PlayRadioShow: ; If we're already in the radio program proper, we don't need to be here. ld a, [wCurRadioLine] cp POKE_FLUTE_RADIO jr nc, .ok ; If Team Rocket is not occupying the radio tower, we don't need to be here. ld a, [wStatusFlags2] bit STATUSFLAGS2_ROCKETS_IN_RADIO_TOWER_F, a jr z, .ok ; If we're in Kanto, we don't need to be here. call IsInJohto and a jr nz, .ok ; Team Rocket broadcasts on all stations. ld a, ROCKET_RADIO ld [wCurRadioLine], a .ok ; Jump to the currently loaded station. The index to which we need to jump is in wCurRadioLine. ld a, [wCurRadioLine] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, RadioJumptable add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp hl RadioJumptable: ; entries correspond to constants/radio_constants.asm dw OaksPKMNTalk1 ; $00 dw PokedexShow1 ; $01 dw BenMonMusic1 ; $02 dw LuckyNumberShow1 ; $03 dw BuenasPassword1 ; $04 dw PeoplePlaces1 ; $05 dw FernMonMusic1 ; $06 dw RocketRadio1 ; $07 dw PokeFluteRadio ; $08 dw UnownRadio ; $09 dw EvolutionRadio ; $0a ; OaksPKMNTalk dw OaksPKMNTalk2 ; $0b dw OaksPKMNTalk3 ; $0c dw OaksPKMNTalk4 ; $0d dw OaksPKMNTalk5 ; $0e dw OaksPKMNTalk6 ; $0f dw OaksPKMNTalk7 ; $10 dw OaksPKMNTalk8 ; $11 dw OaksPKMNTalk9 ; $12 dw PokedexShow2 ; $13 dw PokedexShow3 ; $14 dw PokedexShow4 ; $15 dw PokedexShow5 ; $16 ; Ben Music dw BenMonMusic2 ; $17 dw BenMonMusic3 ; $18 dw BenFernMusic4 ; $19 dw BenFernMusic5 ; $1a dw BenFernMusic6 ; $1b dw BenFernMusic7 ; $1c dw FernMonMusic2 ; $1d ; Lucky Number Show dw LuckyNumberShow2 ; $1e dw LuckyNumberShow3 ; $1f dw LuckyNumberShow4 ; $20 dw LuckyNumberShow5 ; $21 dw LuckyNumberShow6 ; $22 dw LuckyNumberShow7 ; $23 dw LuckyNumberShow8 ; $24 dw LuckyNumberShow9 ; $25 dw LuckyNumberShow10 ; $26 dw LuckyNumberShow11 ; $27 dw LuckyNumberShow12 ; $28 dw LuckyNumberShow13 ; $29 dw LuckyNumberShow14 ; $2a dw LuckyNumberShow15 ; $2b ; People & Places dw PeoplePlaces2 ; $2c dw PeoplePlaces3 ; $2d dw PeoplePlaces4 ; $2e dw PeoplePlaces5 ; $2f dw PeoplePlaces6 ; $30 dw PeoplePlaces7 ; $31 ; Rocket Radio dw RocketRadio2 ; $32 dw RocketRadio3 ; $33 dw RocketRadio4 ; $34 dw RocketRadio5 ; $35 dw RocketRadio6 ; $36 dw RocketRadio7 ; $37 dw RocketRadio8 ; $38 dw RocketRadio9 ; $39 dw RocketRadio10 ; $3a ; More Pokemon Channel stuff dw OaksPKMNTalk10 ; $3b dw OaksPKMNTalk11 ; $3c dw OaksPKMNTalk12 ; $3d dw OaksPKMNTalk13 ; $3e dw OaksPKMNTalk14 ; $3f ; Buenas Password dw BuenasPassword2 ; $40 dw BuenasPassword3 ; $41 dw BuenasPassword4 ; $42 dw BuenasPassword5 ; $43 dw BuenasPassword6 ; $44 dw BuenasPassword7 ; $45 dw BuenasPassword8 ; $46 dw BuenasPassword9 ; $47 dw BuenasPassword10 ; $48 dw BuenasPassword11 ; $49 dw BuenasPassword12 ; $4a dw BuenasPassword13 ; $4b dw BuenasPassword14 ; $4c dw BuenasPassword15 ; $4d dw BuenasPassword16 ; $4e dw BuenasPassword17 ; $4f dw BuenasPassword18 ; $50 dw BuenasPassword19 ; $51 dw BuenasPassword20 ; $52 dw BuenasPassword21 ; $53 dw RadioScroll ; $54 ; More Pokemon Channel stuff dw PokedexShow6 ; $55 dw PokedexShow7 ; $56 dw PokedexShow8 ; $57 PrintRadioLine: ld [wNextRadioLine], a ld hl, wRadioText ld a, [wNumRadioLinesPrinted] cp 2 jr nc, .print inc hl ld [hl], TX_START inc a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a cp 2 jr nz, .print bccoord 1, 16 call PlaceHLTextAtBC jr .skip .print call PrintTextboxText .skip ld a, RADIO_SCROLL ld [wCurRadioLine], a ld a, 100 ld [wRadioTextDelay], a ret ReplacePeriodsWithSpaces: push hl ld b, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 .loop ld a, [hl] cp "." jr nz, .next ld [hl], " " .next inc hl dec b jr nz, .loop pop hl ret RadioScroll: ld hl, wRadioTextDelay ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .proceed dec [hl] ret .proceed ld a, [wNextRadioLine] ld [wCurRadioLine], a ld a, [wNumRadioLinesPrinted] cp 1 call nz, CopyBottomLineToTopLine jp ClearBottomLine OaksPKMNTalk1: ld a, 5 ld [wOaksPKMNTalkSegmentCounter], a call StartRadioStation ld hl, OPT_IntroText1 ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_2 jp NextRadioLine OaksPKMNTalk2: ld hl, OPT_IntroText2 ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_3 jp NextRadioLine OaksPKMNTalk3: ld hl, OPT_IntroText3 ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_4 jp NextRadioLine OaksPKMNTalk4: ; Choose a random route, and a random Pokemon from that route. .sample call Random and %11111 cp (OaksPKMNTalkRoutes.End - OaksPKMNTalkRoutes) / 2 jr nc, .sample ; We now have a number between 0 and 14. ld hl, OaksPKMNTalkRoutes ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc add hl, bc ld b, [hl] inc hl ld c, [hl] ; bc now contains the chosen map's group and number indices. push bc ; Search the JohtoGrassWildMons array for the chosen map. ld hl, JohtoGrassWildMons .loop ld a, BANK(JohtoGrassWildMons) call GetFarByte cp -1 jr z, .overflow inc hl cp b jr nz, .next ld a, BANK(JohtoGrassWildMons) call GetFarByte cp c jr z, .done .next dec hl ld de, GRASS_WILDDATA_LENGTH add hl, de jr .loop .done ; Point hl to the list of morning Pokémon., skipping percentages rept 4 inc hl endr ; Generate a number, either 0, 1, or 2, to choose a time of day. .loop2 call Random maskbits NUM_DAYTIMES cp DARKNESS_F jr z, .loop2 ld bc, 2 * NUM_GRASSMON call AddNTimes .loop3 ; Choose one of the middle three Pokemon. call Random and NUM_GRASSMON cp 2 jr c, .loop3 cp 5 jr nc, .loop3 ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de add hl, de inc hl ; skip level ld a, BANK(JohtoGrassWildMons) call GetFarByte ld [wNamedObjectIndexBuffer], a ld [wCurPartySpecies], a call GetPokemonName ld hl, wStringBuffer1 ld de, wMonOrItemNameBuffer ld bc, MON_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes ; Now that we've chosen our wild Pokemon, ; let's recover the map index info and get its name. pop bc call GetWorldMapLocation ld e, a farcall GetLandmarkName ld hl, OPT_OakText1 call CopyRadioTextToRAM ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_5 jp PrintRadioLine .overflow pop bc ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK jp PrintRadioLine INCLUDE "data/radio/oaks_pkmn_talk_routes.asm" OaksPKMNTalk5: ld hl, OPT_OakText2 ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_6 jp NextRadioLine OaksPKMNTalk6: ld hl, OPT_OakText3 ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_7 jp NextRadioLine OPT_IntroText1: text_far _OPT_IntroText1 text_end OPT_IntroText2: text_far _OPT_IntroText2 text_end OPT_IntroText3: text_far _OPT_IntroText3 text_end OPT_OakText1: text_far _OPT_OakText1 text_end OPT_OakText2: text_far _OPT_OakText2 text_end OPT_OakText3: text_far _OPT_OakText3 text_end OaksPKMNTalk7: ld a, [wCurPartySpecies] ld [wNamedObjectIndexBuffer], a call GetPokemonName ld hl, OPT_MaryText1 ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_8 jp NextRadioLine OPT_MaryText1: text_far _OPT_MaryText1 text_end OaksPKMNTalk8: ; 0-15 are all valid indexes into .Adverbs, ; so no need for a retry loop call Random maskbits NUM_OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_ADVERBS ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .Adverbs add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_9 jp NextRadioLine .Adverbs: ; there are NUM_OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_ADVERBS entries dw .OPT_SweetAdorablyText dw .OPT_WigglySlicklyText dw .OPT_AptlyNamedText dw .OPT_UndeniablyKindOfText dw .OPT_UnbearablyText dw .OPT_WowImpressivelyText dw .OPT_AlmostPoisonouslyText dw .OPT_SensuallyText dw .OPT_MischievouslyText dw .OPT_TopicallyText dw .OPT_AddictivelyText dw .OPT_LooksInWaterText dw .OPT_EvolutionMustBeText dw .OPT_ProvocativelyText dw .OPT_FlippedOutText dw .OPT_HeartMeltinglyText .OPT_SweetAdorablyText: text_far _OPT_SweetAdorablyText text_end .OPT_WigglySlicklyText: text_far _OPT_WigglySlicklyText text_end .OPT_AptlyNamedText: text_far _OPT_AptlyNamedText text_end .OPT_UndeniablyKindOfText: text_far _OPT_UndeniablyKindOfText text_end .OPT_UnbearablyText: text_far _OPT_UnbearablyText text_end .OPT_WowImpressivelyText: text_far _OPT_WowImpressivelyText text_end .OPT_AlmostPoisonouslyText: text_far _OPT_AlmostPoisonouslyText text_end .OPT_SensuallyText: text_far _OPT_SensuallyText text_end .OPT_MischievouslyText: