Special_BankOfMom: ; 16218 ld a, [hInMenu] push af ld a, $1 ld [hInMenu], a xor a ld [wJumptableIndex], a .asm_16223 ld a, [wJumptableIndex] bit 7, a jr nz, .asm_1622f call Function16233 jr .asm_16223 .asm_1622f pop af ld [hInMenu], a ret ; 16233 Function16233: ; 16233 ld a, [wJumptableIndex] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .jumptable rept 2 add hl, de endr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp [hl] ; 16242 .jumptable: ; 16242 dw .CheckIfBankInitialized dw .InitializeBank dw .IsThisAboutYourMoney dw .AccessBankOfMom dw .StoreMoney dw .TakeMoney dw .StopOrStartSavingMoney dw .AskDST dw .JustDoWhatYouCan ; 16254 .CheckIfBankInitialized: ; 16254 ld a, [wBankOfMomMode] bit 7, a jr nz, .savingmoneyalready set 7, a ld [wBankOfMomMode], a ld a, $1 jr .done_0 .savingmoneyalready ld a, $2 .done_0 ld [wJumptableIndex], a ret ; 1626a .InitializeBank: ; 1626a ld hl, UnknownText_0x16649 call PrintText call YesNoBox jr c, .DontSaveMoney ld hl, UnknownText_0x1664e call PrintText ld a, %10000001 jr .done_1 .DontSaveMoney ld a, %10000000 .done_1 ld [wBankOfMomMode], a ld hl, UnknownText_0x16653 call PrintText ld a, $8 ld [wJumptableIndex], a ret ; 16290 .IsThisAboutYourMoney: ; 16290 ld hl, UnknownText_0x16658 call PrintText call YesNoBox jr c, .nope ld a, $3 jr .done_2 .nope call DSTChecks ld a, $7 .done_2 ld [wJumptableIndex], a ret ; 162a8 .AccessBankOfMom: ; 162a8 ld hl, UnknownText_0x1665d call PrintText call LoadMenuDataHeader_0x1d75 ld hl, MenuDataHeader_0x166b5 call CopyMenuDataHeader call InterpretMenu2 call WriteBackup jr c, .cancel ld a, [wcfa9] cp $1 jr z, .withdraw cp $2 jr z, .deposit cp $3 jr z, .stopsaving .cancel ld a, $7 jr .done_3 .withdraw ld a, $5 jr .done_3 .deposit ld a, $4 jr .done_3 .stopsaving ld a, $6 .done_3 ld [wJumptableIndex], a ret ; 162e0 .StoreMoney: ; 162e0 ld hl, UnknownText_0x16662 call PrintText xor a ld hl, StringBuffer2 rept 2 ld [hli], a endr ld [hl], a ld a, $5 ld [wcf64], a call LoadMenuDataHeader_0x1d75 call Function16517 call Function1656b call Function16571 call WriteBackup jr c, .CancelDeposit ld hl, StringBuffer2 ld a, [hli] or [hl] inc hl or [hl] jr z, .CancelDeposit ld de, Money ld bc, StringBuffer2 callba CheckMoney jr c, .DontHaveThatMuchToDeposit ld hl, StringBuffer2 ld de, StringBuffer2 + 3 ld bc, 3 call CopyBytes ld bc, wd851 ld de, StringBuffer2 callba GiveMoney jr c, .CantDepositThatMuch ld bc, StringBuffer2 + 3 ld de, Money callba TakeMoney ld hl, StringBuffer2 ld de, wd851 ld bc, 3 call CopyBytes ld de, SFX_TRANSACTION call PlaySFX call WaitSFX ld hl, UnknownText_0x1668a call PrintText ld a, $8 jr .done_4 .DontHaveThatMuchToDeposit ld hl, UnknownText_0x1667b call PrintText ret .CantDepositThatMuch ld hl, UnknownText_0x16680 call PrintText ret .CancelDeposit ld a, $7 .done_4 ld [wJumptableIndex], a ret ; 16373 .TakeMoney: ; 16373 ld hl, UnknownText_0x16667 call PrintText xor a ld hl, StringBuffer2 rept 2 ld [hli], a endr ld [hl], a ld a, $5 ld [wcf64], a call LoadMenuDataHeader_0x1d75 call Function16512 call Function1656b call Function16571 call WriteBackup jr c, .CancelWithdraw ld hl, StringBuffer2 ld a, [hli] or [hl] inc hl or [hl] jr z, .CancelWithdraw ld hl, StringBuffer2 ld de, StringBuffer2 + 3 ld bc, 3 call CopyBytes ld de, wd851 ld bc, StringBuffer2 callba CheckMoney jr c, .InsufficientFundsInBank ld bc, Money ld de, StringBuffer2 callba GiveMoney jr c, .NotEnoughRoomInWallet ld bc, StringBuffer2 + 3 ld de, wd851 callba TakeMoney ld hl, StringBuffer2 ld de, Money ld bc, 3 call CopyBytes ld de, SFX_TRANSACTION call PlaySFX call WaitSFX ld hl, UnknownText_0x1668f call PrintText ld a, $8 jr .done_5 .InsufficientFundsInBank ld hl, UnknownText_0x16671 call PrintText ret .NotEnoughRoomInWallet ld hl, UnknownText_0x16676 call PrintText ret .CancelWithdraw ld a, $7 .done_5 ld [wJumptableIndex], a ret ; 16406 .StopOrStartSavingMoney: ; 16406 ld hl, UnknownText_0x1666c call PrintText call YesNoBox jr c, .StopSavingMoney