const_value set 2 const HALLOFFAME_LANCE HallOfFame_MapScriptHeader: .MapTriggers: db 2 ; triggers maptrigger .Trigger0 maptrigger .Trigger1 .MapCallbacks: db 0 .Trigger0: priorityjump HallOfFameScript end .Trigger1: end HallOfFameScript: follow HALLOFFAME_LANCE, PLAYER applymovement HALLOFFAME_LANCE, HallOfFame_WalkUpWithLance stopfollow spriteface PLAYER, RIGHT opentext writetext HallOfFame_LanceText waitbutton closetext spriteface HALLOFFAME_LANCE, UP applymovement PLAYER, HallOfFame_SlowlyApproachMachine dotrigger $1 pause 15 writebyte 2 ; Machine is in the Hall of Fame special HealMachineAnim setevent EVENT_BEAT_ELITE_FOUR setevent EVENT_TELEPORT_GUY setevent EVENT_RIVAL_SPROUT_TOWER clearevent EVENT_RED_IN_MT_SILVER setevent EVENT_OLIVINE_PORT_SPRITES_BEFORE_HALL_OF_FAME clearevent EVENT_OLIVINE_PORT_SPRITES_AFTER_HALL_OF_FAME domaptrigger SPROUT_TOWER_3F, $1 special HealParty checkevent EVENT_GOT_SS_TICKET_FROM_ELM iftrue .SkipPhoneCall specialphonecall SPECIALCALL_SSTICKET .SkipPhoneCall: halloffame end HallOfFame_WalkUpWithLance: step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_right turn_head_left step_end HallOfFame_SlowlyApproachMachine: slow_step_up step_end HallOfFame_LanceText: text "LANCE: It's been a" line "long time since I" cont "last came here." para "This is where we" line "honor the LEAGUE" para "CHAMPIONS for all" line "eternity." para "Their courageous" line "#MON are also" cont "inducted." para "Here today, we" line "witnessed the rise" para "of a new LEAGUE" line "CHAMPION--a" para "trainer who feels" line "compassion for," para "and trust toward," line "all #MON." para "A trainer who" line "succeeded through" para "perseverance and" line "determination." para "The new LEAGUE" line "CHAMPION who has" para "all the makings" line "of greatness!" para ", allow me" line "to register you" para "and your partners" line "as CHAMPIONS!" done HallOfFame_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 2 warp_def $d, $4, 3, LANCES_ROOM warp_def $d, $5, 4, LANCES_ROOM .XYTriggers: db 0 .Signposts: db 0 .PersonEvents: db 1 person_event SPRITE_LANCE, 12, 4, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_UP, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ObjectEvent, -1