LavenderPokeCenter1F_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x7e69e ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 0 ; 0x7e6a0 NurseScript_0x7e6a0: ; 0x7e6a0 jumpstd $0000 ; 0x7e6a3 GentlemanScript_0x7e6a3: ; 0x7e6a3 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x7e6bd ; 0x7e6a6 TeacherScript_0x7e6a6: ; 0x7e6a6 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x7e710 ; 0x7e6a9 YoungsterScript_0x7e6a9: ; 0x7e6a9 faceplayer loadfont checkbit1 EVENT_RETURNED_MACHINE_PART iftrue UnknownScript_0x7e6b7 2writetext UnknownText_0x7e779 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7e6b7 UnknownScript_0x7e6b7: ; 0x7e6b7 2writetext UnknownText_0x7e7ed closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7e6bd UnknownText_0x7e6bd: ; 0x7e6bd db $0, "To the north of", $4f db "LAVENDER is ROCK", $51 db "TUNNEL. Go through", $4f db "it to get to the", $55 db "POWER PLANT.", $57 ; 0x7e710 UnknownText_0x7e710: ; 0x7e710 db $0, "There's a radio", $4f db "program that plays", $55 db "# FLUTE music.", $51 db "Oh? Ah, your radio", $4f db "needs an EXPN CARD", $55 db "to tune into it.", $57 ; 0x7e779 UnknownText_0x7e779: ; 0x7e779 db $0, "If the POWER PLANT", $4f db "isn't running, the", $51 db "MAGNET TRAIN won't", $4f db "run either…", $51 db "It also means the", $4f db "RADIO STATION", $55 db "can't broadcast…", $57 ; 0x7e7ed UnknownText_0x7e7ed: ; 0x7e7ed db $0, "The DIRECTOR of", $4f db "the RADIO STATION", $55 db "sure was happy.", $51 db "He said they're", $4f db "back on the air", $51 db "because the POWER", $4f db "PLANT is running", $55 db "smoothly again.", $57 ; 0x7e872 LavenderPokeCenter1F_MapEventHeader: ; 0x7e872 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 3 warp_def $7, $3, 1, GROUP_LAVENDER_TOWN, MAP_LAVENDER_TOWN warp_def $7, $4, 1, GROUP_LAVENDER_TOWN, MAP_LAVENDER_TOWN warp_def $7, $0, 1, GROUP_POKECENTER_2F, MAP_POKECENTER_2F ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 0 ; people-events db 4 person_event SPRITE_NURSE, 5, 7, $6, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, NurseScript_0x7e6a0, $ffff person_event SPRITE_GENTLEMAN, 10, 11, $5, $1, 255, 255, $0, 0, GentlemanScript_0x7e6a3, $ffff person_event SPRITE_TEACHER, 7, 9, $6, $0, 255, 255, $a0, 0, TeacherScript_0x7e6a6, $ffff person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 9, 5, $4, $10, 255, 255, $80, 0, YoungsterScript_0x7e6a9, $ffff ; 0x7e8bb