; Pokégear cards const_def const POKEGEARCARD_CLOCK ; 0 const POKEGEARCARD_MAP ; 1 const POKEGEARCARD_PHONE ; 2 const POKEGEARCARD_RADIO ; 3 DEF NUM_POKEGEAR_CARDS EQU const_value DEF PHONE_DISPLAY_HEIGHT EQU 4 ; PokegearJumptable.Jumptable indexes const_def const POKEGEARSTATE_CLOCKINIT ; 0 const POKEGEARSTATE_CLOCKJOYPAD ; 1 const POKEGEARSTATE_MAPCHECKREGION ; 2 const POKEGEARSTATE_JOHTOMAPINIT ; 3 const POKEGEARSTATE_JOHTOMAPJOYPAD ; 4 const POKEGEARSTATE_KANTOMAPINIT ; 5 const POKEGEARSTATE_KANTOMAPJOYPAD ; 6 const POKEGEARSTATE_PHONEINIT ; 7 const POKEGEARSTATE_PHONEJOYPAD ; 8 const POKEGEARSTATE_MAKEPHONECALL ; 9 const POKEGEARSTATE_FINISHPHONECALL ; a const POKEGEARSTATE_RADIOINIT ; b const POKEGEARSTATE_RADIOJOYPAD ; c PokeGear: ld hl, wOptions ld a, [hl] push af set NO_TEXT_SCROLL, [hl] ldh a, [hInMenu] push af ld a, $1 ldh [hInMenu], a ld a, [wVramState] push af xor a ld [wVramState], a call .InitTilemap call DelayFrame .loop call JoyTextDelay ld a, [wJumptableIndex] bit 7, a jr nz, .done call PokegearJumptable farcall PlaySpriteAnimations call DelayFrame jr .loop .done ld de, SFX_READ_TEXT_2 call PlaySFX call WaitSFX pop af ld [wVramState], a pop af ldh [hInMenu], a pop af ld [wOptions], a call ClearBGPalettes xor a ; LOW(vBGMap0) ldh [hBGMapAddress], a ld a, HIGH(vBGMap0) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a ld a, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PX ldh [hWY], a call ExitPokegearRadio_HandleMusic ret .InitTilemap: call ClearBGPalettes call ClearTilemap call ClearSprites call DisableLCD xor a ldh [hSCY], a ldh [hSCX], a ld a, $7 ldh [hWX], a call Pokegear_LoadGFX farcall ClearSpriteAnims call InitPokegearModeIndicatorArrow ld a, 8 call SkipMusic ld a, LCDC_DEFAULT ldh [rLCDC], a call TownMap_InitCursorAndPlayerIconPositions xor a ld [wJumptableIndex], a ; POKEGEARSTATE_CLOCKINIT ld [wPokegearCard], a ; POKEGEARCARD_CLOCK ld [wPokegearMapRegion], a ; JOHTO_REGION ld [wUnusedPokegearByte], a ld [wPokegearPhoneScrollPosition], a ld [wPokegearPhoneCursorPosition], a ld [wPokegearPhoneSelectedPerson], a ld [wPokegearRadioChannelBank], a ld [wPokegearRadioChannelAddr], a ld [wPokegearRadioChannelAddr + 1], a call Pokegear_InitJumptableIndices call InitPokegearTilemap ld b, CGB_POKEGEAR_PALS call GetCGBLayout call SetPalettes ld a, %11100100 call DmgToCgbObjPal0 ret Pokegear_LoadGFX: call ClearVBank1 ld hl, TownMapGFX ld de, vTiles2 ld a, BANK(TownMapGFX) call FarDecompress ld hl, PokegearGFX ld de, vTiles2 tile $30 ld a, BANK(PokegearGFX) call FarDecompress ld hl, PokegearSpritesGFX ld de, vTiles0 ld a, BANK(PokegearSpritesGFX) call Decompress ld a, [wMapGroup] ld b, a ld a, [wMapNumber] ld c, a farcall GetPlayerIcon push de ld h, d ld l, e ld a, b ; standing sprite push af ld de, vTiles0 tile $10 ld bc, 4 tiles call FarCopyBytes pop af pop hl ; walking sprite ld de, 12 tiles add hl, de ld de, vTiles0 tile $14 ld bc, 4 tiles call FarCopyBytes ret FastShipGFX: INCBIN "gfx/pokegear/fast_ship.2bpp" InitPokegearModeIndicatorArrow: depixel 4, 2, 4, 0 ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_POKEGEAR_ARROW call InitSpriteAnimStruct ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_TILE_ID add hl, bc ld [hl], $0 ret AnimatePokegearModeIndicatorArrow: ld hl, wPokegearCard ld e, [hl] ld d, 0 ld hl, .XCoords add hl, de ld a, [hl] ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_XOFFSET add hl, bc ld [hl], a ret .XCoords: db $00 ; POKEGEARCARD_CLOCK db $10 ; POKEGEARCARD_MAP db $20 ; POKEGEARCARD_PHONE db $30 ; POKEGEARCARD_RADIO TownMap_GetCurrentLandmark: ld a, [wMapGroup] ld b, a ld a, [wMapNumber] ld c, a call GetWorldMapLocation ret TownMap_InitCursorAndPlayerIconPositions: ld a, [wMapGroup] ld b, a ld a, [wMapNumber] ld c, a call GetWorldMapLocation ld [wPokegearMapPlayerIconLandmark], a ld [wPokegearMapCursorLandmark], a ret Pokegear_InitJumptableIndices: ld a, POKEGEARSTATE_CLOCKINIT ld [wJumptableIndex], a xor a ; POKEGEARCARD_CLOCK ld [wPokegearCard], a ret InitPokegearTilemap: xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a hlcoord 0, 0 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT ld a, $4f call ByteFill ld a, [wPokegearCard] maskbits NUM_POKEGEAR_CARDS add a ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .Jumptable add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld de, .return_from_jumptable push de jp hl .return_from_jumptable call Pokegear_FinishTilemap farcall TownMapPals ld a, [wPokegearMapRegion] and a jr nz, .kanto_0 xor a ; LOW(vBGMap0) ldh [hBGMapAddress], a ld a, HIGH(vBGMap0) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a call .UpdateBGMap ld a, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PX jr .finish .kanto_0 xor a ; LOW(vBGMap1) ldh [hBGMapAddress], a ld a, HIGH(vBGMap1) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a call .UpdateBGMap xor a .finish ldh [hWY], a ; swap region maps ld a, [wPokegearMapRegion] maskbits NUM_REGIONS xor 1 ld [wPokegearMapRegion], a ret .UpdateBGMap: ld a, $2 ldh [hBGMapMode], a ld c, 3 call DelayFrames call WaitBGMap ret .Jumptable: ; entries correspond to POKEGEARCARD_* constants dw .Clock dw .Map dw .Phone dw .Radio .Clock: ld de, ClockTilemapRLE call Pokegear_LoadTilemapRLE hlcoord 12, 1 ld de, .switch call PlaceString hlcoord 0, 12 lb bc, 4, 18 call Textbox ret .switch db " SWITCH▶@" .Map: ld e, 0 farcall PokegearMap ld a, $07 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH - 2 hlcoord 1, 2 call ByteFill hlcoord 0, 2 ld [hl], $06 hlcoord 19, 2 ld [hl], $17 ld a, [wPokegearMapCursorLandmark] call PokegearMap_UpdateLandmarkName ret .Radio: ld de, RadioTilemapRLE call