BoardMenuScript:: opentext callasm .Upkeep .display_menu callasm BoardMenu ifequal BOARDMENUITEM_DIE, .Die ifequal BOARDMENUITEM_PARTY, .Party ifequal BOARDMENUITEM_PACK, .Pack ifequal BOARDMENUITEM_POKEGEAR, .Pokegear ifequal BOARDMENUITEM_EXIT, .Exit ifequal BOARDMENUITEM_VIEWMAP, .ViewMap closetext end .Upkeep: ; skip upkeep if we are re-entering after returning from View Map mode ldh a, [hCurBoardEvent] cp BOARDEVENT_REDISPLAY_MENU ret z ; save after opentext to reanchor map first ; save before processing variables like wCurTurn due to BoardMenuScript reentry after game reset farcall AutoSaveGameInOverworld ; reset turn-scoped variables (wDieRoll, wSpacesLeft) and update wCurTurn ld hl, wTurnData ld bc, wTurnDataEnd - wTurnData xor a call ByteFill ld hl, wCurTurn ld a, [hli] cp MAX_TURNS / $100 jr nz, .not_max_turns ld a, [hl] cp MAX_TURNS % $100 jr z, .next .not_max_turns inc [hl] jr nz, .next dec hl inc [hl] jr .next .next ; apply wCurTurn and wDieRoll in overworld HUD call RefreshOverworldHUD ; reset turn-scoped event flags ld hl, wEventFlags + EVENT_TURN_SCOPED_FLAGS_START / 8 ld c, (EVENT_TURN_SCOPED_FLAGS_END / 8) - (EVENT_TURN_SCOPED_FLAGS_START / 8) xor a .loop ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .loop ; load the data for the current space to wCurSpaceStruct jp LoadCurSpaceData .Die: callasm BoardMenu_Die iffalse BoardMenuScript callasm BoardMenu_BreakDieAnimation callasm RestoreOverworldFontOverBoardMenuGFX end .Party: callasm BoardMenu_Party scall .SubmenuCallback sjump .display_menu .Pack: callasm BoardMenu_Pack scall .SubmenuCallback sjump .display_menu .Pokegear: callasm BoardMenu_Pokegear scall .SubmenuCallback sjump .display_menu .Exit: writetext .EmptyText callasm RestoreOverworldFontOverBoardMenuGFX writetext .ConfirmExitText yesorno iftrue .exit writetext .EmptyText sjump .display_menu .exit: wait 300 exitoverworld ABANDONED_LEVEL endall .ConfirmExitText: text "Abandon level and" line "return to menu?" done .EmptyText: text "" done .ViewMap: callasm .EnterViewMapMode closetext end .EnterViewMapMode: call BackupMapObjectsOnEnterViewMapMode ld hl, wVramState res 2, [hl] ld a, BOARDEVENT_VIEW_MAP_MODE ldh [hCurBoardEvent], a ld a, 100 ld [wViewMapModeRange], a ld a, [wMapGroup] ld [wBeforeViewMapMapGroup], a ld a, [wMapNumber] ld [wBeforeViewMapMapNumber], a ld a, [wXCoord] ld [wBeforeViewMapXCoord], a ld a, [wYCoord] ld [wBeforeViewMapYCoord], a ld a, [wPlayerDirection] ld [wBeforeViewMapDirection], a xor a ld [wViewMapModeDisplacementY], a ld [wViewMapModeDisplacementX], a call DisableOverworldHUD farcall LoadViewMapModeGFX ld hl, wDisplaySecondarySprites set SECONDARYSPRITES_VIEW_MAP_MODE_F, [hl] ld hl, wPlayerFlags set INVISIBLE_F, [hl] farcall MockPlayerObject ret .SubmenuCallback: ; if submenu has requested a callback through wMenuReturn, ; it has also taken care of queuing it into wQueuedScriptBank/wQueuedScriptAddr. readmem wMenuReturn ifequal MENURETURN_SCRIPT, .CallbackScript ifequal MENURETURN_ASM, .CallbackAsm end .CallbackScript: memjump wQueuedScriptBank .CallbackAsm: memcallasm wQueuedScriptBank end BoardMenu:: ; returns the selected menu item (BOARDMENUITEM_*) in hScriptVar upon exit ld a, [wBoardMenuLastCursorPosition] cp NUM_BOARD_MENU_ITEMS jr c, .ok ld a, BOARDMENUITEM_DIE .ok ld [wBoardMenuCursorPosition], a ; clear any other sprite animation farcall ClearSpriteAnims ; refresh overworld sprites to hide those behind textbox before drawing new graphics call UpdateSprites farcall LoadBoardMenuGFX call DrawBoardMenuTilesAndClearPriorityAttr call ApplyBoardMenuSpritePalette ; allow Pal update to complete, then apply the tilemap call DelayFrame call ApplyTilemap ; update sprites again to display the sprites of the selected menu item ld hl, wDisplaySecondarySprites set SECONDARYSPRITES_BOARD_MENU_F, [hl] call UpdateSprites .loop call GetBoardMenuSelection jr c, .done ld hl, wBoardMenuCursorPosition ld a, [wBoardMenuLastCursorPosition] cp [hl] jr z, .loop ; menu item change: refresh board menu OAM and save cursor position call ApplyBoardMenuSpritePalette call UpdateSprites ld a, [wBoardMenuCursorPosition] ld [wBoardMenuLastCursorPosition], a jr .loop .done ld hl, wDisplaySecondarySprites res SECONDARYSPRITES_BOARD_MENU_F, [hl] ld a, [wBoardMenuCursorPosition] ldh [hScriptVar], a ret DrawBoardMenuTilesAndClearPriorityAttr: hlcoord TEXTBOX_INNERX, TEXTBOX_INNERY ld a, BOARD_MENU_BG_FIRST_TILE lb bc, 3, 18 call FillBoxWithConsecutiveBytes hlcoord TEXTBOX_INNERX, TEXTBOX_INNERY, wAttrmap ld a, PAL_BG_TEXT lb bc, 3, 18 jp FillBoxWithByte ApplyBoardMenuSpritePalette: ld a, [wBoardMenuCursorPosition] or PAL_OW_MISC_BOARD_MENU_ITEMS ld [wCurOverworldMiscPal], a ; write to wOBPals2 directly as well to avoid calling ApplyPals and overwriting other overworld pals ; writing to wOBPals1 is still necessary to make fading animations consistent farcall LoadOverworldMiscObjPal_ToObPals1And2 ld a, TRUE ldh [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret GetBoardMenuSelection: call JoyTextDelay call GetMenuJoypad bit A_BUTTON_F, a jr nz, .a_button bit SELECT_F, a jr nz, .select_button bit D_RIGHT_F, a jr nz, .d_right bit D_LEFT_F, a jr nz, .d_left xor a ret ; nc .a_button call PlayClickSFX call WaitSFX scf ret .select_button ld a, BOARDMENUITEM_VIEWMAP ld [wBoardMenuCursorPosition], a call PlayClickSFX call WaitSFX scf ret .d_right call PlayClickSFX ld a, [wBoardMenuCursorPosition] inc a cp NUM_BOARD_MENU_ITEMS jr c, .right_dont_wrap_around ld a, BOARDMENUITEM_DIE .right_dont_wrap_around ld [wBoardMenuCursorPosition], a xor a ret ; nc .d_left call PlayClickSFX ld a, [wBoardMenuCursorPosition] dec a cp -1 jr nz, .left_dont_wrap_around ld a, NUM_BOARD_MENU_ITEMS - 1 ; BOARDMENUITEM_EXIT .left_dont_wrap_around ld [wBoardMenuCursorPosition], a xor a ret ; nc BoardMenu_Die: DEF DIE_MAX_NUMBER EQU 6 ld hl, wDisplaySecondarySprites set SECONDARYSPRITES_DIE_ROLL_F, [hl] ld a, 1 ld [wDieRoll], a call HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_Menu ; call CloseText ; closetext .rotate_die_loop call IsSFXPlaying ld de, SFX_STOP_SLOT call c, PlaySFX call Random .sample_die_loop sub DIE_MAX_NUMBER jr nc, .sample_die_loop add DIE_MAX_NUMBER add $1 ld [wDieRoll], a call UpdateSecondarySprites call GetJoypad ldh a, [hJoyPressed] bit B_BUTTON_F, a jr nz, .back_to_menu bit A_BUTTON_F, a jr nz, .confirm_roll call DelayFrame jr .rotate_die_loop .back_to_menu call PlayClickSFX ld hl, wDisplaySecondarySprites res SECONDARYSPRITES_DIE_ROLL_F, [hl] call UpdateActiveSprites ; update sprites not to drag a static die xor a ; FALSE ldh [hScriptVar], a ret .confirm_roll call UpdateSprites ld a, TRUE ldh [hScriptVar], a ret BoardMenu_BreakDieAnimation: farcall LoadBoardMenuDieNumbersGFX call RefreshOverworldHUD ; apply wDieRoll in overworld HUD ld a, [wDieRoll] dec a add a ld c, a ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_DICT_BOARD_MENU ld hl, wSpriteAnimDict ; wSpriteAnimDict[0] ld [hli], a ld a, DIE_ROLL_OAM_FIRST_TILE add c ld [hli], a xor a ; SPRITE_ANIM_DICT_DEFAULT ld [hli], a ; wSpriteAnimDict[1] ld a, DIE_NUMBERS_OAM_FIRST_TILE add c ld [hl], a ; initialize break die animation depixel 8, 