Know ASM, but not your way around linux? Want to help or just try out building pokecrystal on Windows, but got stuck somewhere along the way? Fear not, for.. whatever, just follow this tutorial. 1. Get `cygwin`. Cygwin provides a virtual linux enviorment on Windows systems. Just get `setup.exe`: During the install: I. Keep the defaults II. It shouldn't matter which mirror you choose. worked for me. III. Now you'll be presented with a package selection screen. Select the following packages. You may use the search. * `python` (installed by default) * `gcc`, `gcc-core` (under devel) * `byacc` (under devel) * `make` (under devel) * `wget` (under web) * `git` (under devel) * `mercurial` (optional, if you wish to work with pokered as well) * `nano` (optional, a simple terminal text editor) IV. Finish the install. Might take a sec while all packages are downloading. 2. Launch `cygwin`. Hopefully you know your way around the linux terminal. If not, a crash course: * `ls` - list directory * `pwd` - write current directory * `cd` - change directory 3. First of all, we need to build `rgbds`, the GB compiler. Type: $ git clone git:// $ cd rgbds $ YACC=byacc make $ export PATH=$PATH:`pwd` $ echo "export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`" >> ~/.bashrc At this point, you should be able to close cygwin, reopen it and successfully run `rgbasm`. $ cd ~ $ wget $ easy_install unittest2 Now we should be able to build `pokecrystal` for the first time. $ cd ~ $ git clone $ cd pokecrystal Please download a Pokemon Crystal ROM and save it as `C:\cygwin\home\(your username)\pokecrystal\baserom.gbc` $ make This will take between 5 and 15 seconds, depending on your computer. If you see `cmp baserom.gbc pokecrystal.gbc` as the last line, the build was successful! Rejoice! Now you may try messing around with `main.asm`, or just do whatever you wanted to. To build again, you should use the following command: $ make clean && make Feel free to ask us on #skeetendo if something goes wrong (remember to tell where)!