const_def const MARTTEXT_HOW_MANY const MARTTEXT_COSTS_THIS_MUCH const MARTTEXT_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY const MARTTEXT_BAG_FULL const MARTTEXT_HERE_YOU_GO const MARTTEXT_SOLD_OUT OpenMartDialog:: ; 15a45 call GetMart ld a, c ld [EngineBuffer1], a call LoadMartPointer ld a, [EngineBuffer1] ld hl, .dialogs rst JumpTable ret ; 15a57 .dialogs dw MartDialog dw HerbShop dw BargainShop dw Pharmacist dw RooftopSale ; 15a61 MartDialog: ; 15a61 ld a, 0 ld [EngineBuffer1], a xor a ld [MovementAnimation], a call StandardMart ret ; 15a6e HerbShop: ; 15a6e call FarReadMart call LoadStandardMenuDataHeader ld hl, Text_HerbShop_Intro call MartTextBox call BuyMenu ld hl, Text_HerbShop_ComeAgain call MartTextBox ret ; 15a84 BargainShop: ; 15a84 ld b, BANK(BargainShopData) ld de, BargainShopData call LoadMartPointer call ReadMart call LoadStandardMenuDataHeader ld hl, Text_BargainShop_Intro call MartTextBox call BuyMenu ld hl, wBargainShopFlags ld a, [hli] or [hl] jr z, .skip_set ld hl, DailyFlags set 6, [hl] .skip_set ld hl, Text_BargainShop_ComeAgain call MartTextBox ret ; 15aae Pharmacist: ; 15aae call FarReadMart call LoadStandardMenuDataHeader ld hl, UnknownText_0x15e90 call MartTextBox call BuyMenu ld hl, UnknownText_0x15eae call MartTextBox ret ; 15ac4 RooftopSale: ; 15ac4 ld b, BANK(RooftopSaleData1) ld de, RooftopSaleData1 ld hl, StatusFlags bit 6, [hl] ; hall of fame jr z, .ok ld b, BANK(RooftopSaleData2) ld de, RooftopSaleData2 .ok call LoadMartPointer call ReadMart call LoadStandardMenuDataHeader ld hl, Text_Mart_HowMayIHelpYou call MartTextBox call BuyMenu ld hl, Text_Mart_ComeAgain call MartTextBox ret ; 15aee RooftopSaleData1: ; 15aee db 5 dbw POKE_BALL, 150 dbw GREAT_BALL, 500 dbw SUPER_POTION, 500 dbw FULL_HEAL, 500 dbw REVIVE, 1200 db -1 RooftopSaleData2: ; 15aff db 5 dbw HYPER_POTION, 1000 dbw FULL_RESTORE, 2000 dbw FULL_HEAL, 500 dbw ULTRA_BALL, 1000 dbw PROTEIN, 7800 db -1 ; 15b10 LoadMartPointer: ; 15b10 ld a, b ld [MartPointerBank], a ld a, e ld [MartPointer], a ld a, d ld [MartPointer + 1], a ld hl, CurMart xor a ld bc, 16 call ByteFill xor a ld [MovementAnimation], a ld [wBargainShopFlags], a ld [FacingDirection], a ret ; 15b31 GetMart: ; 15b31 ld a, e cp (MartsEnd - Marts) / 2 jr c, .IsAMart ld b, $5 ld de, DefaultMart ret .IsAMart ld hl, Marts rept 2 add hl, de endr ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] ld b, $5 ret ; 15b47 StandardMart: ; 15b47 .loop ld a, [MovementAnimation] ld hl, .MartFunctions rst JumpTable ld [MovementAnimation], a cp $ff jr nz, .loop ret .MartFunctions dw .HowMayIHelpYou dw .TopMenu dw .Buy dw .Sell dw .Quit dw .AnythingElse ; 15b62 .HowMayIHelpYou: ; 15b62 call LoadStandardMenuDataHeader ld hl, Text_Mart_HowMayIHelpYou call PrintText ld a, $1 ; top menu ret ; 15b6e .TopMenu: ; 15b6e ld hl, MenuDataHeader_BuySell call CopyMenuDataHeader call InterpretMenu2 jr c, .quit ld a, [MenuSelection2] cp $1 jr z, .buy cp $2 jr z, .sell .quit ld a, $4 ; Come again! ret .buy ld a, $2 ; buy ret .sell ld a, $3 ; sell ret ; 15b8d .Buy: ; 15b8d call ExitMenu call FarReadMart call BuyMenu and a ld a, $5 ; Anything else? ret ; 15b9a .Sell: ; 15b9a call ExitMenu call SellMenu ld a, $5 ; Anything else? ret ; 15ba3 .Quit: ; 15ba3 call ExitMenu ld hl, Text_Mart_ComeAgain call MartTextBox ld a, $ff ; exit ret ; 15baf .AnythingElse: ; 15baf call