Pokegear_LoadTilemapRLE hlcoord 0, 12 lb bc, 4, 18 call Textbox ret .Phone: ld de, PhoneTilemapRLE call Pokegear_LoadTilemapRLE hlcoord 0, 12 lb bc, 4, 18 call Textbox call .PlacePhoneBars call PokegearPhone_UpdateDisplayList ret .PlacePhoneBars: hlcoord 17, 1 ld a, $3c ld [hli], a inc a ld [hl], a hlcoord 17, 2 inc a ld [hli], a call GetMapPhoneService and a ret nz hlcoord 18, 2 ld [hl], $3f ret Pokegear_FinishTilemap: hlcoord 0, 0 ld bc, $8 ld a, $4f call ByteFill hlcoord 0, 1 ld bc, $8 ld a, $4f call ByteFill ld de, wPokegearFlags ld a, [de] bit POKEGEAR_MAP_CARD_F, a call nz, .PlaceMapIcon ld a, [de] bit POKEGEAR_PHONE_CARD_F, a call nz, .PlacePhoneIcon ld a, [de] bit POKEGEAR_RADIO_CARD_F, a call nz, .PlaceRadioIcon hlcoord 0, 0 ld a, $46 call .PlacePokegearCardIcon ret .PlaceMapIcon: hlcoord 2, 0 ld a, $40 jr .PlacePokegearCardIcon .PlacePhoneIcon: hlcoord 4, 0 ld a, $44 jr .PlacePokegearCardIcon .PlaceRadioIcon: hlcoord 6, 0 ld a, $42 .PlacePokegearCardIcon: ld [hli], a inc a ld [hld], a ld bc, $14 add hl, bc add $f ld [hli], a inc a ld [hld], a ret PokegearJumptable: jumptable .Jumptable, wJumptableIndex .Jumptable: ; entries correspond to POKEGEARSTATE_* constants dw PokegearClock_Init dw PokegearClock_Joypad dw PokegearMap_CheckRegion dw PokegearMap_Init dw PokegearMap_JohtoMap dw PokegearMap_Init dw PokegearMap_KantoMap dw PokegearPhone_Init dw PokegearPhone_Joypad dw PokegearPhone_MakePhoneCall dw PokegearPhone_FinishPhoneCall dw PokegearRadio_Init dw PokegearRadio_Joypad PokegearClock_Init: call InitPokegearTilemap ld hl, PokegearPressButtonText call PrintText ld hl, wJumptableIndex inc [hl] call ExitPokegearRadio_HandleMusic ret PokegearClock_Joypad: ld hl, hJoyLast ld a, [hl] and A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | START | SELECT jr nz, .quit ld a, [hl] and D_RIGHT ret z ld a, [wPokegearFlags] bit POKEGEAR_MAP_CARD_F, a jr z, .no_map_card ld c, POKEGEARSTATE_MAPCHECKREGION ld b, POKEGEARCARD_MAP jr .done .no_map_card ld a, [wPokegearFlags] bit POKEGEAR_PHONE_CARD_F, a jr z, .no_phone_card ld c, POKEGEARSTATE_PHONEINIT ld b, POKEGEARCARD_PHONE jr .done .no_phone_card ld a, [wPokegearFlags] bit POKEGEAR_RADIO_CARD_F, a ret z ld c, POKEGEARSTATE_RADIOINIT ld b, POKEGEARCARD_RADIO .done call Pokegear_SwitchPage ret .quit ld hl, wJumptableIndex set 7, [hl] ret PokegearMap_CheckRegion: ld a, POKEGEARSTATE_JOHTOMAPINIT ld [wJumptableIndex], a call ExitPokegearRadio_HandleMusic ret PokegearMap_Init: call InitPokegearTilemap ld a, [wPokegearMapPlayerIconLandmark] call PokegearMap_InitPlayerIcon ld a, [wPokegearMapCursorLandmark] call PokegearMap_InitCursor ld a, c ld [wPokegearMapCursorObjectPointer], a ld a, b ld [wPokegearMapCursorObjectPointer + 1], a ld hl, wJumptableIndex inc [hl] ret PokegearMap_KantoMap: ld d, NUM_LANDMARKS - 1 ld e, LANDMARK_LEVEL_1 jr PokegearMap_ContinueMap PokegearMap_JohtoMap: ld d, NUM_LANDMARKS - 1 ld e, LANDMARK_LEVEL_1 PokegearMap_ContinueMap: ld hl, hJoyLast ld a, [hl] and B_BUTTON jr nz, .cancel ld a, [hl] and D_RIGHT jr nz, .right ld a, [hl] and D_LEFT jr nz, .left call .DPad ret .right ld a, [wPokegearFlags] bit POKEGEAR_PHONE_CARD_F, a jr z, .no_phone ld c, POKEGEARSTATE_PHONEINIT ld b, POKEGEARCARD_PHONE jr .done .no_phone ld a, [wPokegearFlags] bit POKEGEAR_RADIO_CARD_F, a ret z ld c, POKEGEARSTATE_RADIOINIT ld b, POKEGEARCARD_RADIO jr .done .left ld c, POKEGEARSTATE_CLOCKINIT ld b, POKEGEARCARD_CLOCK .done call Pokegear_SwitchPage ret .cancel ld hl, wJumptableIndex set 7, [hl] ret .DPad: ld hl, hJoyLast ld a, [hl] and D_UP jr nz, .up ld a, [hl] and D_DOWN jr nz, .down ret .up ld hl, wPokegearMapCursorLandmark ld a, [hl] cp d jr c, .wrap_around_up ld a, e dec a ld [hl], a .wrap_around_up inc [hl] jr .done_dpad .down ld hl, wPokegearMapCursorLandmark ld a, [hl] cp e jr nz, .wrap_around_down ld a, d inc a ld [hl], a .wrap_around_down dec [hl] .done_dpad ld a, [wPokegearMapCursorLandmark] call PokegearMap_UpdateLandmarkName ld a, [wPokegearMapCursorObjectPointer] ld c, a ld a, [wPokegearMapCursorObjectPointer + 1] ld b, a ld a, [wPokegearMapCursorLandmark] call PokegearMap_UpdateCursorPosition ret PokegearMap_InitPlayerIcon: push af depixel 0, 0 ld b, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_RED_WALK ld a, [wPlayerGender] bit PLAYERGENDER_FEMALE_F, a jr z, .got_gender ld b, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_BLUE_WALK .got_gender ld a, b call InitSpriteAnimStruct ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_TILE_ID add hl, bc ld [hl], $10 pop af ld e, a push bc farcall GetLandmarkCoords pop bc ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_XCOORD add hl, bc ld [hl], e ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_YCOORD add hl, bc ld [hl], d ret PokegearMap_InitCursor: push af depixel 0, 0 ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_POKEGEAR_ARROW call InitSpriteAnimStruct ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_TILE_ID add hl, bc ld [hl], $04 ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_ANIM_SEQ_ID add hl, bc ld [hl], SPRITE_ANIM_SEQ_NULL pop af push bc call PokegearMap_UpdateCursorPosition pop bc ret PokegearMap_UpdateLandmarkName: push af hlcoord 8, 0 lb bc, 2, 12 call ClearBox pop af ld e, a push de farcall GetLandmarkName pop de farcall TownMap_ConvertLineBreakCharacters hlcoord 8, 0 ld [hl], $34 ret PokegearMap_UpdateCursorPosition: push bc ld e, a farcall GetLandmarkCoords pop bc ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_XCOORD add hl, bc ld [hl], e ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_YCOORD add hl, bc ld [hl], d ret PokegearRadio_Init: call