StartMenu:: ; 125cd call ClearWindowData ld de, SFX_MENU call PlaySFX callba Function6454 ld hl, StatusFlags2 bit 2, [hl] ; bug catching contest ld hl, .MenuDataHeader jr z, .GotMenuData ld hl, .ContestMenuDataHeader .GotMenuData call LoadMenuDataHeader call .SetUpMenuItems ld a, [wd0d2] ld [wMenuCursorBuffer], a call .DrawMenuAccount_ call MenuFunc_1e7f call .DrawBugContestStatusBox call Function2e31 call Function2e20 callba Function64bf call .DrawBugContestStatus call UpdateTimePals jr .Select .Reopen call UpdateSprites call UpdateTimePals call .SetUpMenuItems ld a, [wd0d2] ld [wMenuCursorBuffer], a .Select call .GetInput jr c, .Exit call .DrawMenuAccount ld a, [wMenuCursorBuffer] ld [wd0d2], a call PlayClickSFX call PlaceHollowCursor call .OpenMenu ; Menu items have different return functions. ; For example, saving exits the menu. ld hl, .MenuReturns ld e, a ld d, 0 rept 2 add hl, de endr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp [hl] .MenuReturns dw .Reopen dw .Exit dw .ExitMenuCallFuncCloseText dw .ExitMenuRunScriptCloseText dw .ExitMenuRunScript dw .ReturnEnd dw .ReturnRedraw .Exit ld a, [hOAMUpdate] push af ld a, 1 ld [hOAMUpdate], a call LoadFontsExtra pop af ld [hOAMUpdate], a .ReturnEnd call ExitMenu .ReturnEnd2 call CloseText call UpdateTimePals ret .GetInput ; Return carry on exit, and no-carry on selection. xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a call .DrawMenuAccount call SetUpMenu ld a, $ff ld [MenuSelection], a .loop call .PrintMenuAccount call Function1f1a ld a, [wMenuJoypad] cp B_BUTTON jr z, .b cp A_BUTTON jr z, .a jr .loop .a call PlayClickSFX and a ret .b scf ret ; 12691 .ExitMenuRunScript ; 12691 call ExitMenu ld a, HMENURETURN_SCRIPT ld [hMenuReturn], a ret ; 12699 .ExitMenuRunScriptCloseText ; 12699 call ExitMenu ld a, HMENURETURN_SCRIPT ld [hMenuReturn], a jr .ReturnEnd2 ; 126a2 .ExitMenuCallFuncCloseText ; 126a2 call ExitMenu ld hl, wQueuedScriptAddr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [wQueuedScriptBank] rst FarCall jr .ReturnEnd2 ; 126b1 .ReturnRedraw ; 126b1 call .Clear jp .Reopen ; 126b7 .Clear ; 126b7 call ClearBGPalettes call Call_ExitMenu call ReloadTilesetAndPalettes call .DrawMenuAccount_ call MenuFunc_1e7f call .DrawBugContestStatus call UpdateSprites call ret_d90 call Function2b5c ret ; 126d3 .MenuDataHeader db $40 ; tile backup db 0, 10 ; start coords db 17, 19 ; end coords dw .MenuData db 1 ; default selection .ContestMenuDataHeader db $40 ; tile backup db 2, 10 ; start coords db 17, 19 ; end coords dw .MenuData db 1 ; default selection .MenuData db %10101000 ; x padding, wrap around, start can close dn 0, 0 ; rows, columns dw MenuItemsList dw .MenuString dw .Items .Items dw StartMenu_Pokedex, .PokedexString, .PokedexDesc dw StartMenu_Pokemon, .PartyString, .PartyDesc dw StartMenu_Pack, .PackString, .PackDesc dw StartMenu_Status, .StatusString, .StatusDesc dw StartMenu_Save, .SaveString, .SaveDesc dw StartMenu_Option, .OptionString, .OptionDesc dw StartMenu_Exit, .ExitString, .ExitDesc dw StartMenu_Pokegear, .PokegearString, .PokegearDesc dw StartMenu_Quit, .QuitString, .QuitDesc .PokedexString db "#DEX@" .PartyString db "#MON@" .PackString db "PACK@" .StatusString db "@" .SaveString db "SAVE@" .OptionString db "OPTION@" .ExitString db "EXIT@" .PokegearString db $24, "GEAR@" .QuitString db "QUIT@" .PokedexDesc db "#MON" next "database@" .PartyDesc db "Party ", $4a next "status@" .PackDesc db "Contains" next "items@" .PokegearDesc db "Trainer's" next "key device@" .StatusDesc db "Your own" next "status@" .SaveDesc db "Save your" next "progress@" .OptionDesc db "Change" next "settings@" .ExitDesc db "Close this" next "menu@" .QuitDesc db "Quit and" next "be judged.