LevelSelectionMenu:: xor a ldh [hInMenu], a ld a, 1 << 2 ; do not clear wShadowOAM during DoNextFrameForAllSprites ld [wVramState], a ld a, -1 ld [wUnlockedLevels], a ; debug call ClearBGPalettes call ClearTilemap call ClearSprites ld de, MUSIC_NONE call PlayMusic call DelayFrame call DisableLCD call LevelSelectionMenu_LoadGFX farcall ClearSpriteAnims ld a, LCDC_DEFAULT ldh [rLCDC], a xor a ld [wLevelSelectionMenuCurrentLandmark], a call LevelSelectionMenu_GetLandmarkPage ld [wLevelSelectionMenuCurrentPage], a ld a, TRUE ld [wLevelSelectionMenuStandingStill], a call LevelSelectionMenu_InitTilemap call LevelSelectionMenu_InitAttrmap call WaitBGMap2 xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a ld b, CGB_LEVEL_SELECTION_MENU call GetCGBLayout ; apply and commit pals call SetPalettes ld de, MUSIC_GAME_CORNER call PlayMusic call DelayFrame ; wait for pal update ld a, [wLevelSelectionMenuCurrentLandmark] call LevelSelectionMenu_InitPlayerSprite call LevelSelectionMenu_InitLandmark call LevelSelectionMenu_DrawDirectionalArrows .main_loop farcall PlaySpriteAnimations call DelayFrame call GetJoypad call LevelSelectionMenu_GetValidKeys ld hl, hJoyPressed ld a, [hl] and c bit A_BUTTON_F, a jp nz, .enter_level bit B_BUTTON_F, a jp nz, .exit bit D_DOWN_F, a jr nz, .pressed_down bit D_UP_F, a jr nz, .pressed_up bit D_LEFT_F, a jr nz, .pressed_left bit D_RIGHT_F, a jr nz, .pressed_right jr .main_loop .pressed_down ld c, DOWN jr .start_movement .pressed_up ld c, UP jr .start_movement .pressed_left ld c, LEFT jr .start_movement .pressed_right ld c, RIGHT jr .start_movement .start_movement ; make hl point to the beginning of the transition data for the chosen direction at c ld e, c ; also copy direction to e for later ld hl, wLevelSelectionMenuLandmarkTransitionsPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld b, -1 call AdvanceNEntries ld bc, wLevelSelectionMenuLandmarkTransitionsPointer ld a, l ld [bc], a inc bc ld a, h ld [bc], a ; begin transition call LevelSelectionMenu_Delay10Frames xor a ; FALSE ld [wLevelSelectionMenuStandingStill], a ld a, 1 << 7 ; "first step of movement" flag ld [wLevelSelectionMenuMovementStepsLeft], a call LevelSelectionMenu_SetAnimSeqAndFrameset call LevelSelectionMenu_ClearNonPlayerSpriteOAM ; perform all movements to transition to the new landmark .wait_transition_loop ; wait until the sprite anim has signaled end of all movements ; by setting wLevelSelectionMenuStandingStill to TRUE farcall PlaySpriteAnimations call DelayFrame call LevelSelectionMenu_DoPageChangeEvent ld a, [wLevelSelectionMenuStandingStill] and a jr z, .wait_transition_loop call LevelSelectionMenu_InitLandmark call LevelSelectionMenu_DrawDirectionalArrows jr .main_loop .enter_level call LevelSelectionMenu_Delay10Frames ld de, SFX_WARP_TO call PlaySFX call LevelSelectionMenu_Delay10Frames call .EnterLevelFadeOut ld a, $8 ld [wMusicFade], a ld a, LOW(MUSIC_NONE) ld [wMusicFadeID], a ld a, HIGH(MUSIC_NONE) ld [wMusicFadeID + 1], a call ClearBGPalettes call ClearTilemap call ClearSprites xor a ld [wVramState], a ld c, 20 call DelayFrames ld a, [wLevelSelectionMenuCurrentLandmark] call LevelSelectionMenu_GetLandmarkSpawnPoint ld [wDefaultSpawnpoint], a ld a, MAPSETUP_ENTERLEVEL ld [hMapEntryMethod], a xor a ld [wDontPlayMapMusicOnReload], a ; play map music ld [wLinkMode], a ld a, PLAYER_NORMAL ld [wPlayerState], a ; this may need to be set on a per-level basis (e.g. if specific level starts with player in surf state) ld hl, wGameTimerPaused set GAME_TIMER_PAUSED_F, [hl] ; start game timer counter farcall OverworldLoop ret .EnterLevelFadeOut: ld b, RGBFADE_TO_WHITE_6BGP_2OBP jp DoRGBFadeEffect .exit call