript checkevent EVENT_GOT_MYSTERY_EGG_FROM_MR_POKEMON iftrue ElmAfterTheftScript checkevent EVENT_GOT_A_POKEMON_FROM_ELM iftrue ElmDescribesMrPokemonScript writetext ElmText_LetYourMonBattleIt waitbutton closetext end LabTryToLeaveScript: spriteface ELMSLAB_ELM, DOWN opentext writetext LabWhereGoingText waitbutton closetext applymovement PLAYER, MovementData_0x78f70 end CyndaquilPokeBallScript: checkevent EVENT_GOT_A_POKEMON_FROM_ELM iftrue LookAtElmPokeBallScript spriteface ELMSLAB_ELM, DOWN refreshscreen $0 pokepic CYNDAQUIL cry CYNDAQUIL waitbutton closepokepic opentext writetext TakeCyndaquilText yesorno iffalse DidntChooseStarterScript disappear ELMSLAB_POKE_BALL1 setevent EVENT_GOT_CYNDAQUIL_FROM_ELM writetext ChoseStarterText buttonsound waitsfx pokenamemem CYNDAQUIL, $0 writetext ReceivedStarterText playsound SFX_CAUGHT_MON waitsfx buttonsound givepoke CYNDAQUIL, 5, BERRY closetext checkcode VAR_FACING if_equal RIGHT, ElmDirectionsScript applymovement PLAYER, AfterCyndaquilMovement jump ElmDirectionsScript TotodilePokeBallScript: checkevent EVENT_GOT_A_POKEMON_FROM_ELM iftrue LookAtElmPokeBallScript spriteface ELMSLAB_ELM, DOWN refreshscreen $0 pokepic TOTODILE cry TOTODILE waitbutton closepokepic opentext writetext TakeTotodileText yesorno iffalse DidntChooseStarterScript disappear ELMSLAB_POKE_BALL2 setevent EVENT_GOT_TOTODILE_FROM_ELM writetext ChoseStarterText buttonsound waitsfx pokenamemem TOTODILE, $0 writetext ReceivedStarterText playsound SFX_CAUGHT_MON waitsfx buttonsound givepoke TOTODILE, 5, BERRY closetext applymovement PLAYER, AfterTotodileMovement jump ElmDirectionsScript ChikoritaPokeBallScript: checkevent EVENT_GOT_A_POKEMON_FROM_ELM iftrue LookAtElmPokeBallScript spriteface ELMSLAB_ELM, DOWN refreshscreen $0 pokepic CHIKORITA cry CHIKORITA waitbutton closepokepic opentext writetext TakeChikoritaText yesorno iffalse DidntChooseStarterScript disappear ELMSLAB_POKE_BALL3 setevent EVENT_GOT_CHIKORITA_FROM_ELM writetext ChoseStarterText buttonsound waitsfx pokenamemem CHIKORITA, $0 writetext ReceivedStarterText playsound SFX_CAUGHT_MON waitsfx buttonsound givepoke CHIKORITA, 5, BERRY closetext applymovement PLAYER, AfterChikoritaMovement jump ElmDirectionsScript DidntChooseStarterScript: writetext DidntChooseStarterText waitbutton closetext end ElmDirectionsScript: spriteface PLAYER, UP opentext writetext ElmDirectionsText1 waitbutton closetext addcellnum PHONE_ELM opentext writetext GotElmsNumberText playsound SFX_REGISTER_PHONE_NUMBER waitsfx waitbutton closetext spriteface ELMSLAB_ELM, LEFT opentext writetext ElmDirectionsText2 waitbutton closetext spriteface ELMSLAB_ELM, DOWN opentext writetext ElmDirectionsText3 waitbutton closetext setevent EVENT_GOT_A_POKEMON_FROM_ELM setevent EVENT_RIVAL_CHERRYGROVE_CITY setscene $5 setmapscene NEW_BARK_TOWN, $1 end ElmDescribesMrPokemonScript: writetext ElmDescribesMrPokemonText waitbutton closetext end LookAtElmPokeBallScript: opentext writetext ElmPokeBallText waitbutton closetext end ElmsLabHealingMachine: opentext checkevent EVENT_GOT_A_POKEMON_FROM_ELM iftrue .CanHeal writetext ElmsLabHealingMachineText1 waitbutton closetext end .CanHeal: writetext ElmsLabHealingMachineText2 yesorno iftrue ElmsLabHealingMachine_HealParty closetext end ElmsLabHealingMachine_HealParty: special TrainerRankings_Healings special HealParty playmusic MUSIC_NONE writebyte 1 ; Machine is in Elm's Lab special HealMachineAnim pause 30 special RestartMapMusic closetext end ElmAfterTheftDoneScript: waitbutton closetext end ElmAfterTheftScript: writetext ElmAfterTheftText1 checkitem MYSTERY_EGG iffalse ElmAfterTheftDoneScript buttonsound writetext ElmAfterTheftText2 waitbutton takeitem MYSTERY_EGG scall ElmJumpBackScript1 