SECTION "Events", ROMX OverworldLoop:: xor a ; MAPSTATUS_START ld [wMapStatus], a .loop ld a, [wMapStatus] ld hl, .Jumptable rst JumpTable ld a, [wMapStatus] cp MAPSTATUS_DONE jr nz, .loop .done call DisableOverworldHUD ld hl, wGameTimer res GAME_TIMER_COUNTING_F, [hl] ; stop game timer counter ld a, FALSE ld [wText2bpp], a ret .Jumptable: ; entries correspond to MAPSTATUS_* constants dw StartMap dw EnterMap dw HandleMap dw .done DisableEvents: xor a ld [wScriptFlags2], a ret EnableEvents:: ld a, $ff ld [wScriptFlags2], a ret DisableTileEvents: ; DisableWarpsConnxns + DisableCoordEvents + DisableStepCount + DisableWildEncounters push af ld hl, wScriptFlags2 ld a, [hl] and ~((1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3)) ld [hl], a pop af ret DisableWarpsConnxns: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 res 2, [hl] ret DisableCoordEvents: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 res 1, [hl] ret DisableStepCount: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 res 0, [hl] ret DisableWildEncounters: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 res 3, [hl] ret DisableSpaceEffects: ld hl, wScriptFlags2 res 4, [hl] ret DisableTrainerAndTalkerEvents: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 res 5, [hl] ret EnableWarpsConnxns: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 set 2, [hl] ret EnableCoordEvents: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 set 1, [hl] ret EnableStepCount: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 set 0, [hl] ret EnableWildEncounters: ld hl, wScriptFlags2 set 3, [hl] ret EnableSpaceEffects: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 set 4, [hl] ret EnableTrainerAndTalkerEvents: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 set 5, [hl] ret CheckWarpConnxnScriptFlag: ld hl, wScriptFlags2 bit 2, [hl] ret CheckCoordEventScriptFlag: ld hl, wScriptFlags2 bit 1, [hl] ret CheckStepCountScriptFlag: ld hl, wScriptFlags2 bit 0, [hl] ret CheckWildEncountersScriptFlag: ld hl, wScriptFlags2 bit 3, [hl] ret CheckSpaceEffectsScriptFlag: ld hl, wScriptFlags2 bit 4, [hl] ret CheckTrainerAndTalkerEvents: ld hl, wScriptFlags2 bit 5, [hl] ret ; on enter overworld loop (MAPSETUP_ENTERLEVEL or MAPSETUP_CONTINUE) StartMap: xor a ldh [hScriptVar], a xor a ld [wScriptRunning], a ld hl, wMapStatus ld bc, wMapStatusEnd - wMapStatus call ByteFill farcall InitCallReceiveDelay call ClearJoypad ld a, [hMapEntryMethod] cp MAPSETUP_ENTERLEVEL jr nz, .not_starting_level ; initialize board state xor a ld hl, wCurTurn ld [hli], a ; wCurTurn ld [hli], a ; ld [hli], a ; wCurSpace ld [hli], a ; wCurLevelCoins ld [hli], a ; ld [hli], a ; ld [hli], a ; wCurLevelExp ld [hli], a ; ld [hl], a ; ; initialize overworld state ld hl, wNextWarp xor a ld [hli], a ; wNextWarp ld [hli], a ; wNextMapGroup ld [hli], a ; wNextMapNumber ld [hli], a ; wPrevWarp ld [hli], a ; wPrevMapGroup ld [hl], a ; wPrevMapNumber ld [wPlayerState], a ; PLAYER_NORMAL ld [wCurOverworldMiscPal], a ; OW_MISC_BOARD_MENU_ITEMS | BOARDMENUITEM_DIE ld a, BANK(wDisabledSpacesBackups) ld [rSVBK], a ld hl, wDisabledSpacesBackups ld bc, wDisabledSpacesBackupsEnd - wDisabledSpacesBackups xor a call ByteFill ld e, NUM_DISABLED_SPACES_BACKUPS ld hl, wDisabledSpacesBackups ld bc, wMap2DisabledSpacesBackup - wMap1DisabledSpacesBackup .loop1 ld a, GROUP_N_A ld [hl], a add hl, bc dec e jr nz, .loop1 ld [hl], $00 ; list terminator ld a, BANK(wMapObjectsBackups) ld [rSVBK], a ld