LevelSelectionMenu_Delay10Frames call ClearBGPalettes call ClearTilemap call ClearSprites xor a ld [wVramState], a ret LevelSelectionMenu_LoadGFX: ; load gfx for the background tiles, and for the player and directional arrow sprites ld hl, LevelSelectionMenuGFX ld de, vTiles2 call Decompress farcall GetPlayerIcon ld h, d ld l, e ld a, b ld de, vTiles0 ld bc, 24 tiles call FarCopyBytes ld hl, LevelSelectionMenuDirectionalArrowsGFX ; ld de, vTiles0 + 24 tiles ld bc, 4 tiles call FarCopyBytes ret LevelSelectionMenu_InitTilemap: ; init tilemap of page at wLevelSelectionMenuCurrentPage ld hl, .Tilemaps ld bc, 2 ld a, [wLevelSelectionMenuCurrentPage] call AddNTimes ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] hlcoord 0, 0 .loop ld a, [de] cp $ff ; tilemaps are $ff-terminated ret z ld a, [de] ld [hli], a inc de jr .loop .Tilemaps: dw LevelSelectionMenuPage1Tilemap dw LevelSelectionMenuPage2Tilemap dw LevelSelectionMenuPage3Tilemap dw LevelSelectionMenuPage4Tilemap LevelSelectionMenu_InitAttrmap: ; assign attrs based on tile ids according to LevelSelectionMenuAttrmap hlcoord 0, 0 decoord 0, 0, wAttrmap ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT .loop push hl ld a, [hl] ; tile id ld hl, LevelSelectionMenuAttrmap add l ld l, a ld a, h adc 0 ld h, a ld a, [hl] ; attr value ld [de], a pop hl inc hl inc de dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .loop ret LevelSelectionMenu_InitPlayerSprite: ; initialize the anim struct of the player's sprite. ; because ClearSpriteAnims was called before, it's always loaded to wSpriteAnim1 push af depixel 0, 0 ; all the SPRITE_ANIM_* related to the level selection menu are sorted by direction, then by gender ld b, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_LEVEL_SELECTION_MENU_MALE_WALK_DOWN ld a, [wPlayerGender] add b call InitSpriteAnimStruct ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_TILE_ID add hl, bc ld [hl], $00 pop af ld e, a call LevelSelectionMenu_GetLandmarkCoords ; wSpriteAnim1*Coord contain the coord of the bottom right object of the player sprite ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_XCOORD add hl, bc ld [hl], e ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_YCOORD add hl, bc ld [hl], d ret LevelSelectionMenu_InitLandmark: ; make wLevelSelectionMenuLandmarkTransitionsPointer point ; to the start of the transition data of the current landmark. ld a, [wLevelSelectionMenuCurrentLandmark] ld e, a ld hl, LevelSelectionMenu_LandmarkTransitions ld b, -1 rept NUM_DIRECTIONS ld c, e call AdvanceNEntries endr ld de, wLevelSelectionMenuLandmarkTransitionsPointer ld a, l ld [de], a inc de ld a, h ld [de], a ret LevelSelectionMenu_DrawDirectionalArrows: ; Draw directional arrows OAM around player sprite for the valid directions. ; Objects are drawn in OAM after player sprite objects in wWalkingDirection order. ; Depends on wLevelSelectionMenuLandmarkTransitionsPointer being initialized. call LevelSelectionMenu_GetValidDirections ld hl, .OAM ld de, wShadowOAM + $4 * SPRITEOAMSTRUCT_LENGTH ; always goes after player sprite bit D_DOWN_F, c jr z, .next1 call .DrawArrow .next1 ld hl, .OAM + $3 bit D_UP_F, c jr z, .next2 call .DrawArrow .next2 ld hl, .OAM + $6 bit D_LEFT_F, c jr z, .next3 call .DrawArrow .next3 ld hl, .OAM + $9 bit D_RIGHT_F, c call nz, .DrawArrow ret .DrawArrow: ld a, [wSpriteAnim1YCoord] add [hl] ld [de], a ; y coord inc hl inc de ld a, [wSpriteAnim1XCoord] add [hl] ld [de], a ; x coord inc hl inc de ld a, [hli] ld [de], a ; tile id inc de gender_to_pal ld [de], a ; attr (use the same pal as player sprite) inc de ret .OAM: ; y offset against wSpriteAnim1YCoord, x offset against