SECTION "HRAM", HRAM hROMBankBackup:: db hFarByte:: hTempBank:: db hSRAMBank:: db hVBlankCounter:: db hROMBank:: db hVBlank:: db hMapEntryMethod:: db hMenuReturn:: db hJoypadReleased:: db hJoypadPressed:: db hJoypadDown:: db hJoypadSum:: db hJoyReleased:: db hJoyPressed:: db hJoyDown:: db hJoyLast:: db hInMenu:: db hPrinter:: db hGraphicStartTile:: db hMoveMon:: db UNION hMapObjectIndex:: db hObjectStructIndex:: db NEXTU hConnectionStripLength:: db hConnectedMapWidth:: db ENDU hEnemyMonSpeed:: dw UNION ; math-related values UNION ; inputs to Multiply ds 1 hMultiplicand:: ds 3 hMultiplier:: db NEXTU ; result of Multiply hProduct:: ds 4 NEXTU ; inputs to Divide hDividend:: ds 4 hDivisor:: db NEXTU ; results of Divide hQuotient:: ds 4 hRemainder:: db ENDU hMathBuffer:: ds 5 NEXTU ; PrintNum scratch space hPrintNumBuffer:: ds 10 NEXTU ; engine/gfx/rgb_fade.asm hRGBFadeSourceChannels:: hRGBFadeSourceRChannel:: db hRGBFadeSourceGChannel:: db hRGBFadeSourceBChannel:: db hRGBFadeCapChannels:: hRGBFadeCapRChannel:: db hRGBFadeCapGChannel:: db hRGBFadeCapBChannel:: db ENDU UNION hUsedSpriteIndex:: db hUsedSpriteTile:: db NEXTU hCurSpriteXCoord:: db hCurSpriteYCoord:: db hCurSpriteXPixel:: db hCurSpriteYPixel:: db hCurSpriteTile:: db hCurSpriteOAMFlags:: db ENDU UNION hCoinsTemp:: ds 3 NEXTU hMGJoypadPressed:: db hMGJoypadReleased:: db hMGPrevTIMA:: db ENDU hLCDCPointer:: db hLYOverrideStart:: db hLYOverrideEnd:: db hSerialReceivedNewData:: db hSerialConnectionStatus:: db hSerialIgnoringInitialData:: db hSerialSend:: db hSerialReceive:: db hSCX:: db hSCY:: db hWX:: db hWY:: db hTilesPerCycle:: db hBGMapMode:: db hBGMapThird:: db hBGMapAddress:: dw hOAMUpdate:: db hSPBuffer:: dw hBGMapUpdate:: db hBGMapTileCount:: db hMapAnims:: db hTileAnimFrame:: db hLastTalked:: db hRandomAdd:: db hRandomSub:: db hBattleTurn:: ; Which trainer's turn is it? 0: player, 1: opponent trainer db hCGBPalUpdate:: db hCGB:: db hSGB:: db hDMATransfer:: db hSystemBooted:: db if DEF(_DEBUG) hDebugRoomMenuPage:: db endc hWindowHUDLY:: ; Window HUD is enabled when non-0. ; Its value indicates the last scanline that the window spans from the top. db hCurBoardEvent:: db