LoadStandardMenuDataHeader ld hl, Text_Mart_AnythingElse call PrintText ld a, $1 ; top menu ret ; 15bbb FarReadMart: ; 15bbb ld hl, MartPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld de, CurMart .CopyMart ld a, [MartPointerBank] call GetFarByte ld [de], a inc hl inc de cp -1 jr nz, .CopyMart ld hl, wMartItem1BCD ld de, CurMart + 1 .ReadMartItem ld a, [de] inc de cp -1 jr z, .done push de call GetMartItemPrice pop de jr .ReadMartItem .done ret ; 15be5 GetMartItemPrice: ; 15be5 ; Return the price of item a in BCD at hl and in tiles at StringBuffer1. push hl ld [CurItem], a callba GetItemPrice pop hl GetMartPrice: ; 15bf0 ; Return price de in BCD at hl and in tiles at StringBuffer1. push hl ld a, d ld [StringBuffer2], a ld a, e ld [StringBuffer2 + 1], a ld hl, StringBuffer1 ld de, StringBuffer2 lb bc, PRINTNUM_LEADINGZEROS | 2, 6 ; 6 digits call PrintNum pop hl ld de, StringBuffer1 ld c, 6 / 2 ; 6 digits .loop call .CharToNybble swap a ld b, a call .CharToNybble or b ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .loop ret ; 15c1a .CharToNybble ; 15c1a ld a, [de] inc de cp " " jr nz, .not_space ld a, "0" .not_space sub "0" ret ; 15c25 ReadMart: ; 15c25 ; Load the mart pointer. Mart data is local (no need for bank). ld hl, MartPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a push hl ; set hl to the first item inc hl ld bc, wMartItem1BCD ld de, CurMart + 1 .loop ; copy the item to CurMart + (ItemIndex) ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ; -1 is the terminator cp -1 jr z, .done push de ; copy the price to de ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld a, [hli] ld d, a ; convert the price to 3-byte BCD at [bc] push hl ld h, b ld l, c call GetMartPrice ld b, h ld c, l pop hl pop de jr .loop .done pop hl ld a, [hl] ld [CurMart], a ret ; 15c51 BargainShopData: ; 15c51 db 5 dbw NUGGET, 4500 dbw PEARL, 650 dbw BIG_PEARL, 3500 dbw STARDUST, 900 dbw STAR_PIECE, 4600 db -1 ; 15c62 BuyMenu: ; 15c62 call FadeToMenu callba Function8000 xor a ld [wd045 + 1], a ld a, 1 ld [wd045], a .loop call BuyMenuLoop ; menu loop jr nc, .loop call Function2b3c ret ; 15c7d LoadBuyMenuText: ; 15c7d ; load text from a nested table ; which table is in EngineBuffer1 ; which entry is in register a push af call GetMartDialogGroup ; gets a pointer from GetMartDialogGroup.MartTextFunctionPointers ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a pop af ld e, a ld d, 0 rept 2 add hl, de endr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call PrintText ret ; 15c91 MartAskPurchaseQuantity: ; 15c91 call GetMartDialogGroup ; gets a pointer from GetMartDialogGroup.MartTextFunctionPointers rept 2 inc hl endr ld a, [hl] and a jp z, StandardMartAskPurchaseQuantity cp 1 jp z, BargainShopAskPurchaseQuantity jp RooftopSaleAskPurchaseQuantity ; 15ca3 GetMartDialogGroup: ; 15ca3 ld a, [EngineBuffer1] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .MartTextFunctionPointers rept 3 add hl, de endr ret ; 15cb0 .MartTextFunctionPointers ; 15cb0 dwb .StandardMartPointers, 0 dwb .HerbShopPointers, 0 dwb .BargainShopPointers, 1 dwb .PharmacyPointers, 0 dwb .StandardMartPointers, 2 ; 15cbf .StandardMartPointers: ; 15cbf dw Text_Mart_HowMany dw Text_Mart_CostsThisMuch dw Text_Mart_InsufficientFunds dw Text_Mart_BagFull dw Text_Mart_HereYouGo dw BuyMenuLoop .HerbShopPointers: ; 15ccb dw Text_HerbShop_HowMany