UnionCaveB2F_MapScriptHeader: ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 1 ; callbacks dbw 2, UnknownScript_0x5a30d UnknownScript_0x5a30d: checkflag $0059 iftrue UnknownScript_0x5a319 checkcode VAR_WEEKDAY if_equal FRIDAY, UnknownScript_0x5a31c UnknownScript_0x5a319: disappear $7 return UnknownScript_0x5a31c: appear $7 return SurfScript_0x5a31f: faceplayer cry LAPRAS loadpokedata LAPRAS, 20 startbattle disappear $7 setflag $0059 returnafterbattle end TrainerCooltrainermNick: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_COOLTRAINERM_NICK ; trainer group && trainer id db COOLTRAINERM, NICK ; text when seen dw CooltrainermNickSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw CooltrainermNickBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw CooltrainermNickScript CooltrainermNickScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x5a3f0 closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerCooltrainerfGwen: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_COOLTRAINERF_GWEN ; trainer group && trainer id db COOLTRAINERF, GWEN ; text when seen dw CooltrainerfGwenSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw CooltrainerfGwenBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw CooltrainerfGwenScript CooltrainerfGwenScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x5a488 closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerCooltrainerfEmma: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_COOLTRAINERF_EMMA ; trainer group && trainer id db COOLTRAINERF, EMMA ; text when seen dw CooltrainerfEmmaSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw CooltrainerfEmmaBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw CooltrainerfEmmaScript CooltrainerfEmmaScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x5a52b closetext loadmovesprites end ItemFragment_0x5a36a: db ELIXER, 1 ItemFragment_0x5a36c: db HYPER_POTION, 1 CooltrainermNickSeenText: text "There are two" line "kinds of people." para "Those who have" line "style, and those" cont "who don't." para "What kind of" line "person are you?" done CooltrainermNickBeatenText: text "You've got" line "dazzling style!" done UnknownText_0x5a3f0: text "Your #MON style" line "is stunning and" cont "colorful, I admit." para "You'll just keep" line "getting better!" done CooltrainerfGwenSeenText: text "I'm in training." line "Care for a round?" done CooltrainerfGwenBeatenText: text "Aww, no! You're" line "too good for me." done UnknownText_0x5a488: text "I'm going to train" line "by myself until I" cont "improve." done CooltrainerfEmmaSeenText: text "If the #MON I" line "liked were there," cont "I'd go anywhere." para "That's what a real" line "trainer does." done CooltrainerfEmmaBeatenText: text "I'd rather pet my" line "babies than this!" done UnknownText_0x5a52b: text "Just once a week," line "a #MON comes to" cont "the water's edge." para "I wanted to see" line "that #MON…" done UnionCaveB2F_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 1 warp_def $3, $5, 5, GROUP_UNION_CAVE_B1F, MAP_UNION_CAVE_B1F ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 0 ; people-events db 6 person_event SPRITE_ROCKER, 23, 19, $6, $0, 255, 255, $82, 3, TrainerCooltrainermNick, $ffff person_event SPRITE_COOLTRAINER_F, 17, 9, $a, $0, 255, 255, $82, 1, TrainerCooltrainerfGwen, $ffff person_event SPRITE_COOLTRAINER_F, 34, 7, $7, $0, 255, 255, $82, 3, TrainerCooltrainerfEmma, $ffff person_event SPRITE_POKE_BALL, 6, 20, $1, $0, 255, 255, $1, 0, ItemFragment_0x5a36a, $0660 person_event SPRITE_POKE_BALL, 23, 16, $1, $0, 255, 255, $1, 0, ItemFragment_0x5a36c, $0661 person_event SPRITE_SURF, 35, 15, $24, $11, 255, 255, $90, 0, SurfScript_0x5a31f, $0760