; This was a table of Pokémon sprite banks in the 1997 G/S prototype. ; See pokegold-spaceworld's gfx/pokemon/pkmn_pic_banks.asm. Unreferenced_MonPicBanks: ; 53d84 ; last mon in bank, bank # db RAICHU, $15 + 0 db DUGTRIO, $15 + 1 db GRAVELER, $15 + 2 db KRABBY, $15 + 3 db STARMIE, $15 + 4 db ARTICUNO, $15 + 5 db ARIADOS, $15 + 6 ; JARANRA in pokegold-spaceworld db ESPEON, $15 + 7 ; KOUNYA in pokegold-spaceworld db OCTILLERY, $15 + 8 ; BOMBSEEKER in pokegold-spaceworld db LARVITAR, $15 + 9 ; NYULA in pokegold-spaceworld db $ff, $15 + 10 db $ff, $15 + 11