@" .OpenMenu ; 127e5 ld a, [MenuSelection] call .GetMenuAccountTextPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp [hl] ; 127ef .MenuString ; 127ef push de ld a, [MenuSelection] call .GetMenuAccountTextPointer rept 2 inc hl endr ld a, [hli] ld d, [hl] ld e, a pop hl call PlaceString ret ; 12800 .MenuDesc ; 12800 push de ld a, [MenuSelection] cp $ff jr z, .none call .GetMenuAccountTextPointer rept 4 inc hl endr ld a, [hli] ld d, [hl] ld e, a pop hl call PlaceString ret .none pop de ret ; 12819 .GetMenuAccountTextPointer ; 12819 ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, wMenuData2PointerTableAddr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a rept 6 add hl, de endr ret ; 12829 .SetUpMenuItems ; 12829 xor a ld [wWhichIndexSet], a call .FillMenuList ld hl, StatusFlags bit 0, [hl] jr z, .no_pokedex ld a, 0 ; pokedex call .AppendMenuList .no_pokedex ld a, [PartyCount] and a jr z, .no_pokemon ld a, 1 ; pokemon call .AppendMenuList .no_pokemon ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr nz, .no_pack ld hl, StatusFlags2 bit 2, [hl] ; bug catching contest jr nz, .no_pack ld a, 2 ; pack call .AppendMenuList .no_pack ld hl, wPokegearFlags bit 7, [hl] jr z, .no_pokegear ld a, 7 ; pokegear call .AppendMenuList .no_pokegear ld a, 3 ; status call .AppendMenuList ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr nz, .no_save ld hl, StatusFlags2 bit 2, [hl] ; bug catching contest ld a, 8 ; quit jr nz, .write ld a, 4 ; save .write call .AppendMenuList .no_save ld a, 5 ; option call .AppendMenuList ld a, 6 ; exit call .AppendMenuList ld a, c ld [MenuItemsList], a ret ; 1288d .FillMenuList ; 1288d xor a ld hl, MenuItemsList ld [hli], a ld a, -1 ld bc, MenuItemsListEnd - (MenuItemsList + 1) call ByteFill ld de, MenuItemsList + 1 ld c, 0 ret ; 128a0 .AppendMenuList ; 128a0 ld [de], a inc de inc c ret ; 128a4 .DrawMenuAccount_ ; 128a4 jp .DrawMenuAccount ; 128a7 .PrintMenuAccount ; 128a7 call .IsMenuAccountOn ret z call .DrawMenuAccount decoord 0, 14 jp .MenuDesc ; 128b4 .DrawMenuAccount ; 128b4 call .IsMenuAccountOn ret z hlcoord 0, 13 lb bc, 5, 10 call ClearBox hlcoord 0, 13 ld b, 3 ld c, 8 jp TextBoxPalette ; 128cb .IsMenuAccountOn ; 128cb ld a, [Options2] and 1 ret ; 128d1 .DrawBugContestStatusBox ; 128d1 ld hl, StatusFlags2 bit 2, [hl] ; bug catching contest ret z callba Function24bdc ret ; 128de .DrawBugContestStatus ; 128de ld hl, StatusFlags2 bit 2, [hl] ; bug catching contest jr nz, .contest ret .contest callba Function24be7 ret ; 128ed StartMenu_Exit: ; 128ed ; Exit the menu. ld a, 1 ret ; 128f0 StartMenu_Quit: ; 128f0 ; Retire from the bug catching contest. ld hl, .EndTheContestText call StartMenuYesNo jr c, .DontEndContest ld a, BANK(BugCatchingContestReturnToGateScript) ld hl, BugCatchingContestReturnToGateScript call FarQueueScript ld a, 4 ret .DontEndContest ld a, 0 ret .EndTheContestText text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1a6c db "@" ; 1290b StartMenu_Save: ; 1290b ; Save the game. call BufferScreen callba SaveMenu jr nc, .asm_12919 ld a, 0 ret .asm_12919 ld a, 1 ret ; 1291c StartMenu_Option: ; 1291c ; Game options. call FadeToMenu callba OptionsMenu ld a, 6 ret ; 12928 StartMenu_Status: ; 12928 ; Player status. call FadeToMenu callba TrainerCard call CloseSubmenu ld a, 0 ret ; 12937 StartMenu_Pokedex: ; 12937 ld a, [PartyCount] and a jr z, .asm_12949 call FadeToMenu callba Pokedex call CloseSubmenu .asm_12949 ld a, 0 ret ; 1294c