text_far _OPT_MischievouslyText text_end .OPT_TopicallyText: text_far _OPT_TopicallyText text_end .OPT_AddictivelyText: text_far _OPT_AddictivelyText text_end .OPT_LooksInWaterText: text_far _OPT_LooksInWaterText text_end .OPT_EvolutionMustBeText: text_far _OPT_EvolutionMustBeText text_end .OPT_ProvocativelyText: text_far _OPT_ProvocativelyText text_end .OPT_FlippedOutText: text_far _OPT_FlippedOutText text_end .OPT_HeartMeltinglyText: text_far _OPT_HeartMeltinglyText text_end OaksPKMNTalk9: ; 0-15 are all valid indexes into .Adjectives, ; so no need for a retry loop call Random maskbits NUM_OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_ADJECTIVES ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .Adjectives add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [wOaksPKMNTalkSegmentCounter] dec a ld [wOaksPKMNTalkSegmentCounter], a ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_4 jr nz, .ok ld a, 5 ld [wOaksPKMNTalkSegmentCounter], a ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_10 .ok jp NextRadioLine .Adjectives: ; there are NUM_OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_ADJECTIVES entries dw .OPT_CuteText dw .OPT_WeirdText dw .OPT_PleasantText dw .OPT_BoldSortOfText dw .OPT_FrighteningText dw .OPT_SuaveDebonairText dw .OPT_PowerfulText dw .OPT_ExcitingText dw .OPT_GroovyText dw .OPT_InspiringText dw .OPT_FriendlyText dw .OPT_HotHotHotText dw .OPT_StimulatingText dw .OPT_GuardedText dw .OPT_LovelyText dw .OPT_SpeedyText .OPT_CuteText: text_far _OPT_CuteText text_end .OPT_WeirdText: text_far _OPT_WeirdText text_end .OPT_PleasantText: text_far _OPT_PleasantText text_end .OPT_BoldSortOfText: text_far _OPT_BoldSortOfText text_end .OPT_FrighteningText: text_far _OPT_FrighteningText text_end .OPT_SuaveDebonairText: text_far _OPT_SuaveDebonairText text_end .OPT_PowerfulText: text_far _OPT_PowerfulText text_end .OPT_ExcitingText: text_far _OPT_ExcitingText text_end .OPT_GroovyText: text_far _OPT_GroovyText text_end .OPT_InspiringText: text_far _OPT_InspiringText text_end .OPT_FriendlyText: text_far _OPT_FriendlyText text_end .OPT_HotHotHotText: text_far _OPT_HotHotHotText text_end .OPT_StimulatingText: text_far _OPT_StimulatingText text_end .OPT_GuardedText: text_far _OPT_GuardedText text_end .OPT_LovelyText: text_far _OPT_LovelyText text_end .OPT_SpeedyText: text_far _OPT_SpeedyText text_end OaksPKMNTalk10: farcall RadioMusicRestartPokemonChannel ld hl, OPT_RestartText call PrintText call WaitBGMap ld hl, OPT_PokemonChannelText call PrintText ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_11 ld [wCurRadioLine], a ld a, 100 ld [wRadioTextDelay], a ret OPT_PokemonChannelText: text_far _OPT_PokemonChannelText text_end OPT_RestartText: text_end OaksPKMNTalk11: ld hl, wRadioTextDelay dec [hl] ret nz hlcoord 9, 14 ld de, .pokemon_string ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_12 jp PlaceRadioString .pokemon_string db "#MON@" OaksPKMNTalk12: ld hl, wRadioTextDelay dec [hl] ret nz hlcoord 1, 16 ld de, .pokemon_channel_string ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_13 jp PlaceRadioString .pokemon_channel_string db "#MON Channel@" OaksPKMNTalk13: ld hl, wRadioTextDelay dec [hl] ret nz hlcoord 12, 16 ld de, .terminator ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_14 jp PlaceRadioString .terminator db "@" OaksPKMNTalk14: ld hl, wRadioTextDelay dec [hl] ret nz ld de, MUSIC_POKEMON_TALK callfar RadioMusicRestartDE ld hl, .terminator call PrintText ld a, OAKS_POKEMON_TALK_4 ld [wNextRadioLine], a xor a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ld a, RADIO_SCROLL ld [wCurRadioLine], a ld a, 10 ld [wRadioTextDelay], a ret .terminator db "@" PlaceRadioString: ld [wCurRadioLine], a ld a, 100 ld [wRadioTextDelay], a jp PlaceString CopyBottomLineToTopLine: hlcoord 0, 15 decoord 0, 13 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 jp CopyBytes ClearBottomLine: hlcoord 1, 15 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH - 2 ld a, " " call ByteFill hlcoord 1, 16 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH - 2 ld a, " " jp