dw Text_HerbShop_CostsThisMuch dw Text_HerbShop_InsufficientFunds dw Text_HerbShop_BagFull dw Text_HerbShop_HereYouGo dw BuyMenuLoop .BargainShopPointers: ; 15cd7 dw BuyMenuLoop dw Text_BargainShop_CostsThisMuch dw Text_BargainShop_InsufficientFunds dw Text_BargainShop_BagFull dw Text_BargainShop_HereYouGo dw Text_BargainShop_SoldOut .PharmacyPointers: ; 15ce3 dw Text_Pharmacy_HowMany dw Text_Pharmacy_CostsThisMuch dw Text_Pharmacy_InsufficientFunds dw Text_Pharmacy_BagFull dw Text_Pharmacy_HereYouGo dw BuyMenuLoop ; 15cef BuyMenuLoop: ; 15cef callba Function24ae8 call UpdateSprites ld hl, MenuDataHeader_Buy call CopyMenuDataHeader ld a, [wd045] ld [wMenuCursorBuffer], a ld a, [wd045 + 1] ld [wd0e4], a call HandleScrollingMenu ld a, [wd0e4] ld [wd045 + 1], a ld a, [MenuSelection2] ld [wd045], a call SpeechTextBox ld a, [wcf73] cp B_BUTTON jr z, .set_carry cp A_BUTTON jr z, .useless_pointer .useless_pointer call MartAskPurchaseQuantity jr c, .cancel call Function15d97 jr c, .cancel ld de, Money ld bc, hMoneyTemp ld a, $3 ; useless load call CompareMoney jr c, .insufficient_funds ld hl, NumItems call ReceiveItem jr nc, .insufficient_bag_space ld a, [wMartItemID] ld e, a ld d, $0 ld b, SET_FLAG ld hl, wBargainShopFlags call FlagAction call PlayTransactionSound ld de, Money ld bc, hMoneyTemp call TakeMoney ld a, MARTTEXT_HERE_YOU_GO call LoadBuyMenuText call JoyWaitAorB .cancel call SpeechTextBox and a ret .set_carry scf ret .insufficient_bag_space ld a, MARTTEXT_BAG_FULL call LoadBuyMenuText call JoyWaitAorB and a ret .insufficient_funds ld a, MARTTEXT_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY call LoadBuyMenuText call JoyWaitAorB and a ret ; 15d83 StandardMartAskPurchaseQuantity: ld a, 99 ld [wItemQuantityBuffer], a ld a, MARTTEXT_HOW_MANY call LoadBuyMenuText callba Function24fc9 call ExitMenu ret ; 15d97 Function15d97: ; 15d97 predef PartyMonItemName ld a, MARTTEXT_COSTS_THIS_MUCH call LoadBuyMenuText call YesNoBox ret ; 15da5 BargainShopAskPurchaseQuantity: ld a, 1 ld [wItemQuantityChangeBuffer], a ld a, [wMartItemID] ld e, a ld d, $0 ld b, CHECK_FLAG ld hl, wBargainShopFlags call FlagAction ld a, c and a jr nz, .SoldOut ld a, [wMartItemID] ld e, a ld d, $0 ld hl, MartPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a inc hl rept 3 add hl, de endr inc hl ld a, [hli] ld [hMoneyTemp + 2], a ld a, [hl] ld [hMoneyTemp + 1], a xor a ld [hMoneyTemp], a and a ret .SoldOut ld a, MARTTEXT_SOLD_OUT call LoadBuyMenuText call JoyWaitAorB scf ret ; 15de2 RooftopSaleAskPurchaseQuantity: ld a, MARTTEXT_HOW_MANY call LoadBuyMenuText call .GetSalePrice ld a, 99 ld [wItemQuantityBuffer], a callba Function24fcf call ExitMenu ret ; 15df9 .GetSalePrice: ; 15df9 ld a, [wMartItemID] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, MartPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a inc hl rept 3 add hl, de endr inc hl ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] ret ; 15e0e Text_Mart_HowMany: ; 0x15e0e ; How many? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4bfd db "@" ; 0x15e13 Text_Mart_CostsThisMuch: ; 0x15e13 ; @ (S) will be ¥@ . text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4c08 db "@" ; 0x15e18 MenuDataHeader_Buy: ; 0x15e18 db $40 ; flags db 03, 01 ; start coords db 11, 19 ; end coords dw .menudata2 db 1 ; default option ; 0x15e20 .menudata2: ; 0x15e20 db $30 ; pointers db 4, 8 ; rows, columns db 1 ; horizontal spacing dbw 0, CurMart dba PlaceMenuItemName dba .PrintBCDPrices dba Function244c3 ; 15e30 .PrintBCDPrices: ; 15e30 ld a, [wcf77] ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, wMartItem1BCD rept 3 add hl, bc endr push de ld d, h ld e, l pop hl ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH add hl, bc ld c, PRINTNUM_LEADINGZEROS | PRINTNUM_MONEY | 3 call PrintBCDNumber ret ; 15e4a (5:5e4a) Text_HerbShop_Intro: ; 0x15e4a ; Hello, dear. I sell inexpensive herbal medicine. They're good, but a trifle bitter. Your #MON may not like them. Hehehehe… text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4c28 db "@" ; 0x15e4f Text_HerbShop_HowMany: ; 0x15e4f ; How many? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4ca3 db "@" ; 0x15e54 Text_HerbShop_CostsThisMuch: ; 0x15e54 ; @ (S) will be ¥@ . text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4cae db "@" ; 0x15e59 Text_HerbShop_HereYouGo: ; 0x15e59 ; Thank you, dear. Hehehehe… text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4cce db "@" ; 0x15e5e Text_HerbShop_BagFull: ; 0x15e5e ; Oh? Your PACK is full, dear. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4cea db "@" ; 0x15e63 Text_HerbShop_InsufficientFunds: ; 0x15e63 ; Hehehe… You don't have the money. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4d08 db "@" ; 0x15e68 Text_HerbShop_ComeAgain: ; 0x15e68 ; Come again, dear. Hehehehe… text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4d2a db "@" ; 0x15e6d Text_BargainShop_Intro: ; 0x15e6d ; Hiya! Care to see some bargains? I sell rare items that nobody else carries--but only one of each item. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4d47 db "@" ; 0x15e72 Text_BargainShop_CostsThisMuch: ; 0x15e72 ; costs ¥@ . Want it? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4db0 db "@" ; 0x15e77 Text_BargainShop_HereYouGo: ; 0x15e77 ; Thanks. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4dcd db "@" ; 0x15e7c Text_BargainShop_BagFull: ; 0x15e7c ; Uh-oh, your PACK is chock-full. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4dd6 db "@" ; 0x15e81 Text_BargainShop_SoldOut: ; 0x15e81 ; You bought that already. I'm all sold out of it. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4df7 db "@" ; 0x15e86 Text_BargainShop_InsufficientFunds: ; 0x15e86 ; Uh-oh, you're short on funds. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4e28 db "@" ; 0x15e8b Text_BargainShop_ComeAgain: ; 0x15e8b ; Come by again sometime. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4e46 db "@" ; 0x15e90 UnknownText_0x15e90: ; 0x15e90 ; What's up? Need some medicine? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4e5f db "@" ; 0x15e95 Text_Pharmacy_HowMany: ; 0x15e95 ; How many? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4e7e db "@" ; 0x15e9a Text_Pharmacy_CostsThisMuch: ; 0x15e9a ; @ (S) will cost ¥@ . text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4e89 db "@" ; 0x15e9f Text_Pharmacy_HereYouGo: ; 0x15e9f ; Thanks much! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4eab db "@" ; 0x15ea4 Text_Pharmacy_BagFull: ; 0x15ea4 ; You don't have any more space. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4eb9 db "@" ; 0x15ea9 Text_Pharmacy_InsufficientFunds: ; 0x15ea9 ; Huh? That's not enough money. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4ed8 db "@" ; 0x15eae UnknownText_0x15eae: ; 0x15eae ; All right. See you around. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4ef6 db "@" ; 0x15eb3 SellMenu: ; 15eb3 call DisableSpriteUpdates callba Function106a5 .asm_15ebc callba Function106be ld a, [wcf66] and a jp z, Function15ece call Function15ee0 jr .asm_15ebc ; 15ece Function15ece: ; 15ece call Function2b74 and a ret ; 15ed3 Function15ed3: ; unreferenced ld hl, UnknownText_0x15edb call MenuTextBoxBackup and a ret ; 15edb UnknownText_0x15edb: ; 0x15edb ; You don't have anything to sell. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4f12 db "@" ; 0x15ee0 Function15ee0: ; 15ee0 callba CheckItemMenu ld a, [wItemAttributeParamBuffer] ld hl, .jumptable rst JumpTable ret ; 15eee .jumptable: ; 15eee dw .try_sell dw .cant_buy dw .cant_buy dw .cant_buy dw .try_sell dw .try_sell dw .try_sell ; 15efc .cant_buy: ; 15efc ret ; 15efd .try_sell: ; 15efd callba _CheckTossableItem ld a, [wItemAttributeParamBuffer] and a jr z, .okay_to_sell ld hl, TextMart_CantBuyFromYou call PrintText and a ret .okay_to_sell ld hl, Text_Mart_SellHowMany call PrintText callba Function24af8 callba Function24fe1 call ExitMenu jr c, .declined hlcoord 1, 14 lb bc, 3, 18 call ClearBox ld hl, Text_Mart_ICanPayThisMuch call PrintTextBoxText call YesNoBox jr c, .declined ld de, Money ld bc, hMoneyTemp call GiveMoney ld a, [wMartItemID] ld hl, NumItems call TossItem predef PartyMonItemName hlcoord 1, 14 lb bc, 3, 18 call ClearBox ld hl, Text_Mart_SoldForAmount call PrintTextBoxText call PlayTransactionSound callba Function24af0 call JoyWaitAorB .declined call ExitMenu and a ret ; 15f73 Text_Mart_SellHowMany: ; 0x15f73 ; How many? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4f33 db "@" ; 0x15f78 Text_Mart_ICanPayThisMuch: ; 0x15f78 ; I can pay you ¥@ . Is that OK? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4f3e db "@" ; 0x15f7d DummyString ; 15f7d db "!ダミー!@" Text_Mart_HowMayIHelpYou: ; 0x15f83 ; Welcome! How may I help you? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4f62 db "@" ; 0x15f88 MenuDataHeader_BuySell: ; 0x15f88 db $40 ; flags db 00, 00 ; start coords db 08, 07 ; end coords dw .menudata2 db 1 ; default option ; 0x15f90 .menudata2: ; 0x15f90 db $80 ; strings db 3 ; items db "BUY@" db "SELL@" db "QUIT@" ; 0x15f96 Text_Mart_HereYouGo: ; 0x15fa0 ; Here you are. Thank you! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4f80 db "@" ; 0x15fa5 Text_Mart_InsufficientFunds: ; 0x15fa5 ; You don't have enough money. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4f9a db "@" ; 0x15faa Text_Mart_BagFull: ; 0x15faa ; You can't carry any more items. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4fb7 db "@" ; 0x15faf TextMart_CantBuyFromYou: ; 0x15faf ; Sorry, I can't buy that from you. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4fd7 db "@" ; 0x15fb4 Text_Mart_ComeAgain: ; 0x15fb4 ; Please come again! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4ff9 db "@" ; 0x15fb9 Text_Mart_AnythingElse: ; 0x15fb9 text_jump UnknownText_0x1c500d db "@" ; 0x15fbe Text_Mart_SoldForAmount: ; 0x15fbe text_jump UnknownText_0x1c502e db "@" ; 0x15fc3 PlayTransactionSound: ; 15fc3 call WaitSFX ld de, SFX_TRANSACTION call PlaySFX ret ; 15fcd MartTextBox: ; 15fcd call MenuTextBox call JoyWaitAorB call ExitMenu ret ; 15fd7