#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #define COMPRESSION_METHODS 72 struct command { unsigned command: 3; unsigned count: 12; signed value: 17; }; int main(int, char **); void error_exit(int, const char *, ...); void bit_flip(const unsigned char *, unsigned short, unsigned char *); unsigned char * read_file_into_buffer(const char *, unsigned short *); void write_commands_to_file(const char *, const struct command *, unsigned, const unsigned char *); void write_command_to_file(FILE *, struct command, const unsigned char *); struct command * compress(const unsigned char *, unsigned short *); struct command * try_compress(const unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, unsigned short *, unsigned); struct command find_best_copy(const unsigned char *, unsigned short, unsigned short, const unsigned char *, unsigned); unsigned short scan_forwards(const unsigned char *, unsigned short, const unsigned char *, unsigned short, short *); unsigned short scan_backwards(const unsigned char *, unsigned short, unsigned short, short *); struct command find_best_repetition(const unsigned char *, unsigned short, unsigned short); struct command pick_best_command(unsigned, struct command, ...); int is_better(struct command, struct command); short command_size(struct command); void optimize(struct command *, unsigned short); void repack(struct command **, unsigned short *); struct command * select_command_sequence(struct command **, const unsigned short *, unsigned, unsigned short *); struct command * merge_command_sequences(const struct command *, unsigned short, const struct command *, unsigned short, unsigned short *); unsigned short compressed_length(const struct command *, unsigned short); int main (int argc, char ** argv) { if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <source file> <compressed output>\n", *argv); return 3; } unsigned short size; unsigned char * file_buffer = read_file_into_buffer(argv[1], &size); struct command * compressed = compress(file_buffer, &size); write_commands_to_file(argv[2], compressed, size, file_buffer); free(file_buffer); free(compressed); return 0; } void error_exit (int error_code, const char * error, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, error); fputs("error: ", stderr); vfprintf(stderr, error, ap); fputc('\n', stderr); exit(error_code); } void bit_flip (const unsigned char * data, unsigned short length, unsigned char * result) { unsigned char new_value, pos; while (length --) { new_value = 0; for (pos = 0; pos < 8; pos ++) new_value |= ((*data >> pos) & 1) << (7 - pos); *(result ++) = new_value; data ++; } } unsigned char * read_file_into_buffer (const char * file, unsigned short * size) { FILE * fp = fopen(file, "rb"); if (!fp) error_exit(1, "could not open file %s for reading", file); unsigned char * buf = malloc(32769); int rv = fread(buf, 1, 32769, fp); fclose(fp); if (rv < 0) error_exit(1, "could not read from file %s", file); if (rv > 32768) error_exit(1, "file %s is too big", file); *size = rv; return buf; } void write_commands_to_file (const char * file, const struct command * commands, unsigned count, const unsigned char * input_stream) { FILE * fp = fopen(file, "wb"); if (!fp) error_exit(1, "could not open file %s for writing", file); while (count --) write_command_to_file(fp, *(commands ++), input_stream); unsigned char terminator = -1; if (fwrite(&terminator, 1, 1, fp) != 1) error_exit(1, "could not write terminator to compressed output"); fclose(fp); } void write_command_to_file (FILE * fp, struct command command, const unsigned char * input_stream) { if ((!command.count) || (command.count > 1024)) error_exit(2, "invalid command in output stream"); unsigned char buf[4]; unsigned char * pos = buf; int n; command.count --; if (command.count < 32) *(pos ++) = (command.command << 5) + command.count; else { *(pos ++) = 224 + (command.command << 2) + (command.count >> 8); *(pos ++) = command.count; } switch (command.command) { case 1: case 2: if ((command.value < 0) || (command.value >= (1 << (command.command << 3)))) error_exit(2, "invalid command in output stream"); for (n = 0; n < command.command; n ++) *(pos ++) = command.value >> (n << 3); case 0: case 3: break; default: if ((command.value < -128) || (command.value > 32767)) error_exit(2, "invalid command in output stream"); if (command.value < 0) *(pos ++) = command.value ^ 127; else { *(pos ++) = command.value >> 8; *(pos ++) = command.value; } } if (fwrite(buf, 1, pos - buf, fp) != (pos - buf)) error_exit(1, "could not write command to compressed output"); if (command.command) return; command.count ++; if (fwrite(input_stream + command.value, 1, command.count, fp) != command.count) error_exit(1, "could not write data to compressed output"); } struct command * compress (const unsigned char * data, unsigned short * size) { unsigned char * bitflipped = malloc(*size); bit_flip(data, *size, bitflipped); struct command * compressed_sequences[COMPRESSION_METHODS]; unsigned short lengths[COMPRESSION_METHODS]; unsigned current; for (current = 0; current < COMPRESSION_METHODS; current ++) { lengths[current] = *size; compressed_sequences[current] = try_compress(data, bitflipped, lengths + current, current); } free(bitflipped); struct command * result = select_command_sequence(compressed_sequences, lengths, COMPRESSION_METHODS, size); for (current = 0; current < COMPRESSION_METHODS; current ++) free(compressed_sequences[current]); return result; } struct command * try_compress (const unsigned char * data, const unsigned char * bitflipped, unsigned short * length, unsigned flags) { struct command * commands = malloc(sizeof(struct command) * *length); memset(commands, -1, sizeof(struct command) * *length); struct command * current_command = commands; unsigned short position = 0, previous_data = 0; unsigned char lookahead = 0, lookahead_flag = (flags >> 3) % 3; struct command copy, repetition; while (position < *length) { copy = find_best_copy(data, position, *length, bitflipped, flags); repetition = find_best_repetition(data, position, *length); if (flags & 1) *current_command = pick_best_command(2, repetition, copy); else *current_command = pick_best_command(2, copy, repetition); *current_command = pick_best_command(2, (struct command) {.command = 0, .count = 1, .value = position}, *current_command); if (flags & 2) { if (previous_data && (previous_data != 32) && (previous_data != 1024) && (command_size(*current_command) == current_command -> count)) *current_command = (struct command) {.command = 0, .count = 1, .value = position}; } if (lookahead_flag) { if (lookahead >= lookahead_flag) lookahead = 0; else if (current_command -> command) { lookahead ++; *current_command = (struct command) {.command = 0, .count = 1, .value = position}; } } if (current_command -> command) previous_data = 0; else previous_data += current_command -> count; position += (current_command ++) -> count; } optimize(commands, current_command - commands); repack(&commands, length); return commands; } struct command find_best_copy (const unsigned char * data, unsigned short position, unsigned short length, const unsigned char * bitflipped, unsigned flags) { struct command simple = {.command = 7}; struct command flipped = simple, backwards = simple; short count, offset; if (count = scan_forwards(data + position, length - position, data, position, &offset)) simple = (struct command) {.command = 4, .count = count, .value = offset}; if (count = scan_forwards(data + position, length - position, bitflipped, position, &offset)) flipped = (struct command) {.command = 5, .count = count, .value = offset}; if (count = scan_backwards(data, length - position, position, &offset)) backwards = (struct command) {.command = 6, .count = count, .value = offset}; struct command command; switch (flags / 24) { case 0: command = pick_best_command(3, simple, backwards, flipped); break; case 1: command = pick_best_command(3, backwards, flipped, simple); break; case 2: command = pick_best_command(3, flipped, backwards, simple); } if ((flags & 4) && (command.count > 32)) command.count = 32; return command; } unsigned short scan_forwards (const unsigned char * target, unsigned short limit, const unsigned char * source, unsigned short real_position, short * offset) { unsigned short best_match, best_length = 0; unsigned short current_length; unsigned short position; for (position = 0; position < real_position; position ++) { if (source[position] != *target) continue; for (current_length = 0; (current_length < limit) && (source[position + current_length] == target[current_length]); current_length ++); if (current_length > 1024) current_length = 1024; if (current_length < best_length) continue; best_match = position; best_length = current_length; } if (!best_length) return 0; if ((best_match + 128) >= real_position) *offset = best_match - real_position; else *offset = best_match; return best_length; } unsigned short scan_backwards (const unsigned char * data, unsigned short limit, unsigned short real_position, short * offset) { if (real_position < limit) limit = real_position; unsigned short best_match, best_length = 0; unsigned short current_length; unsigned short position; for (position = 0; position < real_position; position ++) { if (data[position] != data[real_position]) continue; for (current_length = 0; (current_length < limit) && (data[position - current_length] == data[real_position + current_length]); current_length ++); if (current_length > 1024) current_length = 1024; if (current_length < best_length) continue; best_match = position; best_length = current_length; } if (!best_length) return 0; if ((best_match + 128) >= real_position) *offset = best_match - real_position; else *offset = best_match; return best_length; } struct command find_best_repetition (const unsigned char * data, unsigned short position, unsigned short length) { if ((position + 1) >= length) return data[position] ? ((struct command) {.command = 7}) : ((struct command) {.command = 3, .count = 1}); unsigned char value[2] = {data[position], data[position + 1]}; unsigned repcount, limit = length - position; if (limit > 1024) limit = 1024; for (repcount = 2; (repcount < limit) && (data[position + repcount] == value[repcount & 1]); repcount ++); struct command result; result.count = repcount; if (*value != value[1]) { if (!