ByteFill PokedexShow_GetDexEntryBank: push hl push de ld a, [wCurPartySpecies] dec a rlca rlca maskbits NUM_DEX_ENTRY_BANKS ld hl, .PokedexEntryBanks ld d, 0 ld e, a add hl, de ld a, [hl] pop de pop hl ret .PokedexEntryBanks: db BANK("Pokedex Entries 001-064") db BANK("Pokedex Entries 065-128") db BANK("Pokedex Entries 129-192") db BANK("Pokedex Entries 193-251") PokedexShow1: call StartRadioStation .loop call Random cp NUM_POKEMON jr nc, .loop ld c, a push bc ld a, c call CheckCaughtMon pop bc jr z, .loop inc c ld a, c ld [wCurPartySpecies], a ld [wNamedObjectIndexBuffer], a call GetPokemonName ld hl, PokedexShowText ld a, POKEDEX_SHOW_2 jp NextRadioLine PokedexShow2: ld a, [wCurPartySpecies] dec a ld hl, PokedexDataPointerTable ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, BANK(PokedexDataPointerTable) call GetFarHalfword call PokedexShow_GetDexEntryBank push af push hl call CopyDexEntryPart1 dec hl ld [hl], "" ld hl, wPokedexShowPointerAddr call CopyRadioTextToRAM pop hl pop af call CopyDexEntryPart2 rept 4 inc hl endr ld a, l ld [wPokedexShowPointerAddr], a ld a, h ld [wPokedexShowPointerAddr + 1], a ld a, POKEDEX_SHOW_3 jp PrintRadioLine PokedexShow3: call CopyDexEntry ld a, POKEDEX_SHOW_4 jp PrintRadioLine PokedexShow4: call CopyDexEntry ld a, POKEDEX_SHOW_5 jp PrintRadioLine PokedexShow5: call CopyDexEntry ld a, POKEDEX_SHOW_6 jp PrintRadioLine PokedexShow6: call CopyDexEntry ld a, POKEDEX_SHOW_7 jp PrintRadioLine PokedexShow7: call CopyDexEntry ld a, POKEDEX_SHOW_8 jp PrintRadioLine PokedexShow8: call CopyDexEntry ld a, POKEDEX_SHOW jp PrintRadioLine CopyDexEntry: ld a, [wPokedexShowPointerAddr] ld l, a ld a, [wPokedexShowPointerAddr + 1] ld h, a ld a, [wPokedexShowPointerBank] push af push hl call CopyDexEntryPart1 dec hl ld [hl], "" ld hl, wPokedexShowPointerAddr call CopyRadioTextToRAM pop hl pop af call CopyDexEntryPart2 ret CopyDexEntryPart1: ld de, wPokedexShowPointerBank ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1 call FarCopyBytes ld hl, wPokedexShowPointerAddr ld [hl], TX_START inc hl ld [hl], "" inc hl .loop ld a, [hli] cp "@" ret z cp "" ret z cp "" ret z jr .loop CopyDexEntryPart2: ld d, a .loop ld a, d call GetFarByte inc hl cp "@" jr z, .okay cp "" jr z, .okay cp "" jr nz, .loop .okay ld a, l ld [wPokedexShowPointerAddr], a ld a, h ld [wPokedexShowPointerAddr + 1], a ld a, d ld [wPokedexShowPointerBank], a ret PokedexShowText: text_far _PokedexShowText text_end BenMonMusic1: call StartPokemonMusicChannel ld hl, BenIntroText1 ld a, POKEMON_MUSIC_2 jp NextRadioLine BenMonMusic2: ld hl, BenIntroText2 ld a, POKEMON_MUSIC_3 jp NextRadioLine BenMonMusic3: ld hl, BenIntroText3 ld a, POKEMON_MUSIC_4 jp NextRadioLine FernMonMusic1: call StartPokemonMusicChannel ld hl, FernIntroText1 ld a, LETS_ALL_SING_2 jp NextRadioLine FernMonMusic2: ld hl, FernIntroText2 ld a, POKEMON_MUSIC_4 jp NextRadioLine BenFernMusic4: ld hl, BenFernText1 ld a, POKEMON_MUSIC_5 jp NextRadioLine BenFernMusic5: call GetWeekday and 1 ld hl, BenFernText2A jr z, .SunTueThurSun ld hl, BenFernText2B .SunTueThurSun: ld a, POKEMON_MUSIC_6 jp NextRadioLine BenFernMusic6: call GetWeekday and 1 ld hl, BenFernText3A jr z, .SunTueThurSun ld hl, BenFernText3B .SunTueThurSun: ld a, POKEMON_MUSIC_7 jp NextRadioLine BenFernMusic7: ret StartPokemonMusicChannel: call RadioTerminator call PrintText ld de, MUSIC_POKEMON_MARCH call GetWeekday and 1 jr z, .SunTueThurSun ld de, MUSIC_POKEMON_LULLABY .SunTueThurSun: callfar RadioMusicRestartDE ret BenIntroText1: text_far _BenIntroText1 text_end BenIntroText2: text_far _BenIntroText2 text_end BenIntroText3: text_far _BenIntroText3 text_end FernIntroText1: text_far _FernIntroText1 text_end FernIntroText2: text_far _FernIntroText2 text_end BenFernText1: text_far _BenFernText1 text_end BenFernText2A: text_far _BenFernText2A text_end BenFernText2B: text_far _BenFernText2B text_end BenFernText3A: text_far _BenFernText3A text_end BenFernText3B: text_far _BenFernText3B text_end LuckyNumberShow1: call StartRadioStation callfar CheckLuckyNumberShowFlag jr nc, .dontreset callfar ResetLuckyNumberShowFlag .dontreset ld hl, LC_Text1 ld a, LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW_2 jp NextRadioLine LuckyNumberShow2: ld hl, LC_Text2 ld a, LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW_3 jp NextRadioLine LuckyNumberShow3: ld hl, LC_Text3 ld a, LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW_4 jp NextRadioLine LuckyNumberShow4: ld hl, LC_Text4 ld a, LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW_5 jp NextRadioLine LuckyNumberShow5: ld hl, LC_Text5 ld a, LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW_6 jp NextRadioLine LuckyNumberShow6: ld hl, LC_Text6 ld a, LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW_7 jp NextRadioLine LuckyNumberShow7: ld hl, LC_Text7 ld a, LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW_8 jp NextRadioLine LuckyNumberShow8: ld hl, wStringBuffer1 ld de, wLuckyIDNumber lb bc, PRINTNUM_LEADINGZEROS | 2, 5 call PrintNum ld a, "@" ld [wStringBuffer1 + 5], a ld hl, LC_Text8 ld a, LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW_9 jp NextRadioLine LuckyNumberShow9: ld hl, LC_Text9 ld a, LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW_10 jp NextRadioLine LuckyNumberShow10: ld hl, LC_Text7 ld a, LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW_11 jp NextRadioLine LuckyNumberShow11: ld hl, LC_Text8 ld a, LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW_12 jp NextRadioLine LuckyNumberShow12: ld hl, LC_Text10 ld a, LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW_13 jp NextRadioLine LuckyNumberShow13: ld hl, LC_Text11 call Random and a ld a, LUCKY_CHANNEL jr nz, .okay ld a, LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW_14 .okay jp NextRadioLine LuckyNumberShow14: ld hl, LC_DragText1 ld a, LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW_15 jp NextRadioLine LuckyNumberShow15: ld hl, LC_DragText2 ld a, LUCKY_CHANNEL jp NextRadioLine LC_Text1: text_far _LC_Text1 text_end LC_Text2: text_far _LC_Text2 text_end LC_Text3: text_far _LC_Text3 text_end LC_Text4: text_far _LC_Text4 text_end LC_Text5: text_far _LC_Text5 text_end LC_Text6: text_far _LC_Text6 text_end LC_Text7: text_far _LC_Text7 text_end LC_Text8: text_far _LC_Text8 text_end LC_Text9: text_far _LC_Text9 text_end LC_Text10: text_far _LC_Text10 text_end LC_Text11: text_far _LC_Text11 text_end LC_DragText1: text_far _LC_DragText1 text_end LC_DragText2: text_far _LC_DragText2 text_end PeoplePlaces1: call StartRadioStation ld hl, PnP_Text1 ld a, PLACES_AND_PEOPLE_2 jp NextRadioLine PeoplePlaces2: ld hl, PnP_Text2 ld a, PLACES_AND_PEOPLE_3 jp NextRadioLine PeoplePlaces3: ld hl, PnP_Text3 call Random cp 49 percent - 1 ld a, PLACES_AND_PEOPLE_4 ; People jr c, .ok ld a, PLACES_AND_PEOPLE_6 ; Places .ok jp NextRadioLine PnP_Text1: text_far _PnP_Text1 text_end PnP_Text2: text_far _PnP_Text2 text_end PnP_Text3: text_far _PnP_Text3 text_end PeoplePlaces4: ; People call Random maskbits NUM_TRAINER_CLASSES inc a cp NUM_TRAINER_CLASSES - 1 ; omit MYSTICALMAN jr nc, PeoplePlaces4 push af ld hl, PnP_HiddenPeople ld a, [wStatusFlags] bit STATUSFLAGS_HALL_OF_FAME_F, a jr z, .ok ld hl, PnP_HiddenPeople_BeatE4 ld a, [wKantoBadges] cp %11111111 ; all badges jr nz, .ok ld hl, PnP_HiddenPeople_BeatKanto .ok pop af ld c, a ld de, 1 push bc call IsInArray pop bc jr c, PeoplePlaces4 push bc callfar GetTrainerClassName ld de, wStringBuffer1 call CopyName1 pop bc ld b, 1 callfar GetTrainerName ld hl, PnP_Text4 ld a, PLACES_AND_PEOPLE_5 jp NextRadioLine INCLUDE "data/radio/pnp_hidden_people.asm" PnP_Text4: text_far _PnP_Text4 text_end PeoplePlaces5: ; 0-15 are all valid indexes into .Adjectives, ; so no need for a retry loop call Random maskbits NUM_PNP_PEOPLE_ADJECTIVES ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .Adjectives add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call Random cp 4 percent ld a, PLACES_AND_PEOPLE jr c, .ok call Random cp 49 percent - 1 ld a, PLACES_AND_PEOPLE_4 ; People jr c, .ok ld a, PLACES_AND_PEOPLE_6 ; Places .ok jp NextRadioLine .Adjectives: ; there are NUM_PNP_PEOPLE_ADJECTIVES entries dw PnP_CuteText dw PnP_LazyText