writetext ElmAfterTheftText3 waitbutton scall ElmJumpBackScript2 writetext ElmAfterTheftText4 buttonsound writetext ElmAfterTheftText5 buttonsound setevent EVENT_GAVE_MYSTERY_EGG_TO_ELM setflag ENGINE_BUG_CONTEST_ON setmapscene ROUTE_29, $1 clearevent EVENT_ROUTE_30_YOUNGSTER_JOEY setevent EVENT_ROUTE_30_BATTLE writetext ElmAfterTheftText6 waitbutton closetext setscene $6 end ElmStudyingEggScript: writetext ElmStudyingEggText waitbutton closetext end ElmAideHasEggScript: writetext ElmAideHasEggText waitbutton closetext end ElmWaitingEggHatchScript: writetext ElmWaitingEggHatchText waitbutton closetext end ShowElmTogepiScript: writetext ShowElmTogepiText1 waitbutton closetext showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, ELMSLAB_ELM, 15 setevent EVENT_SHOWED_TOGEPI_TO_ELM opentext writetext ShowElmTogepiText2 buttonsound writetext ShowElmTogepiText3 buttonsound ElmGiveEverstoneScript: writetext ElmGiveEverstoneText1 buttonsound verbosegiveitem EVERSTONE iffalse ElmScript_NoRoomForEverstone writetext ElmGiveEverstoneText2 waitbutton closetext setevent EVENT_GOT_EVERSTONE_FROM_ELM end ElmScript_CallYou: writetext ElmText_CallYou waitbutton ElmScript_NoRoomForEverstone: closetext end ElmGiveMasterBallScript: writetext ElmGiveMasterBallText1 buttonsound verbosegiveitem MASTER_BALL iffalse .notdone setevent EVENT_GOT_MASTER_BALL_FROM_ELM writetext ElmGiveMasterBallText2 waitbutton .notdone closetext end ElmGiveTicketScript: writetext ElmGiveTicketText1 buttonsound verbosegiveitem S_S_TICKET setevent EVENT_GOT_SS_TICKET_FROM_ELM writetext ElmGiveTicketText2 waitbutton closetext end ElmJumpBackScript1: closetext checkcode VAR_FACING if_equal DOWN, ElmJumpDownScript if_equal UP, ElmJumpUpScript if_equal LEFT, ElmJumpLeftScript if_equal RIGHT, ElmJumpRightScript end ElmJumpBackScript2: closetext checkcode VAR_FACING if_equal DOWN, ElmJumpUpScript if_equal UP, ElmJumpDownScript if_equal LEFT, ElmJumpRightScript if_equal RIGHT, ElmJumpLeftScript end ElmJumpUpScript: applymovement ELMSLAB_ELM, ElmJumpUpMovement opentext end ElmJumpDownScript: applymovement ELMSLAB_ELM, ElmJumpDownMovement opentext end ElmJumpLeftScript: applymovement ELMSLAB_ELM, ElmJumpLeftMovement opentext end ElmJumpRightScript: applymovement ELMSLAB_ELM, ElmJumpRightMovement opentext end AideScript_WalkPotions1: applymovement ELMSLAB_ELMS_AIDE, AideWalksRight1 spriteface PLAYER, DOWN scall AideScript_GivePotions applymovement ELMSLAB_ELMS_AIDE, AideWalksLeft1 end AideScript_WalkPotions2: applymovement ELMSLAB_ELMS_AIDE, AideWalksRight2 spriteface PLAYER, DOWN scall AideScript_GivePotions applymovement ELMSLAB_ELMS_AIDE, AideWalksLeft2 end AideScript_GivePotions: opentext writetext AideText_GiveYouPotions buttonsound verbosegiveitem POTION writetext AideText_AlwaysBusy waitbutton closetext setscene $2 end AideScript_WalkBalls1: applymovement ELMSLAB_ELMS_AIDE, AideWalksRight1 spriteface PLAYER, DOWN scall AideScript_GiveYouBalls applymovement ELMSLAB_ELMS_AIDE, AideWalksLeft1 end AideScript_WalkBalls2: applymovement ELMSLAB_ELMS_AIDE, AideWalksRight2 spriteface PLAYER, DOWN scall AideScript_GiveYouBalls applymovement ELMSLAB_ELMS_AIDE, AideWalksLeft2 end AideScript_GiveYouBalls: opentext writetext AideText_GiveYouBalls buttonsound itemtotext POKE_BALL, $1 scall AideScript_ReceiveTheBalls giveitem POKE_BALL, 5 writetext AideText_ExplainBalls buttonsound itemnotify closetext setscene $2 end AideScript_ReceiveTheBalls: jumpstd receiveitem end ElmsAideScript: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_GOT_TOGEPI_EGG_FROM_ELMS_AIDE iftrue AideScript_AfterTheft checkevent EVENT_GAVE_MYSTERY_EGG_TO_ELM iftrue AideScript_ExplainBalls checkevent EVENT_GOT_MYSTERY_EGG_FROM_MR_POKEMON