; metatile layout constants DEF FIRST_SPACE_METATILE EQU $80 DEF FIRST_GREY_SPACE_METATILE EQU $e0 DEF UNIQUE_SPACE_METATILES_MASK EQU %11111 ; End Space effect constants (denotes which stage of the level is cleared by this space; equivalent to STAGE_*_F constants) const_def const ES1 ; 0 const ES2 ; 1 const ES3 ; 2 const ES4 ; 3 ; Branch Space special direction values const_def 255, -1 const BRANCH_DIRECTION_INVALID ; -1 const BRANCH_DIRECTION_UNAVAILABLE ; -2 ; reserved next space values that signal movement towards anchor point rather than towards space. ; must not overlap with BRANCH_DIRECTION_* constants in order to support GO_* values as next spaces of a branch direction. const GO_DOWN ; 253 const GO_UP ; 252 const GO_LEFT ; 251 const GO_RIGHT ; 250 DEF NEXT_SPACE_IS_ANCHOR_POINT EQU const_value + 1 DEF MAX_SPACES_PER_MAP EQU const_value + 1 DEF NUM_DISABLED_SPACES_BACKUPS EQU 10