dw PnP_HappyText dw PnP_NoisyText dw PnP_PrecociousText dw PnP_BoldText dw PnP_PickyText dw PnP_SortOfOKText dw PnP_SoSoText dw PnP_GreatText dw PnP_MyTypeText dw PnP_CoolText dw PnP_InspiringText dw PnP_WeirdText dw PnP_RightForMeText dw PnP_OddText PnP_CuteText: text_far _PnP_CuteText text_end PnP_LazyText: text_far _PnP_LazyText text_end PnP_HappyText: text_far _PnP_HappyText text_end PnP_NoisyText: text_far _PnP_NoisyText text_end PnP_PrecociousText: text_far _PnP_PrecociousText text_end PnP_BoldText: text_far _PnP_BoldText text_end PnP_PickyText: text_far _PnP_PickyText text_end PnP_SortOfOKText: text_far _PnP_SortOfOKText text_end PnP_SoSoText: text_far _PnP_SoSoText text_end PnP_GreatText: text_far _PnP_GreatText text_end PnP_MyTypeText: text_far _PnP_MyTypeText text_end PnP_CoolText: text_far _PnP_CoolText text_end PnP_InspiringText: text_far _PnP_InspiringText text_end PnP_WeirdText: text_far _PnP_WeirdText text_end PnP_RightForMeText: text_far _PnP_RightForMeText text_end PnP_OddText: text_far _PnP_OddText text_end PeoplePlaces6: ; Places call Random cp (PnP_Places.End - PnP_Places) / 2 jr nc, PeoplePlaces6 ld hl, PnP_Places ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc add hl, bc ld b, [hl] inc hl ld c, [hl] call GetWorldMapLocation ld e, a farcall GetLandmarkName ld hl, PnP_Text5 ld a, PLACES_AND_PEOPLE_7 jp NextRadioLine INCLUDE "data/radio/pnp_places.asm" PnP_Text5: text_far _PnP_Text5 text_end PeoplePlaces7: ; 0-15 are all valid indexes into .Adjectives, ; so no need for a retry loop call Random maskbits NUM_PNP_PLACES_ADJECTIVES ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .Adjectives add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call CopyRadioTextToRAM call Random cp 4 percent ld a, PLACES_AND_PEOPLE jr c, .ok call Random cp 49 percent - 1 ld a, PLACES_AND_PEOPLE_4 ; People jr c, .ok ld a, PLACES_AND_PEOPLE_6 ; Places .ok jp PrintRadioLine .Adjectives: ; there are NUM_PNP_PLACES_ADJECTIVES entries dw PnP_CuteText dw PnP_LazyText dw PnP_HappyText dw PnP_NoisyText dw PnP_PrecociousText dw PnP_BoldText dw PnP_PickyText dw PnP_SortOfOKText dw PnP_SoSoText dw PnP_GreatText dw PnP_MyTypeText dw PnP_CoolText dw PnP_InspiringText dw PnP_WeirdText dw PnP_RightForMeText dw PnP_OddText RocketRadio1: call StartRadioStation ld hl, RocketRadioText1 ld a, ROCKET_RADIO_2 jp NextRadioLine RocketRadio2: ld hl, RocketRadioText2 ld a, ROCKET_RADIO_3 jp NextRadioLine RocketRadio3: ld hl, RocketRadioText3 ld a, ROCKET_RADIO_4 jp NextRadioLine RocketRadio4: ld hl, RocketRadioText4 ld a, ROCKET_RADIO_5 jp NextRadioLine RocketRadio5: ld hl, RocketRadioText5 ld a, ROCKET_RADIO_6 jp NextRadioLine RocketRadio6: ld hl, RocketRadioText6 ld a, ROCKET_RADIO_7 jp NextRadioLine RocketRadio7: ld hl, RocketRadioText7 ld a, ROCKET_RADIO_8 jp NextRadioLine RocketRadio8: ld hl, RocketRadioText8 ld a, ROCKET_RADIO_9 jp NextRadioLine RocketRadio9: ld hl, RocketRadioText9 ld a, ROCKET_RADIO_10 jp NextRadioLine RocketRadio10: ld hl, RocketRadioText10 ld a, ROCKET_RADIO jp NextRadioLine RocketRadioText1: text_far _RocketRadioText1 text_end RocketRadioText2: text_far _RocketRadioText2 text_end RocketRadioText3: text_far _RocketRadioText3 text_end RocketRadioText4: text_far _RocketRadioText4 text_end RocketRadioText5: text_far _RocketRadioText5 text_end RocketRadioText6: text_far _RocketRadioText6 text_end RocketRadioText7: text_far _RocketRadioText7 text_end RocketRadioText8: text_far _RocketRadioText8 text_end RocketRadioText9: text_far _RocketRadioText9 text_end RocketRadioText10: text_far _RocketRadioText10 text_end PokeFluteRadio: call StartRadioStation ld a, 1 ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ret UnownRadio: call StartRadioStation ld a, 1 ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ret EvolutionRadio: call StartRadioStation ld a, 1 ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ret BuenasPassword1: ; Determine if we need to be here call BuenasPasswordCheckTime jp nc, .PlayPassword ld a, [wNumRadioLinesPrinted] and a jp z, BuenasPassword20 jp BuenasPassword8 .PlayPassword: call StartRadioStation ldh a, [hBGMapMode] push af xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a ld de, BuenasPasswordChannelName hlcoord 2, 9 call PlaceString pop af ldh [hBGMapMode], a ld hl, BuenaRadioText1 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_2 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword2: ld hl, BuenaRadioText2 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_3 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword3: call BuenasPasswordCheckTime ld hl, BuenaRadioText3 jp c, BuenasPasswordAfterMidnight ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_4 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword4: call BuenasPasswordCheckTime jp c, BuenasPassword8 ld a, [wBuenasPassword] ; If we already generated the password today, we don't need to generate a new one. ld hl, wDailyFlags2 bit DAILYFLAGS2_BUENAS_PASSWORD_F, [hl] jr nz, .AlreadyGotIt ; There are only 11 groups to choose from. .greater_than_11 call Random maskbits NUM_PASSWORD_CATEGORIES cp NUM_PASSWORD_CATEGORIES jr nc, .greater_than_11 ; Store it in the high nybble of e. swap a ld e, a ; For each group, choose one of the three passwords. .greater_than_three call Random maskbits NUM_PASSWORDS_PER_CATEGORY cp NUM_PASSWORDS_PER_CATEGORY jr nc, .greater_than_three ; The high nybble of wBuenasPassword will now contain the password group index, and the low nybble contains the actual password. add e ld [wBuenasPassword], a ; Set the flag so that we don't generate a new password this week. ld hl, wDailyFlags2 set DAILYFLAGS2_BUENAS_PASSWORD_F, [hl] .AlreadyGotIt: ld c, a call GetBuenasPassword ld hl, BuenaRadioText4 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_5 jp NextRadioLine GetBuenasPassword: ; The password indices are held in c. High nybble contains the group index, low nybble contains the word index. ; Load the password group pointer in hl. ld a, c swap a and $f ld hl, BuenasPasswordTable ld d, 0 ld e, a add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; Get the password type and store it in b. ld a, [hli] ld b, a push hl inc hl ; Get the password index. ld a, c and $f ld c, a push hl ld hl, .StringFunctionJumpTable ld e, b add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a pop de ; de now contains the pointer to the value of this week's password, in Blue Card Points. call _hl_ pop hl ld c, [hl] ret .StringFunctionJumpTable: ; entries correspond to BUENA_* constants dw .Mon ; BUENA_MON dw .Item ; BUENA_ITEM dw .Move ; BUENA_MOVE dw .RawString ; BUENA_STRING .Mon: call .GetTheIndex call GetPokemonName ret .Item: call .GetTheIndex call GetItemName ret .Move: call .GetTheIndex call GetMoveName ret .GetTheIndex: ld h, 0 ld l, c add hl, de ld a, [hl] ld [wNamedObjectIndexBuffer], a ret .RawString: ; Get the string from the table... ld a, c and a jr z, .skip .read_loop ld a, [de] inc de cp "@" jr nz, .read_loop dec c jr nz, .read_loop ; ... and copy it into wStringBuffer1. .skip ld hl, wStringBuffer1 .copy_loop ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a cp "@" jr nz, .copy_loop ld de, wStringBuffer1 ret INCLUDE "data/radio/buenas_passwords.asm" BuenasPassword5: ld hl, BuenaRadioText5 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_6 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword6: ld hl, BuenaRadioText6 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_7 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword7: call BuenasPasswordCheckTime ld hl, BuenaRadioText7 jr c, BuenasPasswordAfterMidnight ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD jp NextRadioLine BuenasPasswordAfterMidnight: push hl ld hl, wDailyFlags2 res DAILYFLAGS2_BUENAS_PASSWORD_F, [hl] pop hl ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_8 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword8: ld hl, wDailyFlags2 res DAILYFLAGS2_BUENAS_PASSWORD_F, [hl] ld hl, BuenaRadioMidnightText10 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_9 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword9: ld hl, BuenaRadioMidnightText1 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_10 