e, NUM_MAP_OBJECTS_BACKUPS ld hl, wMapObjectsBackups ld bc, wMap2ObjectsBackup - wMap1ObjectsBackup .loop2 ld a, GROUP_N_A ld [hl], a add hl, bc dec e jr nz, .loop2 ld [hl], $00 ; list terminator ld a, 1 ld [rSVBK], a .not_starting_level ld a, BOARDEVENT_DISPLAY_MENU ldh [hCurBoardEvent], a ; fallthrough ; on map reload (e.g. after battle), warps and connections EnterMap: xor a ld [wXYComparePointer], a ld [wXYComparePointer + 1], a call SetUpFiveStepWildEncounterCooldown farcall RunMapSetupScript call DisableEvents ldh a, [hMapEntryMethod] cp MAPSETUP_CONNECTION jr nz, .dont_enable call EnableEvents .dont_enable ldh a, [hMapEntryMethod] cp MAPSETUP_RELOADMAP jr nz, .dontresetpoison xor a ld [wPoisonStepCount], a .dontresetpoison xor a ; end map entry ldh [hMapEntryMethod], a ld a, MAPSTATUS_HANDLE ld [wMapStatus], a ret HandleMap: call ResetOverworldDelay call HandleMapTimeAndJoypad call HandleCmdQueue call MapEvents ; Not immediately entering a connected map will cause problems. ld a, [wMapStatus] cp MAPSTATUS_HANDLE ret nz call HandleMapObjects call NextOverworldFrame call HandleMapBackground call CheckPlayerState ret MapEvents: ld a, [wMapEventStatus] ld hl, .Jumptable rst JumpTable ret .Jumptable: ; entries correspond to MAPEVENTS_* constants dw .events dw .no_events .events: call PlayerEvents farcall ScriptEvents ret .no_events: ret DEF MAX_OVERWORLD_DELAY EQU 2 DEF VIEW_MAP_OVERWORLD_DELAY EQU 1 ResetOverworldDelay: ldh a, [hCurBoardEvent] cp BOARDEVENT_VIEW_MAP_MODE ld a, MAX_OVERWORLD_DELAY jr nz, .set_delay ld a, VIEW_MAP_OVERWORLD_DELAY .set_delay ldh [hOverworldDelay], a ret NextOverworldFrame: ldh a, [hOverworldDelay] and a ret z ld c, a call DelayFrames ret HandleMapTimeAndJoypad: ld a, [wMapEventStatus] cp MAPEVENTS_OFF ret z call GetJoypad call TimeOfDayPals ret HandleMapObjects: farcall HandleNPCStep farcall _HandlePlayerStep call _CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange ret HandleMapBackground: call UpdateActiveSprites farcall ScrollScreen ret CheckPlayerState: ld a, [wPlayerStepFlags] bit PLAYERSTEP_CONTINUE_F, a jr z, .events ; PLAYERSTEP_CONTINUE_F not set bit PLAYERSTEP_STOP_F, a jr z, .noevents ; PLAYERSTEP_CONTINUE_F set and PLAYERSTEP_STOP_F not set bit PLAYERSTEP_MIDAIR_F, a jr nz, .noevents ; PLAYERSTEP_CONTINUE_F, PLAYERSTEP_STOP_F, and PLAYERSTEP_MIDAIR_F all set call EnableEvents .events ld a, MAPEVENTS_ON ld [wMapEventStatus], a ret .noevents ld a, MAPEVENTS_OFF ld [wMapEventStatus], a ret _CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange: ld hl, wPlayerStepFlags bit PLAYERSTEP_STOP_F, [hl] ret z farcall CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange ret PlayerEvents: xor a ; If there's already a player event, don't interrupt it. ld a, [wScriptRunning] and a ret nz call CheckBoardEvent call DisableSpaceEffects ; doesn't alter f jr c, .ok call CheckTrainerOrTalkerEvent jr c, .ok call CheckTileEvent call DisableTileEvents ; preserves f jr c, .ok call CheckFacingTileEvent jr c, .ok call RunMemScript jr c, .ok call RunSceneScript jr c, .ok call CheckTimeEvents jr c, .ok ; BOARDEVENT_END_TURN is used as turn cleanup after BOARDEVENT_HANDLE_BOARD. ; when we make it here, it means there's finally nothing else to do (e.g. a trainer), ; so return with BOARDEVENT_DISPLAY_MENU for the next MapEvents iteration. ldh a, [hCurBoardEvent] cp BOARDEVENT_END_TURN jr nz, .continue ld a, BOARDEVENT_DISPLAY_MENU ldh [hCurBoardEvent], a xor a ret .continue call OWPlayerInput jr c, .ok