InitPokegearTilemap depixel 4, 10, 4, 4 ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_RADIO_TUNING_KNOB call InitSpriteAnimStruct ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_TILE_ID add hl, bc ld [hl], $08 call _UpdateRadioStation ld hl, wJumptableIndex inc [hl] ret PokegearRadio_Joypad: ld hl, hJoyLast ld a, [hl] and B_BUTTON jr nz, .cancel ld a, [hl] and D_LEFT jr nz, .left ld a, [wPokegearRadioChannelAddr] ld l, a ld a, [wPokegearRadioChannelAddr + 1] ld h, a ld a, [wPokegearRadioChannelBank] and a ret z rst FarCall ret .left ld a, [wPokegearFlags] bit POKEGEAR_PHONE_CARD_F, a jr z, .no_phone ld c, POKEGEARSTATE_PHONEINIT ld b, POKEGEARCARD_PHONE jr .switch_page .no_phone ld a, [wPokegearFlags] bit POKEGEAR_MAP_CARD_F, a jr z, .no_map ld c, POKEGEARSTATE_MAPCHECKREGION ld b, POKEGEARCARD_MAP jr .switch_page .no_map ld c, POKEGEARSTATE_CLOCKINIT ld b, POKEGEARCARD_CLOCK .switch_page call Pokegear_SwitchPage ret .cancel ld hl, wJumptableIndex set 7, [hl] ret PokegearPhone_Init: ld hl, wJumptableIndex inc [hl] xor a ld [wPokegearPhoneScrollPosition], a ld [wPokegearPhoneCursorPosition], a ld [wPokegearPhoneSelectedPerson], a call InitPokegearTilemap call ExitPokegearRadio_HandleMusic ld hl, PokegearAskWhoCallText call PrintText ret PokegearPhone_Joypad: ld hl, hJoyPressed ld a, [hl] and B_BUTTON jr nz, .b ld a, [hl] and A_BUTTON jr nz, .a ld hl, hJoyLast ld a, [hl] and D_LEFT jr nz, .left ld a, [hl] and D_RIGHT jr nz, .right call PokegearPhone_GetDPad ret .left ld a, [wPokegearFlags] bit POKEGEAR_MAP_CARD_F, a jr z, .no_map ld c, POKEGEARSTATE_MAPCHECKREGION ld b, POKEGEARCARD_MAP jr .switch_page .no_map ld c, POKEGEARSTATE_CLOCKINIT ld b, POKEGEARCARD_CLOCK jr .switch_page .right ld a, [wPokegearFlags] bit POKEGEAR_RADIO_CARD_F, a ret z ld c, POKEGEARSTATE_RADIOINIT ld b, POKEGEARCARD_RADIO .switch_page call Pokegear_SwitchPage ret .b ld hl, wJumptableIndex set 7, [hl] ret .a ld hl, wPhoneList ld a, [wPokegearPhoneScrollPosition] ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de ld a, [wPokegearPhoneCursorPosition] ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de ld a, [hl] and a ret z ld [wPokegearPhoneSelectedPerson], a hlcoord 1, 4 ld a, [wPokegearPhoneCursorPosition] ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 call AddNTimes ld [hl], "▷" call PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu jr c, .quit_submenu ld hl, wJumptableIndex inc [hl] ret .quit_submenu ld a, POKEGEARSTATE_PHONEJOYPAD ld [wJumptableIndex], a ret PokegearPhone_MakePhoneCall: call GetMapPhoneService and a jr nz, .no_service ld hl, wOptions res NO_TEXT_SCROLL, [hl] xor a ldh [hInMenu], a ld de, SFX_CALL call PlaySFX ld hl, .GearEllipseText call PrintText call WaitSFX ld de, SFX_CALL call PlaySFX ld hl, .GearEllipseText call PrintText call WaitSFX ld a, [wPokegearPhoneSelectedPerson] ld b, a call MakePhoneCallFromPokegear ld c, 10 call DelayFrames ld hl, wOptions set NO_TEXT_SCROLL, [hl] ld a, $1 ldh [hInMenu], a call PokegearPhone_UpdateCursor ld hl, wJumptableIndex inc [hl] ret .no_service farcall Phone_NoSignal ld hl, .GearOutOfServiceText call PrintText ld a, POKEGEARSTATE_PHONEJOYPAD ld [wJumptableIndex], a ld hl, PokegearAskWhoCallText call PrintText ret .GearEllipseText: text_far _GearEllipseText text_end .GearOutOfServiceText: text_far _GearOutOfServiceText text_end PokegearPhone_FinishPhoneCall: ldh a, [hJoyPressed] and A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON ret z farcall HangUp ld a, POKEGEARSTATE_PHONEJOYPAD ld [wJumptableIndex], a ld hl, PokegearAskWhoCallText call PrintText ret PokegearPhone_GetDPad: ld hl, hJoyLast ld a, [hl] and D_UP jr nz, .up ld a, [hl] and D_DOWN jr nz, .down ret .up ld hl, wPokegearPhoneCursorPosition ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .scroll_page_up dec [hl] jr .done_joypad_same_page .scroll_page_up ld hl, wPokegearPhoneScrollPosition ld a, [hl] and a ret z dec [hl] jr .done_joypad_update_page .down ld hl, wPokegearPhoneCursorPosition ld a, [hl] cp PHONE_DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 1 jr nc, .scroll_page_down inc [hl] jr .done_joypad_same_page .scroll_page_down ld hl, wPokegearPhoneScrollPosition ld a, [hl] cp CONTACT_LIST_SIZE - PHONE_DISPLAY_HEIGHT ret nc inc [hl] jr .done_joypad_update_page .done_joypad_same_page xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a call PokegearPhone_UpdateCursor call WaitBGMap ret .done_joypad_update_page xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a call PokegearPhone_UpdateDisplayList call WaitBGMap ret PokegearPhone_UpdateCursor: ld a, " " for y, PHONE_DISPLAY_HEIGHT hlcoord 1, 4 + y * 2 ld [hl], a endr hlcoord 1, 4 ld a, [wPokegearPhoneCursorPosition] ld bc, 2 * SCREEN_WIDTH call AddNTimes ld [hl], "▶" ret PokegearPhone_UpdateDisplayList: hlcoord 1, 3 ld b, PHONE_DISPLAY_HEIGHT * 2 + 1 ld a, " " .row ld c, SCREEN_WIDTH - 2 .col ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .col inc hl inc hl dec b jr nz, .row ld a, [wPokegearPhoneScrollPosition] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, wPhoneList add hl, de xor a ld [wPokegearPhoneDisplayPosition], a .loop ld a, [hli] push hl push af hlcoord 2, 4 ld a, [wPokegearPhoneDisplayPosition] ld bc, 2 * SCREEN_WIDTH call AddNTimes ld d, h ld e, l pop af ld b, a call GetCallerClassAndName pop hl ld a, [wPokegearPhoneDisplayPosition] inc a ld [wPokegearPhoneDisplayPosition], a cp PHONE_DISPLAY_HEIGHT jr c, .loop call PokegearPhone_UpdateCursor ret PokegearPhone_DeletePhoneNumber: ld hl, wPhoneList ld a, [wPokegearPhoneScrollPosition] ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de ld