object_const_def const MOUNTMOONGIFTSHOP_GRAMPS1 ; morning only const MOUNTMOONGIFTSHOP_GRAMPS2 ; day only const MOUNTMOONGIFTSHOP_LASS1 ; morning only const MOUNTMOONGIFTSHOP_LASS2 ; day only MountMoonGiftShop_MapScripts: def_scene_scripts def_callbacks MountMoonGiftShopClerkScript: faceplayer opentext pokemart MARTTYPE_STANDARD, MART_MT_MOON closetext end MountMoonGiftShopLassScript: jumptextfaceplayer MountMoonGiftShopLassText MountMoonGiftShopLassText: text "When the sun goes" line "down, CLEFAIRY" cont "come out to play." done MountMoonGiftShop_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler def_warp_events warp_event 3, 7, MOUNT_MOON_SQUARE, 3 warp_event 4, 7, MOUNT_MOON_SQUARE, 3 def_coord_events def_bg_events def_object_events object_event 4, 3, SPRITE_GRAMPS, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, MORN, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, MountMoonGiftShopClerkScript, -1 object_event 1, 2, SPRITE_GRAMPS, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, DAY, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, MountMoonGiftShopClerkScript, -1 object_event 1, 6, SPRITE_LASS, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WALK_LEFT_RIGHT, 1, 0, -1, MORN, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, MountMoonGiftShopLassScript, -1 object_event 5, 4, SPRITE_LASS, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WALK_UP_DOWN, 0, 1, -1, DAY, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, MountMoonGiftShopLassScript, -1