ld a, $81 ld [wBankOfMomMode], a ld hl, UnknownText_0x16685 call PrintText ld a, $8 ld [wJumptableIndex], a ret .StopSavingMoney ld a, $80 ld [wBankOfMomMode], a ld a, $7 ld [wJumptableIndex], a ret ; 1642d .AskDST: ; 1642d ld hl, UnknownText_0x16694 call PrintText .JustDoWhatYouCan: ; 16433 ld hl, wJumptableIndex set 7, [hl] ret ; 16439 DSTChecks: ; 16439 ; check the time; avoid changing DST if doing so would change the current day ld a, [wDST] bit 7, a ld a, [hHours] jr z, .asm_16447 and a ; within one hour of 00:00? jr z, .LostBooklet jr .loop .asm_16447 cp 23 ; within one hour of 23:00? jr nz, .loop ; fallthrough .LostBooklet call Function164ea bccoord 1, 14 ld hl, UnknownText_0x164f4 call PlaceWholeStringInBoxAtOnce call YesNoBox ret c call Function164ea bccoord 1, 14 ld hl, LostInstructionBookletText call PlaceWholeStringInBoxAtOnce ret .loop call Function164ea bccoord 1, 14 ld a, [wDST] bit 7, a jr z, .asm_16497 ld hl, UnknownText_0x16508 call PlaceWholeStringInBoxAtOnce call YesNoBox ret c ld a, [wDST] res 7, a ld [wDST], a call Function164d1 call Function164ea bccoord 1, 14 ld hl, UnknownText_0x1650d call PlaceWholeStringInBoxAtOnce ret .asm_16497 ld hl, UnknownText_0x164fe call PlaceWholeStringInBoxAtOnce call YesNoBox ret c ld a, [wDST] set 7, a ld [wDST], a call Function164b9 call Function164ea bccoord 1, 14 ld hl, UnknownText_0x16503 call PlaceWholeStringInBoxAtOnce ret ; 164b9 Function164b9: ; 164b9 ld a, [StartHour] add 1 sub 24 jr nc, .asm_164c4 add 24 .asm_164c4 ld [StartHour], a ccf ld a, [StartDay] adc 0 ld [StartDay], a ret ; 164d1 Function164d1: ; 164d1 ld a, [StartHour] sub 1 jr nc, .asm_164da add 24 .asm_164da ld [StartHour], a ld a, [StartDay] sbc 0 jr nc, .asm_164e6 add 7 .asm_164e6 ld [StartDay], a ret ; 164ea Function164ea: ; 164ea hlcoord 1, 14 ld bc, $0312 call ClearBox ret ; 164f4 UnknownText_0x164f4: ; 0x164f4 ; Do you want to adjust your clock for Daylight Saving Time? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c6095 db "@" ; 0x164f9 LostInstructionBookletText: ; 0x164f9 ; I lost the instruction booklet for the POKéGEAR. ; Come back again in a while. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c60d1 db "@" ; 0x164fe UnknownText_0x164fe: ; 0x164fe ; Do you want to switch to Daylight Saving Time? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c6000 db "@" ; 0x16503 UnknownText_0x16503: ; 0x16503 ; I set the clock forward by one hour. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c6030 db "@" ; 0x16508 UnknownText_0x16508: ; 0x16508 ; Is Daylight Saving Time over? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c6056 db "@" ; 0x1650d UnknownText_0x1650d: ; 0x1650d ; I put the clock back one hour. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c6075 db "@" ; 0x16512 Function16512: ; 16512 ld de, String_1669f jr Function1651a Function16517: ; 16517 ld de, String_166a8 Function1651a: ; 1651a push de xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a hlcoord 0, 0 lb bc, 6, 18 call TextBox hlcoord 1, 2 ld de, String_16699 call PlaceString hlcoord 12, 2 ld de, wd851 lb bc, PRINTNUM_MONEY | 3, 6 call PrintNum hlcoord 1, 4 ld de, String_166b0 call PlaceString hlcoord 12, 4 ld de, Money lb bc, PRINTNUM_MONEY | 3, 6 call PrintNum hlcoord 1, 6 pop de call PlaceString hlcoord 12, 6 ld de, StringBuffer2 lb bc, PRINTNUM_MONEY | PRINTNUM_LEADINGZEROS | 3, 6 call PrintNum call UpdateSprites call Function3238 ret ; 1656b Function1656b: ; 1656b ld c, 10 call DelayFrames ret ; 16571 Function16571: ; 16571 .loop call JoyTextDelay ld hl, hJoyPressed ld a, [hl] and B_BUTTON jr nz, .pressedB ld a, [hl] and A_BUTTON jr nz, .pressedA call .dpadaction xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a hlcoord 12, 6 ld bc, 7 ld a, " " call ByteFill hlcoord 12, 6 ld de, StringBuffer2 lb bc, PRINTNUM_MONEY | PRINTNUM_LEADINGZEROS | 3, 6 call PrintNum ld a, [$ff9b] and $10 jr nz, .skip hlcoord 13, 6 ld a, [wMomBankDigitCursorPosition] ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld [hl], " " .skip call WaitBGMap jr .loop .pressedB scf ret .pressedA and a ret ; 165b9 .dpadaction: ; 165b9 ld hl, hJoyLast ld a, [hl] and D_UP jr nz, .incrementdigit ld a, [hl] and D_DOWN jr nz, .decrementdigit ld a, [hl] and D_LEFT jr nz, .movecursorleft ld a, [hl] and D_RIGHT jr nz, .movecursorright and a ret .movecursorleft ld hl, wMomBankDigitCursorPosition ld a, [hl] and a ret z dec [hl] ret .movecursorright ld hl, wMomBankDigitCursorPosition ld a, [hl] cp 5 ret nc inc [hl] ret .incrementdigit ld hl, .DigitQuantities call .getdigitquantity ld c, l ld b, h ld de, StringBuffer2 callba GiveMoney ret .decrementdigit ld hl, .DigitQuantities call .getdigitquantity ld c, l ld b, h ld de, StringBuffer2 callba TakeMoney ret ; 16607 .getdigitquantity: ; 16607 ld a, [wMomBankDigitCursorPosition] push de ld e, a ld d, 0 rept 3 add hl, de endr pop de ret ; 16613 .DigitQuantities: ; 16613 dt 100000 dt 10000 dt 1000 dt 100 dt 10 dt 1 dt 100000 dt 10000 dt 1000 dt 100 dt 10 dt 1 dt 900000 dt 90000 dt 9000 dt 900 dt 90 dt 9 ; 16649 UnknownText_0x16649: ; 0x16649 ; Wow, that's a cute #MON. Where did you get it? … So, you're leaving on an adventure… OK! I'll help too. But what can I do for you? I know! I'll save money for you. On a long journey, money's important. Do you want me to save your money? text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd77f db "@" ; 0x1664e UnknownText_0x1664e: ; 0x1664e ; OK, I'll take care of your money. text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd868 db "@" ; 0x16653 UnknownText_0x16653: ; 0x16653 ; Be careful. #MON are your friends. You need to work as a team. Now, go on! text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd88e db "@" ; 0x16658 UnknownText_0x16658: ; 0x16658 ; Hi! Welcome home! You're trying very hard, I see. I've kept your room tidy. Or is this about your money? text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd8da db "@" ; 0x1665d UnknownText_0x1665d: ; 0x1665d ; What do you want to do? text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd942 db "@" ; 0x16662 UnknownText_0x16662: ; 0x16662 ; How much do you want to save? text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd95b db "@" ; 0x16667 UnknownText_0x16667: ; 0x16667 ; How much do you want to take? text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd97a db "@" ; 0x1666c UnknownText_0x1666c: ; 0x1666c ; Do you want to save some money? text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd999 db "@" ; 0x16671 UnknownText_0x16671: ; 0x16671 ; You haven't saved that much. text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd9ba db "@" ; 0x16676 UnknownText_0x16676: ; 0x16676 ; You can't take that much. text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd9d7 db "@" ; 0x1667b UnknownText_0x1667b: ; 0x1667b ; You don't have that much. text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd9f1 db "@" ; 0x16680 UnknownText_0x16680: ; 0x16680 ; You can't save that much. text_jump UnknownText_0x1bda0b db "@" ; 0x16685 UnknownText_0x16685: ; 0x16685 ; OK, I'll save your money. Trust me! , stick with it! text_jump UnknownText_0x1bda25 db "@" ; 0x1668a UnknownText_0x1668a: ; 0x1668a ; Your money's safe here! Get going! text_jump UnknownText_0x1bda5b db "@" ; 0x1668f UnknownText_0x1668f: ; 0x1668f ; , don't give up! text_jump UnknownText_0x1bda7e db "@" ; 0x16694 UnknownText_0x16694: ; 0x16694 ; Just do what you can. text_jump UnknownText_0x1bda90 db "@" ; 0x16699 String_16699: ; 16699 db "SAVED@" ; 1669f String_1669f: ; 1669f db "WITHDRAW@" ; 166a8 String_166a8: ; 166a8 db "DEPOSIT@" ; 166b0 String_166b0: ; 166b0 db "HELD@" ; 166b5 MenuDataHeader_0x166b5: ; 0x166b5 db $40 ; flags db 00, 00 ; start coords db 10, 10 ; end coords dw MenuData2_0x166bd db 1 ; default option ; 0x166bd MenuData2_0x166bd: ; 0x166bd db $80 ; flags db 4 ; items db "GET@" db "SAVE@" db "CHANGE@" db "CANCEL@" ; 0x166d6