const_value set 2 const FUCHSIAGYM_JANINE const FUCHSIAGYM_FUCHSIA_GYM_1 const FUCHSIAGYM_FUCHSIA_GYM_2 const FUCHSIAGYM_FUCHSIA_GYM_3 const FUCHSIAGYM_FUCHSIA_GYM_4 const FUCHSIAGYM_GYM_GUY FuchsiaGym_MapScriptHeader: .MapTriggers: db 0 .MapCallbacks: db 0 JanineScript_0x195db9: checkflag ENGINE_SOULBADGE iftrue .FightDone applymovement FUCHSIAGYM_JANINE, MovementData_0x195f27 faceplayer opentext writetext UnknownText_0x195f35 waitbutton closetext winlosstext UnknownText_0x195fa1, 0 loadtrainer JANINE, 1 startbattle reloadmapafterbattle setevent EVENT_BEAT_JANINE setevent EVENT_BEAT_LASS_ALICE setevent EVENT_BEAT_LASS_LINDA setevent EVENT_BEAT_PICNICKER_CINDY setevent EVENT_BEAT_CAMPER_BARRY variablesprite SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_1, SPRITE_LASS variablesprite SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_2, SPRITE_LASS variablesprite SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_3, SPRITE_LASS variablesprite SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_4, SPRITE_YOUNGSTER special RunCallback_04 opentext writetext UnknownText_0x195feb playsound SFX_GET_BADGE waitsfx setflag ENGINE_SOULBADGE jump UnknownScript_0x195e02 .FightDone faceplayer opentext UnknownScript_0x195e02: checkevent EVENT_GOT_TM06_TOXIC iftrue UnknownScript_0x195e15 writetext UnknownText_0x196002 buttonsound verbosegiveitem TM_TOXIC iffalse UnknownScript_0x195e15 setevent EVENT_GOT_TM06_TOXIC UnknownScript_0x195e15: writetext UnknownText_0x196074 waitbutton closetext end FuschiaGym1Script_0x195e1b: checkevent EVENT_BEAT_LASS_ALICE iftrue UnknownScript_0x195e2c applymovement FUCHSIAGYM_FUCHSIA_GYM_1, MovementData_0x195f27 faceplayer variablesprite SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_1, SPRITE_LASS special RunCallback_04 UnknownScript_0x195e2c: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_BEAT_LASS_ALICE iftrue UnknownScript_0x195e4f writetext UnknownText_0x1960e6 waitbutton closetext winlosstext UnknownText_0x196126, 0 loadtrainer LASS, ALICE startbattle iftrue UnknownScript_0x195e4a reloadmapafterbattle setevent EVENT_BEAT_LASS_ALICE end UnknownScript_0x195e4a: variablesprite SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_1, SPRITE_JANINE reloadmapafterbattle end UnknownScript_0x195e4f: writetext UnknownText_0x196139 waitbutton closetext end FuschiaGym2Script_0x195e55: checkevent EVENT_BEAT_LASS_LINDA iftrue UnknownScript_0x195e66 applymovement FUCHSIAGYM_FUCHSIA_GYM_2, MovementData_0x195f27 faceplayer variablesprite SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_2, SPRITE_LASS special RunCallback_04 UnknownScript_0x195e66: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_BEAT_LASS_LINDA iftrue UnknownScript_0x195e89 writetext UnknownText_0x196166 waitbutton closetext winlosstext UnknownText_0x19617b, 0 loadtrainer LASS, LINDA startbattle iftrue UnknownScript_0x195e84 reloadmapafterbattle setevent EVENT_BEAT_LASS_LINDA end UnknownScript_0x195e84: variablesprite SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_2, SPRITE_JANINE reloadmapafterbattle end UnknownScript_0x195e89: writetext UnknownText_0x196199 waitbutton closetext end FuschiaGym3Script_0x195e8f: checkevent EVENT_BEAT_PICNICKER_CINDY iftrue UnknownScript_0x195ea0 applymovement FUCHSIAGYM_FUCHSIA_GYM_3, MovementData_0x195f27 faceplayer variablesprite SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_3, SPRITE_LASS special RunCallback_04 UnknownScript_0x195ea0: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_BEAT_PICNICKER_CINDY iftrue UnknownScript_0x195ec3 writetext UnknownText_0x1961bb waitbutton closetext winlosstext UnknownText_0x1961f1, 0 loadtrainer PICNICKER, CINDY startbattle iftrue UnknownScript_0x195ebe reloadmapafterbattle setevent EVENT_BEAT_PICNICKER_CINDY end UnknownScript_0x195ebe: variablesprite SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_3, SPRITE_JANINE reloadmapafterbattle end UnknownScript_0x195ec3: writetext UnknownText_0x19620c waitbutton closetext end FuschiaGym4Script_0x195ec9: checkevent EVENT_BEAT_CAMPER_BARRY iftrue UnknownScript_0x195eda applymovement FUCHSIAGYM_FUCHSIA_GYM_4, MovementData_0x195f27 faceplayer variablesprite SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_4, SPRITE_YOUNGSTER special RunCallback_04 UnknownScript_0x195eda: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_BEAT_CAMPER_BARRY iftrue UnknownScript_0x195efd writetext UnknownText_0x196228 waitbutton closetext winlosstext UnknownText_0x19624a, 0 loadtrainer CAMPER, BARRY startbattle iftrue UnknownScript_0x195ef8 reloadmapafterbattle setevent