object_const_def ; object_event constants const MOUNTMOON_SILVER MountMoon_MapScripts: db 2 ; scene scripts scene_script .RivalEncounter ; SCENE_DEFAULT scene_script .DummyScene ; SCENE_FINISHED db 0 ; callbacks .RivalEncounter: prioritysjump .RivalBattle end .DummyScene: end .RivalBattle: turnobject PLAYER, RIGHT showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, PLAYER, 15 special FadeOutMusic pause 15 applymovement MOUNTMOON_SILVER, MountMoonSilverMovementBefore playmusic MUSIC_RIVAL_ENCOUNTER opentext writetext MountMoonSilverTextBefore waitbutton closetext checkevent EVENT_GOT_TOTODILE_FROM_ELM iftrue .Totodile checkevent EVENT_GOT_CHIKORITA_FROM_ELM iftrue .Chikorita winlosstext MountMoonSilverTextWin, MountMoonSilverTextLoss setlasttalked MOUNTMOON_SILVER loadtrainer RIVAL2, RIVAL2_1_TOTODILE startbattle dontrestartmapmusic reloadmapafterbattle sjump .FinishBattle .Totodile: winlosstext MountMoonSilverTextWin, MountMoonSilverTextLoss setlasttalked MOUNTMOON_SILVER loadtrainer RIVAL2, RIVAL2_1_CHIKORITA startbattle dontrestartmapmusic reloadmapafterbattle sjump .FinishBattle .Chikorita: winlosstext MountMoonSilverTextWin, MountMoonSilverTextLoss setlasttalked MOUNTMOON_SILVER loadtrainer RIVAL2, RIVAL2_1_CYNDAQUIL startbattle dontrestartmapmusic reloadmapafterbattle sjump .FinishBattle .FinishBattle: playmusic MUSIC_RIVAL_AFTER opentext writetext MountMoonSilverTextAfter waitbutton closetext applymovement MOUNTMOON_SILVER, MountMoonSilverMovementAfter disappear MOUNTMOON_SILVER setscene SCENE_FINISHED setevent EVENT_BEAT_RIVAL_IN_MT_MOON playmapmusic end MountMoonSilverMovementBefore: step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step_end MountMoonSilverMovementAfter: step RIGHT step RIGHT step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step_end MountMoonSilverTextBefore: text "<……> <……> <……>" para "It's been a while," line "<PLAYER>." para "…Since I lost to" line "you, I thought" para "about what I was" line "lacking with my" cont "#MON…" para "And we came up" line "with an answer." para "<PLAYER>, now we'll" line "show you!" done MountMoonSilverTextWin: text "<……> <……> <……>" para "I thought I raised" line "my #MON to be" para "the best they" line "could be…" para "…But it still " line "wasn't enough…" done MountMoonSilverTextAfter: text "<……> <……> <……>" para "…You won, fair" line "and square." para "I admit it. But" line "this isn't the" cont "end." para "I'm going to be" line "the greatest #-" cont "MON trainer ever." para "Because these guys" line "are behind me." para "…Listen, <PLAYER>." para "One of these days" line "I'm going to prove" para "how good I am by" line "beating you." done MountMoonSilverTextLoss: text "<……> <……> <……>" para "I've repaid my" line "debt to you." para "With my #MON," line "I'm going to beat" para "the CHAMPION and" line "become the world's" cont "greatest trainer." done MountMoon_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler db 8 ; warp events warp_event 3, 3, ROUTE_3, 1 warp_event 15, 15, ROUTE_4, 1 warp_event 13, 3, MOUNT_MOON, 7 warp_event 15, 11, MOUNT_MOON, 8 warp_event 25, 5, MOUNT_MOON_SQUARE, 1 warp_event 25, 15, MOUNT_MOON_SQUARE, 2 warp_event 25, 3, MOUNT_MOON, 3 warp_event 25, 13, MOUNT_MOON, 4 db 0 ; coord events db 0 ; bg events db 1 ; object events object_event 7, 3, SPRITE_SILVER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_LEFT, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ObjectEvent, EVENT_MT_MOON_RIVAL