StartMenu_Pokegear: ; 1294c call FadeToMenu callba PokeGear call CloseSubmenu ld a, 0 ret ; 1295b StartMenu_Pack: ; 1295b call FadeToMenu callba Pack ld a, [wcf66] and a jr nz, .used_item call CloseSubmenu ld a, 0 ret .used_item call ExitAllMenus ld a, 4 ret ; 12976 StartMenu_Pokemon: ; 12976 ld a, [PartyCount] and a jr z, .return call FadeToMenu .choosemenu xor a ld [PartyMenuActionText], a ; Choose a POKéMON. call ClearBGPalettes .menu callba LoadPartyMenuGFX callba InitPartyMenuWithCancel callba InitPartyMenuGFX .menunoreload callba WritePartyMenuTilemap callba PrintPartyMenuText call WaitBGMap call SetPalettes ; load regular palettes? call DelayFrame callba PartyMenuSelect jr c, .return ; if cancelled or pressed B call PokemonActionSubmenu cp 3 jr z, .menu cp 0 jr z, .choosemenu cp 1 jr z, .menunoreload cp 2 jr z, .quit .return call CloseSubmenu ld a, 0 ret .quit ld a, b push af call ExitAllMenus pop af ret ; 129d5 HasNoItems: ; 129d5 ld a, [NumItems] and a ret nz ld a, [NumKeyItems] and a ret nz ld a, [NumBalls] and a ret nz ld hl, TMsHMs ld b, NUM_TMS + NUM_HMS .loop ld a, [hli] and a jr nz, .done dec b jr nz, .loop scf ret .done and a ret Function129f4: ; 129f4 push de call PartyMonItemName callba _CheckTossableItem ld a, [wItemAttributeParamBuffer] and a jr nz, .asm_12a3f ld hl, UnknownText_0x12a45 call MenuTextBox callba SelectQuantityToToss push af call CloseWindow call ExitMenu pop af jr c, .asm_12a42 ld hl, UnknownText_0x12a4a call MenuTextBox call YesNoBox push af call ExitMenu pop af jr c, .asm_12a42 pop hl ld a, [wd107] call TossItem call PartyMonItemName ld hl, UnknownText_0x12a4f call MenuTextBox call ExitMenu and a ret .asm_12a3f call Function12a54 .asm_12a42 pop hl scf ret ; 12a45 (4:6a45) UnknownText_0x12a45: ; 0x12a45 ; Toss out how many @ (S)? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1a90 db "@" ; 0x12a4a UnknownText_0x12a4a: ; 0x12a4a ; Throw away @ @ (S)? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1aad db "@" ; 0x12a4f UnknownText_0x12a4f: ; 0x12a4f ; Discarded @ (S). text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1aca db "@" ; 0x12a54 Function12a54: ; 12a54 (4:6a54) ld hl, UnknownText_0x12a5b call MenuTextBoxBackup ret ; 12a5b (4:6a5b) UnknownText_0x12a5b: ; 0x12a5b ; That's too impor- tant to toss out! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1adf db "@" ; 0x12a60 CantUseItem: ; 12a60 ld hl, CantUseItemText call MenuTextBoxWaitButton ret ; 12a67 CantUseItemText: ; 12a67 text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1b03 db "@" ; 12a6c PartyMonItemName: ; 12a6c ld a, [CurItem] ld [wd265], a call GetItemName call CopyName1 ret ; 12a79 CancelPokemonAction: ; 12a79 callba InitPartyMenuWithCancel callba UnfreezeMonIcons ld a, 1 ret ; 12a88 PokemonActionSubmenu: ; 12a88 hlcoord 1, 15 lb bc, 2, 18 call ClearBox callba MonSubmenu call GetCurNick ld a, [MenuSelection] ld hl, .Actions ld de, 3 call IsInArray jr nc, .nothing inc hl ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp [hl] .nothing ld a, 0 ret .Actions dbw MONMENU_CUT, MonMenu_Cut ; Cut dbw MONMENU_FLY, MonMenu_Fly ; Fly dbw MONMENU_SURF, MonMenu_Surf ; Surf dbw MONMENU_STRENGTH, MonMenu_Strength ; Strength dbw MONMENU_FLASH, MonMenu_Flash ; Flash dbw MONMENU_WHIRLPOOL, MonMenu_Whirlpool ; Whirlpool dbw MONMENU_DIG, MonMenu_Dig ; Dig dbw MONMENU_TELEPORT, MonMenu_Teleport ; Teleport dbw MONMENU_SOFTBOILED, MonMenu_Softboiled_MilkDrink ; Softboiled dbw MONMENU_MILKDRINK, MonMenu_Softboiled_MilkDrink ; MilkDrink dbw MONMENU_HEADBUTT, MonMenu_Headbutt ; Headbutt dbw MONMENU_WATERFALL, MonMenu_Waterfall ; Waterfall dbw MONMENU_ROCKSMASH, MonMenu_RockSmash ; RockSmash dbw MONMENU_SWEETSCENT, MonMenu_SweetScent ; SweetScent dbw MONMENU_STATS, OpenPartyStats dbw MONMENU_SWITCH, SwitchPartyMons dbw MONMENU_ITEM, GiveTakePartyMonItem dbw MONMENU_CANCEL, CancelPokemonAction dbw MONMENU_MOVE, ManagePokemonMoves ; move dbw MONMENU_MAIL, MonMailAction ; mail ; 12aec SwitchPartyMons: ; 12aec ; Don't try if there's nothing to switch! ld a, [PartyCount] cp 2 jr c, .DontSwitch ld a, [CurPartyMon] inc a ld [wSwitchMon], a callba HoldSwitchmonIcon callba InitPartyMenuNoCancel ld a, 4 ld [PartyMenuActionText], a callba WritePartyMenuTilemap callba PrintPartyMenuText hlcoord 0, 1 ld bc, 20 * 2 ld a, [wSwitchMon] dec a call AddNTimes ld [hl], "▷" call WaitBGMap call SetPalettes call DelayFrame callba PartyMenuSelect bit 1, b jr c, .DontSwitch callba _SwitchPartyMons xor a ld [PartyMenuActionText], a callba LoadPartyMenuGFX callba InitPartyMenuWithCancel callba InitPartyMenuGFX ld a, 1 ret .DontSwitch xor a ld [PartyMenuActionText], a call CancelPokemonAction ret ; 12b60 GiveTakePartyMonItem: ; 12b60 ; Eggs can't hold items! ld a, [CurPartySpecies] cp EGG jr z, .cancel ld hl, GiveTakeItemMenuData call LoadMenuDataHeader call VerticalMenu call ExitMenu jr c, .cancel call GetCurNick ld hl, StringBuffer1 ld de, wMonOrItemNameBuffer ld bc, PKMN_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes ld a, [wMenuCursorY] cp 1 jr nz, .take call LoadStandardMenuDataHeader call ClearPalettes call .GiveItem call ClearPalettes call LoadFontsBattleExtra call ExitMenu ld a, 0 ret .take call TakePartyItem ld a, 3 ret .cancel ld a, 3 ret ; 12ba9 .GiveItem: ; 12ba9 callba DepositSellInitPackBuffers .loop callba DepositSellPack ld a, [wcf66] and a jr z, .quit ld a, [wcf65] cp 2 jr z, .next call CheckTossableItem ld a, [wItemAttributeParamBuffer] and a jr nz, .next call TryGiveItemToPartymon jr .quit .next ld hl, CantBeHeldText call MenuTextBoxBackup jr .loop .quit ret ; 12bd9 TryGiveItemToPartymon: ; 12bd9 call SpeechTextBox call PartyMonItemName call GetPartyItemLocation ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .give_item_to_mon push hl ld d, a callba ItemIsMail pop hl jr c, .please_remove_mail ld a, [hl] jr .already_holding_item .give_item_to_mon call GiveItemToPokemon ld hl, MadeHoldText call MenuTextBoxBackup call GivePartyItem ret .please_remove_mail ld hl, PleaseRemoveMailText call MenuTextBoxBackup ret .already_holding_item ld [wd265], a call GetItemName ld hl, SwitchAlreadyHoldingText call StartMenuYesNo jr c, .abort call GiveItemToPokemon ld a, [wd265] push af ld a, [CurItem] ld [wd265], a pop af ld [CurItem], a call ReceiveItemFromPokemon jr nc, .bag_full ld hl, TookAndMadeHoldText call MenuTextBoxBackup ld a, [wd265] ld [CurItem], a call GivePartyItem ret .bag_full ld a, [wd265] ld [CurItem], a call ReceiveItemFromPokemon ld hl, ItemStorageIsFullText call MenuTextBoxBackup .abort ret ; 12c4c GivePartyItem: ; 12c4c call GetPartyItemLocation ld a, [CurItem] ld [hl], a ld d, a callba ItemIsMail jr nc, .done call ComposeMailMessage .done ret ; 12c60 TakePartyItem: ; 12c60 call SpeechTextBox call GetPartyItemLocation ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .asm_12c8c ld [CurItem], a call ReceiveItemFromPokemon jr nc, .asm_12c94 callba ItemIsMail call GetPartyItemLocation ld a, [hl] ld [wd265], a ld [hl], NO_ITEM call GetItemName ld hl, TookFromText call MenuTextBoxBackup jr .asm_12c9a .asm_12c8c ld hl, IsntHoldingAnythingText call MenuTextBoxBackup jr .asm_12c9a .asm_12c94 ld hl, ItemStorageIsFullText