a, [wPokegearPhoneCursorPosition] ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de ld [hl], 0 ld hl, wPhoneList ld c, CONTACT_LIST_SIZE .loop ld a, [hli] and a jr nz, .skip ld a, [hld] ld [hli], a ld [hl], 0 .skip dec c jr nz, .loop ret PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu: ld hl, wPhoneList ld a, [wPokegearPhoneScrollPosition] ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de ld a, [wPokegearPhoneCursorPosition] ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de ld c, [hl] farcall CheckCanDeletePhoneNumber ld a, c and a jr z, .cant_delete ld hl, .CallDeleteCancelJumptable ld de, .CallDeleteCancelStrings jr .got_menu_data .cant_delete ld hl, .CallCancelJumptable ld de, .CallCancelStrings .got_menu_data xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a push hl push de ld a, [de] ld l, a inc de ld a, [de] ld h, a inc de push hl bccoord -1, -2, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [de] inc de sla a ld b, a ld c, 8 push de call Textbox pop de pop hl inc hl call PlaceString pop de xor a ld [wPokegearPhoneSubmenuCursor], a call .UpdateCursor call WaitBGMap .loop push de call JoyTextDelay pop de ld hl, hJoyPressed ld a, [hl] and D_UP jr nz, .d_up ld a, [hl] and D_DOWN jr nz, .d_down ld a, [hl] and A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON jr nz, .a_b call DelayFrame jr .loop .d_up ld hl, wPokegearPhoneSubmenuCursor ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .loop dec [hl] call .UpdateCursor jr .loop .d_down ld hl, 2 add hl, de ld a, [wPokegearPhoneSubmenuCursor] inc a cp [hl] jr nc, .loop ld [wPokegearPhoneSubmenuCursor], a call .UpdateCursor jr .loop .a_b xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a call PokegearPhone_UpdateDisplayList ld a, $1 ldh [hBGMapMode], a pop hl ldh a, [hJoyPressed] and B_BUTTON jr nz, .Cancel ld a, [wPokegearPhoneSubmenuCursor] ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp hl .Cancel: ld hl, PokegearAskWhoCallText call PrintText scf ret .Delete: ld hl, PokegearAskDeleteText call MenuTextbox call YesNoBox call ExitMenu jr c, .CancelDelete call PokegearPhone_DeletePhoneNumber xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a call PokegearPhone_UpdateDisplayList ld hl, PokegearAskWhoCallText call PrintText call WaitBGMap .CancelDelete: scf ret .Call: and a ret .UpdateCursor: push de ld a, [de] inc de ld l, a ld a, [de] inc de ld h, a ld a, [de] ld c, a push hl ld a, " " ld de, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 .clear_column ld [hl], a add hl, de dec c jr nz, .clear_column pop hl ld a, [wPokegearPhoneSubmenuCursor] ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 call AddNTimes ld [hl], "▶" pop de ret .CallDeleteCancelStrings: dwcoord 10, 6 db 3 db "CALL" next "DELETE" next "CANCEL" db "@" .CallDeleteCancelJumptable: dw .Call dw .Delete dw .Cancel .CallCancelStrings: dwcoord 10, 8 db 2 db "CALL" next "CANCEL" db "@" .CallCancelJumptable: dw .Call dw .Cancel Pokegear_SwitchPage: ld de, SFX_READ_TEXT_2 call PlaySFX ld a, c ld [wJumptableIndex], a ld a, b ld [wPokegearCard], a call DeleteSpriteAnimStruct2ToEnd ret ExitPokegearRadio_HandleMusic: ld a, [wPokegearRadioMusicPlaying] cp RESTART_MAP_MUSIC jr z, .restart_map_music cp ENTER_MAP_MUSIC call z, PlayMapMusicBike xor a ld [wPokegearRadioMusicPlaying], a ret .restart_map_music call RestartMapMusic xor a ld [wPokegearRadioMusicPlaying], a ret DeleteSpriteAnimStruct2ToEnd: ld hl, wSpriteAnim2 ld bc, wSpriteAnimationStructsEnd - wSpriteAnim2 xor a call ByteFill ld a, 2 ld [wSpriteAnimCount], a ret Pokegear_LoadTilemapRLE: ; Format: repeat count, tile ID ; Terminated with -1 hlcoord 0, 0 .loop ld a, [de] cp -1 ret z ld b, a inc de ld a, [de] ld c, a inc de ld a, b .load ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .load jr .loop PokegearAskWhoCallText: text_far _PokegearAskWhoCallText text_end PokegearPressButtonText: text_far _PokegearPressButtonText text_end PokegearAskDeleteText: text_far _PokegearAskDeleteText text_end PokegearSpritesGFX: INCBIN "gfx/pokegear/pokegear_sprites.2bpp.lz" RadioTilemapRLE: INCBIN "gfx/pokegear/radio.tilemap.rle" PhoneTilemapRLE: INCBIN "gfx/pokegear/phone.tilemap.rle" ClockTilemapRLE: INCBIN "gfx/pokegear/clock.tilemap.rle" _UpdateRadioStation: jr UpdateRadioStation ; called from engine/gfx/sprite_anims.asm AnimateTuningKnob: push bc call .TuningKnob pop bc ld a, [wRadioTuningKnob] ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_XOFFSET add hl, bc ld [hl], a ret .TuningKnob: ld hl, hJoyLast ld a, [hl] and D_DOWN jr nz, .down ld a, [hl] and D_UP jr nz, .up ret .down ld hl, wRadioTuningKnob ld a, [hl] and a ret z dec [hl] dec [hl] jr .update .up ld hl, wRadioTuningKnob ld a, [hl] cp 80 ret nc inc [hl] inc [hl] .update UpdateRadioStation: ld hl, wRadioTuningKnob ld d, [hl] ld hl, RadioChannels .loop ld a, [hli] cp -1 jr z, .nostation cp d jr z, .foundstation inc hl inc hl jr .loop .nostation call NoRadioStation ret .foundstation ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld de, .returnafterstation push de jp hl .returnafterstation ld a, [wPokegearRadioChannelBank] and a ret z xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a hlcoord 2, 9 call PlaceString ld a, $1 ldh [hBGMapMode], a ret LoadPokegearRadioChannelPointer: ; unreferenced ld [wPokegearRadioChannelBank], a ld a, [hli] ld [wPokegearRadioChannelAddr], a ld a, [hli] ld [wPokegearRadioChannelAddr + 1], a ret RadioChannels: ; entries correspond to constants/radio_constants.asm ; frequency value given here = 4 × ingame_frequency − 2 dbw 16, .PKMNTalkAndPokedexShow ; 04.5 dbw 28, .PokemonMusic ; 07.5 dbw 32, .LuckyChannel ; 08.5 dbw 