const_value set 2 const OLIVINEPUNISHMENTSPEECHHOUSE_POKEFAN_M const OLIVINEPUNISHMENTSPEECHHOUSE_LASS OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouse_MapScriptHeader: .SceneScripts: db 0 .MapCallbacks: db 0 OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseDad: jumptextfaceplayer OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseDadText OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseDaughter: jumptextfaceplayer OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseDaughterText OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseBookshelf2: jumpstd picturebookshelf OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseBookshelf1: jumpstd magazinebookshelf OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseDadText: text "Along the way to" line "CIANWOOD, there" para "are four deserted" line "islands." para "Bad kids are taken" line "to the islands as" cont "punishment!" done OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseDaughterText: text "Whenever I get in" line "trouble, Daddy" cont "always scares me." done OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouse_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 2 warp_def 2, 7, 5, OLIVINE_CITY warp_def 3, 7, 5, OLIVINE_CITY .CoordEvents: db 0 .BGEvents: db 2 bg_event 0, 1, BGEVENT_READ, OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseBookshelf1 bg_event 1, 1, BGEVENT_READ, OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseBookshelf2 .ObjectEvents: db 2 object_event 1, 2, SPRITE_POKEFAN_M, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_SLOW, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseDad, -1 object_event 5, 5, SPRITE_LASS, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WALK_LEFT_RIGHT, 2, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseDaughter, -1