call MenuTextBoxBackup .asm_12c9a ret ; 12c9b GiveTakeItemMenuData: ; 12c9b db %01010000 db 12, 12 ; start coords db 17, 19 ; end coords dw .Items db 1 ; default option .Items db %10000000 ; x padding db 2 ; # items db "GIVE@" db "TAKE@" ; 12caf TookAndMadeHoldText: ; 12caf text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1b2c db "@" ; 12cb4 MadeHoldText: ; 12cb4 text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1b57 db "@" ; 12cb9 PleaseRemoveMailText: ; 12cb9 text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1b6f db "@" ; 12cbe IsntHoldingAnythingText: ; 12cbe text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1b8e db "@" ; 12cc3 ItemStorageIsFullText: ; 12cc3 text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1baa db "@" ; 12cc8 TookFromText: ; 12cc8 text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1bc4 db "@" ; 12ccd SwitchAlreadyHoldingText: ; 12ccd text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1bdc db "@" ; 12cd2 CantBeHeldText: ; 12cd2 text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1c09 db "@" ; 12cd7 GetPartyItemLocation: ; 12cd7 push af ld a, MON_ITEM call GetPartyParamLocation pop af ret ; 12cdf ReceiveItemFromPokemon: ; 12cdf ld a, $1 ld [wItemQuantityChangeBuffer], a ld hl, NumItems jp ReceiveItem ; 12cea GiveItemToPokemon: ; 12cea (4:6cea) ld a, $1 ld [wItemQuantityChangeBuffer], a ld hl, NumItems jp TossItem StartMenuYesNo: ; 12cf5 call MenuTextBox call YesNoBox jp ExitMenu ; 12cfe ComposeMailMessage: ; 12cfe (4:6cfe) ld de, wTempMailMessage callba _ComposeMailMessage ld hl, PlayerName ld de, wTempMailAuthor ld bc, NAME_LENGTH - 1 call CopyBytes ld hl, PlayerID ld bc, 2 call CopyBytes ld a, [CurPartySpecies] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [CurItem] ld [de], a ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld hl, sPartyMail ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, wTempMail ld bc, MAIL_STRUCT_LENGTH ld a, BANK(sPartyMail) call GetSRAMBank call CopyBytes call CloseSRAM ret MonMailAction: ; 12d45 ; If in the time capsule or trade center, ; selecting the mail only allows you to ; read the mail. ld a, [wLinkMode] cp LINK_TIMECAPSULE jr z, .read cp LINK_TRADECENTER jr z, .read ; Show the READ/TAKE/QUIT menu. ld hl, .MenuDataHeader call LoadMenuDataHeader call VerticalMenu call ExitMenu ; Interpret the menu. jp c, .done ld a, [wMenuCursorY] cp $1 jr z, .read cp $2 jr z, .take jp .done .read callba ReadPartyMonMail ld a, $0 ret .take ld hl, .sendmailtopctext call StartMenuYesNo jr c, .RemoveMailToBag ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld b, a callba SendMailToPC jr c, .MailboxFull ld hl, .sentmailtopctext call MenuTextBoxBackup jr .done .MailboxFull ld hl, .mailboxfulltext call MenuTextBoxBackup jr .done .RemoveMailToBag ld hl, .mailwilllosemessagetext call StartMenuYesNo jr c, .done call GetPartyItemLocation ld a, [hl] ld [CurItem], a call ReceiveItemFromPokemon jr nc, .BagIsFull call GetPartyItemLocation ld [hl], $0 call GetCurNick ld hl, .tookmailfrommontext call MenuTextBoxBackup jr .done .BagIsFull ld hl, .bagfulltext call MenuTextBoxBackup jr .done .done ld a, $3 ret ; 12dc9 .MenuDataHeader: ; 0x12dc9 db $40 ; flags db 10, 12 ; start coords db 17, 19 ; end coords dw .MenuData2 db 1 ; default option ; 0x12dd1 .MenuData2: ; 0x12dd1 db $80 ; flags db 3 ; items db "READ@" db "TAKE@" db "QUIT@" ; 0x12de2 .mailwilllosemessagetext: ; 0x12de2 ; The MAIL will lose its message. OK? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1c22 db "@" ; 0x12de7 .tookmailfrommontext: ; 0x12de7 ; MAIL detached from . text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1c47 db "@" ; 0x12dec .bagfulltext: ; 0x12dec ; There's no space for removing MAIL. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1c62 db "@" ; 0x12df1 .sendmailtopctext: ; 0x12df1 ; Send the removed MAIL to your PC? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1c86 db "@" ; 0x12df6 .mailboxfulltext: ; 0x12df6 ; Your PC's MAILBOX is full. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1ca9 db "@" ; 0x12dfb .sentmailtopctext: ; 0x12dfb ; The MAIL was sent to your PC. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1cc4 db "@" ; 0x12e00 OpenPartyStats: ; 12e00 call LoadStandardMenuDataHeader call ClearSprites ; PartyMon xor a ld [MonType], a call LowVolume predef StatsScreenInit call MaxVolume call Call_ExitMenu ld a, 0 ret ; 12e1b MonMenu_Cut: ; 12e1b callba CutFunction ld a, [wFieldMoveSucceeded] cp $1 jr nz, .Fail ld b, $4 ld a, $2 ret .Fail ld a, $3 ret ; 12e30 MonMenu_Fly: ; 12e30 callba FlyFunction ld a, [wFieldMoveSucceeded] cp $2 jr z, .Fail cp $0 jr z, .Error callba MobileFn_1060b5 ld b, $4 ld a, $2 ret .Fail ld a, $3 ret .Error ld a, $0 ret .Unused ld a, $1 ret ; 12e55 MonMenu_Flash: ; 12e55 callba OWFlash ld a, [wFieldMoveSucceeded] cp $1 jr nz, .Fail ld b, $4 ld a, $2 ret .Fail ld a, $3 ret ; 12e6a MonMenu_Strength: ; 12e6a callba StrengthFunction ld a, [wFieldMoveSucceeded] cp $1 jr nz, .Fail ld b, $4 ld a, $2 ret .Fail ld a, $3 ret ; 12e7f MonMenu_Whirlpool: ; 12e7f callba WhirlpoolFunction ld a, [wFieldMoveSucceeded] cp $1 jr nz, .Fail ld b, $4 ld a, $2 ret .Fail ld a, $3 ret ; 12e94 MonMenu_Waterfall: ; 12e94 callba WaterfallFunction ld a, [wFieldMoveSucceeded] cp $1 jr nz, .Fail ld b, $4 ld a, $2 ret .Fail ld a, $3 ret ; 12ea9 MonMenu_Teleport: ; 12ea9 callba TeleportFunction ld a, [wFieldMoveSucceeded] and a jr z, .Fail ld b, $4 ld a, $2 ret .Fail ld a, $3 ret ; 12ebd MonMenu_Surf: ; 12ebd callba SurfFunction ld a, [wFieldMoveSucceeded] and a jr z, .Fail ld b, $4 ld a, $2 ret .Fail ld a, $3 ret ; 12ed1 MonMenu_Dig: ; 12ed1 callba DigFunction ld a, [wFieldMoveSucceeded] cp $1 jr nz, .Fail ld b, $4 ld a, $2 ret .Fail ld a, $3 ret ; 12ee6 MonMenu_Softboiled_MilkDrink: ; 12ee6 call .CheckMonHasEnoughHP jr nc, .NotEnoughHP callba Softboiled_MilkDrinkFunction jr .finish .NotEnoughHP ld hl, .Text_NotEnoughHP call PrintText .finish xor a ld [PartyMenuActionText], a ld a, $3 ret ; 12f00 .Text_NotEnoughHP: ; 0x12f00 ; Not enough HP! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1ce3 db "@" ; 0x12f05 .CheckMonHasEnoughHP: ; 12f05 ; Need to have at least (MaxHP / 5) HP left. ld a, MON_MAXHP call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hli] ld [hDividend + 0], a ld a, [hl] ld [hDividend + 1], a ld a, 5 ld [hDivisor], a ld b, 2 call Divide ld a, MON_HP + 1 call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hQuotient + 2] sub [hl] dec hl ld a, [hQuotient + 1] sbc [hl] ret ; 12f26 MonMenu_Headbutt: ; 12f26 callba HeadbuttFunction ld a, [wFieldMoveSucceeded] cp $1 jr nz, .Fail ld b, $4 ld a, $2 ret .Fail ld a, $3 ret ; 12f3b MonMenu_RockSmash: ; 12f3b callba RockSmashFunction ld a, [wFieldMoveSucceeded] cp $1 jr nz, .Fail ld b, $4 ld a, $2 ret .Fail ld a, $3 ret ; 12f50 MonMenu_SweetScent: ; 12f50 callba SweetScentFromMenu ld b, $4 ld a, $2 ret ; 12f5b ChooseMoveToDelete: ; 12f5b ld hl, Options ld a, [hl] push af set NO_TEXT_SCROLL, [hl] call LoadFontsBattleExtra call .asm_12f73 pop bc ld a, b ld [Options], a push af call ClearBGPalettes pop af ret ; 12f73 .asm_12f73: ; 12f73 call SetUpMoveScreenBG ld