xor a ret .ok push af farcall EnableScriptMode pop af ld [wScriptRunning], a call DoPlayerEvent scf ret CheckBoardEvent: jumptable .Jumptable, hCurBoardEvent .Jumptable: table_width 2, .Jumptable dw .none dw .menu ; BOARDEVENT_DISPLAY_MENU dw .board ; BOARDEVENT_HANDLE_BOARD dw .none ; BOARDEVENT_END_TURN dw .viewmap ; BOARDEVENT_VIEW_MAP_MODE dw .menu ; BOARDEVENT_REDISPLAY_MENU dw .branch ; BOARDEVENT_RESUME_BRANCH assert_table_length NUM_BOARD_EVENTS + 1 .none xor a ret .menu ld a, BANK(BoardMenuScript) ld hl, BoardMenuScript call CallScript scf ret .board call CheckSpaceEffectsScriptFlag jr z, .no_space_effect ; anchor point handler ; if wCurSpaceNextSpace is not an anchor point, override any anchor point we pass through ld a, [wCurSpaceNextSpace] cp NEXT_SPACE_IS_ANCHOR_POINT jr c, .next ld a, [wCurMapAnchorEventCount] and a jr z, .next ; if we have arrived to an anchor point, load its associated next space to wCurSpaceNextSpace right now. ; don't queue a script so that it happens transparently from the point of view of the player's movement. ; note that the next space of an anchor point could be another anchor point. ld c, a ld hl, wCurMapAnchorEventsPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [wXCoord] ld d, a ld a, [wYCoord] ld e, a call CheckAndApplyAnchorPoint ret nc ; if we applied an anchor point, we're done here (we're not in a space) .next ; space handler ld a, [wPlayerTile] and $f0 cp HI_NYBBLE_SPACES jr nz, .no_space_effect ld a, [wPlayerTile] and $0f ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .SpaceScripts add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, BANK(BoardSpaceScripts) call CallScript scf ret .viewmap ; check if player pressed B and if so queue the script to exit View Map mode ldh a, [hJoyDown] and D_PAD ret nz ; nc ldh a, [hJoyPressed] bit B_BUTTON_F, a ret z ; nc ; B was pressed ld a, BANK(.ExitViewMapModeScript) ld hl, .ExitViewMapModeScript call CallScript scf ret .ExitViewMapModeScript: reloadmapafterviewmapmode end .branch ; special handler to resume branch space after returning from View Map mode. ; skip scall to .ArriveToBranchSpaceScript not to recompute branch struct. ld a, BOARDEVENT_HANDLE_BOARD ldh [hCurBoardEvent], a ld a, BANK(BranchSpaceScript) ld hl, BranchSpaceScript_PromptPlayer call CallScript scf ret .no_space_effect ; continue moving in board xor a ret .SpaceScripts: table_width 2, .SpaceScripts dw BlueSpaceScript ; COLL_BLUE_SPACE dw RedSpaceScript ; COLL_RED_SPACE dw GreenSpaceScript ; COLL_GREEN_SPACE dw ItemSpaceScript ; COLL_ITEM_SPACE dw PokemonSpaceScript ; COLL_POKEMON_SPACE dw MinigameSpaceScript ; COLL_MINIGAME_SPACE dw EndSpaceScript ; COLL_END_SPACE dw GreySpaceScript ; COLL_GREY_SPACE dw BranchSpaceScript ; COLL_BRANCH_SPACE dw UnionSpaceScript ; COLL_UNION_SPACE assert_table_length NUM_COLL_SPACES CheckTrainerOrTalkerEvent: call CheckTrainerAndTalkerEvents jr z, .nope ldh a, [hCurBoardEvent] cp BOARDEVENT_VIEW_MAP_MODE ret z ; nc call CheckTrainerBattleOrTalkerPrompt jr nc, .nope ld a, [wSeenTrainerOrTalkerIsTalker] and a ; cp FALSE ld a, PLAYEREVENT_SEENBYTRAINER jr z, .done ld a, PLAYEREVENT_SEENBYTALKER .done scf ret .nope xor a ret CheckTileEvent: ; Check for warps, coord events, or wild battles. call CheckWarpConnxnScriptFlag jr z, .connections_disabled farcall CheckMovingOffEdgeOfMap jr c, .map_connection ldh a, [hCurBoardEvent] cp BOARDEVENT_VIEW_MAP_MODE ret z ; nc call CheckWarpTile jr c, .warp_tile .connections_disabled ldh