; Graphics macros DEF palred EQUS "(1 << 0) *" DEF palgreen EQUS "(1 << 5) *" DEF palblue EQUS "(1 << 10) *" MACRO assert_valid_rgb rept _NARG assert 0 <= (\1) && (\1) <= 31, "RGB channel must be 0-31" shift endr ENDM MACRO RGB rept _NARG / 3 assert_valid_rgb \1, \2, \3 dw palred (\1) + palgreen (\2) + palblue (\3) if DEF(fade_src) DEF {fade_src}_{d:color_index} EQU \1 DEF color_index += 1 DEF {fade_src}_{d:color_index} EQU \2 DEF color_index += 1 DEF {fade_src}_{d:color_index} EQU \3 DEF color_index += 1 endc shift 3 endr ENDM MACRO rgbpals_fade_src DEF fade_src EQUS \1 DEF color_index = 0 ENDM MACRO rgbpals_fade_src_end DEF {fade_src}_len = color_index PURGE fade_src ENDM MACRO rgbpals_fade_apply DEF fade_from EQUS \1 DEF fade_to EQUS \2 assert {fade_from}_len == {fade_to}_len, "fade_from pals and fade_to pals must be same length" for i, \3 for j, 0, {fade_from}_len, 3 DEF rgbch_red = {j} + 0 DEF rgbch_green = {j} + 1 DEF rgbch_blue = {j} + 2 DEF palred_value = {fade_from}_{d:rgbch_red} + ({fade_to}_{d:rgbch_red} - {fade_from}_{d:rgbch_red}) * i / \3 DEF palgreen_value = {fade_from}_{d:rgbch_green} + ({fade_to}_{d:rgbch_green} - {fade_from}_{d:rgbch_green}) * i / \3 DEF palblue_value = {fade_from}_{d:rgbch_blue} + ({fade_to}_{d:rgbch_blue} - {fade_from}_{d:rgbch_blue}) * i / \3 dw palred (palred_value) + palgreen (palgreen_value) + palblue (palblue_value) endr endr PURGE fade_from, fade_to, rgbch_red, rgbch_green, rgbch_blue, palred_value, palgreen_value, palblue_value ENDM DEF palettes EQUS "* PALETTE_SIZE" DEF palette EQUS "+ PALETTE_SIZE *" DEF color EQUS "+ PAL_COLOR_SIZE *" DEF tiles EQUS "* LEN_2BPP_TILE" DEF tile EQUS "+ LEN_2BPP_TILE *" ; extracts the middle two colors from a 2bpp binary palette ; example usage: ; INCBIN "foo.gbcpal", middle_colors DEF middle_colors EQUS "PAL_COLOR_SIZE, PAL_COLOR_SIZE * 2" MACRO dbpixel if _NARG >= 4 ; x tile, y tile, x pixel, y pixel db \1 * TILE_WIDTH + \3, \2 * TILE_WIDTH + \4 else ; x tile, y tile db \1 * TILE_WIDTH, \2 * TILE_WIDTH endc ENDM MACRO ldpixel if _NARG >= 5 ; register, x tile, y tile, x pixel, y pixel lb \1, \2 * TILE_WIDTH + \4, \3 * TILE_WIDTH + \5 else ; register, x tile, y tile lb \1, \2 * TILE_WIDTH, \3 * TILE_WIDTH endc ENDM DEF depixel EQUS "ldpixel de," DEF bcpixel EQUS "ldpixel bc," MACRO dbsprite ; x tile, y tile, x pixel, y pixel, vtile offset, attributes db (\2 * TILE_WIDTH) % $100 + \4, (\1 * TILE_WIDTH) % $100 + \3, \5, \6 ENDM