de, DeleteMoveScreenAttrs call SetMenuAttributes call SetUpMoveList ld hl, w2DMenuFlags1 set 6, [hl] jr .asm_12f93 .asm_12f86: ; 12f86 call ScrollingMenuJoypad bit 1, a jp nz, .asm_12f9f bit 0, a jp nz, .asm_12f9c .asm_12f93: ; 12f93 call PrepareToPlaceMoveData call PlaceMoveData jp .asm_12f86 ; 12f9c .asm_12f9c: ; 12f9c and a jr .asm_12fa0 .asm_12f9f: ; 12f9f scf .asm_12fa0: ; 12fa0 push af xor a ld [wSwitchMon], a ld hl, w2DMenuFlags1 res 6, [hl] call ClearSprites call ClearTileMap pop af ret ; 12fb2 DeleteMoveScreenAttrs: ; 12fb2 db 3, 1 db 3, 1 db $40, $00 dn 2, 0 db D_UP | D_DOWN | A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON ; 12fba ManagePokemonMoves: ; 12fba ld a, [CurPartySpecies] cp EGG jr z, .egg ld hl, Options ld a, [hl] push af set NO_TEXT_SCROLL, [hl] call MoveScreenLoop pop af ld [Options], a call ClearBGPalettes .egg ld a, $0 ret ; 12fd5 MoveScreenLoop: ; 12fd5 ld a, [CurPartyMon] inc a ld [wPartyMenuCursor], a call SetUpMoveScreenBG call Function132d3 ld de, MoveScreenAttributes call SetMenuAttributes .loop call SetUpMoveList ld hl, w2DMenuFlags1 set 6, [hl] jr .skip_joy .joy_loop call ScrollingMenuJoypad bit 1, a jp nz, .b_button bit 0, a jp nz, .a_button bit 4, a jp nz, .d_right bit 5, a jp nz, .d_left .skip_joy call PrepareToPlaceMoveData ld a, [wMoveSwapBuffer] and a jr nz, .moving_move call PlaceMoveData jp .joy_loop .moving_move ld a, " " hlcoord 1, 11 ld bc, 5 call ByteFill hlcoord 1, 12 lb bc, 5, SCREEN_WIDTH - 2 call ClearBox hlcoord 1, 12 ld de, String_1316b call PlaceString jp .joy_loop .b_button: ; 13038 call PlayClickSFX call WaitSFX ld a, [wMoveSwapBuffer] and a jp z, .exit ld a, [wMoveSwapBuffer] ld [wMenuCursorY], a xor a ld [wMoveSwapBuffer], a hlcoord 1, 2 lb bc, 8, SCREEN_WIDTH - 2 call ClearBox jp .loop ; 1305b .d_right: ; 1305b ld a, [wMoveSwapBuffer] and a jp nz, .joy_loop ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld b, a push bc call .cycle_right pop bc ld a, [CurPartyMon] cp b jp z, .joy_loop jp MoveScreenLoop .d_left: ; 13075 ld a, [wMoveSwapBuffer] and a jp nz, .joy_loop ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld b, a push bc call .cycle_left pop bc ld a, [CurPartyMon] cp b jp z, .joy_loop jp MoveScreenLoop .cycle_right ld a, [CurPartyMon] inc a ld [CurPartyMon], a ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, PartySpecies add hl, bc ld a, [hl] cp -1 jr z, .cycle_left cp EGG ret nz jr .cycle_right .cycle_left ld a, [CurPartyMon] and a ret z .cycle_left_loop ld a, [CurPartyMon] dec a ld [CurPartyMon], a ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, PartySpecies add hl, bc ld a, [hl] cp EGG ret nz ld a, [CurPartyMon] and a jr z, .cycle_right jr .cycle_left_loop ; 130c6 .a_button: ; 130c6 call PlayClickSFX call WaitSFX ld a, [wMoveSwapBuffer] and a jr nz, .place_move ld a, [wMenuCursorY] ld [wMoveSwapBuffer], a call PlaceHollowCursor jp .moving_move .place_move ld hl, PartyMon1Moves ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH ld a, [CurPartyMon] call AddNTimes push hl call .copy_move pop hl ld bc, $15 add hl, bc call .copy_move ld a, [wBattleMode] jr z, .swap_moves ld hl, BattleMonMoves ld bc, $20 ld a, [CurPartyMon] call AddNTimes push hl call .copy_move pop hl ld bc, 6 add hl, bc call .copy_move .swap_moves ld de, SFX_SWITCH_POKEMON call PlaySFX call WaitSFX ld de, SFX_SWITCH_POKEMON call PlaySFX call WaitSFX hlcoord 1, 2 lb bc, 8, 18 call ClearBox hlcoord 10, 10 lb bc, 1, 9 call ClearBox jp .loop ; 1313a .copy_move: ; 1313a push hl ld a, [wMenuCursorY] dec a ld c, a ld b, $0 add hl, bc ld d, h ld e, l pop hl ld a, [wMoveSwapBuffer] dec a ld c, a ld b, $0 add hl, bc ld a, [de] ld b, [hl] ld [hl], a ld a, b ld [de], a ret ; 13154 .exit: ; 13154 xor a ld [wMoveSwapBuffer], a ld hl, w2DMenuFlags1 res 6, [hl] call ClearSprites jp ClearTileMap ; 13163 MoveScreenAttributes: ; 13163 db 3, 1 db 3, 1 db $40, $00 dn 2, 0 db D_UP | D_DOWN | D_LEFT | D_RIGHT | A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON ; 1316b String_1316b: ; 1316b db "Where?