40, .BuenasPassword ; 10.5 dbw 52, .RuinsOfAlphRadio ; 13.5 dbw 64, .PlacesAndPeople ; 16.5 dbw 72, .LetsAllSing ; 18.5 dbw 78, .PokeFluteRadio ; 20.0 dbw 80, .EvolutionRadio ; 20.5 db -1 .PKMNTalkAndPokedexShow: ; Pokédex Show in the morning ; Oak's Pokémon Talk in the afternoon and evening ld a, [wTimeOfDay] and a jp z, LoadStation_PokedexShow jp LoadStation_OaksPokemonTalk .PokemonMusic: jp LoadStation_PokemonMusic .LuckyChannel: jp LoadStation_LuckyChannel .BuenasPassword: jp LoadStation_BuenasPassword .RuinsOfAlphRadio: jp LoadStation_UnownRadio .PlacesAndPeople: jp LoadStation_PlacesAndPeople .LetsAllSing: jp LoadStation_LetsAllSing .PokeFluteRadio: jp LoadStation_PokeFluteRadio .EvolutionRadio: ; This station airs in the Lake of Rage area when Team Rocket is still in Mahogany. jp LoadStation_EvolutionRadio .NoSignal: call NoRadioStation ret LoadStation_OaksPokemonTalk: xor a ; OAKS_POKEMON_TALK ld [wCurRadioLine], a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ld a, BANK(PlayRadioShow) ld hl, PlayRadioShow call Radio_BackUpFarCallParams ld de, OaksPKMNTalkName ret LoadStation_PokedexShow: ld a, POKEDEX_SHOW ld [wCurRadioLine], a xor a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ld a, BANK(PlayRadioShow) ld hl, PlayRadioShow call Radio_BackUpFarCallParams ld de, PokedexShowName ret LoadStation_PokemonMusic: ld a, POKEMON_MUSIC ld [wCurRadioLine], a xor a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ld a, BANK(PlayRadioShow) ld hl, PlayRadioShow call Radio_BackUpFarCallParams ld de, PokemonMusicName ret LoadStation_LuckyChannel: ld a, LUCKY_CHANNEL ld [wCurRadioLine], a xor a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ld a, BANK(PlayRadioShow) ld hl, PlayRadioShow call Radio_BackUpFarCallParams ld de, LuckyChannelName ret LoadStation_BuenasPassword: ld a, BUENAS_PASSWORD ld [wCurRadioLine], a xor a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ld a, BANK(PlayRadioShow) ld hl, PlayRadioShow call Radio_BackUpFarCallParams ld de, NotBuenasPasswordName ld a, [wStatusFlags2] bit STATUSFLAGS2_ROCKETS_IN_RADIO_TOWER_F, a ret z ld de, BuenasPasswordName ret BuenasPasswordName: db "BUENA'S PASSWORD@" NotBuenasPasswordName: db "@" LoadStation_UnownRadio: ld a, UNOWN_RADIO ld [wCurRadioLine], a xor a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ld a, BANK(PlayRadioShow) ld hl, PlayRadioShow call Radio_BackUpFarCallParams ld de, UnownStationName ret LoadStation_PlacesAndPeople: ld a, PLACES_AND_PEOPLE ld [wCurRadioLine], a xor a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ld a, BANK(PlayRadioShow) ld hl, PlayRadioShow call Radio_BackUpFarCallParams ld de, PlacesAndPeopleName ret LoadStation_LetsAllSing: ld a, LETS_ALL_SING ld [wCurRadioLine], a xor a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ld a, BANK(PlayRadioShow) ld hl, PlayRadioShow call Radio_BackUpFarCallParams ld de, LetsAllSingName ret LoadStation_RocketRadio: ld a, ROCKET_RADIO ld [wCurRadioLine], a xor a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ld a, BANK(PlayRadioShow) ld hl, PlayRadioShow call Radio_BackUpFarCallParams ld de, LetsAllSingName ret LoadStation_PokeFluteRadio: ld a, POKE_FLUTE_RADIO ld [wCurRadioLine], a xor a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ld a, BANK(PlayRadioShow) ld hl, PlayRadioShow call Radio_BackUpFarCallParams ld de, PokeFluteStationName ret LoadStation_EvolutionRadio: ld a, EVOLUTION_RADIO ld [wCurRadioLine], a xor a ld [wNumRadioLinesPrinted], a ld a, BANK(PlayRadioShow) ld hl, PlayRadioShow call Radio_BackUpFarCallParams ld de, UnownStationName ret DummyLoadStation: ; unreferenced ret RadioMusicRestartDE: push de ld a, e ld [wPokegearRadioMusicPlaying], a ld de, MUSIC_NONE call PlayMusic pop de ld a, e ld [wMapMusic], a call PlayMusic ret RadioMusicRestartPokemonChannel: push de ld a, RESTART_MAP_MUSIC ld [wPokegearRadioMusicPlaying], a ld de, MUSIC_NONE call PlayMusic pop de ld de, MUSIC_POKEMON_CHANNEL call PlayMusic ret Radio_BackUpFarCallParams: ld [wPokegearRadioChannelBank], a ld a, l ld [wPokegearRadioChannelAddr], a ld a, h ld [wPokegearRadioChannelAddr + 1], a ret NoRadioStation: call NoRadioMusic call NoRadioName ; no radio channel xor a ld [wPokegearRadioChannelBank], a ld [wPokegearRadioChannelAddr], a ld [wPokegearRadioChannelAddr + 1], a ld a, $1 ldh [hBGMapMode], a ret NoRadioMusic: ld de, MUSIC_NONE call PlayMusic ld a, ENTER_MAP_MUSIC ld [wPokegearRadioMusicPlaying], a ret NoRadioName: xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a hlcoord 1, 8 lb bc, 3, 18 call ClearBox hlcoord 0, 12 lb bc, 4, 18 call Textbox ret OaksPKMNTalkName: db "OAK's Talk@" PokedexShowName: db "#DEX Show@" PokemonMusicName: db "#MON Music@" LuckyChannelName: db "Lucky Channel@" UnownStationName: db "?????@" PlacesAndPeopleName: db "Places & People@" LetsAllSingName: db "Let's All Sing!