iftrue AideScript_TheftTestimony writetext AideText_AlwaysBusy waitbutton closetext end AideScript_TheftTestimony: writetext AideText_TheftTestimony waitbutton closetext end AideScript_ExplainBalls: writetext AideText_ExplainBalls waitbutton closetext end AideScript_AfterTheft: writetext AideText_AfterTheft waitbutton closetext end MeetCopScript2: applymovement PLAYER, MeetCopScript2_StepLeft MeetCopScript: applymovement PLAYER, MeetCopScript_WalkUp CopScript: spriteface ELMSLAB_OFFICER, LEFT opentext writetext ElmsLabOfficerText1 buttonsound special SpecialNameRival writetext ElmsLabOfficerText2 waitbutton closetext applymovement ELMSLAB_OFFICER, OfficerLeavesMovement disappear ELMSLAB_OFFICER setscene $2 end ElmsLabWindow: opentext checkflag ENGINE_FLYPOINT_VIOLET iftrue .Normal checkevent EVENT_ELM_CALLED_ABOUT_STOLEN_POKEMON iftrue .BreakIn jump .Normal .BreakIn: writetext ElmsLabWindowText2 waitbutton closetext end .Normal: writetext ElmsLabWindowText1 waitbutton closetext end ElmsLabTravelTip1: jumptext ElmsLabTravelTip1Text ElmsLabTravelTip2: jumptext ElmsLabTravelTip2Text ElmsLabTravelTip3: jumptext ElmsLabTravelTip3Text ElmsLabTravelTip4: jumptext ElmsLabTravelTip4Text ElmsLabTrashcan: jumptext ElmsLabTrashcanText ElmsLabPC: jumptext ElmsLabPCText ElmsLabTrashcan2: ; unused jumpstd trashcan ElmsLabBookshelf: jumpstd difficultbookshelf ElmsLab_WalkUpToElmMovement: step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP turn_head LEFT step_end MovementData_0x78f70: step UP step_end MeetCopScript2_StepLeft: step LEFT step_end MeetCopScript_WalkUp: step UP step UP turn_head RIGHT step_end OfficerLeavesMovement: step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step_end AideWalksRight1: step RIGHT step RIGHT turn_head UP step_end AideWalksRight2: step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT turn_head UP step_end AideWalksLeft1: step LEFT step LEFT turn_head DOWN step_end AideWalksLeft2: step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT turn_head DOWN step_end ElmJumpUpMovement: fix_facing big_step UP remove_fixed_facing step_end ElmJumpDownMovement: fix_facing big_step DOWN remove_fixed_facing step_end ElmJumpLeftMovement: fix_facing big_step LEFT remove_fixed_facing step_end ElmJumpRightMovement: fix_facing big_step RIGHT remove_fixed_facing step_end ElmsLab_ElmToDefaultPositionMovement1: step UP step_end ElmsLab_ElmToDefaultPositionMovement2: step RIGHT step RIGHT step UP turn_head DOWN step_end AfterCyndaquilMovement: step LEFT step UP turn_head UP step_end AfterTotodileMovement: step LEFT step LEFT step UP turn_head UP step_end AfterChikoritaMovement: step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step UP turn_head UP step_end ElmText_Intro: text "ELM: <PLAY_G>!" line "There you are!" para "I needed to ask" line "you a favor." para "I'm conducting new" line "#MON research" para "right now. I was" line "wondering if you" para "could help me with" line "it, <PLAY_G>." para "You see…" para "I'm writing a" line "paper that I want" para "to present at a" line "conference." para "But there are some" line "things I don't" para "quite understand" line "yet." para "So!" para "I'd like you to" line "raise a #MON" para "that I recently" line "caught." done ElmText_Accepted: text "Thanks, <PLAY_G>!" para "You're a great" line "help!" done ElmText_Refused: text "But… Please, I" line "need your help!" done ElmText_ResearchAmbitions: text "When I announce my" line "findings, I'm sure" para "we'll delve a bit" line "deeper into the" para "many mysteries of" line "#MON." para "You can count on" line "it!" done ElmText_GotAnEmail: text "Oh, hey! I got an" line "e-mail!" para $56, $56, $56 line "Hm… Uh-huh…" para "Okay…" done