CianwoodGym_MapScriptHeader: ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 0 ChuckScript_0x9d60f: faceplayer loadfont checkevent EVENT_BEAT_CHUCK iftrue .FightDone writetext UnknownText_0x9d6f9 closetext loadmovesprites spriteface $2, RIGHT loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x9d76f closetext loadmovesprites applymovement $7, MovementData_0x9d6f3 playsound SFX_STRENGTH earthquake 80 disappear $7 pause 30 faceplayer loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x9d78a closetext loadmovesprites winlosstext UnknownText_0x9d7f6, $0000 loadtrainer CHUCK, 1 startbattle returnafterbattle setevent EVENT_BEAT_CHUCK loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x9d835 playsound SFX_GET_BADGE waitbutton setflag ENGINE_STORMBADGE checkcode VAR_BADGES scall CianwoodGymTriggerRockets .FightDone checkevent EVENT_GOT_TM01_DYNAMICPUNCH iftrue UnknownScript_0x9d67b setevent EVENT_BEAT_BLACKBELT_YOSHI setevent EVENT_BEAT_BLACKBELT_LAO setevent EVENT_BEAT_BLACKBELT_NOB setevent EVENT_BEAT_BLACKBELT_LUNG writetext UnknownText_0x9d84d keeptextopen verbosegiveitem TM_DYNAMICPUNCH, 1 iffalse UnknownScript_0x9d67f setevent EVENT_GOT_TM01_DYNAMICPUNCH writetext UnknownText_0x9d8da closetext loadmovesprites end UnknownScript_0x9d67b: writetext UnknownText_0x9d930 closetext UnknownScript_0x9d67f: loadmovesprites end CianwoodGymTriggerRockets: if_equal 7, .RadioTowerRockets if_equal 6, .GoldenrodRockets end .GoldenrodRockets jumpstd goldenrodrockets .RadioTowerRockets jumpstd radiotowerrockets TrainerBlackbeltYoshi: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_BLACKBELT_YOSHI ; trainer group && trainer id db BLACKBELT_T, YOSHI ; text when seen dw BlackbeltYoshiSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw BlackbeltYoshiBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw BlackbeltYoshiScript BlackbeltYoshiScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x9d9fa closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerBlackbeltLao: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_BLACKBELT_LAO ; trainer group && trainer id db BLACKBELT_T, LAO ; text when seen dw BlackbeltLaoSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw BlackbeltLaoBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw BlackbeltLaoScript BlackbeltLaoScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x9da61 closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerBlackbeltNob: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_BLACKBELT_NOB ; trainer group && trainer id db BLACKBELT_T, NOB ; text when seen dw BlackbeltNobSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw BlackbeltNobBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw BlackbeltNobScript BlackbeltNobScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x9dac0 closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerBlackbeltLung: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_BLACKBELT_LUNG ; trainer group && trainer id db BLACKBELT_T, LUNG ; text when seen dw BlackbeltLungSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw BlackbeltLungBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw BlackbeltLungScript BlackbeltLungScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x9db14 closetext loadmovesprites end CianwoodGymBoulder: jumpstd strengthboulder CianwoodGymStatue: checkflag ENGINE_STORMBADGE iftrue .Beaten jumpstd gymstatue1 .Beaten trainertotext CHUCK, 1, $1 jumpstd gymstatue2 MovementData_0x9d6f3: db $39 ; movement big_step_left big_step_up fast_jump_step_right db $38 ; movement step_end UnknownText_0x9d6f9: text "WAHAHAH!" para "So you've come" line "this far!" para "Let me tell you," line "I'm tough!" para "My #MON will" line "crush stones and" cont "shatter bones!" para "Watch this!" done UnknownText_0x9d76f: text "CHUCK: Urggh!" line "…" para "Oooarrgh!" done UnknownText_0x9d78a: text "There! Scared now," line "are you?" para "What?" line "It has nothing to" para "do with #MON?" line "That's true!" para "Come on. We shall" line "do battle!" done UnknownText_0x9d7f6: text "Wha? Huh?" line "I lost?" para "How about that!" line "You're worthy of" cont "STORMBADGE!" done UnknownText_0x9d835: text " received" line "STORMBADGE." done UnknownText_0x9d84d: text "STORMBADGE makes" line "all #MON up to" para "L70 obey, even" line "traded ones." para "It also lets your" line "#MON use FLY" para "when you're not in" line "a battle." para "Here, take this" line "too!" done UnknownText_0x9d8da: text "That is DYNAMIC-" line "PUNCH." para "It doesn't always" line "hit, but when it" para "does, it causes" line "confusion!" done UnknownText_0x9d930: text "WAHAHAH! I enjoyed" line "battling you!" para "But a loss is a" line "loss!" para "From now on, I'm" line "going to train 24" cont "hours a day!" done BlackbeltYoshiSeenText: text "My #MON and I" line "are bound togeth-" cont "er by friendship." para "Our bond will" line "never be broken!" done BlackbeltYoshiBeatenText: text "This isn't real!" done UnknownText_0x9d9fa: text "You seem to have a" line "strong bond with" cont "your #MON too!" done BlackbeltLaoSeenText: text "We martial artists" line "fear nothing!" done BlackbeltLaoBeatenText: text "That's shocking!" done UnknownText_0x9da61: text "Fighting #MON" line "are afraid of psy-" cont "chics…" done BlackbeltNobSeenText: text "Words are useless." line "Let your fists do" cont "the talking!" done BlackbeltNobBeatenText: text "…" done UnknownText_0x9dac0: text "I lost! " line "I'm speechless!" done BlackbeltLungSeenText: text "My raging fists" line "will shatter your" cont "#MON!" done BlackbeltLungBeatenText: text "I got shattered!" done UnknownText_0x9db14: text "My #MON lost…" line "My… my pride is" cont "shattered…" done CianwoodGym_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 2 warp_def $11, $4, 2, GROUP_CIANWOOD_CITY, MAP_CIANWOOD_CITY warp_def $11, $5, 2, GROUP_CIANWOOD_CITY, MAP_CIANWOOD_CITY ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 2 signpost 15, 3, $0, CianwoodGymStatue signpost 15, 6, $0, CianwoodGymStatue ; people-events db 9 person_event SPRITE_CHUCK, 5, 8, $6, $0, 255, 255, $b0, 0, ChuckScript_0x9d60f, -1 person_event SPRITE_BLACK_BELT, 16, 6, $9, $0, 255, 255, $b2, 3, TrainerBlackbeltYoshi, -1 person_event SPRITE_BLACK_BELT, 16, 11, $8, $0, 255, 255, $b2, 3, TrainerBlackbeltLao, -1 person_event SPRITE_BLACK_BELT, 13, 7, $9, $0, 255, 255, $b2, 2, TrainerBlackbeltNob, -1 person_event SPRITE_BLACK_BELT, 9, 9, $8, $0, 255, 255, $b2, 1, TrainerBlackbeltLung, -1 person_event SPRITE_BOULDER, 5, 9, $19, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, CianwoodGymBoulder, -1 person_event SPRITE_BOULDER, 11, 7, $19, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, CianwoodGymBoulder, -1 person_event SPRITE_BOULDER, 11, 8, $19, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, CianwoodGymBoulder, -1 person_event SPRITE_BOULDER, 11, 9, $19, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, CianwoodGymBoulder, -1