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword10: ld hl, BuenaRadioMidnightText2 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_11 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword11: ld hl, BuenaRadioMidnightText3 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_12 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword12: ld hl, BuenaRadioMidnightText4 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_13 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword13: ld hl, BuenaRadioMidnightText5 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_14 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword14: ld hl, BuenaRadioMidnightText6 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_15 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword15: ld hl, BuenaRadioMidnightText7 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_16 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword16: ld hl, BuenaRadioMidnightText8 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_17 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword17: ld hl, BuenaRadioMidnightText9 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_18 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword18: ld hl, BuenaRadioMidnightText10 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_19 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword19: ld hl, BuenaRadioMidnightText10 ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_20 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword20: ldh a, [hBGMapMode] push af farcall NoRadioMusic farcall NoRadioName pop af ldh [hBGMapMode], a ld hl, wDailyFlags2 res DAILYFLAGS2_BUENAS_PASSWORD_F, [hl] ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD ld [wCurRadioLine], a xor a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ld hl, BuenaOffTheAirText ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_21 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPassword21: ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD ld [wCurRadioLine], a xor a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a call BuenasPasswordCheckTime jp nc, BuenasPassword1 ld hl, BuenaOffTheAirText ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD_21 jp NextRadioLine BuenasPasswordCheckTime: call UpdateTime ldh a, [hHours] cp NITE_HOUR ret BuenasPasswordChannelName: db "BUENA'S PASSWORD@" BuenaRadioText1: text_far _BuenaRadioText1 text_end BuenaRadioText2: text_far _BuenaRadioText2 text_end BuenaRadioText3: text_far _BuenaRadioText3 text_end BuenaRadioText4: text_far _BuenaRadioText4 text_end BuenaRadioText5: text_far _BuenaRadioText5 text_end BuenaRadioText6: text_far _BuenaRadioText6 text_end BuenaRadioText7: text_far _BuenaRadioText7 text_end BuenaRadioMidnightText1: text_far _BuenaRadioMidnightText1 text_end BuenaRadioMidnightText2: text_far _BuenaRadioMidnightText2 text_end BuenaRadioMidnightText3: text_far _BuenaRadioMidnightText3 text_end BuenaRadioMidnightText4: text_far _BuenaRadioMidnightText4 text_end BuenaRadioMidnightText5: text_far _BuenaRadioMidnightText5 text_end BuenaRadioMidnightText6: text_far _BuenaRadioMidnightText6 text_end BuenaRadioMidnightText7: text_far _BuenaRadioMidnightText7 text_end BuenaRadioMidnightText8: text_far _BuenaRadioMidnightText8 text_end BuenaRadioMidnightText9: text_far _BuenaRadioMidnightText9 text_end BuenaRadioMidnightText10: text_far _BuenaRadioMidnightText10 text_end BuenaOffTheAirText: text_far _BuenaOffTheAirText text_end CopyRadioTextToRAM: ld a, [hl] cp TX_FAR jp z, FarCopyRadioText ld de, wRadioText ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 jp CopyBytes StartRadioStation: ld a, [wNumRadioLinesPrinted] and a ret nz call RadioTerminator call PrintText ld hl, RadioChannelSongs ld a, [wCurRadioLine] ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc add hl, bc ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] callfar RadioMusicRestartDE ret INCLUDE "data/radio/channel_music.asm" NextRadioLine: push af call CopyRadioTextToRAM pop af jp PrintRadioLine