INCLUDE "engine/sgb_layouts.asm" SHINY_ATK_BIT EQU 5 SHINY_DEF_VAL EQU 10 SHINY_SPD_VAL EQU 10 SHINY_SPC_VAL EQU 10 CheckShininess: ; Check if a mon is shiny by DVs at bc. ; Return carry if shiny. ld l, c ld h, b ; Attack ld a, [hl] and 1 << SHINY_ATK_BIT jr z, .NotShiny ; Defense ld a, [hli] and $f cp SHINY_DEF_VAL jr nz, .NotShiny ; Speed ld a, [hl] and $f0 cp SHINY_SPD_VAL << 4 jr nz, .NotShiny ; Special ld a, [hl] and $f cp SHINY_SPC_VAL jr nz, .NotShiny .Shiny: scf ret .NotShiny: and a ret ; unreferenced CheckContestMon: ; Check a mon's DVs at hl in the bug catching contest. ; Return carry if its DVs are good enough to place in the contest. ; Attack ld a, [hl] cp 10 << 4 jr c, .Bad ; Defense ld a, [hli] and $f cp 10 jr c, .Bad ; Speed ld a, [hl] cp 10 << 4 jr c, .Bad ; Special ld a, [hl] and $f cp 10 jr c, .Bad .Good: scf ret .Bad: and a ret Function8aa4: ; XXX push de push bc ld hl, PalPacket_9ce6 ld de, wSGBPals ld bc, PALPACKET_LENGTH call CopyBytes pop bc pop de ld a, c ld [wSGBPals + 3], a ld a, b ld [wSGBPals + 4], a ld a, e ld [wSGBPals + 5], a ld a, d ld [wSGBPals + 6], a ld hl, wSGBPals call PushSGBPals_ ld hl, BlkPacket_9a86 call PushSGBPals_ ret InitPartyMenuPalettes: ld hl, PalPacket_9c56 + 1 call CopyFourPalettes call InitPartyMenuOBPals call WipeAttrMap ret ; SGB layout for SCGB_PARTY_MENU_HP_PALS SGB_ApplyPartyMenuHPPals: ; 8ade ld hl, wHPPals ld a, [wSGBPals] ld e, a ld d, $0 add hl, de ld e, l ld d, h ld a, [de] and a ld e, $5 jr z, .okay dec a ld e, $a jr z, .okay ld e, $f .okay push de ld hl, wSGBPals + 10 ld bc, $6 ld a, [wSGBPals] call AddNTimes pop de ld [hl], e ret Function8b07: ; Unreferenced call CheckCGB ret z ; CGB only ld hl, .BGPal ld de, wBGPals1 ld bc, 1 palettes ld a, $5 call FarCopyWRAM ld hl, .OBPal ld de, wOBPals1 ld bc, 1 palettes ld a, $5 call FarCopyWRAM call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret .BGPal: RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 18, 23, 31 RGB 15, 20, 31 RGB 00, 00, 00 .OBPal: RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 31, 31, 12 RGB 08, 16, 28 RGB 00, 00, 00 Function8b3f: ; Unreferenced call CheckCGB ret nz ld a, [hSGB] and a ret z ld hl, BlkPacket_9a86 jp PushSGBPals_ Function8b4d: ; XXX call CheckCGB jr nz, .cgb ld a, [hSGB] and a ret z ld hl, PalPacket_9c26 jp PushSGBPals_ .cgb ld de, wOBPals1 ld a, $3b call GetPredefPal jp LoadHLPaletteIntoDE Function8b67: ; XXX call CheckCGB jr nz, .cgb ld a, [hSGB] and a ret z ld hl, PalPacket_9c36 jp PushSGBPals_ .cgb ld de, wOBPals1 ld a, $3c call GetPredefPal jp LoadHLPaletteIntoDE Function8b81: ; XXX call CheckCGB jr nz, .cgb ld a, [hSGB] and a ret z ld a, c push af ld hl, PalPacket_9ce6 ld de, wSGBPals ld bc, PALPACKET_LENGTH call CopyBytes pop af call GetMonPalettePointer_ ld a, [hli] ld [wSGBPals + 3], a ld a, [hli] ld [wSGBPals + 4], a ld a, [hli] ld [wSGBPals + 5], a ld a, [hl] ld [wSGBPals + 6], a ld hl, wSGBPals jp PushSGBPals_ .cgb ld de, wOBPals1 ld a, c call GetMonPalettePointer_ call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ret