*value && (repcount < 3)) return (struct command) {.command = 3, .count = 1}; result.command = 2; result.value = ((unsigned) (*value)) | (((unsigned) (value[1])) << 8); } else if (*value) { result.command = 1; result.value = *value; } else result.command = 3; return result; } struct command pick_best_command (unsigned count, struct command command, ...) { struct command result = command; va_list ap; va_start(ap, command); while (-- count) { command = va_arg(ap, struct command); if (is_better(command, result)) result = command; } va_end(ap); return result; } int is_better (struct command new, struct command old) { if (new.command == 7) return 0; if (old.command == 7) return 1; short new_savings = new.count - command_size(new), old_savings = old.count - command_size(old); return new_savings > old_savings; } short command_size (struct command command) { short header_size = 1 + (command.count > 32); if (command.command & 4) return header_size + 1 + (command.value >= 0); return header_size + command.command[(short []) {command.count, 1, 2, 0}]; } void optimize (struct command * commands, unsigned short count) { while (count && (commands -> command == 7)) commands ++, count --; if (count < 2) return; struct command * end = commands + count; struct command * next = commands + 1; while (next < end) { if (next -> command == 7) goto skip; if ( !(commands -> command) && (command_size(*next) == next -> count) && ((commands -> count + next -> count) <= 1024) && ((commands -> count > 32) || ((commands -> count + next -> count) <= 32)) ) { commands -> count += next -> count; next -> command = 7; goto skip; } if (next -> command != commands -> command) goto accept; switch (commands -> command) { case 0: if ((commands -> value + commands -> count) != next -> value) break; commands -> count += next -> count; next -> command = 7; if (commands -> count <= 1024) goto skip; next -> command = 0; next -> value = commands -> value + 1024; next -> count = commands -> count - 1024; commands -> count = 1024; break; case 1: if (commands -> value != next -> value) break; case 3: if ((commands -> count + next -> count) <= 1024) { commands -> count += next -> count; next -> command = 7; goto skip; } next -> count = (commands -> count + next -> count) - 1024; commands -> count = 1024; break; } accept: commands = next; skip: next ++; } } void repack (struct command ** commands, unsigned short * length) { struct command * new_commands = malloc(sizeof(struct command) * *length); struct command * current = new_commands; unsigned short p; for (p = 0; p < *length; p ++) if (p[*commands].command != 7) *(current ++) = p[*commands]; free(*commands); *commands = new_commands; *length = current - new_commands; } struct command * select_command_sequence (struct command ** sequences, const unsigned short * lengths, unsigned count, unsigned short * final_length) { unsigned short min_sequence = 0, min_length = compressed_length(*sequences, *lengths); unsigned short seq, len; for (seq = 1; seq < count; seq ++) { len = compressed_length(sequences[seq], lengths[seq]); if (len < min_length) { min_sequence = seq; min_length = len; } } *final_length = lengths[min_sequence]; struct command * current = malloc(*final_length * sizeof(struct command)); memcpy(current, sequences[min_sequence], *final_length * sizeof(struct command)); struct command * new; for (seq = 1; seq < count; seq ++) { new = merge_command_sequences(current, *final_length, sequences[(seq + min_sequence) % count], lengths[(seq + min_sequence) % count], final_length); free(current); current = new; } return current; } struct command * merge_command_sequences (const struct command * current, unsigned short current_length, const struct command * new, unsigned short new_length, unsigned short * result_length) { struct command * result = malloc(sizeof(struct command) * (current_length + new_length)); struct command * current_command = result; const struct command * saved_current; const struct command * saved_new; unsigned short current_pos, new_pos; while (current_length) { if (current -> count == new -> count) { *(current_command ++) = pick_best_command(2, *(current ++), *(new ++)); current_length --; continue; } saved_current = current; saved_new = new; current_pos = (current ++) -> count; new_pos = (new ++) -> count; current_length --; while (current_pos != new_pos) if (current_pos < new_pos) { current_pos += (current ++) -> count; current_length --; } else new_pos += (new ++) -> count; current_pos = compressed_length(saved_current, current - saved_current); new_pos = compressed_length(saved_new, new - saved_new); if (new_pos < current_pos) { memcpy(current_command, saved_new, sizeof(struct command) * (new - saved_new)); current_command += new - saved_new; } else { memcpy(current_command, saved_current, sizeof(struct command) * (current - saved_current)); current_command += current - saved_current; } } *result_length = current_command - result; return result; } unsigned short compressed_length (const struct command * commands, unsigned short count) { unsigned short current, total = 0; for (current = 0; current < count; current ++) if (commands[current].command != 7) total += command_size(commands[current]); return total; }