object_const_def const PLAYERSHOUSE2F_CONSOLE const PLAYERSHOUSE2F_DOLL_1 const PLAYERSHOUSE2F_DOLL_2 const PLAYERSHOUSE2F_BIG_DOLL const PLAYERSHOUSE2F_TRAINER Level1_Map1_MapScripts: def_scene_scripts def_callbacks PlayersHouseDoll1Script:: opentext callasm .BoardMenu waitbutton pokemart MARTTYPE_STANDARD, MART_AZALEA closetext end .BoardMenu: farcall BoardMenu ret ; describedecoration DECODESC_LEFT_DOLL PlayersHouseDoll2Script: jumpstd PokecenterNurseScript ; describedecoration DECODESC_RIGHT_DOLL PlayersHouseBigDollScript: jumpstd PCScript ; describedecoration DECODESC_BIG_DOLL PlayersHouseGameConsoleScript: randomwildmon startbattle reloadmapafterbattle end ; describedecoration DECODESC_CONSOLE PlayersHousePosterScript: describedecoration DECODESC_POSTER PlayersHouseRadioScript: jumpstd Radio1Script .AbbreviatedRadio: opentext writetext PlayersRadioText4 pause 45 closetext end PlayersHouseBookshelfScript: jumpstd PictureBookshelfScript PlayersHousePCScript: opentext special PlayersHousePC iftrue .Warp closetext end .Warp: warp NONE, 0, 0 end PlayersRadioText1: text "PROF.OAK'S #MON" line "TALK! Please tune" cont "in next time!" done PlayersRadioText2: text "#MON CHANNEL!" done PlayersRadioText3: text "This is DJ MARY," line "your co-host!" done PlayersRadioText4: text "#MON!" line "#MON CHANNEL…" done TrainerYoungsterMikey: trainer YOUNGSTER, MIKEY, EVENT_DECO_BED_1, YoungsterMikeySeenText, YoungsterMikeyBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: endifjustbattled opentext writetext YoungsterMikeyAfterText waitbutton closetext end YoungsterMikeySeenText: text "You're a #MON" line "trainer, right?" para "Then you have to" line "battle!" done YoungsterMikeyBeatenText: text "That's strange." line "I won before." done YoungsterMikeyAfterText: text "Becoming a good" line "trainer is really" cont "tough." para "I'm going to bat-" line "tle other people" cont "to get better." done Level1_Map1_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler def_warp_events warp_event 7, 0, LEVEL_1_MAP_1, 1 def_coord_events def_bg_events bg_event 2, 1, BGEVENT_UP, PlayersHousePCScript bg_event 3, 1, BGEVENT_READ, PlayersHouseRadioScript bg_event 5, 1, BGEVENT_READ, PlayersHouseBookshelfScript bg_event 6, 0, BGEVENT_IFSET, PlayersHousePosterScript def_object_events object_event 4, 2, SPRITE_CONSOLE, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STILL, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, PlayersHouseGameConsoleScript, -1 object_event 4, 4, SPRITE_DOLL_1, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STILL, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, PlayersHouseDoll1Script, -1 object_event 5, 4, SPRITE_DOLL_2, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STILL, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, PlayersHouseDoll2Script, -1 object_event 0, 1, SPRITE_BIG_DOLL, SPRITEMOVEDATA_BIGDOLL, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, PlayersHouseBigDollScript, -1 object_event 6, 6, SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 1, TrainerYoungsterMikey, -1