ElmText_MissionFromMrPokemon: text "Hey, listen." para "I have an acquain-" line "tance called MR." cont "#MON." para "He keeps finding" line "weird things and" para "raving about his" line "discoveries." para "Anyway, I just got" line "an e-mail from him" para "saying that this" line "time it's real." para "It is intriguing," line "but we're busy" para "with our #MON" line "research…" para "Wait!" para "I know!" para "<PLAY_G>, can you" line "go in our place?" done ElmText_ChooseAPokemon: text "I want you to" line "raise one of the" para "#MON contained" line "in these BALLS." para "You'll be that" line "#MON's first" cont "partner, <PLAY_G>!" para "Go on. Pick one!" done ElmText_LetYourMonBattleIt: text "If a wild #MON" line "appears, let your" cont "#MON battle it!" done LabWhereGoingText: text "ELM: Wait! Where" line "are you going?" done TakeCyndaquilText: text "ELM: You'll take" line "CYNDAQUIL, the" cont "fire #MON?" done TakeTotodileText: text "ELM: Do you want" line "TOTODILE, the" cont "water #MON?" done TakeChikoritaText: text "ELM: So, you like" line "CHIKORITA, the" cont "grass #MON?" done DidntChooseStarterText: text "ELM: Think it over" line "carefully." para "Your partner is" line "important." done ChoseStarterText: text "ELM: I think" line "that's a great" cont "#MON too!" done ReceivedStarterText: text "<PLAYER> received" line "@" text_from_ram StringBuffer3 text "!" done ElmDirectionsText1: text "MR.#MON lives a" line "little bit beyond" para "CHERRYGROVE, the" line "next city over." para "It's almost a" line "direct route" para "there, so you" line "can't miss it." para "But just in case," line "here's my phone" para "number. Call me if" line "anything comes up!" done ElmDirectionsText2: text "If your #MON is" line "hurt, you should" para "heal it with this" line "machine." para "Feel free to use" line "it anytime." done ElmDirectionsText3: text "<PLAY_G>, I'm" line "counting on you!" done GotElmsNumberText: text "<PLAYER> got ELM's" line "phone number." done ElmDescribesMrPokemonText: text "MR.#MON goes" line "everywhere and" cont "finds rarities." para "Too bad they're" line "just rare and" cont "not very useful…" done ElmPokeBallText: text "It contains a" line "#MON caught by" cont "PROF.ELM." done ElmsLabHealingMachineText1: text "I wonder what this" line "does?" done ElmsLabHealingMachineText2: text "Would you like to" line "heal your #MON?" done ElmAfterTheftText1: text "ELM: <PLAY_G>, this" line "is terrible…" para "Oh, yes, what was" line "MR.#MON's big" cont "discovery?" done ElmAfterTheftText2: text "<PLAYER> handed" line "the MYSTERY EGG to" cont "PROF.ELM." done ElmAfterTheftText3: text "ELM: This?" done ElmAfterTheftText4: text "But… Is it a" line "#MON EGG?" para "If it is, it is a" line "great discovery!" done ElmAfterTheftText5: text "ELM: What?!?" para "PROF.OAK gave you" line "a #DEX?" para "<PLAY_G>, is that" line "true? Th-that's" cont "incredible!" para "He is superb at" line "seeing the poten-" cont "tial of people as" cont "trainers." para "Wow, <PLAY_G>. You" line "may have what it" para "takes to become" line "the CHAMPION." para "You seem to be" line "getting on great" cont "with #MON too." para "You should take" line "the #MON GYM" cont "challenge." para "The closest GYM" line "would be the one" cont "in VIOLET CITY." done ElmAfterTheftText6: text "…<PLAY_G>. The" line "road to the" para "championship will" line "be a long one." para "Before you leave," line "make sure that you" cont "talk to your mom." done ElmStudyingEggText: text "ELM: Don't give" line "up! I'll call if" para "I learn anything" line "about that EGG!" done ElmAideHasEggText: text "ELM: <PLAY_G>?" line "Didn't you meet my" cont "assistant?" para "He should have met" line "you with the EGG" para "at VIOLET CITY's" line "#MON CENTER." para "You must have just" line "missed him. Try to" cont "catch him there." done ElmWaitingEggHatchText: text "ELM: Hey, has that" line "EGG changed any?" done UnknownText_0x79a40: text "<PLAY_G>? I thought" line "the EGG hatched." para "Where is the" line "#MON?" done ShowElmTogepiText1: text "ELM: <PLAY_G>, you" line "look great!" done ShowElmTogepiText2: text "What?" line "That #MON!?!" done ShowElmTogepiText3: text "The EGG hatched!" line "So, #MON are" cont "born from EGGS…" para "No, perhaps not" line "all #MON are." para "Wow, there's still" line "a lot of research" cont "to be done." done ElmGiveEverstoneText1: text "Thanks, <PLAY_G>!" line "You're helping" para "unravel #MON" line "mysteries for us!" para "I want you to have" line "this as a token of" cont "our appreciation." done ElmGiveEverstoneText2: text "That's an" line "EVERSTONE." para "Some species of" line "#MON evolve" para "when they grow to" line "certain levels." para "A #MON holding" line "the EVERSTONE" cont "won't evolve." para "Give it to a #-" line "MON you don't want" cont "to evolve." done ElmText_CallYou: text "ELM: <PLAY_G>, I'll" line "call you if any-" cont "thing comes up." done AideText_AfterTheft: text "…sigh… That" line "stolen #MON." para "I wonder how it's" line "doing." para "They say a #MON" line "raised by a bad" para "person turns bad" line "itself." done ElmGiveMasterBallText1: text "ELM: Hi, <PLAY_G>!" line "Thanks to you, my" para "research is going" line "great!" para "Take this as a" line "token of my" cont "appreciation." done ElmGiveMasterBallText2: text "The MASTER BALL is" line "the best!" para "It's the ultimate" line "BALL! It'll catch" para "any #MON with-" line "out fail." para "It's given only to" line "recognized #MON" cont "researchers." para "I think you can" line "make much better" para "use of it than I" line "can, <PLAY_G>!" done ElmGiveTicketText1: text "ELM: <PLAY_G>!" line "There you are!" para "I called because I" line "have something for" cont "you." para "See? It's an" line "S.S.TICKET." para "Now you can catch" line "#MON in KANTO." done ElmGiveTicketText2: text "The ship departs" line "from OLIVINE CITY." para "But you knew that" line "already, <PLAY_G>." para "After all, you've" line "traveled all over" cont "with your #MON." para "Give my regards to" line "PROF.OAK in KANTO!" done ElmsLabSignpostText_Egg: text "It's the #MON" line "EGG being studied" cont "by PROF.ELM." done AideText_GiveYouPotions: text "<PLAY_G>, I want" line "you to have this" cont "for your errand." done AideText_AlwaysBusy: text "There are only two" line "of us, so we're" cont "always busy." done AideText_TheftTestimony: text "There was a loud" line "noise outside…" para "When we went to" line "look, someone" cont "stole a #MON." para "It's unbelievable" line "that anyone would" cont "do that!" para "…sigh… That" line "stolen #MON." para "I wonder how it's" line "doing." para "They say a #MON" line "raised by a bad" para "person turns bad" line "itself." done AideText_GiveYouBalls: text "<PLAY_G>!" para "Use these on your" line "#DEX quest!" done AideText_ExplainBalls: text "To add to your" line "#DEX, you have" cont "to catch #MON." para "Throw # BALLS" line "at wild #MON" cont "to get them." done ElmsLabOfficerText1: text "I heard a #MON" line "was stolen here…" para "I was just getting" line "some information" cont "from PROF.ELM." para "Apparently, it was" line "a young male with" cont "long, red hair…" para "What?" para "You battled a" line "trainer like that?" para "Did you happen to" line "get his name?" done ElmsLabOfficerText2: text "OK! So <RIVAL>" line "was his