wSpriteAnim1XCoord, tile id ; tiles have been loaded to vTiles0 after the player sprites db 8, -4, 24 + DOWN db -16, -4, 24 + UP db -4, -16, 24 + LEFT db -4, 8, 24 + RIGHT LevelSelectionMenu_ClearNonPlayerSpriteOAM: ld hl, wShadowOAM + $4 * SPRITEOAMSTRUCT_LENGTH ld bc, wShadowOAMEnd - (wShadowOAM + $4 * SPRITEOAMSTRUCT_LENGTH) xor a jp ByteFill LevelSelectionMenu_SetAnimSeqAndFrameset: ; Set the animation sequence and frameset for this movement. ; direction (in wWalkingDirection order) is provided in e. ld bc, wSpriteAnim1 ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_ANIM_SEQ_ID add hl, bc ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_SEQ_LEVEL_SELECTION_MENU_WALK_DOWN add e ; add direction ld [hl], a ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_FRAMESET_ID add hl, bc ld a, [wPlayerGender] ld d, a ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_LEVEL_SELECTION_MENU_MALE_WALK_DOWN add e add e ; add direction add d ; add gender ld [hl], a ret LevelSelectionMenu_DoPageChangeEvent: ld de, .Events ld bc, wSpriteAnim1 .loop ld a, [de] ; SPRITE_ANIM_SEQ_* or $00 table terminator and a ret z inc de ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_ANIM_SEQ_ID add hl, bc cp [hl] jr nz, .next1 ld a, [de] ; SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_YCOORD or SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_XCOORD ld l, a ld h, 0 add hl, bc inc de ld a, [de] ; X/Y coordinate cp [hl] jr nz, .next2 ; this entry matches inc de ld a, [de] ld l, a inc de ld a, [de] ld h, a jp hl .next1 inc de .next2 inc de inc de inc de jr .loop ; LEVELSELECTIONMENU_PAGE_EDGE_* represent values when the player sprite is at: ; UU ; =========UU========= ; =------------------= ; =------------------= ; =------------------= ; =------------------= ; =------------------= ; =------------------= ; =------------------= ;LL------------------RR ;LL------------------RR ; =------------------= ; =------------------= ; =------------------= ; =------------------= ; =------------------= ; =========DD========= ; =========DD========= ; ==================== ; for movements spanning two pages, when one edge is reached, the page change occurs ; and the player appears in the other page at the coordinate of the new edge. ; hence, for calculating movement length, it's as if both pages were adjacent without the border frame. DEF PAGE_EDGE_DOWN EQU $90 DEF PAGE_EDGE_UP EQU $10 DEF PAGE_EDGE_LEFT EQU $08 DEF PAGE_EDGE_RIGHT EQU $a8 MACRO page_change_event ; SPRITE_ANIM_SEQ_* to match, Match object's X or Y, X/Y coordinate, Action if both SPRITE_ANIM_SEQ_* and X/Y match db \1, \2, \3 dw \4 ENDM .Events: page_change_event SPRITE_ANIM_SEQ_LEVEL_SELECTION_MENU_WALK_DOWN, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_YCOORD, PAGE_EDGE_DOWN, .PageChangeDown page_change_event SPRITE_ANIM_SEQ_LEVEL_SELECTION_MENU_WALK_UP, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_YCOORD, PAGE_EDGE_UP, .PageChangeUp page_change_event SPRITE_ANIM_SEQ_LEVEL_SELECTION_MENU_WALK_LEFT, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_XCOORD, PAGE_EDGE_LEFT, .PageChangeLeft page_change_event SPRITE_ANIM_SEQ_LEVEL_SELECTION_MENU_WALK_RIGHT, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_XCOORD, PAGE_EDGE_RIGHT, .PageChangeRight db $0 .PageChangeDown: call .PageChangeFadeOut ld a, PAGE_EDGE_UP ld [wSpriteAnim1YCoord], a ; respawn in opposite edge ld e, DOWN jr .PageChange_Common .PageChangeUp: call .PageChangeFadeOut ld a, PAGE_EDGE_DOWN ld [wSpriteAnim1YCoord], a ; respawn in opposite edge ld e, UP jr .PageChange_Common .PageChangeLeft: call .PageChangeFadeOut ld a, PAGE_EDGE_RIGHT ld [wSpriteAnim1XCoord], a ; respawn in