Route1718Gate_MapScriptHeader: .MapTriggers: db 1 ; triggers dw UnknownScript_0x7360d, 0 .MapCallbacks: db 0 UnknownScript_0x7360d: end OfficerScript_0x7360e: jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x7362c UnknownScript_0x73611: checkitem BICYCLE iffalse UnknownScript_0x73617 end UnknownScript_0x73617: showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, $2, 15 spriteface PLAYER, UP loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x7364d closetext loadmovesprites applymovement PLAYER, MovementData_0x73629 end MovementData_0x73629: step_right turn_head_left step_end UnknownText_0x7362c: text "CYCLING ROAD" line "Uphill Starts Here" done UnknownText_0x7364d: text "Hang on! Don't you" line "have a BICYCLE?" para "The CYCLING ROAD" line "is beyond here." para "You have to have a" line "BICYCLE to go on." done Route1718Gate_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 4 warp_def $4, $0, 1, ROUTE_17 warp_def $5, $0, 2, ROUTE_17 warp_def $4, $9, 1, ROUTE_18 warp_def $5, $9, 2, ROUTE_18 .XYTriggers: db 2 xy_trigger 0, $4, $5, $0, UnknownScript_0x73611, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $5, $5, $0, UnknownScript_0x73611, $0, $0 .Signposts: db 0 .PersonEvents: db 1 person_event SPRITE_OFFICER, 2, 5, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, (1 << 3) | PAL_OW_BLUE, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, OfficerScript_0x7360e, -1