const_value set 2 const ROUTE9_YOUNGSTER1 const ROUTE9_LASS1 const ROUTE9_YOUNGSTER2 const ROUTE9_LASS2 const ROUTE9_POKEFAN_M1 const ROUTE9_POKEFAN_M2 Route9_MapScriptHeader: .SceneScripts: db 0 .MapCallbacks: db 0 TrainerCamperDean: trainer EVENT_BEAT_CAMPER_DEAN, CAMPER, DEAN, CamperDeanSeenText, CamperDeanBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext CamperDeanAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerPicnickerHeidi: trainer EVENT_BEAT_PICNICKER_HEIDI, PICNICKER, HEIDI, PicnickerHeidiSeenText, PicnickerHeidiBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext PicnickerHeidiAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerCamperSid: trainer EVENT_BEAT_CAMPER_SID, CAMPER, SID, CamperSidSeenText, CamperSidBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext CamperSidAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerPicnickerEdna: trainer EVENT_BEAT_PICNICKER_EDNA, PICNICKER, EDNA, PicnickerEdnaSeenText, PicnickerEdnaBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext PicnickerEdnaAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerHikerTim: trainer EVENT_BEAT_HIKER_TIM, HIKER, TIM, HikerTimSeenText, HikerTimBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext HikerTimAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerHikerSidney: trainer EVENT_BEAT_HIKER_SIDNEY, HIKER, SIDNEY, HikerSidneySeenText, HikerSidneyBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext HikerSidneyAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end Route9Sign: jumptext Route9SignText Route9HiddenEther: hiddenitem EVENT_ROUTE_9_HIDDEN_ETHER, ETHER CamperDeanSeenText: text "I came to explore" line "ROCK TUNNEL." done CamperDeanBeatenText: text "Whoa! Danger, man." done CamperDeanAfterBattleText: text "My #MON were" line "hurt before even" para "entering ROCK" line "TUNNEL." para "I'd better take" line "them to a #MON" cont "CENTER right away." done PicnickerHeidiSeenText: text "Have you ever been" line "to a picnic?" para "They're so much" line "fun!" done PicnickerHeidiBeatenText: text "Ohhhh!" done PicnickerHeidiAfterBattleText: text "We bake lots of" line "goodies and share" para "them all around." line "They're delicious!" done CamperSidSeenText: text "Hey, you!" line "Don't litter!" done CamperSidBeatenText: text "I was just point-" line "ing out…" done CamperSidAfterBattleText: text "Sorry. You weren't" line "littering. It was" cont "my mistake." done PicnickerEdnaSeenText: text "People shouldn't" line "leave any litter" cont "behind." done PicnickerEdnaBeatenText: text "Ohh… I lost…" done PicnickerEdnaAfterBattleText: text "Conserving energy" line "is important, but" para "the environment is" line "even more vital." done HikerTimSeenText: text "She'll be coming" line "'round MT.SILVER" cont "when she comes…" para "MT.SILVER is in" line "JOHTO, right?" done HikerTimBeatenText: text "I was too busy" line "singing…" done HikerTimAfterBattleText: text "Battles are about" line "concentration." done HikerSidneySeenText: text "I'll tell you a" line "secret." para "But first, we" line "battle!" done HikerSidneyBeatenText: text "Oh, dang!" line "I lost that…" done HikerSidneyAfterBattleText: text "The POWER PLANT is" line "across a small" cont "river." done Route9SignText: text "ROUTE 9" para "CERULEAN CITY -" line "ROCK TUNNEL" done Route9_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 1 warp_def 48, 15, 1, ROCK_TUNNEL_1F .CoordEvents: db 0 .BGEvents: db 2 bg_event 15, 7, BGEVENT_READ, Route9Sign bg_event 41, 15, BGEVENT_ITEM, Route9HiddenEther .ObjectEvents: db 6 object_event 23, 11, SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_LEFT, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 3, TrainerCamperDean, -1 object_event 39, 8, SPRITE_LASS, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_FAST, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 3, TrainerPicnickerHeidi, -1 object_event 11, 4, SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_FAST, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 5, TrainerCamperSid, -1 object_event 12, 15, SPRITE_LASS, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_UP, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 1, TrainerPicnickerEdna, -1 object_event 28, 3, SPRITE_POKEFAN_M, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BROWN, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 2, TrainerHikerTim, -1 object_event 36, 15, SPRITE_POKEFAN_M, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BROWN, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 4, TrainerHikerSidney, -1