10, 0, 0 ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_OBJ_BOARD_MENU_BREAK_DIE call InitSpriteAnimStruct ; initialize appear die number animation, but only if there is enough ; OAM space without pushing aside some NPC (aesthetic failsafe). ldh a, [hUsedSpriteIndex] cp (NUM_SPRITE_OAM_STRUCTS * SPRITEOAMSTRUCT_LENGTH) - (4 * SPRITEOAMSTRUCT_LENGTH) + 1 jr nc, .anims_initialized depixel 8, 10, 0, 0 ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_OBJ_BOARD_MENU_APPEAR_DIE_NUMBER call InitSpriteAnimStruct .anims_initialized ld hl, wDisplaySecondarySprites res SECONDARYSPRITES_DIE_ROLL_F, [hl] ld hl, wVramState set 2, [hl] ; do not clear wShadowOAM during DoNextFrameForAllSprites ; animation plays above NPCs so draw the graphics at the beginning of OAM. ; begin placing NPC sprites in OAM after all objects allocated to animations. ld a, [wSpriteAnim2Index] and a ld a, $8 * SPRITEOAMSTRUCT_LENGTH ; with SPRITE_ANIM_OBJ_BOARD_MENU_APPEAR_DIE_NUMBER jr nz, .go ld a, $4 * SPRITEOAMSTRUCT_LENGTH ; w/o SPRITE_ANIM_OBJ_BOARD_MENU_APPEAR_DIE_NUMBER .go ldh [hUsedSpriteIndex], a farcall _UpdateActiveSpritesAfterOffset ld de, SFX_PLACE_PUZZLE_PIECE_DOWN call PlaySFX ; play break die and appear die number animations ld a, 61 ; total duration of SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_BOARD_MENU_BREAK_DIE. ; the total duration is the sum of all durations in the frameset ; plus one for each oam* entry in the frameset. ld [wFrameCounter], a .loop1 farcall PlaySpriteAnimationsAndDelayFrame ld hl, wFrameCounter ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .next dec [hl] jr .loop1 .next ; initialize move die number animation depixel 8, 10, 0, 0 ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_OBJ_BOARD_MENU_MOVE_DIE_NUMBER call InitSpriteAnimStruct ld a, $4 * SPRITEOAMSTRUCT_LENGTH ldh [hUsedSpriteIndex], a farcall _UpdateActiveSpritesAfterOffset ; play move die number animation ld a, 43 ; total duration of SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_BOARD_MENU_MOVE_DIE_NUMBER ld [wFrameCounter], a .loop2 farcall PlaySpriteAnimationsAndDelayFrame ld hl, wFrameCounter ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .done dec [hl] jr .loop2 .done ld hl, wVramState res 2, [hl] farcall ClearSpriteAnims ld hl, wDisplaySecondarySprites set SECONDARYSPRITES_SPACES_LEFT_F, [hl] ld a, [wDieRoll] ld [wSpacesLeft], a call UpdateSprites ld a, BOARDEVENT_HANDLE_BOARD ldh [hCurBoardEvent], a ret BoardMenu_Party: ld a, [wPartyCount] and a ret z call BoardMenu_OpenSubmenu farcall Party jr nc, .quit .return ; if cancelled or pressed B call BoardMenu_CloseSubmenu ret .quit ; if quitted party menu after using field move call BoardMenu_CloseSubmenu ld a, MENURETURN_SCRIPT ld [wMenuReturn], a ret BoardMenu_Pack: call BoardMenu_OpenSubmenu farcall Pack call BoardMenu_CloseSubmenu ld a, [wPackUsedItem] and a ret z ld a, MENURETURN_SCRIPT ld [wMenuReturn], a ret BoardMenu_Pokegear: call BoardMenu_OpenSubmenu farcall PokeGear jp BoardMenu_CloseSubmenu BoardMenu_OpenSubmenu: xor a ld [wMenuReturn], a ldh [hBGMapMode], a call LoadStandardMenuHeader farcall FadeOutToWhite call DisableOverworldHUD ld a, FALSE ld [wText2bpp], a call LoadStandardFont call LoadFrame call ClearSprites call DisableSpriteUpdates ret BoardMenu_CloseSubmenu: call ClearBGPalettes farcall ClearSpriteAnims ld a, TRUE ld [wText2bpp], a call EnableOverworldHUD call ReloadTilesetAndPalettes call UpdateSprites call ExitMenu call ClearTextbox ld b, CGB_MAPPALS call GetCGBLayout call WaitBGMap2 farcall FadeInFromWhite call EnableSpriteUpdates ret