@" PokeFluteStationName: db "# FLUTE@" _TownMap: ld hl, wOptions ld a, [hl] push af set NO_TEXT_SCROLL, [hl] ldh a, [hInMenu] push af ld a, $1 ldh [hInMenu], a ld a, [wVramState] push af xor a ld [wVramState], a call ClearBGPalettes call ClearTilemap call ClearSprites call DisableLCD call Pokegear_LoadGFX farcall ClearSpriteAnims ld a, 8 call SkipMusic ld a, LCDC_DEFAULT ldh [rLCDC], a call TownMap_GetCurrentLandmark ld [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark], a ld [wTownMapCursorLandmark], a xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a call .InitTilemap call WaitBGMap2 ld a, [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark] call PokegearMap_InitPlayerIcon ld a, [wTownMapCursorLandmark] call PokegearMap_InitCursor ld a, c ld [wTownMapCursorObjectPointer], a ld a, b ld [wTownMapCursorObjectPointer + 1], a ld b, CGB_POKEGEAR_PALS call GetCGBLayout call SetPalettes ld a, %11100100 call DmgToCgbObjPal0 call DelayFrame ld d, 0 ld e, 1 call .loop jr .resume .resume pop af ld [wVramState], a pop af ldh [hInMenu], a pop af ld [wOptions], a call ClearBGPalettes ret .loop call JoyTextDelay ld hl, hJoyPressed ld a, [hl] and B_BUTTON ret nz ld hl, hJoyLast ld a, [hl] and D_UP jr nz, .pressed_up ld a, [hl] and D_DOWN jr nz, .pressed_down .loop2 push de farcall PlaySpriteAnimations pop de call DelayFrame jr .loop .pressed_up ld hl, wTownMapCursorLandmark ld a, [hl] cp d jr c, .okay ld a, e dec a ld [hl], a .okay inc [hl] jr .next .pressed_down ld hl, wTownMapCursorLandmark ld a, [hl] cp e jr nz, .okay2 ld a, d inc a ld [hl], a .okay2 dec [hl] .next push de ld a, [wTownMapCursorLandmark] call PokegearMap_UpdateLandmarkName ld a, [wTownMapCursorObjectPointer] ld c, a ld a, [wTownMapCursorObjectPointer + 1] ld b, a ld a, [wTownMapCursorLandmark] call PokegearMap_UpdateCursorPosition pop de jr .loop2 .InitTilemap: ld e, JOHTO_REGION farcall PokegearMap ld a, $07 ld bc, 6 hlcoord 1, 0 call ByteFill hlcoord 0, 0 ld [hl], $06 hlcoord 7, 0 ld [hl], $17 hlcoord 7, 1 ld [hl], $16 hlcoord 7, 2 ld [hl], $26 ld a, $07 ld bc, NAME_LENGTH hlcoord 8, 2 call ByteFill hlcoord 19, 2 ld [hl], $17 ld a, [wTownMapCursorLandmark] call PokegearMap_UpdateLandmarkName farcall TownMapPals ret PlayRadio: ld hl, wOptions ld a, [hl] push af set NO_TEXT_SCROLL, [hl] call .PlayStation ld c, 100 call DelayFrames .loop call JoyTextDelay ldh a, [hJoyPressed] and A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON jr nz, .stop ld a, [wPokegearRadioChannelAddr] ld l, a ld a, [wPokegearRadioChannelAddr + 1] ld h, a ld a, [wPokegearRadioChannelBank] and a jr z, .zero rst FarCall .zero call DelayFrame jr .loop .stop pop af ld [wOptions], a call ExitPokegearRadio_HandleMusic ret .PlayStation: ld a, ENTER_MAP_MUSIC ld [wPokegearRadioMusicPlaying], a ld hl, PlayRadioStationPointers ld d, 0 add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld de, .jump_return push de jp hl .jump_return push de hlcoord 0, 12 lb bc, 4, 18 call Textbox hlcoord 1, 14 ld [hl], "“" pop de hlcoord 2, 14 call PlaceString ld h, b ld l, c ld [hl], "”" call WaitBGMap ret PlayRadioStationPointers: ; entries correspond to MAPRADIO_* constants table_width 2, PlayRadioStationPointers dw LoadStation_PokemonChannel dw LoadStation_OaksPokemonTalk dw LoadStation_PokedexShow dw LoadStation_PokemonMusic dw LoadStation_LuckyChannel dw LoadStation_UnownRadio dw LoadStation_PlacesAndPeople dw LoadStation_LetsAllSing dw LoadStation_RocketRadio assert_table_length NUM_MAP_RADIO_STATIONS LoadStation_PokemonChannel: ld a, [wTimeOfDay] and a jp z, LoadStation_PokedexShow jp LoadStation_OaksPokemonTalk PokegearMap: ld a, e and a jr nz, .kanto call LoadTownMapGFX call FillJohtoMap ret .kanto call LoadTownMapGFX call FillKantoMap ret _FlyMap: call ClearBGPalettes call ClearTilemap call ClearSprites ld hl, hInMenu ld a, [hl] push af ld [hl], $1 xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a farcall ClearSpriteAnims call LoadTownMapGFX ld de, FlyMapLabelBorderGFX ld hl, vTiles2 tile $30 lb bc, BANK(FlyMapLabelBorderGFX), 6 call Request1bpp call FlyMap call Pokegear_DummyFunction ld b, CGB_POKEGEAR_PALS call GetCGBLayout call SetPalettes .loop call JoyTextDelay ld hl, hJoyPressed ld a, [hl] and B_BUTTON jr nz, .pressedB ld a, [hl] and A_BUTTON jr nz, .pressedA call .HandleDPad call GetMapCursorCoordinates farcall PlaySpriteAnimations call DelayFrame jr .loop .pressedB ld a, -1 jr .exit .pressedA ld a, [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark] ld l, a ld h, 0 add hl, hl ld de, Flypoints + 1 add hl, de ld a, [hl] .exit ld [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark], a pop af ldh [hInMenu], a call ClearBGPalettes ld a, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PX ldh [hWY], a xor a ; LOW(vBGMap0) ldh [hBGMapAddress], a ld a, HIGH(vBGMap0) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a ld a, [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark] ld e, a ret .HandleDPad: ld a, [wStartFlypoint] ld e, a ld a, [wEndFlypoint] ld d, a ld hl, hJoyLast ld a, [hl] and D_UP jr nz, .ScrollNext ld a, [hl] and D_DOWN jr nz, .ScrollPrev ret .ScrollNext: ld hl, wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark ld a, [hl] cp d jr nz, .NotAtEndYet ld a, e dec a ld [hl], a .NotAtEndYet: inc [hl] call CheckIfVisitedFlypoint jr z, .ScrollNext jr .Finally .ScrollPrev: ld hl, wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark ld a, [hl] cp e jr nz, .NotAtStartYet ld a, d inc a ld [hl], a .NotAtStartYet: dec [hl] call CheckIfVisitedFlypoint jr z, .ScrollPrev .Finally: call TownMapBubble call WaitBGMap xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a ret TownMapBubble: ; Draw the bubble containing the location text in the town map HUD ; Top-left corner hlcoord 1, 0 ld a, $30 ld [hli], a ; Top row ld bc, 16 ld a, " " call ByteFill ; Top-right corner ld a, $31 ld [hl], a hlcoord 1, 1 ; Middle row ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH - 2 ld a, " " call ByteFill ; Bottom-left corner hlcoord 1, 2 ld a, $32 ld [hli], a ; Bottom row ld bc, 16 ld a, " " call ByteFill ; Bottom-right corner ld a, $33 ld [hl], a ; Print "Where?" hlcoord 2, 0 ld de, .Where call PlaceString ; Print the name of the default flypoint call .Name ; Up/down arrows hlcoord 18, 1 ld [hl], $34 ret .Where: db "Where?