LoadTrainerClassPaletteAsNthBGPal: ld a, [TrainerClass] call GetTrainerPalettePointer ld a, e jr got_palette_pointer_8bd7 LoadMonPaletteAsNthBGPal: ld a, [CurPartySpecies] call GetMonPalettePointer ld a, e bit 7, a jr z, got_palette_pointer_8bd7 and $7f inc hl inc hl inc hl inc hl got_palette_pointer_8bd7 push hl ld hl, wBGPals1 ld de, 1 palettes .loop and a jr z, .got_addr add hl, de dec a jr .loop .got_addr ld e, l ld d, h pop hl call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ret Function8bec: ; XXX ld a, [hCGB] and a jr nz, .cgb ld hl, PlayerLightScreenCount jp PushSGBPals_ .cgb ld a, [EnemyLightScreenCount] ; col ld c, a ld a, [EnemyReflectCount] ; row hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap ld de, SCREEN_WIDTH .loop and a jr z, .done add hl, de dec a jr .loop .done ld b, $0 add hl, bc lb bc, 6, 4 ld a, [EnemySafeguardCount] ; value and $3 call FillBoxCGB call CopyTilemapAtOnce ret ApplyMonOrTrainerPals: call CheckCGB ret z ld a, e and a jr z, .get_trainer ld a, [CurPartySpecies] call GetMonPalettePointer_ jr .load_palettes .get_trainer ld a, [TrainerClass] call GetTrainerPalettePointer .load_palettes ld de, wBGPals1 call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black call WipeAttrMap call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ret ApplyHPBarPals: ld a, [wWhichHPBar] and a jr z, .Enemy cp $1 jr z, .Player cp $2 jr z, .PartyMenu ret .Enemy: ld de, wBGPals2 palette PAL_BATTLE_BG_ENEMY_HP + 2 jr .okay .Player: ld de, wBGPals2 palette PAL_BATTLE_BG_PLAYER_HP + 2 .okay ld l, c ld h, $0 add hl, hl add hl, hl ld bc, HPBarPals add hl, bc ld bc, 4 ld a, $5 call FarCopyWRAM ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret .PartyMenu: ld e, c inc e hlcoord 11, 1, AttrMap ld bc, 2 * SCREEN_WIDTH ld a, [CurPartyMon] .loop and a jr z, .done add hl, bc dec a jr .loop .done lb bc, 2, 8 ld a, e call FillBoxCGB ret LoadStatsScreenPals: call CheckCGB ret z ld hl, StatsScreenPals ld b, 0 dec c add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, $5 ld [rSVBK], a ld a, [hli] ld [wBGPals1 palette 0], a ld [wBGPals1 palette 2], a ld a, [hl] ld [wBGPals1 palette 0 + 1], a ld [wBGPals1 palette 2 + 1], a pop af ld [rSVBK], a call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ret LoadMailPalettes: ld l, e ld h, 0 add hl, hl add hl, hl add hl, hl ld de, .MailPals add hl, de call CheckCGB jr nz, .cgb push hl ld hl, PalPacket_9ce6 ld de, wSGBPals ld bc, PALPACKET_LENGTH call CopyBytes pop hl inc hl inc hl ld a, [hli] ld [wSGBPals + 3], a ld a, [hli] ld [wSGBPals + 4], a ld a, [hli] ld [wSGBPals + 5], a ld a, [hli] ld [wSGBPals + 6], a ld hl, wSGBPals call PushSGBPals_ ld hl, BlkPacket_9a86 call PushSGBPals_ ret .cgb ld de, wBGPals1 ld bc, 1 palettes ld a, $5 call FarCopyWRAM call ApplyPals call WipeAttrMap call ApplyAttrMap ret .MailPals: INCLUDE "gfx/mail/mail.pal" INCLUDE "engine/cgb_layouts.asm" Function95f0: ; XXX ld hl, .Palette ld de, wBGPals1 ld bc, 1 palettes ld a, $5 call FarCopyWRAM call ApplyPals call WipeAttrMap