opposite edge ld e, LEFT jr .PageChange_Common .PageChangeRight: call .PageChangeFadeOut ld a, PAGE_EDGE_LEFT ld [wSpriteAnim1XCoord], a ; respawn in opposite edge ld e, RIGHT jr .PageChange_Common .PageChange_Common: ; set new page and redraw screen call LevelSelectionMenu_GetNewPage ld [wLevelSelectionMenuCurrentPage], a call LevelSelectionMenu_InitTilemap call LevelSelectionMenu_InitAttrmap call WaitBGMap2 xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a call .PageChangeFadeIn ; adjust steps left for the "duplicate" movement of the player leaving and entering a page ld hl, wLevelSelectionMenuMovementStepsLeft ld a, [hl] add 2 * TILE_WIDTH ld [hl], a ret .PageChangeFadeOut: ld b, RGBFADE_TO_BLACK_6BGP jp DoRGBFadeEffect .PageChangeFadeIn: ld b, RGBFADE_TO_LIGHTER_6BGP jp DoRGBFadeEffect LevelSelectionMenu_GetLandmarkPage: ; Return page number (a) of landmark a. push hl ld hl, LevelSelectionMenu_Landmarks ld bc, LevelSelectionMenu_Landmarks.landmark2 - LevelSelectionMenu_Landmarks.landmark1 call AddNTimes ld a, [hl] pop hl ret LevelSelectionMenu_GetLandmarkCoords:: ; Return coordinates (d, e) of landmark e. push hl push bc ld hl, LevelSelectionMenu_Landmarks + $1 ld bc, LevelSelectionMenu_Landmarks.landmark2 - LevelSelectionMenu_Landmarks.landmark1 ld a, e call AddNTimes ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld d, [hl] pop bc pop hl ret LevelSelectionMenu_GetLandmarkName:: ; Copy the name of landmark e to wStringBuffer1. push hl push de push bc ld hl, LevelSelectionMenu_Landmarks + $3 ld bc, LevelSelectionMenu_Landmarks.landmark2 - LevelSelectionMenu_Landmarks.landmark1 ld a, e call AddNTimes ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld de, wStringBuffer1 ld c, 18 .copy ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec c jr nz, .copy pop bc pop de pop hl ret LevelSelectionMenu_GetLandmarkSpawnPoint: ; Return SPAWN_* (a) of landmark a. push hl ld hl, LevelSelectionMenu_Landmarks + $5 ld bc, LevelSelectionMenu_Landmarks.landmark2 - LevelSelectionMenu_Landmarks.landmark1 call AddNTimes ld a, [hl] pop hl ret LevelSelectionMenu_GetValidKeys: call LevelSelectionMenu_GetValidDirections ld a, c or A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | SELECT | START ld c, a ret LevelSelectionMenu_GetValidDirections: ; Return the valid directions according to landmark transitions and unlocked levels. ; Depends on wLevelSelectionMenuLandmarkTransitionsPointer being initialized. ; Return the result in c as a mask of D__F. ld hl, wLevelSelectionMenuLandmarkTransitionsPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld c, 0 ld a, [hli] inc a jr z, .next1 .loop1 ld a, [hli] inc a jr nz, .loop1 call .IsLevelUnlocked jr z, .next1 set D_DOWN_F, c .next1 ld a, [hli] inc a jr z, .next2 .loop2 ld a, [hli] inc a jr nz, .loop2 call .IsLevelUnlocked jr z, .next2 set D_UP_F, c .next2 ld a, [hli] inc a jr z, .next3 .loop3 ld a, [hli] inc a jr nz, .loop3 call .IsLevelUnlocked jr z, .next3 set D_LEFT_F, c .next3 ld a, [hli] inc a ret z .loop4 ld a, [hli] inc a jr nz, .loop4 call .IsLevelUnlocked ret z set D_RIGHT_F, c ret .IsLevelUnlocked: push hl push bc ; the landmark byte of this transition is two bytes back dec hl dec hl ld e, [hl] ld b, CHECK_FLAG call UnlockedLevelsFlagAction pop bc pop hl ret LevelSelectionMenu_GetNewPage: ; return in a the new page that the player is ending up at during this movement involving page change. ; direction (in wWalkingDirection order) is provided in e. ld hl, LevelSelectionMenu_PageGrid - 1 ld c, LEVELSELECTIONMENU_PAGE_GRID_WIDTH * LEVELSELECTIONMENU_PAGE_GRID_HEIGHT + 1 .loop inc hl dec c jr z, .out_of_bounds ld a, [wLevelSelectionMenuCurrentPage] cp [hl] jr nz, .loop ; find the next page in the grid according to movement direction ld a, e ld bc, LEVELSELECTIONMENU_PAGE_GRID_WIDTH cp DOWN jr z, .ok ld bc, -LEVELSELECTIONMENU_PAGE_GRID_WIDTH cp UP jr z, .ok ld bc, -1 cp LEFT jr z, .ok ld bc, 1 .ok add hl, bc ld a, [hl] cp -1 jr z, .out_of_bounds ret .out_of_bounds ld a, 1 ret LevelSelectionMenu_Delay10Frames: ; Delay 10 frames while playing sprite anims ld a, 10 .loop push af farcall PlaySpriteAnimations call DelayFrame pop af dec a jr nz, .loop ret _LevelSelectionMenuHandleTransition: ; Called from the corresponding SPRITE_ANIM_SEQ_LEVEL_SELECTION_MENU_* animation sequence. ; This function is here because LevelSelectionMenu_LandmarkTransitions is in this bank. ; Applies the animation to the player sprite for the current frame. ld hl, wLevelSelectionMenuLandmarkTransitionsPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; hl is now somewhere in LevelSelectionMenu_LandmarkTransitions for this transition ld de, wLevelSelectionMenuMovementStepsLeft ld a, [de] bit 7, a jr z, .not_first_step ; if first step of movement, extract the number of steps left of the current movement ; of the transition, and copy it to wLevelSelectionMenuMovementStepsLeft (clearing bit 7) ld a, [hl] and %00111111 ld [de], a .not_first_step and a jr z, .movement_over ; one less step left to finish this movement dec a ld [de], a .done ; return carry to signal back to apply a displacement during this frame scf ret .movement_over ; advance pointer to the next movement ld hl, wLevelSelectionMenuLandmarkTransitionsPointer ld a, [hli] ld d, [hl] ld e, a inc de dec hl ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d ; check if we just ran the last movement of the transition ; that would be the case if the next byte is the landmark, and the one after it is -1 inc de ld a, [de] dec de inc a jr z, .all_movements_over ; more movements left. which direction is the next movement? ld a, [de] and %11000000 swap a srl a srl a ld e, a ; DOWN / UP / LEFT / RIGHT call LevelSelectionMenu_SetAnimSeqAndFrameset ld a, 1 << 7 ; "first step of movement" flag ld [wLevelSelectionMenuMovementStepsLeft], a ; return nc to signal back not to apply a displacement during this frame xor a ret .all_movements_over ; all movements of this transition are over ; hl is now pointing to the destination landmark byte of this tranisiton ; end the movement state ld a, TRUE ld [wLevelSelectionMenuStandingStill], a ; set new landmark ld a, [de] ld [wLevelSelectionMenuCurrentLandmark], a ; make the player sprite face down as the default state ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_ANIM_SEQ_ID add hl, bc ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_SEQ_LEVEL_SELECTION_MENU_WALK_DOWN ld [hl], a ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_FRAMESET_ID add hl, bc ld a, [wPlayerGender] ld d, a ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_LEVEL_SELECTION_MENU_MALE_WALK_DOWN add d ld [hl], a ; return nc to signal back not to apply a displacement during this frame xor a ret INCLUDE "data/level_selection_menu.asm" LevelSelectionMenuGFX: INCBIN "gfx/level_selection_menu/background.2bpp.lz" LevelSelectionMenuPage1Tilemap: INCBIN "gfx/level_selection_menu/page_1.tilemap" LevelSelectionMenuPage2Tilemap: INCBIN "gfx/level_selection_menu/page_2.tilemap" LevelSelectionMenuPage3Tilemap: INCBIN "gfx/level_selection_menu/page_3.tilemap" LevelSelectionMenuPage4Tilemap: INCBIN "gfx/level_selection_menu/page_4.tilemap" LevelSelectionMenuAttrmap: INCLUDE "gfx/level_selection_menu/attrmap.asm" LevelSelectionMenuDirectionalArrowsGFX: INCBIN "gfx/level_selection_menu/directional_arrows.2bpp"