a, [hCurBoardEvent] cp BOARDEVENT_VIEW_MAP_MODE ret z ; nc call CheckCoordEventScriptFlag jr z, .coord_events_disabled call CheckCurrentMapCoordEvents jr c, .coord_event .coord_events_disabled call CheckStepCountScriptFlag jr z, .step_count_disabled call CountStep ret c .step_count_disabled call CheckWildEncountersScriptFlag jr z, .ok call RandomEncounter ret c .ok xor a ret .map_connection ld a, PLAYEREVENT_CONNECTION scf ret .warp_tile ld a, [wPlayerTile] call CheckPitTile jr nz, .not_pit ld a, PLAYEREVENT_FALL scf ret .not_pit ld a, PLAYEREVENT_WARP scf ret .coord_event ld hl, wCurCoordEventScriptAddr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call GetMapScriptsBank call CallScript ret CheckWildEncounterCooldown:: ld hl, wWildEncounterCooldown ld a, [hl] and a ret z dec [hl] ret z scf ret SetUpFiveStepWildEncounterCooldown: ld a, 5 ld [wWildEncounterCooldown], a ret SetMinTwoStepWildEncounterCooldown: ; unreferenced ld a, [wWildEncounterCooldown] cp 2 ret nc ld a, 2 ld [wWildEncounterCooldown], a ret CheckFacingTileEvent: ; no tile events if not in BOARDEVENT_HANDLE_BOARD (e.g. after player lands in space) ldh a, [hCurBoardEvent] cp BOARDEVENT_HANDLE_BOARD jr nz, .NoAction ; no facing-tile events until player has turned to the walking direction. ; if the player has to perform a STEP_TURN first, the facing tile is not the right one. ld a, [wWalkingDirection] cp STANDING jr z, .NoAction ld e, a ld a, [wPlayerDirection] rrca rrca maskbits NUM_DIRECTIONS cp e jr nz, .NoAction call .TryObjectEvent jr c, .Action call .TryTileCollisionEvent jr c, .Action ; fallthrough .NoAction: xor a ret .Action: push af farcall StopPlayerForEvent pop af scf ret .TryObjectEvent: farcall CheckFacingObject jr c, .IsObject xor a ret .IsObject: ldh a, [hObjectStructIndex] call GetObjectStruct ld hl, OBJECT_MAP_OBJECT_INDEX add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ldh [hLastTalked], a ldh a, [hLastTalked] call GetMapObject ld hl, MAPOBJECT_TYPE add hl, bc ld a, [hl] and MAPOBJECT_TYPE_MASK push bc ld de, 3 ld hl, .ObjectEventTypeArray call IsInArray pop bc jr nc, .nope inc hl ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp hl .nope xor a ret .ObjectEventTypeArray: table_width 3, .ObjectEventTypeArray dbw OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, .none dbw OBJECTTYPE_ITEMBALL, .none dbw OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, .none dbw OBJECTTYPE_TALKER, .none dbw OBJECTTYPE_ROCK, .rock dbw OBJECTTYPE_TREE, .tree dbw OBJECTTYPE_6, .none assert_table_length NUM_OBJECT_TYPES db -1 ; end .none xor a ret ; nc .rock ld a, BANK(RockSmashAutoScript) ld hl, RockSmashAutoScript call CallScript ret ; c .tree ld a, BANK(Script_CutAuto) ld hl, Script_CutAuto call CallScript ret ; c .TryTileCollisionEvent: call GetFacingTileCoord ld [wFacingTileID], a ;; Surf ; Don't surf if already surfing. ld a, [wPlayerState] cp PLAYER_SURF_PIKA jr z, .next_event_1 cp PLAYER_SURF jr z, .next_event_1 ; Must be facing water. ld a, [wFacingTileID] call GetTileCollision cp WATER_TILE jr nz, .next_event_1 ld a, PLAYER_SURF ld [wSurfingPlayerState], a ld a, BANK(SurfAutoScript) ld hl, SurfAutoScript call CallScript ret ; c .next_event_1 ;; Waterfall ld a, [wFacingTileID] call CheckWaterfallTile jr nz, .next_event_2 ; Must be facing up and facing a waterfall tile to trigger the waterfall up sequence. ; Otherwise HI_NYBBLE_CURRENT collision (forced walking in walking direction) applies. farcall CheckMapCanWaterfall jr