call ApplyAttrMap ret .Palette: RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 09, 31, 31 RGB 10, 12, 31 RGB 00, 03, 19 CopyFourPalettes: ld de, wBGPals1 ld c, $4 CopyPalettes: .loop push bc ld a, [hli] push hl call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE pop hl inc hl pop bc dec c jr nz, .loop ret GetPredefPal: ld l, a ld h, $0 add hl, hl add hl, hl add hl, hl ld bc, PredefPals add hl, bc ret LoadHLPaletteIntoDE: ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, $5 ld [rSVBK], a ld c, $8 .loop ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec c jr nz, .loop pop af ld [rSVBK], a ret LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black: ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, $5 ld [rSVBK], a ld a, LOW(palred 31 + palgreen 31 + palblue 31) ld [de], a inc de ld a, HIGH(palred 31 + palgreen 31 + palblue 31) ld [de], a inc de ld c, 2 * 2 .loop ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec c jr nz, .loop xor a ld [de], a inc de ld [de], a inc de pop af ld [rSVBK], a ret FillBoxCGB: .row push bc push hl .col ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .col pop hl ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH add hl, bc pop bc dec b jr nz, .row ret ResetBGPals: push af push bc push de push hl ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, $5 ld [rSVBK], a ld hl, wBGPals1 ld c, 1 palettes .loop ld a, $ff ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a xor a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .loop pop af ld [rSVBK], a pop hl pop de pop bc pop af ret WipeAttrMap: hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT xor a call ByteFill ret ApplyPals: ld hl, wBGPals1 ld de, wBGPals2 ld bc, 16 palettes ld a, $5 call FarCopyWRAM ret ApplyAttrMap: ld a, [rLCDC] bit rLCDC_ENABLE, a jr z, .UpdateVBank1 ld a, [hBGMapMode] push af ld a, $2 ld [hBGMapMode], a call DelayFrame call DelayFrame call DelayFrame call DelayFrame pop af ld [hBGMapMode], a ret .UpdateVBank1: hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap debgcoord 0, 0 ld b, SCREEN_HEIGHT ld a, $1 ld [rVBK], a .row ld c, SCREEN_WIDTH .col ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec c jr nz, .col ld a, BG_MAP_WIDTH - SCREEN_WIDTH add e jr nc, .okay inc d .okay ld e, a dec b jr nz, .row ld a, $0 ld [rVBK], a ret ; CGB layout for SCGB_PARTY_MENU_HP_PALS CGB_ApplyPartyMenuHPPals: ; 96f3 ld hl, wHPPals ld a, [wSGBPals] ld e, a ld d, $0 add hl, de ld e, l ld d, h ld a, [de] inc a ld e, a hlcoord 11, 2, AttrMap ld bc, 2 * SCREEN_WIDTH ld a, [wSGBPals] .loop and a jr z, .done add hl, bc dec a jr .loop .done lb bc, 2, 8 ld a, e call FillBoxCGB ret InitPartyMenuOBPals: ld hl, PartyMenuOBPals ld de, wOBPals1 ld bc, 2 palettes ld a, $5 call FarCopyWRAM ret GetBattlemonBackpicPalettePointer: push de farcall GetPartyMonDVs ld c, l ld b, h ld a, [TempBattleMonSpecies] call GetPlayerOrMonPalettePointer pop de ret GetEnemyFrontpicPalettePointer: push de farcall GetEnemyMonDVs ld c, l ld b, h ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] call GetFrontpicPalettePointer pop de ret GetPlayerOrMonPalettePointer: and a jp nz, GetMonNormalOrShinyPalettePointer ld a, [wPlayerSpriteSetupFlags] bit 2, a ; transformed to male jr nz, .male ld a, [wPlayerGender] and a jr z, .male ld hl, KrisPalette ret .male ld hl, PlayerPalette ret GetFrontpicPalettePointer: and a jp nz, GetMonNormalOrShinyPalettePointer ld a, [TrainerClass] GetTrainerPalettePointer: ld l, a ld h, 0 add hl, hl add hl, hl ld bc, TrainerPalettes add hl, bc ret GetMonPalettePointer_: call GetMonPalettePointer ret Function9779: mobile call CheckCGB ret z ld hl, BattleObjectPals ld a, $90 ld [rOBPI], a ld c, 6 palettes .loop ld a, [hli] ld [rOBPD], a dec c jr nz, .loop ld hl, BattleObjectPals ld de, wOBPals1 palette 2 ld bc, 2 palettes ld a, $5 call FarCopyWRAM ret BattleObjectPals: INCLUDE "gfx/battle_anims/battle_anims.pal" Function97cc: ; XXX call CheckCGB ret z ld a, $90 ld [rOBPI], a ld a, $1c call GetPredefPal call .PushPalette ld a, $21 call GetPredefPal call .PushPalette ret .PushPalette: ld c, 1 palettes .loop ld a, [hli] ld [rOBPD], a dec c jr nz, .loop ret GetMonPalettePointer: ld l, a ld h, $0 add hl, hl add hl, hl add hl, hl ld bc, PokemonPalettes add hl, bc ret GetMonNormalOrShinyPalettePointer: push bc call GetMonPalettePointer pop bc push hl call CheckShininess pop hl ret nc rept 4 inc hl endr ret PushSGBPals_: ld a, [wcfbe] push af set 7, a ld [wcfbe], a call PushSGBPals pop af ld [wcfbe], a ret PushSGBPals: ld a, [hl] and $7 ret z ld b, a .loop push bc xor a ld [rJOYP], a ld a, $30 ld [rJOYP], a ld b, $10 .loop2 ld e, $8 ld a, [hli] ld d, a .loop3 bit 0, d ld a, $10 jr nz, .okay ld a, $20 .okay ld [rJOYP], a ld a, $30 ld [rJOYP], a rr d dec e jr nz, .loop3 dec b jr nz, .loop2 ld a, $20 ld [rJOYP], a ld a, $30 ld [rJOYP], a call SGBDelayCycles pop bc dec b jr nz, .loop ret InitSGBBorder: call CheckCGB ret nz ; SGB/DMG only di ld a, [wcfbe] push af set 7, a ld [wcfbe], a xor a ld [rJOYP], a ld [hSGB], a call PushSGBBorderPalsAndWait jr nc, .skip ld a, $1 ld [hSGB], a call _InitSGBBorderPals call SGBBorder_PushBGPals call SGBDelayCycles call SGB_ClearVRAM call PushSGBBorder call SGBDelayCycles call SGB_ClearVRAM ld hl, PalPacket_9d66 call PushSGBPals .skip pop af ld [wcfbe], a ei ret InitCGBPals:: call CheckCGB ret z ; CGB only ld a, $1 ld [rVBK], a ld hl, vTiles0 ld bc, $200 tiles xor a call ByteFill ld a, $0 ld [rVBK], a ld a, 1 << rBGPI_AUTO_INCREMENT ld [rBGPI], a ld c, 4 * 8 .bgpals_loop ld a, LOW(palred 31 + palgreen 31 + palblue 31) ld [rBGPD], a ld a, HIGH(palred 31 + palgreen 31 + palblue 31) ld [rBGPD], a dec c jr nz, .bgpals_loop ld a, 1 << rOBPI_AUTO_INCREMENT ld [rOBPI], a ld c, 4 * 8 .obpals_loop ld a, LOW(palred 31 + palgreen 31 + palblue 31) ld [rOBPD], a ld a, HIGH(palred 31 + palgreen 31 + palblue 31) ld [rOBPD], a dec c jr nz, .obpals_loop ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, $5 ld [rSVBK], a ld hl, wBGPals1 call .LoadWhitePals ld hl, wBGPals2 call .LoadWhitePals pop af ld [rSVBK], a ret .LoadWhitePals: ld c, 4 * 16 .loop ld a, LOW(palred 31 + palgreen 31 + palblue 31) ld [hli], a ld a, HIGH(palred 31 + palgreen 31 + palblue 31) ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .loop ret _InitSGBBorderPals: ld hl, .PalPacketPointerTable ld c, 9 .loop push bc ld a, [hli] push hl ld h, [hl] ld l, a call PushSGBPals pop hl inc hl pop bc dec c jr nz, .loop ret .PalPacketPointerTable: dw PalPacket_9d56 dw PalPacket_9d76 dw PalPacket_9d86 dw PalPacket_9d96 dw PalPacket_9da6 dw PalPacket_9db6 dw PalPacket_9dc6 dw PalPacket_9dd6 dw PalPacket_9de6 Function9911: ; XXX di xor a ld [rJOYP], a ld hl, PalPacket_9d56 call PushSGBPals call PushSGBBorder call SGBDelayCycles call SGB_ClearVRAM ld hl, PalPacket_9d66 call PushSGBPals ei ret PushSGBBorder: call .LoadSGBBorderPointers push de call SGBBorder_YetMorePalPushing pop hl call SGBBorder_MorePalPushing ret .LoadSGBBorderPointers: ld hl, SGBBorder ld de, SGBBorderMap ret SGB_ClearVRAM: ld hl, VRAM_Begin ld bc, VRAM_End - VRAM_Begin xor a call ByteFill ret PushSGBBorderPalsAndWait: ld hl, PalPacket_9d26 call PushSGBPals call SGBDelayCycles ld a, [rJOYP] and $3 cp $3 jr nz, .carry ld a, $20 ld [rJOYP], a ld a, [rJOYP] ld a, [rJOYP] call SGBDelayCycles call SGBDelayCycles ld a, $30 ld [rJOYP], a call SGBDelayCycles call SGBDelayCycles ld a, $10 ld [rJOYP], a rept 6 ld a, [rJOYP] endr call SGBDelayCycles call SGBDelayCycles ld a, $30 ld [rJOYP], a ld a, [rJOYP] ld a, [rJOYP] ld a, [rJOYP] call SGBDelayCycles call SGBDelayCycles ld a, [rJOYP] and $3 cp $3 jr nz, .carry call .FinalPush and a ret .carry call .FinalPush scf ret .FinalPush: ld hl, PalPacket_9d16 call PushSGBPals jp SGBDelayCycles SGBBorder_PushBGPals: call DisableLCD ld a, %11100100 ld [rBGP], a ld hl, PredefPals ld de, vTiles1 ld bc, $100 tiles call CopyData call DrawDefaultTiles ld a, LCDC_DEFAULT ld [rLCDC], a ld hl, PalPacket_9d06 call PushSGBPals xor a ld [rBGP], a ret SGBBorder_MorePalPushing: call DisableLCD ld a, $e4 ld [rBGP], a ld de, vTiles1 ld bc, 20 tiles call CopyData ld b, 18 .loop push bc ld bc, $c call CopyData ld bc, $28 call ClearBytes ld bc, $c call CopyData pop bc dec b jr nz, .loop ld bc, $140 call CopyData ld bc, Start call ClearBytes ld bc, 16 palettes call CopyData call DrawDefaultTiles ld a, LCDC_DEFAULT ld [rLCDC], a ld hl, PalPacket_9d46 call PushSGBPals xor a ld [rBGP], a ret SGBBorder_YetMorePalPushing: call DisableLCD ld a, %11100100 ld [rBGP], a ld de, vTiles1 ld b, $80 .loop push bc ld bc, 1 tiles call CopyData ld bc, 1 tiles call ClearBytes pop bc dec b jr nz, .loop call DrawDefaultTiles ld a, LCDC_DEFAULT ld [rLCDC], a ld hl, PalPacket_9d36 call PushSGBPals xor a ld [rBGP], a ret CopyData: ; 0x9a52 ; copy bc bytes of data from hl to de .loop ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec bc ld a, c or b jr nz, .loop ret ; 0x9a5b ClearBytes: ; 0x9a5b ; clear bc bytes of data starting from de .loop xor a ld [de], a inc de dec bc ld a, c or b jr nz, .loop ret ; 0x9a64 DrawDefaultTiles: ; 0x9a64 ; Draw 240 tiles (2/3 of the