@" ; 13172 SetUpMoveScreenBG: ; 13172 call ClearBGPalettes call ClearTileMap call ClearSprites xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a callba Functionfb571 callba ClearSpriteAnims2 ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld e, a ld d, $0 ld hl, PartySpecies add hl, de ld a, [hl] ld [wd265], a ld e, $2 callba Function8e83f hlcoord 0, 1 ld b, 9 ld c, 18 call TextBox hlcoord 0, 11 ld b, 5 ld c, 18 call TextBox hlcoord 2, 0 lb bc, 2, 3 call ClearBox xor a ld [MonType], a ld hl, PartyMonNicknames ld a, [CurPartyMon] call GetNick hlcoord 5, 1 call PlaceString push bc callba CopyPkmnToTempMon pop hl call PrintLevel ld hl, PlayerHPPal call SetHPPal ld b, SCGB_0E call GetSGBLayout hlcoord 16, 0 lb bc, 1, 3 jp ClearBox ; 131ef SetUpMoveList: ; 131ef xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a ld [wMoveSwapBuffer], a ld [MonType], a predef CopyPkmnToTempMon ld hl, TempMonMoves ld de, wListMoves_MoveIndicesBuffer ld bc, NUM_MOVES call CopyBytes ld a, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 ld [Buffer1], a hlcoord 2, 3 predef ListMoves hlcoord 10, 4 predef ListMovePP call WaitBGMap call SetPalettes ld a, [wNumMoves] inc a ld [w2DMenuNumRows], a hlcoord 0, 11 ld b, 5 ld c, 18 jp TextBox ; 13235 PrepareToPlaceMoveData: ; 13235 ld hl, PartyMon1Moves ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH ld a, [CurPartyMon] call AddNTimes ld a, [wMenuCursorY] dec a ld c, a ld b, $0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [CurMove], a hlcoord 1, 12 lb bc, 5, 18 jp ClearBox ; 13256 PlaceMoveData: ; 13256 xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a hlcoord 0, 10 ld de, String_132ba call PlaceString hlcoord 0, 11 ld de, String_132c2 call PlaceString hlcoord 12, 12 ld de, String_132ca call PlaceString ld a, [CurMove] ld b, a hlcoord 2, 12 predef PrintMoveType ld a, [CurMove] dec a ld hl, Moves + MOVE_POWER ld bc, MOVE_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld a, BANK(Moves) call GetFarByte hlcoord 16, 12 cp 2 jr c, .no_power ld [wd265], a ld de, wd265 lb bc, 1, 3 call PrintNum jr .description .no_power ld de, String_132cf call PlaceString .description hlcoord 1, 14 predef PrintMoveDesc ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a ret ; 132ba String_132ba: ; 132ba db "┌─────┐@" ; 132c2 String_132c2: ; 132c2 db "│TYPE/└@" ; 132ca String_132ca: ; 132ca db "ATK/@" ; 132cf String_132cf: ; 132cf db "---@" ; 132d3 Function132d3: ; 132d3 call Function132da call Function132fe ret ; 132da Function132da: ; 132da ld a, [CurPartyMon] and a ret z ld c, a ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, PartyCount add hl, de .loop ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .prev cp EGG jr z, .prev cp NUM_POKEMON + 1 jr c, .legal .prev dec hl dec c jr nz, .loop ret .legal hlcoord 16, 0 ld [hl], "◀" ret ; 132fe Function132fe: ; 132fe ld a, [CurPartyMon] inc a ld c, a ld a, [PartyCount] cp c ret z ld e, c ld d, 0 ld hl, PartySpecies add hl, de .loop ld a, [hl] cp -1 ret z and a jr z, .next cp EGG jr z, .next cp NUM_POKEMON + 1 jr c, .legal .next inc hl jr .loop .legal hlcoord 18, 0 ld [hl], "▶" ret ; 13327