EVENT_BEAT_CAMPER_BARRY end UnknownScript_0x195ef8: variablesprite SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_4, SPRITE_JANINE reloadmapafterbattle end UnknownScript_0x195efd: writetext UnknownText_0x19626b waitbutton closetext end FuchsiaGymGuyScript: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_BEAT_JANINE iftrue .FuchsiaGymGuyWinScript writetext FuchsiaGymGuyText waitbutton closetext end .FuchsiaGymGuyWinScript writetext FuchsiaGymGuyWinText waitbutton closetext end FuchsiaGymStatue: checkflag ENGINE_SOULBADGE iftrue .Beaten jumpstd gymstatue1 .Beaten trainertotext JANINE, 1, $1 jumpstd gymstatue2 MovementData_0x195f27: turn_head_down turn_head_left turn_head_up turn_head_right turn_head_down turn_head_left turn_head_up turn_head_right turn_head_down turn_head_left turn_head_up turn_head_right turn_head_down step_end UnknownText_0x195f35: text "Fufufufu…" para "I'm sorry to dis-" line "appoint you…" para "I'm only joking!" para "I'm the real deal!" para "JANINE of FUCHSIA" line "GYM, that's me!" done UnknownText_0x195fa1: text "JANINE: You're a" line "tough one. You" cont "definitely won…" para "Here's SOULBADGE." line "Take it." done UnknownText_0x195feb: text "<PLAYER> received" line "SOULBADGE." done UnknownText_0x196002: text "JANINE: You're so" line "tough! I have a" cont "special gift!" para "It's TOXIC, a pow-" line "erful poison that" para "steadily saps the" line "victim's HP." done UnknownText_0x196074: text "JANINE: I'm going" line "to really apply" para "myself and improve" line "my skills." para "I want to become" line "better than both" cont "Father and you!" done UnknownText_0x1960e6: text "Fufufu!" para "I'm JANINE, the" line "GYM LEADER!" para "No, I'm not!" line "Gotcha, sucker!" done UnknownText_0x196126: text "I had you fooled…" done UnknownText_0x196139: text "How will you dis-" line "tinguish our real" cont "LEADER?" done UnknownText_0x196166: text "Fooled you!" line "Hahaha!" done UnknownText_0x19617b: text "Ooh… I lost…" line "You're not weak…" done UnknownText_0x196199: text "Well? Wasn't my" line "disguise perfect?" done UnknownText_0x1961bb: text "I'm JANINE!" para "How did you know I" line "was real?" para "Let's battle!" done UnknownText_0x1961f1: text "Darn it!" line "I wanted to win!" done UnknownText_0x19620c: text "You must be" line "getting tired." done UnknownText_0x196228: text "Wahahaha!" para "You betcha!" line "I'm JANINE!" done UnknownText_0x19624a: text "My disguise was" line "right on! Dang!" done UnknownText_0x19626b: text "Hey, you. Was my" line "disguise cute or" cont "what, huh?" done FuchsiaGymGuyText: text "Yo, CHAMP in" line "making!" para "Whoops! Take a" line "good look around" para "you. The trainers" line "all look like the" cont "LEADER, JANINE." para "Which of them is" line "the real JANINE?" done FuchsiaGymGuyWinText: text "That was a great" line "battle, trainer" cont "from JOHTO!" done FuchsiaGym_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 2 warp_def $11, $4, 3, FUCHSIA_CITY warp_def $11, $5, 3, FUCHSIA_CITY .XYTriggers: db 0 .Signposts: db 2 signpost 15, 3, SIGNPOST_READ, FuchsiaGymStatue signpost 15, 6, SIGNPOST_READ, FuchsiaGymStatue .PersonEvents: db 6 person_event SPRITE_JANINE, 10, 1, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_SLOW, 0, 0, -1, -1, (1 << 3) | PAL_OW_BLUE, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, JanineScript_0x195db9, -1 person_event SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_1, 7, 5, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_FAST, 0, 0, -1, -1, (1 << 3) | PAL_OW_BLUE, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, FuschiaGym1Script_0x195e1b, -1 person_event SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_2, 11, 5, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_FAST, 0, 0, -1, -1, (1 << 3) | PAL_OW_BLUE, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, FuschiaGym2Script_0x195e55, -1 person_event SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_3, 4, 9, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_FAST, 0, 0, -1, -1, (1 << 3) | PAL_OW_BLUE, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, FuschiaGym3Script_0x195e8f, -1 person_event SPRITE_FUCHSIA_GYM_4, 2, 4, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_FAST, 0, 0, -1, -1, (1 << 3) | PAL_OW_BLUE, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, FuschiaGym4Script_0x195ec9, -1 person_event SPRITE_GYM_GUY, 15, 7, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, (1 << 3) | PAL_OW_BLUE, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, FuchsiaGymGuyScript, -1