c, .next_event_2 ld a, BANK(Script_WaterfallAuto) ld hl, Script_WaterfallAuto call CallScript ret ; c .next_event_2 .no_event xor a ret ; nc RunSceneScript: ldh a, [hCurBoardEvent] cp BOARDEVENT_VIEW_MAP_MODE ret z ; nc ld a, [wCurMapSceneScriptCount] and a jr z, .nope ld c, a call CheckScenes cp c jr nc, .nope ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, wCurMapSceneScriptsPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a rept SCENE_SCRIPT_SIZE add hl, de endr call GetMapScriptsBank call GetFarWord call GetMapScriptsBank call CallScript ld hl, wScriptFlags res 3, [hl] farcall EnableScriptMode farcall ScriptEvents ld hl, wScriptFlags bit 3, [hl] jr z, .nope ld hl, wDeferredScriptAddr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [wDeferredScriptBank] call CallScript scf ret .nope xor a ret CheckTimeEvents: ldh a, [hCurBoardEvent] cp BOARDEVENT_VIEW_MAP_MODE ret z ; nc ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr nz, .nothing ld hl, wStatusFlags2 bit STATUSFLAGS2_BUG_CONTEST_TIMER_F, [hl] jr z, .do_daily farcall CheckBugContestTimer jr c, .end_bug_contest xor a ret .do_daily farcall CheckDailyResetTimer farcall CheckPokerusTick farcall CheckPhoneCall ret c .nothing xor a ret .end_bug_contest ld a, BANK(BugCatchingContestOverScript) ld hl, BugCatchingContestOverScript call CallScript scf ret OWPlayerInput: call PlayerMovement ret c and a jr nz, .NoAction ; Can't perform button actions while in BOARDEVENT_HANDLE_BOARD or BOARDEVENT_VIEW_MAP_MODE ldh a, [hCurBoardEvent] cp BOARDEVENT_HANDLE_BOARD jr z, .NoAction cp BOARDEVENT_VIEW_MAP_MODE jr z, .NoAction ; Can't perform button actions while sliding on ice. farcall CheckStandingOnIce jr c, .NoAction call CheckAPressOW jr c, .Action call CheckMenuOW jr c, .Action .NoAction: xor a ret .Action: push af farcall StopPlayerForEvent pop af scf ret CheckAPressOW: ldh a, [hJoyPressed] and A_BUTTON ret z call TryObjectEvent ret c call TryBGEvent ret c call TryTileCollisionEvent ret c xor a ret PlayTalkObject: push de ld de, SFX_READ_TEXT_2 call PlaySFX pop de ret TryObjectEvent: farcall CheckFacingObject jr c, .IsObject xor a ret .IsObject: call PlayTalkObject ldh a, [hObjectStructIndex] call GetObjectStruct ld hl, OBJECT_MAP_OBJECT_INDEX add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ldh [hLastTalked], a ldh a, [hLastTalked] call GetMapObject ld hl, MAPOBJECT_TYPE add hl, bc ld a, [hl] and MAPOBJECT_TYPE_MASK push bc ld de, 3 ld hl, ObjectEventTypeArray call IsInArray pop bc jr nc, .nope inc hl ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp hl .nope xor a ret ObjectEventTypeArray: table_width 3, ObjectEventTypeArray dbw OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, .script dbw OBJECTTYPE_ITEMBALL, .itemball dbw OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, .trainer ; the remaining four are dummy events dbw OBJECTTYPE_TALKER, .three dbw OBJECTTYPE_ROCK, .four dbw OBJECTTYPE_TREE, .five dbw OBJECTTYPE_6, .six assert_table_length NUM_OBJECT_TYPES db -1 ; end .script ld hl, MAPOBJECT_SCRIPT_POINTER add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call GetMapScriptsBank call CallScript ret .itemball ld hl, MAPOBJECT_SCRIPT_POINTER add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call GetMapScriptsBank ld de, wItemBallData ld bc, wItemBallDataEnd - wItemBallData call FarCopyBytes ld a, PLAYEREVENT_ITEMBALL scf ret .trainer call TalkToTrainer ld a, PLAYEREVENT_TALKTOTRAINER scf ret .three xor a ret .four xor a