screen) from tiles in VRAM hlbgcoord 0, 0 ; BG Map 0 ld de, BG_MAP_WIDTH - SCREEN_WIDTH ld a, $80 ; starting tile ld c, 12 + 1 .line ld b, 20 .tile ld [hli], a inc a dec b jr nz, .tile ; next line add hl, de dec c jr nz, .line ret ; 0x9a7a SGBDelayCycles: ld de, 7000 .wait nop nop nop dec de ld a, d or e jr nz, .wait ret INCLUDE "gfx/sgb/blk_packets.asm" INCLUDE "gfx/sgb/pal_packets.asm" PredefPals: INCLUDE "gfx/sgb/predef.pal" SGBBorderMap: INCBIN "gfx/sgb/sgb_border.tilemap" SGBBorderPalettes: INCLUDE "gfx/sgb/sgb_border.pal" SGBBorder: INCBIN "gfx/sgb/sgb_border.2bpp" HPBarPals: INCLUDE "gfx/battle/hp_bar.pal" ExpBarPalette: INCLUDE "gfx/battle/exp_bar.pal" INCLUDE "data/pokemon/palettes.asm" INCLUDE "data/trainers/palettes.asm" LoadMapPals: farcall LoadSpecialMapPalette jr c, .got_pals ; Which palette group is based on whether we're outside or inside ld a, [wEnvironment] and 7 ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, EnvironmentColorsPointers add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; Futher refine by time of day ld a, [TimeOfDayPal] maskbits NUM_DAYTIMES +- 1 add a add a add a ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de ld e, l ld d, h ; Switch to palettes WRAM bank ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, $5 ld [rSVBK], a ld hl, wBGPals1 ld b, 8 .outer_loop ld a, [de] ; lookup index for TilesetBGPalette push de push hl ld l, a ld h, 0 add hl, hl add hl, hl add hl, hl ld de, TilesetBGPalette add hl, de ld e, l ld d, h pop hl ld c, 1 palettes .inner_loop ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .inner_loop pop de inc de dec b jr nz, .outer_loop pop af ld [rSVBK], a .got_pals ld a, [TimeOfDayPal] maskbits NUM_DAYTIMES +- 1 ld bc, 8 palettes ld hl, MapObjectPals call AddNTimes ld de, wOBPals1 ld bc, 8 palettes ld a, BANK(wOBPals1) call FarCopyWRAM ld a, [wEnvironment] cp TOWN jr z, .outside cp ROUTE ret nz .outside ld a, [MapGroup] ld l, a ld h, 0 add hl, hl add hl, hl add hl, hl ld de, RoofPals add hl, de ld a, [TimeOfDayPal] maskbits NUM_DAYTIMES +- 1 cp NITE_F jr c, .morn_day rept 4 inc hl endr .morn_day ld de, wBGPals1 palette PAL_BG_ROOF + 2 ld bc, 4 ld a, $5 call FarCopyWRAM ret INCLUDE "data/maps/environment_colors.asm" Palette_b309: ; b309 mobile RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 31, 19, 24 RGB 30, 10, 06 RGB 00, 00, 00 Palette_b311: ; b311 not mobile RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 17, 19, 31 RGB 14, 16, 31 RGB 00, 00, 00 TilesetBGPalette: INCLUDE "gfx/tilesets/bg_tiles.pal" MapObjectPals:: INCLUDE "gfx/overworld/npc_sprites.pal" RoofPals: INCLUDE "gfx/tilesets/roofs.pal" DiplomaPalettes: INCLUDE "gfx/diploma/diploma.pal" PartyMenuOBPals: INCLUDE "gfx/icons/party_menu.pal" Palettes_b6f1: INCLUDE "gfx/unknown/b6f1.pal" Palettes_b719: INCLUDE "gfx/unknown/b719.pal" MalePokegearPals: INCLUDE "gfx/pokegear/pokegear.pal" FemalePokegearPals: INCLUDE "gfx/pokegear/pokegear_f.pal" Palettes_b789: INCLUDE "gfx/unknown/b789.pal" SlotMachinePals: INCLUDE "gfx/slots/slots.pal"