@" .Name: ; We need the map location of the default flypoint ld a, [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark] ld l, a ld h, 0 add hl, hl ; two bytes per flypoint ld de, Flypoints add hl, de ld e, [hl] farcall GetLandmarkName hlcoord 2, 1 ld de, wStringBuffer1 call PlaceString ret GetMapCursorCoordinates: ld a, [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark] ld l, a ld h, 0 add hl, hl ld de, Flypoints add hl, de ld e, [hl] farcall GetLandmarkCoords ld a, [wTownMapCursorCoordinates] ld c, a ld a, [wTownMapCursorCoordinates + 1] ld b, a ld hl, 4 add hl, bc ld [hl], e ld hl, 5 add hl, bc ld [hl], d ret CheckIfVisitedFlypoint: ; Check if the flypoint loaded in [hl] has been visited yet. push bc push de push hl ld l, [hl] ld h, 0 add hl, hl ld de, Flypoints + 1 add hl, de ld c, [hl] call HasVisitedSpawn pop hl pop de pop bc and a ret HasVisitedSpawn: ; Check if spawn point c has been visited. ld hl, wVisitedSpawns ld b, CHECK_FLAG ld d, 0 predef SmallFarFlagAction ld a, c ret INCLUDE "data/maps/flypoints.asm" Pokegear_DummyFunction: ret FlyMap: ld a, [wMapGroup] ld b, a ld a, [wMapNumber] ld c, a call GetWorldMapLocation ; Johto fly map push af ld a, FLY_1 ; first Johto flypoint ld [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark], a ; first one is default (New Bark Town) ld [wStartFlypoint], a ld a, FLY_1 - 1 ; last Johto flypoint ld [wEndFlypoint], a ; Fill out the map call FillJohtoMap call .MapHud pop af call TownMapPlayerIcon ret .MapHud: call TownMapBubble call TownMapPals hlbgcoord 0, 0 ; BG Map 0 call TownMapBGUpdate call TownMapMon ld a, c ld [wTownMapCursorCoordinates], a ld a, b ld [wTownMapCursorCoordinates + 1], a ret Pokedex_GetArea: ; e: Current landmark ld a, [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark] push af ld a, [wTownMapCursorLandmark] push af ld a, e ld [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark], a call ClearSprites xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a ld a, $1 ldh [hInMenu], a ld de, PokedexNestIconGFX ld hl, vTiles0 tile $7f lb bc, BANK(PokedexNestIconGFX), 1 call Request2bpp call .GetPlayerOrFastShipIcon ld hl, vTiles0 tile $78 ld c, 4 call Request2bpp call LoadTownMapGFX call FillKantoMap call .PlaceString_MonsNest call TownMapPals hlbgcoord 0, 0, vBGMap1 call TownMapBGUpdate call FillJohtoMap call .PlaceString_MonsNest call TownMapPals hlbgcoord 0, 0 call TownMapBGUpdate ld b, CGB_POKEGEAR_PALS call GetCGBLayout call SetPalettes xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a xor a ; JOHTO_REGION call .GetAndPlaceNest .loop call JoyTextDelay ld hl, hJoyPressed ld a, [hl] and A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON jr nz, .a_b ldh a, [hJoypadDown] and SELECT jr nz, .select call .LeftRightInput call .BlinkNestIcons jr .next .select call .HideNestsShowPlayer .next call DelayFrame jr .loop .a_b call ClearSprites pop af ld [wTownMapCursorLandmark], a pop af ld [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark], a ret .LeftRightInput: ld a, [hl] and D_LEFT jr nz, .left ld a, [hl] and D_RIGHT jr nz, .right ret .left ldh a, [hWY] cp SCREEN_HEIGHT_PX ret z call ClearSprites ld a, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PX ldh [hWY], a xor a ; JOHTO_REGION call .GetAndPlaceNest ret .right ld a, [wStatusFlags] bit STATUSFLAGS_HALL_OF_FAME_F, a ret z ldh a, [hWY] and a ret z call ClearSprites xor a ldh [hWY], a ld a, KANTO_REGION call .GetAndPlaceNest ret .BlinkNestIcons: ldh a, [hVBlankCounter] ld e, a and $f ret nz ld a, e and $10 jr nz, .copy_sprites call ClearSprites ret .copy_sprites hlcoord 0, 0 ld de, wShadowOAM ld bc, wShadowOAMEnd - wShadowOAM call CopyBytes ret .PlaceString_MonsNest: hlcoord 0, 0 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH ld a, " " call ByteFill hlcoord 0, 1 ld a, $06 ld [hli], a ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH - 2 ld a, $07 call ByteFill ld [hl], $17 call GetPokemonName hlcoord 2, 0 call PlaceString ld h, b ld l, c ld de, .String_SNest call PlaceString ret .String_SNest: db "'S NEST@" .GetAndPlaceNest: ld [wTownMapCursorLandmark], a ld e, a farcall FindNest ; load nest landmarks into wTilemap[0,0] decoord 0, 0 ld hl, wShadowOAMSprite00 .nestloop ld a, [de] and a jr z, .done_nest push de ld e, a push hl farcall GetLandmarkCoords pop hl ; load into OAM ld a, d sub 4 ld [hli], a ; y ld a, e sub 4 ld [hli], a ; x ld a, $7f ; nest icon ld [hli], a ; tile id xor a ld [hli], a ; attributes ; next pop de inc de jr .nestloop .done_nest ld hl, wShadowOAM decoord 0, 0 ld bc, wShadowOAMEnd - wShadowOAM call CopyBytes ret .HideNestsShowPlayer: call .CheckPlayerLocation ret c ld a, [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark] ld e, a farcall GetLandmarkCoords ld c, e ld b, d ld de, .PlayerOAM ld hl, wShadowOAMSprite00 .ShowPlayerLoop: ld a, [de] cp $80 jr z, .clear_oam add b ld [hli], a ; y inc de ld a, [de] add c ld [hli], a ; x inc de ld a, [de] add $78 ; where the player's sprite is loaded ld [hli], a ; tile id inc de push bc ld c, PAL_OW_RED ld a, [wPlayerGender] bit PLAYERGENDER_FEMALE_F, a jr z, .male inc c ; PAL_OW_BLUE .male ld a, c ld [hli], a ; attributes pop bc jr .ShowPlayerLoop .clear_oam ld hl, wShadowOAMSprite04 ld bc, wShadowOAMEnd - wShadowOAMSprite04 xor a call ByteFill ret .PlayerOAM: ; y pxl, x pxl, tile offset db -1 * 8, -1 * 8, 0 ; top left db -1 * 8, 0 * 8, 1 ; top right db 0 * 8, -1 * 8, 2 ; bottom left db 0 * 8, 0 * 8, 3 ; bottom right db $80 ; terminator .CheckPlayerLocation: ; Don't show the player's sprite if you're ; not in the same region as what's currently ; on the screen. and a ret .GetPlayerOrFastShipIcon: farcall GetPlayerIcon ret TownMapBGUpdate: ; Update BG Map tiles and attributes ; BG Map address ld a, l ldh [hBGMapAddress], a ld a, h ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a ; BG Map mode 2 (palettes) ld a, 2 ldh [hBGMapMode], a ; The BG Map is updated in thirds, so we wait ; 3 frames to update the whole screen's palettes. ld c, 3 call DelayFrames ; Update BG Map tiles call WaitBGMap ; Turn off BG Map update xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a ret FillJohtoMap: ld de, JohtoMap jr FillTownMap FillKantoMap: ld de, KantoMap FillTownMap: hlcoord 0, 0 .loop ld a, [de] cp -1 ret z ld a, [de] ld [hli], a inc de jr .loop TownMapPals: ; Assign palettes based on tile ids hlcoord 0, 0 decoord 0, 0, wAttrmap ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT .loop ; Current tile ld a, [hli] push hl ; The palette map covers tiles $00 to $5f; $60 and above use palette 0 cp $60 jr nc, .pal0 ; The palette data is condensed to nybbles, least-significant first. ld hl, .PalMap srl a jr c, .odd ; Even-numbered tile ids take the bottom nybble... add l ld l, a ld a, h adc 0 ld h, a ld a, [hl] and PALETTE_MASK jr .update .odd ; ...and odd ids take the top. add l ld l, a ld a, h adc 0 ld h, a ld a, [hl] swap a and PALETTE_MASK jr .update .pal0 xor a .update pop hl ld [de], a inc de dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .loop ret .PalMap: INCLUDE "gfx/pokegear/town_map_palette_map.asm" TownMapMon: ; Draw the FlyMon icon at town map location ; Get FlyMon species ld a, [wCurPartyMon] ld hl, wPartySpecies ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de ld a, [hl] ld [wTempIconSpecies], a ; Get FlyMon icon ld e, $08 ; starting tile in VRAM farcall GetSpeciesIcon ; Animation/palette depixel 0, 0 ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_PARTY_MON call InitSpriteAnimStruct ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_TILE_ID add hl, bc ld [hl], $08 ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_ANIM_SEQ_ID add hl, bc ld [hl], SPRITE_ANIM_SEQ_NULL ret TownMapPlayerIcon: ; Draw the player icon at town map location in a push af farcall GetPlayerIcon ; Standing icon ld hl, vTiles0 tile $10 ld c, 4 ; # tiles call Request2bpp ; Walking icon ld hl, 12 tiles add hl, de ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, vTiles0 tile $14 ld c, 4 ; # tiles ld a, BANK(ChrisSpriteGFX) ; does nothing call Request2bpp ; Animation/palette depixel 0, 0 ld b, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_RED_WALK ; Male ld a, [wPlayerGender] bit PLAYERGENDER_FEMALE_F, a jr z, .got_gender ld b, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_BLUE_WALK ; Female .got_gender ld a, b call InitSpriteAnimStruct ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_TILE_ID add hl, bc ld [hl], $10 pop af ld e, a push bc farcall GetLandmarkCoords pop bc ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_XCOORD add hl, bc ld [hl], e ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_YCOORD add hl, bc ld [hl], d ret LoadTownMapGFX: ld hl, TownMapGFX ld de, vTiles2 lb bc, BANK(TownMapGFX), 48 call DecompressRequest2bpp ret JohtoMap: INCBIN "gfx/pokegear/johto.bin" KantoMap: INCBIN "gfx/pokegear/kanto.bin" PokedexNestIconGFX: INCBIN "gfx/pokegear/dexmap_nest_icon.2bpp" FlyMapLabelBorderGFX: INCBIN "gfx/pokegear/flymap_label_border.1bpp" EntireFlyMap: ; unreferenced ; Similar to _FlyMap, but scrolls through the entire ; Flypoints data of both regions. A debug function? xor a ld [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark], a call ClearBGPalettes call ClearTilemap call ClearSprites ld hl, hInMenu ld a, [hl] push af ld [hl], $1 xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a farcall ClearSpriteAnims call LoadTownMapGFX ld de, FlyMapLabelBorderGFX ld hl, vTiles2 tile $30 lb bc, BANK(FlyMapLabelBorderGFX), 6 call Request1bpp call FillKantoMap call TownMapBubble call TownMapPals hlbgcoord 0, 0, vBGMap1 call TownMapBGUpdate call FillJohtoMap call TownMapBubble call TownMapPals hlbgcoord 0, 0 call TownMapBGUpdate call TownMapMon ld a, c ld [wTownMapCursorCoordinates], a ld a, b ld [wTownMapCursorCoordinates + 1], a ld b, CGB_POKEGEAR_PALS call GetCGBLayout call SetPalettes .loop call JoyTextDelay ld hl, hJoyPressed ld a, [hl] and B_BUTTON jr nz, .pressedB ld a, [hl] and A_BUTTON jr nz, .pressedA call .HandleDPad call GetMapCursorCoordinates farcall PlaySpriteAnimations call DelayFrame jr .loop .pressedB ld a, -1 jr .exit .pressedA ld a, [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark] ld l, a ld h, 0 add hl, hl ld de, Flypoints + 1 add hl, de ld a, [hl] .exit ld [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark], a pop af ldh [hInMenu], a call ClearBGPalettes ld a, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PX ldh [hWY], a xor a ; LOW(vBGMap0) ldh [hBGMapAddress], a ld a, HIGH(vBGMap0) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a ld a, [wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark] ld e, a ret .HandleDPad: ld hl, hJoyLast ld a, [hl] and D_DOWN | D_RIGHT jr nz, .ScrollNext ld a, [hl] and D_UP | D_LEFT jr nz, .ScrollPrev ret .ScrollNext: ld hl, wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark ld a, [hl] cp NUM_FLYPOINTS - 1 jr c, .NotAtEndYet ld [hl], -1 .NotAtEndYet: inc [hl] jr .FillMap .ScrollPrev: ld hl, wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark ld a, [hl] and a jr nz, .NotAtStartYet ld [hl], NUM_FLYPOINTS .NotAtStartYet: dec [hl] .FillMap: call FillJohtoMap ld a, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PX ld b, HIGH(vBGMap0) ldh [hWY], a ld a, b ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a call TownMapBubble call WaitBGMap xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a ret