ret .five xor a ret .six xor a ret TryBGEvent: call CheckFacingBGEvent jr c, .is_bg_event xor a ret .is_bg_event: ld a, [wCurBGEventType] ld hl, BGEventJumptable rst JumpTable ret BGEventJumptable: table_width 2, BGEventJumptable dw .read dw .up dw .down dw .right dw .left dw .ifset dw .ifnotset dw .itemifset dw .copy assert_table_length NUM_BGEVENTS .up: ld b, OW_UP jr .checkdir .down: ld b, OW_DOWN jr .checkdir .right: ld b, OW_RIGHT jr .checkdir .left: ld b, OW_LEFT jr .checkdir .checkdir: ld a, [wPlayerDirection] and %1100 cp b jp nz, .dontread .read: call PlayTalkObject ld hl, wCurBGEventScriptAddr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call GetMapScriptsBank call CallScript scf ret .itemifset: call CheckBGEventFlag jp nz, .dontread call PlayTalkObject call GetMapScriptsBank ld de, wHiddenItemData ld bc, wHiddenItemDataEnd - wHiddenItemData call FarCopyBytes ld a, BANK(HiddenItemScript) ld hl, HiddenItemScript call CallScript scf ret .copy: call CheckBGEventFlag jr nz, .dontread call GetMapScriptsBank ld de, wHiddenItemData ld bc, wHiddenItemDataEnd - wHiddenItemData call FarCopyBytes jr .dontread .ifset: call CheckBGEventFlag jr z, .dontread jr .thenread .ifnotset: call CheckBGEventFlag jr nz, .dontread .thenread: push hl call PlayTalkObject pop hl inc hl inc hl call GetMapScriptsBank call GetFarWord call GetMapScriptsBank call CallScript scf ret .dontread: xor a ret CheckBGEventFlag: ld hl, wCurBGEventScriptAddr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a push hl call GetMapScriptsBank call GetFarWord ld e, l ld d, h ld b, CHECK_FLAG call EventFlagAction ld a, c and a pop hl ret PlayerMovement: farcall DoPlayerMovement ld a, c ld hl, PlayerMovementPointers rst JumpTable ld a, c ret PlayerMovementPointers: ; entries correspond to PLAYERMOVEMENT_* constants table_width 2, PlayerMovementPointers dw .normal dw .warp dw .turn dw .force_turn dw .finish dw .continue dw .exit_water dw .jump assert_table_length NUM_PLAYER_MOVEMENTS .normal: .finish: xor a ld c, a ret .jump: xor a ld c, a ret .warp: ld a, PLAYEREVENT_WARP ld c, a scf ret .turn: ld a, PLAYEREVENT_JOYCHANGEFACING ld c, a scf ret .force_turn: ; force the player to move in some direction ld a, BANK(Script_ForcedMovement) ld hl, Script_ForcedMovement call CallScript ld c, a scf ret .continue: .exit_water: ld a, -1 ld c, a and a ret CheckMenuOW: xor a ld [wMenuReturn], a ldh a, [hJoyPressed] bit SELECT_F, a jr nz, .Select bit START_F, a jr z, .NoMenu ld a, BANK(StartMenuScript) ld hl, StartMenuScript call CallScript scf ret .NoMenu: xor a ret .Select: call PlayTalkObject ld a, BANK(SelectMenuScript) ld hl, SelectMenuScript call CallScript scf ret StartMenuScript: callasm StartMenu sjump StartMenuCallback SelectMenuScript: callasm SelectMenu sjump SelectMenuCallback StartMenuCallback: SelectMenuCallback: readmem wMenuReturn ifequal MENURETURN_SCRIPT, .Script ifequal MENURETURN_ASM, .Asm end .Script: memjump wQueuedScriptBank .Asm: memcallasm wQueuedScriptBank end CountStep: ; Don't count steps in link communication rooms. ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr nz, .done ; If there is a special phone call, don't count the step. farcall CheckSpecialPhoneCall jr c, .doscript ; If Repel wore off, don't count the step. call DoRepelStep jr c, .doscript ; Count the step for poison and total steps ld hl, wPoisonStepCount inc [hl] ld hl, wStepCount inc [hl] ; Every 256 steps, increase the happiness of all your Pokemon. jr nz, .skip_happiness farcall StepHappiness .skip_happiness ; Every 256 steps, offset from the happiness incrementor by 128 steps, ; decrease the hatch counter of all your eggs until you reach the first ; one that is ready to hatch. ld a, [wStepCount] cp $80 jr nz, .skip_egg farcall DoEggStep jr nz, .hatch .skip_egg ; Increase the EXP of (both) DayCare Pokemon by 1. farcall DayCareStep ; Every 4 steps, deal damage to all poisoned Pokemon. ld hl, wPoisonStepCount ld a, [hl] cp 4 jr c, .skip_poison ld [hl], 0 farcall DoPoisonStep jr c, .doscript .skip_poison farcall DoBikeStep .done xor a ret .doscript ld a, -1 scf ret .hatch ld a, PLAYEREVENT_HATCH scf ret .whiteout ; unreferenced ld a, PLAYEREVENT_WHITEOUT scf ret DoRepelStep: ld a, [wRepelEffect] and a ret z dec a ld [wRepelEffect], a ret nz ld a, BANK(RepelWoreOffScript) ld hl, RepelWoreOffScript call CallScript scf ret DoPlayerEvent: ld a, [wScriptRunning] and a ret z cp PLAYEREVENT_MAPSCRIPT ; run script ret z cp NUM_PLAYER_EVENTS ret nc ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, PlayerEventScriptPointers add hl, bc add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld [wScriptBank], a ld a, [hli] ld [wScriptPos], a ld a, [hl] ld [wScriptPos + 1], a ret PlayerEventScriptPointers: ; entries correspond to PLAYEREVENT_* constants table_width 3, PlayerEventScriptPointers dba InvalidEventScript ; PLAYEREVENT_NONE dba SeenByTrainerScript ; PLAYEREVENT_SEENBYTRAINER dba TalkToTrainerScript ; PLAYEREVENT_TALKTOTRAINER dba FindItemInBallScript ; PLAYEREVENT_ITEMBALL dba EdgeWarpScript ; PLAYEREVENT_CONNECTION dba WarpToNewMapScript ; PLAYEREVENT_WARP dba FallIntoMapScript ; PLAYEREVENT_FALL dba OverworldWhiteoutScript ; PLAYEREVENT_WHITEOUT dba HatchEggScript ; PLAYEREVENT_HATCH dba ChangeDirectionScript ; PLAYEREVENT_JOYCHANGEFACING dba SeenByTalkerScript ; PLAYEREVENT_SEENBYTALKER dba InvalidEventScript ; (NUM_PLAYER_EVENTS) assert_table_length NUM_PLAYER_EVENTS + 1 InvalidEventScript: end HatchEggScript: callasm OverworldHatchEgg end WarpToNewMapScript: warpsound newloadmap MAPSETUP_DOOR end FallIntoMapScript: newloadmap MAPSETUP_FALL playsound SFX_KINESIS applymovement PLAYER, .SkyfallMovement playsound SFX_STRENGTH scall LandAfterPitfallScript end .SkyfallMovement: skyfall step_end LandAfterPitfallScript: earthquake 16 end EdgeWarpScript: reloadend MAPSETUP_CONNECTION ChangeDirectionScript: deactivatefacing 3 callasm EnableWildEncounters end INCLUDE "engine/overworld/scripting.asm" WarpToSpawnPoint:: ld hl, wStatusFlags2 res STATUSFLAGS2_SAFARI_GAME_F, [hl] res STATUSFLAGS2_BUG_CONTEST_TIMER_F, [hl] ret RunMemScript:: ldh a, [hCurBoardEvent] cp BOARDEVENT_VIEW_MAP_MODE ret z ; nc ; If there is no script here, we don't need to be here. ld a, [wMapReentryScriptQueueFlag] and a ret z ; nc ; Execute the script at (wMapReentryScriptBank):(wMapReentryScriptAddress). ld hl, wMapReentryScriptAddress ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [wMapReentryScriptBank] call CallScript scf ; Clear the buffer for the next script. push af xor a ld hl, wMapReentryScriptQueueFlag ld bc, 8 call ByteFill pop af ret LoadMemScript:: ; If there's already a script here, don't overwrite. ld hl, wMapReentryScriptQueueFlag ld a, [hl] and a ret nz ; Set the flag ld [hl], 1 inc hl ; Load the script pointer b:de into (wMapReentryScriptBank):(wMapReentryScriptAddress) ld [hl], b inc hl ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d scf ret TryTileCollisionEvent:: call GetFacingTileCoord