name." para "Thanks for helping" line "my investigation!" done ElmsLabWindowText1: text "The window's open." para "A pleasant breeze" line "is blowing in." done ElmsLabWindowText2: text "He broke in" line "through here!" done ElmsLabTravelTip1Text: text "<PLAYER> opened a" line "book." para "Travel Tip 1:" para "Press START to" line "open the MENU." done ElmsLabTravelTip2Text: text "<PLAYER> opened a" line "book." para "Travel Tip 2:" para "Record your trip" line "with SAVE!" done ElmsLabTravelTip3Text: text "<PLAYER> opened a" line "book." para "Travel Tip 3:" para "Open your PACK and" line "press SELECT to" cont "move items." done ElmsLabTravelTip4Text: text "<PLAYER> opened a" line "book." para "Travel Tip 4:" para "Check your #MON" line "moves. Press the" para "A Button to switch" line "moves." done ElmsLabTrashcanText: text "The wrapper from" line "the snack PROF.ELM" cont "ate is in there…" done ElmsLabPCText: text "OBSERVATIONS ON" line "#MON EVOLUTION" para "…It says on the" line "screen…" done ElmsLab_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 2 warp_def 4, 11, 1, NEW_BARK_TOWN warp_def 5, 11, 1, NEW_BARK_TOWN .CoordEvents: db 8 coord_event 4, 6, 1, LabTryToLeaveScript coord_event 5, 6, 1, LabTryToLeaveScript coord_event 4, 5, 3, MeetCopScript coord_event 5, 5, 3, MeetCopScript2 coord_event 4, 8, 5, AideScript_WalkPotions1 coord_event 5, 8, 5, AideScript_WalkPotions2 coord_event 4, 8, 6, AideScript_WalkBalls1 coord_event 5, 8, 6, AideScript_WalkBalls2 .BGEvents: db 16 bg_event 2, 1, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabHealingMachine bg_event 6, 1, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabBookshelf bg_event 7, 1, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabBookshelf bg_event 8, 1, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabBookshelf bg_event 9, 1, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabBookshelf bg_event 0, 7, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabTravelTip1 bg_event 1, 7, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabTravelTip2 bg_event 2, 7, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabTravelTip3 bg_event 3, 7, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabTravelTip4 bg_event 6, 7, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabBookshelf bg_event 7, 7, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabBookshelf bg_event 8, 7, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabBookshelf bg_event 9, 7, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabBookshelf bg_event 9, 3, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabTrashcan bg_event 5, 0, BGEVENT_READ, ElmsLabWindow bg_event 3, 5, BGEVENT_DOWN, ElmsLabPC .ObjectEvents: db 6 object_event 5, 2, SPRITE_ELM, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ProfElmScript, -1 object_event 2, 9, SPRITE_SCIENTIST, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_SLOW, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ElmsAideScript, EVENT_ELMS_AIDE_IN_LAB object_event 6, 3, SPRITE_POKE_BALL, SPRITEMOVEDATA_ITEM_TREE, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, CyndaquilPokeBallScript, EVENT_CYNDAQUIL_POKEBALL_IN_ELMS_LAB object_event 7, 3, SPRITE_POKE_BALL, SPRITEMOVEDATA_ITEM_TREE, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, TotodilePokeBallScript, EVENT_TOTODILE_POKEBALL_IN_ELMS_LAB object_event 8, 3, SPRITE_POKE_BALL, SPRITEMOVEDATA_ITEM_TREE, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ChikoritaPokeBallScript, EVENT_CHIKORITA_POKEBALL_IN_ELMS_LAB object_event 5, 3, SPRITE_OFFICER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_UP, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, CopScript, EVENT_COP_IN_ELMS_LAB