ld [wFacingTileID], a ld c, a ; CheckFacingTileForStdScript preserves c, and ; farcall copies c back into a. farcall CheckFacingTileForStdScript jr c, .done ; CheckCutTreeTile expects a == [wFacingTileID], which ; it still is after the previous farcall. call CheckCutTreeTile jr nz, .whirlpool farcall TryCutOW jr .done .whirlpool ld a, [wFacingTileID] call CheckWhirlpoolTile jr nz, .waterfall farcall TryWhirlpoolOW jr .done .waterfall ld a, [wFacingTileID] call CheckWaterfallTile jr nz, .headbutt farcall TryWaterfallOW jr .done .headbutt ld a, [wFacingTileID] call CheckHeadbuttTreeTile jr nz, .surf farcall TryHeadbuttOW jr c, .done jr .noevent .surf farcall TrySurfOW jr nc, .noevent jr .done .noevent xor a ret .done call PlayClickSFX ld a, PLAYEREVENT_MAPSCRIPT scf ret RandomEncounter:: ; Random encounter call CheckWildEncounterCooldown jr c, .nope call CanEncounterWildMonInThisTile jr nc, .nope ld hl, wStatusFlags2 bit STATUSFLAGS2_BUG_CONTEST_TIMER_F, [hl] jr nz, .bug_contest farcall TryWildEncounter jr nz, .nope jr .ok .bug_contest call _TryWildEncounter_BugContest jr nc, .nope jr .ok_bug_contest .nope ld a, 1 and a ret .ok ld a, BANK(WildBattleScript) ld hl, WildBattleScript jr .done .ok_bug_contest ld a, BANK(BugCatchingContestBattleScript) ld hl, BugCatchingContestBattleScript jr .done .done call CallScript scf ret WildBattleScript: randomwildmon startbattle reloadmapafterbattle end CanEncounterWildMonInThisTile:: ld hl, wStatusFlags bit STATUSFLAGS_NO_WILD_ENCOUNTERS_F, [hl] jr nz, .no ld a, [wEnvironment] cp INDOOR_ENVIRONMENT jr nc, .ice_check farcall CheckGrassCollision jr nc, .no .ice_check ld a, [wPlayerTile] call CheckIceTile jr z, .no scf ret .no and a ret _TryWildEncounter_BugContest: call TryWildEncounter_BugContest ret nc call ChooseWildEncounter_BugContest farcall CheckRepelEffect ret ChooseWildEncounter_BugContest:: ; Pick a random mon out of ContestMons. .loop call Random cp 100 << 1 jr nc, .loop srl a ld hl, ContestMons ld de, 4 .CheckMon: sub [hl] jr c, .GotMon add hl, de jr .CheckMon .GotMon: inc hl ; Species ld a, [hli] ld [wTempWildMonSpecies], a ; Min level ld a, [hli] ld d, a ; Max level ld a, [hl] sub d jr nz, .RandomLevel ; If min and max are the same. ld a, d jr .GotLevel .RandomLevel: ; Get a random level between the min and max. ld c, a inc c call Random ldh a, [hRandomAdd] call SimpleDivide add d .GotLevel: ld [wCurPartyLevel], a xor a ret TryWildEncounter_BugContest: ld a, [wPlayerTile] call CheckSuperTallGrassTile ld b, 40 percent jr z, .ok ld b, 20 percent .ok farcall ApplyMusicEffectOnEncounterRate farcall ApplyCleanseTagEffectOnEncounterRate call Random ldh a, [hRandomAdd] cp b ret c ld a, 1 and a ret INCLUDE "data/wild/bug_contest_mons.asm" DoBikeStep:: ; If the bike shop owner doesn't have our number, or ; if we've already gotten the call, we don't have to ; be here. ld hl, wStatusFlags2 bit STATUSFLAGS2_BIKE_SHOP_CALL_F, [hl] jr z, .dont_increment ; If we're not on the bike, we don't have to be here. ld a, [wPlayerState] cp PLAYER_BIKE jr nz, .dont_increment ; If we're not in an area of phone service, we don't ; have to be here. call GetMapPhoneService and a jr nz, .dont_increment ; Check the bike step count and check whether we've ; taken 65536 of them yet. ld hl, wBikeStep ld a, [hli] ld d, a ld e, [hl] cp 255 jr nz, .increment ld a, e cp 255 jr z, .dont_increment .increment inc de ld [hl], e dec hl ld [hl], d .dont_increment xor a ret INCLUDE "engine/overworld/cmd_queue.asm"